The way they showed the graph in the ending is very misleading with having the cake appear to be on a scale of 100 but not the apples. Making it look like apples gain much more then if it would have been on the same scale as the cakes. This would not fly in a peer-preview article.
How many times was this experiment repeated? How many subjects were in each group? Where was this test held? The video is pointless without such information.
well now your left with slices that wont stay good as long, so its not really a solid theory, you should have a sign up with the calories of a cake and the calories of an apple and just see the results, would be better. i think
The way they showed the graph in the ending is very misleading with having the cake appear to be on a scale of 100 but not the apples. Making it look like apples gain much more then if it would have been on the same scale as the cakes. This would not fly in a peer-preview article.
Well... it's more practical to eat apple slices than whole apples. The easier it is to eat, the more attention it gets
Good tip. I love stuff like this!
Very informative. This is great stuff - thank You :)
Interesting and brilliant 👏
How many times was this experiment repeated? How many subjects were in each group? Where was this test held?
The video is pointless without such information.
well now your left with slices that wont stay good as long, so its not really a solid theory, you should have a sign up with the calories of a cake and the calories of an apple and just see the results, would be better. i think
where is the explanation tho
Hi Rei! You can read more about the experiment here:
Give me a sliced apple I will eat it.. if you gave me an 🍎 I won’t eat
more people ate the first cake because it didnt have green crap on it, green doesnt look nice on a brown cake but white does.
Why the hell they have no gloves on in the kitchen while cutting cake and apples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!