I don't understand why they won't put mom and babies in separate housing and outdoor enclosure just so the babies can rest and nurse without mom moving every time you turn around because she has all the other monkeys coming after her food and trying to mess with the babies when she tries to lay down and get some rest. Until the babies are able to hold on to mom without mom holding on to them and maybe even crawl you know just so they can make sure mom is getting the proper food and rest and not get stressed out from being harassed constantly.
Claro ps si uno chupa mas las tetas y el otro no ademas ya creo q estan grandecitos como para poder ya comer fruta y ya no eztar pegados como sanguijuelas en las tetas
I don't understand why they won't put mom and babies in separate housing and outdoor enclosure just so the babies can rest and nurse without mom moving every time you turn
around because she has all the other monkeys coming after her food and trying to mess with the babies when she tries to lay down and get some rest. Until the babies are able to hold on to mom without mom holding on to them and maybe even crawl you know just so they can make sure mom is getting the proper food and rest and not get stressed out from being harassed constantly.
双子ちゃん 片方の女の子のほうが好奇心が強い感じで回りをよく見たり 見つめたり観察しているようで もう片方はどちらかというとママにぴったりくっついている甘えん坊、繊細なのかな?な感じですね!💖
かずみママは 双子ちゃんが何歳くらいになるまで ずっとふたごちゃんを抱っこするのかな?w 将来は交互で抱っこかもですねw かずみママ 応援していますw💖
I thank God for these beautiful animals.
So beautiful!
Que lindos están los bebes chimpancés, uno es más observador y el otro mas dormilón, es bueno que mamá los saque a dar una vuelta. 😍
Claro ps si uno chupa mas las tetas y el otro no ademas ya creo q estan grandecitos como para poder ya comer fruta y ya no eztar pegados como sanguijuelas en las tetas