I don’t know when UA-cam added chapters but I appreciate you going back to these to add them. Even years later I still listen to/watch these regularly.
Which one are you talking about specifically? Lots of people like Trilby's Notes, and though there is a cult, it's not touched upon all that much in that game besides the Tall Man and the human antagonist being related to it. A cult is much more present in 6 Days a Sacrifice, and while some like that game, many others take issue with it and consider it the worst game or at least one of the worst games in that series for multiple reasons. Also, at least in Trilby's Notes I'd say his position still stands because here he asks why they can't just be bumbling people rather than an omnipotent world cult. The cult fails in its goals for Trilby in Trilby's Notes, and the Tall Man fails in his plans specifically in 6 Days a Sacrifice.
3:30 I think the reason HL2's "interactive cutscene" in kleiner's lab worked so well was really because of pacing and Relative freedom within space. While that cutscene was used to provide a great deal of narrative exposition and introduce game mechanics, it wasn't shoehorned in to the very beginning. The player was given a few basic abilities and then allowed loose in city 17's visually impressive (albeit linear) environment. Furthermore they drive home the lack of options you really have initially during the chase sequence prior to that cutscene, so you have a sense of relief, nay gratitude as an in canon impetus for granting you all your abilities unfolds. Additionally the cutscene functions as a mini sandbox, where you can choose to be present for every conversation or run all over the lab in Relative safety and all within earshot of pertinent information. And while you might receive verbal queues to proceed, you can still take as long as you want in the area before you need to progress.
I was working out while watching this video, and the sentence "you could like.. take a dump, freeze, then stab someone with it" was timed perfectly to happen at the moment I had just gotten up to a full bridge. I laughed so hard I fell down
Worth noting about "visceral meelee" is System Shock 2, where swinging the wrench actually projects the wrench outwards and doesn't just make an attack directly in front of you.
As to the 'if you can see the mystery's cult thing, you can kill it' problem, it's interesting how that has ruined Lovecraft stuff for me. When Cthultu is pretty much just a kaiju with an octopus theme with a fear aura, it is disappointing. When Cthultu is just a rumour and incomprehensible thing that may or may not be real, then it is scary.
Paraphrasing here, but someone once summed up lovecraft with “our greatest hope isn’t that we can fight it. Our greatest hope is that we are so small it might not notice us at all”
WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG! YOU'RE WROOOONG! YOU'RE WROOOOONG! Seriously though, I imagine VCD would come after a game like Dead Space, since it _is_ in the future... in space. also, not trying to be a douche, I just couldn't resist a Scrubs reference lol.
If you want realistic damage, there's always the Rainbow Six option where you take one or two bullets and your dude is down and out, thereby encouraging tactical planning and ambush tactics in order to shoot them before they can shoot you.
Auuuuuugh the conversation about neck snapping and other mutilating injuries reminded me of that one leg press video where the person locks their legs and the machine bends their knees backwards. Phantom pain, man.
Looked it up, cause I used to think it was easy, it isn't really. Usually takes a fair amount of force, though loads of martial arts have choke or neck twist moves, but most of those are for sport and therefore not intended for lethal use. However Some have just the right twist to do without much force, if you know what you are doing.
The health thing is such a paradox in games. My favorite to this day was still The Getaway. You would breathe heavy leaning up against a wall until your health restored. Varying degrees of pain/health.
How much fun was Condemned 2's online mode, eh? Seriously, that was the freshest, most original multiplayer game in a long time, and it's still fun to play if you can get some people together. The mode where you hide evidence in the farmhouse and defend it while the cops bust in was insane. Both of these games are vastly underrated classics.
i had so much fun with the multiplayer me and my buddy would wait a bit to get a game but it was worth had alot of laughs i thought it was funny that you could throw our gun when out of ammo lol
I'd hardly call Jonathan Coulton a celebrity at the time Portal came out. He's fantastic and I wish he'd come out with a new album and tour again, but most people's first experience with Coulton was "Still Alive".
See, I like how the ARMA games for ammo. Instead of losing ammo from reloading a magazine that wasn't empty, it would go to your inventory which you could later combine with other partially empty mags to make completely full ones while leaving clips with just a few bullets in them that add up over time. I'd quite like to see a more action-oriented game where you can just drop the clips in the heat of battle to speed up your reload which means either sacrificing ammo or having to look for it later, which won't always be an option.
I liked how it was approached in the Half Life/Half Life 2 mods FireArms and FireArms: Source. Reloading with a partial magazine didn't mean losing the partially spent magazine, you kept that. It shuffled those magazines to the bottom of your inventory of them. So you could sacrifice a full magazine later, for a full load now. Also if you reloaded when the gun wasn't dry, the round still in the chamber was kept. So like on something with a 30 round mag, you'd have 31 shots. Then finally there was a skill from rank ups, which let you combine partially spent magazines so instead of having like 3 with 6 rounds, you'd have one with 18. All that realism they had, but kept it somewhat arcadey, unlike ARMA.
Oh, and again, I like the way they did health in ARMA, or at least DayZ. You don't replenish health from bandages, but instead stop bleeding. Then you can get blood transfusions, but that doesn't fix a broken leg. You have to have morphine for that, though that's not exactly realistic and you'd end up hurting yourself more in the long run instead of fixing your injury.
Ive wanted to see a team based multiplayer shooter with a realistic injury system. the short version is the other team obviously gets some points for killing, but if a medic can perform first aid and get the casualty back to an extraction point or the base then the other team doesnt get the points (or at least less) or a StarWarsBattlefront2 style reinforcemnt system based on it
TVlord5 Yeah, that sounds interesting. It sounds like an idea I have for a game. It would be a little like Battlefield, but slower-paced and with slower-paced healing.
Ked Viper I'd also like to make it an ongoing war kinda thing like the galactic conquest mode in Star Wars Battlefront 2. Controlling certain maps and doing well in individual matches can give you bonuses or something
Ah Condemned 1: Where everyone in the city is built like a frigging linebacker. Seriously, look at the character models! So.....much.....broadshouldered-ness!
i want a game where damage is permanent and the healing system is temporary, you pop some painkillers like max payne but after some time your screen goes blurry and red and you can either suffer through it or pop more pills, maybe even a bleeding damage where you need to apply bandages.
Question for Next Week: Yahtzee and Gabriel, you two are on "The Newlywed Game" TV show. The question is asked, "If you could have taken any celebrity on a romantic getaway for your bachelor party, who would you have taken, where would you go, and what 'fun' things would you bring with?" Each of you must try and guess the other's answer first, then answer for yourself. Go. (P.S. the name is pronounced D-G to save that argument)
The story behind Michael Jackson working on Sonic 3 music is kind of smokey and full of unconfirmed rumors, but from what can be gathered by people that used to work with him, apparently yes, he did compose a lot of tunes for the game, but he disliked the way the Mega Drive sound chip rendered it, so he asked to not be associated with the work anymore, have his name removed and eventually all the tunes he composed were re-elaborated by Sega's musicians into fully-fledged, complete musical tracks. As I said it's mostly rumors coming from people who worked with him, so there's a lot of variations to this myth, but people take it as proof that a lot of sonic 3's basslines and general tunes were then re-used in future MJ songs.
When I played L.A. Noir, I remember talking to someone who said something. They looked a little shifty, like something was wrong. I thought to myself "Hmm...I think maybe they've left something out of this statement..." So I chose doubt, to attempt to urge some more information out of them. The character them promptly accused the woman of murder. Loudly. And aggressively.
Half Life 2 had a TON of shit to mess with DURING the cutscenes. Valve knew we'd get bored of their story eventually, so they gave us toys. Teleporters, lasers, potted plants, cats, people. rockets, cranes, etc.
Recently, there has been more and more interest in setting up permanently manned bases on places such as the Moon and Mars. However, due to current technical limitations for the foreseeable future, some of these trips would be one way, meaning that once you got to Mars, probably not the Moon, chances are you would need to stay there for the majority of your lifetime. Would either of you volunteer for such an opportunity and why?
For SCP-173, whatever you do, don't blink. At least not until you are far enough away or have a door between you and it. For SCP-106, try to get out of his pocket dimension, outrun him, or lure him into a tesla gate. For SCP-096, look at the ground while going around him. For SCP-049, just don't even go down to him, as he can now follow you back up. For SCP-939, crouch and slowly walk to the elevator. As a general tip for the game, look for SCP-914, get as much useful items as possible, avoid looking at monitors, disable the alpha and omega warheads, and go to Gate A with SCP-106 following you.
I asked this a while back but this is for Yahtzee. I've been mulling expatriating to Australia from the US after I finish school (read several years out) and I would like some advice on stuff like finding my feet and getting references for jobs, apartments, or other things involved in making a massive move like this would be.
But there ARE black people in Game of Thrones (Or at least the later books) The Summer Islanders. One of them has even been at the court of the Iron Throne since before the first book.
JohnnyMarsBar There are at least a kingdom of them. Probably several. And the Dornes, they sound middle eastern to me as described in the book. And of course the Dothraki. the way they talk in this video they act like it is only white people and that simply isn't true. It isn't even only white people in Europe Land Westeros.
The best way to know if you're incorrect when you accuse someone of lying on L.A. Noire you will notice cole holding his notebook in the normal place. And a obvious animation might play when you accuse them and get it right.
Watching this in 2021, and the conversation on regenerating health at 36:55 reminded me of Doom 2016’s “glory kills” system. The player can recover health but it requires active risk-taking on their part.
Xirbtt He does venture out now and then. I *think* he liked The World Ends With You, though I could be wrong. Honestly, I can understand him avoiding a genre. No amount of wanting to try something new will get me to enjoy playing a Football game.
What's your guys opinion on the micronation known as the Principality of Hutt River, which is located within Australia. Do you feel that it is legitimate, or do you think it's merely a part of Australia?
The first time i played the first condemned i wasted all my bullets by accident but then it magically had bullets in it again when the killer decided to shoot the other cops
Here's a question/discussion I like to bring up with friends: *"How do you feel about forced evolution?"* It falls in line with trans-humanism, reliance on technology, and the impending "singularity" event proposed by Ray Kurzweil.
Watching this in the year of our lord 2020 and did a double take when yahtzee said david bowie should have done the destiny sound track. This video was posted before Bowie's death and I'm still watching it. This channel is one corpse I hope never stops twitching and It will be a cold day in hell when yahtzee deletes it or youtube wipes it out.
10:10 there's a game called Receiver which pushes the gun-handling mechanics even further - not only do you have to eject the magazine to check your remaining bullets (also you have to count the bullets yourself, no namby-pamby counter to do the math for you ;) to reload you have to eject the magazine, holster your weapon to free up your other hand, insert each loose bullet into the magazine, then redraw the pistol, insert the magazine, rack the slide to put a bullet in the chamber and cock the hammer before you're fully prepared to fire. It's not a perfect game (which isn't surprising - the creator made it in a week as a design exercise) but managing your gun adds a lot of tension (nothing made my heart sink as much as pulling the trigger and only hearing a dry click because there wasn't a bullet chambered, so I ended up compulsively checking the chamber at every door,) and it felt really badass once I started smoothly chaining the reload steps together.
No, not realy. There are a lot of people that never played a Persona game or don't care for them. If JRPGs aren't your thing then Persona games just seem wierd and a bit shit.
I have a question: Do you think, that every thought and idea you had in your life has been had by at least one other person in the the world? And given that you know your own thoughts, would that worry you?
Love this question. Running off the assumption that someone else has had certain thoughts that I have had, the only really worrying part is if that person acted on them.
There was a Vietnam type shooter that had a very cool first aid system. Basically, you had shock health and hard health, and after taking damage, shock health would start cutting into your hard health. If you stopped everything you were doing, and started "applying first aid", you could get all your health back most of the time, meaning it was mostly for the very annoying stray bullet.
Tabletop roleplaying games. Have you at any point played them? If so your views and expierences? Also lets have another recipe section. That was way to much cumin, halve it at least. And chuck some bayleaves in.
I think the 40k Space Marine game did regen really well. Limited health, regenerating shield, and to get health back you had to do executions. That was pretty great.
"These mannequins remind me of somethin' - like, the faceless ones. I think I've seen this particular motif somewhere... the Sandman comics?" That, or Final Fantasy 8.
***** I thought the story was quite good! It followed a single main character with an actual character arc and turned out to be deceptively deep toward the end. The characters were more believable than they are in most Final Fantasy games (with maybe 12 being the exception), and even Squall's love interest had a character arc which wasn't even an obligation for the writers.
***** ME: "I thought the story was quite good!" YOU: "Your standards are very low." Since you conveniently ignored my *elaboration* on that point, I'll just re-post it here and see if you can manage a rebuttal: It followed a single main character with an actual character arc and turned out to be deceptively deep toward the end. ME: "The characters were more believable than they are in most Final Fantasy games (with maybe 12 being the exception)" YOU: "Is that so?" Yes, because they did things you could expect teenagers thrown into a role traditionally given to adults to do. They weren't wild and zany for no apparent reason, but they weren't perfectly mature either. As far as your ramblings about FF9 characters go, I don't really see your point. Was it to suggest FF9 characters were less believable than FF8 characters? Because that only supports what I said... "The Cid character was depicted as a pussy whipped loser." Are you talking about FF9 still? If so, I agree. It was meant to be humorous, but to me it was just dumb. "It's a shit game with a terrible story and characters...." You keep repeating that assertion but haven't given a single reason why you think that.
***** No, it's because you don't *have* a point. If you did, you would've simply answered the question. Why *did* you start rambling about FF9 characters when the comment was about FF8? Why did you go on and on pointing out alleged flaws in FF9 characters and then cop an attitude as if it somehow supported your claims about a totally different game?
The whole thing about the Robotnik/Eggman thing does have some weight in canon. Sonic Adventure used both names to transition us. It was presented in a way that made it seem like Robotnik was his name, and Eggman was a nickname. But then that was it, it was over and he was Eggman from then on. But THEN Generations happened, and classic Eggman was called Robotnik, and they even talked about the change in-game. So it's not just "let's pretend he was always Eggman, now."
Game of Thrones is based on medieval Europe. Complaining about the lack of minorities in such a setting is like complaining about the lack of women in Saving Private Ryan.
I loved this game and it seems like everyone is rediscovering it lately, which has oddly coincided with my desire to play it again and record it for UA-cam strangers.
"Has there been a game that does good crime scene investigation stuff?" Haven't tried them myself, but the tie-ins for CSI and Law & Order might possibly have done that decently enough.
He may be...but someone owning a particular book doesn't necessarily make them a fan of it. He might have read it out of interest but thought the guy was full of shit.
We've all heard about that over the course of their videos together. At length. They both seem to take an ill view towards Social Justice Warriors of all types. But then again, both seem to be quite nihilistic in their outlook toward people so maybe they don't want (or care) for anything to change.
Farscryer0 I think they just see it as misguided, rather than pointless. They aren't against its original beliefs, but they're against the modern methods and what it eventually became.
***** Then again, they treat tumblr "feminists" with ridiculous amounts of sincerity. That's like assuming the Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christian groups.
NetherStray Oh I agree. I've always thought their broad terms of just "Social Justice Workers" and "Tumblr Feminists" were too generalized. There are people who strive for social justice who have intentions of actual equality and have good methods of achieving it. And there are feminists who use Tumblr who aren't radicals and who don't believe the key to bringing women up is to pull men down just as much. But the use of broad terms means that people who listen to them regularly and have heard a lot of what they have to say may understand what they mean and what group specific they are referring to, whereas an outside observer may just see them as ignorant and incorrect.
23:00 The moment I hate in every piece of fiction ever - whether its police standoff or hostage situation where the guy who clearly has the advantage ends up getting shot because he couldn't be bothered to pull the trigger.
If you had to spend an evening partying with a group of furries or feminists, and they were exactly as awful as the worst internet stereotypes say, which would you choose?
***** Is there even a stereotype about furries being child molesters? That makes this question really easy. If it would be just a gay orgy, I still would feel better watching people have sex in animal costumes than getting yelled on for having a penis, or getting castrated.
***** The cub stuff is fairly debated in the community. The biggest furry site (tens of thousands of active users, maybe more) condemns 'cub' porn and doesn't allow it on the site. But this isn't about the reality of how the party would be, though, it's a "difficult choice" question. (in reality, I'm sure both would probably be pretty boring or rather normal as far as parties go) Unless the feminist party is castrating men as part of their proceedings, let's just assume the furry party wouldn't be breaking any laws, either.
I don’t know when UA-cam added chapters but I appreciate you going back to these to add them. Even years later I still listen to/watch these regularly.
Fat Privilege and Black Hazing got me.
UA-cam will add these automatically based on audio analysis of words spoken in the videos. But sometimes it's helpful.
And then premium users review if the chapter titles are accurate.
"He gets promoted to head bum" made me laugh for the wrong reason.
Is he a hairy bum?
"Guns are for cowards that don't know how to put nails through a bit of wood."
This has become my new favorite slogan.
Yahtzee: "I always get disappointed when a big cult is involved"
Isn't that the plot of one of his (best) games? ;)
its not a cult its more an evil religion racist that worships George Washington
Theo Truter
He liked Bioshock Infinite? I thought he hated it.
gnarkillguch it was his game of the year last year
Theo Truter
I'm talking about 6 Days a Sacrifice, one of the games he made.
Which one are you talking about specifically? Lots of people like Trilby's Notes, and though there is a cult, it's not touched upon all that much in that game besides the Tall Man and the human antagonist being related to it. A cult is much more present in 6 Days a Sacrifice, and while some like that game, many others take issue with it and consider it the worst game or at least one of the worst games in that series for multiple reasons. Also, at least in Trilby's Notes I'd say his position still stands because here he asks why they can't just be bumbling people rather than an omnipotent world cult. The cult fails in its goals for Trilby in Trilby's Notes, and the Tall Man fails in his plans specifically in 6 Days a Sacrifice.
I think the reason HL2's "interactive cutscene" in kleiner's lab worked so well was really because of pacing and Relative freedom within space.
While that cutscene was used to provide a great deal of narrative exposition and introduce game mechanics, it wasn't shoehorned in to the very beginning. The player was given a few basic abilities and then allowed loose in city 17's visually impressive (albeit linear) environment. Furthermore they drive home the lack of options you really have initially during the chase sequence prior to that cutscene, so you have a sense of relief, nay gratitude as an in canon impetus for granting you all your abilities unfolds.
Additionally the cutscene functions as a mini sandbox, where you can choose to be present for every conversation or run all over the lab in Relative safety and all within earshot of pertinent information. And while you might receive verbal queues to proceed, you can still take as long as you want in the area before you need to progress.
I was working out while watching this video, and the sentence "you could like.. take a dump, freeze, then stab someone with it" was timed perfectly to happen at the moment I had just gotten up to a full bridge. I laughed so hard I fell down
Creepy Croshaw's talking about sex hour is comedy gold Yahtzee, I'm sure it was worth the sacrifice.
I appreciate the proper timestamps, even though I listen to these in their entirety.
Let's be honest, nobody's watching for your high quality HD video capture. I'm just here to listen.
Worth noting about "visceral meelee" is System Shock 2, where swinging the wrench actually projects the wrench outwards and doesn't just make an attack directly in front of you.
As to the 'if you can see the mystery's cult thing, you can kill it' problem, it's interesting how that has ruined Lovecraft stuff for me. When Cthultu is pretty much just a kaiju with an octopus theme with a fear aura, it is disappointing. When Cthultu is just a rumour and incomprehensible thing that may or may not be real, then it is scary.
Paraphrasing here, but someone once summed up lovecraft with “our greatest hope isn’t that we can fight it. Our greatest hope is that we are so small it might not notice us at all”
Cthultu shouldn't be the final boss. Cthultu is the game over screen.
An Inuit guy once stabbed a dog with his own frozen turd and used its corpse to make a sled once.
Gabe: "A lady bum is a derrière."
Me: "I get it."
Well well, he finally got around to doing True Lies, crazy.
This game is the prequel to Viscera Cleanup Detail.
Seriously though, I imagine VCD would come after a game like Dead Space, since it _is_ in the future... in space.
also, not trying to be a douche, I just couldn't resist a Scrubs reference lol.
gnarkillguch well okey then
gnarkillguch Dead Space, Doom 3, Half-Life, Resident Evil, hell even Fallout 3-NV has a sufficient amount of gore and gibs.
Most games can be described as a prequel to Viscera.
Well, most games that has gore.
Vesura Cleanup Detail is in space. This is in the back alley ways & suburban streets.
Stuart Copeland was the drummer in The Police and he composed the PS1 Spyro game's soundtracks. I didn't even realize until about a year ago.
If you want realistic damage, there's always the Rainbow Six option where you take one or two bullets and your dude is down and out, thereby encouraging tactical planning and ambush tactics in order to shoot them before they can shoot you.
"I guess we can expect that the word will be 'Rape' next week."
"God I hope it's not."
*Chooses 'The Path.'*
Auuuuuugh the conversation about neck snapping and other mutilating injuries reminded me of that one leg press video where the person locks their legs and the machine bends their knees backwards. Phantom pain, man.
Looked it up, cause I used to think it was easy, it isn't really. Usually takes a fair amount of force, though loads of martial arts have choke or neck twist moves, but most of those are for sport and therefore not intended for lethal use. However Some have just the right twist to do without much force, if you know what you are doing.
The health thing is such a paradox in games. My favorite to this day was still The Getaway. You would breathe heavy leaning up against a wall until your health restored. Varying degrees of pain/health.
How much fun was Condemned 2's online mode, eh? Seriously, that was the freshest, most original multiplayer game in a long time, and it's still fun to play if you can get some people together. The mode where you hide evidence in the farmhouse and defend it while the cops bust in was insane. Both of these games are vastly underrated classics.
i had so much fun with the multiplayer me and my buddy would wait a bit to get a game but it was worth had alot of laughs i thought it was funny that you could throw our gun when out of ammo lol
I'd hardly call Jonathan Coulton a celebrity at the time Portal came out. He's fantastic and I wish he'd come out with a new album and tour again, but most people's first experience with Coulton was "Still Alive".
See, I like how the ARMA games for ammo. Instead of losing ammo from reloading a magazine that wasn't empty, it would go to your inventory which you could later combine with other partially empty mags to make completely full ones while leaving clips with just a few bullets in them that add up over time. I'd quite like to see a more action-oriented game where you can just drop the clips in the heat of battle to speed up your reload which means either sacrificing ammo or having to look for it later, which won't always be an option.
Advanced warfare although its shit, gave you that option
I liked how it was approached in the Half Life/Half Life 2 mods FireArms and FireArms: Source. Reloading with a partial magazine didn't mean losing the partially spent magazine, you kept that. It shuffled those magazines to the bottom of your inventory of them. So you could sacrifice a full magazine later, for a full load now. Also if you reloaded when the gun wasn't dry, the round still in the chamber was kept. So like on something with a 30 round mag, you'd have 31 shots. Then finally there was a skill from rank ups, which let you combine partially spent magazines so instead of having like 3 with 6 rounds, you'd have one with 18. All that realism they had, but kept it somewhat arcadey, unlike ARMA.
Addendum on the skill thing. Combining magazines meant putting your weapon away, so you were helpless while doing it as a trade off.
Insurgency is like this
You guys put me to sleep when I can't sleep at night
Oh, and again, I like the way they did health in ARMA, or at least DayZ. You don't replenish health from bandages, but instead stop bleeding. Then you can get blood transfusions, but that doesn't fix a broken leg. You have to have morphine for that, though that's not exactly realistic and you'd end up hurting yourself more in the long run instead of fixing your injury.
Ive wanted to see a team based multiplayer shooter with a realistic injury system. the short version is the other team obviously gets some points for killing, but if a medic can perform first aid and get the casualty back to an extraction point or the base then the other team doesnt get the points (or at least less) or a StarWarsBattlefront2 style reinforcemnt system based on it
Yeah, that sounds interesting. It sounds like an idea I have for a game. It would be a little like Battlefield, but slower-paced and with slower-paced healing.
Ked Viper I'd also like to make it an ongoing war kinda thing like the galactic conquest mode in Star Wars Battlefront 2. Controlling certain maps and doing well in individual matches can give you bonuses or something
I guess you could always mix it with some 4X aspects, such as economy management.
That sounds like a pain in the fucking ass.
Ah Condemned 1: Where everyone in the city is built like a frigging linebacker. Seriously, look at the character models! So.....much.....broadshouldered-ness!
Jason Holland “Don’t be a girly man”
i want a game where damage is permanent and the healing system is temporary, you pop some painkillers like max payne but after some time your screen goes blurry and red and you can either suffer through it or pop more pills, maybe even a bleeding damage where you need to apply bandages.
Sophisticated Dinosaur We call that game "life" :-D
Patrick Martin Only more evidence that I suck at gaming.
Call of Cthulhu
You guys made me install and replay this game again. Still entertaining.
Ugh, hearing Yahtzee say "We Love You" grosses me out for some reason.
yes, that will haunt my dreams
Man, i forgot how good this game was! It's still great to watch, and hasnt aged that badly - the combat mechanics in it still seem really solid
That thing about freezing one's poo and stabbing someone else reminds me of Yogscast and Hatfilms' Gmod Murder and TTT.
Question for Next Week: Yahtzee and Gabriel, you two are on "The Newlywed Game" TV show. The question is asked, "If you could have taken any celebrity on a romantic getaway for your bachelor party, who would you have taken, where would you go, and what 'fun' things would you bring with?" Each of you must try and guess the other's answer first, then answer for yourself. Go.
(P.S. the name is pronounced D-G to save that argument)
The story behind Michael Jackson working on Sonic 3 music is kind of smokey and full of unconfirmed rumors, but from what can be gathered by people that used to work with him, apparently yes, he did compose a lot of tunes for the game, but he disliked the way the Mega Drive sound chip rendered it, so he asked to not be associated with the work anymore, have his name removed and eventually all the tunes he composed were re-elaborated by Sega's musicians into fully-fledged, complete musical tracks.
As I said it's mostly rumors coming from people who worked with him, so there's a lot of variations to this myth, but people take it as proof that a lot of sonic 3's basslines and general tunes were then re-used in future MJ songs.
"Could've at least checked his hands for powder!' - Yahtzee, you've already shot like 4 people.
I find these more enjoyable than Zero Punctuation.
When I played L.A. Noir, I remember talking to someone who said something. They looked a little shifty, like something was wrong. I thought to myself "Hmm...I think maybe they've left something out of this statement..." So I chose doubt, to attempt to urge some more information out of them. The character them promptly accused the woman of murder. Loudly. And aggressively.
Half Life 2 had a TON of shit to mess with DURING the cutscenes. Valve knew we'd get bored of their story eventually, so they gave us toys. Teleporters, lasers, potted plants, cats, people. rockets, cranes, etc.
What cat?
Smp Killer
Ask Barney.
Oddly enough, their heads make the cardboard sound when you walk on them.
If you want a game about truth that's Persona 4. The entire plot is about finding out truth and is a big murder mystery.
But yeah it's a Jrpg. :P
Recently, there has been more and more interest in setting up permanently manned bases on places such as the Moon and Mars.
However, due to current technical limitations for the foreseeable future, some of these trips would be one way, meaning that once you got to Mars, probably not the Moon, chances are you would need to stay there for the majority of your lifetime.
Would either of you volunteer for such an opportunity and why?
I lost my shit when he calmly said: "That was someone's child..."
I think of SCP when I see the manequins
For SCP-173, whatever you do, don't blink. At least not until you are far enough away or have a door between you and it.
For SCP-106, try to get out of his pocket dimension, outrun him, or lure him into a tesla gate.
For SCP-096, look at the ground while going around him.
For SCP-049, just don't even go down to him, as he can now follow you back up.
For SCP-939, crouch and slowly walk to the elevator.
As a general tip for the game, look for SCP-914, get as much useful items as possible, avoid looking at monitors, disable the alpha and omega warheads, and go to Gate A with SCP-106 following you.
For some reason, they reminded me of Asimo.
Finally, a new drown out before I go to sleep!
I try an say goodbye and I choke, try an walk away and I stumble
Though I try to hide it it's clear
My world crumbles when you are not near.
Paul Dennett i enjoy your picture
how about that Listerine ring ?
Paul Dennett
Roses are red
violets are blue
my rhymes suck
but yours....are only slightly better
Paul knows what's going on
Is it just me, or is this one of the first Drown Out's in awhile where they seem to actually be having fun? I like it.
I asked this a while back but this is for Yahtzee. I've been mulling expatriating to Australia from the US after I finish school (read several years out) and I would like some advice on stuff like finding my feet and getting references for jobs, apartments, or other things involved in making a massive move like this would be.
Been bored this afternoon, then I see this on my subscription page. Aww yiss.
But there ARE black people in Game of Thrones (Or at least the later books) The Summer Islanders. One of them has even been at the court of the Iron Throne since before the first book.
he just talked about how there arent many not the lack thereof
JohnnyMarsBar There are at least a kingdom of them. Probably several. And the Dornes, they sound middle eastern to me as described in the book. And of course the Dothraki.
the way they talk in this video they act like it is only white people and that simply isn't true. It isn't even only white people in Europe Land Westeros.
+Howell2010 except it is, because who are the main characters? certainly not the summer islanders.
The best way to know if you're incorrect when you accuse someone of lying on L.A. Noire you will notice cole holding his notebook in the normal place. And a obvious animation might play when you accuse them and get it right.
Holy shit! They actually answered my question!
Watching this in 2021, and the conversation on regenerating health at 36:55 reminded me of Doom 2016’s “glory kills” system. The player can recover health but it requires active risk-taking on their part.
Post- Spec Ops: The Line the modern warfare shooter is done.
yep, spec ops, while I haven't played it, is really good right
Max Markel and it's on sale right now
distortedguitarist81 yeah, don't think im going to buy it though, or maybe I will, I honestly don't know
distortedguitarist81 Thanks for the tip! I've bought it, gonna play it tonight.
Jimmy De'Souza okay, just got the game, but is the story as overrated as you say, cause Yahtzee is a bit of a perfectionist in games, am I right:)
For some strange reason, I really look forward to this series.
For the truth idea you should have chosen Persona 4 and just fought enemies in the TV dungeons for an hour. ;D
That would require him to play a JRPG though =P
Yes a fatal flaw to my suggestion is that he venture outside his comfort zone and try something he generally doesn't like.
Xirbtt He does venture out now and then. I *think* he liked The World Ends With You, though I could be wrong.
Honestly, I can understand him avoiding a genre. No amount of wanting to try something new will get me to enjoy playing a Football game.
Xirbtt Well, that and JRPGs make the Odyssey seem like a short read.
You don't actually get to the first dungeon in an hour, saw it happen with a streamer. It's pretty much an hour long cutscene.
I just found this game yesterday at Gamestop in one of their 5 dollar bins :D
What's your guys opinion on the micronation known as the Principality of Hutt River, which is located within Australia. Do you feel that it is legitimate, or do you think it's merely a part of Australia?
The first time i played the first condemned i wasted all my bullets by accident but then it magically had bullets in it again when the killer decided to shoot the other cops
Here's a question/discussion I like to bring up with friends: *"How do you feel about forced evolution?"* It falls in line with trans-humanism, reliance on technology, and the impending "singularity" event proposed by Ray Kurzweil.
Funnily enough, this turned into a video to help me fix the FPS drop issues I was getting.
Well played.
I would like to see yahtzee play The Binding of Isaac. Wheather it is to Drown it Out or just a review during one of the droughts
I believe he once did a column on it. I seem to remember him liking it. But I doubt he will do a full review for it.
***** Yea like a seeded match.
Watching this in the year of our lord 2020 and did a double take when yahtzee said david bowie should have done the destiny sound track. This video was posted before Bowie's death and I'm still watching it. This channel is one corpse I hope never stops twitching and It will be a cold day in hell when yahtzee deletes it or youtube wipes it out.
With something as subjective as Truth yahtzee totally could've played Silent Hill 2, and his Epenis would've killed us all
But they've already played Silent Hill 2!
Lemon Tree Nope they played Silent Hill 1
Oh right. Eh :p
4:60 The child mannequins with their faces bashed in reminded me of the movie 'Prisoners'.
Smash all the hubcaps win a coconut!!
As soon as Bran got pushed out the window I was hooked.
If there were two guys on the moon and one guy hit the other guy with a rock, would that be fucked up or what?
This question needs to be answered.
10:10 there's a game called Receiver which pushes the gun-handling mechanics even further - not only do you have to eject the magazine to check your remaining bullets (also you have to count the bullets yourself, no namby-pamby counter to do the math for you ;) to reload you have to eject the magazine, holster your weapon to free up your other hand, insert each loose bullet into the magazine, then redraw the pistol, insert the magazine, rack the slide to put a bullet in the chamber and cock the hammer before you're fully prepared to fire.
It's not a perfect game (which isn't surprising - the creator made it in a week as a design exercise) but managing your gun adds a lot of tension (nothing made my heart sink as much as pulling the trigger and only hearing a dry click because there wasn't a bullet chambered, so I ended up compulsively checking the chamber at every door,) and it felt really badass once I started smoothly chaining the reload steps together.
Only Yahtzee would think "Truth" and not think "Persona 4".
Yeah, no.
He doesn't really like JRPGs
Plus, most of the beginning of P4 is cutscenes and dialogue.
No, not realy. There are a lot of people that never played a Persona game or don't care for them.
If JRPGs aren't your thing then Persona games just seem wierd and a bit shit.
The game's intro taking a few pages from the movie "Se7en".
I have a question: Do you think, that every thought and idea you had in your life has been had by at least one other person in the the world? And given that you know your own thoughts, would that worry you?
Love this question. Running off the assumption that someone else has had certain thoughts that I have had, the only really worrying part is if that person acted on them.
The beginning reminds me a lot of FEAR. Drive up to a back alleyway, explore an abandoned building, find a dead body.
Still here
There was a Vietnam type shooter that had a very cool first aid system.
Basically, you had shock health and hard health, and after taking damage, shock health would start cutting into your hard health. If you stopped everything you were doing, and started "applying first aid", you could get all your health back most of the time, meaning it was mostly for the very annoying stray bullet.
Tabletop roleplaying games. Have you at any point played them? If so your views and expierences? Also lets have another recipe section. That was way to much cumin, halve it at least. And chuck some bayleaves in.
I guessed correctly which book Gabe would pick! I'm so proud of my randomly correct piece of guesswork!
What is your favorite god, from all aspects of religion, even dead religions. Or your favorite mythological creature -Travis Spruell
I think the 40k Space Marine game did regen really well. Limited health, regenerating shield, and to get health back you had to do executions. That was pretty great.
There is something weird about yahtzee directly quoting zp videos
This game actually diagnoses Yahtzee's allergy to BLOODY BLOCKING
"These mannequins remind me of somethin' - like, the faceless ones. I think I've seen this particular motif somewhere... the Sandman comics?"
That, or Final Fantasy 8.
***** Hello again! Why do you think it sucked?
***** I thought the story was quite good! It followed a single main character with an actual character arc and turned out to be deceptively deep toward the end. The characters were more believable than they are in most Final Fantasy games (with maybe 12 being the exception), and even Squall's love interest had a character arc which wasn't even an obligation for the writers.
***** ME: "I thought the story was quite good!"
YOU: "Your standards are very low."
Since you conveniently ignored my *elaboration* on that point, I'll just re-post it here and see if you can manage a rebuttal:
It followed a single main character with an actual character arc and turned out to be deceptively deep toward the end.
ME: "The characters were more believable than they are in most Final Fantasy games (with maybe 12 being the exception)"
YOU: "Is that so?"
Yes, because they did things you could expect teenagers thrown into a role traditionally given to adults to do. They weren't wild and zany for no apparent reason, but they weren't perfectly mature either.
As far as your ramblings about FF9 characters go, I don't really see your point. Was it to suggest FF9 characters were less believable than FF8 characters? Because that only supports what I said...
"The Cid character was depicted as a pussy whipped loser."
Are you talking about FF9 still? If so, I agree. It was meant to be humorous, but to me it was just dumb.
"It's a shit game with a terrible story and characters...."
You keep repeating that assertion but haven't given a single reason why you think that.
***** No, it's because you don't *have* a point. If you did, you would've simply answered the question. Why *did* you start rambling about FF9 characters when the comment was about FF8? Why did you go on and on pointing out alleged flaws in FF9 characters and then cop an attitude as if it somehow supported your claims about a totally different game?
+Vic 2.0 You're the biggest FF8 fan I've seen
Holy shit, I was thinking the exact same thing about those faceless mannequins. I'm so glad Yahtzee knew it as well.
Play Dark Souls next week
Ah, Dark Souls, the video game embodiment of "woman"
Mantis47 *clap clap clap*
Mantis47 Nailed it.
*Investigator* "Wh- no.. no way. There is no fucking way this guy was stabbed with.. literal SHIT.. I don't want to live on this planet anymore."
really i agree you shouldnt, u say shit like that mr furry
What's your favorite video game soundtrack?
I know you're not asking me, but one of my faves is the soundtrack that came with Deus Ex HR. That is some awesome futuristic sound right there.
mine is the awesomenautes soundtrack.
Between Diablo 2, and the collected Akira Yamaoka Silent Hill soundtracks.
Since everyone else is doing it...
Just off the top of my head: Shadow of the Colossus, Psychonauts, and Catherine.
Catherine?.....thats intresting.
The whole thing about the Robotnik/Eggman thing does have some weight in canon. Sonic Adventure used both names to transition us. It was presented in a way that made it seem like Robotnik was his name, and Eggman was a nickname. But then that was it, it was over and he was Eggman from then on. But THEN Generations happened, and classic Eggman was called Robotnik, and they even talked about the change in-game. So it's not just "let's pretend he was always Eggman, now."
Game of Thrones is based on medieval Europe.
Complaining about the lack of minorities in such a setting is like complaining about the lack of women in Saving Private Ryan.
I'm fairly certain that medieval Europe had far more people of color than fucking *dragons*.
If Gabriel plays the daring game for girls next week I will pass out laughing
You guys should play Majora's Mask.
I loved this game and it seems like everyone is rediscovering it lately, which has oddly coincided with my desire to play it again and record it for UA-cam strangers.
If you want something boring why don't you scan planets in Mass Effect 2 or is that too sadistic?
Nah. At least you can land on a few of them.
At least you can get upgrade points out of that.
"Has there been a game that does good crime scene investigation stuff?"
Haven't tried them myself, but the tie-ins for CSI and Law & Order might possibly have done that decently enough.
WOO! Yahtzee is a Richard Dawkins fan, fuck yes!
He may be...but someone owning a particular book doesn't necessarily make them a fan of it. He might have read it out of interest but thought the guy was full of shit.
It is a possibility, though more likely than not that isn't the case.
Is that... cause for celebration?
He said "Darkness there and nothing more". Direct quote from The Raven. Possibly a game related to darkness or death next time on Drown Out?
Boxers or briefs?
I second this question
Briefs are so uncomfortable. I would rather have boxers because I need room.
Yes. Sandman, dolls house, he was making a dream about melting faces that resembled those manikins
I would love to hear their opinions on modern day "Feminism"
We've all heard about that over the course of their videos together. At length. They both seem to take an ill view towards Social Justice Warriors of all types. But then again, both seem to be quite nihilistic in their outlook toward people so maybe they don't want (or care) for anything to change.
Simply really, it's not egalitarian. So fuck it.
Farscryer0 I think they just see it as misguided, rather than pointless. They aren't against its original beliefs, but they're against the modern methods and what it eventually became.
***** Then again, they treat tumblr "feminists" with ridiculous amounts of sincerity. That's like assuming the Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christian groups.
NetherStray Oh I agree. I've always thought their broad terms of just "Social Justice Workers" and "Tumblr Feminists" were too generalized. There are people who strive for social justice who have intentions of actual equality and have good methods of achieving it. And there are feminists who use Tumblr who aren't radicals and who don't believe the key to bringing women up is to pull men down just as much.
But the use of broad terms means that people who listen to them regularly and have heard a lot of what they have to say may understand what they mean and what group specific they are referring to, whereas an outside observer may just see them as ignorant and incorrect.
"Darkness there and nothing more."
Them's a nice quote,
Oh shit, Metroid Other M will be a perfect game for next week. It harps incessantly on the mother/ baby thing, and it's incredibly boring.
23:00 The moment I hate in every piece of fiction ever - whether its police standoff or hostage situation where the guy who clearly has the advantage ends up getting shot because he couldn't be bothered to pull the trigger.
If you had to spend an evening partying with a group of furries or feminists, and they were exactly as awful as the worst internet stereotypes say, which would you choose?
Are there stereotypes of furries being unberable killjoys? Because if not, furries easily. That could be an interesting party
MCHellshit Well, since it's horrible stereotypes, the furry party would probably be the most traumatizing orgy of your life.
***** Criminal behavior might make the question easier to answer, though. Unless the feminist party turns into a riot.
***** Is there even a stereotype about furries being child molesters? That makes this question really easy. If it would be just a gay orgy, I still would feel better watching people have sex in animal costumes than getting yelled on for having a penis, or getting castrated.
***** The cub stuff is fairly debated in the community. The biggest furry site (tens of thousands of active users, maybe more) condemns 'cub' porn and doesn't allow it on the site.
But this isn't about the reality of how the party would be, though, it's a "difficult choice" question. (in reality, I'm sure both would probably be pretty boring or rather normal as far as parties go) Unless the feminist party is castrating men as part of their proceedings, let's just assume the furry party wouldn't be breaking any laws, either.
Why did I decide to watch this at one in the morning?