Please why don't you guys use some of the top gospel artist like Mike Bereal, Glenn Gibson, Justin Savage, Kevin Bond and etc to really bring the sounds out in these boards. The way this guy is doing i would never buy it..
Dude, Yamaha gets it. Even though they are a mammoth company, they always seem to listen to the end users and tailor their products to what is really needed. The legit organ section is fantastic. Laughably bad horn sounds are the Wilhelm Scream of keyboards. Everything else sounded incredible. I have a great piano already, but I want this thing!
What an absolutely awesome demo. Bobby Timmons' "moaning" in the beginning was a nice touch. Excellent presentation of the instrument. You balanced the technical with the creative.
Everything that is killer about the YC61 in a 73 / 88 note version with weighted keys and WAY better controllers than big Red. This thing is a giging dream for those that have to cover a lot of ground but don’t want to bring a bunch of boards. Real draw bars for organ performance but a little weight for us piano players, can’t wait!!
Man, it is not just extremely informative but also so much fun watching your reviews, because YOU really seem to enjoy very much recording them - and you are one of the few reviewers who play the different sounds (organ, strings, brass, sitar😉 etc.) of a keyboard the way they should be played! There are two guys whose keyboard demonstration I really like the most: Yours and the ones of Jordan Rudess. 👍👍 Question: If you had to choose between the YC88 and the Korg Nautilus, which one would you decide for?
With capability for downloading new sounds including killer acoustic pianos and user samples, NORD has an edge. With that aside, the YC series have superior keybeds, pitch/mod joysticks, and overall cooler form factor. Tough call!
I really like the hammond sound on this one, but Leslie on higher speeds sounds too bidimensional yet... I have the same feeling on the korg kronos hammond factory presets, but with it I was able to tweak it and made a huge hammond sound. Oh man, the Upright Piano sounds just fantastic!!!
No it is not. It is exactly the opposite :) If you want to learn orchestration, you don't need any tools for that only books and/or a teacher. If you want to hear back your ideas, use a notation software with any virtual instrument packages, but this keyboard is for professionals, not for students. It would be the biggest overkill for them.
Good eye. Would love to see a side by side of the CP and YC comparison in the future. The CP has three discrete sections (Piano, E Piano, Sub) while the YC appears to removed SUB and instead integrated a toggle between Key A (Piano/EPiano/Synth/Other) and Key B (Piano/EPiano/Synth/Other) simplifying the physical interface I/O. Interesting workflow considerations.
Looking for a substitute for my aging s80, the yc seems to fit the bill. But does it have presets and quick access to them? That is really essential in a gigging situation.
Hi, Peter! Thanks for the interest. Yes, the YC keyboards have the ability to store and recall presets. Yamaha calls these "Live Sets" in their official nomenclature. There are 8 buttons corresponding to Live Sets right in the center of the control panel underneath the screen, and those buttons have 20 banks for a total of 160 possible presets. Hope this helps a bit, and feel free to contact me directly with any further questions! Caleb Lowrey, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1620,
Hi, thanks for your interest! Yes, the YC series keyboards have a seamless sound switching feature which ensures that the sound will not cut off when changing the Live Set. Hope this helps - feel free to contact me directly with any further questions, and thanks again! Caleb Lowrey, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1620,
The concept is great, and the keyboard looks superb. Just not sure about the sounds, adequate, but nothing earth shaking. Can be trusted to be a reliable gigging keyboard - its a Yamaha. Looks like Yamaha was a bit conservative in the sound modelling - not wishing to stray to far. The electric pianos are the standout sounds., and the one knob/slider/button per function is fantastic. Super controller keyboard and the touch should be nothing to complain about. If I had a lot of spare cash, would own one. The concept is great... Very good user interface - thanks to Nord for over a decade of setting the pace.
Pretty much almost all same sounds as the MOTIF XF/XS and those were from 2007~2010... I'd say they didn't age that well personally, especially after having heard them for so long Really at this point I'd just want a MODX in a more compact, less bulky form factor + weighted 73 keys variant like a YC73 lol
The leslie emulation comes up short for me. Nord still wins in that department. I do like the lower and upper split function for organ though. That’s very cool. Does this board allow you to split and layer at the same time? How many layers can we have? For instance can we layer each section together plus effects?
Hi, Seljoy. Great questions! The Key A/Key B sections allow you to select a Voice for each Key from the four categories of Piano, Electric Piano, Synth, and Other. Furthermore, EG, FILTER, and two Insert Effects can be set individually for each of the Key A and Key B Sections. You can also make sound layers or splits, using both Key A and Key B Sections simultaneously. You can have two layers total. Let us know if you have any other questions. Jason Filloramo, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1281,
It seems this is supposed to be Yamaha’s answer to Nord, but without the sympathetic string note and deep sampling- does it feel good paying 4K for a keyboard ? Any keyboard at all, no matter how good it is. You could potentially be instantly in this territory with arturia instruments and controller. Maybe not as easily learned
Nicely done. I can understand an all in one board for gigging, but i think Yamaha needs to fix the issues with the CP version first. They seemed to rush the CP88, and CP73 out to market only to have many returned with key, patch, knob, setting glitches. For the price, hopefully the YC versions involved a more thorough approach.
@@zivkovicable I returned my CP88 twice. First because some keys were making a clicky noise on release, and then because the built in reverb had a horrible white noise in the high frequencies. Got a rd2000 instead. The pianos sound more clinical/artificial, but perfect keybed and no weird glitch.
Yamaha CP88 and YC88 Doesn't have Piano Engine (string resonance, hammer and dumper sounds, lid position and cetera) their Clavinova Models do have this Engine.
Thanks for the review! However I think this YC line should only have the waterfall keybed, and I’m not so sure about a 88 keys version.… it feels right on the CP model, not on this one.
Exactly, having a YC88 and a CP88 ? What's the difference? Is the YC taking over from the CP ? I don't get it. Yamaha has become the Samsung of keyboards :D
Hello - great question! This does have a Farfisa emulation (F3 - “famous Italian transistor combo organ”) but does not have a pipe organ emulation. Thanks! Jason Filloramo, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1281,
YAMAHA YC 61 73 88 There is no vibrato effect in the effect unit. This is the main effect of the electric piano keyboard , It must be available in the Nord keyboard effect unit, but the Yamaha does not. I decided to replace the Nord to the Yamaha but found this problem. Is it possible to upgrade the system to add a vibrato effect in the future? Considering whether to buy nord or yamaha
I hope they release YC double deck with pedal board, not 88 key. They have cp88, so for what yc have 88 key if they have cp88? access sound laso very similar between them,.with multi section.
Yamaha! Whyyyyy? I just got my CP88 and this is how you treat me? LOL 😆 I now have to find some extra change to get the YC73. Well played! Still love the CP88 keybed and sounds.
CP has three sections (one to one hands on control) while the YC has just the two (Organ/Keys (A/B)). From a performance perspective the YC requires a trivial extra step to swap between settings (toggle A/B). From a value perspective I kinda like the notion of three sections instead of just two. If you really focus on Organ the the YC is the way to go, otherwise the CP seems to have more control capability. Will have to compare the specs closer between them to see what else is different. The YC does have some unique controls over the two Insertion Effects, not sure if the CP breaks those out. Does the CP and YC have the same Rotary Effect or is the YC Rotary different than the CPs?
My main question - can I assign the 4 different "engines" to 4 different midi channels? can I split the keyboard and transmit over multiple midi channels? Thats what I do on my RD2000 - and have control of those external sources as well as controlling the RD via my synth board (for organs). Without that "control" aspect if doesnt matter how good the sounds are (and the organ is definitely better than the RDs). Im guessing this isnt flexible enough in that regard for my needs unfortunaterly.
um, why would you need compression on an organ sound, compression is used to even out the quite and loud levels of a sound keeping the level equel. ie agc [ automatic gain control ] this effect is more suited to vocals as the vocalist often mooves near and far from the mic needing compression to keep the level the same. but as an organ normaly always has same level then compression would be not required. also you might need compression on guitar, bass, drums as these instraments can vary in level, perticuarly if you want extra sustain on guitar, but for organ in my opinion compression is not required. or am i missing something here ? cheers
Hi Robert, thanks for the interest! Great question - currently, the drawbars on the YC88 are only for controlling the sound of the organ patches, similar to the drawbars on vintage organs. I don't know whether Yamaha is planning to add "mixer" functionality via a firmware update. For more details, you can see Yamaha's complete user manual for this instrument at this link: Feel free to contact me directly with any further questions, and thanks again! Caleb Lowrey, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1620,
I have a question about that keyboard. Please tell me that it doesn’t have touchscreen. It’s an amazing keyboard. Does it have a number pad instead of touchscreen on that keyboard? Just want to know. This is better than the Yamaha reface keyboards.
Hi, David! Thanks for your interest. Yes, the octave can be set individually for the lower and upper parts when splitting the keyboard on the YC88. Hope this helps, and feel free to contact me directly with any further questions! Caleb Lowrey, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1620,
Hello, Timothy! Though it does not come with it, there is a music rest available for the YC88: Thanks for the interest! Cody Kraus, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1766,
If want more piano sounds buy the CP, but if you interested in organ sounds choose YC. Go to Yamaha website, there you can download the manuals of both CP and YC, so you can read them and check which fits best for you.
Hello! Yes, you certainly can! This is a bit of an advanced feature, but page 60 of the manual takes you into the full MIDI CC list, referring to the CC numbers each drawbar will send commands to: You can use these with a keyboard, sound module, or DAW that is able to receive MIDI CCs and control specific commands. If you'd like to go into more detail, please call my number below. Thanks for your interest! Nick LaMendola, Senior Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1660,
Thanks for checking out the Yamaha YC88 Stage Keyboard with us! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you enjoyed this video!
How much $ ?
Please and thank you
Please why don't you guys use some of the top gospel artist like Mike Bereal, Glenn Gibson, Justin Savage, Kevin Bond and etc to really bring the sounds out in these boards. The way this guy is doing i would never buy it..
@@cdelliodellio6011 Yamaha is upset that you are not buying this board.
Dude, Yamaha gets it. Even though they are a mammoth company, they always seem to listen to the end users and tailor their products to what is really needed. The legit organ section is fantastic. Laughably bad horn sounds are the Wilhelm Scream of keyboards. Everything else sounded incredible. I have a great piano already, but I want this thing!
That last sentence hit hard lol
The synth and “other” instrument sounds are surprisingly good
This is an exceptional demo. You played just the right amount, and just the right stuff, in each section. Thanks!
Beautiful arrangement of Bobby Timmons' "Moanin", awesome Yamaha stage piano.
I like the direction Yamaha is taking with this keyboard.
What an absolutely awesome demo. Bobby Timmons' "moaning" in the beginning was a nice touch. Excellent presentation of the instrument. You balanced the technical with the creative.
Finally!!..76 & 88 keys versions are now available.
Everything that is killer about the YC61 in a 73 / 88 note version with weighted keys and WAY better controllers than big Red. This thing is a giging dream for those that have to cover a lot of ground but don’t want to bring a bunch of boards. Real draw bars for organ performance but a little weight for us piano players, can’t wait!!
Jacob was the reason i bought Yamaha p125 and now that keyboard looks tempting.. Jacob is one hell of a salesman!
Nothing wrong with a P125 for practicing 😊
I’ve never heard anything like that intro. I need more of that in my life!
It used to be a jazz song, now it's owned by the weebs
@@Mr850man Why the weebs?
Man, it is not just extremely informative but also so much fun watching your reviews, because YOU really seem to enjoy very much recording them - and you are one of the few reviewers who play the different sounds (organ, strings, brass, sitar😉 etc.) of a keyboard the way they should be played! There are two guys whose keyboard demonstration I really like the most: Yours and the ones of Jordan Rudess. 👍👍
Question: If you had to choose between the YC88 and the Korg Nautilus, which one would you decide for?
i could listen to an album of this guy playing - just great
Jason, I appreciate the tips on getting around on this keyboard. I found your presentation to be quite informative. And loved your playing as well!
The organ bass has no business being that good on a keyboard! Jokes. This is amazing
Sick arrangement of Moanin!
yah so modern... but the theme is great too
Definitely diggin' your style of play! Got a MODX7 a few weeks back, never played, wish I had your finger control! Thx!!!
Love that intro playing
With capability for downloading new sounds including killer acoustic pianos and user samples, NORD has an edge. With that aside, the YC series have superior keybeds, pitch/mod joysticks, and overall cooler form factor. Tough call!
Just placed my order for this amazing stage piano!
Dang man sick arrangement in the beginning
great keyboard and great keyboard skills to match,
Great presentation, love the sounds can't wait to play it 🎶
Makes me want to learn to play a key board.
Nice playing, dude!!!
Brilliant piece of kit.
Dope version of Moanin!
I gotta get the 88. Awesome stuff.
Best intro ever. 🥰
Wow that intro!
Great Review. Covered a lot in short period of time.
Thats Better So cool so sweet a Very pleasant sound very nice kind of playing piano & Synth... Perfect excellent demo... You're such a Pro.
Enjoyed that quite a bit.
Seems to be going after nords
Better then nords
Jacob you're very inspiring!
Good demo with a guy able to perform properly :-)
Interesting offering from Yamaha.
Great job on Moanin'!
I really like the hammond sound on this one, but Leslie on higher speeds sounds too bidimensional yet... I have the same feeling on the korg kronos hammond factory presets, but with it I was able to tweak it and made a huge hammond sound. Oh man, the Upright Piano sounds just fantastic!!!
What a great tool for a student studying orchestration 🤗🙏🏽👍🏾
No it is not. It is exactly the opposite :) If you want to learn orchestration, you don't need any tools for that only books and/or a teacher. If you want to hear back your ideas, use a notation software with any virtual instrument packages, but this keyboard is for professionals, not for students. It would be the biggest overkill for them.
Spectacular intro ! 👍
The sticker on the right part of the keyboard says "CP" instead of "YC".
Good eye. Would love to see a side by side of the CP and YC comparison in the future. The CP has three discrete sections (Piano, E Piano, Sub) while the YC appears to removed SUB and instead integrated a toggle between Key A (Piano/EPiano/Synth/Other) and Key B (Piano/EPiano/Synth/Other) simplifying the physical interface I/O. Interesting workflow considerations.
It has the CP action which is their elite key bed.
@@planetdog1641 The action is named NW-GH, though. Not CP.
Very impressive.
I wonder if you could do the pipe organ show case I'd to hear the pipes church organs
I like that keyboard it looks cool
Very informative
Looking for a substitute for my aging s80, the yc seems to fit the bill. But does it have presets and quick access to them? That is really essential in a gigging situation.
Hi, Peter! Thanks for the interest. Yes, the YC keyboards have the ability to store and recall presets. Yamaha calls these "Live Sets" in their official nomenclature. There are 8 buttons corresponding to Live Sets right in the center of the control panel underneath the screen, and those buttons have 20 banks for a total of 160 possible presets. Hope this helps a bit, and feel free to contact me directly with any further questions!
Caleb Lowrey, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1620,
Excellent sir
Is the CFX sample exactly the same quality for the cp88? Or is the CP88 a lesser sample of CFX??
And I thought the CP88 was exspensive......
Did I hear the noise of the key at 5:50? That's loud and the camera mic picked it up
This looks great - think I'll ditch my Clavinova !
the intro theme? how? loops? patterns? sequences? mp3 playback?
Love your reviews. I cant stand when other reviewers start off playing goofy Synth/Spacey sounds instead of just a piano patch.
thank you for the great video. does this keyboard have seamless transition between sounds and programs like the nord electro 6D
Hi, thanks for your interest! Yes, the YC series keyboards have a seamless sound switching feature which ensures that the sound will not cut off when changing the Live Set.
Hope this helps - feel free to contact me directly with any further questions, and thanks again!
Caleb Lowrey, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1620,
The concept is great, and the keyboard looks superb. Just not sure about the sounds, adequate, but nothing earth shaking. Can be trusted to be a reliable gigging keyboard - its a Yamaha. Looks like Yamaha was a bit conservative in the sound modelling - not wishing to stray to far. The electric pianos are the standout sounds., and the one knob/slider/button per function is fantastic. Super controller keyboard and the touch should be nothing to complain about. If I had a lot of spare cash, would own one. The concept is great... Very good user interface - thanks to Nord for over a decade of setting the pace.
Pretty much almost all same sounds as the MOTIF XF/XS and those were from 2007~2010... I'd say they didn't age that well personally, especially after having heard them for so long
Really at this point I'd just want a MODX in a more compact, less bulky form factor + weighted 73 keys variant like a YC73 lol
Sounds good!
The leslie emulation comes up short for me. Nord still wins in that department. I do like the lower and upper split function for organ though. That’s very cool. Does this board allow you to split and layer at the same time? How many layers can we have? For instance can we layer each section together plus effects?
Hi, Seljoy. Great questions! The Key A/Key B sections allow you to select a Voice for each Key from the four categories of Piano, Electric Piano, Synth, and Other. Furthermore, EG, FILTER, and two Insert Effects can be set individually for each of the Key A and Key B Sections. You can also make sound layers or splits, using both Key A and Key B Sections simultaneously. You can have two layers total. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Jason Filloramo, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1281,
The organ sound is not too bad. I think Nord got that beat. But the piano, electric piano, and synth sounds great!
It seems this is supposed to be Yamaha’s answer to Nord, but without the sympathetic string note and deep sampling- does it feel good paying 4K for a keyboard ? Any keyboard at all, no matter how good it is.
You could potentially be instantly in this territory with arturia instruments and controller.
Maybe not as easily learned
Anyone else notice it has yamaha CP sticker on it?
How much for this Yamaha keyboard
@@yackohoopy Out of my price range, but worth the money.
I hope you guys demo the kurzweil k 2700
Nice ! Thnx for the presentatipn! How does it compare to the new CK88? Greetings Abbe
Nicely done. I can understand an all in one board for gigging, but i think Yamaha needs to fix the issues with the CP version first. They seemed to rush the CP88, and CP73 out to market only to have many returned with key, patch, knob, setting glitches. For the price, hopefully the YC versions involved a more thorough approach.
I returned my faulty CP 88 only yesterday, & ordered the YC 88 as a replacement. The CP started glitching during a gig which was a nightmare.
@@zivkovicable I returned my CP88 twice. First because some keys were making a clicky noise on release, and then because the built in reverb had a horrible white noise in the high frequencies. Got a rd2000 instead. The pianos sound more clinical/artificial, but perfect keybed and no weird glitch.
Yamaha CP88 and YC88 Doesn't have Piano Engine (string resonance, hammer and dumper sounds, lid position and cetera) their Clavinova Models do have this Engine.
What's your personal preference? This or the RD-2000? thanks!
I was thinking the same
No drum sound or sample in the voice selection/list?
Should I get this or the cp88????
Yamaha CP88 or YC 88??
What's exactly is the difference and how do they go along with each other in the Yamaha line-up .. I don't get it.
Thanks for the review! However I think this YC line should only have the waterfall keybed, and I’m not so sure about a 88 keys version.… it feels right on the CP model, not on this one.
Exactly, having a YC88 and a CP88 ? What's the difference? Is the YC taking over from the CP ? I don't get it. Yamaha has become the Samsung of keyboards :D
@@sanmarinojr Well, that's too much, I think they just lost their minds on this one…
Does it have pipe or Farfisa emulation? The Reface is really jam-packed for its size.
Hello - great question! This does have a Farfisa emulation (F3 - “famous Italian transistor combo organ”) but does not have a pipe organ emulation.
Jason Filloramo, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1281,
How about the old 2012 MX synthesizers?? Are Yamaha going to make a replacement for the MX?????
How can I shipped these items
YAMAHA YC 61 73 88 There is no vibrato effect in the effect unit. This is the main effect of the electric piano keyboard ,
It must be available in the Nord keyboard effect unit, but the Yamaha does not. I decided to replace the Nord to the Yamaha but found this problem. Is it possible to upgrade the system to add a vibrato effect in the future? Considering whether to buy nord or yamaha
I hope they release YC double deck with pedal board, not 88 key. They have cp88, so for what yc have 88 key if they have cp88? access sound laso very similar between them,.with multi section.
Yamaha! Whyyyyy? I just got my CP88 and this is how you treat me? LOL 😆 I now have to find some extra change to get the YC73. Well played! Still love the CP88 keybed and sounds.
haha the same
CP has three sections (one to one hands on control) while the YC has just the two (Organ/Keys (A/B)). From a performance perspective the YC requires a trivial extra step to swap between settings (toggle A/B). From a value perspective I kinda like the notion of three sections instead of just two. If you really focus on Organ the the YC is the way to go, otherwise the CP seems to have more control capability. Will have to compare the specs closer between them to see what else is different. The YC does have some unique controls over the two Insertion Effects, not sure if the CP breaks those out.
Does the CP and YC have the same Rotary Effect or is the YC Rotary different than the CPs?
Great video
Great spokesperson!
...soooo Yamaha just recreated the Nord Electro 5D, but with 88 keys? Cool 🙄
The question is ... WHY ? What does this do that a CP88 doesn't ?
Exactly! That’s the question I’m asking what was the point?!
It has an organ engine and drawbars.
The organ engine and drawbars
@@tuneunleashed Especially organ drawbars, That is not in the CP
Better organ sounds and drawbars
What's the price for the Yamaha YC88?
Does this one have the better keybed then the modx8 that's bitting the dust gigging outside in humidity..
My main question - can I assign the 4 different "engines" to 4 different midi channels? can I split the keyboard and transmit over multiple midi channels? Thats what I do on my RD2000 - and have control of those external sources as well as controlling the RD via my synth board (for organs). Without that "control" aspect if doesnt matter how good the sounds are (and the organ is definitely better than the RDs). Im guessing this isnt flexible enough in that regard for my needs unfortunaterly.
Did the glissato on hammond hurts?
um, why would you need compression on an organ sound, compression is used to even out the quite and loud levels of a sound keeping the level equel. ie agc [ automatic gain control ] this effect is more suited to vocals as the vocalist often mooves near and far from the mic needing compression to keep the level the same. but as an organ normaly always has same level then compression would be not required. also you might need compression on guitar, bass, drums as these instraments can vary in level, perticuarly if you want extra sustain on guitar, but for organ in my opinion compression is not required. or am i missing something here ? cheers
Can anyone tell what keyboard has better key action? This or the studiologic numa x piano Gt
Could you dedicate the drawbars to the volumes of different instruments you layer?
Hi Robert, thanks for the interest! Great question - currently, the drawbars on the YC88 are only for controlling the sound of the organ patches, similar to the drawbars on vintage organs. I don't know whether Yamaha is planning to add "mixer" functionality via a firmware update. For more details, you can see Yamaha's complete user manual for this instrument at this link:
Feel free to contact me directly with any further questions, and thanks again!
Caleb Lowrey, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1620,
Are the sounds expandable? and how many sounds are there?
Can you get a triple peddle unit for it
I have a question about that keyboard. Please tell me that it doesn’t have touchscreen. It’s an amazing keyboard. Does it have a number pad instead of touchscreen on that keyboard? Just want to know. This is better than the Yamaha reface keyboards.
No touchscreen. This appears to be a weighted 88 version of the YC61. Search for YC61 features.
@@Roboprogs thanks for answering my question. It’s a really cool keyboard by the way.
Hi friends, which key action and finger to sound connection is better between Yamaha YC88/CP88 and Roland RD2000?. Thanks!.
What's crazy is the Kurzweil K2500 could do all this stuff in 1996. The YC has better sounds though.
Does the 88 version have the wooden keys
Not 100%, but there are no any other portable digital piano with wooden keys either, discount extremely heavy Kawai MP11.
After you split the keyboard, can you raise and lower the octave on each part?
Hi, David! Thanks for your interest. Yes, the octave can be set individually for the lower and upper parts when splitting the keyboard on the YC88.
Hope this helps, and feel free to contact me directly with any further questions!
Caleb Lowrey, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1620,
Does the YC88 have a music rack?
Hello, Timothy! Though it does not come with it, there is a music rest available for the YC88:
Thanks for the interest!
Cody Kraus, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1766,
i just need help i don’t know which one to buy YC or CP!!! a little help
If want more piano sounds buy the CP, but if you interested in organ sounds choose YC. Go to Yamaha website, there you can download the manuals of both CP and YC, so you can read them and check which fits best for you.
It's the same chassis as the cp88 with some minor modifications.
Can you assign the sliders for MIDI control? Thanks!
Hello! Yes, you certainly can! This is a bit of an advanced feature, but page 60 of the manual takes you into the full MIDI CC list, referring to the CC numbers each drawbar will send commands to:
You can use these with a keyboard, sound module, or DAW that is able to receive MIDI CCs and control specific commands.
If you'd like to go into more detail, please call my number below. Thanks for your interest!
Nick LaMendola, Senior Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1660,
"Age is just a number"
can the Yamaha YC88 rivel the Nord Stage 3?