Summary: Izuku Midoriya is a normal, albeit quirkless teenager. He is quiet, mild-mannered, and largely forgettable. On his way home from school one day, he goes missing without a single trace. Exactly one year later, Izuku Midoriya returns with a plethora of scars, a tiny floating robot, and eyes full of light that rivals the stars.
Deku giving Shinzo a gun.
“Go, do a crime.”
He better be the only one that gets the power of the light
Love the episode need part to please💚💚💚
We need a part 2
I just finished this and I remember one game this is from destiny I want and needs a part 2
As you can see it says movie so no part 2
Summary: Izuku Midoriya is a normal, albeit quirkless teenager. He is quiet, mild-mannered, and largely forgettable. On his way home from school one day, he goes missing without a single trace. Exactly one year later, Izuku Midoriya returns with a plethora of scars, a tiny floating robot, and eyes full of light that rivals the stars.
Love when people do this thanks
Part 2
This is just destiny 2
MHA / Destiny (video game)