Personally, I play the sax so I know well that how is a sax sound. I think the tone of Cello, Shakuhachi, Erhu, Trumpet are really good quality. But I prefer a sound of real sax to the tone of Aerophone's sax...
I understand. Because I was playing at the same time, recording audio and video, so it's complicated. Saw you AE 10 not connected output device, so there's the problem。
尺八の音はきれいです。素晴らしい、Sumi Channel.
お上手ですね。 やはりチェロの音が一番似合いますよ。 僕もアルトサックスとテナーサックスで吹きましたが、原曲の音にはかなわない。
saxyuu ありがとうございます(^^)/ そうですね(^_^;) エアロフォンにも言えることですが、ブレスによって長いフレーズが切れてしまうのも原因でしょうか。。。 うまく循環呼吸が出来れば良いのですが(泣)
確かに弦楽器は、管楽器と違いブレスは関係ないのでどんなに長いフレーズも弓で出来そうですが、管楽器奏者は個人個人の肺活量等で違ってくるので、かえってそれが個性になり人間味があり良いですよ。 循環呼吸は僕も挑戦しても全くできませんが、あくまで基本は普通の腹式呼吸で良いのでは?再度聴きなおしましたが、とてもいい感じで演奏されています。(尺八の音は本当に似ていますね)
How do you feel compared to a real sax? From the demo you played, the sax tone is not as good as other synth
Personally, I play the sax so I know well that how is a sax sound. I think the tone of Cello, Shakuhachi, Erhu, Trumpet are really good quality. But I prefer a sound of real sax to the tone of Aerophone's sax...
HI, is playing while recording it?
Hi:) I already recorded and combined the video. Because It's necessary to record on a computer.
I understand. Because I was playing at the same time, recording audio and video, so it's complicated. Saw you AE 10 not connected output device, so there's the problem。
Yes, I wanted to play with swan, so I couldn't connect output device...