《Bedtime Stories》The Singing Little Bird,Luna-Mommy and Daddy love telling stories to the Baby

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • 在一片寧靜的森林裡,小鳥露娜擁有魔法般的嗓音,喚醒清晨的陽光,讓大自然更加生機勃勃。一天,她遇到因意外失去聽力的大灰狼,感到孤獨無助。露娜決心幫助他,於是去找森林中聰明的老鷹爺爺,得知一種稀有的藥草能恢復聽力。露娜歷經艱險找到藥草,最終讓大灰狼重獲聽覺。從那天起,露娜的歌聲不僅喚醒陽光,還為大灰狼和森林裡的動物們帶來了無盡的快樂與希望。
    n a peaceful forest, a bird named Luna had a magical voice that awakened the morning sun and made nature come alive. One day, she met a wolf who had lost his hearing in an accident and felt isolated. Determined to help, Luna sought advice from a wise eagle, who revealed that a rare herb by Moonlight Lake could restore the wolf's hearing. Luna embarked on an adventurous journey, found the herb, and cured the wolf. Grateful, the wolf cherished Luna's songs, and from then on, her music brought joy to all, especially her new friend.#兒童故事#中英故事#雙語兒童故事