"I need to put a bed on my vehicle" yes you need a bed on your landing pad, but you also need a bed on your flyer. at some point, you are going to jump out of your flyer on accident, and it will fly off and take a super long time to get back. It happened to me, and it happened to KAN, but he had a bed, so it would have been okay.
Here is a short list of test that you could do for your thrusters. - In a balance, place 1 thuster at max power but with pulse configuration on one side and a continue thrusth one on the other side. Then, check the power output by sliding down the constant power one. - After that, redo the experiment of 2 thrusters with the same amount of gas but one with the pulse configuration and other with the adgusted power but constant. That way, you can really test the gas eficency. - If you want to go further, try 3 thruster configuration on each side of the balance. On 1 side, one constant thruster at max power. On the other, the 3 alternated so there is always 1 active. Repite the sencond test with the results.
@@adamchmielewski6162 I was just saying that he should mark the warehouse so he can know which is which. He can mark with abc or 123 or anything he likes
@@Vessekx YES, if he/she accidently typed the "t" twice when it was meant to belong to the following "the", BUT NO, if he/she wanted to say "throughout".
The last episode was 74, and so is this, there are two episodes 74, like so he can see/edit wow I've never had anyone actually like my comments. Thx guys :3
engines do the same as the thrusters, they seem to have an 'internal tank' and that first fuel filled the internal tank and then the other canisters were your backup fuel. you can test this by placing down a thruster, letting it eat 1 fuel and then turn it on
6:28 no the thrusters ate it like a furnace in minecraft. The furnace in minecraft if you add a meat on top and coal on the bottom the coal will dissapear while the furnace is still on
What I really like about Scrapman that he has no changed after all these years.And that he is not making videos for money, but for people.He is one of a few youtubers who really care about the viewers.ScrapMan can make my day a lot better everytime. Thank you ScrapMan.
the reason the thrusters "eat" the fuel, is because they are using it. Edit: and if you pick them up if there is fuel in them, the fuel dissapears which is a bug. them "eating the fuel" isnt, its just like how engines make one fuel dissapear when you press w or s in a seat after refilling when it ran out, thrusters just do it immediatly with no input.
I remember when i lost my vehicle, so i went back with my harvester, and towed the harvester with the main vehicle back home, that was a fun experience.
See, I based my suspicions about the pulsing thrust on the burst of the thruster plume effect, assuming that the burst is indicating some kind of "startup time" where the thrust is diminished and ramping up to the level of the throttle slider. Testing the thrust performance of a flyer in creative mode would be useful. The results are either that the burst effect is a "thrust ramp-up" or a literal "thruster burst" whereas the fuel is a static drain of internal fuel units per unit of thruster run time. The former situation would result in a net drop in fuel efficiency due to startup time whereas the latter would exploit an oversight in the thruster scripts to significantly boost fuel economy using a sudden blast of extra force. It would rely on a low duty cycle in the timer circuit, turning on for less time than it spends off in order to exploit the blast force. Edit: Thinking about it, the most likely scenario is that the devs have fuel and thrust tied as one static system tied directly to the throttle slider in the thruster GUI. A thruster in this case consumes just as much fuel full on as it does pulsed as it would have no "ramp-up" nor "burst force" that would need extra programming to be done. Simple is most likely the modus operandi in the bowels of Scrap Mechanic since more code means a slower game and we all know fps is a premium resource when building big or building complex. I feel if you do a thruster test on a 50% duty cycle thruster on max throttle vs a half-throttle thruster, both max level, you'll get even force output. The more I consider this the more likely this third scenario becomes to my old programmer's mindset back in my Java days.
Weld a death bag with a single block so it stays. Then weld it to something like your platform. no madder how far you get, or if you reload the game, it will always be a beacon for you to find your way to the docking station.
Dear scrap man. A an efficient way to fix your landing problem would be to add censors flush with the pad, and then have pistons and bearings below that reach up and grab the flyer when the sensors are activated. And you should also add lights in the middle of the edges, and on the corners pointing up so that it’s easier to see when trying to land. Hope this helps
Hey ScrapMan, I'd love to see those pylons under your base be covered up or replaced. they just don't really match the aesthetic anymore. Just in case you see this. BTW, i copied your watering system for my first automated farming system, it works like a charm. Love your videos. Bring on the Hank Merch :)
Thrusters and Engines have an internal tank. When you put a gas canister inside the slot it fills up the internal tank. When the tank is empty it consumes the next canister. When removing and placing the thruster it starts with an empty tank. Thats why it "ate" your fuel canister.
The wrong flyer since it’s the first flyer on that world GET IT???????!! ITS BECAUSE THE FIRST PLANE WAS THE WRIGHT FLYER AND ITS THE WRONG FLYER!!!!!!
What if you put a wearhouse key in both of the wearhouse key inputs, then go in to the bottom door, get out (so it gets loaded) then go to the top and go in the top door. Idk if it will work, but it could :)
While here I'm asking scrapman to play cosmoteer day 220 Day 142 asking scrapman to make a song based on delayed annihilation And being the eighth day for asking scrapman to play mechanic miner
Put some loot chests on a slide-out rail inside the helipad and use pistons to pull it out, almost like a drawer. Not only will it look cool, but you will also be able to fit a lot more inside that hollow inside the vehicle. Like this, so he can see.
6:04 I noticed engines also do that and I think it's engines and thrusters have "inner" fuel tank. "Inner" fuel allows engine to work for a certain time and when it's empty it absorbs 1 fuel item (gasoline or battery for electric engine). That's why engines interface should have a bar for that "inner" fuel.
4:59 lol thanks for explaining that but i still think the large chests have more purpose an look cooler. all makes sense now. ( i was that comment btw) unless multiple poeple said it.
Using suspension-steering for steering. I think it's more efficient to have the thrusters powered by an OR gate, that or gate activated with either a switch/button (if you need to get up fast) or pulser contraption activated by sensor activated by a controller connected directly to the seat. Would make it heavier, but if you can get the pulsing just right to keep the vehicle balanced or slowly/slightly ascending/descending, then it will most likely be worth it. Though I would still recommend having a 1-thruster flyer with suspension-stabilizers, suspension steering for yaw, and a seat-controlled controller to get the thruster from vertical to horizontal position (and in-between by tapping the forwards button). The thruster would have to be on a switch or button. Alternatively, instead of rotating the thruster, you can have a suspension stabilizer, a seat-controlled suspension steering for way and a seat-controlled controller-powered suspension-steering for the pitch, and maybe a suspension-steering controlled by two controllers powered by a button each, for the roll. Having a single thruster and no chests would make it a lot more fuel efficient. And going back and forth between the base and the loot shouldn't be that fuel consuming, if the flyer is very lightweight.
I have five suggestions: 1: add the auto tapping thingy on the thrusters. 2:add folding flaps on the landing pad to extent the surface area of the pad to make it easier to land. 3:add sensors on the landing pad to open the flaps when your above the landing pad. 4: add folding cactus arms to extend and wrap around the flyer and hold it in place at the push of a button to save time on wielding the flyer to the vehicle when you have landed. 5:add a small cab to the front were the seat and buttons could go for astetics. 6: (optional) make it go... VROOOOOOOOM (Sorry, I just had to do it lmao)
29:00 Three soldiers are on watch duty and they begin their shift around the campsite. The first one gets shot from out of nowhere and shouts,” it’s a bacon tree.” The other two soldiers stare at each other thinking that he was crazy. Then the second soldier goes down and screams,” it’s a pork flower.” The last soldier is cautious and begins to investigate but he too goes down while saying,” it was a ham bush.”
"Am-bushed"... You know what my favorite part about you is? You are good at making stuff, yes, but not that. I keep coming back for the puns. :) I annoy my coworkers all the time with puns myself, so as a fellow punmaster, I love this s-t! lmao
It's Scrap Science time! Both thrusters started at 7:48. The constant thruster ran to 8:04 or 16 seconds, the pulsed thruster ran to 8:18 or 30 seconds, almost exactly twice as long. Which makes sense because it's running a 50% duty cycle (on half the time, off the other half.) However, I'm pretty sure it also produces half the thrust because it's only on half the time. You could do a similar setup on a balance like you had for the chests and verify. Ultimately I think you've already hit upon probably the most fuel-efficient way to travel -- thrust when you need it, otherwise coast. Assuming that a thruster at half power eats half the fuel you could also just set it to half power and thrust constantly for the same fuel economy (not accounting for drag losses; I have no idea how Scrap Mechanic calculates drag.) As for the general vehicle design, since you're carrying the loot chests on the yelipad (yep, I'm sticking with that terminology) vehicle you could probably just slim it down to two thrusters or even one and carry less structural weight and thus be even more efficient.
I demand a suitably menacing milk float for Hank to ride belligerently whilst brandishing his pitchfork! Also perhaps as an amusing t-shirt? *ponders additional ceramic receptacle stabilisation methods*
The reason the thrusters ate 1 fuel at the beginning is because there are 2 variables, the number ber of gas canisters and the amount of fuel being used and the second variable ticks down when the thruster is active. When it is empty it consumes a gas can to refill. When you just placed them, both variables were empty and it consumed the fuel to refill the second variable. This also explains how pulsing the engine uses less fuel. (Or that’s what I think)
Just an idea, for your aircraft/landing pad, have a spud gun pointed at a cardbored block so when u wanna tak off, the spudgun shoots the block so u can take off, so u dont have to manilly remove the blocks just to take off
you get about half the thrust for twice the time if you pulse the thrusters. You can also use pulses to make smaller movements with thrusters rather than suspension glitches.
the reason i think the rockets "ate" your fuel is because the number of gas you see is the storage that the rocket holds so when you put the first one in it immediately went into the thruster to be used. Once that is used to takes another one from the stack of 2. And so on. If that makes sense
Not only are the weights listed per Block volume, they also are not linear. The actual relative weights per Block are: 1 - 1 2 - 2 3 - 3 4 - 4 5 - 6 6 - 8 7 - 10 8 - 14 9 - 18 One notable exception are Small Pipes each weighing 1.5 per Block.
I think you should do a test with suspension on max and the thrusters pushing it, one pulsing, one steady and see which one pushes the suspension more.
Hey, I have an idea to you. You can mark objects in world (like your base) by dying on it with something useless in your inventory. You bag will be showing to you like marker and you will always know in what dirrection your base is. (And sorry for my English, I dont know it well :-) )
6:27 no, actually everything that takes fuel does that. it always instantly consumes the initial fuel and it can run on that one consumed fuel the same amount of time as it could for 1 fuel left in a container.
you can test power ratios for pulsing the thruster by using your scale again and having one thruster on each side pointing down, the side that is lower is stronger. Also paint your hole red.
Scrapman, for future reference if you ever die with a vehicle that doesn’t have a bed and you need to recover it, like in this video. One of the best ways is to take your recovery vehicle with a spare bed, get to your abandoned vehicle place the bed on it, sleep, and then take your recovery vehicle back to base. If you die at the base you can spawn back on your abandoned vehicle. Problem solved.
New ideas: A. Build a bomb mechanism on the drone so you can hover over bots and drop bombs to kill them... B. Build a spud cannon for killing bosses: for example 1 spud for detach and 4 for launching a small bomb... it is acurate and deals a lot of dmg
It would be hard to do the bomb dropping thing cos you would have to load it manually or risk the bombs being loose to then drop them through a trap door or something. Mounted spud guns on the flyer would be cool though
I think you should make the vehicle use electrical engine, since you will use most of your gas in the flyer. When you're going to a warehouse, you will face tape bots and the batteries will pile up on your chests when you empty your inventory
People are saying tapping the thrusters is worse because when you hold the thruster, you go faster. And the faster you go, the better fuel efficiency. It's a better fuel efficiency over distance, not time.
I really wish I had kept up with the entire series, I love watching it but I've missed so much because I just got tired of only watching that for a while
All engines consume a unit of fuel when its first filled, gas engines too. It takes that unit and its now "in" the engine. It'll consume that whole unit and then it takes another. You generally don't notice cuz most of time we hook up engines to a fuel canister rather than putting the fuel directly into the motor. It confused me at first too. I would put a 10 stack directly into a motor and it would drop instantly to 9.
theory: about warehouse's respawn. not tested but it makes the suggestion make sense. maybe you have to remove the encripters first. if this is true it most likely means that it may not be a thing yet. but it may be worth a try if you are willing to possibly sacrifice the warehouse that you chose.
"I need to put a bed on my vehicle" yes you need a bed on your landing pad, but you also need a bed on your flyer. at some point, you are going to jump out of your flyer on accident, and it will fly off and take a super long time to get back. It happened to me, and it happened to KAN, but he had a bed, so it would have been okay.
Thats why scrap man has buttons instead of switches. Unless pressed, buttons won't work. kAN, Squiddy both of them has switches.
@@aayushhayaran3927 good job noticeing that I give you like
@@aayushhayaran3927 Stil, The Flyer can be far before it lands. Or he may be far becouse of exploring.
he is the sea emperor
Your base: isn't this enough
His base is like just stop please I can't take myselffff
It ate the fuel because of internal storage of fuel. So you could still use the thruster even when not putting anymore fuel in.
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but that kinda sorta makes sense
Tbh it was kinda weird to see him not understand this, seeing how engines work the same way.
@@suicidalbanananana I remember I wrote about a bar for "inner" fuel under one of the first episodes
Also i thought using three thrusters would be less fuel effective. Because three times the things to use the fuel
Scrapman: i might release some hank merch soon
Hank: REALLY?!?!?!!!
And comes out of the bush
Time stamp?
36:22 @@aidenwitcraft4637
That thing looks a bit like some vehicle from Star Wars. Love it
Wich one?
no it looks like a battle bot
Here is a short list of test that you could do for your thrusters.
- In a balance, place 1 thuster at max power but with pulse configuration on one side and a continue thrusth one on the other side. Then, check the power output by sliding down the constant power one.
- After that, redo the experiment of 2 thrusters with the same amount of gas but one with the pulse configuration and other with the adgusted power but constant. That way, you can really test the gas eficency.
- If you want to go further, try 3 thruster configuration on each side of the balance. On 1 side, one constant thruster at max power. On the other, the 3 alternated so there is always 1 active. Repite the sencond test with the results.
Oh jeez thats a lot of words
@@LioPrime Eh, that's a pretty normal-length comment to me.
I'm gonna try this for my world
Scrapman: Allways max out your engine
Me: Has only Piston cars.
That’s good
i m da lates of daa latestt on dis bideeo
@@ezeke959 huh?
@@Cyberlong rgramaara
@@Cyberlong I'm the latest of the latest on this video.
QUICK SOLUTION: mark the warehouse as A, B, C, etc using the scrap metal on the top so you could know that which warehouse is which
Nice idea 👍
So the max warehouses without going into numbers would be 26? Numbers are infinite so they would be better
@@adamchmielewski6162 think there are only 8 warehouses on a map
@@adamchmielewski6162 I was just saying that he should mark the warehouse so he can know which is which. He can mark with abc or 123 or anything he likes
Scrap man says “nailed it!” So much, he should make nailed it Merch.
Sounds good but might have copyrighted, depending use.
Yeah there is a show named nailed it. So that might be an issue
@@flyingmunk8956 Yeah but I mean can't he just have his fun. Seriously.
I feel like that’s trademarked
He can't make merch out of everything
Add spotlight on the water cannons so that theres also a light show
Your name reminds me of the FLYING PANCACK
And sorry if that was a big face palm
@@d.a.b.4900 day 34 of asking scrapman to make a flying pancake in scrap mechanic survival
That is a great idea!
Build the cars you have in real life and race for next muiltiplayer
trooper 122 ask it in the discord, not the comments, you have a bigger chance of him reading/doing it there
Tyota prius
yes scorpmum
what if they don't own a car?... Hitchhike to victory?
Evilking no it wouldn’t especially if they got a picture for reference.
the game should say "you are playing the game wrong" when u land on top of the werehouse instead of going throught the werehouse
@@Vessekx YES, if he/she accidently typed the "t" twice when it was meant to belong to the following "the", BUT NO, if he/she wanted to say "throughout".
The last episode was 74, and so is this, there are two episodes 74, like so he can see/edit wow I've never had anyone actually like my comments. Thx guys :3
i think its like a 2 part :D
@Danish Hidayat no this isn’t part two, just an error
When Im writing this your comment is 47 minuts ago and it’s episode 74 see the qisindence
@Somebody stole my Toast Lmaoooooo I see
nice job you did it
When your early the frog clan isn't here yet
Lol noice
I think you meant "you're".
@@joswortelboer2930 so it’s not when “you are early” but instead is when you own early?
engines do the same as the thrusters, they seem to have an 'internal tank' and that first fuel filled the internal tank and then the other canisters were your backup fuel.
you can test this by placing down a thruster, letting it eat 1 fuel and then turn it on
Whoops, I just said that, and I didn't need to.
Luckily i read the comments before typing mine!
Hey scrapman, can you use a vacuum pump to shoot chemicals and if so can you damage bots? If you can you should make a chemical cannon for your base.
yes yes yes
I've experimented with this - bots only react to water being spilled on them; chemical has no effect on Totebots and Haybots.
@@Palewhitegamer awwwwww Mann BORING
6:28 no the thrusters ate it like a furnace in minecraft. The furnace in minecraft if you add a meat on top and coal on the bottom the coal will dissapear while the furnace is still on
Yes, also do you like or play mc
OK nvm your name tells me
@@jenniferglenis9250 lol
@@jenniferglenis9250 i like redstone i am a redstone engineer and a builder in minecraft
2013: "I *am* the danger!"
2020: "Being scared of ScrapMan is good!"
"it's awesome and terrible"
Scrapman: I hAvEn'T bEeN tO tHiS wArEhOuSe
Ever one els: or it could have reset
Yea he's been told they reset like 300 times over the past 5-6 video's and still is surprised it reset lol
OMG lol👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Do you have an example of a warehouse that reset? I've cleared the warehouses in two survival games and never seen one reset.
It's nice you're trying to help, but they actually don't reset. There's just a lot more of them around the map than you might think at first
He actually did it, nice
What I really like about Scrapman that he has no changed after all these years.And that he is not making videos for money, but for people.He is one of a few youtubers who really care about the viewers.ScrapMan can make my day a lot better everytime. Thank you ScrapMan.
Me when scrapman makes a flyer: :) yes
Me when he makes a helipad to drive his flyer places: why that defeats the purpose of a flyer
it's gonna be weird trying to imagine the devs watching him contain a hay bot and just makes it a thing
Next challenge for multiplayer creative mode: saw wheels
did it
scrap-man: look hank likes swimming!!
hank: day 1254 "this hell hasn't ended I will never be free from this eternal pain!"
Scrapman's flyer looks like the stick I found in the backyard.
I really like that Scrapman shows what comment he gets an ideal from up on the screen. Makes the channel feel more involved with the subs
the reason the thrusters "eat" the fuel, is because they are using it.
Edit: and if you pick them up if there is fuel in them, the fuel dissapears which is a bug. them "eating the fuel" isnt, its just like how engines make one fuel dissapear when you press w or s in a seat after refilling when it ran out, thrusters just do it immediatly with no input.
Rewatching the series, and I just came down here to see if anyone commented about this, I completely forgot I did
I remember when i lost my vehicle, so i went back with my harvester, and towed the harvester with the main vehicle back home, that was a fun experience.
and for todays daily update, Scrapman is 5 seconds late, really good.
Beat u again frog lol
No u didnt lol
No u didn't
No u didnt lol
You are a disgrace in the eyes of our lord and saviour coolasj
Scrap man keep up the amazing work 😁😁😁
Maybe you can fold the front of the flyer so it takes less space when you store it
When you were taking all of your vehicles back to the base and you fast forward everything , that was cool , keep on doing that.
See, I based my suspicions about the pulsing thrust on the burst of the thruster plume effect, assuming that the burst is indicating some kind of "startup time" where the thrust is diminished and ramping up to the level of the throttle slider. Testing the thrust performance of a flyer in creative mode would be useful.
The results are either that the burst effect is a "thrust ramp-up" or a literal "thruster burst" whereas the fuel is a static drain of internal fuel units per unit of thruster run time. The former situation would result in a net drop in fuel efficiency due to startup time whereas the latter would exploit an oversight in the thruster scripts to significantly boost fuel economy using a sudden blast of extra force. It would rely on a low duty cycle in the timer circuit, turning on for less time than it spends off in order to exploit the blast force.
Edit: Thinking about it, the most likely scenario is that the devs have fuel and thrust tied as one static system tied directly to the throttle slider in the thruster GUI. A thruster in this case consumes just as much fuel full on as it does pulsed as it would have no "ramp-up" nor "burst force" that would need extra programming to be done. Simple is most likely the modus operandi in the bowels of Scrap Mechanic since more code means a slower game and we all know fps is a premium resource when building big or building complex. I feel if you do a thruster test on a 50% duty cycle thruster on max throttle vs a half-throttle thruster, both max level, you'll get even force output. The more I consider this the more likely this third scenario becomes to my old programmer's mindset back in my Java days.
OMG long comment also I didn't read it
@@jenniferglenis9250 Eh, I don't blame ya, I tend to do this kind of thing XD
Scrapman: I might have to release hank - me: OH NO PLS DONT - srcrapman: Merch - me: phew
Idea: to save some frames isolate the pillars that hold up the castle from where you store your cars
Weld a death bag with a single block so it stays. Then weld it to something like your platform. no madder how far you get, or if you reload the game, it will always be a beacon for you to find your way to the docking station.
I wonder if the flyer would still take off if you added wheels and an engine on it
Dear scrap man. A an efficient way to fix your landing problem would be to add censors flush with the pad, and then have pistons and bearings below that reach up and grab the flyer when the sensors are activated. And you should also add lights in the middle of the edges, and on the corners pointing up so that it’s easier to see when trying to land. Hope this helps
And for today's upload time report: scrapman was 4 seconds late. Pretty epic
Am fr0g🐸🐸🐸
Me cool fr0g
Am l3tter not fr0g
U fr0g
FrOg when did you started doing daily late time thingy?
Where did you go for a week
@@frogsecretaryofswamp452 Iv been here. UA-cam random generations didint recomend my comment.
Hey ScrapMan, I'd love to see those pylons under your base be covered up or replaced. they just don't really match the aesthetic anymore. Just in case you see this.
BTW, i copied your watering system for my first automated farming system, it works like a charm. Love your videos. Bring on the Hank Merch :)
Scrapman day 74 In Scrap Mechanic Survival Mode: *Make a Heli*
Me day 100 in Scrap Mechanic Survival Mode: *Start to make a Base for the first time*
bruh, it is not the 74th day of his world
@@jeleshka1506 It's real time
Its a episode not day
@@limgargarkevin6196 Just to make the meme easier and make it much more sense
I watched your entire scrap mechanic series and it is great you and a few other UA-camrs are what inspired me to be a UA-camr
hey scrap, i've noticed that your getting a lot of lag when you start recording
Scrapman: my flyer is thick in the back
Milk gang
I've Been missing for a month now
Miss me frogs?
Axolotls are the superior amphibian.
Thrusters and Engines have an internal tank. When you put a gas canister inside the slot it fills up the internal tank. When the tank is empty it consumes the next canister. When removing and placing the thruster it starts with an empty tank. Thats why it "ate" your fuel canister.
I feel like he should call his flyer the “Y Flyer” because when flying it looks like a Y
I was literally going to say that lol
The only difference is I would call it a Y-Wing Because I love Star Wars
The wrong flyer since it’s the first flyer on that world
@Lio Prime YES perfect name
It also begs the question "Y I go thru so much gas?"
What if you put a wearhouse key in both of the wearhouse key inputs, then go in to the bottom door, get out (so it gets loaded) then go to the top and go in the top door. Idk if it will work, but it could :)
Day 18 of asking scrapman to make the turrets move
No lights, no warehouse keys, no bed, I worry for you Scrappy... Epic save BTW!
Thought you would think that this is cool but my irl name is hype
If you create a complete seperate parking for your cars, you'll get less lag. (A small gab will be anough as long as they don't touch your big base)
While here I'm asking scrapman to play cosmoteer day 220
Day 142 asking scrapman to make a song based on delayed annihilation
And being the eighth day for asking scrapman to play mechanic miner
I would like to see scrapman to play cosmoteer because its has lot of updates and mods to play with
@@imyuukakazami finally another one understands
Day 5089 of telling idiots to stop using the day counting thing, the jokes over!!!!! Come up with something original
I don’t think requesting it everyday is working for you.
Put some loot chests on a slide-out rail inside the helipad and use pistons to pull it out, almost like a drawer. Not only will it look cool, but you will also be able to fit a lot more inside that hollow inside the vehicle. Like this, so he can see.
you're an hour late my guy... How could you torture us like this?
You're an hour early
6:04 I noticed engines also do that and I think it's engines and thrusters have "inner" fuel tank. "Inner" fuel allows engine to work for a certain time and when it's empty it absorbs 1 fuel item (gasoline or battery for electric engine). That's why engines interface should have a bar for that "inner" fuel.
4:59 lol thanks for explaining that but i still think the large chests have more purpose an look cooler. all makes sense now. ( i was that comment btw) unless multiple poeple said it.
Using suspension-steering for steering. I think it's more efficient to have the thrusters powered by an OR gate, that or gate activated with either a switch/button (if you need to get up fast) or pulser contraption activated by sensor activated by a controller connected directly to the seat. Would make it heavier, but if you can get the pulsing just right to keep the vehicle balanced or slowly/slightly ascending/descending, then it will most likely be worth it.
Though I would still recommend having a 1-thruster flyer with suspension-stabilizers, suspension steering for yaw, and a seat-controlled controller to get the thruster from vertical to horizontal position (and in-between by tapping the forwards button). The thruster would have to be on a switch or button. Alternatively, instead of rotating the thruster, you can have a suspension stabilizer, a seat-controlled suspension steering for way and a seat-controlled controller-powered suspension-steering for the pitch, and maybe a suspension-steering controlled by two controllers powered by a button each, for the roll.
Having a single thruster and no chests would make it a lot more fuel efficient. And going back and forth between the base and the loot shouldn't be that fuel consuming, if the flyer is very lightweight.
This GUY is the most smartest youtuber I've ever seen in scrap mechanic
Because this is the only youtuber I watch in scrap mechanic :P
KAN is in ScrapMan's video an he is a youtuber
Yeah I might be wrong
I have five suggestions: 1: add the auto tapping thingy on the thrusters. 2:add folding flaps on the landing pad to extent the surface area of the pad to make it easier to land. 3:add sensors on the landing pad to open the flaps when your above the landing pad. 4: add folding cactus arms to extend and wrap around the flyer and hold it in place at the push of a button to save time on wielding the flyer to the vehicle when you have landed. 5:add a small cab to the front were the seat and buttons could go for astetics. 6: (optional) make it go...
(Sorry, I just had to do it lmao)
Hey man! Iv'e been subbed since before 10k! Keep up the good work you're doing great! :)
Three soldiers are on watch duty and they begin their shift around the campsite. The first one gets shot from out of nowhere and shouts,” it’s a bacon tree.” The other two soldiers stare at each other thinking that he was crazy. Then the second soldier goes down and screams,” it’s a pork flower.” The last soldier is cautious and begins to investigate but he too goes down while saying,” it was a ham bush.”
**Confusion 100**
Hank just went on a nice walk it’s really good to take a walk every once in a while especially in the Forest
"Am-bushed"... You know what my favorite part about you is? You are good at making stuff, yes, but not that. I keep coming back for the puns. :)
I annoy my coworkers all the time with puns myself, so as a fellow punmaster, I love this s-t! lmao
It's Scrap Science time!
Both thrusters started at 7:48. The constant thruster ran to 8:04 or 16 seconds, the pulsed thruster ran to 8:18 or 30 seconds, almost exactly twice as long. Which makes sense because it's running a 50% duty cycle (on half the time, off the other half.) However, I'm pretty sure it also produces half the thrust because it's only on half the time. You could do a similar setup on a balance like you had for the chests and verify. Ultimately I think you've already hit upon probably the most fuel-efficient way to travel -- thrust when you need it, otherwise coast. Assuming that a thruster at half power eats half the fuel you could also just set it to half power and thrust constantly for the same fuel economy (not accounting for drag losses; I have no idea how Scrap Mechanic calculates drag.)
As for the general vehicle design, since you're carrying the loot chests on the yelipad (yep, I'm sticking with that terminology) vehicle you could probably just slim it down to two thrusters or even one and carry less structural weight and thus be even more efficient.
you could say it is a stunning experience for hank
I demand a suitably menacing milk float for Hank to ride belligerently whilst brandishing his pitchfork! Also perhaps as an amusing t-shirt? *ponders additional ceramic receptacle stabilisation methods*
I like how the haybots (Hank!) literally have swimming animations, but a small splash of water from a bucket or a water gun stuns them...
scrapman, "look hank is stuned with my water show", hank, "HELP ME PLEASE!"
The reason the thrusters ate 1 fuel at the beginning is because there are 2 variables, the number ber of gas canisters and the amount of fuel being used and the second variable ticks down when the thruster is active. When it is empty it consumes a gas can to refill. When you just placed them, both variables were empty and it consumed the fuel to refill the second variable. This also explains how pulsing the engine uses less fuel. (Or that’s what I think)
Just an idea, for your aircraft/landing pad, have a spud gun pointed at a cardbored block so when u wanna tak off, the spudgun shoots the block so u can take off, so u dont have to manilly remove the blocks just to take off
Nicely done dude:) I wish i was better at this game. I can picture some really cool builds in my world:)
Love the videos scrap man its one thing I look forward to every morning
you get about half the thrust for twice the time if you pulse the thrusters. You can also use pulses to make smaller movements with thrusters rather than suspension glitches.
flash back : Scrap man says "hank usually hangs out by the base when hes gone"
Uh oh
Scrapman Hank grew up and I think he got killed by the water
the reason i think the rockets "ate" your fuel is because the number of gas you see is the storage that the rocket holds so when you put the first one in it immediately went into the thruster to be used. Once that is used to takes another one from the stack of 2. And so on. If that makes sense
Scrapman : Hank?
Hank :
Scrapman : I'm gonna have to make some Hank merch some time
Hank : I'M HERE!!!
Not only are the weights listed per Block volume, they also are not linear. The actual relative weights per Block are:
1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4
5 - 6
6 - 8
7 - 10
8 - 14
9 - 18
One notable exception are Small Pipes each weighing 1.5 per Block.
I think you should do a test with suspension on max and the thrusters pushing it, one pulsing, one steady and see which one pushes the suspension more.
Hey, I have an idea to you. You can mark objects in world (like your base) by dying on it with something useless in your inventory. You bag will be showing to you like marker and you will always know in what dirrection your base is.
(And sorry for my English, I dont know it well :-) )
"You cant ambush me without any bushes" I'm dying
no, actually everything that takes fuel does that. it always instantly consumes the initial fuel and it can run on that one consumed fuel the same amount of time as it could for 1 fuel left in a container.
you can test power ratios for pulsing the thruster by using your scale again and having one thruster on each side pointing down, the side that is lower is stronger. Also paint your hole red.
Scrapman, for future reference if you ever die with a vehicle that doesn’t have a bed and you need to recover it, like in this video. One of the best ways is to take your recovery vehicle with a spare bed, get to your abandoned vehicle place the bed on it, sleep, and then take your recovery vehicle back to base. If you die at the base you can spawn back on your abandoned vehicle. Problem solved.
This is the type of vids I love from you
New ideas:
A. Build a bomb mechanism on the drone so you can hover over bots and drop bombs to kill them...
B. Build a spud cannon for killing bosses: for example 1 spud for detach and 4 for launching a small bomb... it is acurate and deals a lot of dmg
It would be hard to do the bomb dropping thing cos you would have to load it manually or risk the bombs being loose to then drop them through a trap door or something. Mounted spud guns on the flyer would be cool though
@@tempestrage257 you can connect the bombs whit cardboar and have a spudgun shoot the cardboard
@@cristianc.4538 hmm, yeah I guess something like that would work. Nice idea, may have to try this myself
I think you should make the vehicle use electrical engine, since you will use most of your gas in the flyer.
When you're going to a warehouse, you will face tape bots and the batteries will pile up on your chests when you empty your inventory
People are saying tapping the thrusters is worse because when you hold the thruster, you go faster. And the faster you go, the better fuel efficiency.
It's a better fuel efficiency over distance, not time.
I hope you continue your job you’re doing a great job whenever I’m sad I watch your video and I feel happy 🥳
This is for not even mentioning Hank in the last episode
Scrapmechanic devs: releases new update that kills haybots if u stun it enough times
Scrapman: NOT HANK!
If you leave one item in your loot bag, you can weld it to your vehicle to use as a tracking beacon.
I really wish I had kept up with the entire series, I love watching it but I've missed so much because I just got tired of only watching that for a while
For multiplayer Monday they should unencrypt the warehouse and only use materials that they found in it
This can be done in dev mode or commands in survival.
Have a set time to gather matierials
They should also be invincible so they are not constantly die while gathering materials.
All engines consume a unit of fuel when its first filled, gas engines too. It takes that unit and its now "in" the engine. It'll consume that whole unit and then it takes another. You generally don't notice cuz most of time we hook up engines to a fuel canister rather than putting the fuel directly into the motor. It confused me at first too. I would put a 10 stack directly into a motor and it would drop instantly to 9.
Love your vids been here from the start
theory: about warehouse's respawn. not tested but it makes the suggestion make sense. maybe you have to remove the encripters first. if this is true it most likely means that it may not be a thing yet. but it may be worth a try if you are willing to possibly sacrifice the warehouse that you chose.