My take on it from when that was first announced; it wouldn’t have mattered if her parents were Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. From Kylo Ren’s perspective everyone in the universe is a nobody.
When Chewie "died" I was like "Finally, somethings happening" Then 2 mins later they brought him back This movie didnt had any weight C3PO - memory lost - no, its back
This true! I just watched the movie tonight, and, even though I liked it, there was time spent on drama with Chewie and C3PO that kind of amounted to nothing.
"B-But no! We've got all these Star Destroyers see?? Thousands of 'em! And all of them got deathstars on 'em! Stakes have never been higher! I'm cool!"
The more I think about the Sith wayfinder, the worse it gets. C-3PO says he knows where the wayfinder is after reading the dagger - can't he just fly them there himself?
K Ren 8 left them with no where to go though. I agree it’s much better than rise of skywalker but it’s a horrible second movie it set up nothing and built off of nothing . It be a great stand alone or final movie but when you gloss over or say it’s unimportant everything the first one did you leave nothing for a third to do.
Matthew Heywood Well not exactly. JJ apparently had a plan in place, but it was thrown away when Last Jedi was filming Johnson scrapped JJ’s script because of reactions to The Force Awakens.
Matthew Heywood Well not exactly. Yes at first the reactions were extremely positive and for good reason. I still think Force Awakens was a great film. A few months later though right around the time it came out on DVD was when people started throwing around the invalid and nit picky criticisms of Force Awakens. That’s exactly why Last Jedi was so different and why Rise of Skywalker was so focused on pandering to everyone. While Force Awakens has mostly positive reactions a small yet vocal portion of the fan base eventually started talking about it being a rip off of A New Hope. Because of this Last Jedi was very focused on being different. Reactions to that was split right down the middle causing them to pander to everybody they possibly could in Skywalker.
Unpopular opinion: Return of the Jedi was my favorite of the Original Trilogy, and Luke’s resolution with Vader was darkly poetic. Not that it needs to be repeated FOREVER
Most people seem to agree that the stuff with Luke Vader and Palpatine is the best in the series and the Ewoks and Jaba lower the films class a little.
The problem with this sequel trilogy is that they were clearly making it up as they went. They should have had a plan for the sequel trilogy''s story from the beginning, like how JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books knowing the whole story from the beginning.
I agree the plot could've used a bit more polishing before they filmed it and a lot of cuts/alterations were needed to make the story more coherent. I see what they were going for though trying to make it more original not to fit into a boring mold as the previous films. Execution wise this worked for a couple of scenes, but they failed at some points to explain so of the major holes in the plot. Namely the return of Palpatine, Who Rey's parents were, The whole connection that allowed Ben and Rey to transfer objects and fight each other through the force?! , How they managed to build that many ships in secret without anyone noticing ?!, Why Kylo Ren repaired his mask?!, Who trained the Sith troopers?!
And they ditched the one guy who had a plan because it wasn’t what they wanted and/or what they thought the fans wanted. Unless they intend to give us Lucas’ VII-IX at some point in the near future, Star Wars needs to die.
The first thing she did was rip off the OT. I could tell you all the parallels, but just think about them. And even then Harry being an accidental horcrux is complete shite.
You know long ago, back when Force Awakens came out, my friends and I where speculating about why Rei is so good with the force. One of my friends said she could be like Obi Wan, and just be very proficient at it. I said jokingly, "Maybe she is Palpatines illegitimate daughter who has been in cryo sleep until recently and has force implanted memories". I can't believe I was kinda right after all these years.
remember when it felt like the sequel trilogy was at least *trying* to be a continuation with parallels, as opposed to just rehashing shit we've already seen in every previous installment?
Yeah she's the one character who died and actually stayed dead after the second time. In all honesty, with she's actually pretty interesting character when you consider the book.
So she was proud that her parents were strong and kept her save. And after that changed her name to Skywalker. That was a big middle finger to her parents!
Dicky Liu No, I'm pretty sure Rey probably don't want to say her last name is Palpatine to that old woman since we know Sheev Palpatine is the reason brought the Separatists and Galactic Empire to the war and plus, she did went back to Ach-To so that she was trying to go exile herself like Luke because she didn't like to hear she's a Palpatine. If she said her real last name to that old woman, Rey would possibly get known she's related to the former Emperor of the Galaxy.
@@DigiPen92 But the point is that why does she need to call herself skywalker? And since when Starwars are so keen about family names? Since when? I was hoping she will say "just Rey". That will be fine cause she will not take the risk to ruin the honor of Skywalker as in ruin the "legacy"
Takano Kaiyu Luke did told to Rey that she shouldn't get desperate on the Bloodlines since that was bothering Luke with Vader revealing himself as Luke's father and Ben Solo turned to the Dark side, because he made a mistake like a human being. Besides that, the Jedi Order have rules for any Jedi that they shouldn't focused on having families like attachments and love as well, this maybe why Luke as a Force Ghost realize his mistakes that he keeps thinking the Bloodlines went to his head. I think Rey probably did asked Luke or Leia off screen about using if she was ok using the Skywalker name and not use her last name is a good idea (possibly sometime after The First Order fell and before went to the Lars' homestead) since there's definitely a lot of people in the Galaxy definitely had a grudge against Sheev Palpatine in the past.
He became so successful, the only thing he was afraid of was... losing his touch, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then that apprentice sold the brand to a corporation. Ironic, he could save others from debt... but not himself.
If Ray was powerful but not good at the force would be great. But she is powerful and great with no training. That is what people are mad at. If she was related to someone you could badly explain her talent. No one wanted her perfect in the first place.
The thing people loved about the original Star Wars was its Progression Through Struggle. Luke was a brash, whiny, impulsive kid who acted on his emotions and paid the price for those choices. Over the course of the movies you see him develop patience and mature and by the end of the 3rd movie, he's a completely different person than he was in the 1st. He wasn't just powerful, he was intelligent, calm, understanding, compassionate and didn't let his emotions get the better of him even when or if, it was the easy path. Ray never develops as a person. She ends exactly the way she started, just more powerful but with little to no explanation. That's not a character, that's just power personified and no human can relate to that idea. She didn't train, didn't struggle, didn't learn from her mistakes because she never made any mistakes at all. She was born/created to be perfect and that's boring.
No but its OK because Princess Leia is also a Jedi Master who is implied to be even better than Luke in spite of not undergoing the training or hardship that he did in Episodes IV-VI so it's alright, just consume product and buy merch.
Sure, I guess. Not like they asked him to stretch on this one, it wasn't much more than a voice-acting role. He could have done it in his sleep. I don't want to sound negative, it's just that compared to his turns in Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, and Revenge of the Sith, there just wasn't much for him to chew on.
Everyone is making a huge deal of, "Who would sleep with Palpatine?" As if that's some shocking revelation. He's an emperor. A Henry Kissinger says, "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac", and even if it isn't, there are plenty people who would sleep with a hideous dictator to advance their position in the world.
exactly. Hideous or not, the idea that the supreme leader of most of the galaxy would be a virgin is rather laughable. I doubt he forge a meaningful relationship, had a wife, etc., but having sex, knocking up a concubine, or a random woman, or, heck, raping someone using his power? I could see it. Heck, the woman could have run with the child to use him as a political tool against Palpatine for all we know!
@@mentaya11 And even without it, a Sith EMPEROR running a whole galaxy has TONS of options for how to incubate or gestate offspring, whether the traditional way or not.
I hate it when someone addresses the character played by an actor but doesn’t address the character by name. Are they (the characters) that forgettable?
I wouldnt have believed that until recently, its been revealed that disney is stealing a lot of fan art and using it in the comics and even promo art. But now. It does seem like a lot of this plot is shit folk were talking about 4-5 years ago.
I'm not sure what Rob's going on about Rian Johnson setting up going beyond the standard tropes. He had a chance, but in the end the good guy choose light, the bad guy got angry, the evil army was defeated, and the main character was more powerful than ever. For the middle of a trilogy, it played out like the end of one, leaving JJ with nowhere to go. That's why we got the film we got.
gee it's almost like there was never a plan made by the guy that's famous for using mystery boxes with no answers. it's almost like somebody shouldn't have given Johnson the keys to the kingdom and let him just do whatever the fuck with no body to rangle him in.
Did Rob forget all the dumb pandering Rian Johnson did like on that Anti-Capitalism soap box Casino planet or how Finn was turned into a punchline and Rose crashing into him during the climax because "Fighting for love will save us" or how Rian Johnson just tossed all the stuff JJ Abrams set up in Force Awakens over his shoulder so HE could set up HIS story arcs for Rey, Kylo, etc.
The spirit is there. At least before last 30 minutes of the film. Yeah, I agree that for middle part it feels like end of one. We should switch directors around so JJ makes the first 2 and Ryan finishes them. Also, its try to go beyond Jedi vs Sith thing, not Good vs Evil. Basically, you don't need a background of jedi vs sith in a battle between rebel vs empire or at least the Empire should not always be associated with Sith. Stupid execution, but the spirit is there.
Parts of the movie I liked: -The opening. Kylo Ren killing a bunch of people, finding the pathfinder, going to the temple on Exegol, and the creepy reveal of Palpatine. A little campy, sure, and the bottled Snokes irritated me, but the opening actually intrigued me and made me interested in where the movie was going. -Chewie's reaction to Leia's death. That was probably the only scene in the movie the got an emotional reaction out of me. It was really hard to watch, but in a good way. Poor guy lost all his best friends. -Han Solo's conversation with Kylo Ren. I wasn't expecting it at all and it really worked for Ren's character development. I liked Ren's redemption arc generally speaking. -The only point of the movie where I cheered was when Wedge showed up. -The scene with Luke and Leia training. Wish we could have had a little more of that, or at least more references to the fact that Leia actually studied the Force. -Not gonna lie, I was happy Chewie got his medal. -Hearing the voices of the Jedi Past. Parts I didn't like: -Bickering. CONSTANT bickering between the main characters. -Kylo Ren and Rey's Force connection, where they are apparently able to pass objects to each other and have lightsaber fights while being miles (or lightyears) apart, was confusing to me. -Rey floating cross-legged in the forest with rings of rocks around her, looking like the fucking Avatar. -The fake-out deaths (literally "Disney deaths"). We're in the final act now. Feel free to raise the stakes and make sacrifices. The final battle didn't feel as impactful because it didn't feel like there was a chance of loss, or losses to make meaningful. -The X-Wing still flies after being underwater for years. Ok. -There were too many extra characters that were getting shoehorned in, and there wasn't enough time to develop any of them or make us care. They bogged the movie down, and prevented it from fully developing its principal characters. -Emperor Palpatine basically has the Katana Fleet. With Death Star lasers. Ok. Where did he get the resources? How come no one knew about this? Who are all these people following him? If he was the man behind Snoke (whom this movie establishes was a completely pointless character) and Snoke was the one forging the Force connection between Kylo and Rey, why to Kylo and Rey still have it seemingly without his influence? AND it's stronger? I have so many questions. Because he got thrown in as the villain last minute, there's no buildup or reason to feel truly threatened by him, either. Up until this movie, the audience assumed he was dead. -Speaking of which, having Rey face off against Palpatine spits in the face of Anakin's arc throughout the first six movies. He was the Chosen One who was supposed to bring balance to the Force. He eventually did. The whole point of those films was his rise, fall, redemption and fulfillment of his destiny. But now they've undone that by bringing Palpatine back and having Rey kill him. Anakin was supposed to have ushered in a new era for the Force, and I really wish these films had run with that instead of digging up an old problem that was supposed to have been solved already. -I know Force-healing is something that has been referenced in other Star Wars media, but like all other Force techniques requires practice, especially for healing mortal wounds. Rey knows how to do it after working with Leia for a year. And it's not even referenced that that was something they were working on together, or that Leia even knew how to do in the first place. Then again, Leia can fly in space. And there are the sacred texts that Rey has. But, it's still hard to believe that she knows how to do it after so little training. And more importantly, how does BEN know how to do it with NO training? He didn't just heal Rey, he BROUGHT HER BACK FROM THE DEAD. -Hux is suddenly a turncoat, and then is suddenly dead. -The Resistence needs help fending off the First Order fleet at the Battle of Crait? Nobody comes to aid them. The handful of surviving Resistence members want to charge headfirst into battle over a scary Sith planet in the Unknown regions where the late Emeperor is still alive and has the Death Star Dark Force ready for battle? Everyone and their mother shows up. Because Lando said please, I guess. Or bribed them, I don't know.
Why is Rey a Mary Sue? Because she's OP af with no training? Partly, but that's not all it takes to be a Mary Sue. Is it because she takes literally no damage and suffers literally zero major losses, winning every major battle she's ever been involved in? Again, that's partly why, but that's also not the whole reason. Is it because she has no personality or social flaws that cause her problems which she needs to overcome? Again, partly, but not entirely. It is all of these things in combination which make her a Mary Sue. Rey is OP with no training and extremely talented at countless skills with little to no explanation. She overcomes every major obstacle she faces with very little difficulty and resulting in virtually no damage or losses of any kind for her. And she is naturally a good and virtuous person with no social or personality flaws to speak of. Luke? He was a whiny, glory-seeking, impulsive, bleeding heart farm boy who had to learn to be more mature and sensible and cautious. He nearly froze to death and needed severe medical treatment for those injuries. And he lost an arm, requiring a robotic replacement. Not to mention nearly being Force Lightninged to death, only being saved by Daarth Vader at the last second. Anakin? He was a power hungry, selfish, over emotional, vengeful person who never overcame his personality flaws at all, hence why he became a villain. He lost both his arms and his legs, burned off the top layer of his skin, and was forced to wear a special suit to keep him alive. Then, he was killed by Force Lightning. All three of these people were OP right out of the gate. But only one of them was a Mary Sue. Can you guess which one?
@@DampeS8N The concept of a "Mary Sue" originated from a joke character named "Mary Sue" in a Star Trek parody fanfiction. The concept itself is not exclusive to female characters.
2:09 Dude Rey is a Mary Sue like I don’t care who she’s related to but being perfect at everything and having no flaws makes your character boring we wanted to like Rey. But instead of doing what they did with Luke which was give him flaws, giving him a personality, instead we get a character who can not only use the Jedi mind trick, pull and push with the force, but she can pilot any ship in the galaxy giving us scenes where Rey knows how to fly the Millennium Falcon better than fucking Han Solo. Also defeat a sith lord who has harnessed the power of the force in lightsaber combat, when she herself had never even picked up a lightsaber. Come on Rob you cannot be serious.
@@satireknight Luke never got any good until Return of the Jedi. Rey starts out at Return of the Jedi level. Does Rob not know that the Original Trilogy took place over many years whereas episodes 7 & 8 take place over just a few days?
I swear, Rey has brought up the fact that so many people do not really know what the term Mary Sue actually means. NO, it doesn't mean somebody is over powered.
@Albert Patrick, I assume you mean Daisy Ridley, Rey is the character she portrays. Mary Sue means someone is naturally gifted at everything with no discernible effort, failures, or negative traits, and loved by everyone immediately. What was your point?
We had the OT and the PT that hammered over our heads that one can be strong with the Force, but still needs training to accomplish all those things you see on screen. The Disney trilogy completely eschewed the need of it, and that always rubbed the wrong way. Luke couldn't just beat Vader. Padawan Anakin had no chance against Dooku, etc. It's like Rey was born with the cheat codes entered.
Well no. The force is intuitive. In order to use it CONSISTENTLY and have PROPER CONTROL one needs training. That isn't eschewed at all in the sequels. If it were Rey wouldn't need ANY training.
@@unvoicedapollo3318 With respect that The Rise of Skywalker probably adds additional explanation, Rian Johnson's interpretation was that everything with the Force Rey could do in TFA was done with no training whatsoever, including Jedi mind tricks, levitating and pulling objects, etc. That's why a lot of fans did not like TLJ, because Rian Johnson's answer was that Rey was some nobody and some random kid could just use the Force to grab his broom without any sort of coaching. Considering how hard it was for a non-trained person to move a huge object like an X-Wing stuck in a Dagobah swamp, or a large pillar that was pinning Obi-Wan and Anakin (or something like that, I don't remember the scene in AotC that well), Johnson's interpretation is in direct contrast of Lucas'.
@@mrmacross I didn't get that at all from Rian's interpretation. In fact I don't believe he ever directly addresses it beyond Luke stating Rey at raw power. But that doesn't mean she could consistently access the powers without training. The scene with the broom was about hope spreading through the galaxy. Geez fans are literal...almost as if they deal in absolutes...🤔
@@unvoicedapollo3318 I respectfully disagree. TFA seemingly set up a lot of questions about Rey and why she was so talented in the Force, and TLJ doesn't really try to answer any of them other than saying that's the way it is. I guess, yeah, training could've helped her find answers, but as far as being adept in the Force, TLJ made it seem like training was pretty optional. The first six episodes made it a much bigger point about how important training was than TLJ did, which is part of the reason why a lot of fans were dissatisfied and why Rise of Skywalker is infamously "rude" to Rian Johnson. TLJ *tells* us that Rey needs to train to focus her powers and all that, but the movie doesn't *show* it to be the case.
2:55 Anakin had to be trained into his adult years. Rey learned about the force and beat Kylo, Luke, and several of the Praetorian guards within a few days. After all this time, I don't get why people think it's so crazy to call Rey a Mary Sue. Rob mischaracterizing the criticism of TLJ is really frustrating. He takes so many jabs and yet doesn't address any of it. 23:50 Moving things with the force can be seen as an application of grabbing, which Vader did to that one guy in A New Hope. Also, if there are certain limitations on it, it doesn't break the story... unlike force ghosts being able to call down fucking lightning and interact with things in general.
@@spiderlily723 If you think that's a logical equivalent, then you're going to have to think harder. First race he'd finished, not first time he'd raced. So we can assume that he already knows how to fly. Second, most of the reason he can't finish is because Sebulba is cheating. That's in the plot, so you can't pretend it's speculation. You might have a bit of a point if you mention him blowing up the droid control ship. In the future you should try that for defending your poorly written character.
@@spiderlily723 I'd have to take a look at the full context of that race to know if it's problematic. I remember episode I being full of stupid shit in general (Jar Jar infamously bullshits his way to virctory), which people seem to agree on, strangely, but ignore in TLJ.
You mean like when he says Watto knew about the Jedi mind trick in an age when thousands of Jedi were running around the galaxy and had been for centuries, and thinks that is somehow comparable to someone instantly emulating Jedi abilities when they were thought to have been wiped out a decade or two before she was born. Context matters, unless you really are a turn your brain off person (referring to Rob).
I don’t know, perhaps it’s cause I’m old and read way too much; but I’ve been saying since walking out of the theater for episode 7 that this whole trilogy was going to boil down to Ben’s redemption arc.
I don't like 'Last Jedi', and I don't like 'Rise of Skywalker', but my friend is somehow acting like I'm a villain for not liking 2 movies that was really frustrating to watch. If you enjoyed it, great for you. The love that grabbed hold of your 'very soul' (sic) when you watched 'Empire strikes back' wasn't 'dimmed', etc etc. But I really didn't like what I dislike. Can we not fight over it?
Benjamin David That’s fair man. You didn’t enjoy those films. Doesn’t mean you think others shouldn’t... I loved TFA, thought TLJ was just okay, but TROS felt like an opportunity lost.
@@stormtraitor6545 I know, right? If you liked it, it's good for you. That means you continue to enjoy something from your childhood, which I wish I could. But how am I some sort of a bad person for disliking what I thought were a couple of frustrating follow ups to a solid original trilogy?
The only people I’m taking down are the hypocrites who say this movie is terrible (which it is), but then defend Last Jedi. When that movie caused this entire mess in the first place. Can’t excuse one and hate the other for the exact same thing.
Were basically back to the status quo of an evil empire vs a small rebellion luke even said "the rebellion is reborn " doesnt sound like moving forward.
@@Yeti_Sign Really? I'm pretty sure with the way Palpatine takes control when idiots lose control of their anger; it's very much NOT a Sith way of thinking. Sith USE their anger and hatred to draw upon more force power, they are not slaves to their anger. Of course, Kylo's whole angry bit, is just, "Look, men bad, men toxic, men angry, men stupid, because penis." It's also why Rian Johnson never set anything up; he was just writing feminist propaganda, that along the way he accidentally managed to write something that may have looked like setting something up, that's just him getting lucky. After all, he had General Problem Hair fly her ship into the First Orders in a suicide dive bomb, and not five minutes later when Finn tried to do the exact same thing for the exact same reasons, he has Rose Tyco smash her ship into his, and admonish the toxic male he shouldn't be toxic and wanting to blow things up, but wanting to protect things instead. This dipshit can't think beyond "toxic male bad" and "holy women good" to notice inside of five minutes of a movie he blatantly contradicts himself; let alone about setting things up for long term story lines.
Originally, I thought the ending was going to go like: Palpatine is all of the Sith and Rey is all of the Jedi. The Light Side and the Dark Side balance each other out destroying each other; so there's no more Sith and no more Jedi. But, then Kylo Ren comes back, brings Rey back to life, so I guess the Jedi still live.
Rey is both a Sith and a Jedi. Chooses to be a Jedi, natural dark side power. Good guys win, and yin and yang (light & dark) are balanced. I think that is what they are going for.
“Johnson was setting up moving beyond Jedi/sith” .......Except the last thirty minutes where it clearly sets up that rey will take up the Jedi mantle when Luke says “I will not be the last jedi”. “Why is Palpatine asking Rey to strike him down when he spent six movies trying to get power!?”.....did he not watch ROTJ when he also goaded Luke to kill him to turn him to the dark side?
Regarding your second point, I seriously doubt that Palpatine was actually planning for Luke to kill him. That'd be a really weird endgame for someone who went to so much trouble to gain power for himself. More likely, he thought that goading Luke into trying to kill him would be another step towards Luke's turning to the Dark Side and becoming Palpatine new (less-mutilated) apprentice.
I agree with the first point, this sequel trilogy rehashed everything that came before. Even Last Jedi. I also agree with the second point. I think they just gave a reason for him to do so.
In the last Jedi luke suggests that some of the jedi code is not good I think he does not like the part about not being about to love and having to disconnect from your family. I would have loved if in this movie we saw Rey going full jedi code extremist.
FOR THE ENTIRETY OF STAR WARS, ANYONE WHO IS FORCE SENSITIVE CAN BE A JEDI. You don’t have to have a lineage. Who are Obi Wan’s parents? Nobody cares. The only reason anyone cares about Rey’s lineage is because Force Awakens made a big deal out of it and Last Jedi told us it didn’t matter. Well if it didn’t matter why did you bring it up. The entire trilogy is disjointed and ridiculous. The prequels were bad but this just doesn’t make sense.
The sequels, with all of their flaws and issues, were fucking masterpieces compared to this disjointed Sequel Trilogy. It was all over the place. We went from a virtual shot for shot remake of A New Hope, to an idiotic movie written by someone who was more focused on “subverting expectations” than writing a good story and building off of the plot of the previous film, and finally ended up with this disjointed mess of a movie with it’s idiotic twist on Rey’s origin and enough exposition to fill two movies. It was a disjointed mess from beginning to end. The Sequel Trilogy was something that clearly should never have been made.
@@megalodon7916 nope. Prequels had horrific dialog, a wasted bad guy who had to be retcon resurrected, and the creepiest "love story" I ever watched. Oh, and kiddy murder... twice... Nope, not masterpieces at all.
@@sideshowmo653 I said masterpieces compared to this crap. And what do mean child murder was a problem? What did you expect to happen to the younglings? Did you expect them to just let the little Jedi children go? That was inevitable. If you can’t handle the death of the Jedi, then why bother watching? And who the hell was resurrected? You mean Maul?
... I feel Rob is missing, or purposely misrepresenting, the point of people's complaint with Rey. Being a Palpatine doesn't magically dispel the bad writing around her, no fan was asking for that. That was Disney being clueless and lazy, yet Rob and many other critics are blaming the fans, not the trolls, the fans who had legitimate complaints with her writing. The story of the sequel trilogy is one of wasted potential and lazy boardroom decisions. The fans are not to blame, this is 100% on Disney.
@@mauricioramirez5948 I think TFA did ok making her a mysterious character, but TLJ said she was so great with the Force just because, and we already had eps. 1-6 that said mastery of the Force requires intense training.
mrmacross Thanks, I agree. She was fine in TFA. Her powers really only got out of hand in TLJ. Interestingly, that's around the same time her personality disappeared. She was kinda likeably grouchy at first, but then the writers started mistaking Force powers for character traits.
Fans ARE to blame. Whether we like it or not, Star Wars is like the Rick and Morty fanbase. Toxic and very vocal of what star wars SHOULD be like. Last Jedi scored positively with critics for a reason
I wanted Kylo and Rae in the "Last Jedi" to realize that dark and light may not mean evil and good respectively. That these two forces can live in harmony. Both the Jedi and the Sith dogmatic were religions and long ago Dark and light lived together.
I do not see the force as intuitive... but also not as bloodlines. I always saw it as something that some people are gifted with but that gift needs a huge amount of training to refine. The jedi only accapted young children, both anakin and luke were too old when they started in their eyes. This is my problem with Rey and Leia having these force powers. Neither trained for them. How can Leia have had the time to train in a disipline that takes full time work and also be a diplomat and general? You can't really have 3 full time jobs at once. And we know Rey never had any training. She shung her lightsaber at a stone once on her own in the last jedi, that is not really training under a master.
@@unvoicedapollo3318 She is consistent that she can do whatever needs to be done when it needs to be done through the force. Does intent even matter when you do the thing you would intent to do by accident (or intuition) every time?
@@unvoicedapollo3318 The plot needed that to happen yes. And force lighting is a advanced skill of the force. You are just proving that this movie failed in this simple regard
I just can't stand Rob's baseless arguments on this occasion. "Johnson tried to move on from this shit" He didn't. We had references to Empire strikes back with the hoth omage, the reintroduction to yoda and almost a paralell to yoda's training with luke. People are more than willing to enjoy new things in star wars, that was the common criticism that was given to the force awakens (i.e. too retready of the original trilogy). The issue people had is that the movie is botched. Not just lore and character, but also poorly written, pandering for an agenda and shallow. Even the action is taken a step down from the prequels where they at least tried to make combat feel substantial and coherent while remaining flashy. Fans and viewers picked up on details and it just becomes easier to claim dissenters are "entitled fans whining". Claiming rise of skywalker is course correction is a broad oversimplification given the disregarding attitude the management has had to the fans.
@@JonSmith-hk1bq It wasn't. You can pick up any plot or scene of the movie and you can spot flaws (and i speak as a casual story writer rather than a star wars fan). Things don't make sense, logic is twisted for the sake of being preachy (the Rose/Finn kiss or the waste of time that was the holdo fiasco). And that is not mentioning the lackluster choreography. I don't care if it picks the subversive route for most of the plot threads set by JJ, as long as he does SOMETHING with them. Rian did NOTHING with all of them. That being said... this trilogy was doomed from the start (even if to some, like me) took a while to realize something was wrong. And you are welcomed to think johnson was a good pick for a trilogy, but i don't. The guy behaves like a prick and scoffs and mocks the fans who's kept the starwars license alive for years.
@@andreschion2334 There are some parts I don't like myself (slow-motion chase, giving Finn is the worst character in the whole franchise, a whole plot thread), but overall, the movie came together just fine. Ben/Rey/Luke is some of the best stuff we'll ever get from Star Wars. Especially now that Disney is going to play it safe forever. But, yeah, attack Johnson. He's only been abused like crazy and said a few minor things back that are actually true. I'm sure it's all proportional.
@@JonSmith-hk1bq I quite doubt the movie has much of value from an objective point of view. I understand if you like it, but I can't agree that, even the best part, the trio's interaction is well written. Oh, I'm not attacking, just stating the truth. He's far from a victim. What other people do in their twitter and social media account is irrelevant to the topic.
I'll go and say I Agree, But not the "fans" it was Disneys perception of the fanbase. Both Rob and Doug saying Disney freaked out after Last Jedi tearing tropes down is spot on.
Literally every sequel movie has been a response to fan criticism. People complained that the prequels got too weird, so they made TFA similar to the original films, then people complained that TFA played it too familiar/safe, then TLJ tried dipping its toes into some new ideas/concepts, then people freaked out, then ROS backtracked and quickly undid all of TLJ while also having to wrap things up Granted, that's no excuse for Disney to not have come up with an overall story/conclusion for the trilogy from the very beginning, but this perfectly illustrates what happens when a series of films tries to account for all of the fan complaints.
Two years on and Rob still hasn’t gotten the memo that being disrespectful and dismissive to fans with a different perspective like they’re morally inferior isn’t a good idea.
And some fans haven't realized when they're busting out straight up Palpatine dialogue vague posts like defending their star wars opinions is a hill worth crossing over to the dark side for.
Disney Star Wars Trilogy: We'll answer questions nobody asked for, we'll leave important questions unanswered, and we'll leave people with more questions then they had before. Disney: Brilliant!
@@kylemorello4787 Nothing wrong with it at all, just stating the obvious (79% might be a little reachy, but they're definitely gutterballing some of these remakes, and not by changing the plot either). I actually love that some of these movies are making creative changes to IPs to give a commentary on a piece of life some ppl might need at the moment. I previously commented that I liked Leia's ending being a nice homage to Carrie Fisher and her mom, but I'm definitely not gonna take a Beyonce song serious after seeing a bug pushing a ball of dookie across the savanna.
Outside of this and the last star wars movie, what other films have been fan fiction in the past 5 year? A lot of them have been remakes of old films yes, but fan fictions? I'll give you maybe Endgame too
Rey is basically a Steven Seagal character, lacking the flaws that would allow for real character growth and being too dominant in combat to ever be in any real danger.
Rob made a GREAT point. The Empire Strikes Back is the film that changed the entire series - for better and for worse. Half of the fans wanted an adult, mature, and darker follow up movie (which is what was originally proposed for REVENGE of the Jedi), while others wanted fairy tales, humor, and happy endings (which is what you saw in RETURN of the Jedi). This split has never been reconciled, which is why Star Wars films ever since Empire have been incoherent.
I really liked how Rey struggled with the dark side. Especially since there's little blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments when she's fighting Kylo Ren when her eyes will change to the red-yellow of a Sith Lord before reverting back instantly. Kind of wish the end of this made Rey into a bad guy.
That is the ending I was hoping for but knew Disney would not let it happen because then all the parents of young girls who identified with Rey as their hero would be "YOU SCARRED MY CHILD FOR LIFE!!!" Seems we just cannot have good storytelling anymore without someone getting offended.
Rob. The Force is not intuitive, instinctive or reflexive. SOME Force Powers are, like unusually quick reflexes, but others require training and practice. Luke received training from Obi-Wan on The Millennium Falcon while on the way to Alderaan. Granted it wasn’t a lot of training, as that’s only about a 2 day trip to Alderaan from Tatooine while traveling through hyperspace in a ship as fast as The Falcon, but Force Pull/Push is a fairly basic Force Power. And Luke did use Force Push in A New Hope, when he shot the torpedoes into the exhaust port of The Death Star. So his using Force Pull to grab his lightsaber in the Whampa’s cave certainly makes sense. Also Empire takes place at least a couple of years after A New Hope, so he could certainly have been practicing the little bit of Force training that he had with Obi-Wan. And another thing. The Phantom Menace took place during the height of the Jedi Order’s power. Many people would have known who the Jedi were and what they could do. And Watto, being of a race immune to Jedi Mind Tricks, would know of their power and their weakness against his species. Seriously dude, rewatch the entire saga, including the prequels. You need a refresher on what the force can and can’t do.
Agreed that the force isn't intuitive. I know most people hate the prequels but they show that it takes years of training to learn how to use the force. The issue isn't about bloodlines (although I did like the idea of Rey's parents being randos). The issue is that it should take more than just knowing about the force in order to use it. I know how to tell time, but that doesn't mean I can build a clock. That said, I'm not sure about Luke force pushing the torpedoes. I always saw it as him letting the force guide him like with the practice probe.
And even then in the whampas cave, Luke had to really concentrate to pull that lightsaber to him with the movie also implying that some time had passed. It's not crazy to assume he didn't practice on his own after a new hope. Rey jedi mind tricks a FO storm trooper after like her second try not even knowing wtf she was doing or with anyone showing her how to use the force *at all*. Then a day or two later she's on the same level as kylo ren while Luke needed a couple of months just to get his ass kicked by vader in ESB.
@@gregg4174 well I'm not sure exactly what Force Power Luke used to send the torpedoes into the exhaust port, but my point was that Luke had in fact had at least some training before using it. He wasn't going to be very skilled with The Force at that point, but he had some training. Remember, using Force Powers in the Star Wars Universe is essentially a form of martial arts training. Luke's training in A New Hope is essentially like learning how to throw a proper punch in karate. You might not know enough to be able to take on Chuck Norris, but you can probably do some serious damage to someone who doesn't know how to fight when you punch him in the face. And I like your analogy of knowing what time is and knowing how to build a clock.
@@johngun7418 another thing is Rey's lightsaber skills. Or should I say lack of? Watch episode 1 through 6. The Jedi and Sith treat their lightsabers like they're samurai swords. The fighting techniques are very similar to real world swordfighting styles. Rey swings her lightsaber like it's a goddamn baseball bat. And when she fights people who are armed with lightsabers, or melee weapons designed to counteract lightsabers, she always aims for the opponents weapon. This is a failing of the sword trainers and fight choreographers, but still she should not be winning lightsaber fights with such poor swordsmanship. Check out the channel Shadiversity if you haven't already. The host, Shad, is a fantasy writer and martial artist, as well as an expert swordsman. He has done several videos on the Star Wars Universe, giving opinions on things like lightsabers, storytelling, dissecting fight scenes from movies (he's already done Obi-Wan vs Anakin from ROTS and the throne room fight from TLJ) as well as many other subjects. I find it very interesting and informative.
@@johngun7418 I think the big difference is we remember Luke always being doubtful of the Force. Of what it can do. "Are you sure?" "It's too big." "I can't see anything with this blastshield..." Rey is more of that child of curious wonder. She believes the Force can be used for great things. She doesn't doubt's the Force. I can do anything. Both Rey and Luke are naturally gifted and talented, strong in the Force. So it's easier for Rey to use it than Luke without training. She simply believes she can do it. She's a good fighter as she had to grow up alone and quickly learn to defend herself or die. Though yes, the fighting style from her is sloppy, but I think that's an issue with fight choreographers. Her first fight with Kylo Ren made sense. She's gifted in the Force and a decent fighter, Kylo has a severe wound and is underestimating her. It makes sense we see in Rise here Kylo basically kicks her ass in the fight until Leia's intervention. We see then when Kylo is serious, he is hands down the better fighter.
At the end of the day, George Lucas is cackling madly to himself while watching Rian Johnson, JJ Abrams, and Kathleen Kennedy screw up Star Wars so much they validated both him and the Prequels as being a lot smarter than people thought they were.
I get that people are salty over the sequels, but the prequels were NOT smarter than people "thought they were" just because fans made up some fan theories to explain away the inconsistencies and shit. Still can't believe people think the prequels are "genius" all because of excuses that the AUDIENCE HAD TO COME UP WITH
@@half-lifescientist1991 For years fans crap on the prequels, now they wanna praise them as sum type of gems? Let's keep the same energy here. This is one of the reasons why, i can't take a lot of star wars fans serious.
The Sequel Trilogy is easily the worst Star Wars trilogy because it is not cohesive as a whole. TFA was a really good start off (this whole trilogy was a copy and paste), then TLJ is a massive disconnect setting up its own trilogy, TROS is trying to make a finale out of really nothing leftover to tell.
Never in my life will i understand what people found interesting about TFA. It's JJ Abrahams at his worst: - Feed the audience member berries to get people to the theater - End every scene with a mystery box, which serves only to get people tricked into watching the next movie - Use focus groups and audience testing for future story and plot inspiration to sell tickets instead of writing a cohesive story - Repeat until contract is done or audience loses interest Just barely open up some of the largest mystery boxes introduced at the end because JJ doesn't care at all about what's actually in them, he just wants you paying for the next ticket. Edit: This all came out a way too mean. I just really dislike this type of direction, but ofc this is my experience with the movies and is certainly not everyones.
Robert Eriksen I never thought of TFA as one of the best Star Wars films. It is a safe film which left a lot for Johnson to go off of. Honestly, I was more excited for Johnson directing Star Wars than I was JJ, which had me crushed after seeing TLJ. Johnson came off as a massive high ego dick-bag. Based on people I know who worked with Abrams on Lost. He is good at setting up ideas and getting something going, but he is not a good filmmaker and he sucks at concluding storylines. The only reason Super 8 had a good conclusion is because Steven Spielberg was his on-set producer.
Robert Eriksen You hit some great points. I would replaced JJ’s name with Kathleen Kennedy. “Kathleen Kennedy does not care at all with what is actually In them, as long as you pay for the next ticket.” She is the head producer on these films, and her job means she is over seeing all these films every step of the way and she is suppose to be on-set almost every single day.
@@tstar3746 Wow we are different, i was quite happy about TLJ. It's complete garbage, but its Johnsons story that he wanted to tell. Not focus groups, there's no mystery boxes and it was bold as hell. It's one of the worst movies i've ever seen, but i don't mind that at all. As long as it's not just member berries and mystery boxes.
Wait Leia gave up her life force to heal Kylo? I was under the impression she just comited suicide to get his attention or something and when both Rey and Kylo felt her death through the force or whatever she felt bad and healed his wound. Did I miss something?
I think she used all of her will power to basically bring him back from the dark side (however that's supposed to work), and then Rey healed his wound. Granted, shouldn't Rey be dead then if she transferred her lifeforce or whatever to heal Kylo?
Matt Ward Good question! Frankly, Leia's sacrifice should have ensured that Kylo would live - triply so because _Han and Luke also laid down their lives to save him._ Having one character die to save another, only for the other character to just die anyway, is horrible storytelling. Imagine how lame LotR would have been if the Orcs killed Merry and Pippin after Boromir was so cruelly slain protecting them. His sacrifice would have been in vain.
@@TechnologicallyTechnical I'm ok with Rey healnig his wound and livng because he wasn't "dead" yet but on the verge of death in which case I would think she'd be knocked out from the effort. Whereas at the end when Kylo did the same thnig for her she was "dead" but even then I don't remember anything in the movie saying it was a risk or anything. Also I really don't think she used her powers to bring him back, the way it was presented it was like she took poison and already covered herself ready to be at peace or Ben Kenobis whole strike me down and "I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." I guess that boost also applies if you strike yourself down.
Ok, so the healing is literally taking some of your life force to fix the other person's life force, ergo injuries, is how they explained it in this one, which is iffffffyyy. But I think they used it as a McGuffin, since atm the only times of healing we see are this movie and Mandalorian.
@@TheDark1Runner Kylo died when he resurrected Rey because he himself was near death and both he and Rey had enough life force removed to resurrect The Emperor.
27:33 lmao I had this exact moment with my little brother, was wondering what the medal was and he immediately explained oh it's this and it just clicked and I lost it
15:50 That's not true. Billy Dee said he had a feminine side, and people misinterpreted it to mean "gender fluid," which is a Transgender term meaning you flip back and forth. When asked in a follow-up, Billy Dee said he has no idea what "gender fluid" means.
To be clear, people were never made that Rey knew about about the jedi mind trick, people were upset that she was able to use it _on her second try_ . Especially since Anakin (the "chosen one") was never shown to use it even after years of training.
@@matthewdopler8997 using the force as a passive ability to aim (to aim a shot, need i remind you, he already had some experience with back on his homeworld) is a lot different than using a jedi master rank ability. Luke himself didn't use the mind trick until the last film of the original trilogy and that was only after intense training with a jedi master.
@@kristavaillancourt6313 what was? that anakin learned the mind trick in between episode 2 and 3? Because like a stated earlier we never actually _see_ him use it in the prequels. Anakin also never became a jedi master even after years of training. As for rey i mean she had literally no training at that point...
How would you really know that he can't do it? Anakin never really had any situations where he needed to do it because all his enemies were robots or other Force Users. It seems more natural to assume he could do it but it never came up than it does to assume it's a super difficult skill that just happens to not work on the strong minded and specific aliens.
Just because Reg is Palpatines daughter, doesn't mean she should be an incredible lightsaber user and able to use the force a couple hours after discovering it like she did in The Force Awakens. Midiclorians don't = God Tier. You have to train, practice, etc. She literally never fails and always wins in the first 2 movies. The training in this movie was useless!
Worked for Anakin. Just a reminder that Palpatine was Plaguis and Plaguis was Anakin’s father, which makes him Rey’s uncle, Luke and Leia her cousins and Ben her second cousin. Whom she made out with. In other words: JJ ABRAMS BROUGHT INCEST BACK ON THE MENU!
General Esdeath Did he, though? The insistence to train was by Qui Gonn’s discovery of Anakin, not by traditional recruitment procedures. The seers never saw him for ten years, who else could hide from the Jedi like that? Palpatine powers. Luke never saw Rey. 19 years, not a vision. Why? Palpatine powers.
Where is R2-D2's medal then!??? I mean he did fly with Luke at the battle at Yavin-4 AND get seriously injured. JUSTICE FOR DROIDS!!!! R2-D2 DESERVES HIS MEDAL!!!
I love how Rob keeps tearing into “toxic fans“ while himself being a toxic fan. He is FLIPPING OUT over Chewbacca getting a medal, a throwaway moment at the end of the movie that has no effect on the plot or the quality of the film, and analyzing the timeline of it as if anyone should care. It’s just a medal. And most of his criticism is just that: “Toxic fans were so whiny about The Last Jedi not being what they wanted so now I’m going to be whiny because this film wasn’t what *I* wanted.”
Giorgio Selvaggio The thing is that the fan base complaints had a huge affect on making this movie worse, so yes, it’s totally justifiable to be pissed off at the fans.
@@jordandwiggins1026 so if I complain at a restaurant that the food tastes bad, it's my fault when the cook spits into the soup-pot, because "that one guy wanted more spice, so y'all got more spice"
Rob the great hypocrite, it's Fanboys horseshit when we want an explanation to someone who doesn't believe in the force to just be able to use the force but it's completely acceptable when you do it with somebody else who believes in the force but has never shown an aptitude for it neither rain nor Lea should have just magically been able to use the force that's bad story writing but hey you know I'm a fanboy because I want a good story
@G Ren I can complain about them. Rob wrote a plotline. He didn't write a *script*, which can often make a good-sounding plotline impossible to execute.
Must have been a theater full of neewbs. Wonder if it's the same one that cheered when Rey and Kylo kissed and shouted they won and the boomers could suck it only to scream they hated Star Wars when a second later he dies. Lol
Did rob forget Rey rejected the idea of letting the past die? Like most of his arguments are about how the movie didn’t go with that ideal of going beyond the sith and Jedi but Rey herself rejected that idea at the end of the last Jedi.
Characters underdeveloped in the trilogy: Maz Kanata, Supreme Leader Snoke, General Pryde, Zorii Bliss, The Knights Of Ren, etc...etc. Especially Maz Kanata and Supreme Leader Snoke bother me a lot.
Oh, about the Billy being Gender Fluid thing, that was clickbait. He just means he's in touch with his feminine side, articles started going nuts on it to suit their own agenda. Not that I really cared, I love the guy regardless
3:00 The Force didn't just "chuck out Anakin". It's literally explained in the Prequels that Plaguies created him. Whether he did so by accident or not however isn't. TPM: "there was no father. I can't explain what happened." ROTS: "He could use the Force to influence the Midi-chlorians to create..." *looks directly at Anakin* "Life." And Rey's heritage was so deeply looked into because the Force isn't some basic superpower like in Marvel or DC or even X-men, using it is literally bending a cosmic force to your will. Hell, Telekinesis in Star Wars is literally mind over matter! We needed an explanation as to how she could do these things without training and so many people looked to her heritage for it. No one cared for Yoda's heritage despite being so powerful because he had 900 years to learn! Nor did anyone care about where Palpatine came from. But Rey has no explenation so... how? You can't just be "good at the Force" and use these abilities.
The Darth Plagueis book _does_ say the Force spat out Anakin to offset the Sith's ritualistic use of the Dark Side to cloud the Jedi Order's foresight. Plagueis only created Anakin inasmuch as he pushed on the Force too hard. ...Though I understand the Disney verdict says _Palpatine_ created Anakin, which I find to be horseshit.
yup. well put. Sure maybe anyone can be good with the force, but to be super fucking amazing with the force, i think some kind of explanation is better then just random hapenstance
When they told about all the previous Sith and Jedi spirits I was thinking for a while if this should be called Star Wars: Legend of Kora. Ticks a lot of boxes
I KNOW, RIGHT?!? Rey: "I can't contact the Jedi of old." What are you? The Avatar?! Aang: Korra. Travel to the Spirit Swamp! There, you will find Toph, the Earth-Bender who trained me! And the worst Thing is: When the Trailers came out, I made a Joke about this! Luke: "A thousand Generations live in you now. Let me introduce you to them: That's Obi-Wan Kenobi," Obi-Wan: "Hello there." Luke: "Grandmaster Yoda," Yoda: "Older and older these Padawan get. Ridiculous by not it is!" Rey: "But you said you would never train another Generation of Jedi again!" Luke: "I don't. That's what they are for. I told you the Truth....from a certain point of view...." Qui-Gon: "You trained this one well, Master Kenobi." Obi-Wan: "I had a very good Teacher." And now they all came back in the Movie! What is this I don't even!
I KNOW, RIGHT?!? Rey: "I can't contact the Jedi of old." What are you? The Avatar?! Aang: Korra. Travel to the Spirit Swamp! There, you will find Toph, the Earth-Bender who trained me! And the worst Thing is: When the Trailers came out, I made a Joke about this! Luke: "A thousand Generations live in you now. Let me introduce you to them: That's Obi-Wan Kenobi," Obi-Wan: "Hello there." Luke: "Grandmaster Yoda," Yoda: "Older and older these Padawan get. Ridiculous by not it is!" Rey: "But you said you would never train another Generation of Jedi again!" Luke: "I don't. That's what they are for. I told you the Truth....from a certain point of view...." Qui-Gon: "You trained this one well, Master Kenobi." Obi-Wan: "I had a very good Teacher." And now they all came back in the Movie! What is this I don't even!
Did Rob not see the final 20 minutes of the last jedi when we literally had nothing new to work except for "bad guy sith tries to kill the last jedi and the good guys"?. What the hell, does he really think that Rian executed those "NEW" Ideas well? Or does he gives him points for trying? What kind of arguments is he making?!? And the mary sue thing, i'm sorry but if you can clap when a perfect character does perfect things with one of the blandest character arcs in cinema history, that's your problem. A Mary sue is not only bad bc it is "too powerful", it's bad bc it's not a real character, is bland, is a plot mecanism, Rey has literally 0 genuine motivation for 80% of this trilogy, she's caring, awesome, helpful, and can do anything the plot ask her to do, but the films just bait her arc with "hey your parents are important... I guess" give me a break, i cannot believe you actually use filmaking arguments to criticize TROS, but you cannot see how rey is an embarrasingly written character.
I disagree. Rey is a good character. Why can't her motivation be she just wants to help people? Her very first scene of her interacting with somebody is her going out of her way to rescue BB-8, a droid. Most people wouldn't care about a droid, she does. That's her primary motivation, she wants to help people. Her finding out her parents is secondary, and shouldn't matter. But no, JJ somehow thought her being related to Palpatine was necessary.
@@GeneralKenobi75 She's always utterly selfless... That's exactly abstract, a common mary sue trait. There's no fundation, she's only a selfless god. Unlike a pure hero like Superman for instance that develops his care for people.
@@v-set5721 Superman cares for people unconditionally, just like Rey. And Rey cares for people because she knows what its like to be all alone without anyone to care for you. You don't need to be a Mary Sue to be utterly selfless. Superman doesn't need development for him to become a caring person because, story wise, he already is. We know why he became so caring because of who raised him. There really isn't much difference between why Superman cares for people and why Rey does other than their upbringing. They're just good people. I'm really sick of this Mary Sue complaint about Rey.
@@GeneralKenobi75 No superman learns to care for people, there's a difference. Rey just cares for people by default. Nonono, we don't have any reason to believe that rey would instantly care to fight a war bc she helped one droid one time. And again, superman watches the difference in power that he has for the humans, and he learns to protect them, from his parents, from his experiences, etc, there's a loot to him. I don't care that you're sick of it, rey's motivation is not clear at all, she literally is looking for meaning all the time, she just helps people when the plot needs her to, literally not going to fight and protect her friends in episode 8 and 9 even tho the plot gives her all the power that she could ever need (talking about when she just casually lets luke take a sweet time to train her and when in 9 she's alone letting her friends put themselves at risk). Sorry, rey is just a really badly done character. Her sporadic selflesness is all that there's to her, and her parents.
@@GeneralKenobi75 Oh and the part when she, being the selfless god that she is, just shames finn for running away, then she runs away to get captured by kylo, great xD
I think Rey is Mary Sue, but I don't think that because she's a nobody she's a Mary Sue cuz only bloodline people can be strong in the force. I think she's a Mary Sue because she's over-powered and her journey is just not well done. Everyone is always like, "Luke is OP and could use his powers right away." Yeah but they weren't really very controlled, and it was just raw talent mostly uncontrolled. Somehow a strange girl no one knows nothing about who has never used the force, not only has understandable raw power but can control it as if she had been training for years. I don't know, I just find her annoying as a character. I personally don't think she's a good female hero. But that's just my opinion.
But Luke couldn’t use it right away. The first time we see any inkling of Luke using the Force was during the flight to Alderaan where Obi-Wan was giving him lessons and then after that was him listening to Obi-Wan telling him to just let the Force guide his intuition aiming his shot.
@@MichaelAarons1701 I don't really think Luke was able to use it right away, but that's something some people have said to me to defend Rey being overpowered. That Luke was also OP. Which I've never thought he was really.
Let's also not forget how many times Luke had to get his rear end bailed out. He couldn't fight off the Sand People, or the thugs at Mos Eisley Cantina. The sewer monster in the Desth Star nearly killed him until they turned on the trash compactor. Both Wedge and Han saved him at the Death Star battle. Then in Empire, Han saved him from freezing to death on Hoth. Luke failed several tests on Dagobah. Then he left his training early and lost the duel with Vader, and needed to be saved by Leia and Lando. We finally see an OP Luke, but that's after years have passed and we were on the third movie. And even then, he was no match for the Emperor. Rey had no such arc. It's one trial and failure, followed by success.
In the first movie, Rey never used the Force until Kylo made that mental connection with her. It suggested that maybe all her powers came from him. If they'd gone with that, it would have been a lot more believable.
Rob: They didn't have to explain why Rey was good with the force. Me: I don't agree but fair enough. Rob: Why did Leia know how to use the force? Me: Pick a lane Rob!
demon2441 Why did Leia know how to use the Force? Um, she was her brother? Didn’t they cover that in this movie? I swear that they did. Though all my old extended universe / legends knowledge does sometimes get in my way. Also given the fact that Rey was old enough to remember her parents leaving, she probably had some amount of early childhood training in her force powers as well. Far more than Luke did since all Obi Wan could do was hang out on the other side of the desert from him.
@@MungkaeX Riiiiight... but se the ting is, things that are not happening on screen or told by characters in film, are filed under: Fanfiction You alowed to have alle you silly explanations that totally explains everything, but aint gonna chnage the fact that bad writing was bad. I mean at this point fans of the new films sounds like partners in abusive relationship who constantly have to invent reason to justify why its was okay they got hit, and why they properly also deserved it. instead of just accepting that things are bad.
Why do they have to explain why Rey is good with the Force? The Force manifests randomly. Yes, you can be strong in it if your parents were strong. That can be passed on. But most of the time it just is a roll of the dice. All those Jedi and Sith, all are just the products of the Force just showing up. We don't need an explanation for Rey, she's just a natural like so many others.
27:27 The best part of this video. I freakin lost it when Chewie got his medal at the last minute of the movie since he didn’t get one in “A New Hope.”
@Joshua Munn I doubt it. It's like someone sh!tting all over your rug and then someone else tossing sand over it. Well, they 'dealt' with that mess, but it's still a mess.
Doug...Rob...I was that fan who was moved by Chewie getting the medal. That was one of the few fan service moments I really wanted. Somehow it was one of the only things that moved me emotionally at all. The only other one was seeing Wedge (my favorite and most underused Star Wars character) in the final battle. Of all the emotional moments in the movies that were meant to be really emotional, they only got me with Chewie's Medal and seeing Wedge Antilles! I don't understand myself anymore. P.S. Also did anyone else call the Ewok sighting at the end of the movies. I told my friends that I would hate this movie by default if they show an Ewok in the aftermath. So close!
1:53 well she is other people have been good with the force but not like that and shes good/the best at everything she does thats kinda the book definition
I agree with Rob about the fans. All the toxic fans didn’t want anything to change when they saw TLJ and what did Disney do? They listen and now the rise of skywalker is full of fan service. Literally the last Jedi was basically a movie for the critics and the rise of skywalker is for the fans.
Rob seems to be purposefully misrepresenting what people don't like about Rey and the mary sue argument. He seems to take the stance of "anyone who doesn't like Rey is just a blind fanboy" stance that the critics took. That's a stance of someone who doesn't know or want to know why people are making those arguments. It's someone who already has a mindset about people he disagrees with and will use as a convenient scapegoat to label others. The ONLY reason people were wondering about Rey's parents and why people were pissed when TLJ just brushed it aside was because TFA MADE REY'S PARENTS A MAJOR CHARACTER POINT. Had TFA not brought up Rey's parents no one cared. Also, cool people know about Jedi mind tricks. Are you honestly making the idiotic argument that because someone knows about a thing they can instantly do it with absolutely no training? I know that people can do backflips on motorcycles over a riven. By your logic I should be able to just do it right? I've never ridden a motorcycle, done a backflip, or jumped a riven but hey I heard about it so I can just do it. Star Wars, even the dogshit prequels, made it extremely clear that no matter how sensitive you are to the force experience and training will ALWAYS outclass natural talent. What happened when Luke fought Vader when he wasn't ready? Arm got cut off. What happened when Anakin fought Duku? Arm cut off. What happened when he faced Obi-Wan? Limbs cut off and burned alive. These two were "chosen ones" yet they got their ass handed to them when they didn't have enough training and experience in the force. Name me one moment when Rey lost to Kylo in a one on one battle.
During their only serious fight they are barely on equal footing and he's nursing a shot from Chewie's bowcaster-thing that is shown to usually kill people on the spot. How about that?
@@spiderlily723 Yet she still beats him. That's not an example of her losing to him. That's an example of how broken she was from the jump. Had she lost that it would have made Kylo's a much greater threat than ever. He beat her despite the injury. Making us question how on earth she's going to beat him when he's that powerful while injured.
@bigevilworldwide1 What are you even arguing here? Yes, Rob is misrepresenting the arguments being made. He doesn't actually address the arguments but put up strawmen in the hopes of knocking those down. He takes the stance of someone who just wants to paint tons people a certain way. Same with what you're doing here. Trying to scapegoat people to put them in a box because they don't like your favorite movie.
Ricky Williams You sir are exactly right, and I could not have possibly said it better myself. Rob has fallen for the lies of the critics. Rey is a Mary Sue. I love female Jedi. Bastila? Aayla Secura? I could name all manner of female Jedi I’m fans of who most people never even heard of. This isn’t a sexism thing as so many people - particularly political Hollywood critics - claim. Rey is simply, objectively, a Mary Sue. And no, Luke is not. Period. At LEAST having Rey be Palpatine’s descendant finally does SOMETHING to explain where her overwhelming power comes from. I’d rather it have been something not lineage related; some sort of freak occurrence in the force, but Rian Johnson just threw ALL OF those possibilities out in The Last Jedi. Which is why The Last Jedi is the worst film in the ENTIRE series, hands down. So many plot holes. So much that contradicts things we know from past films - even episode 7. Abrams came in and KNEW he had to fix the mess Rian Johnson made. It’s a shame he couldn’t come up with something better than Rey being a Palpatine, but for the love of God, at least Abrams made an ATTEMPT and gave us SOMETHING to explain Rey’s power, thereby, finally, making her a bit less of a Mary Sue. He may have single handedly salvaged her character in this movie. I’ll reserve my judgment on that until I’ve seen the film though and had time to think on it.
Obviously said one person minimum. That being said, TLJ had a couple of good things but overall was was bad overall especially the hardcore jokey nature of it. It was like it couldn't decide if it wanted to be the Avengers or Star Wars so it tried to have a baby and that baby was just too inbred to survive on it's own.
@SmashStomp_Inc I disagree, I prefer the original extended universe every day of the week, but they (sequel trilogy) ranged from bad to ok/inoffensive. We just have a higher expectation for our content as a fan base.
Her being palpatines granddaughter would work had they set it up as sucklh but this entire thing was nothing but a thrown tpgether peice of shit that should've never made it off of the drawing board
The whole Rey being Palpatine's granddaughter thing would have been a great concept if it had been introduced in Episode VII. Have the likes of Han and Leia discover Rey is a descendent of Palpatine and refuse to fully trust Rey throughout Episode VII until she destroys Starkiller Base. Then at the end if episode, after both the audience and the cast are convinced that Rey is truly in the path of the Jedi, have Palpatine's voice call out across the Galaxy to try, that way when we start Episode IX, we're actually caring about Rey could do.
I think there were some subtle hints in TFA, the problem was that for a twist like that you need to build upon it in the second part for the third part reveal to be a payoff. We didn't get that additional buildup and instead got a fake out.
So that was a random medal? I definitely thought that was Han's old medal. I thought she gave it to him like as something to remember him by. I mean.. this is kinda late but still.
The movies took place in a span of a few days, litteraly. Rey went from being a lonely scavenger maiden to a ressucitating semi-god and light saber master in that VERY VERY limited amount of time. She had no training, no stake in the fight, no way to know how to pilot things... Even the most powerful jedi need training. ALL of them did. If that's not a mary-sue, what is ? Get your head out of your rear-end, Rob.
Yeah, it kept bothering me how he kept mocking people saying "Mary Sue" There's no hero's journey and a ton of reward for very little investment, struggle, sacrifice. Finn was a more worthy hero in the first movie because he had established training, had a personal risk and stake, had an explicit conflict, and stepped up in a critical time, he hits a lot of the marks that at least make him "Worthy" Rey felt like they forgot to write for her, or that Rey and Finn were the same character at one point and was split into two, Finn getting all the beats and Rey just getting the "Familiar sand planet dweller" label.
The thing that gets me is that in the comics Chewie already had been given a medal. Only thing I can think is that it was Han's medal that she was giving to Chewbacca as another keepsake but I really doubt that's actually the case.
Rey's parents were nobody... from a certain point of view.
"dey chose to BE nobodies... to PROTECT YUUOUOU!1!" -Kylo Ren, 2019
a certain point of view?
My take on it from when that was first announced; it wouldn’t have mattered if her parents were Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. From Kylo Ren’s perspective everyone in the universe is a nobody.
They sold her to save her? That's like Obi-Wan selling Luke to his uncle. That's dumb.
Robot chicken Star Wars was a better ending ...from a certain point of view
Palpatine Banged?: A Star Wars Story
coming to Disney plus this Valentines Day
I'd watch that.
"Tale as old as time, True as it can be, Beauty and the beast"
Ron Petersen Is Palpatine the Beauty? 😂
Star wars xxx the rise of palpatine
Mats F. 😂 I was gonna say great double entendre but I think you actually made a TRIPLE entendre!
When Chewie "died" I was like "Finally, somethings happening"
Then 2 mins later they brought him back
This movie didnt had any weight
C3PO - memory lost - no, its back
This true! I just watched the movie tonight, and, even though I liked it, there was time spent on drama with Chewie and C3PO that kind of amounted to nothing.
"B-But no! We've got all these Star Destroyers see?? Thousands of 'em! And all of them got deathstars on 'em! Stakes have never been higher! I'm cool!"
The more I think about the Sith wayfinder, the worse it gets. C-3PO says he knows where the wayfinder is after reading the dagger - can't he just fly them there himself?
This movie proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that this trilogy wasn’t planned out at all
Matthew Heywood if a movie isn’t well planned out, it should at least be well hidden, like Iron Man
K Ren 8 left them with no where to go though. I agree it’s much better than rise of skywalker but it’s a horrible second movie it set up nothing and built off of nothing . It be a great stand alone or final movie but when you gloss over or say it’s unimportant everything the first one did you leave nothing for a third to do.
Matthew Heywood Well not exactly. JJ apparently had a plan in place, but it was thrown away when Last Jedi was filming Johnson scrapped JJ’s script because of reactions to The Force Awakens.
Jfighter 11 the reaction to the force awakens was nothing but positive what are you talking about ? The negative reactions started after the last Jedi
Matthew Heywood Well not exactly. Yes at first the reactions were extremely positive and for good reason. I still think Force Awakens was a great film. A few months later though right around the time it came out on DVD was when people started throwing around the invalid and nit picky criticisms of Force Awakens. That’s exactly why Last Jedi was so different and why Rise of Skywalker was so focused on pandering to everyone. While Force Awakens has mostly positive reactions a small yet vocal portion of the fan base eventually started talking about it being a rip off of A New Hope. Because of this Last Jedi was very focused on being different. Reactions to that was split right down the middle causing them to pander to everybody they possibly could in Skywalker.
Unpopular opinion: Return of the Jedi was my favorite of the Original Trilogy, and Luke’s resolution with Vader was darkly poetic.
Not that it needs to be repeated FOREVER
Same here. I like The Empire Strikes Back, but Return of the Jedi holds a much more special place in my heart.
I 100% agree.
Agreed, and my other favorite movie is Revenge Of The Sith. Those two are my favorites. 💜
Most people seem to agree that the stuff with Luke Vader and Palpatine is the best in the series and the Ewoks and Jaba lower the films class a little.
I think ROTJ is my second favorite, just behind ESB
The problem with this sequel trilogy is that they were clearly making it up as they went. They should have had a plan for the sequel trilogy''s story from the beginning, like how JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books knowing the whole story from the beginning.
A simple case of too many cooks in the cinematic kitchen, too, I feel.
I agree the plot could've used a bit more polishing before they filmed it and a lot of cuts/alterations were needed to make the story more coherent. I see what they were going for though trying to make it more original not to fit into a boring mold as the previous films. Execution wise this worked for a couple of scenes, but they failed at some points to explain so of the major holes in the plot. Namely the return of Palpatine, Who Rey's parents were, The whole connection that allowed Ben and Rey to transfer objects and fight each other through the force?! , How they managed to build that many ships in secret without anyone noticing ?!, Why Kylo Ren repaired his mask?!, Who trained the Sith troopers?!
And they ditched the one guy who had a plan because it wasn’t what they wanted and/or what they thought the fans wanted. Unless they intend to give us Lucas’ VII-IX at some point in the near future, Star Wars needs to die.
This takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. So Palpatine might have come back as Voldemort.
The first thing she did was rip off the OT. I could tell you all the parallels, but just think about them. And even then Harry being an accidental horcrux is complete shite.
You know long ago, back when Force Awakens came out, my friends and I where speculating about why Rei is so good with the force. One of my friends said she could be like Obi Wan, and just be very proficient at it. I said jokingly, "Maybe she is Palpatines illegitimate daughter who has been in cryo sleep until recently and has force implanted memories".
I can't believe I was kinda right after all these years.
You shouldn't be to surprised. You said something really lazy and stupid. That is exactly what Disney lives on.
Remember when Phasma existed? Seems like a memory, idk...
remember when it felt like the sequel trilogy was at least *trying* to be a continuation with parallels, as opposed to just rehashing shit we've already seen in every previous installment?
Yeah she's the one character who died and actually stayed dead after the second time. In all honesty, with she's actually pretty interesting character when you consider the book.
She was completely mis used also. A big bad that caves and shuts down things down and betray her commrads?
KingRandor82 Really only The Force Awakens had that specific problem
She's the Boba Fett
"I'm afraid the pizza oven will be quite operational" - Chuck E. Cheese Palpatine
But their pizza sucks
Doug legitimately laughing about the medal is hilarious. The way it dawn on him when Rob told him.
That we got to see his live, unfiltered reaction is a gem.
Mr.Plinket, many years ago:
" *Palpatine's behind it all!* "
Star Wars ep.9, (now-ish):
*Sweats nervously...*
Me: "You're already dead."
Amani Palpatine: I am the Franchise!!
@@juanfranciscovillarroelthu6876 story wise you've been dead since Return of the Jedi so that fits.
So she was proud that her parents were strong and kept her save. And after that changed her name to Skywalker. That was a big middle finger to her parents!
Dicky Liu No, I'm pretty sure Rey probably don't want to say her last name is Palpatine to that old woman since we know Sheev Palpatine is the reason brought the Separatists and Galactic Empire to the war and plus, she did went back to Ach-To so that she was trying to go exile herself like Luke because she didn't like to hear she's a Palpatine. If she said her real last name to that old woman, Rey would possibly get known she's related to the former Emperor of the Galaxy.
Matthew Kelly Maybe you’re right. If after the WW2 you told someone in Paris that your last name was hitler, I don’t think that was a good idea.
@@DigiPen92 But the point is that why does she need to call herself skywalker? And since when Starwars are so keen about family names? Since when? I was hoping she will say "just Rey". That will be fine cause she will not take the risk to ruin the honor of Skywalker as in ruin the "legacy"
Takano Kaiyu Luke did told to Rey that she shouldn't get desperate on the Bloodlines since that was bothering Luke with Vader revealing himself as Luke's father and Ben Solo turned to the Dark side, because he made a mistake like a human being. Besides that, the Jedi Order have rules for any Jedi that they shouldn't focused on having families like attachments and love as well, this maybe why Luke as a Force Ghost realize his mistakes that he keeps thinking the Bloodlines went to his head. I think Rey probably did asked Luke or Leia off screen about using if she was ok using the Skywalker name and not use her last name is a good idea (possibly sometime after The First Order fell and before went to the Lars' homestead) since there's definitely a lot of people in the Galaxy definitely had a grudge against Sheev Palpatine in the past.
@@DigiPen92 That is true but she is not part of the skywalker family and I felt weird about it.
The moment the light bulb went off and Doug realized what the medal meant might have been one of the best scenes of any ROS reviews.
Where in the this video did the light bulb went off?
Is nobody going to acknowledge that Palpatine said “Do it!” again
and also "The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural".
@@Bothandle70 And yet neither were as good as the first time
For the fans.
“Welcome to Chuck-E-Sheev’s! Our pizza is palpable...”
"The Hawaiin Side of the menu is a pathway to many toppings that some would consider... unnatural."
Is it possible to learn this recipe?
@@mystery8820 not from domino's
He became so successful, the only thing he was afraid of was... losing his touch, which eventually, of course, he did.
Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then that apprentice sold the brand to a corporation.
Ironic, he could save others from debt... but not himself.
Chuck E. Cheese Palpatine Animatronic: UNLIMITED TOPPINGS!!!!!!
Order 66...for EXTRA Pepperoni!
Mediocre Media thank both of you for making me feel not that bad with a fever of 102
Have fun. Do it!
Palpatine’s signature pizza should include pineapple, anchovies, mayonnaise, and many other toppings some would consider... unnatural.
If Ray was powerful but not good at the force would be great. But she is powerful and great with no training. That is what people are mad at. If she was related to someone you could badly explain her talent. No one wanted her perfect in the first place.
The thing people loved about the original Star Wars was its Progression Through Struggle. Luke was a brash, whiny, impulsive kid who acted on his emotions and paid the price for those choices. Over the course of the movies you see him develop patience and mature and by the end of the 3rd movie, he's a completely different person than he was in the 1st. He wasn't just powerful, he was intelligent, calm, understanding, compassionate and didn't let his emotions get the better of him even when or if, it was the easy path.
Ray never develops as a person. She ends exactly the way she started, just more powerful but with little to no explanation. That's not a character, that's just power personified and no human can relate to that idea. She didn't train, didn't struggle, didn't learn from her mistakes because she never made any mistakes at all. She was born/created to be perfect and that's boring.
No but its OK because Princess Leia is also a Jedi Master who is implied to be even better than Luke in spite of not undergoing the training or hardship that he did in Episodes IV-VI so it's alright, just consume product and buy merch.
@@MrDioXIII No, Leia Poppins wasn't ok
Anyone think that Ian McDiarmuid still nailed his performance?
Regardless of how silly his character was written in this?
Agreed. I can tell he’s having a ton of fun in bringing his character to life.
Also agreed. I loved him in all his Star Wars movies, even the prequels.
Sure, I guess. Not like they asked him to stretch on this one, it wasn't much more than a voice-acting role. He could have done it in his sleep. I don't want to sound negative, it's just that compared to his turns in Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, and Revenge of the Sith, there just wasn't much for him to chew on.
Well yeah that's a given
He's great, but bringing back the character in a last ditch effort like this was terrible.
This trilogy is like the prequels in reverse where instead of getting better they just kinda get worse.
I'd say phantom menace is better than attack of the clones. At least it had Darth Maul
Cometmoon448 Attack of the Clones is my least favorite of all of them.
Fair point. But idk last jedi was pretty bad. But I think most agree episode 7 was the best of the 3
There was nothing to screw up yet in TFA... and it still screwed up a good bit but clearly not as much as the next two
lol classic The Prequels are awesome all of them
Everyone is making a huge deal of, "Who would sleep with Palpatine?" As if that's some shocking revelation. He's an emperor. A Henry Kissinger says, "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac", and even if it isn't, there are plenty people who would sleep with a hideous dictator to advance their position in the world.
exactly. Hideous or not, the idea that the supreme leader of most of the galaxy would be a virgin is rather laughable. I doubt he forge a meaningful relationship, had a wife, etc., but having sex, knocking up a concubine, or a random woman, or, heck, raping someone using his power? I could see it. Heck, the woman could have run with the child to use him as a political tool against Palpatine for all we know!
@@mentaya11 And even without it, a Sith EMPEROR running a whole galaxy has TONS of options for how to incubate or gestate offspring, whether the traditional way or not.
Sibling Rivalry, Disneycember AND a clipless Nostalgia Critic review on Rise of Skywalker, I’m predicting Doug’s going for the whole enchilada.
"I've got a bad feeling about this."
Is it?
Also. Surprised no come upence for Benicio del toros chsrscter.
@@Dfturcott DJ DIDN'T EXIST!
I'm waiting for the Collector and the Grand-master to appear in Guardians Vol 3
I hate it when someone addresses the character played by an actor but doesn’t address the character by name. Are they (the characters) that forgettable?
They likely took ideas from fan theories because it had no direction from the beginning.
omg your right 100%
Because that what exactly what they did XD
You know, I didn't even think about that but that you mention it it makes complete sense.
@@theconservatardedshitlib2697 agreed
I wouldnt have believed that until recently, its been revealed that disney is stealing a lot of fan art and using it in the comics and even promo art. But now. It does seem like a lot of this plot is shit folk were talking about 4-5 years ago.
I'm not sure what Rob's going on about Rian Johnson setting up going beyond the standard tropes. He had a chance, but in the end the good guy choose light, the bad guy got angry, the evil army was defeated, and the main character was more powerful than ever. For the middle of a trilogy, it played out like the end of one, leaving JJ with nowhere to go. That's why we got the film we got.
They just have the same round heads so he has to defend him.
gee it's almost like there was never a plan made by the guy that's famous for using mystery boxes with no answers. it's almost like somebody shouldn't have given Johnson the keys to the kingdom and let him just do whatever the fuck with no body to rangle him in.
Did Rob forget all the dumb pandering Rian Johnson did like on that Anti-Capitalism soap box Casino planet or how Finn was turned into a punchline and Rose crashing into him during the climax because "Fighting for love will save us" or how Rian Johnson just tossed all the stuff JJ Abrams set up in Force Awakens over his shoulder so HE could set up HIS story arcs for Rey, Kylo, etc.
The spirit is there. At least before last 30 minutes of the film. Yeah, I agree that for middle part it feels like end of one. We should switch directors around so JJ makes the first 2 and Ryan finishes them.
Also, its try to go beyond Jedi vs Sith thing, not Good vs Evil. Basically, you don't need a background of jedi vs sith in a battle between rebel vs empire or at least the Empire should not always be associated with Sith. Stupid execution, but the spirit is there.
@@ArchusKanzaki or just get better people for the job. that was an option too.
Parts of the movie I liked:
-The opening. Kylo Ren killing a bunch of people, finding the pathfinder, going to the temple on Exegol, and the creepy reveal of Palpatine. A little campy, sure, and the bottled Snokes irritated me, but the opening actually intrigued me and made me interested in where the movie was going.
-Chewie's reaction to Leia's death. That was probably the only scene in the movie the got an emotional reaction out of me. It was really hard to watch, but in a good way. Poor guy lost all his best friends.
-Han Solo's conversation with Kylo Ren. I wasn't expecting it at all and it really worked for Ren's character development. I liked Ren's redemption arc generally speaking.
-The only point of the movie where I cheered was when Wedge showed up.
-The scene with Luke and Leia training. Wish we could have had a little more of that, or at least more references to the fact that Leia actually studied the Force.
-Not gonna lie, I was happy Chewie got his medal.
-Hearing the voices of the Jedi Past.
Parts I didn't like:
-Bickering. CONSTANT bickering between the main characters.
-Kylo Ren and Rey's Force connection, where they are apparently able to pass objects to each other and have lightsaber fights while being miles (or lightyears) apart, was confusing to me.
-Rey floating cross-legged in the forest with rings of rocks around her, looking like the fucking Avatar.
-The fake-out deaths (literally "Disney deaths"). We're in the final act now. Feel free to raise the stakes and make sacrifices. The final battle didn't feel as impactful because it didn't feel like there was a chance of loss, or losses to make meaningful.
-The X-Wing still flies after being underwater for years. Ok.
-There were too many extra characters that were getting shoehorned in, and there wasn't enough time to develop any of them or make us care. They bogged the movie down, and prevented it from fully developing its principal characters.
-Emperor Palpatine basically has the Katana Fleet. With Death Star lasers. Ok. Where did he get the resources? How come no one knew about this? Who are all these people following him? If he was the man behind Snoke (whom this movie establishes was a completely pointless character) and Snoke was the one forging the Force connection between Kylo and Rey, why to Kylo and Rey still have it seemingly without his influence? AND it's stronger? I have so many questions. Because he got thrown in as the villain last minute, there's no buildup or reason to feel truly threatened by him, either. Up until this movie, the audience assumed he was dead.
-Speaking of which, having Rey face off against Palpatine spits in the face of Anakin's arc throughout the first six movies. He was the Chosen One who was supposed to bring balance to the Force. He eventually did. The whole point of those films was his rise, fall, redemption and fulfillment of his destiny. But now they've undone that by bringing Palpatine back and having Rey kill him. Anakin was supposed to have ushered in a new era for the Force, and I really wish these films had run with that instead of digging up an old problem that was supposed to have been solved already.
-I know Force-healing is something that has been referenced in other Star Wars media, but like all other Force techniques requires practice, especially for healing mortal wounds. Rey knows how to do it after working with Leia for a year. And it's not even referenced that that was something they were working on together, or that Leia even knew how to do in the first place. Then again, Leia can fly in space. And there are the sacred texts that Rey has. But, it's still hard to believe that she knows how to do it after so little training. And more importantly, how does BEN know how to do it with NO training? He didn't just heal Rey, he BROUGHT HER BACK FROM THE DEAD.
-Hux is suddenly a turncoat, and then is suddenly dead.
-The Resistence needs help fending off the First Order fleet at the Battle of Crait? Nobody comes to aid them. The handful of surviving Resistence members want to charge headfirst into battle over a scary Sith planet in the Unknown regions where the late Emeperor is still alive and has the Death Star Dark Force ready for battle? Everyone and their mother shows up. Because Lando said please, I guess. Or bribed them, I don't know.
Also, where the Hell is the republic Army?!?
You can't tell me all their Forces were on those five Planets.
Why is Rey a Mary Sue? Because she's OP af with no training? Partly, but that's not all it takes to be a Mary Sue.
Is it because she takes literally no damage and suffers literally zero major losses, winning every major battle she's ever been involved in? Again, that's partly why, but that's also not the whole reason.
Is it because she has no personality or social flaws that cause her problems which she needs to overcome? Again, partly, but not entirely.
It is all of these things in combination which make her a Mary Sue.
Rey is OP with no training and extremely talented at countless skills with little to no explanation. She overcomes every major obstacle she faces with very little difficulty and resulting in virtually no damage or losses of any kind for her. And she is naturally a good and virtuous person with no social or personality flaws to speak of.
Luke? He was a whiny, glory-seeking, impulsive, bleeding heart farm boy who had to learn to be more mature and sensible and cautious. He nearly froze to death and needed severe medical treatment for those injuries. And he lost an arm, requiring a robotic replacement. Not to mention nearly being Force Lightninged to death, only being saved by Daarth Vader at the last second.
Anakin? He was a power hungry, selfish, over emotional, vengeful person who never overcame his personality flaws at all, hence why he became a villain. He lost both his arms and his legs, burned off the top layer of his skin, and was forced to wear a special suit to keep him alive. Then, he was killed by Force Lightning.
All three of these people were OP right out of the gate. But only one of them was a Mary Sue. Can you guess which one?
Underrated post.
@J&N Gaming and More! the other two died died .w.
The lady one? Pretty sure the other two can't be Mary Sues because they are dudes.
The concept of a "Mary Sue" originated from a joke character named "Mary Sue" in a Star Trek parody fanfiction.
The concept itself is not exclusive to female characters.
@@Lady_de_Lis Thank you, officer.
2:09 Dude Rey is a Mary Sue like I don’t care who she’s related to but being perfect at everything and having no flaws makes your character boring we wanted to like Rey. But instead of doing what they did with Luke which was give him flaws, giving him a personality, instead we get a character who can not only use the Jedi mind trick, pull and push with the force, but she can pilot any ship in the galaxy giving us scenes where Rey knows how to fly the Millennium Falcon better than fucking Han Solo. Also defeat a sith lord who has harnessed the power of the force in lightsaber combat, when she herself had never even picked up a lightsaber. Come on Rob you cannot be serious.
Oh, he's serious. He doesn't care about narrative consistency or internal logic.
@@satireknight Luke never got any good until Return of the Jedi. Rey starts out at Return of the Jedi level. Does Rob not know that the Original Trilogy took place over many years whereas episodes 7 & 8 take place over just a few days?
I swear, Rey has brought up the fact that so many people do not really know what the term Mary Sue actually means.
NO, it doesn't mean somebody is over powered.
Shin Seiki Evan exactly
@Albert Patrick, I assume you mean Daisy Ridley, Rey is the character she portrays. Mary Sue means someone is naturally gifted at everything with no discernible effort, failures, or negative traits, and loved by everyone immediately. What was your point?
We had the OT and the PT that hammered over our heads that one can be strong with the Force, but still needs training to accomplish all those things you see on screen. The Disney trilogy completely eschewed the need of it, and that always rubbed the wrong way. Luke couldn't just beat Vader. Padawan Anakin had no chance against Dooku, etc. It's like Rey was born with the cheat codes entered.
Well no. The force is intuitive. In order to use it CONSISTENTLY and have PROPER CONTROL one needs training. That isn't eschewed at all in the sequels. If it were Rey wouldn't need ANY training.
@@unvoicedapollo3318 With respect that The Rise of Skywalker probably adds additional explanation, Rian Johnson's interpretation was that everything with the Force Rey could do in TFA was done with no training whatsoever, including Jedi mind tricks, levitating and pulling objects, etc. That's why a lot of fans did not like TLJ, because Rian Johnson's answer was that Rey was some nobody and some random kid could just use the Force to grab his broom without any sort of coaching. Considering how hard it was for a non-trained person to move a huge object like an X-Wing stuck in a Dagobah swamp, or a large pillar that was pinning Obi-Wan and Anakin (or something like that, I don't remember the scene in AotC that well), Johnson's interpretation is in direct contrast of Lucas'.
@@mrmacross I didn't get that at all from Rian's interpretation. In fact I don't believe he ever directly addresses it beyond Luke stating Rey at raw power. But that doesn't mean she could consistently access the powers without training.
The scene with the broom was about hope spreading through the galaxy. Geez fans are literal...almost as if they deal in absolutes...🤔
@@unvoicedapollo3318 I respectfully disagree. TFA seemingly set up a lot of questions about Rey and why she was so talented in the Force, and TLJ doesn't really try to answer any of them other than saying that's the way it is. I guess, yeah, training could've helped her find answers, but as far as being adept in the Force, TLJ made it seem like training was pretty optional. The first six episodes made it a much bigger point about how important training was than TLJ did, which is part of the reason why a lot of fans were dissatisfied and why Rise of Skywalker is infamously "rude" to Rian Johnson.
TLJ *tells* us that Rey needs to train to focus her powers and all that, but the movie doesn't *show* it to be the case.
@@mrmacross it does show us that or why even hang around after dropping off the lightsaber?
2:55 Anakin had to be trained into his adult years. Rey learned about the force and beat Kylo, Luke, and several of the Praetorian guards within a few days. After all this time, I don't get why people think it's so crazy to call Rey a Mary Sue.
Rob mischaracterizing the criticism of TLJ is really frustrating. He takes so many jabs and yet doesn't address any of it.
23:50 Moving things with the force can be seen as an application of grabbing, which Vader did to that one guy in A New Hope. Also, if there are certain limitations on it, it doesn't break the story... unlike force ghosts being able to call down fucking lightning and interact with things in general.
Sorry, remind me what 10-year old kid won the first pod race he ever finished? Yeah, that's what I thought.
@@spiderlily723 If you think that's a logical equivalent, then you're going to have to think harder.
First race he'd finished, not first time he'd raced. So we can assume that he already knows how to fly. Second, most of the reason he can't finish is because Sebulba is cheating. That's in the plot, so you can't pretend it's speculation.
You might have a bit of a point if you mention him blowing up the droid control ship. In the future you should try that for defending your poorly written character.
@@spiderlily723 I'd have to take a look at the full context of that race to know if it's problematic. I remember episode I being full of stupid shit in general (Jar Jar infamously bullshits his way to virctory), which people seem to agree on, strangely, but ignore in TLJ.
@@simpleanswer8954 And even then pointing that out would just be pointing out a new problem, not addressing the current one.
You mean like when he says Watto knew about the Jedi mind trick in an age when thousands of Jedi were running around the galaxy and had been for centuries, and thinks that is somehow comparable to someone instantly emulating Jedi abilities when they were thought to have been wiped out a decade or two before she was born. Context matters, unless you really are a turn your brain off person (referring to Rob).
Kylo build his helmet back together, wore it once and then never again...
"I would not have redeemed him!"
Literally wrote a fan fic last week that redeemed him.
Richard Short you’ve probably helped make these movies make more sense
I don’t know, perhaps it’s cause I’m old and read way too much; but I’ve been saying since walking out of the theater for episode 7 that this whole trilogy was going to boil down to Ben’s redemption arc.
I don't like 'Last Jedi', and I don't like 'Rise of Skywalker', but my friend is somehow acting like I'm a villain for not liking 2 movies that was really frustrating to watch.
If you enjoyed it, great for you. The love that grabbed hold of your 'very soul' (sic) when you watched 'Empire strikes back' wasn't 'dimmed', etc etc. But I really didn't like what I dislike. Can we not fight over it?
Who you fightin?
@@kristavaillancourt6313 My friend from work.
Benjamin David
That’s fair man. You didn’t enjoy those films. Doesn’t mean you think others shouldn’t...
I loved TFA, thought TLJ was just okay, but TROS felt like an opportunity lost.
@@stormtraitor6545 I know, right? If you liked it, it's good for you. That means you continue to enjoy something from your childhood, which I wish I could. But how am I some sort of a bad person for disliking what I thought were a couple of frustrating follow ups to a solid original trilogy?
The only people I’m taking down are the hypocrites who say this movie is terrible (which it is), but then defend Last Jedi. When that movie caused this entire mess in the first place. Can’t excuse one and hate the other for the exact same thing.
Rob saying Rian Johnson was trying to move beyond Good Vs Evil like the third act of the movie didn't exist.
Or how Rian Johnson wasted a whole half hour to lecture us about capitalism, war, and why rich people are evil.
Were basically back to the status quo of an evil empire vs a small rebellion luke even said "the rebellion is reborn " doesnt sound like moving forward.
Adam McLeod The third act where Kylo completely disregards the goals of the first order to get personal revenge?
Kylo letting his anger and thirst for revenge take control is a very Sith way of thinking.
@@Yeti_Sign Really? I'm pretty sure with the way Palpatine takes control when idiots lose control of their anger; it's very much NOT a Sith way of thinking. Sith USE their anger and hatred to draw upon more force power, they are not slaves to their anger.
Of course, Kylo's whole angry bit, is just, "Look, men bad, men toxic, men angry, men stupid, because penis." It's also why Rian Johnson never set anything up; he was just writing feminist propaganda, that along the way he accidentally managed to write something that may have looked like setting something up, that's just him getting lucky. After all, he had General Problem Hair fly her ship into the First Orders in a suicide dive bomb, and not five minutes later when Finn tried to do the exact same thing for the exact same reasons, he has Rose Tyco smash her ship into his, and admonish the toxic male he shouldn't be toxic and wanting to blow things up, but wanting to protect things instead.
This dipshit can't think beyond "toxic male bad" and "holy women good" to notice inside of five minutes of a movie he blatantly contradicts himself; let alone about setting things up for long term story lines.
The first thing I heard was "Palpatine banged." I was instantly hooked.
He was a powerful man.
I love how they seem obsessed with finding out EXACTLY who the Senate fucked, lmao.
Are we really THAT surprised? Though, personally, I thought hit should have been Dooku if Rey was going to be a Sith spawn.
My favorite part was the jar of Pickled Snokes.
Mmmm...pickled snokes
Originally, I thought the ending was going to go like: Palpatine is all of the Sith and Rey is all of the Jedi. The Light Side and the Dark Side balance each other out destroying each other; so there's no more Sith and no more Jedi. But, then Kylo Ren comes back, brings Rey back to life, so I guess the Jedi still live.
Rey is both a Sith and a Jedi. Chooses to be a Jedi, natural dark side power. Good guys win, and yin and yang (light & dark) are balanced. I think that is what they are going for.
“Johnson was setting up moving beyond Jedi/sith” .......Except the last thirty minutes where it clearly sets up that rey will take up the Jedi mantle when Luke says “I will not be the last jedi”.
“Why is Palpatine asking Rey to strike him down when he spent six movies trying to get power!?”.....did he not watch ROTJ when he also goaded Luke to kill him to turn him to the dark side?
Regarding your second point, I seriously doubt that Palpatine was actually planning for Luke to kill him. That'd be a really weird endgame for someone who went to so much trouble to gain power for himself.
More likely, he thought that goading Luke into trying to kill him would be another step towards Luke's turning to the Dark Side and becoming Palpatine new (less-mutilated) apprentice.
I agree with the first point, this sequel trilogy rehashed everything that came before. Even Last Jedi.
I also agree with the second point. I think they just gave a reason for him to do so.
In Return of the Jedi, Luke does in fact attack Palpatine and Vader blocks it.
@@jayhartRIC Yeah, he does.
In the last Jedi luke suggests that some of the jedi code is not good I think he does not like the part about not being about to love and having to disconnect from your family.
I would have loved if in this movie we saw Rey going full jedi code extremist.
FOR THE ENTIRETY OF STAR WARS, ANYONE WHO IS FORCE SENSITIVE CAN BE A JEDI. You don’t have to have a lineage. Who are Obi Wan’s parents? Nobody cares. The only reason anyone cares about Rey’s lineage is because Force Awakens made a big deal out of it and Last Jedi told us it didn’t matter. Well if it didn’t matter why did you bring it up. The entire trilogy is disjointed and ridiculous. The prequels were bad but this just doesn’t make sense.
I am confused, my friend.
The sequels, with all of their flaws and issues, were fucking masterpieces compared to this disjointed Sequel Trilogy. It was all over the place. We went from a virtual shot for shot remake of A New Hope, to an idiotic movie written by someone who was more focused on “subverting expectations” than writing a good story and building off of the plot of the previous film, and finally ended up with this disjointed mess of a movie with it’s idiotic twist on Rey’s origin and enough exposition to fill two movies. It was a disjointed mess from beginning to end. The Sequel Trilogy was something that clearly should never have been made.
@@megalodon7916 nope. Prequels had horrific dialog, a wasted bad guy who had to be retcon resurrected, and the creepiest "love story" I ever watched. Oh, and kiddy murder... twice... Nope, not masterpieces at all.
@@sideshowmo653 he was just saying compared to the new trilogy they're masterpieces, not by themselves
@@sideshowmo653 I said masterpieces compared to this crap. And what do mean child murder was a problem? What did you expect to happen to the younglings? Did you expect them to just let the little Jedi children go? That was inevitable. If you can’t handle the death of the Jedi, then why bother watching? And who the hell was resurrected? You mean Maul?
... I feel Rob is missing, or purposely misrepresenting, the point of people's complaint with Rey. Being a Palpatine doesn't magically dispel the bad writing around her, no fan was asking for that. That was Disney being clueless and lazy, yet Rob and many other critics are blaming the fans, not the trolls, the fans who had legitimate complaints with her writing.
The story of the sequel trilogy is one of wasted potential and lazy boardroom decisions. The fans are not to blame, this is 100% on Disney.
There was never a problem with Rey though
@@mauricioramirez5948 I think TFA did ok making her a mysterious character, but TLJ said she was so great with the Force just because, and we already had eps. 1-6 that said mastery of the Force requires intense training.
I swear a majority of this sibling rivalry is them justifying The Last Jedi and blaming the fans
mrmacross Thanks, I agree. She was fine in TFA. Her powers really only got out of hand in TLJ. Interestingly, that's around the same time her personality disappeared. She was kinda likeably grouchy at first, but then the writers started mistaking Force powers for character traits.
Fans ARE to blame. Whether we like it or not, Star Wars is like the Rick and Morty fanbase. Toxic and very vocal of what star wars SHOULD be like. Last Jedi scored positively with critics for a reason
I wanted Kylo and Rae in the "Last Jedi" to realize that dark and light may not mean evil and good respectively. That these two forces can live in harmony. Both the Jedi and the Sith dogmatic were religions and long ago Dark and light lived together.
Yeah and that’s exactly what happened.
29:36 oh, god. That theory changes everything.
The star wars holiday special might be within continuity.
I do not see the force as intuitive... but also not as bloodlines. I always saw it as something that some people are gifted with but that gift needs a huge amount of training to refine.
The jedi only accapted young children, both anakin and luke were too old when they started in their eyes.
This is my problem with Rey and Leia having these force powers. Neither trained for them. How can Leia have had the time to train in a disipline that takes full time work and also be a diplomat and general? You can't really have 3 full time jobs at once. And we know Rey never had any training. She shung her lightsaber at a stone once on her own in the last jedi, that is not really training under a master.
Was Rey ever consistent in her ability to control the Force? She still needed training to refine it
@@unvoicedapollo3318 She is consistent that she can do whatever needs to be done when it needs to be done through the force.
Does intent even matter when you do the thing you would intent to do by accident (or intuition) every time?
@@JeroenDoes Yeah because she needed ti blow up that ship with Force Lightning. Absolutely training still matters
@@unvoicedapollo3318 The plot needed that to happen yes. And force lighting is a advanced skill of the force. You are just proving that this movie failed in this simple regard
@@JeroenDoes the plot also needed luke to force move his lightsaber
I just can't stand Rob's baseless arguments on this occasion. "Johnson tried to move on from this shit" He didn't. We had references to Empire strikes back with the hoth omage, the reintroduction to yoda and almost a paralell to yoda's training with luke.
People are more than willing to enjoy new things in star wars, that was the common criticism that was given to the force awakens (i.e. too retready of the original trilogy). The issue people had is that the movie is botched. Not just lore and character, but also poorly written, pandering for an agenda and shallow. Even the action is taken a step down from the prequels where they at least tried to make combat feel substantial and coherent while remaining flashy. Fans and viewers picked up on details and it just becomes easier to claim dissenters are "entitled fans whining". Claiming rise of skywalker is course correction is a broad oversimplification given the disregarding attitude the management has had to the fans.
The Last Jedi was legit good though. I would have loved to have seen a full trilogy from Johnson.
@@JonSmith-hk1bq It wasn't. You can pick up any plot or scene of the movie and you can spot flaws (and i speak as a casual story writer rather than a star wars fan). Things don't make sense, logic is twisted for the sake of being preachy (the Rose/Finn kiss or the waste of time that was the holdo fiasco). And that is not mentioning the lackluster choreography.
I don't care if it picks the subversive route for most of the plot threads set by JJ, as long as he does SOMETHING with them. Rian did NOTHING with all of them.
That being said... this trilogy was doomed from the start (even if to some, like me) took a while to realize something was wrong. And you are welcomed to think johnson was a good pick for a trilogy, but i don't. The guy behaves like a prick and scoffs and mocks the fans who's kept the starwars license alive for years.
@@andreschion2334 There are some parts I don't like myself (slow-motion chase, giving Finn is the worst character in the whole franchise, a whole plot thread), but overall, the movie came together just fine. Ben/Rey/Luke is some of the best stuff we'll ever get from Star Wars. Especially now that Disney is going to play it safe forever.
But, yeah, attack Johnson. He's only been abused like crazy and said a few minor things back that are actually true. I'm sure it's all proportional.
@@JonSmith-hk1bq I quite doubt the movie has much of value from an objective point of view. I understand if you like it, but I can't agree that, even the best part, the trio's interaction is well written.
Oh, I'm not attacking, just stating the truth. He's far from a victim. What other people do in their twitter and social media account is irrelevant to the topic.
Well, regardless, they don't have to be so hyperbolic and mean about it.
Next: Cats review by Chaplin.
We need laugh people... We need laugh
Them: This movie sucks
Me: Hell yeah it does
Them: It’s the fans fault
Me: What
I'll go and say I Agree, But not the "fans" it was Disneys perception of the fanbase. Both Rob and Doug saying Disney freaked out after Last Jedi tearing tropes down is spot on.
Literally every sequel movie has been a response to fan criticism. People complained that the prequels got too weird, so they made TFA similar to the original films, then people complained that TFA played it too familiar/safe, then TLJ tried dipping its toes into some new ideas/concepts, then people freaked out, then ROS backtracked and quickly undid all of TLJ while also having to wrap things up
Granted, that's no excuse for Disney to not have come up with an overall story/conclusion for the trilogy from the very beginning, but this perfectly illustrates what happens when a series of films tries to account for all of the fan complaints.
It kinda of is the fans since SW complain about everything
Playing to your audience is USUALLY a bad strategy when creating art. Generally speaking creators should make something they enjoy (within reason).
Maybe if TLJ didn't have as many plot holes and contrivances as D&D's season 8, or didn't throw so many of its characters into the dumpster
Two years on and Rob still hasn’t gotten the memo that being disrespectful and dismissive to fans with a different perspective like they’re morally inferior isn’t a good idea.
To be fair, a shit tone of fans haven't gotten that memo.
As a star wars fan i should say a lot of them haven't earn a single bit of respect, i asheme of being part of the same fanbase a lot
And some fans haven't realized when they're busting out straight up Palpatine dialogue vague posts like defending their star wars opinions is a hill worth crossing over to the dark side for.
Disney Star Wars Trilogy:
We'll answer questions nobody asked for, we'll leave important questions unanswered, and we'll leave people with more questions then they had before.
Disney: Brilliant!
J.J did this in all his movies!
The moment you give him full control over story it always fail!
Because of his fucking mystery box
79% of the Disney movies in the past 5 years have been fan fiction projects.
Lab Baby especially frozen 2
And what's wrong with that? I've read a ton of great fanfiction.
@@kylemorello4787 Nothing wrong with it at all, just stating the obvious (79% might be a little reachy, but they're definitely gutterballing some of these remakes, and not by changing the plot either). I actually love that some of these movies are making creative changes to IPs to give a commentary on a piece of life some ppl might need at the moment. I previously commented that I liked Leia's ending being a nice homage to Carrie Fisher and her mom, but I'm definitely not gonna take a Beyonce song serious after seeing a bug pushing a ball of dookie across the savanna.
Outside of this and the last star wars movie, what other films have been fan fiction in the past 5 year? A lot of them have been remakes of old films yes, but fan fictions? I'll give you maybe Endgame too
Rey is basically a Steven Seagal character, lacking the flaws that would allow for real character growth and being too dominant in combat to ever be in any real danger.
You mean like trust issues, abandonment issues, identity issues, etc.
Rob made a GREAT point. The Empire Strikes Back is the film that changed the entire series - for better and for worse. Half of the fans wanted an adult, mature, and darker follow up movie (which is what was originally proposed for REVENGE of the Jedi), while others wanted fairy tales, humor, and happy endings (which is what you saw in RETURN of the Jedi). This split has never been reconciled, which is why Star Wars films ever since Empire have been incoherent.
I really liked how Rey struggled with the dark side. Especially since there's little blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments when she's fighting Kylo Ren when her eyes will change to the red-yellow of a Sith Lord before reverting back instantly. Kind of wish the end of this made Rey into a bad guy.
That is the ending I was hoping for but knew Disney would not let it happen because then all the parents of young girls who identified with Rey as their hero would be "YOU SCARRED MY CHILD FOR LIFE!!!"
Seems we just cannot have good storytelling anymore without someone getting offended.
Rob. The Force is not intuitive, instinctive or reflexive. SOME Force Powers are, like unusually quick reflexes, but others require training and practice. Luke received training from Obi-Wan on The Millennium Falcon while on the way to Alderaan. Granted it wasn’t a lot of training, as that’s only about a 2 day trip to Alderaan from Tatooine while traveling through hyperspace in a ship as fast as The Falcon, but Force Pull/Push is a fairly basic Force Power.
And Luke did use Force Push in A New Hope, when he shot the torpedoes into the exhaust port of The Death Star. So his using Force Pull to grab his lightsaber in the Whampa’s cave certainly makes sense. Also Empire takes place at least a couple of years after A New Hope, so he could certainly have been practicing the little bit of Force training that he had with Obi-Wan.
And another thing. The Phantom Menace took place during the height of the Jedi Order’s power. Many people would have known who the Jedi were and what they could do. And Watto, being of a race immune to Jedi Mind Tricks, would know of their power and their weakness against his species.
Seriously dude, rewatch the entire saga, including the prequels. You need a refresher on what the force can and can’t do.
Agreed that the force isn't intuitive. I know most people hate the prequels but they show that it takes years of training to learn how to use the force. The issue isn't about bloodlines (although I did like the idea of Rey's parents being randos).
The issue is that it should take more than just knowing about the force in order to use it. I know how to tell time, but that doesn't mean I can build a clock.
That said, I'm not sure about Luke force pushing the torpedoes. I always saw it as him letting the force guide him like with the practice probe.
And even then in the whampas cave, Luke had to really concentrate to pull that lightsaber to him with the movie also implying that some time had passed. It's not crazy to assume he didn't practice on his own after a new hope.
Rey jedi mind tricks a FO storm trooper after like her second try not even knowing wtf she was doing or with anyone showing her how to use the force *at all*. Then a day or two later she's on the same level as kylo ren while Luke needed a couple of months just to get his ass kicked by vader in ESB.
@@gregg4174 well I'm not sure exactly what Force Power Luke used to send the torpedoes into the exhaust port, but my point was that Luke had in fact had at least some training before using it. He wasn't going to be very skilled with The Force at that point, but he had some training. Remember, using Force Powers in the Star Wars Universe is essentially a form of martial arts training. Luke's training in A New Hope is essentially like learning how to throw a proper punch in karate. You might not know enough to be able to take on Chuck Norris, but you can probably do some serious damage to someone who doesn't know how to fight when you punch him in the face.
And I like your analogy of knowing what time is and knowing how to build a clock.
@@johngun7418 another thing is Rey's lightsaber skills. Or should I say lack of? Watch episode 1 through 6. The Jedi and Sith treat their lightsabers like they're samurai swords. The fighting techniques are very similar to real world swordfighting styles. Rey swings her lightsaber like it's a goddamn baseball bat. And when she fights people who are armed with lightsabers, or melee weapons designed to counteract lightsabers, she always aims for the opponents weapon. This is a failing of the sword trainers and fight choreographers, but still she should not be winning lightsaber fights with such poor swordsmanship. Check out the channel Shadiversity if you haven't already. The host, Shad, is a fantasy writer and martial artist, as well as an expert swordsman. He has done several videos on the Star Wars Universe, giving opinions on things like lightsabers, storytelling, dissecting fight scenes from movies (he's already done Obi-Wan vs Anakin from ROTS and the throne room fight from TLJ) as well as many other subjects. I find it very interesting and informative.
@@johngun7418 I think the big difference is we remember Luke always being doubtful of the Force. Of what it can do. "Are you sure?" "It's too big." "I can't see anything with this blastshield..."
Rey is more of that child of curious wonder. She believes the Force can be used for great things. She doesn't doubt's the Force. I can do anything.
Both Rey and Luke are naturally gifted and talented, strong in the Force. So it's easier for Rey to use it than Luke without training. She simply believes she can do it. She's a good fighter as she had to grow up alone and quickly learn to defend herself or die. Though yes, the fighting style from her is sloppy, but I think that's an issue with fight choreographers. Her first fight with Kylo Ren made sense. She's gifted in the Force and a decent fighter, Kylo has a severe wound and is underestimating her. It makes sense we see in Rise here Kylo basically kicks her ass in the fight until Leia's intervention. We see then when Kylo is serious, he is hands down the better fighter.
Spaceballs 2: The quest for more merch.
Master Yogurt: "Spaceballs, the flamethrowers... Kids love em'!"
Uncle Traveling Matt movie was good but I would’ve much rather have seen Spaceballs 2 lol
Spaceballs 4: The Search for Spaceballs 3
Legit, we need a spaceball 2 now that the Star Wars saga is done . There’s so much material to spoof now
Let's be real, it's Spaceballs 5 at this point
At the end of the day, George Lucas is cackling madly to himself while watching Rian Johnson, JJ Abrams, and Kathleen Kennedy screw up Star Wars so much they validated both him and the Prequels as being a lot smarter than people thought they were.
Jake llyod gave middle finger for prequel hater and disney
He’s either laughing or crying uncontrollably. Hard to tell at this point.
David Dubov both probably both
I get that people are salty over the sequels, but the prequels were NOT smarter than people "thought they were" just because fans made up some fan theories to explain away the inconsistencies and shit.
Still can't believe people think the prequels are "genius" all because of excuses that the AUDIENCE HAD TO COME UP WITH
@@half-lifescientist1991 For years fans crap on the prequels, now they wanna praise them as sum type of gems? Let's keep the same energy here. This is one of the reasons why, i can't take a lot of star wars fans serious.
Actual quote : “ Only a sith DEALS in absolutes “.
The Sequel Trilogy is easily the worst Star Wars trilogy because it is not cohesive as a whole.
TFA was a really good start off (this whole trilogy was a copy and paste), then TLJ is a massive disconnect setting up its own trilogy, TROS is trying to make a finale out of really nothing leftover to tell.
Never in my life will i understand what people found interesting about TFA. It's JJ Abrahams at his worst:
- Feed the audience member berries to get people to the theater
- End every scene with a mystery box, which serves only to get people tricked into watching the next movie
- Use focus groups and audience testing for future story and plot inspiration to sell tickets instead of writing a cohesive story
- Repeat until contract is done or audience loses interest
Just barely open up some of the largest mystery boxes introduced at the end because JJ doesn't care at all about what's actually in them, he just wants you paying for the next ticket.
Edit: This all came out a way too mean. I just really dislike this type of direction, but ofc this is my experience with the movies and is certainly not everyones.
Robert Eriksen I never thought of TFA as one of the best Star Wars films. It is a safe film which left a lot for Johnson to go off of. Honestly, I was more excited for Johnson directing Star Wars than I was JJ, which had me crushed after seeing TLJ. Johnson came off as a massive high ego dick-bag. Based on people I know who worked with Abrams on Lost. He is good at setting up ideas and getting something going, but he is not a good filmmaker and he sucks at concluding storylines. The only reason Super 8 had a good conclusion is because Steven Spielberg was his on-set producer.
Robert Eriksen You hit some great points. I would replaced JJ’s name with Kathleen Kennedy.
“Kathleen Kennedy does not care at all with what is actually In them, as long as you pay for the next ticket.”
She is the head producer on these films, and her job means she is over seeing all these films every step of the way and she is suppose to be on-set almost every single day.
@@tstar3746 Wow we are different, i was quite happy about TLJ. It's complete garbage, but its Johnsons story that he wanted to tell. Not focus groups, there's no mystery boxes and it was bold as hell.
It's one of the worst movies i've ever seen, but i don't mind that at all. As long as it's not just member berries and mystery boxes.
Wait Leia gave up her life force to heal Kylo? I was under the impression she just comited suicide to get his attention or something and when both Rey and Kylo felt her death through the force or whatever she felt bad and healed his wound. Did I miss something?
I think she used all of her will power to basically bring him back from the dark side (however that's supposed to work), and then Rey healed his wound. Granted, shouldn't Rey be dead then if she transferred her lifeforce or whatever to heal Kylo?
Matt Ward Good question! Frankly, Leia's sacrifice should have ensured that Kylo would live - triply so because _Han and Luke also laid down their lives to save him._ Having one character die to save another, only for the other character to just die anyway, is horrible storytelling. Imagine how lame LotR would have been if the Orcs killed Merry and Pippin after Boromir was so cruelly slain protecting them. His sacrifice would have been in vain.
@@TechnologicallyTechnical I'm ok with Rey healnig his wound and livng because he wasn't "dead" yet but on the verge of death in which case I would think she'd be knocked out from the effort. Whereas at the end when Kylo did the same thnig for her she was "dead" but even then I don't remember anything in the movie saying it was a risk or anything.
Also I really don't think she used her powers to bring him back, the way it was presented it was like she took poison and already covered herself ready to be at peace or Ben Kenobis whole strike me down and "I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." I guess that boost also applies if you strike yourself down.
Ok, so the healing is literally taking some of your life force to fix the other person's life force, ergo injuries, is how they explained it in this one, which is iffffffyyy. But I think they used it as a McGuffin, since atm the only times of healing we see are this movie and Mandalorian.
@@TheDark1Runner Kylo died when he resurrected Rey because he himself was near death and both he and Rey had enough life force removed to resurrect The Emperor.
JJ Abrams has never done anything original and most of it doesn't make sense.
@Quentin Qwent Definitely
The real question: what did Finn wanna tell Rey?
I feel like if he would have opened his mouth this movie would have turned into straight up fan fiction...
that he loved her? idk
Finn: "Lemme see your caracter stats."
Rey: *Sweats nervously while getting herself a new identity*
Me: Fu*kin' pay-to-win... *Siiiiiigh*
That he loved her, but that can't happen because it will make shippers mad and would offend racist international markets.
This comment was meant to be a joke. I mean it probably was that he loved her, but of course, that would fuck up everything so
27:33 lmao I had this exact moment with my little brother, was wondering what the medal was and he immediately explained oh it's this and it just clicked and I lost it
15:50 That's not true. Billy Dee said he had a feminine side, and people misinterpreted it to mean "gender fluid," which is a Transgender term meaning you flip back and forth. When asked in a follow-up, Billy Dee said he has no idea what "gender fluid" means.
Yes that is the EXACT SAME medal as the ones given to Luke and Han
To be clear, people were never made that Rey knew about about the jedi mind trick, people were upset that she was able to use it _on her second try_ . Especially since Anakin (the "chosen one") was never shown to use it even after years of training.
We can assume based on the training montage that it was part of the training between movies. I don't know how much time was between movies.
To be fair, Luke could use it after 5 minutes of training to blow up the Death Star. He could also move the lightsaber.
@@matthewdopler8997 using the force as a passive ability to aim (to aim a shot, need i remind you, he already had some experience with back on his homeworld) is a lot different than using a jedi master rank ability. Luke himself didn't use the mind trick until the last film of the original trilogy and that was only after intense training with a jedi master.
@@kristavaillancourt6313 what was? that anakin learned the mind trick in between episode 2 and 3? Because like a stated earlier we never actually _see_ him use it in the prequels. Anakin also never became a jedi master even after years of training. As for rey i mean she had literally no training at that point...
How would you really know that he can't do it? Anakin never really had any situations where he needed to do it because all his enemies were robots or other Force Users. It seems more natural to assume he could do it but it never came up than it does to assume it's a super difficult skill that just happens to not work on the strong minded and specific aliens.
Just because Reg is Palpatines daughter, doesn't mean she should be an incredible lightsaber user and able to use the force a couple hours after discovering it like she did in The Force Awakens. Midiclorians don't = God Tier. You have to train, practice, etc. She literally never fails and always wins in the first 2 movies. The training in this movie was useless!
*Yet no mention is made of his son - I mean shouldn't he be even more powerful? *facepalm*
Worked for Anakin.
Just a reminder that Palpatine was Plaguis and Plaguis was Anakin’s father, which makes him Rey’s uncle, Luke and Leia her cousins and Ben her second cousin. Whom she made out with.
TheNerdyBirdyShow Even Anakin had to train... But yeah, good point on the incest thing. Wild.
@@generalesdeath5836 not to mention Anakin lost to Dooku
General Esdeath Did he, though? The insistence to train was by Qui Gonn’s discovery of Anakin, not by traditional recruitment procedures. The seers never saw him for ten years, who else could hide from the Jedi like that?
Palpatine powers.
Luke never saw Rey. 19 years, not a vision. Why?
Palpatine powers.
Where is R2-D2's medal then!??? I mean he did fly with Luke at the battle at Yavin-4 AND get seriously injured. JUSTICE FOR DROIDS!!!! R2-D2 DESERVES HIS MEDAL!!!
L Franco he did not
CaseyKC R2 got shot in battle, so he wasn’t able to do anything
Droid rights!
“We don’t serve their kind here”
R2 is beyond such frivolties.
I love how Rob keeps tearing into “toxic fans“ while himself being a toxic fan. He is FLIPPING OUT over Chewbacca getting a medal, a throwaway moment at the end of the movie that has no effect on the plot or the quality of the film, and analyzing the timeline of it as if anyone should care. It’s just a medal.
And most of his criticism is just that: “Toxic fans were so whiny about The Last Jedi not being what they wanted so now I’m going to be whiny because this film wasn’t what *I* wanted.”
His defending Luke's character assassination in The Last Jedi makes me lose any respect I might have had for the man.
Giorgio Selvaggio The thing is that the fan base complaints had a huge affect on making this movie worse, so yes, it’s totally justifiable to be pissed off at the fans.
Sometimes I feel like the "Nostalgia Critic" persona is Doug subconsciously doing an impression of Rob.
@@jordandwiggins1026 so if I complain at a restaurant that the food tastes bad, it's my fault when the cook spits into the soup-pot, because "that one guy wanted more spice, so y'all got more spice"
Soyboy in his fifties trying to win sjws attention 😂👌🏻
Holy hell Rob is insufferable.
I feel sorry for Doug for sharing blood with this guy.
I much prefer these reviews when it's just Doug. Rob doing that nitpicky fan voice was so grating
Doug is known to do that as well.
The overtalking gets on my nerves. I think it's supposed to be part of it but jeez it's hard to watch.
That dagger matching the wreckage of the stupid....what is this, the Goonies?
First thing I thought when I saw that was "That's where One-Eyed Willy buried his gold!"
Rob the great hypocrite, it's Fanboys horseshit when we want an explanation to someone who doesn't believe in the force to just be able to use the force but it's completely acceptable when you do it with somebody else who believes in the force but has never shown an aptitude for it neither rain nor Lea should have just magically been able to use the force that's bad story writing but hey you know I'm a fanboy because I want a good story
Rob walker: I can write it better
Also rob walker: *co writer of to boldly flee*
Ikr it’s great to hear them tear apart bad movies but they need to be reminded of their abilities
K Ren comedies aren’t meant to be serious but still need to be well written
To Boldly Flee was hilarious though
@G Ren I can complain about them. Rob wrote a plotline. He didn't write a *script*, which can often make a good-sounding plotline impossible to execute.
My entire theater cheered when Chewie got the medal
Dude same!!! I was like wtf are you doing
Stupid scene.
Must have been a theater full of neewbs. Wonder if it's the same one that cheered when Rey and Kylo kissed and shouted they won and the boomers could suck it only to scream they hated Star Wars when a second later he dies. Lol
My people in the audience were groaning when that happened
Did rob forget Rey rejected the idea of letting the past die? Like most of his arguments are about how the movie didn’t go with that ideal of going beyond the sith and Jedi but Rey herself rejected that idea at the end of the last Jedi.
Isn’t rob the guy who writes all those god awful fan rewrites for stuff like the dark knight lmao
Characters underdeveloped in the trilogy: Maz Kanata, Supreme Leader Snoke, General Pryde, Zorii Bliss, The Knights Of Ren, etc...etc. Especially Maz Kanata and Supreme Leader Snoke bother me a lot.
I don't even recognize half the people in the list.
Holy Santa Christ, that "Chuckie Sheev's" part killed me!
OuR pIzZa Is PaLpAbLe
Oh, about the Billy being Gender Fluid thing, that was clickbait. He just means he's in touch with his feminine side, articles started going nuts on it to suit their own agenda.
Not that I really cared, I love the guy regardless
I give him a lot of courage for clarifying what he meant, even though the outrage mob might come at him for using common sense.
And disgusting
@@marleneg7794 Dew it!
3:00 The Force didn't just "chuck out Anakin". It's literally explained in the Prequels that Plaguies created him. Whether he did so by accident or not however isn't.
TPM: "there was no father. I can't explain what happened."
ROTS: "He could use the Force to influence the Midi-chlorians to create..." *looks directly at Anakin* "Life."
And Rey's heritage was so deeply looked into because the Force isn't some basic superpower like in Marvel or DC or even X-men, using it is literally bending a cosmic force to your will. Hell, Telekinesis in Star Wars is literally mind over matter! We needed an explanation as to how she could do these things without training and so many people looked to her heritage for it. No one cared for Yoda's heritage despite being so powerful because he had 900 years to learn! Nor did anyone care about where Palpatine came from. But Rey has no explenation so... how? You can't just be "good at the Force" and use these abilities.
The Darth Plagueis book _does_ say the Force spat out Anakin to offset the Sith's ritualistic use of the Dark Side to cloud the Jedi Order's foresight. Plagueis only created Anakin inasmuch as he pushed on the Force too hard.
...Though I understand the Disney verdict says _Palpatine_ created Anakin, which I find to be horseshit.
yup. well put. Sure maybe anyone can be good with the force, but to be super fucking amazing with the force, i think some kind of explanation is better then just random hapenstance
When they told about all the previous Sith and Jedi spirits I was thinking for a while if this should be called Star Wars: Legend of Kora. Ticks a lot of boxes
Rey: "I can't contact the Jedi of old."
What are you? The Avatar?!
Aang: Korra. Travel to the Spirit Swamp! There, you will find Toph, the Earth-Bender who trained me!
And the worst Thing is:
When the Trailers came out, I made a Joke about this!
Luke: "A thousand Generations live in you now. Let me introduce you to them: That's Obi-Wan Kenobi,"
Obi-Wan: "Hello there."
Luke: "Grandmaster Yoda,"
Yoda: "Older and older these Padawan get. Ridiculous by not it is!"
Rey: "But you said you would never train another Generation of Jedi again!"
Luke: "I don't. That's what they are for. I told you the Truth....from a certain point of view...."
Qui-Gon: "You trained this one well, Master Kenobi."
Obi-Wan: "I had a very good Teacher."
And now they all came back in the Movie! What is this I don't even!
Rey: "I can't contact the Jedi of old."
What are you? The Avatar?!
Aang: Korra. Travel to the Spirit Swamp! There, you will find Toph, the Earth-Bender who trained me!
And the worst Thing is:
When the Trailers came out, I made a Joke about this!
Luke: "A thousand Generations live in you now. Let me introduce you to them: That's Obi-Wan Kenobi,"
Obi-Wan: "Hello there."
Luke: "Grandmaster Yoda,"
Yoda: "Older and older these Padawan get. Ridiculous by not it is!"
Rey: "But you said you would never train another Generation of Jedi again!"
Luke: "I don't. That's what they are for. I told you the Truth....from a certain point of view...."
Qui-Gon: "You trained this one well, Master Kenobi."
Obi-Wan: "I had a very good Teacher."
And now they all came back in the Movie! What is this I don't even!
You know how upset I was when Rey never said "ok boomer" to Palpatine!?!?!
what a mised opportunity there. XD
That line should have been what really killed him.
Hey, you forgot one thing...........THE CHAAAAAAAARRRRRTTTTTTT!!!!!!!
Did Rob not see the final 20 minutes of the last jedi when we literally had nothing new to work except for "bad guy sith tries to kill the last jedi and the good guys"?. What the hell, does he really think that Rian executed those "NEW" Ideas well? Or does he gives him points for trying? What kind of arguments is he making?!?
And the mary sue thing, i'm sorry but if you can clap when a perfect character does perfect things with one of the blandest character arcs in cinema history, that's your problem. A Mary sue is not only bad bc it is "too powerful", it's bad bc it's not a real character, is bland, is a plot mecanism, Rey has literally 0 genuine motivation for 80% of this trilogy, she's caring, awesome, helpful, and can do anything the plot ask her to do, but the films just bait her arc with "hey your parents are important... I guess" give me a break, i cannot believe you actually use filmaking arguments to criticize TROS, but you cannot see how rey is an embarrasingly written character.
I disagree. Rey is a good character. Why can't her motivation be she just wants to help people? Her very first scene of her interacting with somebody is her going out of her way to rescue BB-8, a droid. Most people wouldn't care about a droid, she does. That's her primary motivation, she wants to help people. Her finding out her parents is secondary, and shouldn't matter. But no, JJ somehow thought her being related to Palpatine was necessary.
@@GeneralKenobi75 She's always utterly selfless... That's exactly abstract, a common mary sue trait. There's no fundation, she's only a selfless god. Unlike a pure hero like Superman for instance that develops his care for people.
@@v-set5721 Superman cares for people unconditionally, just like Rey. And Rey cares for people because she knows what its like to be all alone without anyone to care for you. You don't need to be a Mary Sue to be utterly selfless. Superman doesn't need development for him to become a caring person because, story wise, he already is. We know why he became so caring because of who raised him. There really isn't much difference between why Superman cares for people and why Rey does other than their upbringing. They're just good people. I'm really sick of this Mary Sue complaint about Rey.
@@GeneralKenobi75 No superman learns to care for people, there's a difference. Rey just cares for people by default. Nonono, we don't have any reason to believe that rey would instantly care to fight a war bc she helped one droid one time. And again, superman watches the difference in power that he has for the humans, and he learns to protect them, from his parents, from his experiences, etc, there's a loot to him. I don't care that you're sick of it, rey's motivation is not clear at all, she literally is looking for meaning all the time, she just helps people when the plot needs her to, literally not going to fight and protect her friends in episode 8 and 9 even tho the plot gives her all the power that she could ever need (talking about when she just casually lets luke take a sweet time to train her and when in 9 she's alone letting her friends put themselves at risk). Sorry, rey is just a really badly done character. Her sporadic selflesness is all that there's to her, and her parents.
@@GeneralKenobi75 Oh and the part when she, being the selfless god that she is, just shames finn for running away, then she runs away to get captured by kylo, great xD
I think Rey is Mary Sue, but I don't think that because she's a nobody she's a Mary Sue cuz only bloodline people can be strong in the force. I think she's a Mary Sue because she's over-powered and her journey is just not well done. Everyone is always like, "Luke is OP and could use his powers right away." Yeah but they weren't really very controlled, and it was just raw talent mostly uncontrolled. Somehow a strange girl no one knows nothing about who has never used the force, not only has understandable raw power but can control it as if she had been training for years. I don't know, I just find her annoying as a character. I personally don't think she's a good female hero. But that's just my opinion.
But Luke couldn’t use it right away. The first time we see any inkling of Luke using the Force was during the flight to Alderaan where Obi-Wan was giving him lessons and then after that was him listening to Obi-Wan telling him to just let the Force guide his intuition aiming his shot.
And that is correct she is a marry sue
@@MichaelAarons1701 I don't really think Luke was able to use it right away, but that's something some people have said to me to defend Rey being overpowered. That Luke was also OP. Which I've never thought he was really.
Let's also not forget how many times Luke had to get his rear end bailed out. He couldn't fight off the Sand People, or the thugs at Mos Eisley Cantina. The sewer monster in the Desth Star nearly killed him until they turned on the trash compactor. Both Wedge and Han saved him at the Death Star battle. Then in Empire, Han saved him from freezing to death on Hoth. Luke failed several tests on Dagobah. Then he left his training early and lost the duel with Vader, and needed to be saved by Leia and Lando. We finally see an OP Luke, but that's after years have passed and we were on the third movie. And even then, he was no match for the Emperor.
Rey had no such arc. It's one trial and failure, followed by success.
In the first movie, Rey never used the Force until Kylo made that mental connection with her. It suggested that maybe all her powers came from him. If they'd gone with that, it would have been a lot more believable.
Rob: They didn't have to explain why Rey was good with the force.
Me: I don't agree but fair enough.
Rob: Why did Leia know how to use the force?
Me: Pick a lane Rob!
demon2441 Why did Leia know how to use the Force? Um, she was her brother? Didn’t they cover that in this movie? I swear that they did. Though all my old extended universe / legends knowledge does sometimes get in my way.
Also given the fact that Rey was old enough to remember her parents leaving, she probably had some amount of early childhood training in her force powers as well. Far more than Luke did since all Obi Wan could do was hang out on the other side of the desert from him.
@@MungkaeX Riiiiight... but se the ting is, things that are not happening on screen or told by characters in film, are filed under: Fanfiction
You alowed to have alle you silly explanations that totally explains everything, but aint gonna chnage the fact that bad writing was bad.
I mean at this point fans of the new films sounds like partners in abusive relationship who constantly have to invent reason to justify why its was okay they got hit, and why they properly also deserved it. instead of just accepting that things are bad.
demon2441 also the same thing can be said for palpatine with him coming back and draining life which aren’t really explained either.
Almost everything Rob says about the last Jedi or Rey is a fallacy in the end.
Why do they have to explain why Rey is good with the Force? The Force manifests randomly. Yes, you can be strong in it if your parents were strong. That can be passed on. But most of the time it just is a roll of the dice. All those Jedi and Sith, all are just the products of the Force just showing up. We don't need an explanation for Rey, she's just a natural like so many others.
27:27 The best part of this video. I freakin lost it when Chewie got his medal at the last minute of the movie since he didn’t get one in “A New Hope.”
I can't wait for the Mr. Plinkett review of this one.
@Joshua Munn weil After the Prequels, he was right.
@Joshua Munn They liked TFA. It wasn't when RJ decided he wanted to say FU to the franchise that things went south.
@Joshua Munn I doubt it. It's like someone sh!tting all over your rug and then someone else tossing sand over it. Well, they 'dealt' with that mess, but it's still a mess.
@Joshua Munn Plinkett prequel reviews were spot on. Those movies were abysmal.
Doug...Rob...I was that fan who was moved by Chewie getting the medal. That was one of the few fan service moments I really wanted. Somehow it was one of the only things that moved me emotionally at all. The only other one was seeing Wedge (my favorite and most underused Star Wars character) in the final battle. Of all the emotional moments in the movies that were meant to be really emotional, they only got me with Chewie's Medal and seeing Wedge Antilles! I don't understand myself anymore. P.S. Also did anyone else call the Ewok sighting at the end of the movies. I told my friends that I would hate this movie by default if they show an Ewok in the aftermath. So close!
1:53 well she is other people have been good with the force but not like that and shes good/the best at everything she does thats kinda the book definition
Being brave enough to try something new means I'll watch it.
Being cowardly enough to stay safe mean I'll just rewatch my old favorites.
I agree with Rob about the fans. All the toxic fans didn’t want anything to change when they saw TLJ and what did Disney do? They listen and now the rise of skywalker is full of fan service. Literally the last Jedi was basically a movie for the critics and the rise of skywalker is for the fans.
Rob seems to be purposefully misrepresenting what people don't like about Rey and the mary sue argument. He seems to take the stance of "anyone who doesn't like Rey is just a blind fanboy" stance that the critics took. That's a stance of someone who doesn't know or want to know why people are making those arguments. It's someone who already has a mindset about people he disagrees with and will use as a convenient scapegoat to label others.
The ONLY reason people were wondering about Rey's parents and why people were pissed when TLJ just brushed it aside was because TFA MADE REY'S PARENTS A MAJOR CHARACTER POINT. Had TFA not brought up Rey's parents no one cared. Also, cool people know about Jedi mind tricks. Are you honestly making the idiotic argument that because someone knows about a thing they can instantly do it with absolutely no training? I know that people can do backflips on motorcycles over a riven. By your logic I should be able to just do it right? I've never ridden a motorcycle, done a backflip, or jumped a riven but hey I heard about it so I can just do it.
Star Wars, even the dogshit prequels, made it extremely clear that no matter how sensitive you are to the force experience and training will ALWAYS outclass natural talent. What happened when Luke fought Vader when he wasn't ready? Arm got cut off. What happened when Anakin fought Duku? Arm cut off. What happened when he faced Obi-Wan? Limbs cut off and burned alive. These two were "chosen ones" yet they got their ass handed to them when they didn't have enough training and experience in the force. Name me one moment when Rey lost to Kylo in a one on one battle.
During their only serious fight they are barely on equal footing and he's nursing a shot from Chewie's bowcaster-thing that is shown to usually kill people on the spot. How about that?
@@spiderlily723 Yet she still beats him. That's not an example of her losing to him. That's an example of how broken she was from the jump. Had she lost that it would have made Kylo's a much greater threat than ever. He beat her despite the injury. Making us question how on earth she's going to beat him when he's that powerful while injured.
@bigevilworldwide1 What are you even arguing here? Yes, Rob is misrepresenting the arguments being made. He doesn't actually address the arguments but put up strawmen in the hopes of knocking those down. He takes the stance of someone who just wants to paint tons people a certain way. Same with what you're doing here. Trying to scapegoat people to put them in a box because they don't like your favorite movie.
Oh boo fucking hoo.
Ricky Williams You sir are exactly right, and I could not have possibly said it better myself. Rob has fallen for the lies of the critics.
Rey is a Mary Sue. I love female Jedi. Bastila? Aayla Secura? I could name all manner of female Jedi I’m fans of who most people never even heard of. This isn’t a sexism thing as so many people - particularly political Hollywood critics - claim. Rey is simply, objectively, a Mary Sue. And no, Luke is not. Period.
At LEAST having Rey be Palpatine’s descendant finally does SOMETHING to explain where her overwhelming power comes from. I’d rather it have been something not lineage related; some sort of freak occurrence in the force, but Rian Johnson just threw ALL OF those possibilities out in The Last Jedi. Which is why The Last Jedi is the worst film in the ENTIRE series, hands down. So many plot holes. So much that contradicts things we know from past films - even episode 7.
Abrams came in and KNEW he had to fix the mess Rian Johnson made. It’s a shame he couldn’t come up with something better than Rey being a Palpatine, but for the love of God, at least Abrams made an ATTEMPT and gave us SOMETHING to explain Rey’s power, thereby, finally, making her a bit less of a Mary Sue. He may have single handedly salvaged her character in this movie.
I’ll reserve my judgment on that until I’ve seen the film though and had time to think on it.
For someone who "disliked" TLJ, Rob sure defends the heck out of it.
CoricArt Studio Theres a lot to defend. TLJ is great
Brendan Clarkson Said no one ever
Obviously said one person minimum. That being said, TLJ had a couple of good things but overall was was bad overall especially the hardcore jokey nature of it. It was like it couldn't decide if it wanted to be the Avengers or Star Wars so it tried to have a baby and that baby was just too inbred to survive on it's own.
He sure seems to like it.
@SmashStomp_Inc I disagree, I prefer the original extended universe every day of the week, but they (sequel trilogy) ranged from bad to ok/inoffensive. We just have a higher expectation for our content as a fan base.
Her being palpatines granddaughter would work had they set it up as sucklh but this entire thing was nothing but a thrown tpgether peice of shit that should've never made it off of the drawing board
The whole Rey being Palpatine's granddaughter thing would have been a great concept if it had been introduced in Episode VII.
Have the likes of Han and Leia discover Rey is a descendent of Palpatine and refuse to fully trust Rey throughout Episode VII until she destroys Starkiller Base.
Then at the end if episode, after both the audience and the cast are convinced that Rey is truly in the path of the Jedi, have Palpatine's voice call out across the Galaxy to try, that way when we start Episode IX, we're actually caring about Rey could do.
I think there were some subtle hints in TFA, the problem was that for a twist like that you need to build upon it in the second part for the third part reveal to be a payoff. We didn't get that additional buildup and instead got a fake out.
So that was a random medal? I definitely thought that was Han's old medal. I thought she gave it to him like as something to remember him by. I mean.. this is kinda late but still.
The movies took place in a span of a few days, litteraly.
Rey went from being a lonely scavenger maiden to a ressucitating semi-god and light saber master in that VERY VERY limited amount of time.
She had no training, no stake in the fight, no way to know how to pilot things... Even the most powerful jedi need training. ALL of them did.
If that's not a mary-sue, what is ? Get your head out of your rear-end, Rob.
Yeah, it kept bothering me how he kept mocking people saying "Mary Sue"
There's no hero's journey and a ton of reward for very little investment, struggle, sacrifice.
Finn was a more worthy hero in the first movie because he had established training, had a personal risk and stake, had an explicit conflict, and stepped up in a critical time, he hits a lot of the marks that at least make him "Worthy"
Rey felt like they forgot to write for her, or that Rey and Finn were the same character at one point and was split into two, Finn getting all the beats and Rey just getting the "Familiar sand planet dweller" label.
You *know* a movie's bad when even *The Senate* can't save it.
*First spolier, I let Chaplain out*
Best spolier ever heard.
It isn't wise to upset a cat.
me like
The thing that gets me is that in the comics Chewie already had been given a medal. Only thing I can think is that it was Han's medal that she was giving to Chewbacca as another keepsake but I really doubt that's actually the case.
Have to ask, which run in the comics?
33:28 Yeah, when those horses came out, all I can think was, "Now, they have to sing Ready as I'll Ever Be from Tangled the Series."
Rob sure acts like a snob but in the end he's a nerd himself lol
I mean Doug feels like a puppet in these discussions to the puppetmaster (Rob)
Doug is just trying to review the movie. Rob is just throwing out all of Disney's fan hate for daring to complain at their laziness.