Abbas ibn Ali Ki Shahadat 😭 Abbas Alamdar Ki Imam Hussain (As) Sa Wafa 😭 Jab Dono Bazu Kat Gay To😭😭

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024
  • Abbas ibn Ali Ki Shahadat 😭 Abbas Alamdar Ki Imam Hussain (As) Sa Wafa 😭 Jab Dono azu Kat Gay To😭😭
    Abbas ibn Ali was the son of Ali ibn Abu Talib and Fatima binte Hizam, commonly known as Ummul Baneen. Abbas is particularly revered by Shi’a Muslims for his loyalty to his half-brother and third Shi’a Imam, Hussain ibn Ali, his respect for the Ahl al-Bayt, and his role in the battle of Karbala. Abbas was married to Lubaba binte Obaidullah ibn Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib.
    He had three sons, and their names are Fazal ibn Abbas, Qasim ibn Abbas, and Obaidullah ibn Abbas. Two of them were killed during the Battle of Karbala. The family lineage of Abbas ibn Ali was succeeded by Obaidullah ibn Abbas. Obaidullah then had five sons. The names of Abbas ibn Ali's grandsons were Abdullah ibn Obaidullah, Abbas ibn Obaidullah, Hamza ibn Obaidullah, Ibrahim ibn Obaidullah, and Fazal ibn Obaidullah.
    It has been recorded that that the Angel Gabriel informed Muhammad what would happen to his grandson Husayn ibn Ali at Karbala. Muhammad, Fatima Zahra, and Ali were saddened by this, so Ali wished for a son to help Husayn ibn Ali at Karbala. He asked his brother, Aqeel ibn Abu Talib, to search for a wife from courageous descent. Aqeel pointed out Fatimah Kelabiya better known know as Ummal Baneen, who was descended from the honored lineage of Hezam ibn Khalid ibn Rabi’e ibn Amer Kalbi. Ali ibn Abu Talib did not marry Ummal Baneen (or any other woman) during the lifetime of Fatima Zahra.
    Abbas showed his loyalty to Husayn at the Battle of Karbala. After succeeding his father Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan as Caliph, Yazid ibn Muawiyah required Husayn to pledge allegiance to him. Husayn refused to do so. In 60 AH (680 CE), Husayn left Medina, with a small group of his companions and family, to travel to Kufa. The people of Kufa said that they would support Husayn if he claimed the Caliphate. On the way, Husayn and his group were intercepted. They were forced into a detour and arrived in Karbala on the 2nd of Muharram, 61 AH. Husayn's camp was surrounded and cut off from the Euphrates river. The camp ran out of water on on the 7th of Muharram.
    On the 10th of Muharram, Abbas was ordered by Husayn to bring water from the Euphrates river for the small thirsty children. . Some of the Yazid's soldiers came against abbas on his way to river but were killed becauses of Abbas's skill in dangerous swordship. But one of the enemy injured Abbas by hiding in the trees. Abbas lost both his arms in the war. He could not succeed bringing water for small thirsty children and died on his way to river. on the death of Abbas, Husayn was in tears forever. The small chaidren never asked for water after the death of Abbas and remaind thirsty and sileent till they were killed or enslaved by the enemies of Islam. ( yazid and his cruel force ). Husayn declared him "Saqqa" (One who fetches water).
    The Euphrates river was occupied by Yazid's Army to prevent the camp of Husayn from getting water. Shias believe that Abbas, because of his skill and bravery, could have; attacked Yazid's army, occupied the river, and retrieved water for the camp alone. However, Abbas was not allowed to fight. He was only allowed to get water. Thus, he went to the river to get water for Husayn’s 4 year old daughter Sakina bint Hussain. Sakina was very attached to Abbas, who was her uncle. To her, Abbas was the only hope for getting water.
    Abbas could not see her thirsty and crying "Al-Atash" (the thirst). When Abbas entered the battlefield, he only had a dagger and a bag for water in his hands. Once he had made it to the river, he started filling the bag with water. Abbas's loyalty to Husayn was so great, that Abbas did not drink any water because he could not bear the thought that Sakina was thirsty. After gathering the water, Abbas rode back towards the camp.
    On his way back, he was struck from behind and one of his arms was amputated. Then, he was stuck from behind again, amputating his other arm. Abbas was now carrying the water bag in his mouth. The army of Yazid ibn Muawiyah started shooting arrows at him. One arrow hit the water skin and water poured out of it. At that moment, Abbas lost all hope. One of Yazid's men hit his head with a mace and Abbas fell off his horse without the support of his arms. As he was falling, he called, "Ya Akkha" (Oh Master).
    He tossed on the burning sand with excruciating pain. He called for his master. Husayn immediately came to him lifting his head and taking it into his lap. He said "My brother what have they done to you?" Abbas replied, "You have come at last, my Master. I thought I was not destined to have a last look at you but, thank God, you are here." Then he said, "My Master, I have some last wishes to express. When I was born, I had first looked at your face and it is my last desire that when I die, my gaze may be on your face. My one eye is pierced by an arrow and the other is filled w