Agree! I own the ME-1 and they sound fabulous in their musicality. Easy on room placement and amps too. Just love them. I never heard these Wilson's though.
I have never heard any Wilson speaker sound "better" than my TAD reference and that includes your model. Wilson sounds different, not better but, where Wilson speakers lose truly is looks (very poor WAF).
I couldn’t agree more about Wilson Speakers. When I was hunting for my forever speakers 17 years ago, my shortlist dwindles to three specific models, Marten Coltranes, Sonus Faber Strads and Wilson MAXX 2’s. After relentless Listenning for months on end, I finally settled on the Wilson’s and they thrill me, and music lovers around me, endlessly, to date. But it amazes me that the brand is so polarizing and so many just hate on them. I am not from the US and traveled the world extensively from 1989 (about 34 years) visiting every Hifi store from the far east right across to the Americas. Finally it’s all about taste and I agree with Jay on this one.
I heard the Wilson Sasha V with Dan DAgostino amplification recently and honestly thought the TAD Ce1TX with TAD amplification and sources was in another league to the Wilson’s.
Wilson Audio was very successful at turning their visual cues into something that makes any of their loudspeakers easy recognizable. B&W has done the same with their tweeter on top, and other brands were also very successful by creating their own visual cues. Porsche has done exactly the same thing, and almost anybody can identify any 911 (regardless of how new or old the particular unit is). Mercedes and BMW did the same in the past (they still do, but designs are less unique over the last years). Having brand recognition is very important for any manufacturer, but more so when prices are on the higher side. That’s also why many brands fail when they try to reach a higher market segment if they’re mostly known for their amazing mainstream products. The downside of maintaining visual cues for decades is that it often can’t evolve with what new research shows to be better. While B&W has some amazing loudspeakers with their tweeter on top design, they also have some really bad ones, which isn’t surprising when we consider that there are several problems with that approach regarding dispersion. If that technology was based on real research, a lot more brands would make their version of that concept, and I’m not aware of any other brand that is using that principle (there’s no patent on having a tweeter separated from the main enclosure 😉). But B&W does capitalize a lot on that design, and would probably suffer a huge hit in sales if they changed it, even the end result would be superior (performance wise). Kef has been refining their Uni-Q designs for decades, and that’s also a part of its brand awareness. Brand awareness is what makes a product sell, not only when new, but also determining their value in the used market. All of this relates to your other point, which is how insanely expensive some things are becoming in high end audio. The consumer is paying for a lot speculation, and not the real costs of the manufacturer and dealer network! A dealer sells a pair of 1.000€ speakers from a well established HiFi brand, and it might get 30% before having to negotiate with the customer. If he ends up with 15%, that’s 150€, which will then be subjected to taxes. A dealer sells a pair of 100.000€ loudspeakers, and he’ll start of with 50% or more on his side. As there are far fewer dealers for that product, even if he gives 15% on a deal to the customer, there’s still 35% on the table. But 35% is 35.000€ now before taxes, not 150€. Sure, having the inventory on stock costs a lot of money, and the customer that buys that loudspeaker expects it to be delivered and installed in their home. The dealer has very different costs when buying and selling any “mainstream” product vs a more special one. Manufacturers know this better than anyone, and they also know that no dealer would make stock of any expensive product that is a long sell without comfortable margins. Having that product in stock costs money that is invested until it sells. But IMHO, things are getting out of control on high end audio, with many products not being able to offer a decent value proposition on any front (performance, looks, build quality and materials, etc). Many high end manufacturers are only playing the game of increasing the price without increasing the value, and some are really backyard manufacturers without the technical means, tools and knowledge to create a product that keeps up with the big manufacturers that have all those things. I’m not implying that they’re getting rich by selling underperforming products to their few customers (that rarely works in the long run). Most of the times, they simply don’t have the size and means to do any better. In those cases, the customer ends up with a worse product (it doesn’t matter as long as he/she likes it and doesn’t plan to ever sell it without a huge loss), but also with more risks associated with the manufacturer going out of business and taking all the support with it. Wilson Audio was and is very clever on doing statement products. I have yet to hear any Wilson Audio demo that “Wows” me in the way that far less expensive (but still expensive) loudspeakers did, and I’ve heard some serious Wilson Audio setups. But it doesn’t change the fact that most Wilson Audio products are very impressive just by looking at them, and looks sell a lot! I’d say that anyone spending 6 figures on a pair of loudspeakers are likely and entitled to expect a statement product not only in performance, but also on how it looks. High-end is usually like that on everything.
Indeed, the research seems to suggest that a gigantic expenditure is not required if all you are after is maximum sonic performance, according to blind tested preference metrics. I'm not sure how all that research works out in the end when it comes to actual ownership. I've owned speakers that perform well according to the latest metrics, and while I found them generally good, in time I went back to my old, not so well engineered DIY tuned by ear speakers, for whatever reasons. As Floyd Tool pointed out, we can get used to "worse" sounding speakers and come to prefer those over time. So it's almost like we have to be trained to prefer a sound that's easiest for most to learn to prefer, and the hope is that if everybody does that, and the producers are mixing and mastering on speakers built to the same metrics, we'd end the circle of confusion and good sound would become standardized.
Wilson Audio is one of my favorite brands I was astounded when I first heard the Sabrina’s set up all by themselves in a room at T.H.E. Show in 2015. Scanspeak drivers are filled with realism. The only other brand that tops Wilson Audio in my opinion is IO Designs Naked RS.
I finally had the privilege to audition Sashas juiced by a D'agostino amp about a month ago. What still sticks in my mind was how I didnt need to close my eyes to "suspend disbelief". Totally haunted by my experience now, and will without a doubt get some wilsons in my life at some point, hopefully sooner than later, Lol!
I am NOT a Wilson fanboy but I've had some exposure to a number of Wilson models and one things is quite clear: Their engineering is superb and their focus on sound quality as their highest guiding principle is clearly evident. And THEN they focus on solid mechanical engineering and perfect finishes on extremely well manufactured enclosures and hardware. They're doing it right and the results of their hard work are evident in their dominance in their market segments.
I was in the same room in Warsaw where the new Sasha played and all I can understand is how we people have different tastes in sound reproduction. One must be very careful about reading/listening to other people's comments without a personal audition. And Jay, thank you for the wonderful content.
Wilson Audio is also my favorite speaker brand. I am enjoying my Alexia 2 very much, and my next upgarde will certainly be another pair of Wilson Audio😁
Idk what this video is about, but other then the guy saying „Wilson are the best speakers don’t let anybody tell you some different“ he isn’t saying anything else no?
please review Lipinski speakers. why? he has exceptional hearing abilities and is outstanding recording engineer known in best studios around the world. Also,his speakers share many of Wilson concepts, but have smaller woofers
I have a beat up pair of watt puppy 6s.... still the best speaker I have ever owned. positioning is key!!!! I listened to a new Sasha Daw the other day, better, but not by THAT much. can't go wrong with an old pair of Wilsons
It really depends on what you’re looking for. For me there’s a very significant difference between then and now. My first Wilsons were a pair of W/P 7’s. I liked them, but they are quite cold and analytical. When the Sophia 3 launched, I chose to “downgrade” and sell the 7’s and get the Sophia 3’s. I like what Wilson does, but I need my speaker to be musical and engaging. We then got a pair of Sasha 2’s as I found that the direction Wilson took with the soft fine tweeeters really suited me well. Didn’t sell the Sophia’s which to this day still resides in our bedroom, but for our theatre the Sasha’s was a nice upgrade which retained some of the qualities of the Sophia. Fast forward to 2023 and now the Sasha’s are sold and a pair of Alexa V has taken their place. I find the current Wilson speakers to be a very different breed of hifi speaker, as opposed to an analytical speaker better suited for a recording session than a living/listening room. The Alexa V’s are like high resolution Sophia 3’s on steroids. Incredible detail and transparency, but without losing the playful and easy going feeling of the Sophia’s. I think Darryl Wilson has made a very wise decision by putting musicality and enjoyment over absolute detail and resolution.
More than happy with my Spendor A7. Actually the dealer here did impress the audience more with Spendor A4 then Wilson Sabrina. So many high end brands lack soul.
Very interesting video and insight about what the US like - particularly as in England have never even heard American speakers at dealers and UK shows. Got no idea what WA and Magico sound like. Everyone carries British and Focal so most UK folks have no real idea what people like worldwide. Appreciate your thoughts, thank you JAY
To me Wilson’s are great specially the newer ones But as you know the old ones did not sound as good. They were brighter and less musical But even then the brand has been like the Rolex of watches There are better watches than Rolex but the Rolex are the easiest to sell . There are better speakers out there. Their name sales that’s all.
If you want to go nuts on speakers try and get some Rockport Arrakis! Yes! They are around $150,000 USD but the quality is superb even compared to some of the ultra-precise German-made speaker brands. In terms of driver design, I think manufactures should start moving to Cobalt-Samarium Magnets that can take higher heat and last longer in terms of a more STABLE magnetic field! V
Yamaha sold over 300K NS 1000. They make their own drivers. Tone and resonance expertise from their world's largest musical instrument business, their pro audio business, and their engine business.
They did a genious marketing. When Swedish public service radio were about to buy new monitors to their studios Yamaha made an offer they could not back down from. Yamaha gave their monitors, the ns 1000, for free. They got the rights to market their speakers with telling about Swedish radio picked them against all of the other monitors on the market. From this they sold a lot of ns 1000 despite n😮t being that good of a monitor! The smaller derivative ns 10 was a really poor monitor yet it has become a standard in studios. Marketing rules!
I agree….. I have had so many different high-end speakers….. but Wilson beats them all. Even an old set of WP`s will beat new far more expencive speakers from other brands.
For $18,000 USD for a power conditioner system, I would rather just buy a 20 Kilowatt Ballard Fuel Cell and power everything off that using 100 pound (40 KG) propane tanks as my fuel source! The ultra-clean current coming off that means NO COLOURATION of the sound AND you could listen to your music while everyone is out of power! Plus the proton-proton membrane exchange technology is NOISELESS aka ultra quiet! V
Although I chose a different brand over Wilson Audio as my end-game speakers, Wilson speakers have always been one of my very favorite brands. As for the astronomical prices of high end audio in general, just like any other marketplace, including the high end audio marketplace, it's all relative. Our more well-heeled audiophiles will always spend way more than the rest of us. Why? Because they can. Anyway, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head forcing them to spend a ton of money on a hobby like audio equipment. This isn't rocket science!!! Most audiophiles are really, truly fortunate to be in a position to be able to spend our hard earned dollars on such an expensive hobby (nonessentials). Anyway, you can't spend what you don't have. High end audio has always been ridiculously high priced for the average person. This is nothing new. No sweat. That's way about 99.9% of the time, I maximize my buying power by purchasing pre-owned. By buying pre-owned, obviously, I get a lot more, for a lot less, and I've made out pretty darned well over the years doing it this way. Besides, especially if you buy your gear pre-owned, it's quite possible that you can spend a fraction, of a fraction, of a fraction, of what the "Big Spenders" spend on their mega-buck gear, and still be able to achieve world-class sound in your listening room. I did!!!
I own a 70K set, but I'm not rich ( some of you now think: not anymore🙂) Truth is: it took me almost 50 years to build this up. And enjoyed every moment of upgrading.
wilson might be great, but over here in europe-smaller homes- the smaller modelsoften work better;much like a smaller tube amp has more finnesse-think luxman lx 380....
PMC VS WILSON , PMC BLOWS WILSON LESS THAN HALF THE PRICE The Wilsons have a little more acoustic space/depth, and the PMCs have the same sounded a little more accurate flat response just like front off live orchestra, top to bottom, with leaner bass. Great midrange ...
Great Wilson is easy to sell. But if your into 6 figure systems and it’s your passion pick the one where price doesn’t matter to you even if you get nothing back when sold ie gift it. Maybe it’s a 6 figure system maybe it’s 20k or 5k it’s always nicer in a hobby if price doesn’t matter to you it ruins the whole experience somewhat. Personally I find the ultra high end Avant-garde also over a million system much better than any box speakers in getting the live performance in slightly bigger rooms. Cheers.
Some say Wilson's sound dry and clinical which means you should probably use tube amplification. Us audio mart have 40 ads for Wilson where jbl and Klipsch have around 150 ads each and Sonus Faber had 76 ads, so I don't think they are number one. What you don't say is Wilsons are so heavy, you probably have to do a local pick up only. Wilson's are also selling at 40-50% of retail of the few I was able to sample which is typical for used speakers. If you want an easy resell Devore O/96 and maybe the Super 9s.
if a speaker requieres a specific amp. especially one that isnt linear to begin with. thats on the speaker. no need to try to compensate. get something decent instead.
Hi Jay. Hope all is well. New to your channel. You may have in the past reviewed the Audionet amplifier Heisenberg / Stern. Thoughts or opinions compared to Boulder ? Or your new purchase Apex ?
The best presentation on Warsaw Audio Show was the OePhi speakers with Moonriver 404 amplifier and Auralic Aries G2.1 transport. In comparison the Wilson Sasha V sounded like a much inferior product.
People need to learn first what sound is before they can even understand what True High-End audio really means. You will seldom find a real High-End system on any audio show and even audio shops. Real High-End audio means by sound and stage that a particular audio system can reveal all the different aspects that sound possesses. Because when an audio system lacks one or even more aspects of sound it is always a Hi-Fi system. Even the High-End audio show in Munich is often a 100% Hi-Fi show. The question is why do people have no idea what High-End audio means? As long as people have no clue what sound is, they have no idea what is even possible in audio these days. Often, the best systems on audio shows lack diversity in the height of voices and instruments. So what you can easily hear is that all instruments and voices are being displayed at the same height at the used tweeter of the loudspeaker. This is a 100% Hi-Fi parameter. So the next question is why diversity in the height of voices and instruments is so important? I think you can only understand and be aware of this when you have experience with live acoustic music. When an audio system is able to reveal the difference in height of all the voices and instruments the whole song becomes a different experience. It makes the music a lot more intense and emotional. Often people feel that the music is even closer to them than ever before. It changes the harmonics of sound, which is the reason why the music becomes so much more involving and addictive. I learned that voices and instruments own what I call a 3D shape or form in space when you hear music live. Even this is possible to be reproduced by audio these days.
@@paulb.3227, no. When you have worked full-time in audio for longer than 25 years and you learn what sound and music are, you know what is possible. Even the people of those systems agreed that parts were missing.
Rubanoide speakers are better in every respect. it is just superior technology. So as zeta zeros with their most advanced omni ribbon , nowhere to be seen in any other speaker. prove me wrong Jay
Wow, how American centric are some of your comments Jay (especially at 3.30). There is a global brand called ATC (from the UK) that occupies the living rooms and studios of so many heavyweight musicians around the world. Most of the best recording studios on the planet also have ATC's. Just because you don't really have ATC's in the USA doesn't mean your local hero brand is the best in the world. Open your wings Jay and look over the fence. I found the Wilson Sasha V's (with Dan D'Agostino's) to be a harsh listen when going hard at the Melbourne Hifi show a few weeks ago. Great speaker yes, but hard to endure the upper frequencies at volume and I expected better than that.
Hope you get some comments where people agree with you - I am sure that will make you feel good. You arguments are many and for the most part without any evidence. As all audiophiles know "the best" only exists for the individual - not in general.
So you are basically saying don’t listen to anyone else, and that if a speaker sells really well it’s the best, and that you don’t care what others say. Also your comments about not being paid by wilson seem like pure BS. Or just stupidity.
@@nimagenelec-pq7to i remember passing through the room briefly but the sound didn't captivate me initially enough to make me stay and listen longer. So I can't really tell.
That’s a very subjective viewpoint. I’ve owned Wilson’s in the past, have not had a pair in any home of ours in over 2 decades now. I’ve demoed a few in one of our homes since that time, I did not purchase as was simply not as appealing sound as what I already had and/or others I was demoing. What Jay said, at least what I thought he said, is that Wilson is the top selling audiophile speaker in US. Of course the definition of ‘audiophile speaker’ is highly fluid and subjective, but by any reasonable definition it is wildly false. Bowers & Wilkins for example sells 30 times more speakers in US than does Wilson. How many of those are 800 series B&W’s I do not know but Wilson is not even in the top 10 in loudspeaker sales volume in US. Of course, that’s not a good barometer for quality as I personally would choose a Wilson over any B&W every day of week and twice on Sunday. I’ll also choose a VonSchweikert or Living Voice speaker over ANY Wilson speaker but again that’s a subjective choice.
*I wonder how the Wilson speakers compare to MAGICO, the materials MAGICO use are so bullet proof and high tech, double skin carbon fiber cones with ROHACEL core, yummy* 😂
I ve heard the TAD standmounts at an exhibition and they absolutely smoked any Wilson speakers I heard . Out the Wilsons
Same at the Melbourne HiFi show in Australia recently. The TAD stand mounts smoked Wilson Sasha V with Dan DAgostino amplifier.
Wilson , overrated overhypead overpriced.
Agree! I own the ME-1 and they sound fabulous in their musicality. Easy on room placement and amps too.
Just love them. I never heard these Wilson's though.
I have never heard any Wilson speaker sound "better" than my TAD reference and that includes your model. Wilson sounds different, not better but, where Wilson speakers lose truly is looks (very poor WAF).
Then you never heard them setup correctly. Setup is critical.
I couldn’t agree more about Wilson Speakers. When I was hunting for my forever speakers 17 years ago, my shortlist dwindles to three specific models, Marten Coltranes, Sonus Faber Strads and Wilson MAXX 2’s. After relentless Listenning for months on end, I finally settled on the Wilson’s and they thrill me, and music lovers around me, endlessly, to date. But it amazes me that the brand is so polarizing and so many just hate on them. I am not from the US and traveled the world extensively from 1989 (about 34 years) visiting every Hifi store from the far east right across to the Americas. Finally it’s all about taste and I agree with Jay on this one.
My friend has the Marten Coultrains. Amazing speakers. Best I’ve ever heard. I’ve never heard the MAX 2s though.
I heard the Wilson Sasha V with Dan DAgostino amplification recently and honestly thought the TAD Ce1TX with TAD amplification and sources was in another league to the Wilson’s.
Wilson Audio was very successful at turning their visual cues into something that makes any of their loudspeakers easy recognizable.
B&W has done the same with their tweeter on top, and other brands were also very successful by creating their own visual cues.
Porsche has done exactly the same thing, and almost anybody can identify any 911 (regardless of how new or old the particular unit is).
Mercedes and BMW did the same in the past (they still do, but designs are less unique over the last years).
Having brand recognition is very important for any manufacturer, but more so when prices are on the higher side.
That’s also why many brands fail when they try to reach a higher market segment if they’re mostly known for their amazing mainstream products.
The downside of maintaining visual cues for decades is that it often can’t evolve with what new research shows to be better.
While B&W has some amazing loudspeakers with their tweeter on top design, they also have some really bad ones, which isn’t surprising when we consider that there are several problems with that approach regarding dispersion.
If that technology was based on real research, a lot more brands would make their version of that concept, and I’m not aware of any other brand that is using that principle (there’s no patent on having a tweeter separated from the main enclosure 😉).
But B&W does capitalize a lot on that design, and would probably suffer a huge hit in sales if they changed it, even the end result would be superior (performance wise).
Kef has been refining their Uni-Q designs for decades, and that’s also a part of its brand awareness.
Brand awareness is what makes a product sell, not only when new, but also determining their value in the used market.
All of this relates to your other point, which is how insanely expensive some things are becoming in high end audio.
The consumer is paying for a lot speculation, and not the real costs of the manufacturer and dealer network!
A dealer sells a pair of 1.000€ speakers from a well established HiFi brand, and it might get 30% before having to negotiate with the customer.
If he ends up with 15%, that’s 150€, which will then be subjected to taxes.
A dealer sells a pair of 100.000€ loudspeakers, and he’ll start of with 50% or more on his side.
As there are far fewer dealers for that product, even if he gives 15% on a deal to the customer, there’s still 35% on the table.
But 35% is 35.000€ now before taxes, not 150€.
Sure, having the inventory on stock costs a lot of money, and the customer that buys that loudspeaker expects it to be delivered and installed in their home.
The dealer has very different costs when buying and selling any “mainstream” product vs a more special one.
Manufacturers know this better than anyone, and they also know that no dealer would make stock of any expensive product that is a long sell without comfortable margins.
Having that product in stock costs money that is invested until it sells.
But IMHO, things are getting out of control on high end audio, with many products not being able to offer a decent value proposition on any front (performance, looks, build quality and materials, etc).
Many high end manufacturers are only playing the game of increasing the price without increasing the value, and some are really backyard manufacturers without the technical means, tools and knowledge to create a product that keeps up with the big manufacturers that have all those things.
I’m not implying that they’re getting rich by selling underperforming products to their few customers (that rarely works in the long run). Most of the times, they simply don’t have the size and means to do any better.
In those cases, the customer ends up with a worse product (it doesn’t matter as long as he/she likes it and doesn’t plan to ever sell it without a huge loss), but also with more risks associated with the manufacturer going out of business and taking all the support with it.
Wilson Audio was and is very clever on doing statement products.
I have yet to hear any Wilson Audio demo that “Wows” me in the way that far less expensive (but still expensive) loudspeakers did, and I’ve heard some serious Wilson Audio setups.
But it doesn’t change the fact that most Wilson Audio products are very impressive just by looking at them, and looks sell a lot!
I’d say that anyone spending 6 figures on a pair of loudspeakers are likely and entitled to expect a statement product not only in performance, but also on how it looks.
High-end is usually like that on everything.
Finally, someone that can write in paragraphs, rather than one gigantic, long text.
Thks I learned a lot. Thks again for the insight into hi end/ultra high end.
Indeed, the research seems to suggest that a gigantic expenditure is not required if all you are after is maximum sonic performance, according to blind tested preference metrics. I'm not sure how all that research works out in the end when it comes to actual ownership. I've owned speakers that perform well according to the latest metrics, and while I found them generally good, in time I went back to my old, not so well engineered DIY tuned by ear speakers, for whatever reasons. As Floyd Tool pointed out, we can get used to "worse" sounding speakers and come to prefer those over time. So it's almost like we have to be trained to prefer a sound that's easiest for most to learn to prefer, and the hope is that if everybody does that, and the producers are mixing and mastering on speakers built to the same metrics, we'd end the circle of confusion and good sound would become standardized.
Wilson Audio is one of my favorite brands I was astounded when I first heard the Sabrina’s set up all by themselves in a room at T.H.E. Show in 2015. Scanspeak drivers are filled with realism.
The only other brand that tops Wilson Audio in my opinion is IO Designs Naked RS.
As far as I can see Wilson Audio does not sell well in my country. But Scan Speak (who makes speaker unit for Wilson Audio and other brands) does
Where are you located?
I finally had the privilege to audition Sashas juiced by a D'agostino amp about a month ago. What still sticks in my mind was how I didnt need to close my eyes to "suspend disbelief". Totally haunted by my experience now, and will without a doubt get some wilsons in my life at some point, hopefully sooner than later, Lol!
"Best of Show" is only that!
The room & setup are crucial to performance. Only take away a must listening to again, not just believing it's the best.
I am NOT a Wilson fanboy but I've had some exposure to a number of Wilson models and one things is quite clear: Their engineering is superb and their focus on sound quality as their highest guiding principle is clearly evident. And THEN they focus on solid mechanical engineering and perfect finishes on extremely well manufactured enclosures and hardware. They're doing it right and the results of their hard work are evident in their dominance in their market segments.
In my opinion Boulder with Göebel was the best sound of Warsaw Audio Show
I was in the same room in Warsaw where the new Sasha played and all I can understand is how we people have different tastes in sound reproduction. One must be very careful about reading/listening to other people's comments without a personal audition. And Jay, thank you for the wonderful content.
Thank you
Wilson Audio is also my favorite speaker brand. I am enjoying my Alexia 2 very much, and my next upgarde will certainly be another pair of Wilson Audio😁
Idk what this video is about, but other then the guy saying „Wilson are the best speakers don’t let anybody tell you some different“ he isn’t saying anything else no?
Just upgraded my DAW's to the V and the difference is spectacular!
please review Lipinski speakers. why? he has exceptional hearing abilities and is outstanding recording engineer known in best studios around the world. Also,his speakers share many of Wilson concepts, but have smaller woofers
I have a beat up pair of watt puppy 6s.... still the best speaker I have ever owned. positioning is key!!!! I listened to a new Sasha Daw the other day, better, but not by THAT much. can't go wrong with an old pair of Wilsons
It really depends on what you’re looking for. For me there’s a very significant difference between then and now. My first Wilsons were a pair of W/P 7’s. I liked them, but they are quite cold and analytical. When the Sophia 3 launched, I chose to “downgrade” and sell the 7’s and get the Sophia 3’s. I like what Wilson does, but I need my speaker to be musical and engaging. We then got a pair of Sasha 2’s as I found that the direction Wilson took with the soft fine tweeeters really suited me well. Didn’t sell the Sophia’s which to this day still resides in our bedroom, but for our theatre the Sasha’s was a nice upgrade which retained some of the qualities of the Sophia. Fast forward to 2023 and now the Sasha’s are sold and a pair of Alexa V has taken their place.
I find the current Wilson speakers to be a very different breed of hifi speaker, as opposed to an analytical speaker better suited for a recording session than a living/listening room. The Alexa V’s are like high resolution Sophia 3’s on steroids. Incredible detail and transparency, but without losing the playful and easy going feeling of the Sophia’s.
I think Darryl Wilson has made a very wise decision by putting musicality and enjoyment over absolute detail and resolution.
Same opinion.
More than happy with my Spendor A7. Actually the dealer here did impress the audience more with Spendor A4 then Wilson Sabrina. So many high end brands lack soul.
Respect to Wilson Audio
Very interesting video and insight about what the US like - particularly as in England have never even heard American speakers at dealers and UK shows. Got no idea what WA and Magico sound like. Everyone carries British and Focal so most UK folks have no real idea what people like worldwide. Appreciate your thoughts, thank you JAY
To me Wilson’s are great specially the newer ones
But as you know the old ones did not sound as good. They were brighter and less musical
But even then the brand has been like the Rolex of watches
There are better watches than Rolex but the Rolex are the easiest to sell .
There are better speakers out there. Their name sales that’s all.
Well I preferred monitor audio hyphn though they had too small room
Can I own Wilson speakers if I am a Gentile?
If you want to go nuts on speakers try and get some Rockport Arrakis! Yes! They are around $150,000 USD but the quality is superb even compared to some of the ultra-precise German-made speaker brands. In terms of driver design, I think manufactures should start moving to Cobalt-Samarium Magnets that can take higher heat and last longer in terms of a more STABLE magnetic field!
Thoughts on Wilson x1 grand slam
Yamaha sold over 300K NS 1000. They make their own drivers. Tone and resonance expertise from their world's largest musical instrument business, their pro audio business, and their engine business.
They did a genious marketing. When Swedish public service radio were about to buy new monitors to their studios Yamaha made an offer they could not back down from. Yamaha gave their monitors, the ns 1000, for free. They got the rights to market their speakers with telling about Swedish radio picked them against all of the other monitors on the market. From this they sold a lot of ns 1000 despite n😮t being that good of a monitor! The smaller derivative ns 10 was a really poor monitor yet it has become a standard in studios. Marketing rules!
I “admire” your incessant trive towards ultra expensive equipment. At this rate one can never be satisfied by music reproduction.
People believe anything.
Well said! I'm saving up for a pair of Sasha 2's.
Better off with DAW. Sasha 2 wasn’t great
I agree….. I have had so many different high-end speakers….. but Wilson beats them all. Even an old set of WP`s will beat new far more expencive speakers from other brands.
For $18,000 USD for a power conditioner system, I would rather just buy a 20 Kilowatt Ballard Fuel Cell and power everything off that using 100 pound (40 KG) propane tanks as my fuel source! The ultra-clean current coming off that means NO COLOURATION of the sound AND you could listen to your music while everyone is out of power! Plus the proton-proton membrane exchange technology is NOISELESS aka ultra quiet!
Although I chose a different brand over Wilson Audio as my end-game speakers, Wilson speakers have always been one of my very favorite brands. As for the astronomical prices of high end audio in general, just like any other marketplace, including the high end audio marketplace, it's all relative. Our more well-heeled audiophiles will always spend way more than the rest of us. Why? Because they can. Anyway, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head forcing them to spend a ton of money on a hobby like audio equipment. This isn't rocket science!!! Most audiophiles are really, truly fortunate to be in a position to be able to spend our hard earned dollars on such an expensive hobby (nonessentials). Anyway, you can't spend what you don't have. High end audio has always been ridiculously high priced for the average person. This is nothing new. No sweat. That's way about 99.9% of the time, I maximize my buying power by purchasing pre-owned. By buying pre-owned, obviously, I get a lot more, for a lot less, and I've made out pretty darned well over the years doing it this way. Besides, especially if you buy your gear pre-owned, it's quite possible that you can spend a fraction, of a fraction, of a fraction, of what the "Big Spenders" spend on their mega-buck gear, and still be able to achieve world-class sound in your listening room. I did!!!
I own a 70K set, but I'm not rich ( some of you now think: not anymore🙂)
Truth is: it took me almost 50 years to build this up. And enjoyed every moment of upgrading.
wilson might be great, but over here in europe-smaller homes- the smaller modelsoften work better;much like a smaller tube amp has more finnesse-think luxman lx 380....
The Wilsons have a little more acoustic space/depth, and the PMCs have the same sounded a little more accurate flat response just like front off live orchestra, top to bottom, with leaner bass. Great midrange ...
I owned both brand and PMC is less delicate than a Wilson, now with TAD CR1 TX and it's another world because you find the best of both brand
Truth! TAD's are outstanding. Even the "small" ME-1.@@oliver8210
Great Wilson is easy to sell. But if your into 6 figure systems and it’s your passion pick the one where price doesn’t matter to you even if you get nothing back when sold ie gift it. Maybe it’s a 6 figure system maybe it’s 20k or 5k it’s always nicer in a hobby if price doesn’t matter to you it ruins the whole experience somewhat. Personally I find the ultra high end Avant-garde also over a million system much better than any box speakers in getting the live performance in slightly bigger rooms. Cheers.
Wilson enclosures are dead quiet! I love the punch and control of a Wison Audio speaker.
Some say Wilson's sound dry and clinical which means you should probably use tube amplification. Us audio mart have 40 ads for Wilson where jbl and Klipsch have around 150 ads each and Sonus Faber had 76 ads, so I don't think they are number one. What you don't say is Wilsons are so heavy, you probably have to do a local pick up only. Wilson's are also selling at 40-50% of retail of the few I was able to sample which is typical for used speakers. If you want an easy resell Devore O/96 and maybe the Super 9s.
if a speaker requieres a specific amp. especially one that isnt linear to begin with. thats on the speaker. no need to try to compensate. get something decent instead.
Are the watt puppy 3/2 good ?
Been living w the 3/2s in my system for decades… still terrific!
For power conditioners, look no further than PS Audio.
Would like to test Stromtank 1 2 1
Hi Jay. Hope all is well. New to your channel. You may have in the past reviewed the Audionet amplifier Heisenberg / Stern. Thoughts or opinions compared to Boulder ? Or your new purchase Apex ?
I’ve never owned audio net. Thanks for the sub!
On Audio Show Warsaw Sasha didnt the best .Good but not the best .
The best presentation on Warsaw Audio Show was the OePhi speakers with Moonriver 404 amplifier and Auralic Aries G2.1 transport. In comparison the Wilson Sasha V sounded like a much inferior product.
What about Rockport? The owners came from Wilson and broke off from them.
People need to learn first what sound is before they can even understand what True High-End audio really means. You will seldom find a real High-End system on any audio show and even audio shops. Real High-End audio means by sound and stage that a particular audio system can reveal all the different aspects that sound possesses. Because when an audio system lacks one or even more aspects of sound it is always a Hi-Fi system. Even the High-End audio show in Munich is often a 100% Hi-Fi show. The question is why do people have no idea what High-End audio means? As long as people have no clue what sound is, they have no idea what is even possible in audio these days. Often, the best systems on audio shows lack diversity in the height of voices and instruments. So what you can easily hear is that all instruments and voices are being displayed at the same height at the used tweeter of the loudspeaker. This is a 100% Hi-Fi parameter. So the next question is why diversity in the height of voices and instruments is so important? I think you can only understand and be aware of this when you have experience with live acoustic music. When an audio system is able to reveal the difference in height of all the voices and instruments the whole song becomes a different experience. It makes the music a lot more intense and emotional. Often people feel that the music is even closer to them than ever before. It changes the harmonics of sound, which is the reason why the music becomes so much more involving and addictive. I learned that voices and instruments own what I call a 3D shape or form in space when you hear music live. Even this is possible to be reproduced by audio these days.
Don't you think you're generalizing?
@@paulb.3227, no. When you have worked full-time in audio for longer than 25 years and you learn what sound and music are, you know what is possible. Even the people of those systems agreed that parts were missing.
Rubanoide speakers are better in every respect. it is just superior technology. So as zeta zeros with their most advanced omni ribbon , nowhere to be seen in any other speaker. prove me wrong Jay
i know its cool ;) this industry is cool! much broader than wilson and boulder@@jaysaudiolab
Wow, how American centric are some of your comments Jay (especially at 3.30). There is a global brand called ATC (from the UK) that occupies the living rooms and studios of so many heavyweight musicians around the world. Most of the best recording studios on the planet also have ATC's. Just because you don't really have ATC's in the USA doesn't mean your local hero brand is the best in the world. Open your wings Jay and look over the fence. I found the Wilson Sasha V's (with Dan D'Agostino's) to be a harsh listen when going hard at the Melbourne Hifi show a few weeks ago. Great speaker yes, but hard to endure the upper frequencies at volume and I expected better than that.
Wilson speakers are way over rated... way over price etc etc
Try maybe once a Gauder Akustik from the Darc Serie....
Good video Jay...
Title might better be "...My Opinion....", not "The Truth....".
It’s to help the video do well. These are keywords that all UA-camrs use.
Avalon and old spectral, are going to the dark side of the Moon 😅 another way from the Wilson
Hope you get some comments where people agree with you - I am sure that will make you feel good. You arguments are many and for the most part without any evidence. As all audiophiles know "the best" only exists for the individual - not in general.
Mc Donalds is very popular too
What are they going for? $60,000? Spare change please, I could use a good meal.
Wilson pedigree is focal
They used focal drivers
few yrs agoo
So you are basically saying don’t listen to anyone else, and that if a speaker sells really well it’s the best, and that you don’t care what others say. Also your comments about not being paid by wilson seem like pure BS. Or just stupidity.
Nothing sales like....
then came Focal😂
what about Audio solutions speaker from Lithuania? did you hear them at show?
@@nimagenelec-pq7to i remember passing through the room briefly but the sound didn't captivate me initially enough to make me stay and listen longer. So I can't really tell.
@@krzysztofgilowski1736 👍🙋♂️
Magnaplaner has a larger following than Wilson.
I agree with you 100%
I agree with you Jay, Wilson is the #1 brand of high end speakers.
That’s a very subjective viewpoint. I’ve owned Wilson’s in the past, have not had a pair in any home of ours in over 2 decades now. I’ve demoed a few in one of our homes since that time, I did not purchase as was simply not as appealing sound as what I already had and/or others I was demoing.
What Jay said, at least what I thought he said, is that Wilson is the top selling audiophile speaker in US. Of course the definition of ‘audiophile speaker’ is highly fluid and subjective, but by any reasonable definition it is wildly false. Bowers & Wilkins for example sells 30 times more speakers in US than does Wilson. How many of those are 800 series B&W’s I do not know but Wilson is not even in the top 10 in loudspeaker sales volume in US. Of course, that’s not a good barometer for quality as I personally would choose a Wilson over any B&W every day of week and twice on Sunday. I’ll also choose a VonSchweikert or Living Voice speaker over ANY Wilson speaker but again that’s a subjective choice.
Vandersteens are superior
Magico M9 with D'agostino amp
Jay, did you have eye surgery?
The Market Place sets the limit on MSRP, not one of us. If the price gets to high, it won't sell, till then the prices will rise.
I drive a lot so i havr ultra hi end car audio audiwave micro precision a studio
*I wonder how the Wilson speakers compare to MAGICO, the materials MAGICO use are so bullet proof and high tech, double skin carbon fiber cones with ROHACEL core, yummy* 😂