PREPARING FOR WALT DISNEY WORLD 2023! What To Take, Haul, Top Tips & Magical Chats!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @hannahrattray4713
    @hannahrattray4713 Рік тому +33

    It may be taboo and I appreciate if you choose not to but I’d really appreciate an honest cost break down. We are a family of five that are desperate to go but cannot find much HONEST cost advice. I’d be interested in the hotel, park and transportation prices also any extras that you think are an absolute must. As a person who is clearly a professional at planning these kind of trips I think your defo my go to gal. Have the best time. ❤

    • @hpritch1
      @hpritch1 Рік тому +1

      We are going in October family of 5, staying onsite for 10 days and 4 days at universal hotel (with fast passes) To give you an idea it’s cost us upwards of £15000 with $700 of dining credit and $200 of spending money and staying in moderate hotel as cheaper hotels Shiites came out a lot more money so we picked a hotel that had the five sleeper room option. It’s once in a lifetime trip for us so e have gone with what we wanted and I’m sure you could do it cheaper.

    • @nics14-wu4yi
      @nics14-wu4yi Рік тому +1

      It’s all going to vary from time of year you go to what parks you want to visit. Iv been a few times and am currently looking at prices to go again I go outside of school holidays and am looking at around £1200 per person for flights and hotel staying on I drive standard kind of 3* - park passes for 2024 show as £860 per adult and £825 for kids ages 3-9 that covers Disney and universal then there’s the cost getting from hotel to the parks will be few hundred pounds in shuttles and taxis - could rent a car but car parking charges are horrendous at the parks I believe some are as much as $50 a day for parking

    • @juliemcquaid6066
      @juliemcquaid6066 Рік тому

      We are a fam of 2 adults and 2 kids (14 and 10) flights for 2 weeks in feb £2.8K with Virgin, hotel and tickets with Disney staying onsite £5.5k but we have £1000 dinning credits and £200 gift card 👍 can do it cheaper by staying offsite but we think onsite is worth the perks and we Uber go shops etc if we want to.

    • @delbert1
      @delbert1 Рік тому

      Take them outside of the school holidays, it will save you thousands and you'll have a more enjoyable time with the lower footfall. We always go in the first two weeks of May to Universal, we very rarely queue.
      Not saying this is good advice, it's just my advice 👍

  • @emmabirchall9697
    @emmabirchall9697 Рік тому +1

    Your disney videos make me soooo happy too! ❤

  • @hannahrose-ox
    @hannahrose-ox Рік тому

    I’m literally singing the 4 town song in my head as I’m watching this 😂

  • @debadamsuksouthwales6766
    @debadamsuksouthwales6766 Рік тому +2

    I love that you love Disney as a family I get excited as if I'm going 🎉🤗🌞🫶

  • @victoriab1243
    @victoriab1243 Рік тому

    Some brilliant tips for getting Disney bits! 🎉

  • @sallyharris3100
    @sallyharris3100 Рік тому +6

    Ahhh I've been waiting for this one! I've been living vicariously through your Insta posts! I'm taking my Mum in November and we're so excited! She's 73 and has already got herself kitted out with ears and outfits🤣

  • @hpritch1
    @hpritch1 Рік тому

    We go to Orlando next month, family of 5 for two weeks Disney and universal. I am so excited! Have been watching all your old videos for advice.

  • @MrsSwaff
    @MrsSwaff Рік тому

    Your Disney joy is INFECTIOUS and I love it!!!!!

  • @HelloHardwicke
    @HelloHardwicke Рік тому +3

    Flower the skunk 😂 looove these videos! Hope you're having a fab holiday!

  • @lucyaky63
    @lucyaky63 Рік тому

    So excited for you! You are all going to look fabulous. I sew the patches on my boys hoodies and they wear them on the plane. We pick them up everywhere like pins! Xx

  • @annamarie83
    @annamarie83 Рік тому +1

    ‘Ooh she’s a posh queen’ 😂 You crack me up. Have a wonderful holiday ❤

  • @elizabethhalliday8568
    @elizabethhalliday8568 Рік тому

    I got that guardian t shirt for my son he wore it on our hoilday. Lovely stuff

  • @hollyjoiner-mason3324
    @hollyjoiner-mason3324 Рік тому +1

    Just what i needed love your podcast and your vlogs wish could come to disney with you so poolry at the moment but your ears are cute have fab time hope your all keeping well and margo too

  • @coombasjunior
    @coombasjunior Рік тому +1

    Hope you are having an amazing time. You are my go-to feel good watch, not planning on going to a Disney Park but I love to see your packing as we pack for holiday in a similar way. I LOVE a list, and have a book with all our holidays and even all our wedding plans (2017 wedding day) in since 2016. I even use it to plan UK holidays, it just clears my mind of the fog haha. And I love to look back through it Xxx

  • @glamwithjinx
    @glamwithjinx Рік тому

    Ahhh so excited for your trip videos!!! I’m planning to go next summer ❤

  • @laurieann1981
    @laurieann1981 Рік тому

    So excited for your Disney vlogs!

  • @fragilefleur
    @fragilefleur Рік тому

    Funny. I’m old. I remember when getting felt ears embroidered or a Mickey shirt was epic. Lol getting a necklace charm was too. They got so much stuff. Put a heart on Erin’s bottle snd a star on Ethan’s. I love Disney and haven’t been since the early 2000’s. Have a blast!

  • @clarethwaite7716
    @clarethwaite7716 Рік тому

    Loved this vlog, hope you are having a great time.

  • @debbieharris4302
    @debbieharris4302 Рік тому

    Have a lovely time when you are away xxx❤

  • @missmummy4066
    @missmummy4066 Рік тому +1

    Denim skirt is Todd from The Fox and the Hound, Minnie's (or Gippetto's) cat Figaro, and Flower from Bambi x

  • @joyswindells4989
    @joyswindells4989 Рік тому

    Loving the excitement, would love to see the MNSSHP we’re definitely doing that next year.

  • @georgiamayes7793
    @georgiamayes7793 Рік тому +3

    This couldn’t come at a better time! Off to Disney World next month 🐭✨❤️

  • @Millsiebee
    @Millsiebee Рік тому

    SO excited for these vlogs 💞💞

  • @annaarnold9623
    @annaarnold9623 Рік тому

    This is getting me excited, we are going in October🤩

    • @annaarnold9623
      @annaarnold9623 Рік тому

      Also where did you get the Minnie Fibitzs from please? X

  • @tanyacameron-young6241
    @tanyacameron-young6241 Рік тому

    put some nail varnish on the bottle, that works

  • @Ariannauk1
    @Ariannauk1 Рік тому

    Olaf’s cantina please Emma is it worth it etc 💜

    • @Ariannauk1
      @Ariannauk1 Рік тому

      Auto correct Olgas

    • @brummymummyof2
      @brummymummyof2  Рік тому

      We are going tomorrow. I’m not filming but pop on my insta stories and I will mention it there!

  • @yorkshirelassdiaries4841
    @yorkshirelassdiaries4841 Рік тому

    The skunk (racoon😂) is called flower

  • @JoeyTamburello
    @JoeyTamburello Рік тому

    Hope you are having a great time ❤ Xxx

  • @sarahhisobel
    @sarahhisobel Рік тому

    We went to Disney Paris a few weeks ago and EVERYONE had the sparkly stitch ears! We looked in every store for them until someone revealed they were primark 😂

  • @yorkshirelassdiaries4841
    @yorkshirelassdiaries4841 Рік тому

    Can you trade pins from Primark?

    • @brummymummyof2
      @brummymummyof2  Рік тому +1

      We did one year BUT I am pretty sure it is a no go x

  • @helendukes2638
    @helendukes2638 Рік тому

    I’ve been desperately searching for the ear plugs you got that you said on Instagram drowned out the snoring. What are they called please? Xxx

    • @brummymummyof2
      @brummymummyof2  Рік тому +1

      Hello! They are loop!

    • @helendukes2638
      @helendukes2638 Рік тому

      @@brummymummyof2 amazing thanks so much for replying. Enjoy Disney xx

  • @parisnield3661
    @parisnield3661 Рік тому +1

    I hope you’re all having the best time away!

    • @bettyboop91100
      @bettyboop91100 Рік тому

      Captain Marvel & the on the shorts was Oliver & Marie & flower the skunk

  • @alisona8732
    @alisona8732 Рік тому

    Oliver the cat, flower the skunk

  • @emmabarnes609
    @emmabarnes609 Рік тому +1


  • @fragilefleur
    @fragilefleur Рік тому +1

    Ps your Mickey impression is 👍🏻

  • @ersmum7352
    @ersmum7352 Рік тому

    It’s Captain Marvel. There is a Ms Marvel but she’s brunette

  • @cassiesadz352
    @cassiesadz352 Рік тому

    Its my dream to go eurodisney 🥹