SuperSlicer is free, open source and very powerful!

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @TeachingTech
    @TeachingTech  2 роки тому +104

    My response to a few frequent comments:
    - A list of differences between SuperSlicer and PrusaSlicer can be seen on the readme of their GitHub (shown in the video): Beyond this, as I also showed, support for Klipper firmware and a much greater range of premade profiles for non Prusa 3D printers are two factors that were important to me. When I am more familiar with SuperSlicer I will consider a general tutorial on migrating to it and settings for ironing, etc.
    - Some people somehow missed one of the key points of the video: The best slicer is the one that works for you. If you prefer Cura, PrusaSlicer, IdeaMaker, etc I'm perfectly happy to accept your choice. Some viewers, however, can't fathom that people might have different priorities and opinions to them and are upset by SuperSlicer as my choice.
    - I'm astounded by the amount of people telling me to dig into the registry of the old drive to retrieve things. I looked into this at the time. Yes, you can get to the registry. No, it's not as simple as a quick copy and paste. Here is a forum thread on the topic:
    In my case, I have the added pressure of the drive deteriorating and becoming harder and harder to access. The chances of it dying part way through were real. So I could take the chance and endure a lot of stuffing around, or pick a new slicer and build up new profiles. Easy choice for me. The third option is that Simplify3D actually release their major update and fix this flaw.

    • @bratwizard
      @bratwizard 2 роки тому

      How long had you been using the SSD as your primary drive? (How old was it when it started failing / etc.) ?? I am in a similar situation, though fortunately nothing has started failing yet. I am wondering over what kind of timeframe I should begin to worry. Thanks!!

    • @Mr76Pontiac
      @Mr76Pontiac 2 роки тому +3

      @@bratwizard Always, always, ALWAYS worry about your production data. Backup, backup, backup, and if you think you're good, backup some more. The question comes down to how easy is it to reproduce whatever it is you have in production to a new system as live with relevant working data. Test recovery, and test backups. Hardware can fail at any time because of cosmic rays (No joke, bit rot and bit flip is a thing) so some bad CPU or HDD controller math could mess your system up.

    • @VorpalGun
      @VorpalGun 2 роки тому +4

      If you try to recover data, make a disk image onto a different drive first, then work on that copy to recover data from it. I have done quite a bit of data recovery and archiving from *really* old computers (volunteer at a local computer museum), and that is the correct procedure to follow. For imaging a modern disk (PC compatible) I suggest using ddrescue from Linux if you are comfortable with command line. I don't know what options there are for Windows. However, the best option is to have regular backups in the future.

    • @KLP99
      @KLP99 2 роки тому +1

      I've used Linux as my primary OS for over 25 years. I couldn't live without ddrescue. Thank you for mentioning it. You saved me a lot longer post.

    • @KLP99
      @KLP99 2 роки тому

      @TeachingTech (I wish it was as easy as using that format to direct a comment to a specific user, which for the channel owner is not possible, even when clicking "Reply" directly)
      I'm amazed how many people get their undies in a knot over other people's choices.
      If you have time, please see my comment in the main thread, if you haven't already.

  • @davidmorgado3755
    @davidmorgado3755 2 роки тому +5

    Fanstastic! I hope we will get more content about your discovery with superslicer explaining some usefull settings :)

  • @jussilehto7227
    @jussilehto7227 2 роки тому +13

    I now definitely feel inspired to switch when I eventually get a new printer. Thanks for this video.

  • @81XS11
    @81XS11 2 роки тому +1

    Probably my most used feature of Superslicer is the search button (magnifying glass icon). Makes finding a specific setting quick and easy.
    Thanks for the excellent video! Love the channel!

  • @nedbazzvictoria6948
    @nedbazzvictoria6948 8 місяців тому

    Hey Michael, please forgive me; I religiously followed you when I first took to 3D Printing, then got 'smart' and downloaded your entire playlist about a year or two ago, then forgot to watch any of your productions since, let alone not ticking the 'like' for most of them. I have been preoccupied with other distractions and had forgotten just how switched on and informative your presentations are. The bottom line:- I'm back Michael, and still a keen fan. Thanks for making my 3D printing life easier (or less difficult) than it would have otherwise been. Cheers and thanks again Michael, Peter (Ned) Kelly.

  • @jack80kiwi
    @jack80kiwi 2 роки тому +1

    Michael I have been following your channel since I got my 3 Pro. I have been using Cura and it has been OK but I found it difficult at times. I have just downloaded this slicer and carried out a print that I have done before and the difference is is amazing. I have found it faster printing (do not know why), finish is good, and accuracy (hole sizes) excellent. Things may get better with more knowledge. Thanks for the video.

  • @RobStangle
    @RobStangle 2 роки тому

    Astounding! Thank you! Teaching Tech is the most trusted voice in the 3D printing world and I was already downloading this before I heard your reasons (the mere mention of it from you was enough). Thank you for all that you do!

  • @arminth
    @arminth 2 роки тому +60

    The final nail in S3D's coffin. I also paid for because I liked the UI and the results. But now, it's time for a change!
    Thanks Michael. Good job as usual!

  • @chiefsmallrod881
    @chiefsmallrod881 2 роки тому +1

    I actually just switched to superslicer today and then saw this video! Im a fan already I must say

  • @neilw2O
    @neilw2O 2 роки тому +1

    Looks like I MUST upgrade from 32 bit old Windows machine to 64 bit. Been using Cura and Slic3r for 7-8 years. The selective support selection is a must! I like the new surface finishing, too.
    I've just moved down to 0.3mm nozzle, 0.1mm layers, still using 3mm abs and made a new heatbreak, to replace the one that split/broke. Mendelmax DIY build direct extruder. Very accurate and fast. Nice video. Thanks.

  • @einsteinx2
    @einsteinx2 2 роки тому

    This is perfect timing! I’ve been taking a break from 3D printing for a while to focus on other projects and am about to jump back in.
    After cleaning them up and performing some needed maintenance, I’m planning to switch over to Klipper as I was having way too many issues with Marlin 2.0 on my various printers (I have a CR-10 Mini, Sidewinder X1, and FLSUN Q5 all with various modifications running custom Marlin builds and it’s been a huge headache). I was looking into Klipper and found your recent videos and they were very helpful!
    On top of that your other video about using old tablets and cell phones as printer displays reminded me that I have literally 5 cheap Android tablets laying around from a previous job that I had completely forgotten about and would make perfect Klipper (or Octoprint for Marlin even) control interfaces!
    Then I see this video today and it was the last piece of the upgrade puzzle for me! I’ve been having continual headaches with every Cura upgrade (something always seems to break with my profiles and other functionality). I’d heard great things about Prusia Slicer but as you said it’s very tied to Prusia printers and doesn’t support Klipper so that was a no go for me.
    This looks like a fantastic option! I’m already interested in Super Slicer just from the bit of UI you demonstrated and some of the cool features it has like the custom infill options.
    Thanks again for your videos! I would consider myself a highly technical person, and I have no problem digging through documentation, source code, and forums to figure out what I need, but having someone lay out everything they’ve personally tested in such a clear way makes a great starting point and your videos have saved me a ton of time and given me a bunch of ideas I never would have considered or just hadn’t occurred to me (like reusing the tablets).
    Thanks again and keep making great videos!

  • @AaronFlaming
    @AaronFlaming 2 роки тому +36

    Don't take this the wrong way, but it is about time you moved on from S3D.

    • @Graham_Wideman
      @Graham_Wideman 2 роки тому

      What would be the right way to take this?

    • @AaronFlaming
      @AaronFlaming 2 роки тому +1

      @@Graham_Wideman as a congratulatory statement. But I'm sure the S3d diehards will take offense.

    • @TeachingTech
      @TeachingTech  2 роки тому +4

      Until this, it was still the best option for me. Now I'm (mostly) past the painful transitional period SuperSlicer is now the best one for me.

  • @AndroidG13
    @AndroidG13 2 роки тому

    I'm excited for you to further explored Super Slicer because that means we will soon get handy informational videos about its features, functions, tips and tricks

  • @seabeepirate
    @seabeepirate 2 роки тому

    Most of these features have been available in Cura for a few years but you definitely showed me a few things I didn’t know about! I like that it’s open source too, I think I’ll give it a shot! Thanks!

  • @barmacg30
    @barmacg30 2 роки тому

    Thanks for sharing your experience and ignore the windows guru's comments about how easy playing with registry is. I am with you, time to at least try a new slicer.
    Instead of criticism, I suggest one of those windows guru's step up and offer to help you.
    Trying something new can be tough, but it always helps you grow.
    I like you paid for Simplify 3d. I stopped using it because I teach 3d printing classes to members of a maker factory that want to use our pronters. That required using free software.
    3d printing is a hobby for me and I only have souch time to spend on it.
    I like a lot of the features in Super Slicer and will definately give it a try.

  • @TheNamelessOne12357
    @TheNamelessOne12357 2 роки тому

    I swiched to SuperSlicer recently too, and I'm really pleased with it. SuperSlicer has so many settings, absence of which annoyed me from 2015! After each update of Cura and other slicers I always said "Why did you added these useless things? Fuzzy skin? Wire printing? Cross Infill? Seriously? Holes always prints much smaller than needed since the begining, why can't you fix that? Just print outer perimeters first on such holes, and that's it. And same retration for bowden and direct printers, maybe this is more important than Monotonic infill?" Now SuperSlicer has everything.

    • @TeachingTech
      @TeachingTech  2 роки тому

      I don't mind having those extra features. They're there if I ever want them and if not I lave the box unticked.

  • @vishal01mehra
    @vishal01mehra 2 роки тому +1

    I'm pretty happy with PrusaSlicer. Almost has all the features I need for 99 percent of the prints I do. I have an ender 3v2 and a Prusa i3 clone.
    If I am ever in a situation like you are, failed hard drive or something, I might try superSlicer. Good video. 😄

    • @TeachingTech
      @TeachingTech  2 роки тому +1

      That's a very sensible position. I imagine most people already using PrusaSlicer would still be perfectly happy keeping with it.

  • @dano5143
    @dano5143 2 роки тому +1

    DANKE!!! Great Content and I had always trouble to get rid of the Prusa Settings :-)

  • @onecarwood
    @onecarwood 2 роки тому +13

    I really like S3D and would have probably paid the upgrade price for the next release if it would have come in 2019. Now for me to upgrade I would feel like I was being taken advantage of I just couldn’t do it. I like SuperSlicer as well.

    • @TeachingTech
      @TeachingTech  2 роки тому +6

      I think your position would represent many using S3D, including me.

    • @edumaker-alexgibson
      @edumaker-alexgibson 2 роки тому

      @@TeachingTech +1. I use it daily for work, and continue to do so, but it's been so long without meaningful updates that I worry whether one day the company will vanish and the authentication server disappear. I wonder how many users are in the same boat and might be willing to pay a small amount for even a minor update, just to know the company can keep the lights on...!

  • @ev-ezaye3580
    @ev-ezaye3580 2 роки тому

    Thank you Michael for this... I've been swaying in thought over Prusa vs Cura, then I chance on this and I'm better informed of the three. It's good to know the history of Prusa originating (forked) from slic3r, and now SuperSlic3r is a fork of Prusa. Just purchased an Ender-3 from SainSmart for a steal, it seems to have / come with Prusa slicer, not received it yet but just delving headlong into the 3D space to be an authority before my printer arrives! Thanks again!

  • @amorton94
    @amorton94 2 роки тому

    I had no idea about this! It looks awesome!

  • @PTEC3D
    @PTEC3D 2 роки тому

    Cool, thanks for bringing this to my attention, I've used CURA mainly because it 's what I started with and PrusaSlicer's standard profiles weren't cutting it for me and I just never got around to working the right settings out, but this has given me the nudge I needed to try a SliC3r style sw again.

  • @NASR20
    @NASR20 2 роки тому +1

    Definitely going to give this a go - S3D has felt pretty stale for a while now (been using it since 2015), and I've been spending the holidays updating the mechanics on my large printer. Might as well update the slicer while I'm at it! Being able to change settings within an XY region within a layer looks pretty nifty.

  • @fouzaialaa7962
    @fouzaialaa7962 2 роки тому +1

    im on prushaslicer and honestly i didnt know how to activate half of the stuff you showed today !!! it might have not been about how to use the slicer but i learned alot

  • @Real28
    @Real28 2 роки тому +1

    I was of the same thing. Been using S3D and just know it well. And like it for the same reasons.
    But I DID NOT know that it's stored in registry. That's a big no-no. Guess I'm going to switch to this and relearn. That's worth the pain.

  • @3doorsdown4lifetimo
    @3doorsdown4lifetimo 2 роки тому

    Have never heard of it, will try it out immediately.

  • @saltysteel3996
    @saltysteel3996 2 роки тому +1

    I like Cura's menu and settings layout more. I'll be keeping Cura.

  • @quentinfool
    @quentinfool 2 роки тому

    giving it a shot, looks promising so far!

  • @grinningduck8322
    @grinningduck8322 2 роки тому +1

    @7:05 If you wanna skip the long diatribe on the previous slicers.

  • @GomanDK
    @GomanDK 2 роки тому +2

    Your video has really caught my attention, Michael.
    Only one thing though...
    Does the slicer also support resin printers?

    • @TeachingTech
      @TeachingTech  2 роки тому +1

      It supports the Prusa resin printer, but most of the Chinese machines have a Chitu mainboard and therefore need a Chitubox sliced file.

    • @GomanDK
      @GomanDK 2 роки тому

      @@TeachingTech Thx for your reply, Michael.
      Do you know of any slicer, that supports both kind of slicing? And how to set it up?
      I actually didn't realize that there was this form of difference, but when you wrote it, it made absolute sense to me.

  • @morenodegani1492
    @morenodegani1492 2 роки тому

    ciao! grazie per tutto il lavoro che fai! questo Super Slicer mi sta piacendo molto.. una cosa che mi piace è che stampa molto bene il Petg. per ora tra tutti i programmi che ho usato è il migliore! riesce a stampare in maniera pulita e precisa,e sistemando bene i supporti si riesce a staccare senza fare danni. sono veramente entusiasta! adesso posso usare un solo programma per diverse marche e tipologie di macchine. saluti da Italia ! Moreno

  • @mlubecke
    @mlubecke 2 роки тому

    I’m definitely checking it out. Thanks Michael.

  • @vaughnrixon
    @vaughnrixon Рік тому

    Thanks Michael, another great video and enough to convince me to have a look at Super Slicer. I have been looking for something that works well on Linux to add to a repurposed 2010 iMac converted now running ChromeOS and sitting next to the 3D printer as an OctoPi monitor ... a waste of power I know, but sometimes you just gotta tinker!

    • @vaughnrixon
      @vaughnrixon Рік тому

      ... and that said, the first attempt to load SuperSlicer onto my current (2014) iMac running Big Sur fails at every turn ... does want to run on legacy software apparently (even though it is offered in a different form for ARM processors). Cant find an answer anywhere, but surely I am not the only one thinking of running this on an Intel based Mac ...

  • @omittedprod
    @omittedprod 2 роки тому

    This slicer completely revitalized my crappy a10m.

  • @timroach5898
    @timroach5898 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this video. I have been using Cura since July and was spoiled by the easy quality I can get with it but felt it wasted to much time in some of the paths it generates. And would at times get lost in the accordian menu. I started learning Prusa slicer and made a good profile for my Elegoo Neptune 2. I have gotten some great prints so far with it. But it seems this super slicer may be a great option, specially since I have learned how this style interface works compared to Cura.

  • @alanbrown1563
    @alanbrown1563 2 роки тому

    I bought my son a Ender 5 pro for Christmas and have been looking for the right software for him ' he's a bright lad who learns fast I have bought a few upgrades for it and will fit them once he had a few weeks printing with it ' it came with a 1.1.5 board but i changed this to the V4.2.7 board and flashed it with the marlin software ready so I can fit the BL touch when he's ready. thanks for the review.

  • @highroyds
    @highroyds 2 роки тому

    Thanks for this, will be looking into this software, I was going to say just copy the registry file from the old sad, but looks like others have covered this in the comments lol.

  • @marklandsaat3696
    @marklandsaat3696 2 роки тому

    Also switched from S3D to Superslicer. I’m happy to be on software that is actually being developed.

  • @IpokeSmot420
    @IpokeSmot420 2 роки тому

    Definitely checking this out. Always up to try new software. Cura has been working fine for me so far, but it looks as if this might be a little better.

  • @bobbobbington1132
    @bobbobbington1132 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for this. Just downloaded SS, and will be playing around with it to see if it will be my new slicer. I'm coming from Cura, and am in the process of figuring out how to convert my Ender 5+ to 2in2out via a knockoff chimera hot end. Cura doesn't seem to allow changing my E5+ profile to duel extrusion, so SS will be interesting to try. :)

  • @Evakron
    @Evakron 2 роки тому +2

    I'm pretty keen to try this out, but might wait until there's an Ender 5 profile available. I like the look of the paint-on support features, as I find Cura's tools for configuring support quite clunky.

  • @skysurferuk
    @skysurferuk 2 роки тому +1

    Just trying it, it looks brilliant. Thanks for the tip! Damned if I can find the setting for support density, though!

  • @lindeleasley
    @lindeleasley 2 роки тому

    I am totally new to 3D printing, but already the slicer that Creality provides seems lacking. I'll be giving Super Slicer a try, and thanks for the tip.

  • @davej318
    @davej318 Рік тому

    I had a similar experience with Cura. I have a Ender-3 V2 and on the Creality web I found they have a slicer that's based on Cura. Advantage is they have added profiles for their printers. I still prefer Prusa and will probably use that. Can't move to SuperSlicer as the MacOS version won't run on High Sierra. I am locked in by the age of my iMac. Teaching Tech is a go-to for me when it comes to 3D print.

  • @karlla1220
    @karlla1220 2 роки тому

    Prepared calibration model is quite useful.

    @AIRBORNE-RC-FLIGHT-ZONE 2 роки тому

    yeah i will having a look at superslicer

  • @I_enjoy_some_things
    @I_enjoy_some_things 2 роки тому

    Interesting. It really does just look like “Prusa Slicer +”. I’ll try it out.
    First printer was an Ender 3 Pro - used Cura (not the Creality version…just Cura). Always seemed to have random issues - no amount of tweaking/resetting would fix all of them.
    Moved to Prusa Slicer with great results. Printer honestly prints better than new while using Prusa Slicer lol.
    (I’ve got a MK3S+ now as well though, it’s insane compared to a Creality machine haha)

  • @smkole2
    @smkole2 2 роки тому

    Giving it a try.....updates to come.

  • @thomaswiley666
    @thomaswiley666 2 роки тому

    Aaaaaaaaaaaand I pestered Michael enough for him to move off S3D. You all are welcome. :D
    Actually, I'm so sorry about the failed drive. I lost most of my CAD files when a brand new drive decided to just fail before I started making back ups. I feel your pain.
    Good luck with Super.. or any other slicer you choose. I can't believe we still have fanboy issues.

  • @claws61821
    @claws61821 2 роки тому

    For what it's worth, there are several ways that you can copy over an old Windows Registry Hive to a new hard drive or computer and read it for referencing. I wouldn't recommend importing it as an override, however, because the pointers on your new hard drive MAY NOT be identical and could cause issues.

  • @jamieclay007
    @jamieclay007 2 роки тому

    So funny - never heard anyone say Slic3r out loud as Slic-3r! Someone must have told you by now, Slic3r - is leet for Slicer (3=E) - if not...there you go. Good video BTW.

  • @pesto12601
    @pesto12601 2 роки тому +2

    Shot Game: take a swig every time he says "Slice-AH!"...

  • @TheClone159
    @TheClone159 2 роки тому

    im still very new to all this, i only used cura, i was thinking of using s3d since i saw a few use it, but the 150$ made me unsure, i wanted to try something new, so this is perfect, but scary as well, now i got to learn this and make a new profile to my ender 3, and my new sidewinder x2

  • @GlaucusBlue
    @GlaucusBlue 2 роки тому

    great video will be trying it out, i swapped to lychee for resin printer and that was so much better than the common software, been having some issues with odd behaviur on cura. So we will see how this goes.

  • @PJC3DP
    @PJC3DP 2 роки тому +1

    Great video 👍 I have been using S3D for a few years and really like the interface, but this slicer looks like it is worth a look and the pain associated with changing slicers. I have had a couple of plays with Cura and just find it too clunky and will never use it as my main slicer.

    • @SianaGearz
      @SianaGearz 2 роки тому

      It can be declunkified a lot with its Marketplace extensions. Such as feature sets, sidebar menu, skipping loading all the printers and materials that you don't have, all that stuff. But as sluggish as the UI is, just finding the settings in it, it does feel much less fun than it by all reason should. Which is a pity, because the slicing engine is actually fast.

  • @jaythornhill2916
    @jaythornhill2916 2 роки тому

    Wow I just watched your video and it was very helpful I think I will try it and thank you for the video

  • @notG1O
    @notG1O 2 роки тому +1

    I would run it off a OneDrive folder. Backed up and can be used from multiple pcs easily.

    • @TeachingTech
      @TeachingTech  2 роки тому

      On Windows the program is portable and the settings are stored in the appData/Roaming/SuperSlicer folder. I have set GitHub up to follow this folder for my backup repo and I'm sure similar things could be done with other systems.

  • @X3msnake
    @X3msnake 2 роки тому

    You can probably recover the registry file from your old windows and extract the registry keys from the simplify3d and either convert them to something that S3D can import or just create a regedit ad add it to your new windows install of S3D

  • @tenchuu007
    @tenchuu007 2 роки тому

    Hey, super racer profiles! That's my printer!

  • @mrdoohickey4824
    @mrdoohickey4824 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks Michael. Had a tinker, but as you said people stick with what they are comfortable with. I am a Cura fan. I know its strengths and weaknesses. Closing drop-downs is second nature now, so I will stick with it. Ideally I am waiting for a really intelligent slicer that says "Hi, are we using your modded Ender 5 today or the Anycubic resin machines? Upload the STL and i will recommend all materials, temperatures and settings for this object."
    The process should be driven by the stl file, not by arcane dark arts and deep understanding of the shortcomings of the technology. Give me a solution, not a list of workarounds and compromises. I love 3d printing but I am not seeing real progress in smarts in the last two years. Am I the only user who feels this way?

    • @timroach5898
      @timroach5898 2 роки тому

      I like a challenge, and learning anything new is a challenge. I learned photography great does that make me a world class photographer, nope. But I keep challenging myself in my photography to get better at it. Not just get a result and walk away. The pleasure is getting a world class result from the effort put into it. Sounds the same as the new iphone users wanting their cameras to take world class photos. ANY tool can give you world class results as long as the person doing the directing behind that tool is proficient enough to make the result world class!

  • @C-M-E
    @C-M-E 2 роки тому

    While I've wholeheartedly embraced my transition to 100% resin printing, the rejection of open-source mentality throughout the entire industry in favor of one sort of proprietary format over the other is almost the norm and the bane of my efforts to adopt more technologies. I have a different program of some sort for every facet of the process from sculpting the model to doing supports, error correction and final slicing. It's a 'this done one job and does it well' experience, but cutting down on this with a more inclusive _Open Source_ solution is desperately needed. Yes, I have Blender. No, it does not favor high resolution, dense meshes.

  • @vbkredeemer
    @vbkredeemer Рік тому

    You are able to restore you regestry on file base. You then can just look into it. You don't need to boot your Windows to get to it. You can just google to how to do it. But change to SS is the better option anyway.

  • @RanjithKumar-jd4vz
    @RanjithKumar-jd4vz 2 роки тому

    I am going to try it.

  • @MrFamousguy13
    @MrFamousguy13 2 роки тому

    I need to give this a try

  • @davidlopez8338
    @davidlopez8338 2 роки тому

    Very new to 3D printing, but already disappointed with the slicers that I have used. I purchased an Ender 5 Pro and started out with the slicer that was available on the included SD card. Quickly moved to the Creality version of the Cura software, but also did not like the accordion style menu and found some quirks I did not like. From this video, it looks like SuperSlicer has some features that I was expecting in my previous slicers and look forward to giving it a try. Again, I am very new to 3D printing and probably did not give the slicers a proper chance. I've worked with a lot of software over the years and I feel some features should be standard by now and I get upset when newer software is not intuitive.

  • @pitanpainter2140
    @pitanpainter2140 2 роки тому

    Downloaded SuperSlicer based on this video, and will give it a go ...
    SuperSlicer has options for Ender 3 with or without BL Touch, or Ender 3 V2 without BL Touch (only). Guess who has just installed a CR Touch on an E3v2?
    OK, had to add GCode for this probe in Cura, and can follow the same process in SuperSlicer.

  • @PaulaXism
    @PaulaXism 2 роки тому

    I gave this a shot.. but the no usb print functionality was a game ender. It was enough hassle getting Cura to usb print on linux.

  • @g0mikese
    @g0mikese Рік тому

    I'm seeing this video as I'm looking at information on a bunch of different slicers with an eye towards FDM printing of Miniatures. Yes I know resin is king in that realm, but most resin is toxic and therefor has a low spouse-approval-rating. So I have FDM with a Biqu BX. So far I'm leaning towards Prusa slicer 2.6.0 alpha 6 for the paint on tree supports, these are a huge feature for me personally, but the small model size sometimes causes issues with slicing, so I'm looking around a bit.

  • @HowsItHappening
    @HowsItHappening 2 роки тому +1

    I bought s3d because it was the only slicer I could find that had my printer already set up. I was so excited to read that an update was coming soon and I thought they forgot about it until I realized that it already automatically updated and I had been using the new version for about a week. So... what did they update? I have no idea, the only way I even knew it updated was because I went to the website to see if the new version was out yet and saw that the new version is the version I have. Very disappointed in the update, I can't wait to try super slicer.

  • @Zxto
    @Zxto 2 роки тому

    Thank i love your content. Hi from Perú

  • @jamesk1619
    @jamesk1619 2 роки тому

    One of the biggest issues I have with SuperSlicer and PrusaSlicer are their supports. The supports extend a couple mm's beyond the supported area and can't be modified to only print supports limited to the supported area. This leaves support artifacts on a surface that would otherwise be clean. And if the "extended" area is not wide enough, the support fails and causes even worse problems. I always have to switch to Cura whenever I need clean supports.

  • @Delta9Church
    @Delta9Church 2 роки тому +1

    Cura really started working for me once I discovered certain plugins and hiding menu items I don't change or that change with other settings.

  • @RandomloserDK
    @RandomloserDK 2 роки тому

    The registry editor in Windows can/could(It's a long time since I used it) import(mount) databases from other installs, that way you could access all the S3D registry entries.

  • @agoffgrid640
    @agoffgrid640 2 роки тому

    I am going to check this out now!! Ty

  • @Entropic0
    @Entropic0 2 роки тому +1

    The new slicer is at timestamp 7:25.

  • @FrankBocker
    @FrankBocker 2 роки тому +1

    If SuperSlicer has Cura's "Concentric" support pattern, I'm in. I like PrusaSlicer's layout better, but the big blocky support towers are terrible for minifigures and I slice all my minis in Cura right now.

    • @d0h
      @d0h 2 роки тому

      PrusaSlicer copied it several versions ago... so it's in there :D

  • @plooker27
    @plooker27 2 роки тому +1

    I'm surprised how many have used Cura without knowing about the features it actually contains. I use both, and like them both. I have no idea about WiFi connected printers, but apart from that it can do everything mentioned in this video. Some of it you need to download the plugin for, but it's there, and I've been using them for a long time. Cura is my main slicer though, because of stuff like tree supports and in my view a better UI. With that said the UI in both slicers are pretty bad.

  • @ModelAeronautics
    @ModelAeronautics 2 роки тому

    Hi, thanks for the info. I'm about to get started in 3D printing. Voxelab Aries on the way for Christmas? Would this slicer include a profile for this printer? Cheers.

  • @edishergiorgadze4413
    @edishergiorgadze4413 2 роки тому

    Hello MIchael,
    have one million "benchy" question !
    - in Prusa slicer (latest version), next to a sliced model we have a vertical slider shoving us the layer "progress" and where we can add "color change", "pause print" and "custom" gcode to a specific layer.
    "pause print" refers to the M601 command which... in Marlin - does not exist, all my printers run on Marlin.
    So... how do we deal with this? Appreciate any ideas on these.
    P.S. For long have used S3D but recently got engaged with "superslicer" - really impressive stuff.

  • @JottyOL
    @JottyOL 2 роки тому

    I’m new to 3d printing. I bought a prusa mini+ in may 2021 and use prusa slicer since then. I will try SuperSlicer, it’s showing the power of opensource software again. Hopefully I can import my profiles and filament settings.
    Thank you for your hint!

  • @orange-micro-fiber9740
    @orange-micro-fiber9740 2 роки тому +2

    100% agree on the cura menus. It's largely what's stopped me from enjoying it. It's free, so I don't complain, but it is frustrating.

  • @N3tech
    @N3tech 2 роки тому

    This is the exact same scenario that happened to me, and resulted in me switching to PrusaSlicer.

  • @captaincrash80
    @captaincrash80 2 роки тому

    I've got Cura and PrusaSlicer installed, gonna give this a shot also. My biggest problem is always supports :/

  • @photelegy
    @photelegy Рік тому

    What do you think about OrcaSlicer as an alternative?
    I use SuperSlicer at the moment but am thinking about switching to OrcaSlicer 🤔

  • @JosephStory
    @JosephStory 2 роки тому

    Probably could still mount those old registry hives on your old drive using your new Windows install with Regedit. And then export as needed and import to current registry.

  • @shaennaidoo9165
    @shaennaidoo9165 2 роки тому

    Hey, Michael. Would love to see a video covering firmware retraction with Klipper. I think it results in much easier to tune retraction settings if you're running Klipper.

  • @DanBowkley
    @DanBowkley 2 роки тому

    It's been a really long time since I've had to do this, but you should be able to load the registry from that old SSD and copy records out of it. I'd guess you could copy the entire section for the slicer and paste it right into your new installation's registry and have it all just magically work. I don't know if the registry has changed substantially since XP; if it hasn't you should be able to do this pretty easily.

  • @CanadianMakerProject
    @CanadianMakerProject 2 роки тому +1

    never been a fan of prusa slicer. i am a fan of cura and idea maker. I use idea maker if i need supports bit i have control to place them where I need them in a print, and in cura I can do tree supports, i find tree to be a lot more easer to remove and do a better job supporting the print you are doing.

  • @PUMAMicroscope
    @PUMAMicroscope 2 роки тому

    Do SuperSlicer or Prusa slicer allow the user to set the order in which to print models when printing one-at-a-time? I have always used Cura for slicing but this is one thing it cannot do (yes there are some complicated workarounds suggested by users but they don't always work) and Cura developers said they have no plans to implement this feature (presumably because it can be very dangerous if you set an order wrong - bump the print head into already printed models, start a fire, etc.) so need a lot of checks and balances to be made a safe feature for general users.

  • @scottinharwood
    @scottinharwood 2 роки тому

    OK, downloaded it, installed the printers I have, and now I will start running with it. I do not like Cura either and have been using the Prussa slicer for the most part. Now I wonder how I set up my FLSun delta printer for which I modified to run with a Duet controller board...

  • @acakrnjaic1452
    @acakrnjaic1452 2 роки тому +1

    One of the main things that made me switch from Prusa Slicer to Superslicer is automatic brim ears i never use to print with brim because they were so hard to take of eve if you tune it it is still not perfect but brim ears fix all that and i think thej even work better. The only downside is tnat i have to use Prusa Slicer for automatic model repair feature because for some reason it is not working on Superslicer.

  • @stepander007
    @stepander007 Рік тому

    @TeachingTech Haven`t seen any updates since 2022. What do your think about the project`s status?

  • @henrymach
    @henrymach 2 роки тому +10

    2018 is like before the last ice age now. Also, for those of us who don't use Windows, S3D is useless

  • @EFLO3D
    @EFLO3D 2 роки тому +12

    S3d was such a sham. “Free updates for life” then they release an entirely new version and stop updating the older one.

  • @WakeOfAsh
    @WakeOfAsh 2 роки тому +7

    Slick 3r? I always pronounced it as Slicer...

    • @Rocketkid2121
      @Rocketkid2121 2 роки тому

      Was thinking the same thing.

    • @Jeff-Parr
      @Jeff-Parr 2 роки тому

      Was looking for someone that did the same as me!

    • @Fbiking40
      @Fbiking40 2 роки тому

      Me too ! 😁
      3 is E so Slic3r us SlicEr.

  • @tasmedic
    @tasmedic 2 роки тому +19

    I'm please to see Michael feels the same way as I do about SuperSlicer. I've been using it for the past month. I moved to it from Cura and PrusaSlicer, mainly because I saw a review of SS which went through the (very useful) calibration menus it contains.
    However, after playing with it for the past 4 weeks, I can see it's well ahead of Prusa and Cura in many other ways.
    Firstly, it has a Klipper flavor choice, which makes it work well with my highly modified CR10s Pro V2. The combination of superslicer and klipper has taken my CR10 to a new level of speed and quality of printing, and for this reason alone I highly recommend it.
    The other things I've noticed are very clever choices of default settings in SS, when you add a new printer. These are generally enough to get you going before you start tweaking, and there's also a very helpful support community which is at least as quick and effective as the Prusa community (and that's saying something).
    So, it's superslicer and klipper for my machines, and is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.
    Chris, Tasmania.

  • @gregoryredlon4186
    @gregoryredlon4186 2 роки тому +20

    Oddly enough, most of the listed settings you mentioned were prusa slicer functions, just minus the Klipper support.

    • @Stahlfabrik
      @Stahlfabrik 2 роки тому +2

      I use Prusa slicer with Klipper and still have to find the problem with this combo?!

    • @ThePowerfox18
      @ThePowerfox18 2 роки тому +2

      Stahlfabrik I think it has to do with changing acceleration mid print. If you want better quality for the outer walls and high acceleration for travel for example

    • @Stahlfabrik
      @Stahlfabrik 2 роки тому

      Hmm okay interesting. Will have to do more reading on this. I only stumbled upon the default temperature setting gcoded it introduces when one changes the start gcode with a Klipper macro. But it was easy to work around this

    • @TeachingTech
      @TeachingTech  2 роки тому +4

      I did make a point of saying these were the features I was gaining vs Simplify3D, not SuperSlicer exclusives. The section where I show adding a new machine is a significant difference. PrusaSlicer has the Prusa models plus the Ender 3, SuperSlicer has many more non Prusa options.

    • @gregoryredlon4186
      @gregoryredlon4186 2 роки тому

      @@TeachingTech I see that now looking back, I was mainly going off of personal experience with prusa slicer post process options such as ironing. I too started with S3D but have been trying to make the move to super slicer as I think its potential is a lot higher in terms of performance. I am surprised you did not mention the alarmingly slow slicing speeds. This leads me to believe that I am somehow doing something wrong with it on my end.

  • @brandonbrown3600
    @brandonbrown3600 2 роки тому +24

    Absolutely love Superslicer! The ability to tweak every detail allows for some insanely nice prints. Zseam can be made to practically disappear and prints are so much smoother.

    • @TeachingTech
      @TeachingTech  2 роки тому +9

      Z seam is an area I really want to investigate.

    • @kamencic
      @kamencic Рік тому

      I noticed great improvements in my z seams when moved on SuperSlicer even without any tweaking!

  • @michaelplaczek9385
    @michaelplaczek9385 2 роки тому +21

    I would like to see differences between this and PrusaSlicer

    • @hambaallah1948
      @hambaallah1948 2 роки тому

      It just another advance of prusaslicer.
      They share same. Prusaslicer make it more simple.for the i3 user.

    • @MaaveMaave
      @MaaveMaave 2 роки тому +1

      Somebody else mentioned sawtooth supports, which isn't an option in PrusaSlicer. So it sounds like it has a few more advanced/experimental features. All the main features look identical

    • @TeachingTech
      @TeachingTech  2 роки тому

      @Maave it is fair to say the main features are identical. That's why I consider it as PrusaSlicer plus. All of the benefits of PrusaSlicer, plus a few little things and importantly for me better support for Klipper and non Prusa machines.

  • @broderp
    @broderp 2 роки тому +107

    Add me to the list of people who never heard of it, but want to try it. I'm a Cura user - I hope the nomenclature is similar enough that I can reduce the leading curve somewhat. If Cura had the tabs rather than a long accordion style interface, there would be no need to change iMO.

    • @pringineer1027
      @pringineer1027 2 роки тому +4

      A lot of terminology will always be the same :)

    • @MisterkeTube
      @MisterkeTube 2 роки тому +21

      The remaining point missing from PrusaSlicer/SuperSlicer: FDM Tree Supports.

    • @NEutebach
      @NEutebach 2 роки тому +8

      A big advantage of superslicer/prusaslicer imo: clear division between print, filament and printer settings. Neither S3D or cura do this perfectly imo. Makes for a lot easier workflow if you use multiple (functional) filaments often, as I do with my Toolchanger. So you can use the same print profile for different filaments, and only have to change the Filament profiles to adjust for temperatures, cooling, max volumetric rate etc., in cura you have to maintain profiles with every setting for each Filament, even specific for the first or second or third extruder.... PITA!

    • @zapl80
      @zapl80 2 роки тому +4

      @@NEutebach I still find cura much easier to use especially with the search. And the cura Arachne Beta with variable layer width is the the best improvement by far if it doesn't fail to slice. No more stupid small sections of lines that can't be filled with fixed width extrusion

    • @broderp
      @broderp 2 роки тому +4

      @@MisterkeTube Hmm, well I use tree support a lot....Hopefully SS will get a version of it at some point soon!