Intel making GPU and beating AMD/nVidia.... nice dream. You think AMD/nVidia are sleeping.... If you drive by nVidia in Silicon Valley, you will see parking lots full of people and they work very hard (according to my friends). There is no chance Intel can beat AMD or nVidia on GPU based on what they got. Intel people (including new CEO whoever that will be) need to do a lot of soul searching and find their new directions. Of course, dump the foundry. Sell the hardwares. TSMC might buy the EUV at discount. Samsung? Not sure. Maybe Intel should go ahead to work on NPU.... for example.... no big companies are working on NPU...
個人還保留了當時訪問的雜誌 從盧先生詳細解說TI轉型的過程得到許多啟發 沒想到快30年後 還有了下集 更是收穫許多 謝謝數位時代!!
請問是哪本雜誌 ? 哪一期 ?
@@Home_Runner_Aliens 遠見雜誌 2000年特刊 8.15出刊(P24-P43) 翻箱倒櫃一番找到了.....
感謝 不過目前可能買不到這舊期刊了
不知道是否有 電子版的文章
@@Home_Runner_Aliens 可能要去圖書館或問遠見出版社..... 其實我覺得盧先生跟黃仁勳都算是Morris口中的第二代半導體人 更專注設計勝於製程 對IC設計產業而言 啟發性其實更勝Morris
"盧先生跟黃仁勳都算是Morris口中的第二代半導體人 更專注設計勝於製程 對IC設計產業而言 啟發性其實更勝Morris " 今天第一次聽到這個說法 這評價該算是公允
希望正片裡面也有字幕 小弟是忠實觀眾 哈
謝謝數位時代 收益良多!!
Intel 沒有了CPU 還剩下什麽呢?
TSM 有沒有可能買下INTC的CPU部門?then focus on CPU upgrade CPU (転型到NPU)performance?
台灣公司在川普眼皮下買下美國之子 你以為是共產黨集中力量辦大事?
Intel making GPU and beating AMD/nVidia.... nice dream. You think AMD/nVidia are sleeping.... If you drive by nVidia in Silicon Valley, you will see parking lots full of people and they work very hard (according to my friends). There is no chance Intel can beat AMD or nVidia on GPU based on what they got. Intel people (including new CEO whoever that will be) need to do a lot of soul searching and find their new directions. Of course, dump the foundry. Sell the hardwares. TSMC might buy the EUV at discount. Samsung? Not sure. Maybe Intel should go ahead to work on NPU.... for example.... no big companies are working on NPU...