12 Lead EKG/ECG electrode placement | & Helpful tips! |

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Liam69400
    @Liam69400 Рік тому

    Love the pointer of putting the tabs in the direction of the EEG machine! Well done!

  • @Vps3689
    @Vps3689 3 роки тому +3

    I have that genie lamp candle too! Thank you for your knowledge! Your Awesome!

  • @alexanderchitchat
    @alexanderchitchat 3 роки тому +3

    This was made for me! Haha. This is awesome thank you for this. I’m currently a Medical Assistant and I still struggle with this. This definitely helps really grasp it.

    • @Katherine_Ann
      @Katherine_Ann  3 роки тому +2

      Michael that makes me so happy to hear that! I am glad this helped you in your understanding!

  • @J.Davila_NP
    @J.Davila_NP 2 роки тому +1

    Great Video! Although, a STEMI can not be diagnosed off ECG alone. A STEMI can only be diagnosed when elevated blood troponin levels have been confirmed via labs, along with ST elevation on ECG. Until then it's just classified as ECG with ST-elevation (STE-ACS).

    • @Katherine_Ann
      @Katherine_Ann  2 роки тому

      Thank you for watching and for the feedback!

  • @MNP208
    @MNP208 3 роки тому +8

    Why do all of the EKG videos show placement on a mannequin or very thin man? Someone needs to show EKG lead placement on a woman with large breasts! How do you palpate ribs without causing pain?

  • @neerajnagi4231
    @neerajnagi4231 Рік тому

    Working on a wearable ecg. What are common issues with ecg do you think. Are wet electrodes even usable for longer duration say 24-48 hours in ambulatory monitoring. I have figured size of snap leads cab reduced lighter .

    • @Katherine_Ann
      @Katherine_Ann  Рік тому

      Interesting! From my understanding, they're never usable if they're wet.

    • @neerajnagi4231
      @neerajnagi4231 Рік тому

      @@Katherine_Ann in India I have seen only wet ones, what's the trend in US, mostly dry. All the research paper suggest active 3 wired dry electrode.

  • @mirandaalexis
    @mirandaalexis 3 роки тому

    I remember doing so many ekgs in nursing school

  • @maryem8263
    @maryem8263 3 місяці тому

    This was kinda confusing because the colors of electrodes weren’t there and they were placed out of order. How come you place them out of numerical order? Thank you

  • @bimpala6797
    @bimpala6797 3 роки тому

    hi could please do demonstration on the actual body, rather the skeleton. thanks and great demo

  • @drfistface
    @drfistface Рік тому +1

    I do a lot of EKGs at my work and I never feel comfortable counting ribs. I can't practice on myself because I have a large muscular chest (I bear a very strong resemblance to my avatar), many of my patients are bariatric or women with large breasts. Are there any tips? Is there any best way to get practice?

    • @Katherine_Ann
      @Katherine_Ann  Рік тому

      Good question. Obviously practicing on a human is the best way to do it. Maybe your employer will allow you to practice on co-workers or provide more training - it never hurts to ask!

  • @ukelilly
    @ukelilly Рік тому

    Hi. My mom just had her EKG (10 leads, 12 views) and no limb leads were there. What look like leg leads were in the pelvic area cus it was snug under the top of her adult diaper. This is from a cardiologist office. Why is that so ? Also, at another office, my mom's knees were bent and one of her arms was over her stomach. Shouldn't the arms be by her side and legs straight. This is a family doctor's office. Thx

    • @Katherine_Ann
      @Katherine_Ann  Рік тому +2

      Hi T El! Of what I have learned, limb leads should always be placed on the actual limbs, but I also have worked in an outpatient setting where they placed the limb leads on the pelvic area. The team I worked with said it was okay... but personally, I did not feel comfortable with that. I always never felt comfortable with the patient in any position other than lying down with all 4 limbs straight. This is just what I have learned. I would ask those offices what their protocols are.

    • @TessHere
      @TessHere Рік тому

      @@Katherine_Ann thanks. It's the first time I saw those leads placed there and at the time, I didn't think anything of it but when I got home and recalled, I found it strange. Thanks for clarifying.. And it was at the PCP's office where her knees were up. I will ask them next time why they chose that position (as many YT videos with a real person, they always have outstretched legs, plus EKGs at other times, at that office, legs were laid flat too ). I didn't want to question them, but I should have. Thanks again.

  • @caseyjames5452
    @caseyjames5452 3 роки тому +1


  • @marshamarsha7791
    @marshamarsha7791 2 роки тому +1

    You should be placing these right above the wrists and right above the ankles, please do it correctly..

    • @Katherine_Ann
      @Katherine_Ann  2 роки тому

      Hi Marsha! Would you mind Sharing the source that teaches this? Thank you!