What you are doing is cheating and stealing, to just make few $ on UA-cam, you have stolen this video from another site, horrible quality, you are doing a dis-service to our Artist. I would suggest who ever visits your site not to watch stolen videos. You are being reported to UA-cam.
Best attan song ever
ډير شايسته قادر جانه هر چيرى چى يى خوښ او آرام اوسى
سال آهنگ ره اشتباه نوشته کردن پانزده یا شانزده سال پیش این آهنگ ره شنیده بودم ❤
amazing beautiful song
سال آهنگ ره اشتباه نوشته کردن پانزده یا شانزده سال پیش این آهنگ ره شنیده بودم ❤ 3:00
great song love it
listening in 2023 master piece
Qader jan wow 😍😍😍👌👍 awesome love from Afghanistn
ډير په زړه پورې
Beautiful song
very nice!!
relax song
Love pushtoon
Just superb💝 💞ATTAN💞 manana🙏
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ love this song
من غمگین 😢
غمگین مباش تو تنها و تنها تو نیستی عزیزم قربونت برم زندگی انسان ها نعمت و امتحان الهی برای انسان ها... او دانا توانا و...🎉 مهربان متلق است
Fcg u
Great song
Does he have any other pashto song..sorry am not pashto speaker..likes hearing this
Yes he has. Search Cheeta Bangriwala and Malik Jana by him.
nice song
Warka dang
I need this song in female version, what is the name of this song ?
Paktia ba dag ke. I m not sure but i think wajia rastgar also sang That Song .
سال آهنگ ره اشتباه نوشته کردن پانزده سال پیش مه ایرع شنیده بودم
What you are doing is cheating and stealing, to just make few $ on UA-cam, you have stolen this video from another site, horrible quality, you are doing a dis-service to our Artist. I would suggest who ever visits your site not to watch stolen videos. You are being reported to UA-cam.
سال آهنگ ره اشتباه نوشته کردن پانزده یا شانزده سال پیش این آهنگ ره شنیده بودم ❤
nice song