• @JayFunningham
    @JayFunningham 4 місяці тому +7

    At least you stuck it to the enemy VIP by needlessly punching her in the face right before she got blown to pieces.

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +2

      Lol, gotta work out my frustrations somehow!

  • @robertseymour2502
    @robertseymour2502 4 місяці тому +8

    Good morning 🌞 coffee with tap and ray, it's gonna be a good day 👍

    • @FranktheBlindArtist
      @FranktheBlindArtist 4 місяці тому

      My routine to a tea. Revolving with Sykes of course

    • @Lena_Hansen_Jonsson
      @Lena_Hansen_Jonsson 4 місяці тому +1

      True spirit of XCOM :D! People from around the world joining to see the ADVENT getting kicked. Four hours after you woke up, I am already in my jammies, ready for my bedtime treat.
      Have a great Sunday :D!

  • @bigego503
    @bigego503 4 місяці тому +4

    Tough mission and rotten karma for VIP to go down that way. Gotta admit as well I didn't think the 2 soldiers in the building at the end were close enough to evac. Which could have made bad into disasterous. Kudo's both to your ability to roll with the punch and to stay calm under pressure. No doubt Ray helps to maintain serenity. As always, good vid

  • @baz9568
    @baz9568 4 місяці тому +2

    Hi TapCat, as much as I commiserate with you on the tough mission, at least it gave your adoring audience a heckuva spectacle. That was a thrilling mission to watch!

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому

      It definitely had its share of drama and tension!

  • @archersfriend5900
    @archersfriend5900 4 місяці тому +2

    I actually love watching the missions that go crazy, great video!

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +1

      By that measure, this one should have been extremely enjoyable then!

    • @archersfriend5900
      @archersfriend5900 4 місяці тому

      @@TapCat It was, I think you did an awesome job of saving a bad situation. Plus it's not interesting unless it is a challenge, that's why you play the game.

  • @rjdabest7744
    @rjdabest7744 4 місяці тому +3

    At 13:09 you already put the fire out on the soldier by running through the water. Could have moved the other burning guys up aswell rather than moving down and hunkering down at 14:20, wasted 3 actions.

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +1

      I should have thought about the water and there was a message that he was no longer burning. Unfortunately, I didn't notice that and the visual bug that was still showing him on fire didn't exactly make it easy to tell that the water had done its work. At any rate, it was definitely a miss on my part.

  • @nikkizerocool9101
    @nikkizerocool9101 4 місяці тому +2

    *On The Avenger, in The Infirmary*
    Marina: "Geeze, I don't go with you for one mission and you and get yourself set on fire"
    Wei: "Yeah but it was a small ring of fire" 😁
    *Marina punches Wei's arm*
    Wei: "Ouch, I'm still injured"
    Marina: "Seriously Wei" 😖
    Wei: "To be fair, I blame Yamada"
    Yamada: "I blame Yamada too"
    *Marina rolls her eyes at them both and then her eyes land on Ross and Heather in the corner*
    *Heather is comforting Ross who is still rattled from the Spectres attack*
    Heather: "Don't force yourself-"
    Ross: "-But the commander needs me-"
    Heather: "He needs you healthy, we all do, but right now you need sleep"
    Ross: "I know you're right, thank you Dear"
    Heather: "Love you, I will be back with soup" 😘
    Ross: "Viper tail soup?" 🥹
    Heather: "Of course" 😁
    *Marina and Wei both look on and then Wei turns to Marina*
    Wei: "Please make sure they don't serve us that soup"
    What a series of unfortunate events, but I'm not sure if you could really have prevented the VIP from getting killed in that scenario, and I am pretty sure Ray would agree with me on that

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +1

      Given that the car exploded because of a missed shot, that's pretty tough to predict let alone avoid. The one thing I could have done was to position myself closer to the VIP before that happened. But of course, I had no way of knowing that it was going to be an issue until the car was burning so... yeah.

  • @vincenttortugueta3240
    @vincenttortugueta3240 4 місяці тому +5

    LOL, the game sure showered you in classic XCOM BS this mission. Reminds me of that one time I got a Sectopod destroying the device I was supposed to protect before I had time to get even half way there.

    • @Lena_Hansen_Jonsson
      @Lena_Hansen_Jonsson 4 місяці тому +1

      I dread those missions late game!

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +3

      I think I've only ever failed 2 protect the device missions but the first time featured an andromedon firing on it every turn of the mission so I totally feel your pain on that one.

  • @MrCryophobia
    @MrCryophobia 4 місяці тому +2

    Could you not have used Yutaka Yamada to go pick up the VIP before the explosion? I see the Run’n’gun icon. But that could be reused from the mods.
    That being said you got fairly cheated with Reaper’s shadow getting blown 2 times to weird stuff. And I think the Lancer killing the boomer is what started car to be about to explode. Glad to see you maintain a good mental approach, despite the set backs.

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +2

      Now that you say it, he does have an ability that gives him an extra action if he dashes that turn. Pretty sure you're right and it would have worked.

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +2

      Oh, I checked the video and the car was ignited when my tech specialist missed a shot. There was a perfect straight line between him and the lost, and the car and when he missed, he got the car instead.

  • @sortehuse
    @sortehuse 4 місяці тому +1

    Advent mission = no problem
    Lost mission = no problem
    Advent + Lost mission = infinite chaos

  • @jppauley9969
    @jppauley9969 4 місяці тому

    The "Tapcat and Ray" channel!
    Very enjoyable video.
    Yeah it had to be a flash bang or smoke grenade to be a free action.

    • @robertseymour2502
      @robertseymour2502 4 місяці тому

      Is a mimic beacon considered a support grenade? I've never tested this..

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому

      I think you meant to say the "Ray and Tapcat" channel but he forgives you. ;)

    • @jppauley9969
      @jppauley9969 4 місяці тому

      Of course. I misspoke! Thanks for your understanding Ray!

  • @conradoccaminha
    @conradoccaminha 4 місяці тому +1

    Damn, this mission was pretty tough. You did get kinda cheated by that pod activated in a very unpredictible position and later I was pretty sure you were on the last pode and you revealed another... That was sad. The lost really make it more difficult, especially because of the time limit. Very fun video but I imagine it was a pretty tough mission...

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +2

      You nailed it on all counts. The lost don't usually make a mission harder, but they can make it much more difficult to keep moving forward and finish within a set number of turns. And, yeah, I really didn't think I was being reckless or exposing myself to activating new pods either of those activations. But this is XCOM and getting comfortable or thinking you're "safe" is just about the last thing any of us should ever do.

  • @salvation1977
    @salvation1977 4 місяці тому +1

    Doesn't the tech specialist have fail-safe?

  • @adventtrooper
    @adventtrooper 4 місяці тому

    Was the car lit up by the Boomer going pop after being cleansed by Advent? 33:45
    There's a brief flame animation on the bonnet about 10 seconds later.

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +1

      I checked the video and the car was fine after the boomer. It happens when my tech specialist took a shot at 36:11 and misses an 87% shot. A very unfortunate result in more ways than one.

  • @pjiuty7706
    @pjiuty7706 3 місяці тому

    I'm trying the mod collection and found the same issue with the free grenade abilities. I'm likely ditching this mod next run for various reasons but mainly because I prefer the vanilla classes.

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 3 місяці тому +1

      I mostly prefer the originals as well, although I do like the marines quite a bit.

    • @pjiuty7706
      @pjiuty7706 3 місяці тому

      Perhaps this mod would be a lot better if added through the GTS in a way that we can train rookies into these classes. I think I would appreciate it a lot more if I could slowly integrate each into my normal gameplay rather than just be showered with them. This mod is great and must have taken a lot of work, I wish the modder was still around!

  • @arthurmarques6191
    @arthurmarques6191 4 місяці тому

    How close are you folks of the end game and getting sectopods?

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +1

      We're not quite half way through the campaign as a whole. Not sure when you'll start seeing sectopods, but I wouldn't be shocked if it happened in the relatively near future.

    • @arthurmarques6191
      @arthurmarques6191 4 місяці тому

      @@TapCat got it. I saw the plasma weapons and somehow thought you were way ahead.

  • @sundoga4961
    @sundoga4961 4 місяці тому +1

    Welp. you ended up on the Doomclock.

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому +1

      Indeed, but I don't expect to be on it for long.

  • @ninja1man4u
    @ninja1man4u 4 місяці тому

    The audios a lot cleaner in this on4 ywy! Unfortunately can't save Rizzo and his God awful delivery. Sad about the doom clock.

    • @TapCat
      @TapCat 4 місяці тому

      Yeah, last episode is the only one where my microphone went on strike so the audio should be back to normal for the rest of the series.