Flutter Scotland - Daniil Shumko - Flutter CI/CD basics with GitHub Actions

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jawad1257
    @jawad1257 3 роки тому +1

    Excellent work

  • @N1ghtmind
    @N1ghtmind 2 роки тому +1

    Great explanation! What would I need to add to this action If I needed to add more secrets / auth files that are not checked in version control, such as firebase_options.dart, google-services.json and everything that has to do with the firebase integration?
    Any help is much appreciated ;)

    • @DaniilShumko
      @DaniilShumko 2 роки тому +1

      Hi. Thank you for your comment. If you need to add more secrets to your CI, all you have to do is to add the plain text of the files to the GitHub Actions Secrets of your repo and then in your CI job you will need to read the secrets and convert them to files and place them in the correct location. This is very similar to what I show at 18:22 when preparing code signing files but instead you won't really need to base 64 encode your secrets.