Yes, it's possible. A little later I hooked up the internal serial port (it's on my blog) and it responds to the ESP32 flashing software. I took a copy of the firmware, and yes, it would be possible to create and upload a replacement. Though, to be honest, apart from a few bugs (mostly in manipulating the station list), I haven't had problems with the radio or been frustrated by it's behaviour. I use it often, like all day most weekends and many evenings (having discovered Epic Rock Radio 🤟), and I'm pleased/astonished/mind blown to say that it functions, it behaves, and it doesn't have a UI that totally sucks. It's actually useful!
Looks good - potential for someone (and I could not find it) to do their own code for it.
Yes, it's possible. A little later I hooked up the internal serial port (it's on my blog) and it responds to the ESP32 flashing software. I took a copy of the firmware, and yes, it would be possible to create and upload a replacement.
Though, to be honest, apart from a few bugs (mostly in manipulating the station list), I haven't had problems with the radio or been frustrated by it's behaviour. I use it often, like all day most weekends and many evenings (having discovered Epic Rock Radio 🤟), and I'm pleased/astonished/mind blown to say that it functions, it behaves, and it doesn't have a UI that totally sucks. It's actually useful!