I seriously can't believe he has a whole support group beginning for his release making up stories blaming the step father literally saying they know it was him or he hired someone, or made the kid do it 🤦♀️ sick and disgusting this mother deserves justice
It was not hem he was setup stepdad had to do this 3 days from the killing he brought his wife from Cuba with his 2 daughter 46 stabs a sprinkle of blood no way
@@yaminceja3771 how gullible you are ! Are you part of that group that wants him free? He’s not that innocent, the pictures that he sent to his friends being proud of what he did to his mom say it all. I bet his defense it’s going to be insanity!! Disgusting 🤮
How is he wearing a long sleeve shirt and on the video it shows a short sleeve and how did he barely have any blood on him after stabbing her so many times , in my opinion so many things aren’t adding up and know a neighbor that fears for her life spoke up and said two people enter the apartment and also this neighbor said she also saw the stepfather that night so it’s very fishy
No.... He decided to stab his mother while she was sleeping And the baby was in the crib sleeping.... The baby never woke up that's why he didn't touch the baby. And lastly you don't know what you're talking about lol
Holy Bible: Mark 13:12 ''Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.''i Tell you the Truth JESUS is REAL💯🙏❤ He Healed me!🙏and JESUS Loves us! You don't have to believe my words but ATLEAST Believe the Holy Bible the Word of God! Much love!💟
No he’s stupid for confessing in the first place and not consulting a lawyer but then again he’s still a kid whose brain is developing. He probably just didn’t say why he did it out of shame or embarrassment
Holy Bible: Mark 13:12 ''Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.''i Tell you the Truth JESUS is REAL💯🙏❤ He Healed me!🙏and JESUS Loves us! You don't have to believe my words but ATLEAST Believe the Holy Bible the Word of God! Much love!💟
Gracias a Dios que pidio abogado, si no seria una estadistica mas de inocentes condenados y despues de años darse cuenta que los acusadores se equivocaron y piensan que con darles dinero compensan todo el daño que les hicieron......Piensen un poquito
No remorse ‼️ This is what nightmares are made of‼️ He is a monster ‼️ He should get life with out parole ‼️‼️‼️I bet his mom probably told his azz to get off the game and go to bed etc🥺
Derek Rosa probably was wearing gloves when he killed his mom because his hands does not show any deep cuts. He stabbed his mom 46 times and no deep cuts on his hands. Look at 5:40/8.39 were he is showing the detectives he had same blood on his hands. While Derek Rosa was killing his mom he was wearing pajamas. Supposedly he chnanged clothes and put on that black long sleeve shirt. But the detectives notice a blood stain on it. He is not dumb at all cause when the detective ask him why he killed his mom? .Derek immediately ask to use the bathroom. Then once he got back telling the detectives for a lawyer !! So he refused to tell why he did it. Interview was stopped at 3:05 AM ( 8:33/ 8:39 ) Derek Rosas really hated his mom so much by stabbing her 46 times. I think he was not happy having a sibling taking all his mom attantion away from him . But why did Derek Rosa called his mom Maricona ? Maricona is a very offensive word to call his mom. Maricona meaning is Homosexual /Gay
@Rosalie_2005 I still think it's crazy that the kid was calling his mom a word That means b or MF who cares if it doesn't mean gay, it's like Arguing apples or oranges, they're both fruits, right? Like this kid was very disrespectful. He literally murdered his mom so to wanna check someone over the translation of a foul word that this little murdering s*** was calling his mom before he killed her, his newly postpartum mom but the way, who had a newborn baby sleeping like a couple of feet away from her and and you wanna correct someone on the translation of a bad word. OK
I believe the online friend was the main cause behind this, and he definitely knows his real name. Probably was scared to release it due to what the friend would do to him. Friends since he was 10. He is only THIRTEEN. This friend brainwashed and manipulated him terribly.
I would love to know what game he was playing I'm sure it wasn't Mario, the devil is real be careful with does demonic games we let our children play that way they can leave us alone
@@Appreciatethebeautydemons are definitely real! This is the work of the devil for sure, but the young guy still made a choice to kill, so he’s responsible and deserves to be put behind bars; if it’s for the rest of his life then so be it… may God have mercy… this crime was inhumane!!! 😖
@@taintedlove245 he was coerced by something, which were demons. Nobody wakes up one day and decides to randomly kill, something coerced him, even if it was for that moment or a prolonged period of time beforehand. I wouldn’t expect you to understand anyways, to you, it sounds like foolishness when it’s very real.
If he didn't kill his mom how come he didn't show no sign of remorse or upset or anything what child wouldn't be distraught and freaking out? Oh wait a minute he took a selfie with his dead mother now to me that doesn't sound like someone innocent! Until proven otherwise I don't see or hear anything but GUILTY! He admitted to stabbing her 46 times and still took a selfie! That is a sick and malicious act! If he loved his mother and didn't kill her I truly believe he would be in tears!
Demasiado listo el chaval, es un criminal nato por excelencia y eso que ese fue su primer crimen y su madre que es lo más sagrado que consideramos en nuestra vida.. no siente ni padece, no se le ve muestra alguna de arrepentimiento, muestra una tranquilidad como si nada hubiera pasado, aun sabiendo las consecuencias de sus actos. Que sangre tan fria. Aun asi como dicen por ahi que pueda que lo que haya hecho lo qué hizo atravez de manipulación... No, no si tan smart he was porque que no aviso a sus seres querido de lo que pasaba, por que no dijo no, no hare eso... Le parecio mas facil matar a su madre que decir un no y ahora piden que no lo condenen como adulto, un niño no haria semejante atrocidad. Un niño estaría jugando, riendo saltando, corriendo etc... So, que sea responsable de sus actos... El lo planifico muy bien a sabiendo sus consecuencias supo lidiar muy bien las preguntas de los investigadores con tranquilidad sin nerviosismo y supo como evadir las preguntas del "porqué" mato a su madre y a su última opción fue el escape estrella... "puedo esperar por un abogado"...no me vengan con cuento de que es un niño...por favor... No seamos cómplices de tapar lo mal hecho..
que sea demasiado listo el chaval tampoco que usted se deje llevar que el sea listo es otra, no creo que un muchacho de no mas 13 anos pueda matar a su propia madre y no sentir nada. Usted que haria a esa edad darle uso a la pistola o llamar a la policia.
No debemos juzgar por que no sabe uno que enfermedad mental tiene . Es fácil juzgar sin saber su situación mental. Muchas veces nosotros los padres presionamos mucho a los hijos, y quizás los hijos nos odian por esa razón. No digo que esté bien que haiga matado a su madre, pero pues sólo Dios su madre y él saben los problemas que había entre ellos.
Mucha razon pero hasta el dia de hoy la fiscalia no termina de proporcionarles las evidencias a la defense creo yo Que deberia ser un juicio justo y limpio justicia para irina para eso es el juicio
What you mean? Your kids don’t know how to ask for a lawyer especially if you not present? If I’m not there or their mother my kids ain’t saying nothing and they are 11 and 5. It’s what you choose to teach your kids that makes the difference.
Yeah I feel the same, according to reports his biological dad had custody and he was visiting his mother ,I think someone got in his head but I don’t think it was somebody online.
The little monster was about to say why he killed his mother, but the investigators almost tell him right there not to do it with their interruption and so many disclaimers. Lost chance to get this answer because now his lawyucks will advise him not to reveal that. So probably we'll never know.
yeah, and this aint a matter of lacking consequences, this is a bad personality disorder that got noticed too little too late, and it has nothin to do with ADHD or the 'Tism; this is pure anti social, psychopath. he is dangerous and needs to be locked up for life, if he committed murder at 13 and it was not an extreme situation where he needed to defend himself, then this is just an act of evil, a lack of any empathy for other living beings.
@@isitoveryet9525wild animals don't kill for sport, not sure where you get that information from. Predators kill to feed themselves and they never cull populations unless it's needed (like the overpopulation the deer produce or boars that infest the environments they live in). Maybe you are talking about a specific animal like the dolphin or chimpanzee who is known to do evil acts for crazy reasons but that's due to INTELLIGENCE and not necessarily them being animals.
unbelievable...this is someone who didnt even flinch when he killed his mom and so calm...you cant let someone like this out in the open.if somoene gets him mad he would know he could get away with it again....just sad he just destroyed his own life.
There's so much more to this case than what we're seeing. He allegedly googled corotid artery yet here he says artery something. For someone who stabbed his mom 48 times, he looks pretty clean. only visible blood is on his knuckle. Did he or did he not change clothes?
This psycho has the nerve to kill the woman who carried him for nine months, pushed him into this world and has taken care of him for fifteen years then when it comes time to take his own life he's a coward. I hope he's charged as an adult and spends the rest of his life in jail. That innocent little baby girl has the spend the rest of her life without her Mom, let there be justice for her sake.
@@rosa104 bravo! there is something made up. confessing muted, clean clothes for murder 47 times stabbing etcc. the picture of murder is an adult body not teenager etcc
Defense attorneys will have a field day with all these leading questions. I hope they vouchered his clothes. And took photos of the blood on his hands/clothes before he went to the bathroom. One detective interview process works. 3 in a room is quite intimidating and caused him to ask for a lawyer. On a positive note, they were able to confirm what he had previously mentioned to the 911 operator Training!!!! Get seasoned well trained homicide detectives who are well versed on interviews and interrogation techniques to properly handle these situations. I interviewed hundreds of perpetrators like this fellow here and I can tell you, this was not handled well by these detectives. the one doing the interview seemed like a rookie in training with little or no experience
Please......before everybody start to comment about this case...you should listen to the 911call. There are😊 lot of things hidden behind that call. Also there are voices behind it. Those voices are in spanish giving orders ...laughing and others sounds like things were falling to the floor....Derek WASN'T alone that night.
Normalize getting intense and even inpatient therapy for kids. Too much stigma around mental health for kids. This world has changed that we dont know how to handle the new gen with no boundaries.
Wow is right! No blood whatsoever and his stepdad brought his family from cuba a couple of weeks after this happened. Although the rumor is she was here before the murder happened and she was probably involved.
Oh! Lock him up! He isn't unintelligent. He just needs to be kept away from the rest of the world. He actually asked for a lawyer! Wow! OK. Get your lawyer buddy! See how that works out for you. I'm glad they are charging him as an adult.
I believe these video games are the cause of these kids’ mental issues along with other things. However, these video games, especially COD literally trains these kids to be killers without feeling any remorse. This kid just killed his mother and doesn’t have one tear rolling down. Crazy.
If he was wearing those same clothes.. you would think by stabbing someone’s throat he would be full of blood. I mean if he stabbed in the right spot blood starts squirting everywhere instantly. I think the online friend is the step dad that’s why they only talk on certain days. First thing he did was clear the step dads name quick. He was manipulated and since he is a minor they thought he would get a slap on the wrist and the actual killer would walk away.
If you've seen the still picture they released to the public from the video, he attacked her from behind. She was laying on her side on the bed and he came up behind her and reached around in front of her with the knife. So she was facing away from him, that's where all the blood went.
Why won’t he answer the question why did he kill his mom! It bothers me so much…. I wanna know why he did it. I have a major suspension his online friend had something to do with him doing what he did to him mom.
No representation, no adult, nothing. I know Florida does things their own way, but this interview leaves a lot of material for a defense attorney to fight charges with.
A Spanish curse word “Maricona” which can mean lesbian/ b*tch. It’s a very odd insult for a child to say to a mother there’s many other basic curse words he could’ve used. This child is demented.
So sad praying for his soul and family something definitely was going on in his life mental health guys talk to your kids the fact that he tried prior is scary 😢
Hahahaha they edited the part where he requested to go to the bathroom. He said he needed a lawyer when he went to the bathroom. So it looked like the cop told him to do that. These people are corrupt. Detective Ozegui anja you fixed it your way.
This story os disturbing like GYPSY ROSE! Can you imagine because of gypsy rose release every young adult thinks can plan/stabb a parent to death while sleep and think there is a reason why and play not guilty! Really?! Gypsy rose such a remodel for America!
this aint a matter of lacking consequences, this is a bad personality disorder that got noticed too little too late, and it has nothin to do with ADHD or the 'Tism; this is pure anti social, psychopath. he is dangerous and needs to be locked up for life, if he committed murder at 13 and it was not an extreme situation where he needed to defend himself, then this is just an act of evil, a lack of any empathy for other living beings.
El.esta preguntando por un abogado y esta en todo su derecho. Te guste o no como detective con 20 años de experiencia ua deberias saberlo. Simplememte callarte al. Momento de el pedir abogado...punto. asi es la ley...
They have a whole website for him with over 113,000 dollars raised trying to say he is innocent! It’s on camera he is a psychopath are they trying to make it seem like he was forced to do it!
Can't wait to meet this Sweeden person, this trial is going to be crazy 😢😢😢I'm sure mom couldn't bring her ser self to try to kill her son whibshe loved she probably thought it was the worst nightmare of her life,
Me recuerda a Patrick Noguira que asesinó a cuchilladas a su hermano,cuñada y a los niños de 5 y 3 años, fué a los únicos que no descuartizó. Grabó todo en vídeo y escribiendo por whats, riendo y escribiendose con su amigo mientras asesinaba a todos. Su confesión fría igual que éste chico
He’s a psychopath. Period. He’s dangerous and he shouldn’t ever be free to hurt anyone else again. He reminds me of Paris Bennett.
I seriously can't believe he has a whole support group beginning for his release making up stories blaming the step father literally saying they know it was him or he hired someone, or made the kid do it 🤦♀️ sick and disgusting this mother deserves justice
It was not hem he was setup stepdad had to do this 3 days from the killing he brought his wife from Cuba with his 2 daughter 46 stabs a sprinkle of blood no way
@@yaminceja3771 how gullible you are ! Are you part of that group that wants him free? He’s not that innocent, the pictures that he sent to his friends being proud of what he did to his mom say it all. I bet his defense it’s going to be insanity!! Disgusting 🤮
Disgusting how people support a killer, can we be that stupid?
@@yaminceja3771where have you seen this actually proven bc no reliable news source has reported this.
He committed an adult crime he should be tried as an adult, I see someone with no empathy, cold. How does one get this way at such a young age?
an adult crime?
He does not show any remorse,This kid needs Jail💔💔💔💔😰
How is he wearing a long sleeve shirt and on the video it shows a short sleeve and how did he barely have any blood on him after stabbing her so many times , in my opinion so many things aren’t adding up and know a neighbor that fears for her life spoke up and said two people enter the apartment and also this neighbor said she also saw the stepfather that night so it’s very fishy
He has a different shirt because they would have taken his shirt he was wearing as evidence. @@Blahblahblah-b2d
Yes, that is creepy unless there was some type of occultic practices or something witchcraft at its best. This boy is emotionally detached.
This is why The Punisher needs to be real.
Listen to what he's saying when he's talking about the guns he said that his step father was home@@Blahblahblah-b2d
His family believes he should be free. What a screwed up family.
The grandmother is a psychopath probably too
He doesn't deserve to get out ever. He took away the one who gave him life
Stabbed her to death while she was still holding his newborn sibling.
He decided to stab his mother while she was sleeping And the baby was in the crib sleeping.... The baby never woke up that's why he didn't touch the baby. And lastly you don't know what you're talking about lol
Holy Bible: Mark 13:12 ''Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.''i Tell you the Truth JESUS is REAL💯🙏❤
He Healed me!🙏and JESUS Loves us! You don't have to believe my words but ATLEAST Believe the Holy Bible the Word of God!
Much love!💟
He's smart for stopping when he did. He had already confessed so his reason why he did it is going to effect his sentencing heavily.
No he’s stupid for confessing in the first place and not consulting a lawyer but then again he’s still a kid whose brain is developing. He probably just didn’t say why he did it out of shame or embarrassment
Apparently... if you were smart you wouldnt need to ask. @@MrPooPooification
@@MrPooPooification😮😮😮😮46 times
Holy Bible: Mark 13:12 ''Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.''i Tell you the Truth JESUS is REAL💯🙏❤
He Healed me!🙏and JESUS Loves us! You don't have to believe my words but ATLEAST Believe the Holy Bible the Word of God!
Much love!💟
He’s smart enough to get a lawyer! At 13! He obviously did his homework about his next move! So stop
Feeling sorry! For this psychopath!
Not feeling sorry, but if you have any common sense you should immediately ask for a lawyer if you’re detained
Gracias a Dios que pidio abogado, si no seria una estadistica mas de inocentes condenados y despues de años darse cuenta que los acusadores se equivocaron y piensan que con darles dinero compensan todo el daño que les hicieron......Piensen un poquito
That's the same thing I said, what was the purpose of putting the video on UA-cam when they just bleep every thing out, totally priceless
I was getting mad too, the video stated uncut.
That’s why I did thumb down smh
@@SACITYTEXASthere’s another video i found on yt without the audio blurred
I think they do it since those things they have to save for court trial
Thank god the sister didn’t wake up
Diosito estaba cuidando a esa niña 🙏🧎♀️
@@taintedlove245 Por que no cuido la madre?
@@trender18 Ella esta con Dios=El Senor Jesus Cristo. Si lo accepto como su Salvador a tiempo.
He looks Older than 13
He needs to pay in jail forever….monster 😡😡
Wow, he doesn’t even seem 13. He’s like a robot. Surely, the AI has been installed in humans.
Well done, Sherlock.
By the way, I hope you had your jab? ^^
No remorse ‼️ This is what nightmares are made of‼️ He is a monster ‼️ He should get life with out parole ‼️‼️‼️I bet his mom probably told his azz to get off the game and go to bed etc🥺
Ignorancia pura la tuya
Derek Rosa probably was wearing gloves when he killed his mom because his hands does not show any deep cuts. He stabbed his mom 46 times and no deep cuts on his hands. Look at 5:40/8.39 were he is showing the detectives he had same blood on his hands. While Derek Rosa was killing his mom he was wearing pajamas. Supposedly he chnanged clothes and put on that black long sleeve shirt. But the detectives notice a blood stain on it. He is not dumb at all cause when the detective ask him why he killed his mom? .Derek immediately ask to use the bathroom. Then once he got back telling the detectives for a lawyer !! So he refused to tell why he did it. Interview was stopped at 3:05 AM ( 8:33/ 8:39 )
Derek Rosas really hated his mom so much by stabbing her 46 times. I think he was not happy having a sibling taking all his mom attantion away from him . But why did Derek Rosa called his mom Maricona ? Maricona is a very offensive word to call his mom. Maricona meaning is Homosexual /Gay
Maricona doesn’t just mean gay/homosexual. Where did you get that from? It means many things to us Cubans, from B to MF.
Absolute psychopathic behavior . No remorse at all 😢
In Costa Rica maricon is cry baby. There's many different meanings
To other Latin cultures maricona is just gay lesbian homosexual maybe to Cubans it means more not to other 🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
@Rosalie_2005 I still think it's crazy that the kid was calling his mom a word That means b or MF who cares if it doesn't mean gay, it's like Arguing apples or oranges, they're both fruits, right? Like this kid was very disrespectful. He literally murdered his mom so to wanna check someone over the translation of a foul word that this little murdering s*** was calling his mom before he killed her, his newly postpartum mom but the way, who had a newborn baby sleeping like a couple of feet away from her and and you wanna correct someone on the translation of a bad word. OK
He is so comfortable in that chair😥wow !!
no remorse at all.
Really bad interviewer
Why do you say that?
I believe the online friend was the main cause behind this, and he definitely knows his real name. Probably was scared to release it due to what the friend would do to him. Friends since he was 10. He is only THIRTEEN. This friend brainwashed and manipulated him terribly.
I would love to know what game he was playing I'm sure it wasn't Mario, the devil is real be careful with does demonic games we let our children play that way they can leave us alone
My thoughts exactly..that friend definitely had something to do with it
@@Appreciatethebeautydemons are definitely real! This is the work of the devil for sure, but the young guy still made a choice to kill, so he’s responsible and deserves to be put behind bars; if it’s for the rest of his life then so be it… may God have mercy… this crime was inhumane!!! 😖
You need to stop watching mexican telenovelas. This kid did it on his own. No one coerced him
@@taintedlove245 he was coerced by something, which were demons. Nobody wakes up one day and decides to randomly kill, something coerced him, even if it was for that moment or a prolonged period of time beforehand. I wouldn’t expect you to understand anyways, to you, it sounds like foolishness when it’s very real.
He is smart not stupid so he knew exactly what he was doing horrific.
Maybe he did, BUT maybe he didn't. There are two sides to every story even in a four cornered room.
If he didn't kill his mom how come he didn't show no sign of remorse or upset or anything what child wouldn't be distraught and freaking out? Oh wait a minute he took a selfie with his dead mother now to me that doesn't sound like someone innocent! Until proven otherwise I don't see or hear anything but GUILTY! He admitted to stabbing her 46 times and still took a selfie! That is a sick and malicious act! If he loved his mother and didn't kill her I truly believe he would be in tears!
“She was sleeping and she didn’t wake up so I didn’t touch her” that’s crazy so if she had woken up something else would have been the outcome.
That’s so scary and sad😢
He was talking about her sister 🙄🙄🙄
Demasiado listo el chaval, es un criminal nato por excelencia y eso que ese fue su primer crimen y su madre que es lo más sagrado que consideramos en nuestra vida.. no siente ni padece, no se le ve muestra alguna de arrepentimiento, muestra una tranquilidad como si nada hubiera pasado, aun sabiendo las consecuencias de sus actos. Que sangre tan fria. Aun asi como dicen por ahi que pueda que lo que haya hecho lo qué hizo atravez de manipulación... No, no si tan smart he was porque que no aviso a sus seres querido de lo que pasaba, por que no dijo no, no hare eso...
Le parecio mas facil matar a su madre que decir un no y ahora piden que no lo condenen como adulto, un niño no haria semejante atrocidad. Un niño estaría jugando, riendo saltando, corriendo etc...
So, que sea responsable de sus actos... El lo planifico muy bien a sabiendo sus consecuencias supo lidiar muy bien las preguntas de los investigadores con tranquilidad sin nerviosismo y supo como evadir las preguntas del "porqué" mato a su madre y a su última opción fue el escape estrella... "puedo esperar por un abogado"...no me vengan con cuento de que es un niño...por favor...
No seamos cómplices de tapar lo mal hecho..
escuche que la mama estaba en ONLY FANS y los amigos le bulliaban por eso en la escuela.
que sea demasiado listo el chaval tampoco que usted se deje llevar que el sea listo es otra, no creo que un muchacho de no mas 13 anos pueda matar a su propia madre y no sentir nada. Usted que haria a esa edad darle uso a la pistola o llamar a la policia.
No debemos juzgar por que no sabe uno que enfermedad mental tiene . Es fácil juzgar sin saber su situación mental. Muchas veces nosotros los padres presionamos mucho a los hijos, y quizás los hijos nos odian por esa razón. No digo que esté bien que haiga matado a su madre, pero pues sólo Dios su madre y él saben los problemas que había entre ellos.
Mucha razon pero hasta el dia de hoy la fiscalia no termina de proporcionarles las evidencias a la defense creo yo Que deberia ser un juicio justo y limpio justicia para irina para eso es el juicio
@@piedadunda1647pruebelo en la Corte para saber si fue q lo Llevo a cometer el acto seria de Ayuda tal vex serial Mobil
How does a 13 year old knows to ask for a lawyer? I feel like there is more to this story than
tbh it’s just common sense especially if he watches tv shows that may involve crime or law
What you mean? Your kids don’t know how to ask for a lawyer especially if you not present? If I’m not there or their mother my kids ain’t saying nothing and they are 11 and 5. It’s what you choose to teach your kids that makes the difference.
He goes out to the "bathroom." He went out to talk to grandma
@@chyennele1101 good point
Yeah I feel the same, according to reports his biological dad had custody and he was visiting his mother ,I think someone got in his head but I don’t think it was somebody online.
The little monster was about to say why he killed his mother, but the investigators almost tell him right there not to do it with their interruption and so many disclaimers. Lost chance to get this answer because now his lawyucks will advise him not to reveal that. So probably we'll never know.
He did say why they just cut it out
Once he asked for a lawyer they couldn’t ask him any more questions. It’s the law. As soon as they asked why he did it he mentioned the lawyer.
So we didn’t get to hear him tell us WHY he killed her
People feeling sorry for him and saying that he is innocent. 😮
Scary begging for his release blaming anyone else making up scenarios sick
Exactly that’s scary people are feeling bad for him
People are sick, that’s it. Sympathy is far from what this kid needs.
Porque lo culpan 😢😢 ustedes saben lo que pasó porque no e visto que no reservado el lugar del crimen
Y la confección con el detective fue sin un Bogado y sin un tutor eso estás contra la ley es un niño que jamás he visto esto
NBC why are you silencing the audio? Raw video for nothing
Just being sarcastic here: it says raw video, not raw audio.
Was it not the police themselves that silenced the audio?
This is so pointless
They mute the most important parts! So absurd
exacly! a lot more hidden
What's really going on? Even wild animals have some level of control. This is too much
Wild animals also kill for sport, so what’s your point?
@@isitoveryet9525 they do it for food not for sport
yeah, and this aint a matter of lacking consequences, this is a bad personality disorder that got noticed too little too late, and it has nothin to do with ADHD or the 'Tism; this is pure anti social, psychopath. he is dangerous and needs to be locked up for life, if he committed murder at 13 and it was not an extreme situation where he needed to defend himself, then this is just an act of evil, a lack of any empathy for other living beings.
@@isitoveryet9525wild animals don't kill for sport, not sure where you get that information from. Predators kill to feed themselves and they never cull populations unless it's needed (like the overpopulation the deer produce or boars that infest the environments they live in). Maybe you are talking about a specific animal like the dolphin or chimpanzee who is known to do evil acts for crazy reasons but that's due to INTELLIGENCE and not necessarily them being animals.
Why cut the audio???? What’s the point?
Because América censors everything…
All that's released by the court not the station.
@@817exo bs
At his tender age, he knew that was doing was wrong. He should get life in prison for doing this!
unbelievable...this is someone who didnt even flinch when he killed his mom and so calm...you cant let someone like this out in the open.if somoene gets him mad he would know he could get away with it again....just sad he just destroyed his own life.
There's so much more to this case than what we're seeing. He allegedly googled corotid artery yet here he says artery something. For someone who stabbed his mom 48 times, he looks pretty clean. only visible blood is on his knuckle. Did he or did he not change clothes?
If you're bleeping parts out, it's not the RAW video, it's edited.
But He looks 17 to Me
I wonder why would he confess but stopped at the why? And he should have never talked to the detectives without an adult or lawyer.
He killed his mom without a lawyer. He could have called 911 before killing his mom. The police did the right procedure.
Because he has to get the story together first.
They’re allowed to interrogate him without a legal guardian or lawyer in Florida.
@@Drunkenknifingduckshe sign a paper stating he’s giving his consent for the police to do it without a lawyer.
He 👀 much Older than 13 and showing no remorse. Surprised there's no Legal Representation present.
I'm sure they read him his rights. He just wants to brag. No remorse.
The size and color of the knife does not coincide
This psycho has the nerve to kill the woman who carried him for nine months, pushed him into this world and has taken care of him for fifteen years then when it comes time to take his own life he's a coward. I hope he's charged as an adult and spends the rest of his life in jail. That innocent little baby girl has the spend the rest of her life without her Mom, let there be justice for her sake.
2:27 he said step dad was at home and how does the step dad have his guns and now he left them there stepdad need to be investigated
Why do you guys censor it? This is why America is the way it is….
Because it’s an active case
If you think about it, it is unbelievable that they are allowed to leak this video before there has been a trial
@@rosa104 bravo!
there is something made up.
confessing muted, clean clothes for murder 47 times stabbing etcc.
the picture of murder is an adult body not teenager etcc
Defense attorneys will have a field day with all these leading questions. I hope they vouchered his clothes. And took photos of the blood on his hands/clothes before he went to the bathroom. One detective interview process works. 3 in a room is quite intimidating and caused him to ask for a lawyer. On a positive note, they were able to confirm what he had previously mentioned to the 911 operator Training!!!! Get seasoned well trained homicide detectives who are well versed on interviews and interrogation techniques to properly handle these situations. I interviewed hundreds of perpetrators like this fellow here and I can tell you, this was not handled well by these detectives. the one doing the interview seemed like a rookie in training with little or no experience
1) Al parecer la madre no se ocupo de el cuando era pequeno, fue su padre y abuela paterna.
2) Y si ue el padrasto quien lo manipulo?.
He took pics with blood on his hands and there us a video
Who’s bankrolling his defense? You’re acting like this kid isn’t gonna end up with overworked public defenders, who just want to close the case asap.
I agree, his question seems disorganized and stripped without much training.
Supposedly, one of the detectives is great friends with the stepfather who staged the whole thing, and this kid is not mentally well.
Please......before everybody start to comment about this case...you should listen to the 911call. There are😊 lot of things hidden behind that call. Also there are voices behind it. Those voices are in spanish giving orders ...laughing and others sounds like things were falling to the floor....Derek WASN'T alone that night.
He looks like he is 30 years old
More like 18 lol
@@elainekellogg6345 I don`t know where did you see 18yo this adult but well done, clearly 30yo lookalike guy.
@@JanNowak-s2w comentario tan tonto . Ve mejor y mirate en el espejo.....
He’s sound of mind. The reality is that evil exists. And there’s good and evil in this world. It’s just a really sad situation.
Normalize getting intense and even inpatient therapy for kids. Too much stigma around mental health for kids. This world has changed that we dont know how to handle the new gen with no boundaries.
he's smart... why did you do that would have been my first question.
It's not a good strategy. They got a lot of information from him
Then he might have asked for a lawyer immediately, and you would be saying, "I would have asked him why he did it later."
you wack@@T2020-r5q
I don't think like you... Karen!@@T2020-r5q
Now they are going to say that he has mental problems, I don't beleive it, he needs to pay for doing that to his mom and baby sister
This is barely 3 hours after he brutally murdered his own mom!! Wow!!!
is it weird?? posting a video before a trial?
the confesing muted also, there a lot more hidden
Wow is right! No blood whatsoever and his stepdad brought his family from cuba a couple of weeks after this happened. Although the rumor is she was here before the murder happened and she was probably involved.
No excuse he needs to be lock up for good. They need to stop making excuses for his killing……..
This interrogation is with a minor without adults or attorneys present?
Oh! Lock him up! He isn't unintelligent. He just needs to be kept away from the rest of the world. He actually asked for a lawyer! Wow! OK. Get your lawyer buddy! See how that works out for you. I'm glad they are charging him as an adult.
It says raw video but the whole thing is censored when he speaks.
Why has his stepfather yet to speak out 🤔 can't find any interview with him.
Why did they mute it?
Why bother posting if the key words are muted
I believe these video games are the cause of these kids’ mental issues along with other things. However, these video games, especially COD literally trains these kids to be killers without feeling any remorse. This kid just killed his mother and doesn’t have one tear rolling down. Crazy.
Not all video games are to blame. Only multiplayer shootem up like COD, GTA, and PUBG etc. These games should be banned.
Why did she lie under oath saying she first heard of this case when she was assigned two weeks after the interrogation
If he was wearing those same clothes.. you would think by stabbing someone’s throat he would be full of blood. I mean if he stabbed in the right spot blood starts squirting everywhere instantly. I think the online friend is the step dad that’s why they only talk on certain days. First thing he did was clear the step dads name quick. He was manipulated and since he is a minor they thought he would get a slap on the wrist and the actual killer would walk away.
If you've seen the still picture they released to the public from the video, he attacked her from behind. She was laying on her side on the bed and he came up behind her and reached around in front of her with the knife. So she was facing away from him, that's where all the blood went.
Soooo, possible.
whyyy cut the audio??? how is this raw footage???
Cadena perpetua
Why won’t he answer the question why did he kill his mom! It bothers me so much…. I wanna know why he did it. I have a major suspension his online friend had something to do with him doing what he did to him mom.
Cop is an awful interrogator.
Abuela...... mire el video y todos aquellos q aun creen q el joven Dereck es inocente
They'll still find a way to defend him😮
Cuál video ??? Y donde se puede ver?
A poco tienes abuela, porque yo creo que no tienes ni madre
Why does the volume on the video stop working after he stats he woke up? Why can we hear what he had to say?
No lo suelten nunca! Es un monstruo
esa ropa que tiene me recuerda al protagonista de Party Hard
@@brute8157 ok
damn this cop is very bad at his job and does not sound confident at all
Wow this is sad.
Yes it is for his mother.
No representation, no adult, nothing. I know Florida does things their own way, but this interview leaves a lot of material for a defense attorney to fight charges with.
Just because Florida does what it wants they should not be allowed to. This is illegal.
There is a video of what he did
@@bellame7440100% legal
@@bellame7440this isn’t ilegal, you clearly aren’t aware of the law.
@@bellame7440lmao “even though it’s Florida law, it’s totally illegal because I don’t agree with it” Foh
Where did they do the interrogation???
Raw video where??? you cut the audio 90% of the time...
his confessing is been
his cloths looks pretty cleann for stabbing more than 40 times.
guys there is a lot more hidden
During the 911 call you can hear other people in the background.
Can mouth readers say what did he say to his mom before stabbed her?
Someone said he called her lesbian
A Spanish curse word “Maricona” which can mean lesbian/ b*tch. It’s a very odd insult for a child to say to a mother there’s many other basic curse words he could’ve used. This child is demented.
Why people protecting you ??
So he wanted a man rapping him so bad that the only way was to get himself in a jail to secure his homosexuality
Looks like dirty cops is talking here..
Why wasn't the ring camera and baby monitor surveillance taken during the investigation?
It's so scary that he is so emotionless. He has deep problems and has had them for some time. Too bad no one noticed.
He shows no remorse
He doesn’t have no emotions of killing his mother and he confessed. Stay in prison 😡😡😡
Si no fuera la fiscal tan corrupta el ya estuviera libre y los culpables en prision
2:00 to 2:27 hear please hear
He was at home 🏠 far away 😮
Why does the audio on this video keep going silent ?
because it is redacted, duh!
Because they don't want us to hear what is supposedly confidential info. Like you can't say blood for some reason. Stupidity.
@@dominicangyrl08 thank you .
The blind won't understand this.
Yeah the devil was there and he made him kill his mom, but your god was no where to be found. Gtfoh. Neither one are real.
No, people need to take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming "demons". Ridiculous. God gave us free agency.
So sad praying for his soul and family something definitely was going on in his life mental health guys talk to your kids the fact that he tried prior is scary 😢
This is devastating 😢 Wow. He seems older than 13!
Hahahaha they edited the part where he requested to go to the bathroom. He said he needed a lawyer when he went to the bathroom. So it looked like the cop told him to do that. These people are corrupt. Detective Ozegui anja you fixed it your way.
Why did the step father send edited screen shots two weeks later and accepted as evidence
This story os disturbing like GYPSY ROSE! Can you imagine because of gypsy rose release every young adult thinks can plan/stabb a parent to death while sleep and think there is a reason why and play not guilty! Really?! Gypsy rose such a remodel for America!
What a blessing she’s older and has a baby is this new husband ? Him and his mom have same name so last name… he told his online friend
There’s no reason to do this…. Zero, none
Apparently you knew his mom, We`re aaaaaaaall ears...
this aint a matter of lacking consequences, this is a bad personality disorder that got noticed too little too late, and it has nothin to do with ADHD or the 'Tism; this is pure anti social, psychopath. he is dangerous and needs to be locked up for life, if he committed murder at 13 and it was not an extreme situation where he needed to defend himself, then this is just an act of evil, a lack of any empathy for other living beings.
El.esta preguntando por un abogado y esta en todo su derecho. Te guste o no como detective con 20 años de experiencia ua deberias saberlo. Simplememte callarte al. Momento de el pedir abogado...punto. asi es la ley...
Wow thanks for that information.🤔😑
This boy r sick…he dont felt quilty AT all
They have a whole website for him with over 113,000 dollars raised trying to say he is innocent! It’s on camera he is a psychopath are they trying to make it seem like he was forced to do it!
He confessed stay in prison for killing his mother
What happened to the sound?
how's this RAW if it's muted at 1:00
Can't wait to meet this Sweeden person, this trial is going to be crazy 😢😢😢I'm sure mom couldn't bring her ser self to try to kill her son whibshe loved she probably thought it was the worst nightmare of her life,
Naa, the stepdad did it
Pk cortan el audio!?? Pa q publican una cosa q no se puede escuchar!?
What a terrible interviewer
Me recuerda a Patrick Noguira que asesinó a cuchilladas a su hermano,cuñada y a los niños de 5 y 3 años, fué a los únicos que no descuartizó.
Grabó todo en vídeo y escribiendo por whats, riendo y escribiendose con su amigo mientras asesinaba a todos.
Su confesión fría igual que éste chico