Climate scientists - the ones who know about this stuff, say we need serious action now, regardless of how many hypocrites there are. But I guess you and trump know much more about the atmosphere than any dumb old scientists.
@@galaxytraveler5779 clearly you don't! It's also obvious, you are politically uneducated. Best be careful boy, you might not like the consequences of your wilful ignorance.
The WEF may delete itself. What Trump told them today is that their Net Zero/DEI/World Governance agenda is gone. It will be interesting to see what happens to the WEF.
Canada over the years has almost completely regulated itself out of business and is on life support. Too much government, too many gate keepers and not enough business maneuvers that serious adults make. We worry too much about feelings and feelings will never pay the bills. We stop the nonsense or we are finished, end of story.
Canada all the way. A lot of us U. S. Citizens will help in anyway we can for support. Without getting involved in your elections. You want us to start a letter writing campaign in favor of Canada to whoever, we will. Let us know what you guys need to get moving. #savecanada
@@normkeller2405 yes we need to fight against trump. He is not honorable and will strip Canada of its resources. To capitulate is to say goodbye to our way of life. I would rather be dead than
The existential challenge is answering why Canada exists. No core identity and regional conflicts between provinces abound. We started down the road to independence by rejecting independence and staying British. Now we’re independent and no longer British. We need to figure out an answer to this question.
You should've woken up yesterday. Trudeau was the happiest on the planet when Trump lost. Now he's back and he's not happy. Lol. Omg how are we going to get out of this. We simply don't have anyone that can challenge Trump. That's not just politicians. We really don't have a caliber type person such as Trump to run our country like a business. You may as well hang the closed sign on the door now. We're on a collision course with pain.
LMFAO. Free trade with China with shut Trump up. 5000% on everything America wants from us, cut off all trade and start supporting the Communist bloc I mean we are Canada we're basically 'Chinada' already.
@mephisto9405 Canada problems are the result of the last conservative government. Lol Turdeau has weakened Canada so badly that Trump can bully us like children and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The governments before Turdeau have nothing to do with today's problems.
We're so far gone in Canada, it's depressing to say the least. Most people aren't even aware of our current situation, because no one will/can't talk about it.
I totally agree WE the people are the future of our destiny. But you know what? We are NOT united and patriotic to bring that ONE voice to ensure that change. We stay in our tribal enclaves, we do not assimilate into one value based Canadian system, we afraid to raise our voices when required because of backlash and we hand over our power to others who we believe will represent us, but sadly not. We are a docile population afraid to rock the status quo. We like it so, not so? Only when we see ourselves as a patriotic nation with love for this land Canada we call our home, only then can real change take shape.
Canadians have been fed misinformation about Trump by the corrupt liberal media for 8 years. They have been counseled to smear and debase and have been alarming in their hatred. It’s come back to roost folks.
Well I would call the person talking about annexing our country, manifest destinies, expanding territory, reimagining maps, calling border lines imaginary and lying about our country and dragging us through the mud a problem. Look at history and present and leaders who usually talk like that and why and what the US has a history of doing. As much as I agree that we need a new leader I would think Trump is a massive problem for us and we should be paying attention and call him out on his lies at every turn. Otherwise we may wake up one day and regret doing nothing and ignoring him.
The new, young PQ leader has stated that they will never be an oil pipeline through Quebec. As far as I am concerned, that just disqualified the province on all future equalization payments. Next year we can keep the 13.6 billion dollars in our own province and improve our own economy. That is the conditions for equalization.
That's ok we'll charge you for the use and passage of our ports in the st Lawrence and for overland transportation, can't be using our roads docks and waterways for free
@@catherinewilson1079 The more the social engineering and regulation, the more leftist any political power is. Centralized power and monopolizing is a left wing political approach, the more decentralized and free market approach to politics and business, the more right wing you become. Freedom of the individual to live his/her life as he/she chooses, free from the constraints of as much political powers as possible is right wing political and social construct. So communism and fascism are systems of the left, just different ways of political control. Both are top down approaches to power. Both exist on the left side of the spectrum. Anarchy would be considered extreme to the right, I'm my opinion.
Please name a country that has it better. Geezuz, we’re in a crisis and should be showing a united front. This isn’t the time to publicly trash our leaders
@@Racquetman8448 Trump even has Canadian citizens believing this country has no value and we deserve what we get. I have even seen some of them repeat his lies about this country as if they are true and talk about how they want to be American. It's pretty crazy.
I agree with you 100% Everyone is bickering with each other like kids in a sandbox . It's kinda hilarious. It's a big pissing contest. Canada needs better leadership for sure.
The Liberal gov't blocked every and any energy project crippling Canada. And now we, as a result of them, will suffer. We need change and that doesn't include Joli, Annand, Guilbault, Freedland and Trudeau. Total ineptness has brought us to this edge of a cliff.
We are going to change when PP takes over!!! We will never be a 51st state!!! We are Canadian!!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 We will never be 61st state! Vote liberals and NDP out!! Vote PP in!!
2 big problems that just happened within 24hrs... 1) Amazon pulled out of Quebec completely because the workers started a Union. 2) Ontario newly built EV battery plant Stellantis had a meeting with Trump today. Guess what? They will be moving productions to the US. Canada is in massive TROUBLE!
So far, the government has been trying to overhaul and re-engineer society. It's time to do the reverse: for society to overhaul the government, which is the root cause of all problems in Canada.
@jimhalpert0 well he's too blame for his words that's what he's too blame for he's clearly delusional if he thinks that's gonna happen. Canada is a protected nation under nato it ain't happening keep dreaming If u wanna be American move I certainly don't.
Trump can't just take over, he's lied about Canada! It's a diversion from China and Mexico. Trudeau has done this and won't call an election! Pierre Polievre will win and change all of this!
As a westerner , joining the USA would free us from the control of eastern Canada and everybody’s lives ( in the west ) would improve dramatically. Where do I sign up ?
I've listened to your posts a few times Brian and agree with you most of them. Today, Good Sir - you are 100% correct. Thank you for having the balls to stand up and say so. On a side note - he's just bullying us into being a good neighbor.
Exactly. Trump sees the disarray that Canada is in, he’s putting his foot down on all your government officials. Where Canada has no choice, but to get better. He won’t forget citizens of Canada. But, the citizens of Canada can’t keep voting for these ridiculous people, and taxes. Please Canada get it together. #savecanada
Jagmeet had an opportunity to vote non confidence and didn’t. He alone is directly responsible for the mess we’re currently in because he cares more about his pension than Canada. We are about to be fed our lunch because of our government’s complete incompetence
Canadian minds are poisoned with ideologies unfortunately. Most notably that we would change world weather. Now we are about to suffer with poverty because of it
Try to fight Singapore tiny countries , trust me in a month Singapore will make Canada graveyard, we are more intelligent, more highly education, more money, more military power and technology
Carefully look at your utilities bill. Carbon tax on gas bill is 1/3 of the charges before HST; total tax on tax closes almost 50% of the total bill. It’s ridiculous
1/3 of the bill is carbon tax..? try Alberta, where I burned 36 dollars of natural gas in December, and got charged an additional 57 dollars in carbon tax..thats actually 158%
@@jasonbishop206 I'm not arguing with you on that we should get rid of it but we can do that by voting the party that will do it. I think Alberta would lose more than it would gain. Yes the money Alberta give the rest of the country is sometimes hard to swallow but before the 1990s for about 100yrs they were on the receiving end thought subsidies for farms. Just because your doing well now should not mean f@@k the rest of the country. Times always change if say hypothetically we get off oil in 100yrs you may need help again. Oh I I do agree also we need more pipelines to yhe coasts. I'm just asking you to think long term no 4-5yr stints with all respect.
How selfish of the prime minister to put his party and his personal ego before the citizens of this country. Instead of calling an election to have a new government attempt to negotiate and work with the United States, We have a couple of idiots trying to run for the leader of the liberal party. And a prorogued parliament with an out of service sign on the door. Disgraceful.
Liberals are delusional if they think if they change leadership they will stay in power. They are done its over for them. Trudeau should have just called an election and then resigned as party leader after he lost. But he doesn't care about Canada or Canadians he cares about himself and his stupid commie party.
And he is absolutely correct and I am a Canadian and as a Canadian the thing that's so hard to understand is how so many Canadians are so quick to point the finger at Trump not realizing that the real problem is our prime minister corrupt as a day is long
Our problem goes well beyond Trudeau. Even Harper wasn't trying hard enough for what Trump wants out of Canada. I don't think Canadians got what it's going to take to avoid being absorbed.
There needs to be a referendum clause with in the federal government! This should be set with the 10 premiers. If the country is in trouble due to an inept federal government…. Then the 10 premiers should be able to hold a vote to enact a federal government into an election. Must only be used in events that put the country at risk… enough is enough!
Interesting to say the least. May I ask as an American, what drew you to that conclusion?? Were there many things or just a feeling? I will look for your answer.
I agree with you Brian! You did mention that we have a Liberal Government which I guess is a truism. But we really have a Prime Minister that is in total conflict of interest. He has declared that he has been forced t resign and so he needs to step down today. We as Canadians should not tolerate having a totally disinterested person with nothing to say nor do that will change the future of Canada. Personally speaking, when I have made a decision to move on to other pastures, I have been sent packing by 12 pm on the same day, What us witt this double standard and complete contempt for decency?
Where is Carney? He announced his bid for liberal leadership and has not given a single interview since. He is in hiding… but why? Is it so he doesn’t have to out what he will or won’t do if he becomes leader and by default our PM??
It’s to late and we can’t make it without USA 🇺🇸 we can’t so I see the writing on the wall we will be the 51 st state and people will have to except it
@ actually yes we do at this point no government will get us out of this Trudeau left us a f mess we’re in a financial disaster get rid of this corrupt liberals asap now the USA have been holding us up for a long time it’s like always taking care of little brother well that day is done
American here. I lived in Canada for a few years and you Canadians are wonderful people. You guys are more realistic in education for children focusing on social skills in ways Americans do not. It’s no wonder you guys are so kind, passive aggressive sure but with manners. I feel better in Canada than US. Biggest issue i see in Canada is cost of living.
The problem is that globalization means more government control in the long run. It might look appealing right now because you like trump. But after his term, there will be a chance for the criminals dictators to get control again and bam. It’s better to wexit and divide Canada. That way their is no centralized control that will ultimately become a dictatorship.
Not hard to tell you don't have the slightest clue on what is happening. Tariffs have nothing to do with the liberal government. Go watch PP eat an apple.
The fun fact is this was the inevitable outcome for over 150 years. If people think oh dividing up the provinces in its own separate countries going to work no it won't because then China and Russia will invade and because Alaska is in the North America will defend they'll take up every single Providence and destroy every single Canadian military soldier in RCMP and then start deporting every single middle Eastern person in Chinese person back to their Nation revoking their citizenships leaving only nothing but Europeans left pretty much or the more softer approaches that all the immigrants flooding for the last 20 years due to college Mills are their citizens and ship is revoked and deportation
But as you see in the comment section A bunch of Canadians are just fucking idiots and a lot of them are just punjabes Indians Palestinians and college Mills corrupt politicians and CEOs. Me and you are like the only actual real people that know that America has so much benefits cheaper Healthcare low taxes we don't pay for other people's health Care problems when they did it to themselves. So much more. And with the prosperous of of America being cheaper because the tariffs are implemented guess what GM is going to close up shopping Oshawa Costco will close up shop in Oshawa and all over the place and so many jobs will be shut down and they will all move to the US say to make their stuff and because the USA is able to now tap into all of its resources and become extremely wealthy Nation they don't need anybody now they've dismantled the free trade agreements and the Free trade agreement was nothing more than a communist globalist scam. They don't need our cars they don't need any of our stuff they are 100% independent and they have the most highest amount of lithium underground resources so when they start to prosper they can then tap into the lithium mines and make a giant giant facility power bank that can hold one uranium worth of explosion or whatever the process is so once a month they drop in a uranium turn on the electrical plant and then they shut it off and then they got enough energy to last them for maybe a few months keeping the cost of electricity down drastically. Making the cost of living cheap. And Canadians that say oh they don't have free healthcare you know what we're paying five times the amount in healthcare then the US citizen does. That's just a fact why am I my heard earn money from work and having a pay cut that goes towards taxes and then do my annual taxes and buy groceries that are taxed and gas that's taxed and everything else that's taxed all for a person that eats donuts and junk food and doesn't exercise why am I wasting money on them why am I forced to pay them and their medical bills oh you need a an emergency helicopter ride to another hospital for what reason you got some sort of cancer problem well why am I paying for that. you probably caused yourself your own cancer you've probably cause yourself your own injuries you know the risk of mountain climbing you took the risk to mountain climb why am I paying for your injuries. You wanted to go downhill on a mountain bike barely with any safety gear or go on a go-kart track and start racing why am I paying for your injuries. Does that make sense to you it doesn't make sense to me. And all these people that are saying no we shouldn't become America they're just a bunch of immigrants non there Canada was nothing more then the British able to seize that land themselves at any time if the UK was going to be under extreme threat and danger or push military forces or force the force the military and Canada to come over to Britain and do all this stuff that's what it was the whole body is it's just we didn't end up doing the tea party
Meanwhile our authorities wink at churches being burnt to the ground and insert vile DEI toxins into our institutions. Canada isn't a country anymore, just a woke, failing economic zone with "no core identity" where it's impossible to build anything.
It’s EMBARRASSING that Canada can’t seem to negotiate with the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD!! All they have to say is, “we’ll close the border”! How STUPID does that make TRUDEAU and those shortsighted Premiers look?????
That was a big mistake. The first Trudeau had it right when he compared the US and Canada as the elephant 🐘 and the 🐁. The US could easily crush us. Now Trump has said to get on board, or we’ll be slowly constricted like a boa constrictor on a deer.
We should join the USA, we were one nation at birth in British America, why not join together again. We would all be better off, with the less taxes we could pay for healthcare ourselves and not die waiting like the other 75,000 Canadians who already have in the last 6 years
Under Trump, if we continue to have a Liberal government, he won’t allow us to make that choice. I’m not sure if Canadians understand what he’s telling us.
Absolutely agree, as soon as we stopped pipelines for natural gas through Quebec to possible European markets we screwed ourselves, badly. We were not prepared for external events. Look at Europe, they dropped Putins gas , and we could have helped fill that gap. We screwed ourselves big time to appease the nimbys and minority naysayers. Change now and quick or we are done.
As a Canadian, I would love to become the 51st State. Think about how strong we would become economically, and being able to work anywhere in the US, being paid US dollars, that's crazy good. Only thing would be healthcare might take a hit.
Don't buy ever horror story you hear. There's good & bad in both systems. At least with the American system there is choice & personal decisions you can make. One fits all.. doesn't work for many whether it is clothes, cars, or anything else in life.
Any State can have whatever health care system they want. The US Constitution gives that power to the States and not to the Federal Government. That is why health care varies from State to State. But in any case, our health care system as a whole is not the basket case that other countries like to think it is.
What happens if USA government is begging for help in their crisis ? Should global citizens outside USA put their hearts and souls to help Trump's Republican Party after their leadership has called for trade wars , tarriffs, taking countries' sovereignties and resources?
The fact that so many Canadians kept voting for Trudeau in the last elections is the maddening part! Surely to God they’ve smartened up and finally see the light
I don’t even trust the elections process. Especially since last time JT didn’t even have the popular vote to win. That means the majority does not get representation. Which means our democracy is a lie. Even the liberal race right now is fake. Carney will be installed, 💯.
We have always needed a "Canada First" approach which we are only now realizing!. the Liberals have blown major opportunities to head in this direction. We need change NOW!
Uhhhh no most ppl don't want to be under trump we like being Canadian thanks if u wanna be American move that's not what most want. Have some damn pride embarrassing
The condition of our country over the last 9 years under Justin Trudeau especially leading up to the announcement of his resignation as Liberal Leader and Prime Minister show poor planning in the PMO in that they ignored all the warning signs leading up to this point in our country's history. Now it is Canadians who have to suffer the consequences. Western Canada has definitely been alienated and no one would blame Premier Danielle Smith of Alberta to take all possible actions on her part to save and protect the people of her province. Many of Justin Trudeau's policies have jepordized Canada especially with the oil and gas industries. His plans are just not working. Pierre Poilivre must be supported and placed into a majority government along with his Conservative Party of Canada to avoid the otherwise inevitable take over of Canada by the United States as a 51st State. If Canada remained largely Liberal, Canada would calapse. Therefore it makes sense that Canada, if it wants to survive at this point in time, must support the Poilievre Conservatives in the upcoming federal election and not the Donald Trump option of becoming a 51st State. I my opinion, that would be best for everyone over the next 4 to 8 years and perhaps a bit longer.
I hope in 8 years the liberals will completely overhaul their party and get rid of all the clowns. Because this current one is more socialist than the NDP!
@@distanttraveler6531 It's a shame that it took the Canadian public nearly 9.5 years to gather enough information about the current Liberal Party of Canada PM and his cronies to come to terms with the incompetence of where the country was going and how much worse the state of the economy and management immigration, housing, jobs and international trade and tariffs has become.
This isn’t that large of a threat to Canada. We can just export to countries like Germany or Japan, who have been literally begging us for trade in oil and gas. We have the ports to do it. The U.S loses its biggest trading partner right next to them along with 40% of their resources roughly speaking, it’ll be 2-years before Trump has to come back to the table to trade again and that’s when you bend them over a barrel. This is all a good thing, long term.
1500 private planes fly to Davos to tell us we need a carbon tax
It's a once a year event, not a life sentence like Canada's carbon tax.
Climate scientists - the ones who know about this stuff, say we need serious action now, regardless of how many hypocrites there are.
But I guess you and trump know much more about the atmosphere than any dumb old scientists.
Future generations will slam us for not acting when all our enemies were gathered in one place.
Ya, ya ,ya. We get it. Let's finally move past that, PLEASE!
@@galaxytraveler5779 clearly you don't! It's also obvious, you are politically uneducated. Best be careful boy, you might not like the consequences of your wilful ignorance.
Delete the WEF
The WEF may delete itself. What Trump told them today is that their Net Zero/DEI/World Governance agenda is gone. It will be interesting to see what happens to the WEF.
And UN
@@plrt6794 globalist shill.
@@plrt6794 are you serious..?
Born and raised in Canada, I have worked for 20+ year's full time. I can no longer afford to live in my own country. Canada needs change!
Try back in Poland! This is still OAS!
Get another job, that's what I did. You poor snowflake!
@mrlockhart4252 ya we need change but we don't need to be American we like being Canadian thanks
Canada over the years has almost completely regulated itself out of business and is on life support.
Too much government, too many gate keepers and not enough business maneuvers that serious adults make.
We worry too much about feelings and feelings will never pay the bills. We stop the nonsense or we are finished, end of story.
Canada was an historical mistake, a failed experiment in submission & grift.
Time to move on.
The world needs less Canada.
Agreed, Feelings are NOT a tool for judging reality.
Too many looking out for themselves Trudeau has done a great job unifying CANADA-NOT!!
Do we really need to fight against Trump, or do we need to fight against the foolish and unreasonable past practices in Canada?
The latter.
Canada! Definitely, Canada!!
Canada all the way. A lot of us U. S. Citizens will help in anyway we can for support. Without getting involved in your elections. You want us to start a letter writing campaign in favor of Canada to whoever, we will. Let us know what you guys need to get moving. #savecanada
@@normkeller2405 yes we need to fight against trump. He is not honorable and will strip Canada of its resources. To capitulate is to say goodbye to our way of life. I would rather be dead than
Ahh ya that may actually help lol. I'd rather just get invaded then economicly crushed because I have incompetent idiots as leaders
Canada faces an existential challenge, this will be the fight of our lives. We needed an election yesterday.
The existential challenge is answering why Canada exists. No core identity and regional conflicts between provinces abound. We started down the road to independence by rejecting independence and staying British. Now we’re independent and no longer British. We need to figure out an answer to this question.
@@bruceh1964staying British? Quebec says hi
You should've woken up yesterday. Trudeau was the happiest on the planet when Trump lost. Now he's back and he's not happy. Lol. Omg how are we going to get out of this. We simply don't have anyone that can challenge Trump. That's not just politicians. We really don't have a caliber type person such as Trump to run our country like a business. You may as well hang the closed sign on the door now. We're on a collision course with pain.
LMFAO. Free trade with China with shut Trump up.
5000% on everything America wants from us, cut off all trade and start supporting the Communist bloc I mean we are Canada we're basically 'Chinada' already.
@@bruceh1964 maple syrup, hockey, uh... infinity Asian migration
“You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it” ~Einstein
Ergo Carney for PM. Much of Canada's problems result from the incompetence of the last Consevative government. Was PP a minister I that joke?
@mephisto9405 Canada problems are the result of the last conservative government. Lol Turdeau has weakened Canada so badly that Trump can bully us like children and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The governments before Turdeau have nothing to do with today's problems.
@@mephisto9405 it's wild that people like you exist.
I am so glad we have so many Canadians so patriotic and smarter than the Liberals Plus NDP; time to get to the POLLS ASAP
Absolutely right. If you keep talking about this and how to proceed you will have the best channel.
We're so far gone in Canada, it's depressing to say the least.
Most people aren't even aware of our current situation, because no one will/can't talk about it.
Well said
The PEOPLE of Canada need declare a state of emergency. The Liberal government needs to be out of our lives immediately!
I totally agree WE the people are the future of our destiny. But you know what? We are NOT united and patriotic to bring that ONE voice to ensure that change. We stay in our tribal enclaves, we do not assimilate into one value based Canadian system, we afraid to raise our voices when required because of backlash and we hand over our power to others who we believe will represent us, but sadly not. We are a docile population afraid to rock the status quo. We like it so, not so? Only when we see ourselves as a patriotic nation with love for this land Canada we call our home, only then can real change take shape.
@@trinican because we haven't been allowed to unite.
Immediately and Permanently!
God no imagine Trudeau declaring a state of emergency and putting off any elections
Absolutely not
Our problem is not trump but TRUDEAU frankly what’s so hard to comprehend
Canadians have been fed misinformation about Trump by the corrupt liberal media for 8 years. They have been counseled to smear and debase and have been alarming in their hatred. It’s come back to roost folks.
Yes and Canada wants Justin out! Give us a break. Trump a bit arrogant, dont you think?
Well I would call the person talking about annexing our country, manifest destinies, expanding territory, reimagining maps, calling border lines imaginary and lying about our country and dragging us through the mud a problem. Look at history and present and leaders who usually talk like that and why and what the US has a history of doing. As much as I agree that we need a new leader I would think Trump is a massive problem for us and we should be paying attention and call him out on his lies at every turn. Otherwise we may wake up one day and regret doing nothing and ignoring him.
I would ask you that. Trump is the world's problem. Wake up
@ go tend to your cats. It’s people like you that have got us in this corner.
The new, young PQ leader has stated that they will never be an oil pipeline through Quebec. As far as I am concerned, that just disqualified the province on all future equalization payments. Next year we can keep the 13.6 billion dollars in our own province and improve our own economy. That is the conditions for equalization.
There transfer payments will cease and Quebec will be homeless.
Then cut off the West equalization giveaway! Develope your own resourses for yourselves!
That's ok we'll charge you for the use and passage of our ports in the st Lawrence and for overland transportation, can't be using our roads docks and waterways for free
@@jonathanbelanger6574 Your roads are garbage, imagine without the welfare money Alberta gives you.
If you're saying Alberta, you're delusional. Alberta gives 3 bill. Other provinces contribute.
WEF a woke radical leftist socialist organization.
@@wallybartfay56 Not leftist really. More fascist.
@@catherinewilson1079 The more the social engineering and regulation, the more leftist any political power is. Centralized power and monopolizing is a left wing political approach, the more decentralized and free market approach to politics and business, the more right wing you become. Freedom of the individual to live his/her life as he/she chooses, free from the constraints of as much political powers as possible is right wing political and social construct. So communism and fascism are systems of the left, just different ways of political control. Both are top down approaches to power. Both exist on the left side of the spectrum. Anarchy would be considered extreme to the right, I'm my opinion.
Global communists
Exactly.....and trudeau along with Carney are the WEF's implementers....trudeau has already sold out Canada to the WEF.
Come on Canada we in the US are cheering for you to take back your country. Fight! for it!
We are!! Trudeau an liberals are OVER
We know! Thank you
This country is duped and so leaderless. What a joke.
trudaeu created a leadership vacuum !
Please name a country that has it better. Geezuz, we’re in a crisis and should be showing a united front. This isn’t the time to publicly trash our leaders
@@Racquetman8448 that is what has been lacking the past nine years - vision and leadership - that is why we are in this mess
@@Racquetman8448 Trump even has Canadian citizens believing this country has no value and we deserve what we get. I have even seen some of them repeat his lies about this country as if they are true and talk about how they want to be American. It's pretty crazy.
comatose chinadians
As a Canadian, I'm more worried about Trudeau and his liberal minions still being in power than Donald Trump..
I agree with you 100%
Everyone is bickering with each other like kids in a sandbox .
It's kinda hilarious. It's a big pissing contest.
Canada needs better leadership for sure.
You are so delusional
@wjoseph-rx9mj the majority disagrees with your assessment, so run along.
Actually I'm more worried about Trudeau and his liberal minions still being in power than ever before because of Trump.
exactly, they are more worried about who their new lameduck leader will be
The Liberal gov't blocked every and any energy project crippling Canada. And now we, as a result of them, will suffer. We need change and that doesn't include Joli, Annand, Guilbault, Freedland and Trudeau. Total ineptness has brought us to this edge of a cliff.
Amen à ça!
You forgot that IDIOT CARNEY
Hear Hear but what i cant understand is why the media over the last 10 years pushed Lib/Ndp agenda and now finally taking a quasi central view
@@jamiewight3336 trying to have a gameplan for when the liberal funding disappears
Include Carney in that list. He will insure Canada's destruction
Brian you Nailed it 100% 👍
We are going to change when PP takes over!!! We will never be a 51st state!!! We are Canadian!!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
We will never be 61st state! Vote liberals and NDP out!! Vote PP in!!
2 big problems that just happened within 24hrs...
1) Amazon pulled out of Quebec completely because the workers started a Union.
2) Ontario newly built EV battery plant Stellantis had a meeting with Trump today. Guess what? They will be moving productions to the US.
Canada is in massive TROUBLE!
I live in Windsor....I KNEW IT 😂
thats only a problem for quebec I can still get 1 day deliveries
Stellantis in both Canada and the US have said this is not correct.
@@firstlast476who says they won't pull out of all of Canada next because of our loser politicians.
Once the conservatives are in everything will get better Canada FOREVER 🇨🇦
Canada is so broken right now, even a change in government won't change a thing. This country needs to hard reset.
some might say a great reset... but I think thats what they've been trying to do....
So far, the government has been trying to overhaul and re-engineer society. It's time to do the reverse: for society to overhaul the government, which is the root cause of all problems in Canada.
That's cause only the PPC isn't beholden to the globalists. Pierre = Justin = Jagmeet = May. They are all the same.
But how?
Isn't this why the Democratic Party lost.
Stop blaming trump. We need to fix Canada.
F that, Trump needs to go to hell, and soon! We are already sick of his nutbaggery!
Of course we can blame trump he's the one saying it wtf are you talking about lol
@@mateoruddock3056 is he to blame for your level of intellect too? Cause that'd be unfair
@jimhalpert0 well he's too blame for his words that's what he's too blame for he's clearly delusional if he thinks that's gonna happen. Canada is a protected nation under nato it ain't happening keep dreaming If u wanna be American move I certainly don't.
Canada is in for some hard times. There is too much "want" and not enough "work" in Canada.
Agreed. We dont have enough infrastructure investment
Trump can't just take over, he's lied about Canada! It's a diversion from China and Mexico. Trudeau has done this and won't call an election!
Pierre Polievre will win and change all of this!
As a westerner , joining the USA would free us from the control of eastern Canada and everybody’s lives ( in the west ) would improve dramatically. Where do I sign up ?
Convince others the benefits, and I’m sure we will get there. The movement is already beggining, we are not Quebec/Ontario slaves.
Trump would suck your resources dry and leave you begging... Alberta should have diversified it's economy 50 years ago
Yea trump would be a good leader for you.
@@matthogg2252 and put us in control of a megalomaniac. He just wants our resources. The population can go to hell as far as he is concerned
We do not have any government right now, we are flopping in the wind, while spoiled little brats fight amongst themselves!
EFing right words!!!!
We don’t… but yet they are still doing things… 🤔 Getting pretty sick of this.
Pay better attention.
You forgot and stealing every penny that they can
Trump, you mean?
I've listened to your posts a few times Brian and agree with you most of them. Today, Good Sir - you are 100% correct. Thank you for having the balls to stand up and say so. On a side note - he's just bullying us into being a good neighbor.
He's been quite clear. Get your shit together or he'll do it for us... for a price.
That’s it in a nutshell. We can decide what’s best for us, or the Americans will do it for us. We get to choose for now.
Exactly. Trump sees the disarray that Canada is in, he’s putting his foot down on all your government officials. Where Canada has no choice, but to get better. He won’t forget citizens of Canada. But, the citizens of Canada can’t keep voting for these ridiculous people, and taxes. Please Canada get it together. #savecanada
We don't want him do fix us lmao
We would love to get our shit together but unfortunately our current government is holding us hostage.
Trump needs to sign an executive order to mandate Canada become a 51st state.
Jagmeet had an opportunity to vote non confidence and didn’t. He alone is directly responsible for the mess we’re currently in because he cares more about his pension than Canada. We are about to be fed our lunch because of our government’s complete incompetence
Why don't we worry about food prices first so people can survive. And rent.
Canada could easily be the richest, most powerful nation in the world. It's actually quite simple.
Canadian minds are poisoned with ideologies unfortunately. Most notably that we would change world weather. Now we are about to suffer with poverty because of it
Yeah right 😂
Try to fight Singapore tiny countries , trust me in a month Singapore will make Canada graveyard, we are more intelligent, more highly education, more money, more military power and technology
It could easily become part of the richest most powerful nation in the world, the USA.
Be apart of 😉😎👍🏼USA ❤🇺🇸
Thanks Brian 👍
Carefully look at your utilities bill. Carbon tax on gas bill is 1/3 of the charges before HST; total tax on tax closes almost 50% of the total bill. It’s ridiculous
You really think that would change it would just end up being the private company charging you for less service.
1/3 of the bill is carbon tax..? try Alberta, where I burned 36 dollars of natural gas in December, and got charged an additional 57 dollars in carbon tax..thats actually 158%
I'm in BC. My carbon tax is 2x the cost of the actual gas. This is such a joke.
@@bubba3223 Hilarious!
@@jasonbishop206 I'm not arguing with you on that we should get rid of it but we can do that by voting the party that will do it. I think Alberta would lose more than it would gain. Yes the money Alberta give the rest of the country is sometimes hard to swallow but before the 1990s for about 100yrs they were on the receiving end thought subsidies for farms. Just because your doing well now should not mean f@@k the rest of the country. Times always change if say hypothetically we get off oil in 100yrs you may need help again. Oh I I do agree also we need more pipelines to yhe coasts. I'm just asking you to think long term no 4-5yr stints with all respect.
Very practical and logical explanation of how Canada is in a mess and what needs to change 🎉
I love Canada! We should be economic partners moving forward. No reason for Canadians to lose their sovereignty.
How selfish of the prime minister to put his party and his personal ego before the citizens of this country. Instead of calling an election to have a new government attempt to negotiate and work with the United States, We have a couple of idiots trying to run for the leader of the liberal party. And a prorogued parliament with an out of service sign on the door. Disgraceful.
Justin Trudeau has been one of the worst if not the worst Canadian Prime Ministers in our history, and his screwed up father comes a close second.
Liberals are delusional if they think if they change leadership they will stay in power. They are done its over for them. Trudeau should have just called an election and then resigned as party leader after he lost. But he doesn't care about Canada or Canadians he cares about himself and his stupid commie party.
I agree, so sick of this continuing. There is a court challenge to this prorogued procedure Trudeau did.
It's anal Schwab pulling the strings
Doubtful that you could do a better job! We don't need the USA in Canada!
He’s basically saying Trudeau has been the problem
And he is absolutely correct and I am a Canadian and as a Canadian the thing that's so hard to understand is how so many Canadians are so quick to point the finger at Trump not realizing that the real problem is our prime minister corrupt as a day is long
@@johnclement1359- D'accord.
Our problem goes well beyond Trudeau. Even Harper wasn't trying hard enough for what Trump wants out of Canada. I don't think Canadians got what it's going to take to avoid being absorbed.
Still people wearing masks, and getting news from CBC and CTV.All we can do is watch Canada fall and force and election or seperate.
Yes Justin Fidel Castro is the problem ! He has also signed executive order against Cuba
There needs to be a referendum clause with in the federal government! This should be set with the 10 premiers. If the country is in trouble due to an inept federal government…. Then the 10 premiers should be able to hold a vote to enact a federal government into an election. Must only be used in events that put the country at risk… enough is enough!
Most of the Premiers are still backing the Trudeau Liberals though.
Yes this is a real state of emergency!
Or at least vote to become a 51st state.
Unfortunately we have only 1 good Premier in the country. Smith.
I have worked for 45 years , go for a long drive through the US, you will see why we need to be the 51st state. We are living on a giant tax farm.
Interesting to say the least. May I ask as an American, what drew you to that conclusion?? Were there many things or just a feeling? I will look for your answer.
I agree with you Brian! You did mention that we have a Liberal Government which I guess is a truism. But we really have a Prime Minister that is in total conflict of interest. He has declared that he has been forced t resign and so he needs to step down today. We as Canadians should not tolerate having a totally disinterested person with nothing to say nor do that will change the future of Canada. Personally speaking, when I have made a decision to move on to other pastures, I have been sent packing by 12 pm on the same day,
What us witt this double standard and complete contempt for decency?
Couldn’t agree with you more Brian.
Where is Carney? He announced his bid for liberal leadership and has not given a single interview since. He is in hiding… but why? Is it so he doesn’t have to out what he will or won’t do if he becomes leader and by default our PM??
He said all he had to say on Jon Stewart's show and will float on that until he's voted in as leader of the Lieberal party.
He saw that it worked for Biden the first time, so he thought that he’d try it himself.
There are some Canadian traitors who are onboard with this.
If the tariffs go on for real normal relationships between Canada and the United States will never be the same again
We NEED the Liberals out NOW..
It’s to late and we can’t make it without USA 🇺🇸 we can’t so I see the writing on the wall we will be the 51 st state and people will have to except it
how do we achieve that? anyone?
We don't need trump
@ actually yes we do at this point no government will get us out of this Trudeau left us a f mess we’re in a financial disaster get rid of this corrupt liberals asap now the USA have been holding us up for a long time it’s like always taking care of little brother well that day is done
Clear and concise. Perfectly, diplomatically said. Thank you.
Well said, Brian Lilley!
We are truly in trouble. Buckle up fellow Canadians, we are about to hit rock bottom!
Carney and Freeland are just Trudeau in drag
all of them . all of them all who voted for them
100% agree!
Great speech, Javier Miele made a great one, too.
Our government needs to do what they were asked - clean up the Borders!! Simple task if they could ever get their act together.
That's just a smokescreen, how naive can you be? You do realize Trump's a lying sack of shite, don't you?!
@@stevecummings7246 why are we responsible for what enters the States? They need to clean up their own mess
@@stevecummings7246 asked ? You mean told? These people are not there to lolygag and do what they want.
If you actually believe that then I have a bridge for sale
I don't understand the problem with being the 51st state. Our country is in the fucking dumpster right now....
I agree I’d rather have a constitution that actually works, and healthcare I won’t die waiting for
American here. I lived in Canada for a few years and you Canadians are wonderful people. You guys are more realistic in education for children focusing on social skills in ways Americans do not. It’s no wonder you guys are so kind, passive aggressive sure but with manners. I feel better in Canada than US. Biggest issue i see in Canada is cost of living.
Wow really when was the last time you have driven around a U,S. City we have a homeless problem yes but nothing compared to America.
@@bubba3223 exactly. Canada is way cleaner and prettier.
The problem is that globalization means more government control in the long run. It might look appealing right now because you like trump. But after his term, there will be a chance for the criminals dictators to get control again and bam. It’s better to wexit and divide Canada. That way their is no centralized control that will ultimately become a dictatorship.
Yes, we need a HUGE change in direction
well said Brian, bang on
Who gets the few jobs when 25 % tariffs come . Trudeau's migrants or Canadaian citizens.
Trudeau needs to get out of the way now! These Liberals have done enough damage
Spot on Brian
no trudo, no liberals, no tariffs. Basically means we need to change governments.
Not hard to tell you don't have the slightest clue on what is happening.
Tariffs have nothing to do with the liberal government. Go watch PP eat an apple.
No trump nothing would even happen what's your point
"No liberals" so just right-wing? So no democracy? So you're not Canadian.
trump knows who trudope answers to the wef
Your central bank is a member of the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland. Your whole country answers to these bozos. 😂
Canada should join the USA. We would be fools to miss out on such an invitation.
The fun fact is this was the inevitable outcome for over 150 years. If people think oh dividing up the provinces in its own separate countries going to work no it won't because then China and Russia will invade and because Alaska is in the North America will defend they'll take up every single Providence and destroy every single Canadian military soldier in RCMP and then start deporting every single middle Eastern person in Chinese person back to their Nation revoking their citizenships leaving only nothing but Europeans left pretty much or the more softer approaches that all the immigrants flooding for the last 20 years due to college Mills are their citizens and ship is revoked and deportation
But as you see in the comment section A bunch of Canadians are just fucking idiots and a lot of them are just punjabes Indians Palestinians and college Mills corrupt politicians and CEOs. Me and you are like the only actual real people that know that America has so much benefits cheaper Healthcare low taxes we don't pay for other people's health Care problems when they did it to themselves. So much more. And with the prosperous of of America being cheaper because the tariffs are implemented guess what GM is going to close up shopping Oshawa Costco will close up shop in Oshawa and all over the place and so many jobs will be shut down and they will all move to the US say to make their stuff and because the USA is able to now tap into all of its resources and become extremely wealthy Nation they don't need anybody now they've dismantled the free trade agreements and the Free trade agreement was nothing more than a communist globalist scam. They don't need our cars they don't need any of our stuff they are 100% independent and they have the most highest amount of lithium underground resources so when they start to prosper they can then tap into the lithium mines and make a giant giant facility power bank that can hold one uranium worth of explosion or whatever the process is so once a month they drop in a uranium turn on the electrical plant and then they shut it off and then they got enough energy to last them for maybe a few months keeping the cost of electricity down drastically. Making the cost of living cheap. And Canadians that say oh they don't have free healthcare you know what we're paying five times the amount in healthcare then the US citizen does. That's just a fact why am I my heard earn money from work and having a pay cut that goes towards taxes and then do my annual taxes and buy groceries that are taxed and gas that's taxed and everything else that's taxed all for a person that eats donuts and junk food and doesn't exercise why am I wasting money on them why am I forced to pay them and their medical bills oh you need a an emergency helicopter ride to another hospital for what reason you got some sort of cancer problem well why am I paying for that. you probably caused yourself your own cancer you've probably cause yourself your own injuries you know the risk of mountain climbing you took the risk to mountain climb why am I paying for your injuries. You wanted to go downhill on a mountain bike barely with any safety gear or go on a go-kart track and start racing why am I paying for your injuries. Does that make sense to you it doesn't make sense to me. And all these people that are saying no we shouldn't become America they're just a bunch of immigrants non there Canada was nothing more then the British able to seize that land themselves at any time if the UK was going to be under extreme threat and danger or push military forces or force the force the military and Canada to come over to Britain and do all this stuff that's what it was the whole body is it's just we didn't end up doing the tea party
U r so right ....I couldn't agree more....
The Libs are in chaos.
The liberals created all of this, even Donald. If we had Pierre Polievre last year we would be in a different situation.
What's the difference? We already gave Canada away.
Meanwhile our authorities wink at churches being burnt to the ground and insert vile DEI toxins into our institutions.
Canada isn't a country anymore, just a woke, failing economic zone with "no core identity" where it's impossible to build anything.
Who did you give Canada away to? Genuine question. I’m from the U. S. And hope nothing but the best for Canada.
The destruction of Canada started with the flag in 1965. But no one said a thing.
@@Bobg6110 are you fucking high?
@monicadelreal8212 We gave Canada away to quebec in 1968.
Western Canadian here I'm all for joining the states. Expect i😢don't want to be part of Eastern Canada
So move to the states u don't get to decide for all of Canada that.
Spot on Brian always. Politicians need to put aside personal gain. Work together improving Canada economy first and work the way up.
51st State please 🙏
Are you crazy.
I'm all in!
As soon as your healthcare is gone youll be crying...
You know your problem is not going to resolve by becoming the 51st state, right?
I would rather be a state than rather be under the thumb of another liberal government.
You said it👌
It’s EMBARRASSING that Canada can’t seem to negotiate with the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD!! All they have to say is, “we’ll close the border”! How STUPID does that make TRUDEAU and those shortsighted Premiers look?????
I think the word you're looking for is CAPITULATION
@ no, it’s called being a team player. That’s how the free world became the free world. Through MUTUAL development.
I couldn't agree with you more. We need an election NOW. J. Trudeau has to get out of our lives for good!
You are 100% right
100% right ✅️
I’m from SK. I’d be ok with becoming a state.
you will get a Big DOCTOR BILL, racial problems, road rage, stupid people, MY GUN, eat cocodiles, Canada is not like Americans.
So move
Canada has all their eggs in 1 basket and the bills coming due
That was a big mistake. The first Trudeau had it right when he compared the US and Canada as the elephant 🐘 and the 🐁. The US could easily crush us. Now Trump has said to get on board, or we’ll be slowly constricted like a boa constrictor on a deer.
We are going to be so screwed because of the Liberals. He’s hoping we will be begging to be the 51st state.
He's usually right about things.
We should join the USA, we were one nation at birth in British America, why not join together again. We would all be better off, with the less taxes we could pay for healthcare ourselves and not die waiting like the other 75,000 Canadians who already have in the last 6 years
Eliminate inter provincial trade barriers. Expand pipelines to our east coast and expand the ones on the west coast.
If we end up with another Liberal gov’t, then I would rather be the 51st state
You are a sick person. Look at this country. A third world country it has become.
Then u can move have some pride where u live or gtfo
Under Trump, if we continue to have a Liberal government, he won’t allow us to make that choice. I’m not sure if Canadians understand what he’s telling us.
People need to remeber where money comes from.
Absolutely agree, as soon as we stopped pipelines for natural gas through Quebec to possible European markets we screwed ourselves, badly.
We were not prepared for external events.
Look at Europe, they dropped Putins gas , and we could have helped fill that gap.
We screwed ourselves big time to appease the nimbys and minority naysayers.
Change now and quick or we are done.
Trump is the catalyst that Canada needs right now to help it out of this hole.
As a Canadian, I would love to become the 51st State. Think about how strong we would become economically, and being able to work anywhere in the US, being paid US dollars, that's crazy good. Only thing would be healthcare might take a hit.
Don't buy ever horror story you hear. There's good & bad in both systems. At least with the American system there is choice & personal decisions you can make. One fits all.. doesn't work for many whether it is clothes, cars, or anything else in life.
Any State can have whatever health care system they want. The US Constitution gives that power to the States and not to the Federal Government. That is why health care varies from State to State. But in any case, our health care system as a whole is not the basket case that other countries like to think it is.
Hmm, sounds like more than border security now.
Brian is right. We need to pull up our socks and start acting like a great nation.
What happens if USA government is begging for help in their crisis ? Should global citizens outside USA put their hearts and souls to help Trump's Republican Party after their leadership has called for trade wars , tarriffs, taking countries' sovereignties and resources?
Every Liberal Leadership candidate is also a WEF Great Reset Agenda activist.
I think not.
The fact that so many Canadians kept voting for Trudeau in the last elections is the maddening part!
Surely to God they’ve smartened up and finally see the light
Ten percent of eligible voters is not "so many" though.
I would like to think so, but just take a look at Toronto. They recently elected a far left woke carbon green UN loving mayor.
Wow Lilly you have plenty of right wing, anti environmentalists company too
I don’t even trust the elections process. Especially since last time JT didn’t even have the popular vote to win. That means the majority does not get representation. Which means our democracy is a lie. Even the liberal race right now is fake. Carney will be installed, 💯.
We have always needed a "Canada First" approach which we are only now realizing!. the Liberals have blown major opportunities to head in this direction. We need change NOW!
It was on purpose
51st state anytime ovet having a Canadian made dysfunctional government.
and Turdo still in power? he might like IT so that is why he does not want to call the election?
Uhhhh no most ppl don't want to be under trump we like being Canadian thanks if u wanna be American move that's not what most want. Have some damn pride embarrassing
I agree with you! 100%!
I hope the simps that voted for Trudeau , reap all the misery that Canada is facing !!!!!!
The condition of our country over the last 9 years under Justin Trudeau especially leading up to the announcement of his resignation as Liberal Leader and Prime Minister show poor planning in the PMO in that they ignored all the warning signs leading up to this point in our country's history. Now it is Canadians who have to suffer the consequences. Western Canada has definitely been alienated and no one would blame Premier Danielle Smith of Alberta to take all possible actions on her part to save and protect the people of her province. Many of Justin Trudeau's policies have jepordized Canada especially with the oil and gas industries. His plans are just not working. Pierre Poilivre must be supported and placed into a majority government along with his Conservative Party of Canada to avoid the otherwise inevitable take over of Canada by the United States as a 51st State. If Canada remained largely Liberal, Canada would calapse. Therefore it makes sense that Canada, if it wants to survive at this point in time, must support the Poilievre Conservatives in the upcoming federal election and not the Donald Trump option of becoming a 51st State. I my opinion, that would be best for everyone over the next 4 to 8 years and perhaps a bit longer.
I hope in 8 years the liberals will completely overhaul their party and get rid of all the clowns. Because this current one is more socialist than the NDP!
@@distanttraveler6531 It's a shame that it took the Canadian public nearly 9.5 years to gather enough information about the current Liberal Party of Canada PM and his cronies to come to terms with the incompetence of where the country was going and how much worse the state of the economy and management immigration, housing, jobs and international trade and tariffs has become.
I knew when Trudie and the Liberals got elected in 2015, that it would be bad for the country. I just didn’t know just how bad.
We voted for the shit hole we are in so accept we are F&$@ with no way out. Let’s make Canada the 51 state 😂
I lived in Edmonton, Alberta for 5 years. I love Canada and Canadians, however, I’m glad I moved to the USA, it’s sad what’s going on…
Thank god we have Danielle Smith.
Blame Jagmeat.
What do you want?
It’s WEF or the USA.
Rather USA not effing India
@@LJC-sr7jl Wake up! It's China or the US.
Canada: To become the USA's 51st state or China's 31st province?😅
No. It’s not China, it’s WEF.
This isn’t that large of a threat to Canada. We can just export to countries like Germany or Japan, who have been literally begging us for trade in oil and gas. We have the ports to do it. The U.S loses its biggest trading partner right next to them along with 40% of their resources roughly speaking, it’ll be 2-years before Trump has to come back to the table to trade again and that’s when you bend them over a barrel.
This is all a good thing, long term.
Very true! We're helpless citizens.