This is the type of relationship I wish I had with my mother. Mia, I'm sure you already are aware but if not - what you have with your mom is honestly rare. It's so cute so see you two laugh with each other and act like best friends. Cherish every moment you have with her. You two have so much love a trust for each other, and it's such a foreign concept to me and so many like me. I hope to be like your mom when I have kids.
I'm 1 of 5 kids that my parents had, and my mom has never been close to me or really even that nice/caring towards me. She's always been very distant towards me and its only gotten worse as the years have gone on. One thing I remember a lot from my childhood is whenever something was wrong and I was upset or crying, even if it was my mom being mean to me, I always just wanted to hug her like I just wanted my mom to hug me when I was upset, even if SHE was the reason I was upset, and I never got that. Not once. So I seriously envy mother- daughter relationships like the one Mia and her mom have. But it also makes me soooo happy to see someone else having that type of relationship. ❤️😭
Your mom is an actual angel and we need to protect her at all costs. Both of your personalities and vibes always make me so happy. Keep up the amazing videos, they make my day :)
I'm a mom of three, plus a teenager step daughter and I watch your videos mostly to admire your mom and she has honestly encouraged me to be a more positive bubbly person lately lol! I just love her energy ! Love seeing your personality mama maples!
Wow your mom looks so young just by darkening her brows!! Even with her lighter hair it looked great. She's so pretty and looked SOOO YOUNG! great vid idea! You both are lovely of course!
Your mother is so cute and her laugh is infectious. I had a very similar relationship with my mom, who passed away ten years ago. I still miss her so much.
I lost my mom when I was just 8 years old and when I see your videos together with your mom, I imagine myself that I would have as much fun with my mom as you have with yours... they make me so happy ♥️ Love you Mia and Mama maples😍
When I was younger, I told my mom “you have the most annoying voice” and now that I’m in my 20s, everyone tells me we sound just alike. That’s what I get
My heart!!!!! 😩 When Mama Maples wanted to fist fight people who were saying her daughter wasn’t as beautiful as she is!!!!! Also don’t listen to them Mia, you and your mom are both beautiful!! They are the mom and daughter goals of all time 😭
Recently found out that I'm pregnant with a baby girl and my dream is that when she's older we will be able to laugh and have a relationship like the one between you and your mum. These videos are so beautiful ❤️
Not to be so sad but my grandpa died today and when I finally got home tonight and decided to make myself eat for the first time today I sat down and came right here to your channel and actually forgot for a little bit. Thank you. This is such wholesome feel good content.
I see lots of videos of people saying “Couples goals!!” but this is the most awesome couples-goals video yet. Every mother and daughter should be so close. You two both make me happy and I love you both to bits! Thank you for brightening up the quarantine doldrums.
The laughs were greatly appreciated. Your mom’s natural eye color is such a striking blue but the added depth from the contacts did beautiful things. If it’s possible, she looked even younger. Looking forward to seeing you transform into your mom.
True....they needed to be a darker brown though. I have brown eyes and I tried on grey, blue, and green contacts....the blue were perfect! My eyes looked bright blue. The grey made them blueish.....a lighter blue grey. The green was a bit disappointing, my Grandma and my Mom had green eyes, beautiful green eyes, I got my Dad's brown eyes, the green looked more like Hazel. I wanted them to be my Grandma and my Mom's eyes. And a darker brown would maybe have made Mom Maples eyes more brown, like Mia's. Just my opinion. And I love their close relationship with each can see their closeness. And they both have great personalities! They make me smile. 😊
I don’t know how I’ve never stumbled upon your channel before, but I’ve been watching your videos for 90 minutes now and laughing so much. You and your mama are ADORABLE.
I just want to talk to the people being mean to Mia. She’s beautiful ❤️ Y’all don’t need to bring your insecurities on to her. If you don’t like her just don’t watch her. There is nothing holding you back. She’s going to be thriving and living her best life regardless! ✨
I just love how you get along with your mom. Makes me miss my mom so much. We did everything together and I feel like I probably would have done something like this with her. Adorable!
I was watching this with my toddler in the car, and she HATES sitting in the car. But watching this and Every time Mama Maples laughed, she loved it! She was laughing along ❤️
With all the mess in this world going on, you and your moms adorable relationship brightens the day and makes you forget the chaos even for the 14 minutes..
Did you notice how Mia said, "Dab, dab, dab," when she was blending out the concealer on her mom? It reminded me so much of Simplynailogical's "Dab, dab, dab to make your nails look fab!" 😂 I loved it so much!!! ❤❤❤
Idk if you remember this video, but I got the same look when they were talking about it being "thicker". It was hilarious. He said "What's thicker"..😅😅😅
I love watching you with your parents--my own daughter is turning 8 and I hope we have the kind of relationship you have with your parents when she's a teen/young adult. So wholesome!
This women is just an angel MashaAllah.. I love the fact how similar mia is to her mother.. They both exchange the same energies and it's genuine.. I hope it stays forever like this... ❤❤❤MashaAllah
absolutely in tears laughing with you all...those catapillars two are the epitome of precious. How amazing to have all of these precious moments documented with your mother.
I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety with everything going on in the world and your videos always make me feel good and laugh so thank you
The intro made me jump coz I thought it was mia but Mamma Maples voice threw me off 😂 You guys are so cute and have a beautiful relationship. Keep being awesome, love ya 🥰
When Mia and her mom get together it’s like a laughing asmr
i love it they have such a good relationship
Love it
When you guys laugh together it literally is the best thing ever.
My heart is full
I always laugh with them 😂❤️
It's so wholesome!
I think u all should go out together dress like this.
i cried and peed myself because of that lmao
I rlly want to see Mia turn into Mama Maples 😂
Cerys yeahhh recreate Mama Maples old photos!
Mama Mia
This is the type of relationship I wish I had with my mother.
Mia, I'm sure you already are aware but if not - what you have with your mom is honestly rare. It's so cute so see you two laugh with each other and act like best friends. Cherish every moment you have with her.
You two have so much love a trust for each other, and it's such a foreign concept to me and so many like me. I hope to be like your mom when I have kids.
Yes I wish I had that with my mom. I wish I had a mother that treated me with love and respect.
They’re the only mother and daughter UA-camr that has such an amazing mother daughter Bond.. I’ve never seen it anywhere in you tubers!
@@daniellemelendez3544 bro same😕😂
I agree that a bond like this is special. Which is why I am very grateful for my mom, because we are exactly like them.
I'm 1 of 5 kids that my parents had, and my mom has never been close to me or really even that nice/caring towards me. She's always been very distant towards me and its only gotten worse as the years have gone on. One thing I remember a lot from my childhood is whenever something was wrong and I was upset or crying, even if it was my mom being mean to me, I always just wanted to hug her like I just wanted my mom to hug me when I was upset, even if SHE was the reason I was upset, and I never got that. Not once. So I seriously envy mother- daughter relationships like the one Mia and her mom have. But it also makes me soooo happy to see someone else having that type of relationship. ❤️😭
This is the relationship I want with my future daughter
Too bad if you get a boy
Same although I’d be happy with a bit a f I would want a really good relationship with him too
Boy not bit
The sheer amount of laughing in this video is like sunshine. I'm crying I'm laughing so much with you and your mom.
I swear mia’s mom was SO pretty when she was young cause she still is! Like she’s the sweetest one and her face is just so pretty and cute 🥺.
Would love to see some mama maples childhood photo's
Agreed. She seems like sunshine 💜
Yes she is so pretty it runs in their family
Wilhelmina de Boer and have Mia recreate them 😂
When you guys laugh together, it is literally the best thing ever.
Yes its like me and my sis
'Transforming my mom into me'
More like:
'Me and my mom laughing for 14 minutes straight'
garad _kinga we’ve been asking for a laughing compilation for so long, Mia finally delivered
I agree but this is why I watch Mia cause I want to laugh even when I’m sad
I ain’t even complaining
I love these videos. They heal my soul
The video hasn’t even started and I live for it alreadyy
Same lol
Mama Maples is such a trooper! She was gonna risk her eyebrows being ripped out!!!! I love her, she so cute!
Your mom is an actual angel and we need to protect her at all costs. Both of your personalities and vibes always make me so happy. Keep up the amazing videos, they make my day :)
I love when mama maples is in videos. She has such a fun personality, and her laugh is CONTAGIOUS ❤️
*mia snatching momma maples nose*
Momma maples: “did it even do anything?”
Mia: “oh it did! Can you even breathe anymore?” 😂😂😂
Can we JUST appreciate how much Mia has been uploading lately, probably because she knows we are all bored inside? Like girl, THANK YOU!
i really want to see your dad reaction to all the transformations you did on mama maples 💕
Omg this is hilarious. She really looks a lot like Mia when she's alone on camera. The reverse would be cool to see.
When Mia and Mama Maples are laughing together, I almost feel like I’m sitting in the room with them. Their laughter is so contagious. 😂
“Everyone says I look like my dad”
Next video: Transforming my dad into me!
I really need this to happen !
Yes this would be cool and then turning Mia into her dad and her mom
Yesss Mia do it 😂😂
I'm a mom of three, plus a teenager step daughter and I watch your videos mostly to admire your mom and she has honestly encouraged me to be a more positive bubbly person lately lol! I just love her energy ! Love seeing your personality mama maples!
I wish you would have showed your dad the transformation! I wanted to see his reaction or one of your brothers. !
Jose Lopez that would have been awesome
YES! A My Dad Reacts video
I was going to ask for the same thing!
Literally crying throughout the eyebrow scenes. Reminds me of the people putting eyebrows on their dogs. It just looks so off but hilarious 🤣
Oh I remember those 😂 I was wondering where seen this from 🤣
That's all I saw when she placed them! 😂😂😂
Wow your mom looks so young just by darkening her brows!! Even with her lighter hair it looked great. She's so pretty and looked SOOO YOUNG! great vid idea! You both are lovely of course!
This should've been titled "Me and my mom laughing for 14 minutes straight" 😂
And 13 seconds
@@melissaemelda7198 lol
all her vids shld be titled that lol
Yeah but then the videos with her mom would all have the same title and it would be confusing haha
Your mom is another step closer to taking over your channel.
Actual laughing time: 95 mins cut down to 14 minutes straight.
Yes - Transform Mia to Mama Maples!
Your mother is so cute and her laugh is infectious. I had a very similar relationship with my mom, who passed away ten years ago. I still miss her so much.
sorry for your loss I'm sure she was a great person! 😊
I’m so sorry for your loss stay strong 💕
I as a contact wearer laughed WAY to hard at when mama maples asked “IS IT IN?!?” When Mia had just said she blinked too hard haha.
Abigail Castillo when did she put the contacts on?
Okay, but now let’s see Mia turn into her dad
I lost my mom when I was just 8 years old and when I see your videos together with your mom, I imagine myself that I would have as much fun with my mom as you have with yours... they make me so happy ♥️
Love you Mia and Mama maples😍
I love your mom “it’s ok” to the possibility of ripping her brows off she’s adorable!!
The only time in my life I ever felt comfortable aging is when I look at mama maples... she's so beautiful and so natural!!!!
Mama Maples: "Tell me what they're saying and I'll get them"
Me: mah heart 😭💕
"Hey everyone, today we're doing a very exciting video"
*Feels excited for the bizillionth time*😂
The relationship between you & your mom is amazing. Your mom is so sweet, just like you are ❤️
When I was younger, I told my mom “you have the most annoying voice” and now that I’m in my 20s, everyone tells me we sound just alike. That’s what I get
p.s. I know. I was an awful child lmao
Can totally relate..:( 😂
oh nooo you better apologize to her i feel bad 😅
The eyebrows actually doesn’t look bad. She looks bomb with darker eyebrows! What a hottie !
My heart!!!!! 😩 When Mama Maples wanted to fist fight people who were saying her daughter wasn’t as beautiful as she is!!!!! Also don’t listen to them Mia, you and your mom are both beautiful!! They are the mom and daughter goals of all time 😭
I love how positive her channel is because she’s so sweet and same with her mom and the comment section is full of positive comments and people!
10% of this video : Talking
90% of this video: Laughing
That so true 😂
Recently found out that I'm pregnant with a baby girl and my dream is that when she's older we will be able to laugh and have a relationship like the one between you and your mum. These videos are so beautiful ❤️
I don't know why nobody has said it previously, but congrats!
Congrats darling blessings to ou and your baby
aw congratulations! wishing you the best :)
Congrats ❤
90% of the video: Mia and her mom laughing
10% of the video: the actual video
🤣This vídeo is hilarious
I was just going to comment that!
99% laughter
Absolutely loved!!!
Not to be so sad but my grandpa died today and when I finally got home tonight and decided to make myself eat for the first time today I sat down and came right here to your channel and actually forgot for a little bit. Thank you. This is such wholesome feel good content.
Sorry about your gpa
Ik I’m 10 months late but I’m so sorry for your loss
I’m a year late but I’m so sorry
So very sorry for your loss
I'm really late but I am so sorry for your loss.
Your mother is the prettiest woman I've ever seen, period.
No I am
she is absolutely stunning, especially for her age she looks like 30
@@danielle4971 okay Danielle Cohn. Pack it up Dannniii.
Mama maples is actually veryyyyyy prettttttyyyy
I see lots of videos of people saying “Couples goals!!” but this is the most awesome couples-goals video yet. Every mother and daughter should be so close. You two both make me happy and I love you both to bits! Thank you for brightening up the quarantine doldrums.
The laughs were greatly appreciated. Your mom’s natural eye color is such a striking blue but the added depth from the contacts did beautiful things. If it’s possible, she looked even younger. Looking forward to seeing you transform into your mom.
Yees, actually a bit darker hair makes people look younger! Cause lighter is closer to white, which we associate with older people.
True....they needed to be a darker brown though. I have brown eyes and I tried on grey, blue, and green contacts....the blue were perfect! My eyes looked bright blue. The grey made them blueish.....a lighter blue grey. The green was a bit disappointing, my Grandma and my Mom had green eyes, beautiful green eyes, I got my Dad's brown eyes, the green looked more like Hazel. I wanted them to be my Grandma and my Mom's eyes. And a darker brown would maybe have made Mom Maples eyes more brown, like Mia's. Just my opinion. And I love their close relationship with each can see their closeness. And they both have great personalities! They make me smile. 😊
The way Mia stares right into the soul of her mum while laughing is so heart warming 😂
She did actually such a good job like the eyebrows look so good
Kyra St. Vincent the eyebrows made her look 100 years younger! She should do it often (but maybe with the right color)
I love how Mama Maples is game for anything, she's so sweet
Why is their laughs so contagious 😂😂I laugh too when they laugh 😂🤣
I get you, I think cos it's so genuine
I don’t know how I’ve never stumbled upon your channel before, but I’ve been watching your videos for 90 minutes now and laughing so much. You and your mama are ADORABLE.
When your mom said if she cool look like you every day she’d be happy my heart melted 😍🥺🥺🥺
I just want to talk to the people being mean to Mia. She’s beautiful ❤️ Y’all don’t need to bring your insecurities on to her. If you don’t like her just don’t watch her. There is nothing holding you back. She’s going to be thriving and living her best life regardless! ✨
E D who was mean?
AMEN!! I can't believe people can be mean to such an angel ❤
sugar she said in the video that people were saying she was ugly, not as pretty as her mom.
Mia is like impossible to hate, she's adorable
When Mia said "dab dab dab" I thought she was gonna say "dab dab dab, make your nails look fab." Any simply nailogical fans thinking the same? 😂
I was going to comment the same thing.😄
Azmeen Shoaib I was just waiting for it... and it never came. So I was like, “MAKE YOUR NAILS LOOK FAB.” 😭😭
"dab dab dab, make your mom look fab!"
Azmeen Shoaib same
Your mom's laughter is too adorable and she's so beautiful. I love you guys. 😘😘😘
"As long as someone isnt being mean to you idc if their being mean to me". No im not crying 😭
A then and now sounds awesome
“Can we use these, cause there like 50$” couldnt stop laughing at this scene 😂
Mia’s mom: “you’re eyebrows are even darker”
Mia: “🥺 well can we use these because they were $50”
you’re so cute 😂😂
I just love how you get along with your mom. Makes me miss my mom so much. We did everything together and I feel like I probably would have done something like this with her. Adorable!
I was watching this with my toddler in the car, and she HATES sitting in the car. But watching this and Every time Mama Maples laughed, she loved it! She was laughing along ❤️
Mia: it doesn’t rip off your eye brows. Momma maples: “’s okay”😂
With all the mess in this world going on, you and your moms adorable relationship brightens the day and makes you forget the chaos even for the 14 minutes..
I can’t explain how much I love seeing them together😂😂
"if you guys wanna see that" Mia, we always wanna see whatever you have planned. Especially when it involves your family!!
This video should just be titled “giggling with my mom”
This video has my crying laughing 😂 ❤️😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Did you notice how Mia said, "Dab, dab, dab," when she was blending out the concealer on her mom? It reminded me so much of Simplynailogical's "Dab, dab, dab to make your nails look fab!" 😂 I loved it so much!!! ❤❤❤
U should film ur dad and brother’s reaction to this vid. That would be funny.
Yes please!!
As someone who lost her mom, I love watching these videos so much. It heals something inside me to see such a strong mother/daughter relationship 💖💖
14 minutes straight of just wholesome laughter... freaking love these two together!
i love how interested she looks with everything you say! she’s so sweet
Honestly tho I could only HOPE to look like Mia's mom when I'm that age
I don’t even look that good now lmao
Mom : “i feel like we have very round faces” The editing im weakkkkkk😭😭😂😂
The title should be “turning mama maples into me while laughing for 15 minutes straight”😂😂
You’re mom looks so pretty and way younger here. It’s crazy to see how similar you two look. Definitely the face shape and noses are similar
“Tell me what they’re saying, I’ll get them” 👊 haha awe she’s such a mom, so cute ❤️ love your mom
You both are so cute.😍 I would have loved to see your Dad’s reaction to your Mom’s makeover. 😊
If Santa Claus did exist, Mama Maples would be Mrs.Claus. She’s so jolly and positive ❤️
Verenice Zuniga Santa doesn’t exist? 🥺
Why would u say that?!
I came here to ask the same questions 😂
Lisa Hinckley 😂 wellllllllll
What?!?! Santa doesn’t exist?!?! 😱😱😱
When she said "Is It In?!" My husband shot me the most "WTF?" Look I've ever seen 😂😂😂 I'm dying
I'm actually reading your comment at the same moment when she said it 😂
What a coincidence
Idk if you remember this video, but I got the same look when they were talking about it being "thicker". It was hilarious. He said "What's thicker"..😅😅😅
Lol she wore the turtleneck she was looking for while she organized her closet -Love your vids😁
I love watching you with your parents--my own daughter is turning 8 and I hope we have the kind of relationship you have with your parents when she's a teen/young adult. So wholesome!
This is the most I’ve laughed during quarantine😂 who else agrees?💕
Shay Mechelle I’m dying lololol
I’m loving it ❤️
Seriously it made my week 🤣🤣🤣
I lost it when the first eyebrow was being applied, you two just have such a contagious laugh!!
i wanna see a picture of momma maples when she was younger
This women is just an angel MashaAllah.. I love the fact how similar mia is to her mother.. They both exchange the same energies and it's genuine.. I hope it stays forever like this... ❤❤❤MashaAllah
Your mom is so sweet 🥺 I’m not even half way into the video and she’s the cutest
'Today I went a little crazy buying stuff...' - Mia in every single video love it 😂
i want to see your dad reaction after this makeover
absolutely in tears laughing with you all...those catapillars two are the epitome of precious. How amazing to have all of these precious moments documented with your mother.
I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety with everything going on in the world and your videos always make me feel good and laugh so thank you
You should've got your dad to react! Your mom looks so good I imagine her as a flower child with this long hair
Mia and her mom are literally the 2 cutest human beings on yt 🥺
if there was a youtube award for the best youtubers mom, it would be yours hands down. i love her so much
I was laughing along like I was there in the room as Mia her sister.
The intro made me jump coz I thought it was mia but Mamma Maples voice threw me off 😂
You guys are so cute and have a beautiful relationship. Keep being awesome, love ya 🥰
And now we know what the channel is going to look like 20+ years from now.
I smiled the whole time watching this, y'all's laugh is contagious
“You look concerned”
I AM BUSTING LOL I needed this today. Love watching you ladies, your smiles and laughter are contagious and a joy to watch 💖
At one point she mentioned her nose is like her dads but I feel like it’s very similar to her moms.
You and your mom just have the sweetest relationship. I love watching you two
I love it how friendly you are with your mom, mother/daughter relationships are the best.