I attend a Baptis furneral yesterday and the preacher said, keep the ten Commendment, but we have Sunday school.I pray that God will opened his eyes to keep God sabbath day.
The message from the Baptist preacher was touching i wish to hear the sermon again i want to have a chat with the preacher and invite him to my church.
I attend a Baptis furneral yesterday and the preacher said, keep the ten Commendment, but we have Sunday school.I pray that God will opened his eyes to keep God sabbath day.
I saw in the Baptist church the tex written on the wall Jesus love me and we sang with great joy ringing the bell.
We recognized all members from the Baptist faith to join with us in prayer in the ministry of God word.
God honored Pastor Riley for his excellency of faith working in the Administrative of Seventh day Adventist.
Class of honours you cannot fail in the battle when Jesus is holding ypur hands to win the gold.
I will choose affliction for rigjteousness standing up for Jesus is laid up a crown of life in eternity.
Greetings to Pastor Riely Pastor of South Caribbean Conference world wide of Seventh day Adventist.
Greetings to Pastor kerk Pastor for Tobago conference of Seventh day Adventist.
God purpose is lighted with gold in the wisdom of knowledge and faith confimed by God's grace.
90 billion value time than the pleasure of this world running to Jesus to be free from sin.
The message from the Baptist preacher was touching i wish to hear the sermon again i want to have a chat with the preacher and invite him to my church.
The stone which the builders refuse is become the head cornerstone; this is the LORD doning and it is marvellous in our eyes..
The preacher said, all the offering will go to the Sunday school.I am asking God to give us wisdom.
Congratulations to all studebts with outstanding gold God richest blessings.
God make a way in the wilderness for the Israelites and fed them with water and manner.
Judge i step forward for gold i n the business magement meeting the members in the community.
While the rich is passing away in the grave what honour could bring him gold on the stone to be told.
Judge walk with me moses was in a burning and the bush was not burn God give us wisdom.
21.9 million seventh day Adentist live world preaching the everlasting gospel.
The Baptist preacher mention about job and love for humanity comforting the heart of the citizens.
Greetings to all faculty and staff in the Admistrative of Seventh day Adventist.
The Attorney at Law said, Amen Judge i feel Jeus in this place no time to delay the call.
Greetings to Pastor Mapp former President of Tobago Mission of Seventh day Adventist.
Careful now walk with Jesus lightens the preacher take heed the soul is passing away like dry leaves.
The Seventh day Adnentist is grovern with principles and standared and the highest holy covenat by God record.
Greetings g to Dr. Kern Tobais President for Caribbean Uniion Conference of Seventh day Adventist.
Thousand trust in play way and Carnival, but the road that is leading to death.
The preacher broke world record mandate the gold an angel lighted the burning bush the Spirit of the living God.
death sweep Trinìdad and Tobago live for Jesus all tbat matters the trumpet t shall sòund.
I and my Pastor will visit the Baptist church to meet with the members i will give them the great controversy.
Thet ruth about the matter is sometime you win, but death is dry like leaves never to earn a Babchelor degree keep your eyes on Jesus.
God is calling all resident to stop the discrimation against the local citizens in our country.
The Baptist preacher said, thou i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i fear no evil.
After the serives at the Baptis church we went into the transport to the cemetry and the grave yard was filled with many people.
We come in the name of Jesus by the migjty hand of God let my people go. repent and be baptized.
Scientist is amazed of the beautiful creation is formed by God mighty hands of God how he formed man into his own image.
Moses walked with God suddenly a flames of fire appreaed in a burning bush.
The still voice speak to thousand men and women Carnival and mudmass come out from Babylon.
Judge i break the slience of this court pray on until the holy Ghost t fire come down upon us.
The Baptist preacher said, ew wa t to reach to the cemetry on time, but i am doing the sermon.
God gave Moses the ten Commandments upon mount sinai written on the table of stone.
death is striking the Islsnd of Tobago especially MT. George Carnival is rampant on the Island the people need Jesus.
Moses broke world record in the wilderness and the whole of South America said, Amen.
United States the dead in Christ shall rise first and he who remain shall be caught up to meet the LORD in the air.
Judge i break the slience of this court Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
Moses walked with God daily he and Aaron went down to Egypt and said, to Pharaoh let my people go.
Stand still and see the salvation of God Pharaoh running with horses ans chariots into a red sea.
When we heard about the death we were knocked out light lighting in a shocking news.
Judge walk with me, slience in the court Judge wait the Holy Ghost fire is falling on me like Moses in a burning bush.
death is passing in the University thousand fear the magnitude earthquake run to Jesus.
When the Baptist preacher keep the Sabbath day Holy Suddenly the whole church will be converted.
Let them talk you will loose your case let every Judge hear me now in respect to the heavenly court.
Judge if you allow us to peach in your back yard truth will be reaveal read the bible and give us the opportunity we need Jesus now.
Tobago do not be suprised when the whole nation is rocking in a magnitude earthquake.
The Roman Solider nail Jesus to the cross bloid rushing down his face all said,let him be crucified
Jesus give life if you refuse the Holy Spirit you are dead without life get sound wisdom.
Jesus working miracles turned Moses stick iinto a serpent and ate up all Pharaoh serpents.
death slience the court Jesus is passing by time to end the politics and read the great controversy.
Judge don't slience court time is running out lot wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt.
Judge the journalist is not guilty give him a second chance to oreach the everlasting gospel.
While Tobago repent death is sweeping Tobago too much Carnival and play way repent.