Download the Match Poker App here - For Match Poker Hong Kong Team qualifiers, and more competitions, please see this Facebook page
If someone is playing overly aggressive like all in a lot, he may win big or lose big, so let’s just assume he wins big, but match poker is a team sport, so remember there only one person that can win each game. So that means if the whole team, all six players play overly aggressive, like all in a lot, then what happens in a lot of cases we have seen is that team loses even more. We have seen this in countries that try to be very aggressive to catch up and often they lose even more. Very hard to have all 6 players from the team to be super aggressive and win each round. How each player plays is his own skill, how each team plays is their strategy, so this is not luck
@@roundtablepoker Thanks Eric! You’re right. I didnt realise the fact that it’s a team sport, which makes the whole game much fairer, and i’m sure that u guys would’ve come up with strategies to deal with certain irrational actions and players. But still, irrational players would potentially lead to huge chip wins to other players of the same table that they would not hv won without that irrational player. That “luck” component still cannot be eliminated completely in my opinion. 舉個誇張少少嘅例子, 例如我揸KK preflop冇人跟我去, 但係隔離枱竟然有個人揸27為咗追分而preflop jam結果隔離枱嘅KK就好好彩咁贏咗10000 chips. Actually, I’ve always been thinking that the game would become much fairer if all players hv no info abt their scores and position until the end of the match. In that way players can focus entirely on their hand and the strategy of that specific hand.
@@chanchris2829 同運氣有乜關係?poker 本身就係stochastic , 你係Phil ivey 係unfair distribution 下你點都會輸,宜家講緊係long term result ,技術既edge 會smooth out ‘運氣’既variance ,this is also the point of ev and why statistic exist
Download the Match Poker App here -
For Match Poker Hong Kong Team qualifiers, and more competitions, please see this Facebook page
學到野👍🏻 Thank you Eric & Ching
好寶貴既經驗同埋分享! 辛苦Ching, Eric 同所有製作人員
好好睇呀! Eric 多謝你
I wonder if Hong Kong team has any discussion on strategy play on each break.
Eric d旁白好好笑🤣🤣🤣
very nice ❤ 好精彩的分析 🎉
Match poker代表4個人獨自參賽,再溝埋一齊黎計分,係要4倍luck。
Thank you Eric ❤
剪精華應該都幾辛苦 不過睇得幾過癮 加油!
Hi, 建議一開始廣告個brand name同d slides 唔郁太快,要replay先跟得到! btw good work!
Very good, support!
個人認為, Match poker嘅缺點在於每一手牌嘅打法會好大程度受到累積分數嘅領先/落後而改變. 學eric話齋, 到後期分數落後嘅只能以更agressive, 甚至over agressive嘅打法嚟追分. 簡單嚟講, 我可能隨時會被一個因為想追分而overly agressive嘅同枱對手以沒有牌理基礎嘅情況下bluff走或者bad beat, 亦有可能因為同樣情況被其他枱嘅同座位競爭者因為亂打而攞勁多分. 呢樣就係運氣成份, 而且影響必然唔細. 要判斷牌手技術, 一定係每手牌independent咁睇. 所有嘅決定都係建基於嗰一局嘅factor. 我完全明白冇十全十美嘅比賽模式, 但我唔太能夠接受match poker係完全冇運氣成份嘅講法, 好想聽吓eric或者其他推廣match poker嘅人嘅睇法🙏🏼🙏🏼
If someone is playing overly aggressive like all in a lot, he may win big or lose big, so let’s just assume he wins big, but match poker is a team sport, so remember there only one person that can win each game. So that means if the whole team, all six players play overly aggressive, like all in a lot, then what happens in a lot of cases we have seen is that team loses even more. We have seen this in countries that try to be very aggressive to catch up and often they lose even more. Very hard to have all 6 players from the team to be super aggressive and win each round. How each player plays is his own skill, how each team plays is their strategy, so this is not luck
@@roundtablepoker Thanks Eric! You’re right. I didnt realise the fact that it’s a team sport, which makes the whole game much fairer, and i’m sure that u guys would’ve come up with strategies to deal with certain irrational actions and players. But still, irrational players would potentially lead to huge chip wins to other players of the same table that they would not hv won without that irrational player. That “luck” component still cannot be eliminated completely in my opinion. 舉個誇張少少嘅例子, 例如我揸KK preflop冇人跟我去, 但係隔離枱竟然有個人揸27為咗追分而preflop jam結果隔離枱嘅KK就好好彩咁贏咗10000 chips. Actually, I’ve always been thinking that the game would become much fairer if all players hv no info abt their scores and position until the end of the match. In that way players can focus entirely on their hand and the strategy of that specific hand.
打tourney 随住stack size 大细 blind size 都有唔同range 同strat , 唔明你想表達乜9
@@電腦騙徒剋星 咪就係表達我認為match poker仍然有一定運氣成份囉, 同你所講嘅嘢冇衝突㗎😂
@@chanchris2829 同運氣有乜關係?poker 本身就係stochastic , 你係Phil ivey 係unfair distribution 下你點都會輸,宜家講緊係long term result ,技術既edge 會smooth out ‘運氣’既variance ,this is also the point of ev and why statistic exist
Nice play KK
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唔夠喎~~~ ^^
以色列 34567 個鋪好癲