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Stupid relgion with a stupid fairytale and its flat earth and magic nonsense! Why are you using a technology which proofs how completly false yor religion is? No jannah nonsense, allah dont exist! Read a physic book instead of a stupid fairytale!
I hope you guys realise that the Muslims are predominantly descended from Banu Israil, while the zionists are descended from yajuj wamajuj . This is confirmed in Surah Al Anbya 21:95/96. Thus no historic right does yajuj wamajuj have with the Holy Land unless they have accepted Islam. The zionist entity was created with the help of yajuj wamajuj, this is how brilliantly The Creator of The Heavens and Earth unveils in the Quran the identity of yajuj wamajuj.
Islam is the TRUTH because the message of it has always existed since the creation of the universe. Islam is the ONLY faith which is NOT named after a Person, a Place, or People. It’s a VERB, a way of life. All the previous Prophets in the Torah and Bible were Muslims… - The word for God in Hebrew is Eloah. This was the language of Prophet Musa (Moses) - The word for God in Aramaic is Alah. This was the language of Prophet Isa (Jesus) - The word for God in Arabic is Allah. This was the language of Prophet Muhammad. Peace and Blessings be Upon Them All. They all worshipped and prayed to the same Creator in the same way also… Moses and Aaron Numbers 20:6 6 "...they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them." Jesus Matthews 26:39 39 "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed" Muhammad Holy Quran 31:22 22 “And whoever submits his face to Allah while he is a doer of good - then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold. And to Allah will be the outcome of [all] matters.” Holy Quran 22:77 77 “O you who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord and do good - that you may succeed.” Holy Quran 2:43 43 “And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].” I will greet you the same way as Moses and Jesus in the Bible greeted people by saying Assalaamu Alaykum (Peace Be With You) in Islam… Moses in Hebrew - Sholem Aleichem (Peace Be With You). Jesus In Aramaic… John 20:21 21 "Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you!” Luke 24:36 36 "While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you." Muhammad in Arabic - Assalaamu Alaykum (Peace Be With You). It has always been One God, One Message, and One Humanity. May Allah GUIDE those who are sincere and honest before it’s too late for them.
If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” ― Malcolm X.
Malcom X was a man way ahead of his time. These words ring so true. Propaganda is that Israel has the right to protect themselves fair enough. This is a euphemism for committing mass genocide on a scale unseen before in history of mankind.
you know the bible actually has scientific things in it like it mentions perception the world being round among other things the koran says camel piss has medical properties and that the sun sits in water
He is doing what the people did in the time of Musa (AS). They questioned, not because they were interest in becoming more educated, but to catch him out and every time he got close to proving any type of truth they immediately swayed the conversation in another direction without allowing any specific topic to be satisfactorily covered. It's a deliberate attempt to make, even highly educated people, look as though they're stumbling over their words and to make them feel as though they're under heavy questioning.
If hate, arrogance and self entitlement had a face it would be the little guy, Much respect to the big patient & humble guy. Having moved from New Zealand to Australia 15 years ago, one of the first things I remember being told having only been in Australia for a month was ‘be careful of the Muslim’s’, mainstream media is really good at saying ‘be careful of the Muslim’s’ too with out actually saying it. Over the last few weeks I have stopped watching mainstream media altogether, I am not Muslim or Jewish, but the attitudes I have seen from mainstream media towards the Muslim community has been disgusting. Thank you for sharing
@@Uncle_Bob660 If you think Hijab is out to fool us then you're fooling yourself. He doesn't make it about himself (yet you say he pretends to be something else to fool people). He references everything he says with facts. You're describing a con artist, con artists don't use facts, they use lies. Looks like you're the one that's about the BS!
@@Uncle_Bob660 No issue with your claims if they are true. Next time back it up with facts. Give just 1 example of him displaying dishonesty? It's possible you've misinterpreted.
"I can debate with 10 people who are knowledgeable but I will be defeated by the ignorant, because ignorant people will never understand the basic of knowledge" (Imam Shafi'i)
Are Islam and the West locked in a deadly clash of civilizations? Is Islam compatible with democracy and human rights? Will religious fundamentalism block the development of modern societies in the Islamic world? Are Muslims commanded to deceive non-Muslims in any way, at any time, if it serves Islam.
This is SO brilliantly put. I remember being in University and living in halls. I remember having a debate about certain topics with a group of girls who also lived there and my points were very articulate and deeply thought through, theirs were not. They were merely scratching the surface of the issue. Hence they hadn't analyzed it with enough depth to have an opinion that held any substance. All I could think was "man, no matter how hard I try and how simply I break this down, I can't get through. But if this room was full of renowned intellectuals they'd all be agreeing with me and the girls would agree with me just because these renowned "smart people" said so". I was 21-22. Then I figured out that I should save my energy to discuss topics like this with people who can operate on the same level at least.
sadly that is the majority of the human race , that is why not all people are believers . Allah said that no person who have even slightest percent of arrogance will not enter jannah
Damn, intelligence and a calm presence is so beautiful to see. Mohammed is beyond impressive. Avi’s style of working overtime to try and make his point tells me all I need to know.
Sahin Muslim [7339] 82 - (2922) It was narrated that AN Hurairah said: "The Messenger of Allah said: 'The Hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them, until a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: "0 Muslim, 0 slave of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." Except the Gharqad (a thorny tree), for it is one of the trees of the Jews." So be careful, because after having what They want from Jews, you are the next.
One question to Mohammed if you think his impressive, since his an Egyptian ,why the Egyptian government and its people refuse to help the Palestinians people, his all talking when the Palestinians are suffering probably the real Egyptians know more about the Real history than he does..FACTS
😂 Jewish guy said he wants to change the Torah. Isn’t that the whole reason for the message of prophet Mohammed pbuh cos they kept changing the scriptures
hes not religious. and if you would read that chapter in context you would understand it. dont criticise our tora when you dont understand it. im not saying the quran is evil and says to do this and that, becouse im no expert on the quran. so don't do that to our tora.
esatto ma il male che ce nelle loro parole dice allah quello che dicono e malvagio ma se sapessi cosa ce nel loro cuore e ancor peggio Dicono i nostri quori sono Ghulf(Chiusi avvolti ) sono una razza di merda basta leggere la bibbia sono loro che hanno finanziato hitler e poi ingannato e fatto passare per lunico pazzo mentre chi li vendeva gas per killare le persone era la Bigher Stessa ditta che ora ha aquisito Lindustria del farmaco pensa e non ha subito ne processo nulla e in piedi dal 1940 a oggi solo che comprando lindustria del farmaco tengono tutto il mondo sotto scacco vedi la vacinazione di veleni inposta da tutti li stati grazie a loro
@@thehevytrooperquran says jews and christians are followers of god, but the words have been played with. Thats rrally it. If you truly believe in god and you are a good then you will go heaven. And were asked to recognise(not follow) 25 prophets revelation
I know that I am an outsider as being a white American, and Catholic, but I have been watching a lot of Mohammed Hijab videos lately since the recent events and I have to say he has given me such a new love and respect for my muslim brothers.
I don't know much about Mohammed or Islam but i was brought up with so many religions around me and never felt any hostility between the people . This is a sad world i am seeing now . I never thought zionists were so bad . I thought it was the same as jews but it is not , not at all . Incredible how much dirt is covered up .
I tell you what… I was born Muslim and in my teenage years moved from all religions because I felt they caused all the chaos and Destruction in the world. At age 40 I reverted back and found so much peace in this faith. Religion of peace often gets scoffed at and rightly so…. There is a saying Alhumdulillah I found Islam before I found Muslims because I would have never considered Islam as my religion. Sadly it can be a true Statement for any religion. What I’ve found at age 52 is you have spiritual people and you have religious people. Those of us that practice our faith with spirituality can connect on a level of Love and Compassion that is befitting the light of Allah/God/the Creator of all creation. We’re all creation…. Those that practice their faith with religiosity strike out at everyone using a hammer and self righteous indignation. It’s illness, ego, hysterical, insanity…. Nothing befitting the Loving and Merciful Allah that I know. Nothing befitting the Lovingly beautiful Prophets that Allah blessed us with from Isa Alayhi Salam (Jesus peace be upon him) to Mohammed Sullulahi Alayhi Wa Asulum. We can all get along but as long as we align ourselves with the hypocrites and evil doers we’re going to fall in line with chaos. Free will is a blessing from Allah Subhana wa ta Allah…. This world is a testament to what we have done with that free will. Don’t damn ourselves, don’t side with the hypocrites and liars of this world ie Media, Politicians, Nationalists, etc. May Allah Guide Us All Ameen.
I can not believe i was foolish enough to follow avi and rebel news. I was totally duped into having bad feelings about muslims and islam and im ashamed of myself
at least you’re seeing the truth now 😁 don’t feel bad brother, we love everyone. we just want the world to know what’s been hidden and support those in need
FINALLLLLY, not just ignorance but arrogance too, his expressions r provoking 🤮, some muslims want the world to be islamic cuz of how much they r oppressed and it has nothing to do with jews, even Palestinian targeting Israelis, it’s a political fight, some Palestinians r recorded saying we wanna fight jews but without explaining that it refers to zionists or Israelis, and it’s hard to explain, Islam says that some jews r bad and that’s what Palestinians believe about the Israelis
What many people that are not aware of and educated about the Quran and religious history is that Abraham is the Father of the Jewish and Muslims which makes them brothers they are from the same father and different mothers. Muslims cannot and should not be Anti-Semites because Muslims are semitic as well. The Jewish should protect the Muslims and the Muslims should protect their brothers the Jewish.
That guy and his friends.. their demeanour.. to say it portrays arrogance is an understatement. He looks so full of disdain, bouncing around with that stupid grin on his face and talking to his friends mid discussion feigning boredom. It’s quite obvious that a balanced and even tempered discussion is not a convenient platform for their usual style of peddling nonsense on a one way street. Hats off to Mr Hijab for keeping his composure and for being respectful.
Best comment here. About 3 mins in Hijab is reciting verses from the Quran and the other guy was not even paying attention, he wanted to make his point and have everyone hear it and then basically refused to hear anything counter to his own beliefs. It wasn't a debate for him it was a publicity stunt to mouth his hatred to the world. So obvious to see. Horrible little man.
@@Sal_A that is what i'm thinking, does this guy have some sort of learning disabilty beacause he can't seem to look the brother in the eye, let alone stand still for two seconds.
Did the Bible Manuscripts Exist in the Islamic Era? When Muhammad was still alive there were millions of Christians in the Middle East. At that time, the manuscripts of the Torah, the Prophets and the Bible in the Islamic era/era were of course already in circulation. Christians and non-Christians, both lay and non-lay people, can read these books openly. Do the original manuscripts of the Bible from the time Islam began still exist? Let's read the explanation below. Muhammad was ordered to ask questions about Allah's books If the prophet of Islam had not been illiterate, he would have read these books himself. Because at that time, the Bible manuscripts of the Islamic era had spread and were everywhere. But unfortunately, Muhammad could not read, so what he knew about the Book of Allah he obtained after he asked other people. “. . . ask those who read the book before you" (Qs 10:94). Nevertheless, the prophet of Islam should have completely believed in the contents of the Book of Allah held by Christians. Because another verse in the Koran says "And We have given him the Book of the Gospel and in it (there is) guidance and light (which illuminates), and confirms the previous book, namely the Book of the Torah" (Qs 5:46) Ancient manuscripts of the Bible in the Islamic era, still well preserved The Codex (Book) Sinaiticus is another ancient manuscript (an original handwritten Bible manuscript) that was in circulation during the time of Muhammad. Maybe this manuscript is what is referred to in Qs 10:94. This ancient manuscript was copied around 360 AD and was written in Greek. This book includes the Torah and Gospel. This manuscript is well preserved until now at the British Library in England, St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai, Leipzig University Library in Germany and the Russian National Library in Saint Petersburg. Photo-manuscripts-of-earlier-books-as-symbols-of-the-gospel-at-the-time-of-Muhammad-still-existedGod's People Need to Hold and Study the Bible Many people are amazed by the discovery of Bible manuscripts. In fact, many Bible skeptics and critics admit that ancient copies of the Bible were transmitted much more accurately than other ancient manuscripts. Evidently, God keeps His Word. “. . . "Indeed, as long as the heavens and the earth have not disappeared, one iota or one tittle will not be done away from the law of the Torah, until everything comes to pass" (Gospel, Matthew 5:18). Of course, there are changes in the Gospels (Bible) in the canonization process. But these changes are minor and do not change the main doctrines of the Bible. The Bible teaches to trust God's Word. The essence of the Bible's teaching is that Isa Al-Masih was sent by God to atone for the punishment for the sins of mankind. "For the wages of sin is death" (Bible, Romans 6:23). Therefore He came to release humans from the wages of this death by dying on the cross. The Bible teaches that Jesus was the Word of God who became human. He is God (Gospel, Letter of John 1:1). He wants to save you from death. You should accept Him in your life. For that, you need to hold and study the Gospel! Jesus and Islam
How can one person have so much patience and knowledge? I'm not anti-Semitic, but I couldn't hold a conversation with someone who was disrespectful like that without getting angry.
But a real muslim, should have characters. Because mo hijab just need to spread this message. Even somebody get angry or doing strange things. So mo hijab he need to show , calm patience respect and just go further with he story. I am agree its difficult. But it the only why. Thats why we follow profet mohammed peace be upon with him. The profhet with the best characters and many more.
Lol i felt the same way This dude cracked jokes and didnt even have eye contact as muhammad hijab talks and answers his questions calmly.. hijab got some patience man. May Allah bless you my brother, Muhammad Hijab!
Pourquoi toujours avoir à préciser qu on est pas antisémite , d abord ces juifs ne sont pas sémite mais bien Turco Mongole . Cette acusation d antisémite ne tiens plus , c est leur principale défence . Moi je suis profondément anti juifs cela ne me pose aucun problèmes de le dire . Je n ai jamais suporté ce petit peuple de merde fouteur de merde .
The little man was so restless. Due to hate, anger or insecurity of his height? We will never know. I know that he did not take a single word from this conversation. He was not here to learn, but play tough, which he also failed to do... 🤷♀️🤦♀️
Haha. Why are there so many comments about the height of Avi? And why use this to discredit him in such a way? Look around: it is Hijab who is tall. :)
@@AndersLiljeblad Avi suffers from short man syndrome. He's constantly trying to compensate by being overly aggressive, controversial, combative etc. Even lashing out at his wife. He demands respect without doing the work to earn it.
He is 💯 percent on point: the fundamental core of Islam is a World wide Caliphate . They know they can’t do it peacefully, so they are using extreme violence. For example: what happening in Nigeria 🇳🇬. They want to force that religion on Africa
@@AndersLiljeblad because he’s the one that brought up the height thing it’s a feeling of insecurity. Some men have it when around much taller men I’m a counselor I get this all the time from men when they start talking about their insecurities this is a very common insecurity among average height or short men
@@Communism.is.a.cancerno one hate jews , everyone who do not agree with jews or support killing children or debunk their religion is a jew hater .. my God what a stupid way of thinking
He’s aggravated because he’s overly confident that his position is morally superior and close to the truth than any other that is doesn’t matter what anyone else says he’s just so eager to make is point.
ATTENTION!!! Hell is real !!! We can not hide our sins from God. Jesus Christ loves you and He died on the cross for your sins, three days later, He arose from the tomb. Jesus Christ is alive and He has defeated death. If you continue to deny Jesus Christ as LORD, you will never see the Kingdom of God. REPENT and believe in the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell.... Have a wonderful day!!
Avi and his camera man are completely coked out of their minds! Look at his jaw move from left to right and his bugged out eyes! 👀 His camera man is chewing gun very intensely 😂😂😂
Hats off to Mohammed Hijab for his patience and the way he managed to convey the message, no doubt that he was trying to follow the path of prophet PBUH even in Dawah. Truly arrogance and ignorance are not appreciated in islam.
Islam is the TRUTH because the message of it has always existed since the creation of the universe. Islam is the ONLY faith which is NOT named after a Person, a Place, or People. It’s a VERB, a way of life. All the previous Prophets in the Torah and Bible were Muslims… - The word for God in Hebrew is Eloah. This was the language of Prophet Musa (Moses) - The word for God in Aramaic is Alah. This was the language of Prophet Isa (Jesus) - The word for God in Arabic is Allah. This was the language of Prophet Muhammad. Peace and Blessings be Upon Them All. They all worshipped and prayed to the same Creator in the same way also… Moses and Aaron Numbers 20:6 6 "...they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them." Jesus Matthews 26:39 39 "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed" Muhammad Holy Quran 31:22 22 “And whoever submits his face to Allah while he is a doer of good - then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold. And to Allah will be the outcome of [all] matters.” Holy Quran 22:77 77 “O you who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord and do good - that you may succeed.” Holy Quran 2:43 43 “And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].” I will greet you the same way as Moses and Jesus in the Bible greeted people by saying Assalaamu Alaykum (Peace Be With You) in Islam… Moses in Hebrew - Sholem Aleichem (Peace Be With You). Jesus In Aramaic… John 20:21 21 "Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you!” Luke 24:36 36 "While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you." Muhammad in Arabic - Assalaamu Alaykum (Peace Be With You). It has always been One God, One Message, and One Humanity. May Allah GUIDE those who are sincere and honest before it’s too late for them.
Talking to Avi is total waste of precious time and breath. He shifts, twists, turns and lies shamelessly, while being exhibiting hubris and despising the truth.
Truly arrogance and ignorance are not appreciated in islam. Hehe. T'would be a great meme. "Islam is all about self hatred, self righteousness, and self pity. The holy Trinity if you will." - Christopher Hitchens. Read up on him boys, ye may learn something.
@@timvella1817 ☹️ I'm just disappointed, this is your best argument? it doesn't even says in the Quran that the earth is flat, it's shaped like an egg.
@@timvella1817 That's not in quran or an islamic belief. But you know what's a jewish belief? "God's chosen people" The inherent racism of this term speaks for itself.
I'm a white man and don't follow any religion or condem anyone else's..I dont understand Islam but I have not seen anyone beat this lad un a debate yet..
exactly u don’t understand but that lil jerk acts that he understands, Islam warn about jews, says some jews r bad, but this weirdo is linking they fight against Israelis with Islam, yes some Muslims believe that the Israeli jews or the zionists r bad but the motivation is not religious
@@rasjidahmovaAnd to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, that He may requite those who do evil with that which they have done( punish them in hell),and reward those who do good,with what is best (paradise). Quran 53:31.
Even if I was a person who knows nothing about the issues they have been discussing, it would be clear to me that Avi is not in a healthy and balaced psychology.
@Alaina1996mmgmail Talmud is dealing with demons? Do you know how many books and writers Talmud has? Now this kind of literature is opened and nobody speaks about: Sahin Muslim [7339] 82 - (2922) It was narrated that AN Hurairah said: "The Messenger of Allah said: 'The Hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them, until a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: "0 Muslim, 0 slave of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." Except the Gharqad (a thorny tree), for it is one of the trees of the Jews." Quram 5:32-33 That is why We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever takes a life-unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land-it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.1 ˹Although˺ Our messengers already came to them with clear proofs, many of them still transgressed afterwards through the land. Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter.
There is a big difference between someone who is patient and another who is swinging around nervously, looking around to see how many people’s attention he has got!
His position is anti-islam but then banging on about hijab being antisemitic like its ok for you to be anti-islam but complaining about being anti-semite 😅
The Islamic faith promotes violence against anyone who is not a Muslim. The religion instructs its adherents to kill non believers. It is not a tolerant faith. The aim of Islam is to convert and conquer the whole world. Any who oppose this goal are to be killed. That is an undeniable fact. Being anti-Islam in not the same as being anti-Arabic. You can love Arabic people but hate the Islamic faith.
I do like his videos, very interesting. He can articulate very well. From irish catholic, im even reading about the whole palestinian history in books.
He was is arrogant and talks a lot of crap...... excuses, excuses, excuses......muslims always have to make excuses for their cult. Why is that, if it's perfect?
@@Communism.is.a.cancer bro when a person is ignorant. That typically means that he is uneducated which is you man. So don't laugh 😂. U don't even what ur talking about. U say stuff when u don't even know that they mean 😭
Their prime minister Shaitanyahu known as Netanyahu used the Amalek verse to kill the Palestinians yet this man is saying that Jews don't use their scriptures to hate or hurt other human beings....
The little guy is Avi Yemini, a youtuber who fancies himself as the Australian Ben Shapiro. He usually debates soft targets like young students but as you can see, turns to dust when faced with a real debate. Mr Hijab played with him like a cat with a captured mouse.
The only thing I can see is zionist with ego and Muslim guy being humble. It is the ego in humans which take us to hell fire 🔥 that's why Islam is a perfect way of life here and the hereafter and I'm not a religious person
The same guy that called Israel a “bastard state” is humble? I did appreciate him admitting the rampant anti Semitism within Islamists though and the fundamental idea of non Muslims being second class.
Hijab is certainly far more humble than that clickbaiting clown Ali Dawah but in any event beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing - humble or otherwise.
The Jewish guy looks high. I say this out of experience, btw (some dark days from years ago). And no, I'm not a Muslim. One more thing: Justice for the Palestinians!
Salam. With all due respect to insightful and good natured discourse, the brother Avi is no more than a public agitator and no less than a mouthpiece for radical ignoramuses. Tread and compose yourselves carefully around these types. Salam wa Allah humma barak tawfiq.💚
"I-I-Iif you look at the historic--" One of Mohammed's best friends was a Jew, a rabbi, who fought with him in the Battle of Uhud and funded the first Islamic waqf...
This is true scholarship. The problem with humans is that when we are defeated in the intellectual arena we tend to take up arms and try to destroy and silence the voice of the opposition through barabrism.
He’s the same guy. Only people that go against Islam are either in clear error and accept it when the truth is revealed or they are shaytan among the many shayatiin in this world.
He is a good defender of his religion and he portrays his religion how i feel all religion should be. Logic, humanism and secularism still win the day for me.
Your are blinded my friend...there is no Religion were hate and killing and violence is more common and culturally accepted than islam... Plz find a way out of this darkness. Amen I will pray for you 🙏🏻❤️
Just like his height his brain is small too. Acting all arrogant. Brother Hijab answered and talked in a well behaved manner explaining everything perfectly 👍🏻
@@timvella1817 Well considering Mohammed practiced thighing with her at age 6 Id still regard that as rape.// so ill still say 6. Im not Imam, but one day maybe I will be a scholar, and I will write my own Quran and sell it on ebay... then you will say 'I like the new Quran' and I will say 'thank you, im writing more'. lol... Funny religion... funny followers.
ATTENTION!!! Hell is real !!! We can not hide our sins from God. Jesus Christ loves you and He died on the cross for your sins, three days later, He arose from the tomb. Jesus Christ is alive and He has defeated death. If you continue to deny Jesus Christ as LORD, you will never see the Kingdom of God. REPENT and believe in the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell.... Have a wonderful day!!
I’m an atheist/agnostic but I have grown so fond of many of the voices in Islam representing Palestine. Very calm, intellectual, patient and practical not holding any double standards across any religion or institution. I’m not surprised that Islam is growing around the world. I’m sure I don’t agree with much of the Quaran as much as I don’t agree with any holy scripture. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
I kinda like your position, kinda is cool and all but you have clearly shown you haven't TRULY read the Quran, you giving some credit you could say implies there is atleast a chance that there could be something to the Quran potentially. I think it's fair to say that you should give it a proper go? Rather than make the assumption that you probably wont or dont agree with it from effectively a place of ignorance no? Anyhow you cant go wrong in life if you are to be truly sincere and make an effort for the truly important things and the things you deem truly worthy which in my opinion would result in a quest for knowledge and giving all religions a go and chance, with process of elimintation you would want to start with the/a religion/s ( or philosophies/ideologies ) you deem to be most viable/legitemate. Anyhoo peace out ! :)
@@x0xFaruqx0xfair points for sure. I personally was brought up Christian. I don’t believe in god not because of the Bible but the concept as a whole after watching and researching many debates between religious figures and known atheists. I do want to read the Quaran and other holy scriptures to learn more because I think there are gold nuggets in many of these books.
@@mobydookfitness Are you even down for discussion? You sound somewhat sincere ( however something is off from what I can see, feel free to correct me ) but you seem kinda sus ( or you've missed the point in some way shape or form ). If you don't reply nws. nyways, Peace ( BTW you saying there are golden nuggets in many of the books, this is very TRUE, Although that only feeds the Islamic narrative, I can elaborate if you'd like )
The issue of Israel will finally be resolved, and peace finally secured in the Middle East. The precise details of this arrangement is to remain occulted, for now. What can be revealed, however, is that the non-Semitic origins of the Ashkanazim will be acknowledged, and their real homeland identified as Khazaria. The original plot of the Rothschilds to sacrifice the nation of Israel, which they also created (via the Balfour Declaration), to fulfill their plot to trigger WWIII will also be revealed. The true Semites-Sephardic Jews of Israel and the Muslims of Palestine-will be united by the acknowledgment of their shared oppression and exploitation at the hands of the Zionists. Both Crimea and Astana will factor in the Middle East peace agreement as alternate homelands for any non-Semitic Ashkenazi (Khazarian) Jews who find the new arrangement disagreeable and decide to leave Israel. "One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies; and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies, the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth. There is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which the structures of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those who had no desire to be awakened to the truth." - Delamer Duverus
8:39 it perfectly shows how the torah and injil has been rewritten for years and years by people of power just to make the words of god align with their needs and perception of a human
He’s full of hate. He’s been taught hate at home and school his attitude omg I wouldn’t be able to talk to such peoples. You can see the hate in his face
Dude asks a question but doesn’t want to hear, nor pays attention to the answer. Ignores him and moves the mic away. Very immature and disrespectful. And How freaking tall is Mohamed?😂 (Random question I know😬)
the guy who's claiming anti-semetic is really helping the world see Zionist for what they are. I'm a Black man from America and I must give credit to Muhammad hijab for maintaining composure and respectability while the guy who was Zionist was playing victim all while conducting himself in an appalling and disgusting manner.
@@timvella1817 pay attention to the 100s of thousands of people turning to Islam and finding out the truth in the Quraan,.... Allah is most merciful and forgiving turn to him 🙏 ❤
Bhai your god cannot even feed Muslims,give them shelter,education or jobs..no wonder Jews, Christians and atheists are better than your imaginary god…these Europeans are feeding 26 million poverty ridden Muslims who fled from their poverty ridden,overpopulated Muslim countries and came running to live under the mercy of Jews, Christians and atheists in Europe, USA and Canada
ATTENTION!!! Hell is real !!! We can not hide our sins from God. Jesus Christ loves you and He died on the cross for your sins, three days later, He arose from the tomb. Jesus Christ is alive and He has defeated death. If you continue to deny Jesus Christ as LORD, you will never see the Kingdom of God. REPENT and believe in the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell.... Have a wonderful day!!
I like how both of these guys talk. Very respectful. Both of them. If we only had all the conflicts discussed like that with no violence this world would be a better place.
The issue here is that they believe themselves to be a superior race similarly to how Hitler presented the Aryan race as such when ever you speak against criminal activity of any of them the ones like this will always be blind and dumb to automatically go ‘Jew hatred’ as considering themselves superior they believe themselves to be above the law and are hypocritical to acknowledging criminality amongst themselves as mentioned in the Quran with less expansiveness to particular detail of today’s issue. Certainly evidence and testament to Gods presentation that the Quran is for all of mankind until the end of times as the universal truth.
that's absolutely false. we belive that we have a purpose which is to be a light onto the nations, meaning an example of good. any other nation can be great too. that's the whole point of israel. dont tell us what we belive in, you clearly have no idea.
@@thehevytrooperit’s not false. There is nothing good for Israel except for his own Jewish settlers. You can even say there are some Christians and Muslims in the IDF, but it’s very fair few in the minority. And living in the USA I have faced plenty of anti-Muslim slurs by the Jewish community. I will say I did meet a few kind hearted Jewish people, but the rest that I’ve experienced are just flat out anti-Islamic
@@Qubert1971 the same way that muslims dont like being genralised as terrorists, you cant say that we think were better then anyone else. if you want to prove that were racists and anti islam then lets talk about what the tora says, and what the gemara says, and what the rambam says.
Lol one was respectful and intellectual and the other was petty, emotional and defensive. It's so obvious I don't even have to say which was which. Free Palestine ❤️ 🇵🇸
😂❤❤❤ I said the same thing as you on another Thread! It's like Spot the Difference in a Book 📖 in school and you can instantly just see all the things different in a heart beat ❤😂😂😂 Free Palestine 🇵🇸 End the Occupation. Educate these Snowflakes that think they are God themselves and know everything and they think they are higher then any Law 😂
I enjoyed Muhammad's patience, Avi was very irritated and aggressive he did not want a decent discussion but only pointing and accusing. Imagine if the situation were different and Mohammed was surrounded by people like Avi, then there was certainly violence used against Mohammed, you can see it in Avi's body language.
M.Hijab you are a blessing to this world!! Been watching his videos since the recent events.. the knowledge and eloquency and patience of this guy is un believable! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 unfortunately some people are deaf to the truth and insist on ignorance like the guy on the other end of the mic, instead turning to insult to make his point
*Donate* and help build a masjid in Norway and a house for you in Jannah www.saveiman.com/en?affiliate_id=2100139
Help us grow by sharing the video it takes a second and could help change the life of many!**
Stupid relgion with a stupid fairytale and its flat earth and magic nonsense! Why are you using a technology which proofs how completly false yor religion is? No jannah nonsense, allah dont exist! Read a physic book instead of a stupid fairytale!
Hijab almost squashed a pest today.
I hope you guys realise that the Muslims are predominantly descended from Banu Israil, while the zionists are descended from yajuj wamajuj . This is confirmed in Surah Al Anbya 21:95/96. Thus no historic right does yajuj wamajuj have with the Holy Land unless they have accepted Islam. The zionist entity was created with the help of yajuj wamajuj, this is how brilliantly The Creator of The Heavens and Earth unveils in the Quran the identity of yajuj wamajuj.
Islam is the TRUTH because the message of it has always existed since the creation of the universe. Islam is the ONLY faith which is NOT named after a Person, a Place, or People. It’s a VERB, a way of life. All the previous Prophets in the Torah and Bible were Muslims…
- The word for God in Hebrew is Eloah. This was the language of Prophet Musa (Moses)
- The word for God in Aramaic is Alah. This was the language of Prophet Isa (Jesus)
- The word for God in Arabic is Allah. This was the language of Prophet Muhammad.
Peace and Blessings be Upon Them All. They all worshipped and prayed to the same Creator in the same way also…
Moses and Aaron
Numbers 20:6
6 "...they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them."
Matthews 26:39
39 "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed"
Holy Quran 31:22
22 “And whoever submits his face to Allah while he is a doer of good - then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold. And to Allah will be the outcome of [all] matters.”
Holy Quran 22:77
77 “O you who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord and do good - that you may succeed.”
Holy Quran 2:43
43 “And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].”
I will greet you the same way as Moses and Jesus in the Bible greeted people by saying Assalaamu Alaykum (Peace Be With You) in Islam…
Moses in Hebrew - Sholem Aleichem (Peace Be With You).
Jesus In Aramaic…
John 20:21
21 "Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you!”
Luke 24:36
36 "While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you."
Muhammad in Arabic - Assalaamu Alaykum (Peace Be With You).
It has always been One God, One Message, and One Humanity.
May Allah GUIDE those who are sincere and honest before it’s too late for them.
If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
― Malcolm X.
religion too
Malcom X was a man way ahead of his time. These words ring so true. Propaganda is that Israel has the right to protect themselves fair enough. This is a euphemism for committing mass genocide on a scale unseen before in history of mankind.
You copy and paste this phrase and keep believing on what media says, hahhaa. Learn how to think by yourself because you`re inside this phrase.
you know the bible actually has scientific things in it like it mentions perception the world being round among other things the koran says camel piss has medical properties and that the sun sits in water
In the UK we are now at that point.
He is doing what the people did in the time of Musa (AS). They questioned, not because they were interest in becoming more educated, but to catch him out and every time he got close to proving any type of truth they immediately swayed the conversation in another direction without allowing any specific topic to be satisfactorily covered. It's a deliberate attempt to make, even highly educated people, look as though they're stumbling over their words and to make them feel as though they're under heavy questioning.
Drop the mic.
@@y.kaplan7028 The Zionist should.
Ok Jew hater, but that mohamed hijab only talks crap.
I was wondering what is going on with this guy, your comment explained everything so perfectly 🙏
Well said 👏
If hate, arrogance and self entitlement had a face it would be the little guy,
Much respect to the big patient & humble guy. Having moved from New Zealand to Australia 15 years ago, one of the first things I remember being told having only been in Australia for a month was ‘be careful of the Muslim’s’, mainstream media is really good at saying ‘be careful of the Muslim’s’ too with out actually saying it. Over the last few weeks I have stopped watching mainstream media altogether, I am not Muslim or Jewish, but the attitudes I have seen from mainstream media towards the Muslim community has been disgusting. Thank you for sharing
Who exactly was telling you that sir?
This terrorist you support wants to implement shiria law in Britain and said it outright in the interview. You're a fool if you support this
@@Uncle_Bob660how come he didn't step off of anything at 25:16 of the video when he walked away?
@@Uncle_Bob660 If you think Hijab is out to fool us then you're fooling yourself. He doesn't make it about himself (yet you say he pretends to be something else to fool people). He references everything he says with facts. You're describing a con artist, con artists don't use facts, they use lies. Looks like you're the one that's about the BS!
@@Uncle_Bob660 No issue with your claims if they are true. Next time back it up with facts. Give just 1 example of him displaying dishonesty? It's possible you've misinterpreted.
The big fella is respectful, the wee fella is condescending and provocative
Big fella says sex with kids is ok
@@Moeyexe he did,his own words
@moeyexe2801 can you use Google,if not,ask a friend to help you
@@Moeyexe can you use Google?if not then ask a friend to help you
@@russellball1984 You are lying. He said that in antiquity it was normally acceptable for men to marry young girls. That's in fact the truth.
"I can debate with 10 people who are knowledgeable but I will be defeated by the ignorant, because ignorant people will never understand the basic of knowledge" (Imam Shafi'i)
Personally i would have never been able to speak with an arrogant like this thing in front of this big good ❤️
Are Islam and the West locked in a deadly clash of civilizations?
Is Islam compatible with democracy and human rights?
Will religious fundamentalism block the development of modern societies in the Islamic world?
Are Muslims commanded to deceive non-Muslims in any way, at any time, if it serves Islam.
Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you;correct a wise man, and he will appreciate you. - Ali bin abi thalib
Totaly agree
This is SO brilliantly put. I remember being in University and living in halls. I remember having a debate about certain topics with a group of girls who also lived there and my points were very articulate and deeply thought through, theirs were not. They were merely scratching the surface of the issue. Hence they hadn't analyzed it with enough depth to have an opinion that held any substance. All I could think was "man, no matter how hard I try and how simply I break this down, I can't get through. But if this room was full of renowned intellectuals they'd all be agreeing with me and the girls would agree with me just because these renowned "smart people" said so". I was 21-22. Then I figured out that I should save my energy to discuss topics like this with people who can operate on the same level at least.
If arrogance had a body
sadly that is the majority of the human race , that is why not all people are believers . Allah said that no person who have even slightest percent of arrogance will not enter jannah
i chuckled
Your dead rotten prophet was the most arrogant person no wonder he mounted a nine year old child!!!!
a 5'2 goblin one
This video doesn't explain nothing it will leave you with more questions than when it started
I coulnt be waisting any energy or words trying to debate these kind of people! MashAllah, hats of to you bro!
Damn, intelligence and a calm presence is so beautiful to see. Mohammed is beyond impressive. Avi’s style of working overtime to try and make his point tells me all I need to know.
Sahin Muslim [7339] 82 - (2922) It was
narrated that AN Hurairah said:
"The Messenger of Allah said:
'The Hour will not begin until the
Muslims fight the Jews, and the
Muslims will kill them, until a Jew
hides behind a rock or a tree, and
the rock or tree will say: "0
Muslim, 0 slave of Allah, there is
a Jew behind me, come and kill
him." Except the Gharqad (a
thorny tree), for it is one of the
trees of the Jews."
So be careful, because after having what They want from Jews, you are the next.
@@Bolaway Good luck.
One question to Mohammed if you think his impressive, since his an Egyptian ,why the Egyptian government and its people refuse to help the Palestinians people, his all talking when the Palestinians are suffering probably the real Egyptians know more about the Real history than he does..FACTS
😂 Jewish guy said he wants to change the Torah. Isn’t that the whole reason for the message of prophet Mohammed pbuh cos they kept changing the scriptures
hes not religious. and if you would read that chapter in context you would understand it. dont criticise our tora when you dont understand it. im not saying the quran is evil and says to do this and that, becouse im no expert on the quran. so don't do that to our tora.
esatto ma il male che ce nelle loro parole dice allah quello che dicono e malvagio ma se sapessi cosa ce nel loro cuore e ancor peggio Dicono i nostri quori sono Ghulf(Chiusi avvolti ) sono una razza di merda basta leggere la bibbia sono loro che hanno finanziato hitler e poi ingannato e fatto passare per lunico pazzo mentre chi li vendeva gas per killare le persone era la Bigher Stessa ditta che ora ha aquisito Lindustria del farmaco pensa e non ha subito ne processo nulla e in piedi dal 1940 a oggi solo che comprando lindustria del farmaco tengono tutto il mondo sotto scacco vedi la vacinazione di veleni inposta da tutti li stati grazie a loro
@@thehevytrooperquran says jews and christians are followers of god, but the words have been played with. Thats rrally it. If you truly believe in god and you are a good then you will go heaven. And were asked to recognise(not follow) 25 prophets revelation
Your torah is corrupted by your Babylonean Talmudic Rabbis
@theheavytrooper get outta here with your false righteousness
I know that I am an outsider as being a white American, and Catholic, but I have been watching a lot of Mohammed Hijab videos lately since the recent events and I have to say he has given me such a new love and respect for my muslim brothers.
I don't know much about Mohammed or Islam but i was brought up with so many religions around me and never felt any hostility between the people .
This is a sad world i am seeing now . I never thought zionists were so bad . I thought it was the same as jews but it is not , not at all .
Incredible how much dirt is covered up .
This man is evil, Muhammad was a degenerate rapist murderer and false prophet, Islam comes from satan
Even i didn’t know much about Islam , now I love to listen more because my eyes are getting opened day by day
I tell you what… I was born Muslim and in my teenage years moved from all religions because I felt they caused all the chaos and Destruction in the world. At age 40 I reverted back and found so much peace in this faith. Religion of peace often gets scoffed at and rightly so…. There is a saying Alhumdulillah I found Islam before I found Muslims because I would have never considered Islam as my religion.
Sadly it can be a true Statement for any religion. What I’ve found at age 52 is you have spiritual people and you have religious people. Those of us that practice our faith with spirituality can connect on a level of Love and Compassion that is befitting the light of Allah/God/the Creator of all creation. We’re all creation…. Those that practice their faith with religiosity strike out at everyone using a hammer and self righteous indignation. It’s illness, ego, hysterical, insanity…. Nothing befitting the Loving and Merciful Allah that I know. Nothing befitting the Lovingly beautiful Prophets that Allah blessed us with from Isa Alayhi Salam (Jesus peace be upon him) to Mohammed Sullulahi Alayhi Wa Asulum. We can all get along but as long as we align ourselves with the hypocrites and evil doers we’re going to fall in line with chaos.
Free will is a blessing from Allah Subhana wa ta Allah…. This world is a testament to what we have done with that free will.
Don’t damn ourselves, don’t side with the hypocrites and liars of this world ie Media, Politicians, Nationalists, etc.
May Allah Guide Us All Ameen.
Islam spreads hatred towards non muslims
I can not believe i was foolish enough to follow avi and rebel news. I was totally duped into having bad feelings about muslims and islam and im ashamed of myself
I was fooled as well . He really is fucked up in his head . He does not listen and is not even answering anything , just spits his own bs .
Bless your kind heart, you were well intentioned and you have seen for yourself
at least you’re seeing the truth now 😁 don’t feel bad brother, we love everyone. we just want the world to know what’s been hidden and support those in need
I respect your honesty brother. May Allah grant you goodness. Ameen
We forgive you ❤️
OMG I'm Jewish and I'm embarrassed of Avi's ignorance!
FINALLLLLY, not just ignorance but arrogance too, his expressions r provoking 🤮, some muslims want the world to be islamic cuz of how much they r oppressed and it has nothing to do with jews, even Palestinian targeting Israelis, it’s a political fight, some Palestinians r recorded saying we wanna fight jews but without explaining that it refers to zionists or Israelis, and it’s hard to explain, Islam says that some jews r bad and that’s what Palestinians believe about the Israelis
you and me both.
(also a jew)
He said change TORAH, that mean he is Ok to Corrupt it, have they done it before and how many timea..
I am too. He is scum and giving us a bad name.
What many people that are not aware of and educated about the Quran and religious history is that Abraham is the Father of the Jewish and Muslims which makes them brothers they are from the same father and different mothers. Muslims cannot and should not be Anti-Semites because Muslims are semitic as well. The Jewish should protect the Muslims and the Muslims should protect their brothers the Jewish.
That guy and his friends.. their demeanour.. to say it portrays arrogance is an understatement. He looks so full of disdain, bouncing around with that stupid grin on his face and talking to his friends mid discussion feigning boredom. It’s quite obvious that a balanced and even tempered discussion is not a convenient platform for their usual style of peddling nonsense on a one way street. Hats off to Mr Hijab for keeping his composure and for being respectful.
Best comment here. About 3 mins in Hijab is reciting verses from the Quran and the other guy was not even paying attention, he wanted to make his point and have everyone hear it and then basically refused to hear anything counter to his own beliefs. It wasn't a debate for him it was a publicity stunt to mouth his hatred to the world. So obvious to see. Horrible little man.
He couldn't even look Mo hijab in the eye for 2 seconds straight. What arrogance.
He didn't have his ladder with him :(
Signs of bad listener/communicator. He’s inattentive and distracted in his own world 🤦♂️
Good luck with his marriage 😅
@@Sal_A that is what i'm thinking, does this guy have some sort of learning disabilty beacause he can't seem to look the brother in the eye, let alone stand still for two seconds.
He needs to be born again with a better height
Did the Bible Manuscripts Exist in the Islamic Era?
When Muhammad was still alive there were millions of Christians in the Middle East. At that time, the manuscripts of the Torah, the Prophets and the Bible in the Islamic era/era were of course already in circulation. Christians and non-Christians, both lay and non-lay people, can read these books openly.
Do the original manuscripts of the Bible from the time Islam began still exist? Let's read the explanation below.
Muhammad was ordered to ask questions about Allah's books
If the prophet of Islam had not been illiterate, he would have read these books himself. Because at that time, the Bible manuscripts of the Islamic era had spread and were everywhere. But unfortunately, Muhammad could not read, so what he knew about the Book of Allah he obtained after he asked other people. “. . . ask those who read the book before you" (Qs 10:94).
Nevertheless, the prophet of Islam should have completely believed in the contents of the Book of Allah held by Christians. Because another verse in the Koran says "And We have given him the Book of the Gospel and in it (there is) guidance and light (which illuminates), and confirms the previous book, namely the Book of the Torah" (Qs 5:46)
Ancient manuscripts of the Bible in the Islamic era, still well preserved
The Codex (Book) Sinaiticus is another ancient manuscript (an original handwritten Bible manuscript) that was in circulation during the time of Muhammad. Maybe this manuscript is what is referred to in Qs 10:94.
This ancient manuscript was copied around 360 AD and was written in Greek. This book includes the Torah and Gospel. This manuscript is well preserved until now at the British Library in England, St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai, Leipzig University Library in Germany and the Russian National Library in Saint Petersburg.
Photo-manuscripts-of-earlier-books-as-symbols-of-the-gospel-at-the-time-of-Muhammad-still-existedGod's People Need to Hold and Study the Bible
Many people are amazed by the discovery of Bible manuscripts. In fact, many Bible skeptics and critics admit that ancient copies of the Bible were transmitted much more accurately than other ancient manuscripts.
Evidently, God keeps His Word. “. . . "Indeed, as long as the heavens and the earth have not disappeared, one iota or one tittle will not be done away from the law of the Torah, until everything comes to pass" (Gospel, Matthew 5:18). Of course, there are changes in the Gospels (Bible) in the canonization process. But these changes are minor and do not change the main doctrines of the Bible.
The Bible teaches to trust God's Word. The essence of the Bible's teaching is that Isa Al-Masih was sent by God to atone for the punishment for the sins of mankind. "For the wages of sin is death" (Bible, Romans 6:23). Therefore He came to release humans from the wages of this death by dying on the cross.
The Bible teaches that Jesus was the Word of God who became human. He is God (Gospel, Letter of John 1:1). He wants to save you from death. You should accept Him in your life. For that, you need to hold and study the Gospel!
Jesus and Islam
How can one person have so much patience and knowledge? I'm not anti-Semitic, but I couldn't hold a conversation with someone who was disrespectful like that without getting angry.
But a real muslim, should have characters. Because mo hijab just need to spread this message. Even somebody get angry or doing strange things. So mo hijab he need to show , calm patience respect and just go further with he story. I am agree its difficult. But it the only why. Thats why we follow profet mohammed peace be upon with him. The profhet with the best characters and many more.
Lol i felt the same way
This dude cracked jokes and didnt even have eye contact as muhammad hijab talks and answers his questions calmly.. hijab got some patience man. May Allah bless you my brother, Muhammad Hijab!
Man ist doch nicht gleich ein Antisemit wenn man seine Meinung sagt habt doch keine Angst
That’s because the Jew guy knows the Muslim is full of bullshit like always .
Pourquoi toujours avoir à préciser qu on est pas antisémite , d abord ces juifs ne sont pas sémite mais bien Turco Mongole . Cette acusation d antisémite ne tiens plus , c est leur principale défence . Moi je suis profondément anti juifs cela ne me pose aucun problèmes de le dire . Je n ai jamais suporté ce petit peuple de merde fouteur de merde .
The little man was so restless. Due to hate, anger or insecurity of his height? We will never know. I know that he did not take a single word from this conversation. He was not here to learn, but play tough, which he also failed to do... 🤷♀️🤦♀️
Haha. Why are there so many comments about the height of Avi? And why use this to discredit him in such a way? Look around: it is Hijab who is tall. :)
Little nose powder when he woke up 😆
@@AndersLiljeblad Avi suffers from short man syndrome. He's constantly trying to compensate by being overly aggressive, controversial, combative etc. Even lashing out at his wife. He demands respect without doing the work to earn it.
He is 💯 percent on point: the fundamental core of Islam is a World wide Caliphate . They know they can’t do it peacefully, so they are using extreme violence. For example: what happening in Nigeria 🇳🇬. They want to force that religion on Africa
@@AndersLiljeblad because he’s the one that brought up the height thing it’s a feeling of insecurity. Some men have it when around much taller men I’m a counselor I get this all the time from men when they start talking about their insecurities this is a very common insecurity among average height or short men
I’m a Sikh the giant speaks truth
My managers a Sikh & he is also a giant. Literally, 2metres tall if he is an inch. Nice guy too.
You can't label people giant just because he's talking to dwarf.
@@melayujembal2749he's 6 ft something
The fidgety slime short one!! and sparks of fiery darkness coming out of his eyes! Against the calmness high heel of truth!!
Hijab is like a child teacher taking care of a "jumping" child 😅
The winner of every debate / discussion is the one who is the most calm and not showing aggression. That shows their intelligence and sincerity
M. Hijab’s patience is in a different level Masha Allah.
It’s beautiful to see Mohammed’s intelligent wisdom on full display. It makes this Zionist look like the fool he is.
Devil 👿
He is full of shyte.
@@RonnieWalters-jd9nmAre you ok ?
the small guy is very insecure and couldn't counter anything
Ok jew hater.
@@Communism.is.a.cancerNo muslims is jew hater. We are Zionists and genocide haters.
@@Communism.is.a.cancerno one hate jews , everyone who do not agree with jews or support killing children or debunk their religion is a jew hater .. my God what a stupid way of thinking
@@Communism.is.a.cancerok muslim hater
@@Communism.is.a.cancerI mean is that supposed to be a bad thing? Cause im an atheist and a Jew Hater too so count me in zionist c*ck suxker
This guy is definetly on something, he cant just stand still.
He’s high on arrogance, he’s not even listening and constantly rolling his eyes.
@@wg3951 he will see the truth when he lying in his grave
He’s aggravated because he’s overly confident that his position is morally superior and close to the truth than any other that is doesn’t matter what anyone else says he’s just so eager to make is point.
He's on speed my brotha! AVI IS a hard-core Zionist, .
ATTENTION!!! Hell is real !!! We can not hide our sins from God. Jesus Christ loves you and He died on the cross for your sins, three days later, He arose from the tomb. Jesus Christ is alive and He has defeated death. If you continue to deny Jesus Christ as LORD, you will never see the Kingdom of God.
REPENT and believe in the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell.... Have a wonderful day!!
Avi and his camera man are completely coked out of their minds! Look at his jaw move from left to right and his bugged out eyes! 👀 His camera man is chewing gun very intensely 😂😂😂
Hats off to Mohammed Hijab for his patience and the way he managed to convey the message, no doubt that he was trying to follow the path of prophet PBUH even in Dawah.
Truly arrogance and ignorance are not appreciated in islam.
Islam is the TRUTH because the message of it has always existed since the creation of the universe. Islam is the ONLY faith which is NOT named after a Person, a Place, or People. It’s a VERB, a way of life. All the previous Prophets in the Torah and Bible were Muslims…
- The word for God in Hebrew is Eloah. This was the language of Prophet Musa (Moses)
- The word for God in Aramaic is Alah. This was the language of Prophet Isa (Jesus)
- The word for God in Arabic is Allah. This was the language of Prophet Muhammad.
Peace and Blessings be Upon Them All. They all worshipped and prayed to the same Creator in the same way also…
Moses and Aaron
Numbers 20:6
6 "...they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them."
Matthews 26:39
39 "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed"
Holy Quran 31:22
22 “And whoever submits his face to Allah while he is a doer of good - then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold. And to Allah will be the outcome of [all] matters.”
Holy Quran 22:77
77 “O you who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord and do good - that you may succeed.”
Holy Quran 2:43
43 “And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].”
I will greet you the same way as Moses and Jesus in the Bible greeted people by saying Assalaamu Alaykum (Peace Be With You) in Islam…
Moses in Hebrew - Sholem Aleichem (Peace Be With You).
Jesus In Aramaic…
John 20:21
21 "Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you!”
Luke 24:36
36 "While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you."
Muhammad in Arabic - Assalaamu Alaykum (Peace Be With You).
It has always been One God, One Message, and One Humanity.
May Allah GUIDE those who are sincere and honest before it’s too late for them.
You mean dodge lol .. the guy should take up dodge ball
@@terrysmith8918try actually watching it
Talking to Avi is total waste of precious time and breath. He shifts, twists, turns and lies shamelessly, while being exhibiting hubris and despising the truth.
Truly arrogance and ignorance are not appreciated in islam. Hehe. T'would be a great meme.
"Islam is all about self hatred, self righteousness, and self pity. The holy Trinity if you will." - Christopher Hitchens. Read up on him boys, ye may learn something.
Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind.
You think the earth is flat
@@timvella1817 ☹️ I'm just disappointed, this is your best argument? it doesn't even says in the Quran that the earth is flat, it's shaped like an egg.
@@timvella1817 That's not in quran or an islamic belief. But you know what's a jewish belief? "God's chosen people" The inherent racism of this term speaks for itself.
Sad to see agitation and hatred as if he drank 33 cans of Redbull before this
I would say 35
A Jew wich is very nervous.. he knows, he knows very welll.. I rest my case
@@Sab_49Islam is motherload of hatred
More like 20 Cans of Prime Energy 😂 But the Arrogance in the Israeli guy my Lordy!❤❤❤
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
End the Occupation ❤❤❤
I'm a white man and don't follow any religion or condem anyone else's..I dont understand Islam but I have not seen anyone beat this lad un a debate yet..
Learn Islam and the nature of it. Learn about the prophet Mohammed and horrible things he did. Hijab didn't win, he's just loud and overbearing.
exactly u don’t understand but that lil jerk acts that he understands, Islam warn about jews, says some jews r bad, but this weirdo is linking they fight against Israelis with Islam, yes some Muslims believe that the Israeli jews or the zionists r bad but the motivation is not religious
@@rasjidahmovaAnd to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, that He may requite those who do evil with that which they have done( punish them in hell),and reward those who do good,with what is best (paradise). Quran 53:31.
May Allah guide you to Islam.
@@rasjidahmova please what horrible things, tell me?
Even if I was a person who knows nothing about the issues they have been discussing, it would be clear to me that Avi is not in a healthy and balaced psychology.
His body language said it all 😂
Sir Muhammad Hijab is a real Islamic Virtue Giant 👍
He’s the biggest clown on the net
@Alaina1996mmgmailand the pedophilia and hate it promotes too
@Alaina1996mmgmail Talmud is dealing with demons? Do you know how many books and writers Talmud has?
Now this kind of literature is opened and nobody speaks about:
Sahin Muslim [7339] 82 - (2922) It was
narrated that AN Hurairah said:
"The Messenger of Allah said:
'The Hour will not begin until the
Muslims fight the Jews, and the
Muslims will kill them, until a Jew
hides behind a rock or a tree, and
the rock or tree will say: "0
Muslim, 0 slave of Allah, there is
a Jew behind me, come and kill
him." Except the Gharqad (a
thorny tree), for it is one of the
trees of the Jews."
Quram 5:32-33
That is why We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever takes a life-unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land-it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.1 ˹Although˺ Our messengers already came to them with clear proofs, many of them still transgressed afterwards through the land. Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter.
There is a big difference between someone who is patient and another who is swinging around nervously, looking around to see how many people’s attention he has got!
Classic sign of a narcissistic trait in a narcissistic person
Big man had you in his back pocket the whole debate . Love from a Christian
Now make a little research of how many Christians Muslims killed in Nigeria past year.
you support followers of a religion that says camel piss has medical properties and that the sun sits in water ? thats nice to know
His position is anti-islam but then banging on about hijab being antisemitic like its ok for you to be anti-islam but complaining about being anti-semite 😅
that hypocrisy always existed you can never say anything about jews
It is OK to be anti islam. It's a fake barbaric belief.
The Islamic faith promotes violence against anyone who is not a Muslim. The religion instructs its adherents to kill non believers. It is not a tolerant faith. The aim of Islam is to convert and conquer the whole world. Any who oppose this goal are to be killed. That is an undeniable fact. Being anti-Islam in not the same as being anti-Arabic. You can love Arabic people but hate the Islamic faith.
They always cry about this and use it as an excuse to be hateful themselves and harm innocent people, these Yehudis XD
Exactly. What a punk.
I love how ali dawah is sipping his coffee and enjoying the show as we all probably do rn in front of our screens 😂 MashaAllah tabarakAllah bro❤
I do like his videos, very interesting. He can articulate very well. From irish catholic, im even reading about the whole palestinian history in books.
One of the better interactions of MH, he didn't get iterate or lose his cool or show arrogance, Alhamdulillah
He was is arrogant and talks a lot of crap...... excuses, excuses, excuses......muslims always have to make excuses for their cult. Why is that, if it's perfect?
@@Communism.is.a.cancerI think Muslims are over 2 billions now … so we passed the definition of a cult 😂😂😂
@@Communism.is.a.cancer😂😂😂😂 . Ur comment should be pinned for all the educated people to have a laugh at . 🎉
@@jamworthy14 by educated you mean the muslims? 😅😂🤣😂😅😂🤣 tell me what is your education?
@@Communism.is.a.cancer bro when a person is ignorant. That typically means that he is uneducated which is you man. So don't laugh 😂. U don't even what ur talking about. U say stuff when u don't even know that they mean 😭
There's levels of difference between the patience, communication and articulation of Mohamed Hijab and this hyper guy
Their prime minister Shaitanyahu known as Netanyahu used the Amalek verse to kill the Palestinians yet this man is saying that Jews don't use their scriptures to hate or hurt other human beings....
@@thehunted316You guys are the ones who came to us in the name of colonialism.
@@thehunted316 facts talk loud than u
His body language says it all....hats off to Muhammad Hijab mash Allah
The little guy is Avi Yemini, a youtuber who fancies himself as the Australian Ben Shapiro. He usually debates soft targets like young students but as you can see, turns to dust when faced with a real debate.
Mr Hijab played with him like a cat with a captured mouse.
Avi yemini
The only thing I can see is zionist with ego and Muslim guy being humble. It is the ego in humans which take us to hell fire 🔥 that's why Islam is a perfect way of life here and the hereafter and I'm not a religious person
The same guy that called Israel a “bastard state” is humble? I did appreciate him admitting the rampant anti Semitism within Islamists though and the fundamental idea of non Muslims being second class.
Hijab is certainly far more humble than that clickbaiting clown Ali Dawah but in any event beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing - humble or otherwise.
@@Wellcee426israel is a bastard state that shouldn't exist... zionist is not Jews... free Palestine 🇵🇸
@@Wellcee426Just like Muslims are second class in any christian state
@@fareedosman516last time I checked all humans have equal rights under a democratic state, that’s why separation of church and state is so important.
That guy had 5 cans of Redbull before holding the mic.
lol toddler on sugar rush 😂
AVI from rebel_news!! Haha glad this lil guy got schooled here.
I'm so glad he got schooled. I was hoping he would meet Hijab and he had his ass handed to him.
Regardless of who you agree with, if anyone at all, I am so proud of my country to allow this sort of discussion and debate to happen
The Jewish guy looks high. I say this out of experience, btw (some dark days from years ago).
And no, I'm not a Muslim. One more thing: Justice for the Palestinians!
"Can you name one place you can't go because you are a Muslim?"
Yes, Palestine.
La Mecque normalement, même si le sioniste de MBS doit y enmener beaucoup de kabalistes y faire des rites satanistes
Mash’allah- I love the way how he can perfectly articulate himself!
Mash’allah brother 💯
I learnt alot listening to this giant man
This is my kind of teacher ......🙏🙏🙏
Salam. With all due respect to insightful and good natured discourse, the brother Avi is no more than a public agitator and no less than a mouthpiece for radical ignoramuses. Tread and compose yourselves carefully around these types. Salam wa Allah humma barak tawfiq.💚
"I-I-Iif you look at the historic--"
One of Mohammed's best friends was a Jew, a rabbi, who fought with him in the Battle of Uhud and funded the first Islamic waqf...
This is true scholarship. The problem with humans is that when we are defeated in the intellectual arena we tend to take up arms and try to destroy and silence the voice of the opposition through barabrism.
“You can never be Ali” I felt that❤️💪💪
Mohamed hijab is bigger stronger rougher wiser smarter and much educated than Ali idk what y’all on
@@blarab3697 it aint a competition
@@boushii3477 it ain’t a competition, but it’s just the truth it’s a response to someone saying something ridiculous so don’t take it personal
Mountain of patience by Mohammad Hijab.
Mountain of crap.
Oceans of restrain. That guy even used the F word and still, Mo was cool. Totally classy with finesse, salute to you Hijab.
The message in the end by the Muslims Brother in Norway was Beautiful. We should all help them and all Muslims in shah ALLAH ♥️
The patience of Mohammed Hijab 👏👏👏👏
I love the fact this guy dont use his size to make his point,instead he uses his words
The short man shows us the image of Zionism.
I lost whatever respect I used to have for Avi...
He looks like a clone of avi yemi from the covid period. Not the same guy.
He’s the same guy. Only people that go against Islam are either in clear error and accept it when the truth is revealed or they are shaytan among the many shayatiin in this world.
When you're so confident and expressing your valid point, it's usually termed arrogance.
OMG, um impressed with Hijabi's patience and politeness. MashaAllah!
He is a good defender of his religion and he portrays his religion how i feel all religion should be. Logic, humanism and secularism still win the day for me.
Good on the Brother Hijab from restraining himself from resorting to violence. 👏👏👏
With people like Avi, the world would always be full of hate and arrogant
You're blind buddy
Umm no
Muhammad literally believes people who leave Islam should be killed…. 😭😭😭😭
Your are blinded my friend...there is no Religion were hate and killing and violence is more common and culturally accepted than islam...
Plz find a way out of this darkness.
I will pray for you 🙏🏻❤️
@@Daniel_15293 you seem mentally disturbed. i will be praying for you
Just like his height his brain is small too. Acting all arrogant. Brother Hijab answered and talked in a well behaved manner explaining everything perfectly 👍🏻
Yeah just like aisha was only 9
@@timvella1817 No she was 6 they say.
She was 9 when she got raped. Don't try pretending you know Islam over me.
@@timvella1817 Well considering Mohammed practiced thighing with her at age 6 Id still regard that as rape.// so ill still say 6.
Im not Imam, but one day maybe I will be a scholar, and I will write my own Quran and sell it on ebay... then you will say 'I like the new Quran' and I will say 'thank you, im writing more'. lol...
Funny religion... funny followers.
She menstruated at 9 and, married by then.
This interaction says everything
When asked for the source of what the tiny man said...
Tiny man : "just..just life.." 😂
he mustve been to every corner of the globe to say that
I like M. Hijab being patient alhamdulilah
Avi is raging 😂😂😂 small man energy
Yeah! Exactly like a Chihuahua......feeling intimated by somebody who is bigger and smarter..
lol 😂 hoping around like he at a pride event
muslims and arabs in general are the epitome of small man energy
ATTENTION!!! Hell is real !!! We can not hide our sins from God. Jesus Christ loves you and He died on the cross for your sins, three days later, He arose from the tomb. Jesus Christ is alive and He has defeated death. If you continue to deny Jesus Christ as LORD, you will never see the Kingdom of God.
REPENT and believe in the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell.... Have a wonderful day!!
I’m an atheist/agnostic but I have grown so fond of many of the voices in Islam representing Palestine. Very calm, intellectual, patient and practical not holding any double standards across any religion or institution. I’m not surprised that Islam is growing around the world. I’m sure I don’t agree with much of the Quaran as much as I don’t agree with any holy scripture. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
It is so disturbing that people would follow this Muslim. He is aggressive. Islam is not of God.
This Muslim, would have no problem killing this Jew, because his Allah tells him to hate and kills Jews.
I kinda like your position, kinda is cool and all but you have clearly shown you haven't TRULY read the Quran, you giving some credit you could say implies there is atleast a chance that there could be something to the Quran potentially. I think it's fair to say that you should give it a proper go?
Rather than make the assumption that you probably wont or dont agree with it from effectively a place of ignorance no?
Anyhow you cant go wrong in life if you are to be truly sincere and make an effort for the truly important things and the things you deem truly worthy which in my opinion would result in a quest for knowledge and giving all religions a go and chance, with process of elimintation you would want to start with the/a religion/s ( or philosophies/ideologies ) you deem to be most viable/legitemate.
Anyhoo peace out ! :)
@@x0xFaruqx0xfair points for sure. I personally was brought up Christian. I don’t believe in god not because of the Bible but the concept as a whole after watching and researching many debates between religious figures and known atheists. I do want to read the Quaran and other holy scriptures to learn more because I think there are gold nuggets in many of these books.
@@mobydookfitness Are you even down for discussion? You sound somewhat sincere ( however something is off from what I can see, feel free to correct me ) but you seem kinda sus ( or you've missed the point in some way shape or form ). If you don't reply nws. nyways, Peace
( BTW you saying there are golden nuggets in many of the books, this is very TRUE, Although that only feeds the Islamic narrative, I can elaborate if you'd like )
I love this video. The muslim is in an elevated position literally 😂
The last part where he talked about flying plane into building, he exposed how truly narrow his view was towards Islam
Is one of these guys showing symptoms of cocaine use? The other seems very respectful, calm and collected in comparison.
Yep , coke talking or booze . He is from Australia .
This little Ashkenazi boy is not semetic...He is Jew from Europe..Khazar!...And Palastinians are semetic...so actually he is anti-semetic!
The issue of Israel will finally be resolved, and peace finally secured in the Middle East. The precise details of this arrangement is to remain occulted, for now.
What can be revealed, however, is that the non-Semitic origins of the Ashkanazim will be acknowledged, and their real homeland identified as Khazaria. The original plot of the Rothschilds to sacrifice the nation of Israel, which they also created (via the Balfour Declaration), to fulfill their plot to trigger WWIII will also be revealed.
The true Semites-Sephardic Jews of Israel and the Muslims of Palestine-will be united by the acknowledgment of their shared oppression and exploitation at the hands of the Zionists.
Both Crimea and Astana will factor in the Middle East peace agreement as alternate homelands for any non-Semitic Ashkenazi (Khazarian) Jews who find the new arrangement disagreeable and decide to leave Israel.
"One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies; and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies, the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth.
There is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which the structures of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those who had no desire to be awakened to the truth."
- Delamer Duverus
Hes yemenite you idiot
He’s From Australia but his parents were obviously European.
@@serdavosseaworth6115 I know his brother, they are originally from yemen. Yemenite jews.
Not all Jews are from europe, educate yourselves.
I think he's a Mizrahi Jew and his ancestors came from Yemen. Where he's from doesn't matter. Zionism is a disease that discriminate.
"The problem with your religion is that you have a problem with my religion"
8:39 it perfectly shows how the torah and injil has been rewritten for years and years by people of power just to make the words of god align with their needs and perception of a human
Bless u brother Hijab
He’s full of hate. He’s been taught hate at home and school his attitude omg I wouldn’t be able to talk to such peoples. You can see the hate in his face
লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহু মুহাম্মাদুর রাসুলুল্লাহ “ﷺ”
I give this guy credit for dealing with that little arrogant little fool
Dude asks a question but doesn’t want to hear, nor pays attention to the answer.
Ignores him and moves the mic away.
Very immature and disrespectful.
And How freaking tall is Mohamed?😂
(Random question I know😬)
the guy who's claiming anti-semetic is really helping the world see Zionist for what they are. I'm a Black man from America and I must give credit to Muhammad hijab for maintaining composure and respectability while the guy who was Zionist was playing victim all while conducting himself in an appalling and disgusting manner.
his manners has nothing to do with zionism???
Yeah it does, go read their talmud.@@shvy100
@@shvy100not? Ure a joke😂
@@shvy100it do
Lil man definitely on his best behavior, humbleness is situational for ones like this.
I don’t think Prophet Moses ever imagined the cousins will despise each other so much
Are you sure? His own nation killed their prophets!
They were brothers actually.
They still holding Sarah’s grudge, that he laid with Hager ,even tho it was Sarah’s idea
I could see avi was either drunk or something else,he is a disgusting person admits to shooting people who threw stones..
Lol Muhammed controls this lad mentally 😂😂😂😂😂😂❤
Controls? Well this proves he isn't of God's people.
He can't even control himself.
@@Shaz566big on the outside, small on the inside.
How tall are you?
@@timvella1817what😂😂😂😂omg what i will not read on internet . I just need to thank funny people which comments made me die from laughter 😂😂😂😂
@@timvella1817 pay attention to the 100s of thousands of people turning to Islam and finding out the truth in the Quraan,.... Allah is most merciful and forgiving turn to him 🙏 ❤
😂😂😂😂, the head bobbing, neck veins popping tiny jew is really worked up
The followers of muhammad (pbuh) can never be rude .we are ready to be peaceful even in the state of war
Dont make me laugh
Ya Allah make us amongst those whom you favor 🤲
Makes you terrorists and pedophiles?
Bhai your god cannot even feed Muslims,give them shelter,education or jobs..no wonder Jews, Christians and atheists are better than your imaginary god…these Europeans are feeding 26 million poverty ridden Muslims who fled from their poverty ridden,overpopulated Muslim countries and came running to live under the mercy of Jews, Christians and atheists in Europe, USA and Canada
ATTENTION!!! Hell is real !!! We can not hide our sins from God. Jesus Christ loves you and He died on the cross for your sins, three days later, He arose from the tomb. Jesus Christ is alive and He has defeated death. If you continue to deny Jesus Christ as LORD, you will never see the Kingdom of God.
REPENT and believe in the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell.... Have a wonderful day!!
@@HoustonStreetChaplains backwards ancient mambo jambo.
My first thought in all these videos is” either this guy is a giant, or the whole crowd is extremely short “
Yes, brilliant. A humble man.
He is a patient giant.
I like how both of these guys talk. Very respectful. Both of them. If we only had all the conflicts discussed like that with no violence this world would be a better place.
The issue here is that they believe themselves to be a superior race similarly to how Hitler presented the Aryan race as such when ever you speak against criminal activity of any of them the ones like this will always be blind and dumb to automatically go ‘Jew hatred’ as considering themselves superior they believe themselves to be above the law and are hypocritical to acknowledging criminality amongst themselves as mentioned in the Quran with less expansiveness to particular detail of today’s issue. Certainly evidence and testament to Gods presentation that the Quran is for all of mankind until the end of times as the universal truth.
that's absolutely false. we belive that we have a purpose which is to be a light onto the nations, meaning an example of good. any other nation can be great too. that's the whole point of israel. dont tell us what we belive in, you clearly have no idea.
@@thehevytrooperit’s not false. There is nothing good for Israel except for his own Jewish settlers. You can even say there are some Christians and Muslims in the IDF, but it’s very fair few in the minority. And living in the USA I have faced plenty of anti-Muslim slurs by the Jewish community. I will say I did meet a few kind hearted Jewish people, but the rest that I’ve experienced are just flat out anti-Islamic
I guess the Zi0nist mass@cre of children (among other things) in Gaza is your example of good then... No thanks
We dont believe in jewish lies anymore , TKD@@thehevytrooper
@@Qubert1971 the same way that muslims dont like being genralised as terrorists, you cant say that we think were better then anyone else. if you want to prove that were racists and anti islam then lets talk about what the tora says, and what the gemara says, and what the rambam says.
Arrogant is one of the earliest sin committed by the Allah's creation.. congrats MO Hijab.. ❤
"Kindly remember that jews are always the victim. Thinking otherwise is antisemitic"🥸
Arrogance is what got Satan kicked out of heaven and cursed by Allah. This is why we believe arrogance is among the many traits of Satan.
Lol one was respectful and intellectual and the other was petty, emotional and defensive.
It's so obvious I don't even have to say which was which.
Free Palestine ❤️ 🇵🇸
We know,it's hijab the follower of robber rapist liar.
😂❤❤❤ I said the same thing as you on another Thread! It's like Spot the Difference in a Book 📖 in school and you can instantly just see all the things different in a heart beat ❤😂😂😂
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
End the Occupation.
Educate these Snowflakes that think they are God themselves and know everything and they think they are higher then any Law 😂
MashALLAH great display of patience and keeping to facts by Mihammad Hijab. May Allah SWT bless him.
Every time Mo says " ok no problem" in his proper English accent I grin. He is the GOAT of dawah and and Islam defense.
I enjoyed Muhammad's patience, Avi was very irritated and aggressive he did not want a decent discussion but only pointing and accusing. Imagine if the situation were different and Mohammed was surrounded by people like Avi, then there was certainly violence used against Mohammed, you can see it in Avi's body language.
M.Hijab you are a blessing to this world!! Been watching his videos since the recent events.. the knowledge and eloquency and patience of this guy is un believable! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 unfortunately some people are deaf to the truth and insist on ignorance like the guy on the other end of the mic, instead turning to insult to make his point
Why is the short guy jumping ?