So I just found a blogpost by Sagart (link here ) where he mentions that the OC word for "love" was 字 while the early meaning of 愛 was "to cherish" (why yes, this does mean I may need to make an update video! xD). As for 好, the verb (4th tone in Mandarin) is derived from the base meaning "good", and so the derivative was likely something like "to consider good" rather than "love". As an aside, 好 appears in Shang OBI but as a family name, the famous Lady "Hao", although her family name was more likely 子 with a female radical added to show that the name belonged to a woman, which was the standard way of naming women at the time.
Memorizing 2000+ kanji characters was tedious and intimidating for me. It wasn't until I discovered how each character evolved and made the connection between the word and its meaning that learning became easier.
So glad I stumbled upon this channel! One of the few times, I was pleasantly surprised by the new homefeed algorithm. I hope that all the a-b testing I've encountered on my user for the past couple of months at least means this comment will carry some extra algorithmic clout
Chinese traditional language is very meme-heavy! I’m planning on making a chengyu etymology video series that’s pretty much just “today’s 2000 year old meme is….” xD
Please please please dear God make at least a short video explaining why 心 was written the way it was in the Shang dynasty and onward。 I have to know why it looks like that
Im not learning Chinese, but it's nice to see where the kanji comes from and understand how fascinating is this characters... The fact are unique and easy to be recognized is just perfect
Thank you! I’m happy you find the videos useful! I’ll be talking about Japanese kokuji, kana and other scripts derived from Chinese characters as well in the future! ^^
You're correct that he semantic-phonetic explanation is entirely adequate to explain the character, but many characters do have double semantic-phonetic components, and it's a common pedagogic technique to make little stories about Hanzi to make them stick better in the learner's head, so I've tried to strike a balance while being as faithful to the material as possible, whether I suceeded or not is of course, another question entirely xD
I just miraculously came across this channel but I instantly recognize the voice of a certain Léon Wieger in your analysis. Please, I would love to exchange emails with you to discuss his and other European Sinologists’ work with you. I have some old notes on philology that I think would interest you.
0:21 Why did you say Uh, after a learner learns? A student studies, a reader reads, a swimmer swims, what’s the problem? Honest question! Thank you for the videos!
Lol, that's just a quirk from being taught that repetitive writing is a cardinal sin (reinforced by peer pressure from ancient Chinese and Mayan scribes lol). I know it's silly but sometimes the brain does not brain logically xD
Sure thing! And thanks for the video idea lol ^^ 冰淇淋 is a loanword from English, 冰 = ice and 淇淋 is a phonetic approximation of the word "cream", the reason why it doesn't sound like "cream" in Mandarin is because the word probably entered Chinese via another language like Cantonese or southern Min. This makes 冰淇淋 both a calque AND a phonetic loan.
@@SwedishSinologyNerd That's interesting, and nice to know. You're amazing at this if you answered within an hour. Would you know if the choice of characters was purely phonetic, or they put some thought into which ones they would use? I recognize the water radical both characters
@@torshavnnewellMany phonetic loans in chinese go through a development where they're first written purely phonetic, with semantic elements added later (if possible). Compare the Cantonese 忌廉 (which in Cantonese is a near-homophone to 淇淋) where there are no semantic components at all. This development trend isn't as strong in Modern Chinese though because the digital medium doesn't easily lend itself to coining new characters, while in say, the 19th and early 20 the century you could just add a radical to a phonetic loan and presto, new character.
@@SwedishSinologyNerd Thanks. I love the idea of creating new characters, and I wish it was done more. Not just to give characters to meanings, but also to mash up a few radicals and see what meaning you can interpret. I've made one before actually. It was the woman character within the door character. Like 閉, except it's 女 instead of a hand (I think it's supposed to be a hand).
@@torshavnnewellHmmm, so 女inside 門(youtube couldn’t display the character it seems)? Kangxi lists it as a variation of 闖 but if Vietnamese Chu Nom or Japanese kokkun taught me anything it's that a character's meaning is sometimes just vibes xD The 才 in 閉 is actually not a hand but a representation of the lock on ancient doors, similar to the component in 關 (double lock + rope/chains tied around the lock, for extra security). 才 itself is a pictogram of a wooden stake or pole in the ground, signifying a place (original form of 在, which was phonetically extended with 士) and was later borrowed for the homophone meaning "skill, talent". I've seen some warring states glyphs which add a heart radical underneath, some scholars interpret it as being used specifically for the meaning "skill and talent" but the jury's still out on the exact reading. Sorry 'bout the text-wall btw, I get excited about these things ^^;
During the simplification process the character based on passion and heart was more logical than the version without the heart radical: how can somebody love without a heart ??
Bal = (Honey) Bal >Mal >Mel >Mil >Meli > Melit > Melis =(yumuşak, hoş kokulu, tatlı, melul, balsam / yummy, mellow, balmy, malleable, dessert, sweet) Al-Bal (red-sweet) =Alpal (Apple) >Afal >Almelo> >Alma > Elma (the dessert) > Alba> halba > halvah > helva Mel-ak (sweet-white)>Mela >Mal >Mar >Milo >Melon >Melam >>>Milk (sweetie) > Balak > bala >>> bella Almıla / Melah >> Elma = Apple Meltem= mellow wind = breeze Mel-melat = marmelat = marmellata Melisa = balm / jam / rosin Melamine = a type of chemical resin (Mel-hem)> merhem=(almost-balm) > ointment (Mel-sumac)> mercimek = lentil Mel-audio = melody (tow/toğ/tao/tai/tav/tağ)>> (Dağ = mountain) high/~塔 / 高 /ضيقة (dar /tar /dai /tai /tav /dae /too /toi) Phone / Phoon/ Fun / Wajan / Wehen = (Ses /Rüzgar /Esint) - Sound / Wind / Breeze Dae-vane /tao-fun / too-fan/ tai-phone/ typhoon = (loud sound) > hard-strong wind Dağ= litosferik tabakaların sıkışarak yükselmesi / compression and rise of lithospheric layers Dar = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Dar = birbirine yaklaşmış / sıkışık / sıkışmış / sıkıştırılmış / sağlam / sert / dayanıklı Darlık= to rise upwards by squeezed, feeling of height, feeling of being squeezed Dar-lık= sıkışarak yükselmek, yükseklik hissi, sıkışma duygusu Dar = yakın olmak , alakalı olmak, ilgilenmek / to be close, to be involved, to be interested Hüküm-dar = Hükümle ilgilenen , hüküm veren = Sovereign Mihman-dar = Misafire yakın olan , misafire alaka gösteren = ~hostess Darülaceze = Acizerle ilgilenilen yer = ~hospice Dai-u > nearest he's = Dayı = uncle Toy = meeting /ceremony/feast/ immature-game boy Kurulu-toy > Kurultay = scheduled meeting / council (Dai-emek)> Dayamak =to base on /make it support/fasten down (Dai-en-mak)> Dayanmak= to recline upon / stay strong /be close literally (Dai-et-mak)>Dayatmak = to impose / insist Yanardağ ile ilgili / pertaining to a volcano Dağ-et-mak >Dağıtmak = to distribute /to deal out / to deploy Dağ-al-mak >Dağılmak = to get dispersed / to go to pieces Dağ-la-mak = krater şekline çevirmek / cauterize (Doğ-umak) = Doğmak = to go up / re-rising up / come into the world > to born Doğ-ğur-mak= Doğurmak= to make this come up > bring this into the world (Doy-umak) = Doymak = to rise to the top / to be full Doy-ğur-mak= Doyurmak=to satiate > to make it full > to feed
TH > T / D TS > S / Ş Thuith >Tuits > Tiss / Diş = tooth (dental) Thuıth > Thuıts > Tuıss / Dış = outer ( external) Thuss > - Suz = (- Less) >>without it / free from it / it's got rid of that Dışarı / Dış taraf = outside Dışsal = external Dışı = out of... (Suz)> Sız/siz - Suz/süz = without / less Kanat = Wing /Kanatsız = Wingless Su= water > Su-suz = water-less / anhydrous Suç =crime > Suçsuz=innocent (freed from blame) Şeker= Sugar > Şekersiz= without sugar / sugar free Kitap= book / Kitapsız = without books / free from books Ücret = fee / ücretsiz = free /ücret dışı =out of fee Gereksiz = needless / İhtiyaç dışı/ lüzumsuzca =unnecessary Kanunsuz/hukuksuz = unlawful / Kanun dışı = outside the law Hukuk-yasa =law > Yasal =legal / Yasadışı = illegal Görüş = sight / görüş dışı = out of sight Sadık -vefalı-vefakar= loyal / sadakatsiz-vefasız= disloyal Beğeni = like / beğeni dışı= dislike Bağlantı = connect / bağlantı dışı=disconnect (LIĞ-LUĞ) (aluk=has got) LI- Li-Lu-Lü ekleri sahiplik ve dahiliyet ekleridir... (Have)(~With) (Dış- Thuıss) Siz-Sız-Suz-Süz ekleri “İçermemek” , "sahip olmamak" , “ondan azade olmak” veya "mahrumiyet" anlamına gelen bu ekler, bir şeyin dahilinde olmayışı ifade eder. (Have no)( ~without) (...less) O benim sevgi-li-m = (~s/he has my love)= s/he is my lover İki çocuk-lu kadın= (which) the woman has two children Çocuksuz adam = (which) the man has no child Şekerli =(it has sugar) = with sugar Şekersiz= (it has no sugar) = without sugar = ~sugar free= şekerden azade Tuzlu =it has salt =salty Tuzsuz= it has no salt = without salt = saltless Gitmelisin (git-mek-li-sen)= you have to go Gitmen gerekli (gitmek-in gerek-li) = you have need to go Gitmen gerekir (gitmek-in gerek-e-er) = you need to go
Yeğ / Yüğ = upper, superior Yeğ-mek > Yemek (to eat)= to add on oneself, to receive into one's essence Yeğ-im> Yem= provender, fodder > Yemiş= fruit Yüğ-le-mek > yeğlemek = to keep it on top of others, make it relatively superior, ~to prefer Yüğ-ka-yer-u > yukarı =(which side is on top) = Up Yüğ-ce > yüce = superior in level /sublime Yüğ-ce-al-mek > yücelmek = to achieve superiority in level Yüğ-sü-ek > yüksek = high Yüğ-sel > yüksel = exponential , superlative Yüğ-sü-al-mek> yükselmek = to rise to a high level, to ascend Yüğ-sük > yüzük =(ring)= jewelry worn on the finger top Yüğ-sü-en-mek > yüksünmek= to feel slighted / take offended Yüğ-ük > yük =(load)> carried on top, undertaken Yüğ-ün > yün =(wool)> the feathers that on sheep Yüğ-üt > yiğit =(valiant)> superior in character Yüğ-en > yüğen /yeğen =(nephew)> which is kept superior, held in high esteem, valued, precious (yüen > yen 元) Yüğ-en-cük > yüğençiğ > yinçi / inci =(precious little thing)> pearl , 珍珠 Yüğengi >yengi> yeni =(new)> what's coming on top of , what's coming after Yüğenge > yenge =(brother's wife)> came over marriage, added to the family later (new bride) Yüğ-üne /Yeğ-ine > yine/ gene =again /over and over > yeniden = anew /once more Yüğ-en-mek> yenmek = to overcome, to cope with, to subdue Yüğ-en-el-mek > yenilmek= to be overcame, to be subdued, to show weakness Yüğengil > yengil =remains on top of, light, weak Şan= Glory, splendor 單于 > Şan-Yüğ =Exalted glorious Yormak=to tire= to arrive over someone (too many). (too much) to go onto (Yörmek)> Örmek=(to operate on something), to weave on top , to wrap onto (Yör-et-mek)> Örtmek= to cover (Yörümek)> Yürümek= to go over something, to wander around (yöre=precincts) (yörük=nomad) Yürümek= to walk (yürü=go on) Yülümek=to go by slipping over something Yalamak= to lick >~to take swiping/ by scraping on something off Yolmak= to pluck=to pull by snatching off, tear off (~flatten the top) Yılmak=to throw down from the one's own top (~get bored), to hit the ground from above (yıldırım=lightning…yıldız=star) Yurmak= to pull onto, cover over (yur-ut>yurt=tabernacle) (yur-gan>yorgan=quilt) Yırmak=to bring it on top of, to take it off (yırışmak>yarışmak= to race> to overcome each other) (Yır-et-mak)>Yırtmak= to tear, to take from inside-out or bottom to top (by pulling from both sides) (~tide over, ~get rid of it) Yarmak= to split in, to tear apart, to halve, separate by cutting off Yaratmak= to reveal it, bring it out, to create Yermek=to pull down ,pull to the ground Germek=to tense= to pull it in all directions > Sermek= to spread it in all directions Yıkmak= to overthrow , take down from top to bottom, turn upside down Yığmak= to stack= put on top of each other, dump on top of each other (yığlamak=shed tears over and over, cry over) Yağmak=get rained on, get spilled on / to pour down from above Yakmak= to burn out=to purify matter by heating and removing mass , reduce its volume Yoğmak=make condensed=to tighten and purify, narrow by turning, get rid of own volume (~get dead) Yoğurmak= to knead=tighten and thicken , reduce volume, bring to consistency (Yogurt=thickened milk product) Yuğmak=to purify squeezing to clean (Yuğamak>yıkamak= to wash) Yiv = sharp, pointed (yivlemek= sharpen the tip) Yuvmak=to squeezing thin out, narrow (yuvka>yufka= thin dough) (yuvka>yuka=thin, shallow) (yuvuz>yavuz=thin, weak, delicate) Yuvarlamak=to round off=narrow by turning (yuva (smallest shelter)= nest) (yavru (smallest)= cub ) Yummak=to shut by squeezing, close tightly Yumurmak=make it closes inward (yumruk=fist) (yumurta= egg) Yumuşmak=be completely enclosed by oneself (yumuşak=soft )
TH > T / D TS > S / Ş Thuith >Tuits > Tiss / Diş = tooth (dental) Thuıth > Thuıts > Tuıss / Dış = outer ( external) Thuss > - Suz = (- Less) >>without it / free from it / it's got rid of that Dışarı / Dış taraf = outside Dışsal = external Dışı = out of... (Suz)> Sız/siz - Suz/süz = without / less Kanat = Wing /Kanatsız = Wingless Su= water > Su-suz = water-less / anhydrous Suç =crime > Suçsuz=innocent (freed from blame) Şeker= Sugar > Şekersiz= without sugar / sugar free Kitap= book / Kitapsız = without books / free from books Ücret = fee / ücretsiz = free /ücret dışı =out of fee Gereksiz = needless / İhtiyaç dışı/ lüzumsuzca =unnecessary Kanunsuz/hukuksuz = unlawful / Kanun dışı = outside the law Hukuk-yasa =law > Yasal =legal / Yasadışı = illegal Görüş = sight / görüş dışı = out of sight Sadık -vefalı-vefakar= loyal / sadakatsiz-vefasız= disloyal Beğeni = like / beğeni dışı= dislike Bağlantı = connect / bağlantı dışı=disconnect (LIĞ-LUĞ) (aluk=has got) LI- Li-Lu-Lü ekleri sahiplik ve dahiliyet ekleridir... (Have)(~With) (Dış- Thuıss) Siz-Sız-Suz-Süz ekleri “İçermemek” , "sahip olmamak" , “ondan azade olmak” veya "mahrumiyet" anlamına gelen bu ekler, bir şeyin dahilinde olmayışı ifade eder. (Have no)( ~without) (...less) O benim sevgi-li-m = (~s/he has my love)= s/he is my lover İki çocuk-lu kadın= (which) the woman has two children Çocuksuz adam = (which) the man has no child Şekerli =(it has sugar) = with sugar Şekersiz= (it has no sugar) = without sugar = ~sugar free= şekerden azade Tuzlu =it has salt =salty Tuzsuz= it has no salt = without salt = saltless Gitmelisin (git-mek-li-sen)= you have to go Gitmen gerekli (gitmek-in gerek-li) = you have need to go Gitmen gerekir (gitmek-in gerek-e-er) = you need to go
NATURAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (akar-eser / eser-eger) (su AKAR- yel ESER) = water flows - wind blows EĞER / ISE = (EVEN / IF) (yel ESER- ekin EĞER)= the wind blows and bows the crops ISE / EĞER = (IF / EVER) EĞER / İSE and İSE / EĞER constructs are used to specify "conditions" and are often used interchangeably. ISE EĞER: means "If ever" and indicates a condition that is more likely to occur. "If ever you need any help, just let me know." (Yardıma ihtiyacın olursa eğer, sadece haberim olsun) or (Herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyaç duyarsan, bana haber vermen yeterli) “If I'm not tired, we can visit them in the evening.” = “Yorgun değilsem eğer, akşamleyin onları ziyaret edebiliriz” EĞER ISE: means "Even if" and indicates a condition that is less likely to occur. "Even if it rains tomorrow, I will go for a walk." (Yarın yürüyüşe çıkacağım, eğer yağmur yağıyor olsa da ) or (Yarın yağmur yağsa bile yürüyüşe çıkacağım.) “Why should i go to work, (even) if I'm not getting my salary” = Eğer maaşımı alamıyorsam, neden işe gideyim ki.
sometimes the algorithm just works
The reason 爱 doesn't appear very early is probably because of existence of another word for "love, to love" - 好 (hào).
They got rid of the woman and the kid :(
So I just found a blogpost by Sagart (link here ) where he mentions that the OC word for "love" was 字 while the early meaning of 愛 was "to cherish" (why yes, this does mean I may need to make an update video! xD). As for 好, the verb (4th tone in Mandarin) is derived from the base meaning "good", and so the derivative was likely something like "to consider good" rather than "love". As an aside, 好 appears in Shang OBI but as a family name, the famous Lady "Hao", although her family name was more likely 子 with a female radical added to show that the name belonged to a woman, which was the standard way of naming women at the time.
Memorizing 2000+ kanji characters was tedious and intimidating for me. It wasn't until I discovered how each character evolved and made the connection between the word and its meaning that learning became easier.
just encountered this channel and I love it as a Swedish person who's been obsessively learning Chinese for 10 years
@@SwedishSinologyNerd 超期待你以後發布的影片!
Awesome channel! I've seen other Chinese culture and language channels but this is the new highest level on this topic on YT.
So glad I stumbled upon this channel! One of the few times, I was pleasantly surprised by the new homefeed algorithm. I hope that all the a-b testing I've encountered on my user for the past couple of months at least means this comment will carry some extra algorithmic clout
I’m so happy to see you back! :D Thank you for the great videos.
Thank you for being patient with my awful uploading schedule!
Most epic comeback since the year 33 AD
Long time no see
Thank you for being back!
No, thank YOU for sticking with me!
Sending this to my Chinese teacher 🌞
It was very interesting, especially the meaning behind "belch" in multiple words/characters.
Oooooh! Let me know what they think!
Cool explaination!
So glad to have struck gold with this channel
Why must this be reccommended to me on April Fools 😭😭😭
A very interesting and enjoyable video
Welcome back!
The return of the king
Chinese language is amazing. It kinda spells, but not with an alphabet but with a complex system of culturally relevant references.
Chinese traditional language is very meme-heavy! I’m planning on making a chengyu etymology video series that’s pretty much just “today’s 2000 year old meme is….” xD
I love this, I have some interest in the history of languages and this made it easy to understand
Interesting song for the ending of the video. From the ending theme of anime Ayakashi played in erhu.
A fellow man of taste and culture I see!
Thanks UA-cam algorithm
Please please please dear God make at least a short video explaining why 心 was written the way it was in the Shang dynasty and onward。 I have to know why it looks like that
Im not learning Chinese, but it's nice to see where the kanji comes from and understand how fascinating is this characters...
The fact are unique and easy to be recognized is just perfect
Thank you! I’m happy you find the videos useful! I’ll be talking about Japanese kokuji, kana and other scripts derived from Chinese characters as well in the future! ^^
Sending this to my pookie rn
First video I've seen of yours and hope to see more!
Congratulations on your 700th subscriber
Thank you for your support! =)
Since 旡 is early form of 既, wouldn't 旡 also be merely phonetic component? Idk about belching feeling in heart theory
You're correct that he semantic-phonetic explanation is entirely adequate to explain the character, but many characters do have double semantic-phonetic components, and it's a common pedagogic technique to make little stories about Hanzi to make them stick better in the learner's head, so I've tried to strike a balance while being as faithful to the material as possible, whether I suceeded or not is of course, another question entirely xD
Nice video!
Also, that Emperor: RotMK background soundtrack brought up some good memories :)
A fellow man of culture I see!
4:39 that is very interesting.
Smells like Touhou reference in the end
If so it was unintentional, I haven’t played touhou, I just know the sakuya theme xD
Really love this series, keep it up!
Im suddenly interested in learning my ancestral language
wasn't expecting a Private Baldrick reference, noice
That’s the Wormwood special, highly specific and very dank references (cause I’m old and weird lol)!
I just miraculously came across this channel but I instantly recognize the voice of a certain Léon Wieger in your analysis.
Please, I would love to exchange emails with you to discuss his and other European Sinologists’ work with you. I have some old notes on philology that I think would interest you.
Oh sh't I sound like Wieger? xD I certainly wouldn't mind having a sinology penpal!
学习了 我感觉以前的那个“㤅”更有意思 一边叹气一边挂念着爱人
Love it
0:21 Why did you say Uh, after a learner learns? A student studies, a reader reads, a swimmer swims, what’s the problem? Honest question! Thank you for the videos!
Lol, that's just a quirk from being taught that repetitive writing is a cardinal sin (reinforced by peer pressure from ancient Chinese and Mayan scribes lol). I know it's silly but sometimes the brain does not brain logically xD
很想瞭解一下漢字在秦代書同文之前在各國的差異以及他們的特點. 一頓查找后未果.不知道您對這方面聊不瞭解.
@@SwedishSinologyNerd 明白了,那個時代的文字真的好自由啊.
Love your videos!
Ooh, can you break down Bing Chilling for me pls (冰淇淋)
Sure thing! And thanks for the video idea lol ^^
冰淇淋 is a loanword from English, 冰 = ice and 淇淋 is a phonetic approximation of the word "cream", the reason why it doesn't sound like "cream" in Mandarin is because the word probably entered Chinese via another language like Cantonese or southern Min. This makes 冰淇淋 both a calque AND a phonetic loan.
@@SwedishSinologyNerd That's interesting, and nice to know. You're amazing at this if you answered within an hour.
Would you know if the choice of characters was purely phonetic, or they put some thought into which ones they would use? I recognize the water radical both characters
@@torshavnnewellMany phonetic loans in chinese go through a development where they're first written purely phonetic, with semantic elements added later (if possible). Compare the Cantonese 忌廉 (which in Cantonese is a near-homophone to 淇淋) where there are no semantic components at all. This development trend isn't as strong in Modern Chinese though because the digital medium doesn't easily lend itself to coining new characters, while in say, the 19th and early 20 the century you could just add a radical to a phonetic loan and presto, new character.
@@SwedishSinologyNerd Thanks. I love the idea of creating new characters, and I wish it was done more. Not just to give characters to meanings, but also to mash up a few radicals and see what meaning you can interpret.
I've made one before actually. It was the woman character within the door character. Like 閉, except it's 女 instead of a hand (I think it's supposed to be a hand).
@@torshavnnewellHmmm, so 女inside 門(youtube couldn’t display the character it seems)? Kangxi lists it as a variation of 闖 but if Vietnamese Chu Nom or Japanese kokkun taught me anything it's that a character's meaning is sometimes just vibes xD
The 才 in 閉 is actually not a hand but a representation of the lock on ancient doors, similar to the component in 關 (double lock + rope/chains tied around the lock, for extra security). 才 itself is a pictogram of a wooden stake or pole in the ground, signifying a place (original form of 在, which was phonetically extended with 士) and was later borrowed for the homophone meaning "skill, talent". I've seen some warring states glyphs which add a heart radical underneath, some scholars interpret it as being used specifically for the meaning "skill and talent" but the jury's still out on the exact reading. Sorry 'bout the text-wall btw, I get excited about these things ^^;
So 愛 originally meant heartburn?
"Maybe it's love, maybe it's that grilled cheese I had last night, but baby when I see ya I feel like throwing up" xD
How'd you learn to read 文言文?
Through lots of hard work lol. I’m making a series on 文言文 but until then I can recommend Classical Chinese for Everyone by Van Norden.
this is sick omg
That's why my field is AI. 😂
I do 旡 a lot
May wanna get that checked out my friend
ive never appreciated the way a white guy speaks chinese the way i have when i opened this video
Lol, I’ll take that as a compliment! XD
3:44 hmm🤨🤨
Botched quote from Mencius xD
These kind of videos are quite dangerous, I might be tempted to study Mandarin again
Dangerous indeed, I took a course in Chinese once and suddenly I’d lived in China for a decade xD
During the simplification process the character based on passion and heart was more logical than the version without the heart radical: how can somebody love without a heart ??
Ikr, that's why I say they dropped the ball big time because they omitted the core element/radical
Bal = (Honey)
Bal >Mal >Mel >Mil >Meli > Melit > Melis =(yumuşak, hoş kokulu, tatlı, melul, balsam / yummy, mellow, balmy, malleable, dessert, sweet)
Al-Bal (red-sweet) =Alpal (Apple) >Afal >Almelo> >Alma > Elma
(the dessert) > Alba> halba > halvah > helva
Mel-ak (sweet-white)>Mela >Mal >Mar >Milo >Melon >Melam >>>Milk
(sweetie) > Balak > bala >>> bella
Almıla / Melah >> Elma = Apple
Meltem= mellow wind = breeze
Mel-melat = marmelat = marmellata
Melisa = balm / jam / rosin
Melamine = a type of chemical resin
(Mel-hem)> merhem=(almost-balm) > ointment
(Mel-sumac)> mercimek = lentil
Mel-audio = melody
(tow/toğ/tao/tai/tav/tağ)>> (Dağ = mountain) high/~塔 / 高 /ضيقة
(dar /tar /dai /tai /tav /dae /too /toi)
Phone / Phoon/ Fun / Wajan / Wehen = (Ses /Rüzgar /Esint) - Sound / Wind / Breeze
Dae-vane /tao-fun / too-fan/ tai-phone/ typhoon = (loud sound) > hard-strong wind
Dağ= litosferik tabakaların sıkışarak yükselmesi / compression and rise of lithospheric layers
Dar = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable
Dar = birbirine yaklaşmış / sıkışık / sıkışmış / sıkıştırılmış / sağlam / sert / dayanıklı
Darlık= to rise upwards by squeezed, feeling of height, feeling of being squeezed
Dar-lık= sıkışarak yükselmek, yükseklik hissi, sıkışma duygusu
Dar = yakın olmak , alakalı olmak, ilgilenmek / to be close, to be involved, to be interested
Hüküm-dar = Hükümle ilgilenen , hüküm veren = Sovereign
Mihman-dar = Misafire yakın olan , misafire alaka gösteren = ~hostess
Darülaceze = Acizerle ilgilenilen yer = ~hospice
Dai-u > nearest he's = Dayı = uncle
Toy = meeting /ceremony/feast/ immature-game boy
Kurulu-toy > Kurultay = scheduled meeting / council
(Dai-emek)> Dayamak =to base on /make it support/fasten down
(Dai-en-mak)> Dayanmak= to recline upon / stay strong /be close literally
(Dai-et-mak)>Dayatmak = to impose / insist
Yanardağ ile ilgili / pertaining to a volcano
Dağ-et-mak >Dağıtmak = to distribute /to deal out / to deploy
Dağ-al-mak >Dağılmak = to get dispersed / to go to pieces
Dağ-la-mak = krater şekline çevirmek / cauterize
(Doğ-umak) = Doğmak = to go up / re-rising up / come into the world > to born
Doğ-ğur-mak= Doğurmak= to make this come up > bring this into the world
(Doy-umak) = Doymak = to rise to the top / to be full
Doy-ğur-mak= Doyurmak=to satiate > to make it full > to feed
TH > T / D
TS > S / Ş
Thuith >Tuits > Tiss / Diş = tooth (dental)
Thuıth > Thuıts > Tuıss / Dış = outer ( external)
Thuss > - Suz = (- Less) >>without it / free from it / it's got rid of that
Dışarı / Dış taraf = outside
Dışsal = external
Dışı = out of...
(Suz)> Sız/siz - Suz/süz = without / less
Kanat = Wing /Kanatsız = Wingless
Su= water > Su-suz = water-less / anhydrous
Suç =crime > Suçsuz=innocent (freed from blame)
Şeker= Sugar > Şekersiz= without sugar / sugar free
Kitap= book / Kitapsız = without books / free from books
Ücret = fee / ücretsiz = free /ücret dışı =out of fee
Gereksiz = needless / İhtiyaç dışı/ lüzumsuzca =unnecessary
Kanunsuz/hukuksuz = unlawful / Kanun dışı = outside the law
Hukuk-yasa =law > Yasal =legal / Yasadışı = illegal
Görüş = sight / görüş dışı = out of sight
Sadık -vefalı-vefakar= loyal / sadakatsiz-vefasız= disloyal
Beğeni = like / beğeni dışı= dislike
Bağlantı = connect / bağlantı dışı=disconnect
(LIĞ-LUĞ) (aluk=has got)
LI- Li-Lu-Lü ekleri sahiplik ve dahiliyet ekleridir...
(Dış- Thuıss) Siz-Sız-Suz-Süz ekleri
“İçermemek” , "sahip olmamak" , “ondan azade olmak” veya "mahrumiyet" anlamına gelen bu ekler, bir şeyin dahilinde olmayışı ifade eder.
(Have no)( ~without) (...less)
O benim sevgi-li-m = (~s/he has my love)= s/he is my lover
İki çocuk-lu kadın= (which) the woman has two children
Çocuksuz adam = (which) the man has no child
Şekerli =(it has sugar) = with sugar
Şekersiz= (it has no sugar) = without sugar = ~sugar free= şekerden azade
Tuzlu =it has salt =salty
Tuzsuz= it has no salt = without salt = saltless
Gitmelisin (git-mek-li-sen)= you have to go
Gitmen gerekli (gitmek-in gerek-li) = you have need to go
Gitmen gerekir (gitmek-in gerek-e-er) = you need to go
Yeğ / Yüğ = upper, superior
Yeğ-mek > Yemek (to eat)= to add on oneself, to receive into one's essence
Yeğ-im> Yem= provender, fodder > Yemiş= fruit
Yüğ-le-mek > yeğlemek = to keep it on top of others, make it relatively superior, ~to prefer
Yüğ-ka-yer-u > yukarı =(which side is on top) = Up
Yüğ-ce > yüce = superior in level /sublime
Yüğ-ce-al-mek > yücelmek = to achieve superiority in level
Yüğ-sü-ek > yüksek = high
Yüğ-sel > yüksel = exponential , superlative
Yüğ-sü-al-mek> yükselmek = to rise to a high level, to ascend
Yüğ-sük > yüzük =(ring)= jewelry worn on the finger top
Yüğ-sü-en-mek > yüksünmek= to feel slighted / take offended
Yüğ-ük > yük =(load)> carried on top, undertaken
Yüğ-ün > yün =(wool)> the feathers that on sheep
Yüğ-üt > yiğit =(valiant)> superior in character
Yüğ-en > yüğen /yeğen =(nephew)> which is kept superior, held in high esteem, valued, precious (yüen > yen 元)
Yüğ-en-cük > yüğençiğ > yinçi / inci =(precious little thing)> pearl , 珍珠
Yüğengi >yengi> yeni =(new)> what's coming on top of , what's coming after
Yüğenge > yenge =(brother's wife)> came over marriage, added to the family later (new bride)
Yüğ-üne /Yeğ-ine > yine/ gene =again /over and over > yeniden = anew /once more
Yüğ-en-mek> yenmek = to overcome, to cope with, to subdue
Yüğ-en-el-mek > yenilmek= to be overcame, to be subdued, to show weakness
Yüğengil > yengil =remains on top of, light, weak
Şan= Glory, splendor 單于 > Şan-Yüğ =Exalted glorious
Yormak=to tire= to arrive over someone (too many). (too much) to go onto
(Yörmek)> Örmek=(to operate on something), to weave on top , to wrap onto
(Yör-et-mek)> Örtmek= to cover
(Yörümek)> Yürümek= to go over something, to wander around
(yöre=precincts) (yörük=nomad)
Yürümek= to walk (yürü=go on)
Yülümek=to go by slipping over something
Yalamak= to lick >~to take swiping/ by scraping on something off
Yolmak= to pluck=to pull by snatching off, tear off (~flatten the top)
Yılmak=to throw down from the one's own top (~get bored), to hit the ground from above (yıldırım=lightning…yıldız=star)
Yurmak= to pull onto, cover over (yur-ut>yurt=tabernacle) (yur-gan>yorgan=quilt)
Yırmak=to bring it on top of, to take it off (yırışmak>yarışmak= to race> to overcome each other)
(Yır-et-mak)>Yırtmak= to tear, to take from inside-out or bottom to top (by pulling from both sides) (~tide over, ~get rid of it)
Yarmak= to split in, to tear apart, to halve, separate by cutting off
Yaratmak= to reveal it, bring it out, to create
Yermek=to pull down ,pull to the ground
Germek=to tense= to pull it in all directions > Sermek= to spread it in all directions
Yıkmak= to overthrow , take down from top to bottom, turn upside down
Yığmak= to stack= put on top of each other, dump on top of each other (yığlamak=shed tears over and over, cry over)
Yağmak=get rained on, get spilled on / to pour down from above
Yakmak= to burn out=to purify matter by heating and removing mass , reduce its volume
Yoğmak=make condensed=to tighten and purify, narrow by turning, get rid of own volume (~get dead)
Yoğurmak= to knead=tighten and thicken , reduce volume, bring to consistency
(Yogurt=thickened milk product)
Yuğmak=to purify squeezing to clean (Yuğamak>yıkamak= to wash)
Yiv = sharp, pointed (yivlemek= sharpen the tip)
Yuvmak=to squeezing thin out, narrow (yuvka>yufka= thin dough) (yuvka>yuka=thin, shallow) (yuvuz>yavuz=thin, weak, delicate)
Yuvarlamak=to round off=narrow by turning (yuva (smallest shelter)= nest) (yavru (smallest)= cub )
Yummak=to shut by squeezing, close tightly
Yumurmak=make it closes inward (yumruk=fist) (yumurta= egg)
Yumuşmak=be completely enclosed by oneself (yumuşak=soft )
TH > T / D
TS > S / Ş
Thuith >Tuits > Tiss / Diş = tooth (dental)
Thuıth > Thuıts > Tuıss / Dış = outer ( external)
Thuss > - Suz = (- Less) >>without it / free from it / it's got rid of that
Dışarı / Dış taraf = outside
Dışsal = external
Dışı = out of...
(Suz)> Sız/siz - Suz/süz = without / less
Kanat = Wing /Kanatsız = Wingless
Su= water > Su-suz = water-less / anhydrous
Suç =crime > Suçsuz=innocent (freed from blame)
Şeker= Sugar > Şekersiz= without sugar / sugar free
Kitap= book / Kitapsız = without books / free from books
Ücret = fee / ücretsiz = free /ücret dışı =out of fee
Gereksiz = needless / İhtiyaç dışı/ lüzumsuzca =unnecessary
Kanunsuz/hukuksuz = unlawful / Kanun dışı = outside the law
Hukuk-yasa =law > Yasal =legal / Yasadışı = illegal
Görüş = sight / görüş dışı = out of sight
Sadık -vefalı-vefakar= loyal / sadakatsiz-vefasız= disloyal
Beğeni = like / beğeni dışı= dislike
Bağlantı = connect / bağlantı dışı=disconnect
(LIĞ-LUĞ) (aluk=has got)
LI- Li-Lu-Lü ekleri sahiplik ve dahiliyet ekleridir...
(Dış- Thuıss) Siz-Sız-Suz-Süz ekleri
“İçermemek” , "sahip olmamak" , “ondan azade olmak” veya "mahrumiyet" anlamına gelen bu ekler, bir şeyin dahilinde olmayışı ifade eder.
(Have no)( ~without) (...less)
O benim sevgi-li-m = (~s/he has my love)= s/he is my lover
İki çocuk-lu kadın= (which) the woman has two children
Çocuksuz adam = (which) the man has no child
Şekerli =(it has sugar) = with sugar
Şekersiz= (it has no sugar) = without sugar = ~sugar free= şekerden azade
Tuzlu =it has salt =salty
Tuzsuz= it has no salt = without salt = saltless
Gitmelisin (git-mek-li-sen)= you have to go
Gitmen gerekli (gitmek-in gerek-li) = you have need to go
Gitmen gerekir (gitmek-in gerek-e-er) = you need to go
(akar-eser / eser-eger)
(su AKAR- yel ESER) = water flows - wind blows
(yel ESER- ekin EĞER)= the wind blows and bows the crops
EĞER / İSE and İSE / EĞER constructs are used to specify "conditions" and are often used interchangeably.
ISE EĞER: means "If ever" and indicates a condition that is more likely to occur.
"If ever you need any help, just let me know." (Yardıma ihtiyacın olursa eğer, sadece haberim olsun) or (Herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyaç duyarsan, bana haber vermen yeterli)
“If I'm not tired, we can visit them in the evening.” = “Yorgun değilsem eğer, akşamleyin onları ziyaret edebiliriz”
EĞER ISE: means "Even if" and indicates a condition that is less likely to occur.
"Even if it rains tomorrow, I will go for a walk." (Yarın yürüyüşe çıkacağım, eğer yağmur yağıyor olsa da ) or (Yarın yağmur yağsa bile yürüyüşe çıkacağım.)
“Why should i go to work, (even) if I'm not getting my salary” = Eğer maaşımı alamıyorsam, neden işe gideyim ki.