Btw, Just found out yesterday that you can Pogo with sling shot. Also I think when using Super ball at ground while Sword Pogoing should be called *Pogo boosting* ( I also Fuse all the pogo -able Weapons and I pogo for like 7 mins or so before getting bored )
@@EquinoxCoolHoodie also you can hit coins. with cannonball. shoot the cannonball to coin. fire a rocket at them to send them flying. not really usefull useless you throw a coin there's a enemy you do a super reaction throw a coin and shoot it.
i found this one thing which i think is insane if you need to get out and go far away from something. if you use grappling hook + rocket launcher and time it just right, you can fly with the rocket and it becomes effected by your gravity so if you have good precision you might be able to just hit a enemy, but yeah its something i think is really cool
My favorite combo I found out myself is rocket and trowel to the point I literally choose two secondaries because if you build a trowel over a mob it gets bricked but if you explode the wall every single brick does damage and it’s about Insta kill damage
@@EquinoxCoolHoodieas someone who for jokes used superball + trowel, it's literally top 3 crowd control. The problem is that trowel is VERY uninteractive. It's just boring to play with it.
@@EquinoxCoolHoodie I think you forgot about Sword Pogoing - Basically Dash in the air, Look down in First POV in the air and hit the ground with sword. Hard at first, Ez when mastered and you go flying! Good with Those Ninja Stars + Katana (Wish you can Pogo with Fire Brand lol)
If you ever make an advanced guide put this zombie staff information in there! Zombie staff is my favorite gear and I want everyone to know the immense potential it holds. Plus, its free content for you ;) ----- Zombie staff restricts the use of the left arm while it is summoning zombies. Things like parrying with an offhand sword, eating a cheeseburger, reloading a bazooka, etc, cannot be preformed until it has finished summoning all its zombies. This is a shopkeeper tip when you have the staff and talk to the shopkeeper. Getting more than the required kill amount in one attack or by getting zombies by other means will add those zombies to a "queue" of sorts. The zombie staff can only summon one zombie at a time, but it will not stop summoning until it has summoned all the zombies you have earned. You can get additional zombies during this time via kills or other means, and those zombies will be added onto the end of the queue. What do i mean by "getting zombies by other means"? Well im glad you asked! This is a very recent buff to the zombie staff and its a strong one. ----- Zombie staff can summon additional zombies by achieving certain style bonuses. Meaning you are able to summon zombies under certain conditions for free! No more killing 10 enemies to summon zombies! When achieving a style bonus that allows you to summon a zombie, any zombies that would've been summoned via its regular method will not be counted. This is because when you achieve one of these bonuses, the zombie staff counter is reset to 10. Example: if you need 1 kill to summon a zombie, and kill a singular noob with the SLAM DUNK and OBLITERATED bonus, you will get 2 zombies instead of 3, since the counter will be reset. However, if you kill a singular noob with the SLAM DUNK and OBLITERATED bonus and then afterwards kill enough enemies to summon a zombie, it will be counted. TL;DR: You can either summon a zombie with style bonuses or by kills. You don't summon extra zombies from combining the two on the same enemy. Separate kills on different enemies will be counted. Speaking of style bonuses; this is the list of them! ----- WARNING: THE DEVELOPER MANAGED TRELLO AND THE IN-GAME STYLE BONUSES SOMETIMES DO NOT MATCH UP WITH HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE ACHIEVED TO HOW IT ACTUALLY IS ACHIEVED. SUCH CASES I HAVE HIGHLIGHTED, AND THEY ARE LIABLE TO CHANGE. CHARGEBACK - Reflecting a Mark's shot with a slingshot coin. REVERSAL - Killing an enemy with their own explosive attack via parrying (killbots excluded) COUNTER - Making captain take damage by his own barrel by hitting it with a sword or detonating it with a paintball gun or rocket launcher. DISARMED - Dealing damage to vagabond that makes him drop to 3/4, 2/4 or 1/4 of his health. Alternatively; Parry vagabond or explode him with a rocket launcher or bomb [on the trello, it specfies it has to be the slam attack for the second way to get this bonus. I tested it and this information is false.] TRICKED - Place a trowel wall or a timebomb where vagabond is going to land when he uses his slam attack. INTERRUPTION - Parry vagabond when hes below half hp. [On the trello it says you're able to get this by interrupting a Mark with explosive damage over 150, or via paintball or bb gun while they are targeting you. I tested it and this information is false.] OBLITERATED - Overkill an enemy via the slateskin slam attack. (Deal lots of damage to an enemy via slateskin. idk what amount of damage yet but it is any enemy that you kill over a certain threshold of damage dealt to them.) [on the trello it says "kill a heavy enemy with a slateskin slam attack". I tested it and this information is false.] SLAM DUNK - Hit an enemy with slateskin while the cannonball is equipped. ----- Summoning zombies from style bonuses makes Slateskin + Zombie staff an incredible combo for spawning zombies! OBLITERATED spawns a zombie for each time you achieve the bonus, meaning each enemy that you kill with Slateskin that grants you OBLITERATED will spawn 1 zombie. You can use this on a hoard of enemies to spawn a zombie for every enemy killed instead of every 10 enemies killed. The optimal weapon to use with this combo is the cannonball. Jump boosting with it (jumping, then throwing it under your feet) and slamming while holding it will increase your slateskin slam damage by a lot, meaning its easier to activate OBLITERATED. It also gives you the SLAM DUNK bonus, which summons an additional zombie. Default Superball is also really good. You may not be able to get large amounts of OBLITERATED from crowds, but making the slam move reusable can generate lots of zombies from smaller spread out enemies. No SLAM DUNK, though. Using the trowel is not as effective due to no SLAM DUNK and not being to gain much height with it, but it is better than the default slam. Avoid using the time bomb since it removes OBLITERATED. Other good weapons/gear for zombie staff include: Rocket launcher(s) - Its very easy to nuke crowds when your slateskin is off cooldown with them. It also makes achieving DISARMED and INTERRUPTED a breeze. Wrench - The sentry cleans up a lot of enemies that you wouldn't have normally been able to kill. Also, who doesn't love playing a summoner class? BB Gun - If you have a cannonball, same reasons as above. Without the summoner class. So 10 times worse than the Wrench for that reason alone. Trowel / Time Bomb - Trowel upgrades into wrench and is decent for OBLITERATED. Otherwise, useful for only TRICKED during vagabond. Battle Armour / Regen Coil / Teddy Bloxpin / Jet boots - These are all passive gears which don't require use of the left hand. Battle Armour or Regen Coil is best for staying alive, Jet boots is both fun and functional, and Teddy Bloxpin is here because of the criteria. (Dev says it might get reworked later, and I hope it does! Its currently in the same boat as old slateskin.) Decoy Deploy - Not special with zombie staff in any way, but its fun to summon stuff! And finally, whatever weapons/gear you want to use with zombie staff! Have fun with the game man. TL;DR: Slateskin + Zombie staff really good actually. Summon a zombie for every enemy killed instead of every 10 via Slateskin! Bring super/cannonball for extra effectiveness. Become a flag zombie from PVZ! ----- Thanks for reading, and if you ever make another video like this I hope this information gets in! This is a really nicely made video and gives you a good basis off information about this game, but I feel a second "advanced guide" would be epic, since this video does skip a few edge case scenarios. But its still a very nice video! Concise, well edited, and funny. You did a great job at condensing information into a form that's fun to watch. Even to people (like me) who knows all of it already. Keep up the good work and have a nice day! :)
no problem! im just glad that you took the time to read it and respond to it! :P i fixed a few things from my original comment, to be more accurate (mainly stuff with the superball, it does give OBLITERATED and it might be an alternative for the cannonball in some situations! neat!)
you should try grappling hook it's so fun to get around with and get away from bosses mostly from captain OR bring an enemy if you don't wanna just go in and attack it though zombie staff is also a good thing for baiting.
Another one of these tricks, you can use the scatterblaster to get more distance without taking any damage. (Just gotta projectile boost while looking at the ground. The umbrella can make you fly by quick slashing then shooting the scatterblaster. You can parry the blue flashes using a explosive weapon. (It can be indirect to parry blue flashes) Reflector can life-steal. Hooking the killbot with the grappling hook and slashing it with a sword will give you the +Homerun
Tip: if youre going use ninja stars solo make sure when fighting captain and vagbond(make sure you have a hp buff or regen) youre in enclosed area cause you will get the Domain Expansion style further increasing dmg by tenfold
"Domain Expansion: A Thousand Cuts and A Thousand Slashes." (User traps enemy inside a pocket dimension, ninja stars will appear, multiply, and ricochet until they eventually reach their target.)
Quacka! Hello equi, its me penguim, i saw ur channel and ur video, and because of you i started playing this game, your video is just incredible and ur channel is really good, idk why u dont have more subscribers, cya🐧!
bonus with the bazooka and grapple, if you stand still and shoot a rocket anywhere, wait half a second then grapple to it, you can essentially rocket ride if you have good aim you can do it while moving but the rocket wont be directly on ur crosshair its goo to get around the maps or if youre in a pickle, you can rocket jump then look up and shoot another and grapple to it to get away
thank you, i'm new to the game and i had no idea of many things you said there, didn't know that combos even existed, i was looking for a guide, didn't know they existed, your guide appeared after the trailer of the game ended, then i clicked on it, HOURS players will love this game, i'm also a HOURS player, well, a former one, i stopped played because i already did everything that was to do there.
I played this last week on my mom's laptop and got mad and ended up rage quitting because i had to use arrow keys to look around (didn't snd still don't have a mouse) plus i wasn't used to playing on a computer at all it just feels too complicated getting the muscle memory for the spot of each key and the controls for every game i play it's harder than it seems to play in a computer but I'll probably get the hang of it when i get a mouse to play properly (damn what a rant) good video I'll use these tips when i play it again
I agree. There are quite a few mechanics, skills and enemies that translate over (eg parrying, ccomboing weapons, style meter, dashing mechanics, certain enemies can be dealt with the same as ultrakill) that are a massive help.
haven't seen alot of people notice a style bonus i think is pretty cool, if you grapple a killbot and hit it with sword whilst its being grappled you get +HOMERUN and i think if you hit it into other enemies it explodes
you can jump with sword if you look at the ground, slash and jump - it will be a higher jump if done correctly (if slash 3rd click and jump looking to the ground, it will be even more higher jump)
one of my favorite comboes in this game is jumpdash/airdash + superball + rocket launcher + jet boots, u can literally go across the entirety of basically all maps
If you use the slateskin potion and jump (while in the air) holding a bomb and press g, it will make a nuke that destroys everything but takes away some of your health.
I like this I also wanna tell you something on the Superball if you jump and hit the ground under you your able to a ball jump which is good to go to most areas
You can also hit the ground with your sword if your in first person,it will make you go up just like how you would pogo an enemy. If you do it after a dash jump you can go crazy fast,all you need is good timing and a bit of practice.
tip for crossroads: in selecting your primary and secondary weapon, using sword and rocket is the best if you want. Tip for baiting: using zombie staff or decoy deploy is a good bait tbh, though decoy deploy can easily explode and already die maybe if your low health, zombie staff is also a funny and damage to final boss in glass houses ig. edit: I remember when the first time I was already winning my zombie and the final boss in glass houses were literally playing by spinning.
countertip: choosing anything that provides good combo damage (slingshot + sword/paintball, sword + superball) is guaranteed to work. sword + rocket is an exception to this, but don’t limit yourself!
Btw extra tip, currently the bloxide will also permanently give you a fourth stamina bar when you first use. Also when the zombie staff is being used, you are unable to do actions that require your left hand while you are spawning a zombie (like slingshot alt fire)
There's another combo with the slateskin potion and bomb that if you hold your bomb while doing the G ability it'll turn your slam into an explosive animation, dropping the bomb and turning it into an nuke, which will also gives you the Nuclear Reaction style
This is the most best video I have ever seen, and so that’s why people die on the first boss💀💀💀 They didn’t see this awesome and hardwork of a tutorial!
Combo Idea : Use the Bomb and when it's about to explode, jump while walking forward to give you a big speed boost. Then, when you're about to fall, use the rocket launcher to boost yourself _again_
You can actually rocket jump in the game. And you can go higher if you have the jetpack boots. Its simple just aim at the ground below you and shoot! I like doing rocket jumps to troll enemies and i love it when i have jetpack boots. Oh and its the rocket item for the jumping. Its not a bomb jump.
My opinions: if you choose slingshot then have your autoclicker ready, I didnt know about the superball combos because why would anyone ever pick paint ball/sword with super ball, rocket launcher and sword are best starting weapons in my opinion because rocket launcher is very versatile and does lot of damage, also didnt know that paintball can insta detonate bomb because when do you ever have time to do that when a huge horde is right behind you, i think no one would ever pick trowel if it wasnt for sentry (did you know that throwing superball or ninja star at trowel auto targets them towards closest enemy after wall bounce?), katana generally the better option, shotgun and horde detroyer that needs a conservating mindset because you dont want to waste all fire and then have to wait for it to recharge, ninja stars is the only reason for anyone picking superball, "Wanna see me make that guy disappear" rocket launcher, bazooka is if you one rocket isnt enough and you want to have more in reserve (has no cooldown to shoot next shot, only reload), turret best weapon upgrade, can deal with hordes and good against single target (like bosses), throwable wrench does 200 damage (double the green shirt health and same as police without shield raised), can explosive jump ane detonate for splash damage, jet boots for quick vertical mobility, pair umbrella with rocket launcher, grappling lets you hook light enemies (very good pairing with sword) or you can grappling hook your allies to move to them to help them out or escape yourself (allies basicly poles but larger hitbox), you want to spam reflector as much as you can because it deals 250 damge in a small area around you. 5 second cooldown to annihalate any horde is insane.
with the time bomb is you throw it in the air and hit it with a sword it will explode in the air, and if you do it with fire brand then shoot it with a paintball gun or bb gun it has an even bigger radius and you will get style points for *nuclear reaction*
Back when I first played, and that was probably way back in 2023, trowel was probably one of the best actual weapons if you wanna have fun and defend yourself. At least i think it was, didnt play for very long back then
U guys know about the way to cheese vagabond? Basically get rocket launcher and jet boots, flamethrower if u want more dmg, head to one of the two towers and get on the top When vaga comes just rocket him and spam jetboots until he falls down
Two questions about parrying Vagabond: 1. Can you parry his attack where he jumps into the air and launches himself at you, causing an explosion? 2. Can you also parry his attack where he gracefully ascends and swings a giant sword in a circle?
GUYS, to PARRY use your keybind YOU HAVE IN SETTINGS, i put MY PARRY button on F
Can you make an advanced guide, Thanks!
(Can you teach other about rocket jumping)
@@valerijussokolovas4219 I started making it yesterday
Btw, Just found out yesterday that you can Pogo with sling shot. Also I think when using Super ball at ground while Sword Pogoing should be called *Pogo boosting*
( I also Fuse all the pogo -able Weapons and I pogo for like 7 mins or so before getting bored )
@@EquinoxCoolHoodie also you can hit coins. with cannonball. shoot the cannonball to coin. fire a rocket at them to send them flying. not really usefull useless you throw a coin there's a enemy you do a super reaction throw a coin and shoot it.
what's the keybind called
I tried this game out, LOVED it. I'm a hardcore ultra kill fan too, so I appreciated the clear inspiration
Sameeee the quality is so cool and i Love it
i found this one thing which i think is insane if you need to get out and go far away from something. if you use grappling hook + rocket launcher and time it just right, you can fly with the rocket and it becomes effected by your gravity so if you have good precision you might be able to just hit a enemy, but yeah its something i think is really cool
rocket riding in combat initiation? heckj yeah!
dive bobm is the style for that (i somehow got it and no ! or !! sadly :(
Ultrakill gamers trying to find out what this game is:
Is combat initiation
me, a man who plays ultrakill and does coin punch on v2, is not gonna sugarcoat coin punch in this game.
I got no ideea
Me trying to parry ball from Cerberus 💀
Man I really felt like ultrakilling but without the rage getting out of my body
My favorite combo I found out myself is rocket and trowel to the point I literally choose two secondaries because if you build a trowel over a mob it gets bricked but if you explode the wall every single brick does damage and it’s about Insta kill damage
Great combo, tbh i didnt saw anyone using trowel, even if they buying they probably leaving after few minutes because trowel is "bad"
@@EquinoxCoolHoodieas someone who for jokes used superball + trowel, it's literally top 3 crowd control.
The problem is that trowel is VERY uninteractive. It's just boring to play with it.
@@EquinoxCoolHoodie I think you forgot about Sword Pogoing - Basically Dash in the air, Look down in First POV in the air and hit the ground with sword. Hard at first, Ez when mastered and you go flying! Good with Those Ninja Stars + Katana (Wish you can Pogo with Fire Brand lol)
Curving mid air while Pogoing is a good way to Fling to them Units
@@nathantrusty7468 Actually, i didnt forgot about sword pogoing, its very hard for beginners so i keep this feature for advanced guide
If you ever make an advanced guide put this zombie staff information in there! Zombie staff is my favorite gear and I want everyone to know the immense potential it holds. Plus, its free content for you ;)
Zombie staff restricts the use of the left arm while it is summoning zombies. Things like parrying with an offhand sword, eating a cheeseburger, reloading a bazooka, etc, cannot be preformed until it has finished summoning all its zombies.
This is a shopkeeper tip when you have the staff and talk to the shopkeeper.
Getting more than the required kill amount in one attack or by getting zombies by other means will add those zombies to a "queue" of sorts.
The zombie staff can only summon one zombie at a time, but it will not stop summoning until it has summoned all the zombies you have earned. You can get additional zombies during this time via kills or other means, and those zombies will be added onto the end of the queue.
What do i mean by "getting zombies by other means"? Well im glad you asked! This is a very recent buff to the zombie staff and its a strong one.
Zombie staff can summon additional zombies by achieving certain style bonuses. Meaning you are able to summon zombies under certain conditions for free! No more killing 10 enemies to summon zombies!
When achieving a style bonus that allows you to summon a zombie, any zombies that would've been summoned via its regular method will not be counted. This is because when you achieve one of these bonuses, the zombie staff counter is reset to 10.
Example: if you need 1 kill to summon a zombie, and kill a singular noob with the SLAM DUNK and OBLITERATED bonus, you will get 2 zombies instead of 3, since the counter will be reset. However, if you kill a singular noob with the SLAM DUNK and OBLITERATED bonus and then afterwards kill enough enemies to summon a zombie, it will be counted.
TL;DR: You can either summon a zombie with style bonuses or by kills. You don't summon extra zombies from combining the two on the same enemy. Separate kills on different enemies will be counted.
Speaking of style bonuses; this is the list of them!
CHARGEBACK - Reflecting a Mark's shot with a slingshot coin.
REVERSAL - Killing an enemy with their own explosive attack via parrying
(killbots excluded)
COUNTER - Making captain take damage by his own barrel by hitting it with a sword or detonating it with a paintball gun or rocket launcher.
DISARMED - Dealing damage to vagabond that makes him drop to 3/4, 2/4 or 1/4 of his health. Alternatively; Parry vagabond or explode him with a rocket launcher or bomb
[on the trello, it specfies it has to be the slam attack for the second way to get this bonus. I tested it and this information is false.]
TRICKED - Place a trowel wall or a timebomb where vagabond is going to land when he uses his slam attack.
INTERRUPTION - Parry vagabond when hes below half hp.
[On the trello it says you're able to get this by interrupting a Mark with explosive damage over 150, or via paintball or bb gun while they are targeting you. I tested it and this information is false.]
OBLITERATED - Overkill an enemy via the slateskin slam attack.
(Deal lots of damage to an enemy via slateskin. idk what amount of damage yet but it is any enemy that you kill over a certain threshold of damage dealt to them.)
[on the trello it says "kill a heavy enemy with a slateskin slam attack". I tested it and this information is false.]
SLAM DUNK - Hit an enemy with slateskin while the cannonball is equipped.
Summoning zombies from style bonuses makes Slateskin + Zombie staff an incredible combo for spawning zombies!
OBLITERATED spawns a zombie for each time you achieve the bonus, meaning each enemy that you kill with Slateskin that grants you OBLITERATED will spawn 1 zombie. You can use this on a hoard of enemies to spawn a zombie for every enemy killed instead of every 10 enemies killed.
The optimal weapon to use with this combo is the cannonball. Jump boosting with it (jumping, then throwing it under your feet) and slamming while holding it will increase your slateskin slam damage by a lot, meaning its easier to activate OBLITERATED. It also gives you the SLAM DUNK bonus, which summons an additional zombie.
Default Superball is also really good. You may not be able to get large amounts of OBLITERATED from crowds, but making the slam move reusable can generate lots of zombies from smaller spread out enemies. No SLAM DUNK, though.
Using the trowel is not as effective due to no SLAM DUNK and not being to gain much height with it, but it is better than the default slam.
Avoid using the time bomb since it removes OBLITERATED.
Other good weapons/gear for zombie staff include:
Rocket launcher(s) - Its very easy to nuke crowds when your slateskin is off cooldown with them. It also makes achieving DISARMED and INTERRUPTED a breeze.
Wrench - The sentry cleans up a lot of enemies that you wouldn't have normally been able to kill. Also, who doesn't love playing a summoner class?
BB Gun - If you have a cannonball, same reasons as above. Without the summoner class. So 10 times worse than the Wrench for that reason alone.
Trowel / Time Bomb - Trowel upgrades into wrench and is decent for OBLITERATED. Otherwise, useful for only TRICKED during vagabond.
Battle Armour / Regen Coil / Teddy Bloxpin / Jet boots - These are all passive gears which don't require use of the left hand. Battle Armour or Regen Coil is best for staying alive, Jet boots is both fun and functional, and Teddy Bloxpin is here because of the criteria. (Dev says it might get reworked later, and I hope it does! Its currently in the same boat as old slateskin.)
Decoy Deploy - Not special with zombie staff in any way, but its fun to summon stuff!
And finally, whatever weapons/gear you want to use with zombie staff! Have fun with the game man.
TL;DR: Slateskin + Zombie staff really good actually. Summon a zombie for every enemy killed instead of every 10 via Slateskin! Bring super/cannonball for extra effectiveness. Become a flag zombie from PVZ!
Thanks for reading, and if you ever make another video like this I hope this information gets in! This is a really nicely made video and gives you a good basis off information about this game, but I feel a second "advanced guide" would be epic, since this video does skip a few edge case scenarios.
But its still a very nice video! Concise, well edited, and funny. You did a great job at condensing information into a form that's fun to watch. Even to people (like me) who knows all of it already.
Keep up the good work and have a nice day! :)
DAWG, such a big comment. thanks for the support
no problem! im just glad that you took the time to read it and respond to it! :P
i fixed a few things from my original comment, to be more accurate (mainly stuff with the superball, it does give OBLITERATED and it might be an alternative for the cannonball in some situations! neat!)
I literally didn't know about almost all these style tricks you talked about.
you should try grappling hook it's so fun to get around with and get away from bosses mostly from captain OR bring an enemy if you don't wanna just go in and attack it though zombie staff is also a good thing for baiting.
Pin this
Another one of these tricks, you can use the scatterblaster to get more distance without taking any damage. (Just gotta projectile boost while looking at the ground.
The umbrella can make you fly by quick slashing then shooting the scatterblaster.
You can parry the blue flashes using a explosive weapon. (It can be indirect to parry blue flashes)
Reflector can life-steal.
Hooking the killbot with the grappling hook and slashing it with a sword will give you the +Homerun
Tip: if youre going use ninja stars solo make sure when fighting captain and vagbond(make sure you have a hp buff or regen) youre in enclosed area cause you will get the Domain Expansion style further increasing dmg by tenfold
"Domain Expansion: A Thousand Cuts and A Thousand Slashes."
(User traps enemy inside a pocket dimension, ninja stars will appear, multiply, and ricochet until they eventually reach their target.)
you spam ninja stars in an enclosed area and that area becomes a grinder
Literally just malevolent shrine with shurikens
i love how the music is sync w the scene at 5:44 6:17 i think its a neat touch :)
thanks, i thought no one gonna see it
me: can we buy ultrakill?
mom: we have ultrakill at home
ultrakill at home:
ultrakill at home is still 🔥🔥
yeah its still 🔥🔥 @@realyes
hello 0:49 😂
This ain’t ultrakill at home this is ultrakill homecoming
2:51 underrated mechanic I found myself ngl
Quacka! Hello equi, its me penguim, i saw ur channel and ur video, and because of you i started playing this game, your video is just incredible and ur channel is really good, idk why u dont have more subscribers, cya🐧!
bonus with the bazooka and grapple, if you stand still and shoot a rocket anywhere, wait half a second then grapple to it, you can essentially rocket ride
if you have good aim you can do it while moving but the rocket wont be directly on ur crosshair
its goo to get around the maps or if youre in a pickle, you can rocket jump then look up and shoot another and grapple to it to get away
thank you, i'm new to the game and i had no idea of many things you said there, didn't know that combos even existed, i was looking for a guide, didn't know they existed, your guide appeared after the trailer of the game ended, then i clicked on it, HOURS players will love this game, i'm also a HOURS player, well, a former one, i stopped played because i already did everything that was to do there.
No problem
I played this last week on my mom's laptop and got mad and ended up rage quitting because i had to use arrow keys to look around (didn't snd still don't have a mouse) plus i wasn't used to playing on a computer at all it just feels too complicated getting the muscle memory for the spot of each key and the controls for every game i play it's harder than it seems to play in a computer but I'll probably get the hang of it when i get a mouse to play properly (damn what a rant) good video I'll use these tips when i play it again
I just started playing the game and i didn't know you could do a lot of cool stuff in this game. Also nice guide👍
Tysm for this guide. When i got the slateskin potion (idk how to spell it) u didnt know how to use it
No problem
Learned some things I didn't know, awesome video!
i love how freedom dive just intensifies at the ninja stars part
I love watching a guide for a PC-Only game even tough im mobile
Thank you for this tutorial. And for that you have earned your Official 700th Subscriber. Keep making this good content ^^
Thank you so much!
Tip: play ultrakill and come back to this game
Already beat ultrakill and p ranked everything but not played combat initation yet soo
I agree. There are quite a few mechanics, skills and enemies that translate over (eg parrying, ccomboing weapons, style meter, dashing mechanics, certain enemies can be dealt with the same as ultrakill) that are a massive help.
@@torvex69do it on brutal
@@omegablaze135 me personally, game not having a good enough quickswap sorta turns me off.
haven't seen alot of people notice a style bonus i think is pretty cool, if you grapple a killbot and hit it with sword whilst its being grappled you get +HOMERUN and i think if you hit it into other enemies it explodes
damn its literally the exact same in ultrakill
the video is cool and useful thanks for sharing this information with us
awesome vid man this helped a lot
you can jump with sword if you look at the ground, slash and jump - it will be a higher jump if done correctly (if slash 3rd click and jump looking to the ground, it will be even more higher jump)
one of my favorite comboes in this game is jumpdash/airdash + superball + rocket launcher + jet boots, u can literally go across the entirety of basically all maps
Your videos are really great! Ty!
This guide really helps. thank you for making this.
No problem
great guide
Omg this exactly what I want to play :D thanks
Cool! I'm also going to make an animated guide for this game.
dang this guy got by far the most popular ci video giving birth to pros
yeah, crazy to think right?
you also can use grapple hook to get attached by rocket projectiles, if didnt mentioned
If you use the slateskin potion and jump (while in the air) holding a bomb and press g, it will make a nuke that destroys everything but takes away some of your health.
it takes away 50 health
I like this I also wanna tell you something on the Superball if you jump and hit the ground under you your able to a ball jump which is good to go to most areas
instruction unclear, now i 1cc'd ultrakill in 10 minutes.
Thanks this actually help a lot
this is the roblox ultrakill we almost didnt get
You can also hit the ground with your sword if your in first person,it will make you go up just like how you would pogo an enemy. If you do it after a dash jump you can go crazy fast,all you need is good timing and a bit of practice.
tip for crossroads: in selecting your primary and secondary weapon, using sword and rocket is the best if you want. Tip for baiting: using zombie staff or decoy deploy is a good bait tbh, though decoy deploy can easily explode and already die maybe if your low health, zombie staff is also a funny and damage to final boss in glass houses ig. edit: I remember when the first time I was already winning my zombie and the final boss in glass houses were literally playing by spinning.
countertip: choosing anything that provides good combo damage (slingshot + sword/paintball, sword + superball) is guaranteed to work. sword + rocket is an exception to this, but don’t limit yourself!
@@seventhspud it's just what I think, it's th best for me.
If you use the sword and hit the ground while falling you get flung a bit and you dont lose momentum, you can use this with the long dash and go fast
Never played the game but this game now sounds really fun
Update: I played the game and it’s really fun
Btw extra tip, currently the bloxide will also permanently give you a fourth stamina bar when you first use. Also when the zombie staff is being used, you are unable to do actions that require your left hand while you are spawning a zombie (like slingshot alt fire)
ultrakill players (me) have already mastered the art of combat initiations
9:40 war without reason 😎
Fire brand bomb piant ball bt u whats urs?
All soo my buff is gold baer burger thats all and umm fire brand ability ofc
I just did a better run
Fire brand bomb rocket
And the other is fire brand flame thrower and bb gun
tip: with cannonball and slateskin, if youre high in the air, equip cannonball and do the slam. it'll do a bonus called "SLAM DUNK!!"
WOW i never knew they added the engineer to the game
small improvement: parry could heal you back
orange spark is precise parry (it need to time perfect and it also heal you to max hp)
This is awesome guide, will you do a guide on enemys as I know what they do, they always suprise me
Sure, maybe when stage 4 will release i will do guide on enemies
There's another combo with the slateskin potion and bomb that if you hold your bomb while doing the G ability it'll turn your slam into an explosive animation, dropping the bomb and turning it into an nuke, which will also gives you the Nuclear Reaction style
Didnt know tho
"It will inflict fire"🔥
Very cool gamer🗿
This is the most best video I have ever seen, and so that’s why people die on the first boss💀💀💀
They didn’t see this awesome and hardwork of a tutorial!
@@EquinoxCoolHoodie yeah, no problem!
Combo Idea : Use the Bomb and when it's about to explode, jump while walking forward to give you a big speed boost. Then, when you're about to fall, use the rocket launcher to boost yourself _again_
ultrakill:im tired fo being first person,wonder when will I find a copy of me but is a third person view.
combat initiation:welcome.
1:17 you can use the sword when ur abt to hit the ground to knock back up and keep ur velocity
very useful and you introduced me to a good game. thanks
No problem!
go nuts and play with any loadouts that you might think of lol
best guide ever
tip: double tix quickly and normal melee twice. if done right it is a double tix slash
@@braindamagegood firebrand and you do multi slash of tix!!
You can actually rocket jump in the game. And you can go higher if you have the jetpack boots. Its simple just aim at the ground below you and shoot! I like doing rocket jumps to troll enemies and i love it when i have jetpack boots. Oh and its the rocket item for the jumping. Its not a bomb jump.
Yeah, i forgot to tell that in video
i never knew the katana can autoparry projectiles, definitely using this next time i play lmao
i didnt even know about the existence of this game, and it looks REALLY cool and unique, i wanna test it out someday. Also, great guide 👍
A friend recommended me to play this...
Have a sub
slingshot spamming and pressing F with sword helps really well for crowd control
My opinions: if you choose slingshot then have your autoclicker ready, I didnt know about the superball combos because why would anyone ever pick paint ball/sword with super ball, rocket launcher and sword are best starting weapons in my opinion because rocket launcher is very versatile and does lot of damage, also didnt know that paintball can insta detonate bomb because when do you ever have time to do that when a huge horde is right behind you, i think no one would ever pick trowel if it wasnt for sentry (did you know that throwing superball or ninja star at trowel auto targets them towards closest enemy after wall bounce?), katana generally the better option, shotgun and horde detroyer that needs a conservating mindset because you dont want to waste all fire and then have to wait for it to recharge, ninja stars is the only reason for anyone picking superball, "Wanna see me make that guy disappear" rocket launcher, bazooka is if you one rocket isnt enough and you want to have more in reserve (has no cooldown to shoot next shot, only reload), turret best weapon upgrade, can deal with hordes and good against single target (like bosses), throwable wrench does 200 damage (double the green shirt health and same as police without shield raised), can explosive jump ane detonate for splash damage, jet boots for quick vertical mobility, pair umbrella with rocket launcher, grappling lets you hook light enemies (very good pairing with sword) or you can grappling hook your allies to move to them to help them out or escape yourself (allies basicly poles but larger hitbox), you want to spam reflector as much as you can because it deals 250 damge in a small area around you. 5 second cooldown to annihalate any horde is insane.
If you didn't know, you can actually just hold down m1 for slingshot.
Idk if it was the new update or it always was like it.
bb guun + canon ball is good combo tho, i would choose paintball +superball
I love this video, can you make one more about this game?
I will make advanced guide and chargeback tutorial, thanks for support
This video made the game much more interesting
1 subscriber get!1!1!1!1 (the subscriber was me btw, this video is just too good to pass it up)
wait so is this just ultrakill but with roblox weapons?
(also good choice of music at the end)
I like the sword jump very epic
I just used Paintball Gun and trained enemies with headshots, that seemed to work pretty well.
Thank you so much for this
with the time bomb is you throw it in the air and hit it with a sword it will explode in the air, and if you do it with fire brand then shoot it with a paintball gun or bb gun it has an even
bigger radius and you will get style points for *nuclear reaction*
it works with h rockets too
you can actually jump farther if you shift+jump and use superball
Holy is this based on ultrakill?!?!?!? Like the parry, shine thing, enrage (after getting hit by ur own attack when parried) and sound!
No, its not
2:03 I just realized that this video has a V2.0 music and the video was before that version lol.
darkness dueling
Wow, so much new stuff i didn't know about, tysm! Xtremly useful guide
No problem!!
Back when I first played, and that was probably way back in 2023, trowel was probably one of the best actual weapons if you wanna have fun and defend yourself. At least i think it was, didnt play for very long back then
great video but could u make the text last a bit longer
just pause the video
Very good game. I'm going to play this
Love is
Ty for all tips now i can play it with ultra kill skill
Well made video, Equinox
The new ultrakill update looking dope
Edit: combat initiation x war without reason kill montage goes hard
U guys know about the way to cheese vagabond?
Basically get rocket launcher and jet boots, flamethrower if u want more dmg, head to one of the two towers and get on the top
When vaga comes just rocket him and spam jetboots until he falls down
Thank you so much, this helped me ALOT
your awesome man
played the game for the first time yesterday, i really needed to know how to parry, thank you for telling, parries are fun
Im glad you know how to do it now!
Bro good editing
whats the music called at 2:40 (maybe even the roblox sound id or smth)
Solaris - Packet Power
@@EquinoxCoolHoodie thank 2.0
Damn this guide is useful than my school
Two questions about parrying Vagabond:
1. Can you parry his attack where he jumps into the air and launches himself at you, causing an explosion?
2. Can you also parry his attack where he gracefully ascends and swings a giant sword in a circle?
im pretty sure u can parry both but not 100% sure
both not parryable
hey man i think you should get more tips when the new update comes out like the freeze ma ray, new bosses, warp mine, and witches brew.
I want more videos , that’s WOW BRO😳😎🔥🔥🔥
2. an army of hahah
the *army*
thx bro i am big fan of this game but i never knew how to play it
Played a round, didn’t know you could party or dash. Now I know I can turn a trowel in to a sentry and ninja stars are op.
you forgot that you can hit the ground with the sword. Combining this with dash jumping will give you a lot of speed