It’s a bit silly to take credit for the accumulated weight pulled... I can easily benchpress 200 pounds 10 reps of six sets every day, should I go around telling people I benchpress an accumulative of 12,000 pounds daily? Been shooting a recurve bow for 12 years I’m not hating on it lol just saying..
1:26 I didn't know that Im Dong Hyun is visually impaired. That's amazing though.
Happy Archery Week!
Link to Free Graphs of Archery:
Does anyone know Kim Woo Jin's archery setup? He's the south korean guy who set the world record this year
Where did the footage for fact#1 come from?
How to join ?
22 kg would be in the extreme high for men to draw an Olympic bow, that's about 48 lbs.
Last point archer will pull an accumulated waight of 4 tonnes??? Really??? Thats means near about 4000 kg...??? Is that true...???
yes this is true, some competitions can consist of 144 arrows, so over the long duration of the shoot it all builds up.
arcus translates into arch
arc, arch or bow.
It’s a bit silly to take credit for the accumulated weight pulled... I can easily benchpress 200 pounds 10 reps of six sets every day, should I go around telling people I benchpress an accumulative of 12,000 pounds daily? Been shooting a recurve bow for 12 years I’m not hating on it lol just saying..