Geil! Liebe Herbstleyd seit ich 14 war. Gehört für mich (trotz der Gerüchte, Lügen, Irrungen und Wirrungen) zu meinen Lieblingsalben und zu meiner Jugend. Einfach nur geil.
These guys the staple of black metal Their style has created major influences of current metal band today. Been listening to them since 2002 and still a fan. Such a shame they got a bad reputation, but that's the price to true bands like Naragorth that sing the lyrics of their passion rather selling out. Wouldnt mind having drink with these guys and a jam session someday. Mach Weiter!!!
@@BloodyArmourKnight a lot of people don't take this band seriously because the song "black metal ist krieg" is kinda a meme within bm community (or metal in general), I think is what op is talking about
@@voidmaker2039 I didn't know that, honestly I just discovered this band a few days ago. That's why I was curious about what the guy was saying in the comment. Thank you.
1. Nargaroth influenced shit. 2. the bad reputation is because of the behaviour of rene wagner a.k.a. kanwulf a.k.a. ash. he is a narcissist and an absolute cringe show of a person 3. calling nargaroth "true" is the joke of the century especially if you know how unstable renes behaviour is 😂🤷🏻♂️
The female guitarist has her own Black Metal Band called Asagraum and both albums are fantastic.
Damn I thought that was her. Thanks for pointing that out!
oh yeah Asagraum good band
Hail Asagraum!!
Don´t forget her first band Infestis - i´ve seen her some times in the Netherland - great stuff
That drummer is insane, clean and on time! very nice.
🤘Still one my most favorite black metal bands! 🤘
Their stage energy is great. Sounds also pretty awesome. Greets from Finland. 🤘🤘
😮 Samaa mieltä,😅samasta maasta 🖤🤘Erityisen ylpeä kun löytyy alalta osaavia naisia.
it dont change sound quality for clips after like 2012 haha
Brilliant hahaha
Dead joke
70th like
There, I've ruined it
Estaba en primera fila, los conocí en el meet and greet y después del evento... fue brutal.
@@morgenstern015 mamamels
Este tema es un clásico del black metal....
Me atrevo a decir que es el himno del Black Metal. 🔥
На herbstleyd у меня аж мурашки по коже 🤘
Obscura I Love You.😘😘😘
Excelente audio!
Geiler Song... Damals schon
Recuerdo cuando los conocí 🤘🏼 estuvo brutal, y tengo una foto con ellos yeahhh
Always gonna be a top 3 black metal song of all time. Right there with Ritual by Gorgoroth and any Armagedda song.
That singer got some awsome energy
Wahrscheinlich der international meistgeliebstete Künstler Deutschlands und national meistgehasste
This is some quality Black Metal! Thank you for the upload!
You're welcome !
@@6BITHERD9 Заебись ! Мне понравились своей оригинальностью
Con razón la gente estaba súper emocionada!!! No mames que fue en Café iguana, no mames no mames. Épico
If anyone styl dont undestand, black metal ist krieg!
Whole lotta kriegin' goin' on.
My favorite band
That is Asagraum
What a babe this one I will simp for just this one this once
this is amazing
🇧🇷 🖤 nargaroth
De mis preferidas
Geil! Liebe Herbstleyd seit ich 14 war. Gehört für mich (trotz der Gerüchte, Lügen, Irrungen und Wirrungen) zu meinen Lieblingsalben und zu meiner Jugend. Einfach nur geil.
Black Metal Rules 🤘😀🤘
Qué divertido!
Great! Wish I was there...
@@swashbuckle666 "Dito" means: "finger" in Italian.
I am from Morocco satanic
Respect from belgium
Jesus christ! what the hell?!! i love metal!
Grande nargaroth
eeyy the guitarist has a band called Asagraum very good band
Sugerencias que agradan verlas... 👍
Lo tendré en cuenta
Axeренно 🔥🤘🏻🔥
And the mainact is Twisted Sister.
These guys the staple of black metal Their style has created major influences of current metal band today. Been listening to them since 2002 and still a fan. Such a shame they got a bad reputation, but that's the price to true bands like Naragorth that sing the lyrics of their passion rather selling out. Wouldnt mind having drink with these guys and a jam session someday. Mach Weiter!!!
What do you mean by "bad reputation"?
@@BloodyArmourKnight a lot of people don't take this band seriously because the song "black metal ist krieg" is kinda a meme within bm community (or metal in general), I think is what op is talking about
@@voidmaker2039 I didn't know that, honestly I just discovered this band a few days ago. That's why I was curious about what the guy was saying in the comment. Thank you.
1. Nargaroth influenced shit.
2. the bad reputation is because of the behaviour of rene wagner a.k.a. kanwulf a.k.a. ash. he is a narcissist and an absolute cringe show of a person
3. calling nargaroth "true" is the joke of the century especially if you know how unstable renes behaviour is 😂🤷🏻♂️
@@BloodyArmourKnight Rene Wagner aka Kanwulf you can see him on youtube a TV show where he admits he's transsexual.
7:42 outra música
2:23 when he said 👅👅👅👅👅👅. I felt that.
Просто огонь 🤘
Is it Obscura from Asagraum on guitar?
yes , she is .
Don´t you have her phone number, please? I´d like to invite her for a black coffee.
@@kirilov02 nooo jajajaja ..Saludos !!
@@kirilov02 Sorry but no.
Wished that I had it so I could take her out for a coffee too ;)
Der Sound ist optimal. Könnte fast noch ein wenig schlechter sein.
@Olaf Baumbart
@Lord Assi komertz
Ultimate fashion poseur band
Nargaroth forever
Nargaroth is really a pioneer in his own new genre - Poser Black Metal ;)
Monumental experimente
I just got my new Nargoroth shirt in the mail today!!
So stoked!! 🔥🎃🔥
And Brutal! Beastt 😈
🤘🔥🔥🔥🔥🤘 holy fvck that was killer!
why i don't se the bassist on here...
Cómo se llama la rola que empieza en el minuto 6?
Es la de Karmageddon, saludos !
Have to dock some points for under-usage of the crab walk.
Keep it up. Metal rules.
Whats the name of the machine gun on the drums?
Simon Schilling "Blood Hammer" (Drums).
Hanna i love youuuu
¿Tocan sin bajo? ¿Ella como se llama? 😍😍
Ella se llama Hanna Van Den Berg "Obscura" y a tocado en varias bandas actualmente es Lider en "Asagraum" .. saludos !
@@6BITHERD9 Que grandee un capo!! Ya mismo la busco jajaa Saludos desde Argentina colega!
@@tecnodelic Saludos desde Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas Mexico .
Fucking great!🤘
Minute 5:50 , name???
А мне понравилось! Заебись!!!
Хоть мои предпочтения Doom-metal!
Bass? Whos that?
this fucking amazing live performance
Black metal é assim
Nombre del intro?
Abi müthişler ya
Keşke Türkiye’ye gelseler
mexico knows how to party man
Yeah Metal rules
Is not bassist there? Wow 👀 Nice sound 🔥
It IS black metal
Majestic like the night! 🤘🤘🤘
Guys, I think black metal may be krieg. Not sure tho
Ich liebe Black Metal einfach. HAIL SATAN
Is that Simon Shilling on drums!?
Si , "Blood Hammer".
Mue bien
This kicks fucking ass!
Anyone know who the live band is/are?
Nargaroth ; Ash , (Vocal) Simon Schilling "Blood Hammer" (Drums), Beliath (Guitar) & Hanna Van Den Berg "Obscura" .
Esa sirena de la intro resulta familiar
where is the bassist?????
No bass player ..Saludos !
Black Metal really doesn’t need bass
black metal ist krieg
Waooo exelente concierto, donde tocaron?
En el Cafe Iguana monterrey Nuevo Leon Mexico. Saludos !!
@@6BITHERD9 muchas gracias, increíble que vinieran tan cerca
Sad but true
Drummer plays the drumm like a toy. Amazing!
Los bombos suenan muy agudos.
intro is similar to satyricon "rebel extravaganza"
Who is the drummer ?
René Wagner ist schite
Geil !
Schatz olha isso!!
No bass?
2:20 the good old ABBATH lick baby.