Vietnam Crucible (1968)

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • The program reports on the American soldier's activities in Vietnam. Presents both the military and civilian situation. From the picture series.


  • @WizardOfChicamunga
    @WizardOfChicamunga 13 років тому +2

    @GodlessMartyr666 Well, I don't really know what to suggest for ya'. You might try watching it again and paying extra close attention to all the dialog. If that still don't work for you, don't worry about it too much, it's not all that important. I am trying to see things from your point of view though, but my problem is I can't seem to get my head far enough up my ass to do it. Oh well, what do I know anyway?... I was just a 19 year old survivor of it.

  • @MrMidgeBag
    @MrMidgeBag 13 років тому +1

    HD ? WTF

  • @WizardOfChicamunga
    @WizardOfChicamunga 13 років тому +2

    @milodara93 This film is clearly US propaganda aimed at US soldiers or civilians eventually. But just watch it again and listen closely, maybe you'll catch on.

  • @Ronbo710
    @Ronbo710 13 років тому +3

    Love these documentaries. Watched them in High School in the '70's. Of course nowadays they would be banned as "indoctrination films". God Help Us.

  • @christopherdunn1097
    @christopherdunn1097 6 років тому +2

    The USA assembled the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen in the Vietnam conflict, peaking in ay 1969 at 570k. With Veterans day just a couple of days away, I say thanks to all those who served in this God forsaken war. The USA never lost a major battle- we signed a Peace Treaty and left in 1973. No doubt mistakes were made: micro managed by politicians in DC with Rules of Engagement that allowed Laos and Cambodia as sanctuaries, ceding hard won territory such as Hamburger Hill, leaving Khe Sahn after such an inspired defense. I read e deployed 72 B-52s-too bad it was not 720, as this was the weapon that have brought the North to the table for real peace.

    • @yankeedoodle1963
      @yankeedoodle1963 Рік тому

      Let me fix that for you: 720 B-52’s against the North would likely have left nobody to come to the peace table alive. The North would never have quit. They never quit against the Japanese or the French either. Unless we were willing to exterminate the North down to the last man, it was an unwinnable war.

  • @milodara93
    @milodara93 13 років тому

    @WizardOfChicamunga Well.... USA did help Vietnamese CITIZEN but you said "This film would have you believe that WE (the USA) did all these things to 'help' the Vietnamese people" so your saying you helped Vietnam? Anyway, whats your point of that comment?

  • @citizenfitz
    @citizenfitz 13 років тому

    The trucks the NVA were using to convoy troops and munitions were Fords - made in a Soviet factory designed and built by the Ford Motor Company. The fuel that powered them came from Soviet oil fields developed by American interests with close ties to the Rockefeller oil cartel. Before any military action in Viet Nam could occur the US cleared it through the UN - whose military deputy was a Soviet General....

  • @WizardOfChicamunga
    @WizardOfChicamunga 13 років тому +1

    @GodlessMartyr666 Combat earned me the right to accept no other opinion on the subject but my own sonny.

  • @mnpd3
    @mnpd3 11 років тому +1

    One of the films I saw as a draftee in Basic Training which involved political indoctrination to reinforce the "kill a Commie for Christ" mentality already in us since birth. We went thru the Quick Kill course, but with BB-guns! I sabotaged the entrance exam (Mental Category IV - yah!), but was drafted anyway :(. Basic had been shortened to only 6-weeks, and some of us were shipped out without even going to Infantry AIT (Direct Duty Assignment Program), such was the demand for new meat.

  • @GodlessMartyr666
    @GodlessMartyr666 13 років тому

    Truth is there are plenty of these films out there from the era, some more indoctrinating than others. All I really see though is an honest effort to dialogue to a pre vietnam GI about what sort of things he should expect to encounter , and the sort of operations that went on down there. Its like sending a new recruit to california to train as an soldier fighting in the war on terror ( shadow wars that are not just in afghanistan or iraq. )

  • @GodlessMartyr666
    @GodlessMartyr666 13 років тому

    @WizardOfChicamunga as I said, propaganda or not, ( meaning I may or may not agree that its a propaganda film )

  • @mnpd3
    @mnpd3 11 років тому

    On the money issue, the U.S. economy could at least afford the War back. The Iraq and Afghanistan messes were both financed throught borrowing.... the very reason Washington has a 17-trillon dollar debt today which it can never repay. Anytime you have to borrow money to fight a war, the enemy had better be landing on the beaches; you can't afford to fight two simulaneous wars to save the enemy from himself. Not that you fight wars for that reason anyway.

  • @GodlessMartyr666
    @GodlessMartyr666 13 років тому

    @WizardOfChicamunga the funniest thing is you refuse to accept any view on the subject other than your own, which actually shows how biased and jaded the vets returning from these countries have become.
    Kinda sad really...

  • @WizardOfChicamunga
    @WizardOfChicamunga 13 років тому

    @GodlessMartyr666 That is entirely ok with me. LOL i hadn't planned on holding my breath anyway.

  • @WizardOfChicamunga
    @WizardOfChicamunga 13 років тому

    Hahaha! This film would have you believe that WE (the USA) did all these things to 'help' the Vietnamese people. I do not believe that any single thing they mention here was not FIRST determined to help US first and foremost! Look at how we left and what we have done since. We left the place a total shambles, handed it back to the people and pretty much said, "now you deal with the mess we made".... Ahhh yes! The good ol' US of A certainly was concerned with those people, weren't we?

  • @GodlessMartyr666
    @GodlessMartyr666 13 років тому

    @WizardOfChicamunga propaganda or not this is pure information , 90% of it is just a recap of american equipment and an overrun of how the war changed combat for the united states army permanently...

  • @mnpd3
    @mnpd3 11 років тому

    It was about more than money depending on who you were. We all questioned the War, but I was never certain that it was a waste until some years after I left the Army --- April 1975 to be exact. My mind couldn't accept that Saigon was gone. "It was all for nothing" was the thought I had over, and over, and over. The other shocks were seeing the draft-dodgers all receive pardons, and the U.S. repeating the exact stupidity in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • @yankeedoodle1963
    @yankeedoodle1963 Рік тому

    Let’s go back and finish the job. Donald Trump and his candy-ass kids can lead the charge into the jungles against Victor Charlie to Make America Great Again