Thanks Please could you tell me how can I use dU/dy=0, d^2V/dy^2=0 (the second derivative of velocity) and d^2T/dy^2(the second derivative of temperature) on Comsol
Hi Kareem, I am a Ph.D. student looking to some assist in my model using Comsol. I want to simulate a 3D finned tube that coated with porous media. We can work together for publications.
hi, can you please explain the things you did when you define the variable of inlet velocity gradient and temperature gradient in English? I think that its around 8:15 to 11:00.
Please could you tell me how can I use dU/dy=0, d^2V/dy^2=0 (the second derivative of velocity)
and d^2T/dy^2(the second derivative of temperature) on Comsol
Hi Kareem, I am a Ph.D. student looking to some assist in my model using Comsol. I want to simulate a 3D finned tube that coated with porous media. We can work together for publications.
hi, can you please explain the things you did when you define the variable of inlet velocity gradient and temperature gradient in English? I think that its around 8:15 to 11:00.
محتاج مساعدة من عندك ممكن نتواصل معكم
شكرا استاذ احتاج مساعدة كيف يمكنني الاتصال بك وشكرا
استاذ محتاج مساعدة ممكن تنواصل معك من فضلك
شكرا كتير على العمل أحتاج مساعدة اذا امكن ؟؟
السلام عليكم استاذ ممكن الايميل للتواصل معك
السلام عليكم
ممكن سؤال؟
May God be at your side. i am Mohamed, and i need to take your opinion on a subject that concerns comsol .I can have your email please .
ممكن الايميل
السلام عليكم استاذ مشكور على هذا العمل ان امكن اعطائي صفحتك على الفايسبوك او رقمك على واتساب او اي وسيله للاتصال بك
محتاجة مساعدتك بليز