The only Jewish-Israeli journalist in the Westbank, Amira Hass - Jung & Naiv: Episode 392

  • Опубліковано 13 жов 2024


  • @tilojung
    @tilojung  5 років тому +29

    Feel free to help us add German, Hebrew, Arabic and/or English subtitles, so more people can follow the interview :) Thanks ahead!

    • @aitammatia
      @aitammatia 5 років тому +2

      Deutsche Untertitel kann YT selbst erzeugen, du musst nur die Untertitel richtig einstellen. Englisch macht YT ja schon.

    • @laurahanna1147
      @laurahanna1147 5 років тому +1

      Hi! Ich könnte Deutsch und/oder Englisch anbieten. Meldet euch einfach. :)

    • @prismpyre7653
      @prismpyre7653 10 місяців тому +1

      you have won a new critic but a new subscriber; because I respect TF out of you for going and talking to Amira
      you have more integrity and intellectual curiousity than a lot of so called professional reporters in the USA who are a joke and glorified stenographers for the IDF
      some of your questions are rather obtuse, though
      when you ask why does the PA continue as puppets/collaborators, what sort of answer do you expect? they have no power; they live in ghettos at the mercy of ethno-nationalists fascists who say "do what we tell you or we will come for all your people right now instead of only some of them"
      what do you expect them to do? what did you expect your Jewish collaborators to do, in German'y ghettos??
      If they fight back you call them 'savages' and 'terrorists' and say it justifies Dear Leader Bibi putting them all in a cage in the first place.

  • @colorless_man7325
    @colorless_man7325 11 місяців тому +13

    what an wonderful genuine and honest interview. 4 years ago she predicted what will happen to gaza and it happened, it destroyed me to core. I never seen quite someone like her with so captivating way to tell the actual facts what happened and still ongoing, clears so many questions and doubts. thank you so much.

    • @youtoomf
      @youtoomf 7 місяців тому

      Not genuine or honest by ignoring Palistinian terror which has been going on since 1920 til today including suicide bombers on city buses and cafe's but it's convenient for her to omit those facts. She's another Hamas apologist.

    • @Matt-yw9sw
      @Matt-yw9sw Місяць тому +1

      ​@youtoomf where did that terror come from ? A reaction comes from a action

  • @Nashadelicable
    @Nashadelicable 10 місяців тому +7

    This video needs to be seen again this year

  • @Crafty_Spirit
    @Crafty_Spirit 5 років тому +22

    I admire Amira's courage and also her integrity as a journalist.

  • @JC-wd7ct
    @JC-wd7ct 10 місяців тому +2

    This long-form interview is amazing. Only (a) German(s) could do such in-depth, uninterrupted story-telling (both admiration and tease). Also really enjoyed the episode on Hebron - eye-opening, for sure. These are so important in these crazy times. You've got a new subscriber - keep up the great work!

  • @MrArnomania
    @MrArnomania 5 років тому +10

    @Tilo Jung thank you for introducing me to Amira Hass and her work. She seems to be the lighthouse of Ramallah.

  • @Matt-yw9sw
    @Matt-yw9sw Місяць тому

    God bless this kind soul

  • @vKarl71
    @vKarl71 9 місяців тому

    Amira Hass published a book about Gaza in 1999: "Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege"

  • @CodPlayerNo77
    @CodPlayerNo77 5 років тому +9

    Frage an die Israel Experten hier: Wer kontrolliert die Grenze Westbank - Jordanien?
    Die Palästinenser oder die Israelische Armee?
    Wenn die israelische diese Kontrolliert dann sind selbst die West Bank Bewohner komplett eingesperrt (oder ausgesperrt).

    • @DarkOsterhase
      @DarkOsterhase 5 років тому +4

      Aus Tilo und Alexs Hebron Interview: Ab 48:20 ca. 1-2 Minuten:
      Siehe auch
      Ich kann die ganzen 3h von dem Video empfehlen. In der zweiten Hälfte laufen sie durch Hebron und man kann viel über die Kontrolle (in der Westbank) lernen.

    • @DarkOsterhase
      @DarkOsterhase 5 років тому +3

      Die 48:20 beziehen sich auf das Hebron Video, nicht dieses... Bevor das zu Verwirrung führt...

    • @DarkOsterhase
      @DarkOsterhase 5 років тому +1
      und gezielt auf deine Frage auch:

    • @DarkOsterhase
      @DarkOsterhase 5 років тому +1

      Selbe Frage stellt sich auch bei Gaza-Ägypten. Dazu auch
      Sorry für den Spam^^ War erstmal der letzte Kommentar

    • @judithfeld7033
      @judithfeld7033 5 років тому +4

      Die Grenze ist von Israel kontrolliert, Palestina ist eben kein eigener Staat, kein anerkannter Staat.. es gibt auch nur einen Grenzübergang bei Jericho. Es ist normal kein Problem für Palestinenser aus der Westbank, diese zu überqueren. Man brauch nur einen Pass aus Ramallah von der Autonomiebehörde ausgestellt. Jordanien verlangt kein Visum und hier liegt der Knackpunkt für die Einreise in viele andere Länder: denn da kein Staat Palestiina, ist es auch kein Pass eines Staates. Ausserdem kann man mit anderen Ländern nicht über Einreisebestimmungen für seine Bürger verhandeln, wenn man selbst keine Kontrolle über seine Eigene hat. Für die Palestinenser aus Ostjerusalem, von denen viele die israelische Nationalität nicht angenommen haben (also selbst nicht wollten) und nun als Staatenlos gelten, ist es nochmal eine Runde anders, aber auch machbar, nach Jordanien einzureisen. Zumindest mit dem Bus, denn die Strassen in der Westbank stehen grossteils auch unter israelischer Kontolle und selbst wenn man die andauernden Checkpoints akzeptiert, braucht man ein rotes Nummernschild, um dort fahren zu dürfen (sehr schwer zu bekommen). An den Checkpoints und der Grenze wird man natürlich separiert nach Araber, und Israeli/Ausländer. Aber prinzipiell gut machbar. Es gibt viele verwandtschaftliche Verpflechtungen zwischen Pal. und Jordaniern und viele (ungern gesehene von der Regierung) Pro-Westbank Demos in Jordanien.

  • @JamesBrown-ux9ds
    @JamesBrown-ux9ds 5 років тому +2

    Der wichtigste Punkt wurde scheinbar von den Kommentator hier noch nicht angesprochen: Es fehlen die deutschen Untertitel!
    Und das wirkt dann leider immer wieder 'gegen Willen wie Elite unter sich', jede Menge Deutsche z.b. interessieren sich auch dafür - auch für starke Frauen, die ein Beispiel geben - aber sie verstehen nicht fließend Englisch, oder überhaupt nur kaum, oder gar nicht englisch.
    Also (immer gleich) eine Variante mit deutschen Untertiteln produzieren!

    • @JamesBrown-ux9ds
      @JamesBrown-ux9ds 5 років тому

      ... auch wenn hier die deutschen Untertitel von Google funktionieren, das ist ja nicht immer der Fall - und ich würde mich da auch nicht drauf verlassen, dass das immer und bei jedem geht, sind sie im Bild eingeblendet, sind sie fix.

    • @patricerascasse3925
      @patricerascasse3925 5 років тому +2

      Hi, ich habe Untertitel für das Interview gemacht und die sollten eigentlich zur Auswahl stehen. Sind sie bei dir nicht verfügbar, wenn du auf das Rädchen klickst? LG

  • @tomtim8986
    @tomtim8986 10 місяців тому

    @13:50 sagt alles 👌

  • @prismpyre7653
    @prismpyre7653 10 місяців тому

    Gideon Levy most certainly did NOT say "the young people say just forget about a state of Palestine we surrender". God you are thick. They say they want to LIVE IN one DEMOCRATIC state for ALL. To them that state would BE Palestine and for Jews it would be Israel, name it whatever you want in the UN but it matters not you are missing the ENTIRE moral and legal point of what Mr.Levy spent so long explaining to you.

  • @aceinthehaze6107
    @aceinthehaze6107 5 років тому +6

    Stand with Palästina

  • @ibrahimchoukeir9613
    @ibrahimchoukeir9613 2 роки тому +2

    Rührend 😢🥺

  • @janiarayde8098
    @janiarayde8098 5 років тому +3

    nice! 😁

  • @derbaba3351
    @derbaba3351 5 років тому +6

    aahhh,....hab mich so drauf gefreut...aber jetzt erst mal dirk müller bei kenfm. geb mir dann morgen die hass.

  • @anton-23
    @anton-23 5 років тому +13

    Wir haben euch was mitgebracht: Hass, Hass, Hass! ;)

    • @mullerskuh214
      @mullerskuh214 5 років тому +6

      Immer diese hasserfüllten youtube-Kommentare...

    • @anton-23
      @anton-23 3 роки тому

      @@taikang Das war keine Kritik, sondern ein alberner Joke. chill 😉

  • @Useryr-m8q
    @Useryr-m8q 3 місяці тому

    There never was such P state; the Romans changed the name of Israel to Palestina (with an 'a' at the end), but in reality, it was always the Land of Israel.

  • @sandrad9695
    @sandrad9695 3 роки тому +2

    There’s not really any international law that has anything to do with the West Bank in Judea and Samaria except perhaps the 4th Geneva Convention. According to that, the Arab non-citizens who were living under Jordanian rule would be considered protected persons because they were legal residents of one country, and after a war they are now legal residents of another country.
    But there was no international law in 1967 that prevented a nation gaining territory in a defensive war, which is exactly what happened with Israel and the West Bank in Judea and Samaria. And since International Law is not retroactive, none of the “laws” passed since are relevant. Most of what people call international law are simply U.N. General Assembly resolutions. And they aren’t binding whatsoever. So I wish everyone who talks about Israel being in violation of all these international laws would realize this.

    • @lisao6928
      @lisao6928 11 місяців тому +1

      Though it's not binding, Israel should be following nonetheless and if they don't follow, they need to be held accountable by the international community, and I think that is about to start happening.

    • @sandrad9695
      @sandrad9695 11 місяців тому

      @@lisao6928 Israel is abiding by every single international law in existence that pertains to their situation. They even voluntarily abide by international laws that don’t pertain to their situation, just to be safe. You show me an international law that Israel isn’t abiding by.

    • @erikpeter1142
      @erikpeter1142 11 місяців тому

      Resolution 242 is a Security Council Resolution, not a General Assembly Resolution. Also, 1967 was at best a pre-emptive war, but it wasn't defensive.

    • @sandrad9695
      @sandrad9695 11 місяців тому

      @@erikpeter1142 It was definitely defensive with Jordan. A state of war between Egypt and Syria already existed, and Israel sent back-channel messages to Jordan begging them not to attack. But the Jordanian attack had already begun.

  • @55was
    @55was 5 років тому +15

    Stand with Israel

    • @sparrowjack7031
      @sparrowjack7031 Рік тому +4

      Then give them your land.

    • @55was
      @55was Рік тому

      @@sparrowjack7031 they have there own where they recently live and the Palestinian lost land like Germany did after WW2 after all they fought for the same cause the destruction of all jews, basically the same thing they do today.
      The Palestinian even have there own SS regiment with 30.000 Soilders.
      They were even open for a tow state solution for a long time but after several wars all startet by the arab neighbour's, they now just say fuck it.
      After all Israel is the only funktional country of the region with technological progress and science over all and guaranteed human rights for the citizens not like the theocracy shit holes around them.

    • @sparrowjack7031
      @sparrowjack7031 Рік тому

      @@55was Actually it was/is vice versa. The Z!0ni$ts wanted to expel (to destroy) the Palestinians from the beginning. 12000 Palestinians fought alongside Jews against the Germans. The Z!0ni$t terrorist group LEHI proposed to fight on the side of Germany. Countries like Iraq, Lybia, Syria were destroyed because of I$r@el. They used to be modern and secular countries. I$r@el is the last settler-colonial and apartheid regime in the world. I$r@el is one of the biggest human rights violators. A racist and terrorist entity which engages in crimes against humanity like slow genocide, ethnic cleansing and apartheid. By the way I$r@el is a very good friend of those theocratic dictatorships you mentioned. They have a lot in common like murdering innocent people, dictature and human rights violations.

    • @gongli1996
      @gongli1996 Рік тому

      +don't pay tax, + buy government officials with cash, intimidate, steal, cheat, kill, mutilate, incarcerate. Palestinians welcomed Jews when they came in 1948, without any police escort. This is how they're repaid.

  • @johnmotesharrei7029
    @johnmotesharrei7029 Місяць тому

    Palestinians are very very nice , warm hearted peoples and this is what's makes it so sad and cruel

  • @--__--TuNicHTGuT--__--
    @--__--TuNicHTGuT--__-- 4 роки тому +2

    eigentlich sollten Isrealis das nicht fordren müssen ..europa hätte einfach seinen Job machen müssen cause they only had that ONE

  • @SA-gf3th
    @SA-gf3th Рік тому

    Do not sin and God will help you

  • @izthakbensara6400
    @izthakbensara6400 5 років тому +3

    Hashem is on ur side good luck Hamas will accept the jewish democratic state of Israel Amen

    • @Tasucu-b4j
      @Tasucu-b4j 10 місяців тому

      There is no Jewish hashem and Arab allah😂😂

  • @the-real-max-power
    @the-real-max-power 5 років тому +1

    Ich finde ihre Art zu argumentieren sehr schwierig. Sie wechselt so oft das Thema im Laufe einer Antwort, dass es mir extrem schwer fällt, ihr zu folgen und sie bringt dadurch ihre Punkte nur sehr zerfasert rüber. Dadurch kann man ihr auch leicht whataboutism vorwerfen, was angesichts ihrer hehren Ansichten sehr sehr schade ist.

  • @andypower5245
    @andypower5245 3 роки тому

    Then go and live in Gaza....

  • @SchuleZeit
    @SchuleZeit 5 років тому +1

    Decolonize your mind, Tilo and learn to use appropriate language

    • @sansnom77766
      @sansnom77766 5 років тому +4

      ey sorry but you're totally overreacting with the language-thing here. J&N are very aware of their language in my point of view. one should also consider language barriers and translation from german into english and vv. seriously, Mrs Hass (in the end of the interview) and you are having an obsessive ear on finding something to criticize with someone who is clearly not using or standing for nazi language. this happens if you never speak to people outside your bubble .. salam!

    • @SchuleZeit
      @SchuleZeit 5 років тому

      @@sansnom77766 Hi, I think language determines our reality and if one wants to still talk about ethnic groups as "Frage" awaiting a 'final solution', then one confines oneself to a paradigm of nazism and genocide. Perhaps Tilo tried to be creative with his rhymes 'final solution/ final question' but it doesn't inherently put them out of question, everyone should question themselves.

    • @julianmuller5128
      @julianmuller5128 3 роки тому +1

      @@SchuleZeit it’s her who used the term ... pay better attention and stop acting like a condescending prick

    • @SchuleZeit
      @SchuleZeit 3 роки тому

      @@julianmuller5128 I wasn't going to reply to this comment Julian, but I thought I'd better do to inform my fellow BIPOCs how a white potatoe with nazi background called me a condescending prick when I stood up against white supremacy,
      BIPOCs: you know there is a difference between a jewish person appropriating anti-semitic terms and a white man reproducing anti-semitism, no?

    • @julianmuller5128
      @julianmuller5128 3 роки тому +1

      @@SchuleZeit أنا مش أبيض أمي لبنانية

  • @michelbitt1
    @michelbitt1 4 роки тому +1

    She doesn't have a SINGLE JEWISH cell in her body. No connection to the Jewish culture, history religion customs or to the land of ISRAEL. she might AS WELL LIVE IN NEW ZEALAND for her it is the same as living in Gaza. A very disturbed frustrated women. I'm glad her parents are not alive to see what a hateful disturbed woman their daughter has become. WE are not colonialists we came back to our homeland. Jews lived here for 3000 years. we are indigenous to the land of Israel. So sorry your parents decided to come to Israel. things could have been much better to you and us if they would have moved to Egypt or Syria or Lebanon or any Arab country where you could express your opinions freely.
    Zionism is the movement of the Jewish people that espouses the RIGHT of return of the Jewish people to Israel and re-establishing a Jewish state in the Land of Israel.

    • @atruthseeker79
      @atruthseeker79 2 роки тому +1

      Zionism has nothing to do with God because God would not support a right of return of the Jewish people at the expense of the indigenous people who were living there for many generations when you returned. Their oppression is not justified for the sake of "your right of return".

    • @salampakistan3691
      @salampakistan3691 2 роки тому +1

      Jews were allowed to live in palestine and return because Muslims lifted the ban by christians on Jews to return. So for 1400yrs they were free to return to Jerusalem, but unfortunately not many took up the opportunity, they were comfortible in Europe.
      Zionist did not want simple return of jews to Jerusalem, they wanted power and dormination over Palestine and expulsion of Palestinians so land exclusive to jews alone. Thats the big problem. Its not simple return of the jews, there was no restriction in the first place.
      You do know in ancient history utopia of Isreal split in to two within two generations of its creation. Into Judea and Isreal kingdoms, so what dream are you dreaming of?

    • @samirab6769
      @samirab6769 11 місяців тому +6

      She has the same rights as you. We have a lot of Jews in the North of Africa, why can't you live properly with Arabs and give them their lands back and independent state? The Palestinians were there for generations, your ancestors were in Europe. You're welcome to stay in Palestine if you accept the same rights. I can't understand why you treat the Palestinians like you were treated by Hitler, where do the hate and evil came from? Are you family of Hitler?

    • @michelbitt1
      @michelbitt1 11 місяців тому

      @samirab6769 I was born in MARAKESH my ancestors lived there for generations. when Morocco got its independence and they felt unsafe because of demonstrations and because of the history of Jews in Morocco like the killing of jews in fes 16.4.1912 or in udjda 7.6.1948 they left to Israel . jews were expelled from Egypt 1952. Iraq Syria Yemen Tunisia Algeria all went to Israel

    • @samirab6769
      @samirab6769 11 місяців тому +4

      @@michelbitt1 if you weren't safe in Marocco, why are you coming each year back to Marocco, why you Marroccan Jews adore the Maroccan king? There are still Jews in Marocco by the way. It was the northern of Africa who has welcomed you when you were expelled from Portugal and Spain. And that's also your religion, you don't have the rights on a souverain state as long as the messiah hasn't come. That's why not all Jews moved to Israel. Mostly 2 streams of Jews went to Palestine, the East European and the North African Jews. We all want peace and I am sure the Palestinians would live in peace with you weren't taking their lands and rights. You weren't treated that way in Marocco, and still you're welcome in Marocco, I am from Marocco and I know what I am talking about. Why would you treat Palestinians so inhuman? Where is your emphaty? Zionisme is the same as nazisme and you know that, it isn't the real Judaism. It's a brute satanic way to oppress and murder people, all the things that are forbidden in Judaism. Zionist came from the Eastern of Europe, the same area where Jews were the Holocaust was. It's a mix of Judaism and Christianity, the same people who have murdered Jews in Europe. We, Muslims and Jews, are cousins from Abraham. We always have treated you with respect and still in Marocco.