Kristina (Revlon) Richards Vs Aamina Prodigy

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @johnteprice6484
    @johnteprice6484 5 років тому +27

    The Era When Fq Performance was at it's best!!!!!!! #myopinion

  • @myfriendisaac
    @myfriendisaac 2 роки тому +16

    LOVE Aamina, but Kristina was absolutely serving: the look + the attitude 😭💯💅🏾

  • @aufina7317
    @aufina7317 4 роки тому +27

    Did y’all get into Aamina? The breakdowns, combinations & the moments where she emulated Kristina. #performance

  • @JOSHUA-sk6dw
    @JOSHUA-sk6dw 7 років тому +28

    So I swear this is my favorite clip of all time! KRISTINA WILL ALWAYS BE ✨

    • @johnteprice6484
      @johnteprice6484 5 років тому +3

      Absolutely 1000% this and her verse deasja OMG 💀💀💀

    • @paulomilan515
      @paulomilan515 9 місяців тому +1

      Mine too

  • @datboydev93
    @datboydev93 2 роки тому +6

    There will never be another Kristina 🙌🏽

  • @LoseMyFocus
    @LoseMyFocus 12 років тому +13

    yas kristina. I miss her performance. she's needs return

  • @mackennie
    @mackennie 3 роки тому +7

    THAT DIP!!! starting at 30 seconds is E! V! E! R! Y! T! H! I! N! G! Kristina's performances were just that... PERFORMANCE!

  • @ariesk1001
    @ariesk1001 4 роки тому +5

    This is PERFORMANCE ‼️#kristina

  • @xHuntedGunzPCGx
    @xHuntedGunzPCGx 2 місяці тому +1

    Kristina carried

  • @xHuntedGunzPCGx
    @xHuntedGunzPCGx 2 роки тому +2

    Are Aamina and Champagne related in ballroom? They seem like they vogued together lol. They got a certain precision to them

  • @3DbeautyLove
    @3DbeautyLove 2 роки тому +2

    The day she let the girls know i dont need to slam i am the slam on the floor yess Kristina

  • @malcolm4444
    @malcolm4444 12 років тому +6

    is that neiman marcus chanting?

    @PSIONICKID 12 років тому +7


  • @locdemperor4378
    @locdemperor4378 2 роки тому +1

    I really just got in yo Amina was eating it tf up

  • @betrapvideos
    @betrapvideos Рік тому

    For reference...Mother was 31 and still eating at the ball

  • @terrynorton5573
    @terrynorton5573 4 роки тому +2

    Werk prodigy

  • @darkskinss
    @darkskinss 5 місяців тому

    Kristina gave me CHILLS. So sawft and feminine

  • @madonnavelasquez1174
    @madonnavelasquez1174 8 років тому +1
