This brazilian plane was created by the hungarian Joseph Kovacz, an world famous aircraft designer. The panel eletronic is from Israel. The engine is from United States, a Pratt - Whitney of 1600 hp. This plane has eletronic devices for almost everything.
a-29 super Tucano is a very good very little, can cause a big impact on the ground ,cost very low on maintenance, the same cost to maintain a 1, F-16, you can maintain ,14 a 29 tucano, they can't carry the same weapon systems. Reply ·
A lot of pilots dream to fly it. Awesome!
best light suport aircraft!
Este é o mais bonito super tucano, parabéns.
This brazilian plane was created by the hungarian Joseph Kovacz, an world famous aircraft designer.
The panel eletronic is from Israel.
The engine is from United States, a Pratt - Whitney of 1600 hp.
This plane has eletronic devices for almost everything.
a-29 super Tucano is a very good very little, can cause a big impact on the ground ,cost very low on maintenance, the same cost to maintain a 1, F-16, you can maintain ,14 a 29 tucano, they can't carry the same weapon systems.
Reply ·
+Ulisses Souza How much do they cost to buy?
9 - 13 mil $
any videos of this thing shooting?
nosa menina
Super Tucano isn´t a trainer
Swiss PC 7 is the best trainer.