Pizzicato Five - If I Were A Groupie ほら、今テレビに出てる男の子。上半身して裸できれいにお化粧して、芸の振り押して男の子。あの子は私昔からの知り合いなのよ。 今はプロデューサーになって活躍しているベーシストの子とか、そのバンドの甲高い声のボーカルの男とかいないはどうしてるんでしょう?皆私のことを夢中追いかけまして居たけれど。 もしも私がGROUPIEだったらそれはハイスクールのころに時々考えた、If I were a groupie, if I were a "you" girl, if I were a groupie, if I were a groupie... (I'm a groupie). It's a full-time thing because you have to be out 'til 4 o'clock in the morning! (I'm a groupie) あの頃はいろんな女友達にできたけど、今は皆汚臭靴です。一番仲の良かった子はバンドのローディーの男のトラックに乗って夏の全国ツアーについてきました。 もしも私がGROUPIEだったら今頃はどこでだれと暮らしてるのかしら、If I were a groupie, if I were a "you" girl, if I were a groupie, if I were a groupie... (I'm a groupie, I'm a groupie). そのころ私はもうすっかり顔化していつもバックステージから演奏みるようになっていました。一番すごい時と会場に入るヘリコプターに一緒の乗り込んだことがあって、あれが、私の人生のハイライトで… If I were a groupie, if I were a "you" girl, if I were a groupie, if I were a "you" girl, if I were a groupie... yeah (I'm a groupie, I'm a groupie). でも、最近はグルーピーになりたくなるようなアーティストはこれと言っていません。大好きなミュージシャンにはいって、相手皆早死にしてしまうものなのです。今皆が狙っているのは若い政治高背級オトカ多分そういうタイプでしょう?一晩中ホテルで浴びる程シャンペーンを開けて、[大沢に落ちた]あの時代が懐かしいなんて私もずいぶんとおとしおとったもので。 もしも私がGROUPIEだったら, ooh, ベッドの中で時々考える、If I were a groupie, if I were a "you" girl, if I were a groupie, if I were a groupie... (I'm a groupie, I'm a groupie). It's a full-time thing because you have to be out 'til 4 or 5 in the morning.
Hello, savon classic. I'm sorry that I can't reply in Japanese. ありがとう :)
Delicious music!
Hello, JC Edwards, thanks for your comment. Yes, that's very tasty :)
best version, thank you !
Hello, David Anderson. Thank you for your comment. It's my pleasure :)
i love this P5 song!
Hello, Tropical Beach. Thank you for your comment. This song is very experimental and interesting :)
Nice job 👍
Sounds like Parker Posey to me. Great song.
Hello, Ed. Thank you for your comment. I would be happy if you liked it :)
Pizzicato Five - If I Were A Groupie
もしも私がGROUPIEだったらそれはハイスクールのころに時々考えた、If I were a groupie, if I were a "you" girl, if I were a groupie, if I were a groupie... (I'm a groupie). It's a full-time thing because you have to be out 'til 4 o'clock in the morning! (I'm a groupie)
もしも私がGROUPIEだったら今頃はどこでだれと暮らしてるのかしら、If I were a groupie, if I were a "you" girl, if I were a groupie, if I were a groupie... (I'm a groupie, I'm a groupie).
If I were a groupie, if I were a "you" girl, if I were a groupie, if I were a "you" girl, if I were a groupie... yeah (I'm a groupie, I'm a groupie).
もしも私がGROUPIEだったら, ooh, ベッドの中で時々考える、If I were a groupie, if I were a "you" girl, if I were a groupie, if I were a groupie... (I'm a groupie, I'm a groupie).
It's a full-time thing because you have to be out 'til 4 or 5 in the morning.
Hello, paranoidandroid. It's the lyrics of this song. Thought it was a Radiohead lyric :)
Si j'étais groupie de Pizzicato Five, personne ne me croirait.
Bonjour, Laurent James. I'm sorry that I can't reply in French. I believe you are a Pizzicato Five fan :)
@@sosleepyowl4342 Deeply and fanatically !