In the 3:34 when you write "./Blog.css" automatically the document changes, for instance the first line 'react' changes to "react" and some semicolon (;) appears also, could you explain that? Thanks.
It is a formatter, most probably Prettier which just adds those for the sake of readability. In Javascript you dont really need to use a semicolon and '' is the same as ""
In the 3:34 when you write "./Blog.css" automatically the document changes, for instance the first line 'react' changes to "react" and some semicolon (;) appears also, could you explain that?
It is a formatter, most probably Prettier which just adds those for the sake of readability. In Javascript you dont really need to use a semicolon and '' is the same as ""
u r messing up with the file system instead u should be very simple , creted separte file what the helll is this