5:39 earthquake at number 14 6:23 flashing red at number 11 6:43 blizzard at number 9 7:37 fire at number 6 8:16 red at number 3 9:07 flood and bubbles at number 0
My version: 50: Graduate Forever 49: 10 years off 48: 5 years off 47: 1 year off 46: 11 months off 45: 10 months off 44: 9 months off 43: 8.5 months off 42: 8 months off 41: 6 months off 40: 5.5 months off 39: 5 months off 38: 4.5 months off 37: 4 months off 36: 3.5 months off 35: 3 Months off 34: 2.5 months off 33: 2 months off 32: 1.5 months off 31: 1 month off 30: Half a month off 29: 10 weeks off 28: 5 weeks off 27: 1 week off 26: Get to go home early 25: Nothing happens 24: Talk after school 23: 30 Minute detention 22: 1 Hour detention 21: 2 Hour detention 20: 6 Hour detention 19: 12 Hour detention 18: 18 Hour detention 17: 24 Hour detention 16: Detention forever 15: Suspended for 1 day 14: Suspended for 2 days 13: Suspended for 3 days 12: Suspended for 1 week 11: Suspended for 2 weeks 10: Suspended for 5 weeks 9: Suspended for 10 weeks 8: Suspended for Half a month 7: Suspended for 1 month 6: Suspended for 5.5 months 5: Suspended for 6 months 4: Suspended for 7.5 months 3: Suspended for 1 year 2: Suspended for 5 years 1: Suspended forever 0: DEAT MEAT AND EXPELLED FOREVER!!!!!
1 get a cake 2 4.2 days off 3 4 days off 4 3 days off 5 2 days off 6 1 day off 7 get PlayStation 3 8 you go home 9 nothing happens 10 talk after home 11 detention for 54 days 12 detention for 6 days 13 detention 54 hours 14 detention and suspension for 89 days 15 detention 65 days 16 detention for hours 17 detention for 1 day 18 suspension for 20 days 19 detention for days 20 detention forever
5:39 Earthquake At Number 14 6:23 Flashing Red At Number 11 6:43 Blizzard At Number 9 7:37 Fire At Number 6 8:16 Red At Number 3 9:07 Flood And Bubbles At Number 0
My version: 30: Graduated and Sent to Heaven 29: Graduated 28: Off for 5 years 27: Off for 3 years 26: Off for 1 year 25: Off for 9 month 24: Off for Half Year (6 month) 23: Off for 3 Month 22: Off for 1 Month 21: Off for 21 days 20: Off for 14 days 19: Off for 7 days 18: Off for 5 days 17: Off for 3 days 16: Off for 1 day 15: nothing happens 14: talk after school 13: Detention for 5 mins 12: Detention for 10 mins 11: Detention for Half Hour (30 mins) 10: Detention for 45 mins 9: Detention for 1 Hour 8: Suspended for 7 days 7: Suspended for 15 days 6: Suspended for 24 days 5: Suspended for 31 days 4: Suspended for 183 days 3: Suspended for 366 days 2: Suspended for 1000 days 1: Expelled 0: DEAD MEAT!
-0.1: sent to mercury -0.2: sent to Venus -0.3: sent to mars -0.4: sent to Jupiter -0.5: sent to Saturn -0.6: sent to Uranus -0.7: sent to Neptune -0.8: sent to sun -0.9: sent to Pluto
My version: 60: graduate for ever and ever 59: 11 years off 58: 8 years off 57: 6 years off 56: 3 years off 55: 1 year off 54: 9 months off 53: 7 months off 52: 4 months off 51: 2 months of 50: 10 weeks of 49: 6 weeks of 48: 4 weeks of 47: 1 week of 46: 9 days of 45: 5 days of 44: 3 days of 43: 1 day of 42: nothing happens 41: talk after school 40: 26 minute detention 39: 12 minute detention 38: 5 minute detention 37: 3 minute detention 36: 1 minute detention 35: 1 day suspension 34: 4 day suspension 33: 13 day suspension 32: 45 day suspension 31: 1 year suspension 30: expelled for life
Behaviour number day 45:graduate 44:20 Years off 43:15 years off 42:10 Years off 41:5 Years off 40:1 Year off 39:11 Months off 38:9 Months off 37:6 months off 36:4 months off 35:2 months off 34:1 month off 33:5 weeks off 32:3 weeks off 32:1 Week off 31:4 days off 30:1 day off 29:nothing happens 28:talk after school 27:30 minute deteniton 26:45 minute deteniton 25:1 hour deteniton 24:3 hour deteniton 23:7 hour deteniton 22:12 hour deteniton 21:15 hour deteniton 20:19 hour deteniton 19:21 hour deteniton 18:deteniton forever 17:50 day suspension 16:100 day suspension 15:500 day suspension 14:1000 day suspension 13:5000 day suspension 12:10000 day suspension 11:50000 day suspension 10:suspended forever 9:expelled for 5 years 8:expelled for 10 years 7:expelled for 50 years 6:expelled for 100 years 5:expelled for. 175 years 4:expelled for 500 years 3:expelled for 575 years 2:expelles.for 1000 years 1:expelled. For 5000 years 0:dead meat and expelled. Forever
Cast: William: Steven Ellen And Dina: Veena Olivia: Allison Vanessa: Susan Daphne: Julie Jason (Stupid Thief Boy): Brian Ella: Ashley Felix And Evil Barney: Dave Keisha: Bridget Dylan, Ethan, Lucas: Joey Katie: Salli
My way (Number explenation) 40:Graduate 39:Off School For 5 Years 38:Off School For 3 Years 37:Off School For 1 Year 36:Off School For 5 Months 35:Off School For 3 Months 34:Off School For 1 Month 33:Off School for 5 weeks 32:off school for 3 weeks 31:Off school for 1 Week 30:off school for 5 days 29:Off School for 3 days 28:No school Tomorrow 27:Very Easy Homework 26:No Homework 25:Leave Early 24:Nothing Happens 23:Warning 22:Detention For 1 Hour 21:Detention For 3 Hours 20:Detention For 5 Hours 19:Suspended For 1 Year 18:Suspended For 3 Years 17:Suspended For 5 Years 16:Expelled normally 15:expelled from all schools 14:Super Expelled 13:Mega Expelled 12:Ultra Expelled 11:ULTIMATE OMEGA SUPER ULTRA EXPELLED! 10:Amputated 9:Electrocuted 8:Thrown into a volcano 7:Death Wheel 6:Eat A Sharp Hook 5:Freezed 4:Burned 3:Fall into lasers 2:Thrown into a black hole 1:Die from a supernova 0:SENT TO HELL!
My Version: 100-Graduate Forever 99-15 Years Off 98-10 Years Off 97-5 Years Off 96-3 Years Off 95-1 Year Off 94-11 Months Off 93-10 Months Off 92-9 Months Off 91-8 Months Off 90-7 Months Off 89-6 Months Off 88-5 Months Off 87-4 Months Off 86-3 Months Off 85-2 Months Off 84-1 Month Off 83-11 Weeks Off 82-10 Weeks Off 81-9 Weeks Off 80-8 Weeks Off 79-7 Weeks Off 78-6 Weeks Off 77-5 Weeks Off 76-4 Weeks Off 75-3 Weeks Off 74-2 Weeks Off 73-1 Week Off 72-6 Days Off 71-5 Days Off 70-4 Days Off 69-3 Days Off 68-2 Days Off 67-1 Day Off 66-Nothing Happens 65-Talk After School 64-Warning 63-5 Minutes Of Detention 62-10 Minutes Of Detention 61-15 Minutes Of Detention 60-30 Minutes Of Detention 59-45 Minutes Of Detention 58-1 Hour Of Detention 57-2 Hours Of Detention 56-3 Hours Of Detention 55-4 Hours Of Detention 53-5 Hours Of Detention 52-6 Hours Of Detention 51-12 Hours Of Detention 50-15 Hours Of Detention 49-18 Hours Of Detention 48-21 Hours Of Detention 47-24 Hours Of Detention 46-Suspended For 1 Day 45-Suspended For 2 Days 44-Suspended For 3 Days 43-Suspended For 4 Days 42-Suspended For 5 Days 41-Suspended For 6 Days 40-Suspended For 1 Week 39-Suspended For 2 Weeks 38-Suspended For 3 Weeks 37-Suspended For 4 Weeks 36-Suspended For 5 Weeks 35-Suspended For 6 Weeks 34-Suspended For 7 Weeks 33-Suspended For 8 Weeks 32-Suspended For 9 Weeks 31-Suspended For 10 Weeks 30-Suspended For 11 Weeks 29-Suspended For 1 Month 28-Suspended For 2 Months 27-Suspended For 3 Months 26-Suspended For 4 Months 25-Suspended For 5 Months 24-Suspended For 6 Months 23 Suspended For 7 Months 22-Suspended For 8 Months 21-Suspended For 9 Months 20-Suspended For 10 Months 19-Suspended For 11 Months 18-Suspended For 1 Year 17-Suspended For 3 Years 16-Suspended For 5 Years 15-Suspended For 7 Years 14-Suspended For 8 Years 13-Suspended For 9 Years 12-Suspended For A Decade (10 Years) 11-Suspended For 11 Years 10-Suspended For 13 Years 9-Suspended For 14 Years 8-Suspended For 15 Years 7-Suspended For 16 Years 6-Suspended For 17 Years 5-Suspended For 18 Years 4-Suspended For 19 Years 3-Suspended For 20 Years 2-Suspended For 50 Years 1-Suspended Forever 0-Dead Meat And Expelled Forever
35 gold 34 pink 33 blue 32 green 31 white 30 beige 29 yellow 28 tiny orange 27 orange 26 red-orange 25 silver 24 dark silver 23 grey 22 dark grey 21 very dark grey 20 grey-black 19 almost black 18 black 17 dark black 16 void 15 dark void 14 very dark red 13 very dark brown 12 dark brown 11 brown 10 reddish yellow 9 dark red 8 dark-light red 7 a bit red 6 light-dark red 5 really almost red 4 almost red 3 nearly red 2 orange-reddish 1 orangey 0 red
35. Best 34. Adore 33. Like 32. Good 31. Netural 30. Teeny Tiny Bit Of Worst 29. Mean 28. Super Mean 27. Hyper Mean 26. Mega Mean 25. Peta Mean 24. Ultra Mean 23. Omega Mean 22. Abomination Mean 21. Awful 20. Super Awful 19. Hyper Awful 18. Mega Awful 17. Peta Awful 16. Ultra Awful 15. Omega Awful 14. Abomination Awful 13. Bad 12. Dislike 11. Hate 10. Despise 9. Horrible 8. Naughty 7. Angry 6. Serious 5. Really Bad 4. Very Bad 3. Ultra Bad 2. Omega Bad 1. Abomination Bad 0. Worst
My way: 45:graduate forever 44:100 yrs off 43:90 yrs off 42:80 yrs off 41:70 yrs off 40:60 yrs off 39:50 yrs off 38:40 yrs off 37:30 yrs off 36:20 yrs off 35:15 yrs off 34:10 yrs off 33:5 yrs off 32:1 yr off 31:6 months off 30:4 months off 29:2 months off 28:1 month off 27:2 weeks off 26:1 week off 25:3 days off 24:2 days off 23:1 day off 22: nothing 21:talk after school 20:1 hour detention 19:2 hour detention 18:5 hr detention 17:10 hour detention 16: detention until tomorrow 15: detention forever 14: 1 week suspension 13: 1 month suspension 12:6 months suspension 11:1 yr suspension 10:2 yr suspension 9:5 yr suspension 8: 10 yr suspension 7:25 yr suspension 6:50 yr suspension 5:100 yr suspension 4:500 yr suspension 3: 1000 yr suspension 2: 5000 yr suspension 1:10000 yr suspension 0: dead meat and expelled forever
29: Teacher starts becoming angry 19: Teacher talks louder 14: Earthquake and teacher speaks WAY louder and teacher starts stomping 11: red alert 9: Blizzard 6: Fire 3: red background and teacher and teacher talks WAY LOUDER 0: Teacher is WAY bigger, flood, bubbles, and teacher talks WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY LOUDER, and focus
35 to Dylan 34 to Katie 33 to Santa 32 to Nurse Man 31 to Leland Jr. 30 to Barney 29 to Mean Cop 28 to Old Brown Man 27 to Fat Coated man 26 to Fat Witch 25 to Mean Pilot 24 to Fat Cabin Woman 23 to Fat Construction Man 22 to Miguel 21 to Camp Green Lake Woman 20 to Fat Chef Man 19 to Mean Park Operator 18 to Fat Empire 17 to Wailing Girl 16 to Bony Man 15 to Mean greenie 14 to Mean Hiker 13 to Evil Barney 12 to Fat Lady 11 to Underwear Man 10 to Ella 9 to Dina 8 to Fat Basketball Player 7 to Fat Ugly Man 6 to Naked Boy 5 to Elena 4 to Naughty Scientist 3 to Zombie Boy 2 to Zombie Girl 1 to Factory Woman 0 to Thief Boy
35 to Dylan 34 to Katie 33 to Santa 32 to Nurse Man 31 to Small Boy 30 to Barney 29 to Mean Cop 28 to Old Brown Man 27 to Fat Coated Man 26 to Fat Witch Woman 25 to Mean Pilot 24 to Fat Cabin Man 23 to Fat Construction Man 22 to Miguel 21 to Camp Green Lake Woman 20 to Fat Chef Man 19 to Park Operator 18 to Fat Empire 17 to Wailing Girl 16 to Bony Man 15 to Mean Greenie 14 to Mean Hiker 13 to Evil Barney 12 to Soldad 11 to Underwear Man 10 to Ella 9 to Veena 8 to Fat Basketball Man 7 to Fat Ugly Man 6 to Naked Man 5 to Elena 4 to Naughty Scientist 3 to Zombie Boy 2 to Zombie Girl 1 to Factory Man 0 to Stupid Thief Boy
Miss Martin one 15 graduate 14 1 week off 13 1 month off 12 a day off 11 a little bit of trouble 10 detention for 5 minutes 9 detention for 15 minutes 8 detention for 60 7 detention for 11 hours 6 detention for 50 hours 5 detention for ever 4 5-day suspension free at 2 days suspension 3 a 50 day suspension 2 suspension for 1 weak 1 suspension for ever 0 deadmeat and expelle forever
Noedolekcin gets in dead meat(album edition) Ai Kago(Now 69) Leafy(Taylor Swift) Firey(15 Thank you too) Riho Sayashi(My everything) Purple Marker(Born this way) Little Bill(Good girl gone bad) Caillou(Platinum 9 disc) Dora(Invasion of privacy) Travis Scott(?,xxxtentacion album) Barney(Hollywood's bleeding) Classic Caillou(Un verano sin ti) Noedolekcin(WWAFAWDWG)
10:25 Earthquake At Number 14 17:34 Flaming Red At Number 11 21:08 Fire Red At Number 3 34:20 Bubbels And Flood At Number 0 1:11:25 Oh Stupid Theif Boy How Dare You Get In Dead Meat By Getting 0 That Doesn't Your Grounded Big!!!!
My version: 20: Graduated Forever 19: 1 Year Off 18: 1 Month Off 17: 1 Week Off 16: 1 Day Off 15: 12 hours Off 14: 10 hours Off 13: 1 hour Off 12: 1 Minute Off 11: 10 Seconds Off 10: Nothing Happens 9: Talk After School 8: 1 Minute Detention 7: 1 Hour Detention 6: 1 Day Suspension 5: 1 Week Suspension 4: 1 Month Suspension 3: 1 Year Suspension 2: 5 Years Suspension 1: 10 Years Suspension 0: Dead Meat And Expelled Forever
Rainbow High Behaviour Number Day Custom Pen Doll: Ingredients: Rainbow High Series 4 Delilah Fields Doll Black Felt Dark Grey Felt Glue Gun Black Paint White Felt Scissors, For Cutting
Mine imaginary number s I have 30 15 good 15 bad 30 : graduate 29 : 9 YEARS OFF 28 : 6.1 years off 27 : 6 years of 26: 5.5 years off 25: 5 years off 24 : 4.340 years off 23: 4 years off 22: 3.75 years off 21: 3.5 years off 20 3 years off 19: 2.5 years off 18: 1 year off 17 6 months off 16: 3 weeks off 15 : nothing happens 14: little talk for 1 min 13 : dentition for 30 mins 12 dentention for 1.27 hours 11 dentention for 14 hours 10 suspended for 1 day 9 suspended for 10 dayd 8 suspended for 100 days 7 suspended for 1,000 days 6 suspended for 20,423 days 5 suspended for 30,721 days 4 suspended for 45,212 days 3 sent to hell 2 expelled 1 insane sent to Uranus 0 sent to a black hole
5:39 earthquake at number 14
6:23 flashing red at number 11
6:43 blizzard at number 9
7:37 fire at number 6
8:16 red at number 3
9:07 flood and bubbles at number 0
Nothing at number 0
Blizzard at number 9
7:40 Teacher: That's right, Naked boy!
If he's naked, then why is he in his underwear?
Everybody is bullying him ig
My version:
50: Graduate Forever
49: 10 years off
48: 5 years off
47: 1 year off
46: 11 months off
45: 10 months off
44: 9 months off
43: 8.5 months off
42: 8 months off
41: 6 months off
40: 5.5 months off
39: 5 months off
38: 4.5 months off
37: 4 months off
36: 3.5 months off
35: 3 Months off
34: 2.5 months off
33: 2 months off
32: 1.5 months off
31: 1 month off
30: Half a month off
29: 10 weeks off
28: 5 weeks off
27: 1 week off
26: Get to go home early
25: Nothing happens
24: Talk after school
23: 30 Minute detention
22: 1 Hour detention
21: 2 Hour detention
20: 6 Hour detention
19: 12 Hour detention
18: 18 Hour detention
17: 24 Hour detention
16: Detention forever
15: Suspended for 1 day
14: Suspended for 2 days
13: Suspended for 3 days
12: Suspended for 1 week
11: Suspended for 2 weeks
10: Suspended for 5 weeks
9: Suspended for 10 weeks
8: Suspended for Half a month
7: Suspended for 1 month
6: Suspended for 5.5 months
5: Suspended for 6 months
4: Suspended for 7.5 months
3: Suspended for 1 year
2: Suspended for 5 years
1: Suspended forever
Deat ⛔
Dead ✓
1 get a cake
2 4.2 days off
3 4 days off
4 3 days off
5 2 days off
6 1 day off
7 get PlayStation 3
8 you go home
9 nothing happens
10 talk after home
11 detention for 54 days
12 detention for 6 days
13 detention 54 hours
14 detention and suspension for 89 days
15 detention 65 days
16 detention for hours
17 detention for 1 day
18 suspension for 20 days
19 detention for days
20 detention forever
5:39 Earthquake At Number 14
6:23 Flashing Red At Number 11
6:43 Blizzard At Number 9
7:37 Fire At Number 6
8:16 Red At Number 3
9:07 Flood And Bubbles At Number 0
My version:
30: Graduated and Sent to Heaven
29: Graduated
28: Off for 5 years
27: Off for 3 years
26: Off for 1 year
25: Off for 9 month
24: Off for Half Year (6 month)
23: Off for 3 Month
22: Off for 1 Month
21: Off for 21 days
20: Off for 14 days
19: Off for 7 days
18: Off for 5 days
17: Off for 3 days
16: Off for 1 day
15: nothing happens
14: talk after school
13: Detention for 5 mins
12: Detention for 10 mins
11: Detention for Half Hour (30 mins)
10: Detention for 45 mins
9: Detention for 1 Hour
8: Suspended for 7 days
7: Suspended for 15 days
6: Suspended for 24 days
5: Suspended for 31 days
4: Suspended for 183 days
3: Suspended for 366 days
2: Suspended for 1000 days
1: Expelled
@UnitedStatesJoeBiden1 thats correct!
-0.1: sent to mercury
-0.2: sent to Venus
-0.3: sent to mars
-0.4: sent to Jupiter
-0.5: sent to Saturn
-0.6: sent to Uranus
-0.7: sent to Neptune
-0.8: sent to sun
-0.9: sent to Pluto
-0.99: die
1:54 Wait a minute! Even Santa Claus comes to school every month of year!? 🎅🎅🎅 🤨🤨🤨
My version:
60: graduate for ever and ever
59: 11 years off
58: 8 years off
57: 6 years off
56: 3 years off
55: 1 year off
54: 9 months off
53: 7 months off
52: 4 months off
51: 2 months of
50: 10 weeks of
49: 6 weeks of
48: 4 weeks of
47: 1 week of
46: 9 days of
45: 5 days of
44: 3 days of
43: 1 day of
42: nothing happens
41: talk after school
40: 26 minute detention
39: 12 minute detention
38: 5 minute detention
37: 3 minute detention
36: 1 minute detention
35: 1 day suspension
34: 4 day suspension
33: 13 day suspension
32: 45 day suspension
31: 1 year suspension
30: expelled for life
8:41 8:41 8:41 8:41
6:17 LMFAO! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ludoviko is NUANCE voice, not LOQUENDO!
I believe I could flyyyyyyyy
8:55 ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:06 turn down your volume
The main character, Dylan Webb ALWAYS gets lucky! 🤩🤩🤩
35: graduate forever
34:1 year off
33: 1 month off
32: 1 week off
31: nothing happened
30: talk after school
29: 1 hour detention
28: 2 hour detention
27: 3 hour detention
26: 4 hour detention
25: 5 hour detention
24: 6 hour detention
23: 7 hour detention
22: 8 hour detention
21: 9 hour detention
20: 10 hour detention
19: 20 hour detention
18: 30 hour detention
17: 40 hour detention
16: 50 hour detention
15: detention forever
14: 5 day suspension
13: 10 day suspention
12: 15 day suspension
11: 20 day suspension
10: 25 day suspension
9: 30 day suspension
8: 35 day suspension
7: 40 day suspension
6: 45 day suspension
5: 50 day suspension
4: 100 day suspention
3: 250 day suspension
2: 500 day suspension
1: 1000 day suspension
0: dead meat and expelled
Why did you make 29 a bad number?
Why not
7:27 I laughed so hard😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46
@@thanhangthithien734 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Detention forever is worse than expellation
Edson Silva that’s true. Because it would basically be torture if you were in detention 24/7.
If I owned a school I would do this behavior number day
First off your grammar is bad. second how can someone get detention forever?
Give me a break.
You are undoubtedly Right 👍
Even when a basketball player got 7,he was still dancing
Thank you Dylan Webb😊😊😊
Aidan: Ok, I Got A Stupid 28
Pen: No, That Number Isn’t Stupid
Request: 50 - 0
50: Heaven forever
49: Graduate forever
48: 10 years off
47: 5 years off
46: 3 years off
45: 2 years off
44: 1 year off
43: 12 months off
42: 11 months off
41: 9 months off
40: 6 months off
39: 3 months off
38: 2 months off
37: 1 month off
36: 2 weeks off
35: 1 week off
34: 3 days off
33: 1 day off
32: Nothing happens
31: You were still okay
30: You get a Warning
29: Lose of recesse
28: Talk after school
27: 10 minutes detention
26: 20 minutes detention
25: 30 minutes detention
24: 1 hour detention
23: 2 hours detention
22: 3 hours detention
21: 4 hours detention
20: 5 hours detention
19: 6 hours detention
18: 7 hours detention
17: 8 hours detention
16: Detention forever
15: 1 day suspension
14: 2 days suspension
13: 1 week suspension
12: 3 weeks suspension
11: 1 month suspension
10: 3 months suspension
9: 6 months suspension
8: 7 months suspension
7: 9 months suspension
6: 10 months suspension
5: 1 year suspension
4: 2 years suspension
3: 5 years suspension
2: 10 years suspension
1: Suspension forever
0: Dead meat/Expelled forever
Behaviour number day
44:20 Years off
43:15 years off
42:10 Years off
41:5 Years off
40:1 Year off
39:11 Months off
38:9 Months off
37:6 months off
36:4 months off
35:2 months off
34:1 month off
33:5 weeks off
32:3 weeks off
32:1 Week off
31:4 days off
30:1 day off
29:nothing happens
28:talk after school
27:30 minute deteniton
26:45 minute deteniton
25:1 hour deteniton
24:3 hour deteniton
23:7 hour deteniton
22:12 hour deteniton
21:15 hour deteniton
20:19 hour deteniton
19:21 hour deteniton
18:deteniton forever
17:50 day suspension
16:100 day suspension
15:500 day suspension
14:1000 day suspension
13:5000 day suspension
12:10000 day suspension
11:50000 day suspension
10:suspended forever
9:expelled for 5 years
8:expelled for 10 years
7:expelled for 50 years
6:expelled for 100 years
5:expelled for. 175 years
4:expelled for 500 years
3:expelled for 575 years
2:expelles.for 1000 years
1:expelled. For 5000 years
0:dead meat and expelled. Forever
William: Steven
Ellen And Dina: Veena
Olivia: Allison
Vanessa: Susan
Daphne: Julie
Jason (Stupid Thief Boy): Brian
Ella: Ashley
Felix And Evil Barney: Dave
Keisha: Bridget
Dylan, Ethan, Lucas: Joey
Katie: Salli
0:15 What's The Music?
GoAnimate Music - Funky Mama
0:50 How can someone get detention for 50hr?
7:15 LMFAO 🤣😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣
the reason why there are more bad characters is that good characters are harder to find and remember
There is only 4 good ones as well
Only 4 can get the first 4 numbers
My way
(Number explenation)
39:Off School For 5 Years
38:Off School For 3 Years
37:Off School For 1 Year
36:Off School For 5 Months
35:Off School For 3 Months
34:Off School For 1 Month
33:Off School for 5 weeks
32:off school for 3 weeks
31:Off school for 1 Week
30:off school for 5 days
29:Off School for 3 days
28:No school Tomorrow
27:Very Easy Homework
26:No Homework
25:Leave Early
24:Nothing Happens
22:Detention For 1 Hour
21:Detention For 3 Hours
20:Detention For 5 Hours
19:Suspended For 1 Year
18:Suspended For 3 Years
17:Suspended For 5 Years
16:Expelled normally
15:expelled from all schools
14:Super Expelled
13:Mega Expelled
12:Ultra Expelled
8:Thrown into a volcano
7:Death Wheel
6:Eat A Sharp Hook
3:Fall into lasers
2:Thrown into a black hole
1:Die from a supernova
I got 40 but where is the Heaven card and the money card?
Behavior Number Day Rules:
15: Graduate
14: 12 Months Off
13: 10 Months Off
12: 8 Months Off
11: 4 Months Off
10: 1 Month Off
9: 1 Week Off
8: Nothing Happend
7: Talk After School
6: Detention For 1 Hour
5: Detention For 2 Hours
4: Detention Forever
3: Grounded 1 Month
2: Grounded 2 Months
1: Grounded 3 Months
0: Expelled
Wow, Thank You
2:41 by the way he sounds like a animatronic.
My Version:
100-Graduate Forever
99-15 Years Off
98-10 Years Off
97-5 Years Off
96-3 Years Off
95-1 Year Off
94-11 Months Off
93-10 Months Off
92-9 Months Off
91-8 Months Off
90-7 Months Off
89-6 Months Off
88-5 Months Off
87-4 Months Off
86-3 Months Off
85-2 Months Off
84-1 Month Off
83-11 Weeks Off
82-10 Weeks Off
81-9 Weeks Off
80-8 Weeks Off
79-7 Weeks Off
78-6 Weeks Off
77-5 Weeks Off
76-4 Weeks Off
75-3 Weeks Off
74-2 Weeks Off
73-1 Week Off
72-6 Days Off
71-5 Days Off
70-4 Days Off
69-3 Days Off
68-2 Days Off
67-1 Day Off
66-Nothing Happens
65-Talk After School
63-5 Minutes Of Detention
62-10 Minutes Of Detention
61-15 Minutes Of Detention
60-30 Minutes Of Detention
59-45 Minutes Of Detention
58-1 Hour Of Detention
57-2 Hours Of Detention
56-3 Hours Of Detention
55-4 Hours Of Detention
53-5 Hours Of Detention
52-6 Hours Of Detention
51-12 Hours Of Detention
50-15 Hours Of Detention
49-18 Hours Of Detention
48-21 Hours Of Detention
47-24 Hours Of Detention
46-Suspended For 1 Day
45-Suspended For 2 Days
44-Suspended For 3 Days
43-Suspended For 4 Days
42-Suspended For 5 Days
41-Suspended For 6 Days
40-Suspended For 1 Week
39-Suspended For 2 Weeks
38-Suspended For 3 Weeks
37-Suspended For 4 Weeks
36-Suspended For 5 Weeks
35-Suspended For 6 Weeks
34-Suspended For 7 Weeks
33-Suspended For 8 Weeks
32-Suspended For 9 Weeks
31-Suspended For 10 Weeks
30-Suspended For 11 Weeks
29-Suspended For 1 Month
28-Suspended For 2 Months
27-Suspended For 3 Months
26-Suspended For 4 Months
25-Suspended For 5 Months
24-Suspended For 6 Months
23 Suspended For 7 Months
22-Suspended For 8 Months
21-Suspended For 9 Months
20-Suspended For 10 Months
19-Suspended For 11 Months
18-Suspended For 1 Year
17-Suspended For 3 Years
16-Suspended For 5 Years
15-Suspended For 7 Years
14-Suspended For 8 Years
13-Suspended For 9 Years
12-Suspended For A Decade (10 Years)
11-Suspended For 11 Years
10-Suspended For 13 Years
9-Suspended For 14 Years
8-Suspended For 15 Years
7-Suspended For 16 Years
6-Suspended For 17 Years
5-Suspended For 18 Years
4-Suspended For 19 Years
3-Suspended For 20 Years
2-Suspended For 50 Years
1-Suspended Forever
0-Dead Meat And Expelled Forever
0:51 detention forever is even worse!!!!!
What are the colors for the numbers?
0 Red
1 Orangey
2 Orange Reddish
0 means you will get in dead meat and expelled forever
9:07 the teacher is mad zero
8:37 Vaenssa Cries Like A Baby
Small boy looks like leland jr’s skin lol
35 gold
34 pink
33 blue
32 green
31 white
30 beige
29 yellow
28 tiny orange
27 orange
26 red-orange
25 silver
24 dark silver
23 grey
22 dark grey
21 very dark grey
20 grey-black
19 almost black
18 black
17 dark black
16 void
15 dark void
14 very dark red
13 very dark brown
12 dark brown
11 brown
10 reddish yellow
9 dark red
8 dark-light red
7 a bit red
6 light-dark red
5 really almost red
4 almost red
3 nearly red
2 orange-reddish
1 orangey
0 red
When Elena got 5,she was dancing😂
like 7😂
how are almost all the numbers bad
35. Best
34. Adore
33. Like
32. Good
31. Netural
30. Teeny Tiny Bit Of Worst
29. Mean
28. Super Mean
27. Hyper Mean
26. Mega Mean
25. Peta Mean
24. Ultra Mean
23. Omega Mean
22. Abomination Mean
21. Awful
20. Super Awful
19. Hyper Awful
18. Mega Awful
17. Peta Awful
16. Ultra Awful
15. Omega Awful
14. Abomination Awful
13. Bad
12. Dislike
11. Hate
10. Despise
9. Horrible
8. Naughty
7. Angry
6. Serious
5. Really Bad
4. Very Bad
3. Ultra Bad
2. Omega Bad
1. Abomination Bad
0. Worst
But colors of numbers
7:39-8:40 it dosen’t make sense when a snow falls near a fire. It will melt
35: graduate forever
34: 1 year off
33: 1 month off
32: 1 week off
31: nothing happens
30: talk after school
29: 1 hour detention
28: 2 hour detention
27: 3 hour detention
26: 4 hour detention
25: 5 hour detention
24: 6 hour detention
23: 7 hour detention
22: 8 hour detention
21: 9 hour detention
20: 10 hour detention
19: 20 hour detention
18: 30 hour detention
17: 40 hour detention
16: 50 hour detention
15: detention forever
14: 5 day suspension
13: 10 day suspension
12: 15 day suspension
11: 20 day suspension
10: 25 day suspension
9: 30 day suspension
8: 35 day suspension
7: 40 day suspension
6: 45 day suspension
5: 50 day suspension
4: 100 day suspension
3: 250 day suspension
2: 500 day suspension
1: 1000 day suspension
0: dead meat and expelled forever
24:lighter gray
23:Light gray
21:Dark gray
20:Darker gray
17:Dark Gunmetal
16:Almost black
13:Light Burgundy
10:Tan Brown
9:Darkester red
8:Darkest red
7:Very Darker red
6:Darker red
4:Almost Maroon
3:Dark Red
2:Medium Red
7:15 motor car sound
My way:
45:graduate forever
44:100 yrs off
43:90 yrs off
42:80 yrs off
41:70 yrs off
40:60 yrs off
39:50 yrs off
38:40 yrs off
37:30 yrs off
36:20 yrs off
35:15 yrs off
34:10 yrs off
33:5 yrs off
32:1 yr off
31:6 months off
30:4 months off
29:2 months off
28:1 month off
27:2 weeks off
26:1 week off
25:3 days off
24:2 days off
23:1 day off
22: nothing
21:talk after school
20:1 hour detention
19:2 hour detention
18:5 hr detention
17:10 hour detention
16: detention until tomorrow
15: detention forever
14: 1 week suspension
13: 1 month suspension
12:6 months suspension
11:1 yr suspension
10:2 yr suspension
9:5 yr suspension
8: 10 yr suspension
7:25 yr suspension
6:50 yr suspension
5:100 yr suspension
4:500 yr suspension
3: 1000 yr suspension
2: 5000 yr suspension
1:10000 yr suspension
0: dead meat and expelled forever
Old brown man: I got a stupid 28
Teacher: no that number isn’t stupid
Me: 28 is my favourite number
Do you love the number 23? let me know in the comments below
0 means suspended forver not dead meat or
24 hour detention means 1 day detention.
Whoever got 31 in this video kinda looks like Leland Jr!
4:07 His Franch
And 7:29
5:39 Earthquake At Number 14
6:23 Flashing Red At Number 11
6:43 Blizzard at number 9
7:37 Fire at number 6
8:16 Hell at number 3
29: Teacher starts becoming angry
19: Teacher talks louder
14: Earthquake and teacher speaks WAY louder and teacher starts stomping
11: red alert
9: Blizzard
6: Fire
3: red background and teacher and teacher talks WAY LOUDER
0: Teacher is WAY bigger, flood, bubbles, and teacher talks WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY LOUDER, and focus
I like how you used the Poiret One font.
Why are there bad numbers from 30-0?🧐
She Got Twelvie!
Wait a minute. We only watch Santa videos around December.
Character Voiced By Steven
Naked Man "6" 7:37
Isnt small boy leland jr.?
I know that 7 is a lucky number...
Also: Why is Jack Paul here at 10:08?
The one who get 31 is Leland Jr
35 to Dylan
34 to Katie
33 to Santa
32 to Nurse Man
31 to Leland Jr.
30 to Barney
29 to Mean Cop
28 to Old Brown Man
27 to Fat Coated man
26 to Fat Witch
25 to Mean Pilot
24 to Fat Cabin Woman
23 to Fat Construction Man
22 to Miguel
21 to Camp Green Lake Woman
20 to Fat Chef Man
19 to Mean Park Operator
18 to Fat Empire
17 to Wailing Girl
16 to Bony Man
15 to Mean greenie
14 to Mean Hiker
13 to Evil Barney
12 to Fat Lady
11 to Underwear Man
10 to Ella
9 to Dina
8 to Fat Basketball Player
7 to Fat Ugly Man
6 to Naked Boy
5 to Elena
4 to Naughty Scientist
3 to Zombie Boy
2 to Zombie Girl
1 to Factory Woman
0 to Thief Boy
35 to Dylan
34 to Katie
33 to Santa Claus
32 to Nurse Man
31 to Small Boy
30 to Barney
35 to Dylan
34 to Katie
33 to Santa
32 to Nurse Man
31 to Small Boy
30 to Barney
29 to Mean Cop
28 to Old Brown Man
27 to Fat Coated Man
26 to Fat Witch Woman
25 to Mean Pilot
24 to Fat Cabin Man
23 to Fat Construction Man
22 to Miguel
21 to Camp Green Lake Woman
20 to Fat Chef Man
19 to Park Operator
18 to Fat Empire
17 to Wailing Girl
16 to Bony Man
15 to Mean Greenie
14 to Mean Hiker
13 to Evil Barney
12 to Soldad
11 to Underwear Man
10 to Ella
9 to Veena
8 to Fat Basketball Man
7 to Fat Ugly Man
6 to Naked Man
5 to Elena
4 to Naughty Scientist
3 to Zombie Boy
2 to Zombie Girl
1 to Factory Man
0 to Stupid Thief Boy
21 Numberblocks 4:25
That’s Devonte’s 23rd Birthday Special!
factors of 249 are 1,249
5:39 earthquake at number 14
6:23 flashing red at number 11
6:43 blizzard at number 9
8:16 red at number 3
9:07 Flood And Bubbles at number 0
3:02 Now, why would she say that?
My Version:
32: 1 Week Off
31: Nothing Happened
30:Talk After School
What the name in that voice in girl different?
1. Scarlet
Twenty-nine means You Have 1 Hour Attention ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Is that leland jr? ¡¿
Miss Martin one 15 graduate 14 1 week off 13 1 month off 12 a day off 11 a little bit of trouble 10 detention for 5 minutes 9 detention for 15 minutes 8 detention for 60 7 detention for 11 hours 6 detention for 50 hours 5 detention for ever 4 5-day suspension free at 2 days suspension 3 a 50 day suspension 2 suspension for 1 weak 1 suspension for ever 0 deadmeat and expelle forever
What number did I get
The Principal Is Jack But His Voice Is Brian Like Jason (Stupid Thief Boy)
where is 3 month off
29 is 1 hour detention?
Yes 29 Means 1 Hour Detention
Who's The Cast?
William Steven
Mean Pilot: Crashing By Plane
On may???????
0:15 GoAnimate Music - Funky Mama
The teacher shall take a chill pill, geez
She should take her prune juice.
Here are the numbers and their prime factorizations:
2211 means graduation for 499291 years
Noedolekcin gets in dead meat(album edition)
Ai Kago(Now 69)
Leafy(Taylor Swift)
Firey(15 Thank you too)
Riho Sayashi(My everything)
Purple Marker(Born this way)
Little Bill(Good girl gone bad)
Caillou(Platinum 9 disc)
Dora(Invasion of privacy)
Travis Scott(?,xxxtentacion album)
Barney(Hollywood's bleeding)
Classic Caillou(Un verano sin ti)
10:25 Earthquake At Number 14
17:34 Flaming Red At Number 11
21:08 Fire Red At Number 3
34:20 Bubbels And Flood At Number 0
1:11:25 Oh Stupid Theif Boy How Dare You Get In Dead Meat By Getting 0 That Doesn't Your Grounded Big!!!!
Why there are many bad Numbers
6:44 YAY I GOT 9 XD
Is 9 A Good 😌 Number?
No 9 is a bad number it's suspended for 30 days
My version: 20: Graduated Forever 19: 1 Year Off 18: 1 Month Off 17: 1 Week Off 16: 1 Day Off 15: 12 hours Off 14: 10 hours Off 13: 1 hour Off 12: 1 Minute Off 11: 10 Seconds Off 10: Nothing Happens 9: Talk After School 8: 1 Minute Detention 7: 1 Hour Detention 6: 1 Day Suspension 5: 1 Week Suspension 4: 1 Month Suspension 3: 1 Year Suspension 2: 5 Years Suspension 1: 10 Years Suspension 0: Dead Meat And Expelled Forever
3:44 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡
35 - Graduate Forever
34 - 1 Year Off
33 - 1 Month Off
32 - 1 Week Off
Rainbow High Behaviour Number Day Custom Pen Doll:
Rainbow High Series 4 Delilah Fields Doll
Black Felt
Dark Grey Felt
Glue Gun
Black Paint
White Felt
Scissors, For Cutting
Mine imaginary number s I have 30 15 good 15 bad
30 : graduate
29 : 9 YEARS OFF
28 : 6.1 years off
27 : 6 years of
26: 5.5 years off
25: 5 years off
24 : 4.340 years off
23: 4 years off
22: 3.75 years off
21: 3.5 years off
20 3 years off
19: 2.5 years off
18: 1 year off
17 6 months off
16: 3 weeks off
15 : nothing happens
14: little talk for 1 min
13 : dentition for 30 mins
12 dentention for 1.27 hours
11 dentention for 14 hours
10 suspended for 1 day
9 suspended for 10 dayd
8 suspended for 100 days
7 suspended for 1,000 days
6 suspended for 20,423 days
5 suspended for 30,721 days
4 suspended for 45,212 days
3 sent to hell
2 expelled
1 insane sent to Uranus
0 sent to a black hole
Why the zero turned O
3:17 And! That’s! Olivia!
9:26 Stupid Boy: nnnnnnnnnnooooooooo!!!!
And 15 means 100 hour detention not forver.
2:45 he's right he doesn't deserve to get 29 he deserves to get 16
Only 4 good numbers?
6. Maroon-Red