The greatest Yugioh series of all time is 5D's for me. I grew a little bit up with DM, but mainly with GX and I watched 5D's a few years after it, but 5D's just felt so 'real' imo. Also, card games on motorcycles is the best thing in yugioh imo x'D It just adds this extra element that makes duels more enjoyable, just like speed duels in vrains.
@@FeralHidaru thats the same feeling I have everytime I watch it xD i am currently watching through DM and I am planning on watching everything again(i never finished Zexal tho nor did I ever start sevens), but I already know that 5D's is gonna break my heart again when i finish it 😭😆
@Maday Aquino To be honest even after watching almost every yugioh anime the best Yugioh show is between Duel Monsters and 5ds But I choose Duel Monsters for the manga
FINALLY we see Salamangreat! I've run that deck pretty much exclusively for all of Master Duel and I'm still having a blast with it. For the Yugioh shows GX is still my favorite because Jaden's character development in that show is incredible. He goes from carefree kid just looking to have fun to seeing the dark realities of the world, and it breaks him. He comes back to his senses but is still scarred by his past. His journey is such a treat to watch. Don't get me wrong all of the yugioh shows are pretty dope (except half of Arc V). I'd probably rank them something like GX -> 5Ds -> Vrains -> Duel Monsters -> Sevens -> Zexal ---> Arc V. Zexal part 2 alone I'd probably put above Vrains.
For me it's GX, specifically the japanese dub. Judai's evolution from a carefree kid to a serious adult that can still love dueling despite everything that has happened to him is just so masterfully done, and I love how every side character (Except maybe Asuka, i feel like they could have done more with her) gets their own little goodbye in the final season all leading up to Judai's goodbye. Also, Watch Vrains! Dub and Sub are both so freaking amazing, it's 100000000% worth
Agreed, GX, especially the japanese sub/dub, is the best series for me for exactly the same reasons as you. It's why Judai is my favorite yugioh protag.
Coder is right, Vrains is the greatest Yugioh series. Not only are the duels amazing with far better combo's the previous series could dream of, they tackle big topics like childhood trauma, humanity and A.I. and how to deal with the lost of loved ones.
I binged vrains in four days and it was really good. Best duels in any Yugioh series for sure. Super meta decks and strategies. The characters actually know how to duel. 5D’s is also up there for sure.
My all time favorite series is GX solely due to its intro theme song, it’s such a bop and I get hyped up hearing the song every time, also I love the HERO archetype, it’s one of my favorite decks to run
I’m a big fan of 5Ds, as I really enjoyed Yusei’s strategies made up of weaker cards working together to make synchro monsters. I think an underrated series is Arc-V, specifically it’s first season, as it was interesting to see how they used pendulum summoning to facilitate all others summons with Yuya, but in addition seeing other strategies composed of primarily fusion, synchro and XYZ decks. I just wish that they kept S2 a little shorter and spent more time on the buildup of the main plot going into S3.
I completely agree because I did legitimately enjoy arc v but I feel like they did yuto a little dirty and I know there is a Easter egg but I feel like they could have brought in Zane as well but overall I enjoyed the series and think yuya is at least more tolerable than yuma
Literally Arc-V FREE! That series, in my opinion, is the best series ever. Not only does it bring back characters from past yugioh series, it also introduces a new method, new lovable characters, and insane duels that are absolutely HYPE to watch. What really got me to love it so much was Pendulums. Pendulums was THE BEST summoning method they added to Yugioh. Too bad it got butchered when links became a thing. When links came, Pendulums sorta died off. But other then that, great characters, great decks, amazing duels, and an AWESOME story. (Sadly the ending of the series fell flat but still enjoyed it.) So yeah, Arc-V, best series imo hands down.
If u can look past the goofy dueling on bikes (which I personally found cool when I was a kid but alas) then 5ds is uncontested for me don't get me wrong gx and dm had some heat but 5ds just felt so grounded not in the physics but the emotions, u saw racism, discrimination, street life, death, and betrayal the show felt genuinely dark but captivating while also maintaining the known and loved charm of the og, and the big bonus is for someone who watched the previous series 5ds is the last show to be made in the dm universe and have callbacks to both dm and gx which made me incredibly nostalgic. Also, stardust and archfiend are the coolest monster archetypes for me personally.
Doubly so with the Japanese uncensored version. Children being tortured, dueling zombies with a grudge, revolver duel disks, one set of villains literally just trying to stop the apocalypse, etc, etc.
They’ve all got their strong points. I got back into Yugioh around the time Arc-V came to Duel Links so I was intrigued by that show. I ended up watching the whole thing and…boy it’s a shame the writing drops off a cliff in season 2 because the characters and concepts are really cool and it’s got some of the best duels in the series. The back to back two-parters of Yuya vs Sylvio and especially Shay vs Sora are hype, and season 2 ends with an awesome duel with Jack Atlas!
It's gotta be GX for me, more specifically Judai. I just loved his character development throughout the entire series. From starting as a carefree kid who played games just cause they were fun, to becoming more serious as time went on/he grew up, became a literal war criminal then a depressed adult before finally becoming an adult that is slowly but surely healing from trauma and learning to have fun in life again. I really dumbed it down like an idiot and could probably explain it better but I'm not going to because that requires more effort than I've already put into this comment. Plus HEROES are the best archetype.
For me it’s gotta be Duel Monsters. I remember watching it with my dad and renting the final duel between Atem and Yugi with him. It’s mostly nostalgia that makes it so great to me, but it also introduced me to a series that I still love today.
DUDE, THE BEST COLLAB OF ALL TIME. Coder literally drew everything in these matches, now that is some anime protagonist bs lol. Really awesome to see you play Coder since I watch both of you guys all the time and I really enjoyed this video. Hopefully you guys can do more duels in the future.
Always been a big fan of GX I watched it with my family but part of the reason I love GX is because of Jaden I love his mentality of dueling and I think most casual duelist can relate to him especially in Season one where he's mostly until the shadow riders just dueling to have fun but then learning that duels can be dangerous to relearning to love dueling again IMAO the only MC's who I've related to and are close to that in terms of really deep narratively satisfying story arcs are Yuma and Yugi/Yami
it’s crazy how everyone has a different series to call their favorites, just goes to show how diverse the Yugioh series really is and how easily it can touch everyone’s hearts :)
okay, seeing as how i have only watched up to half of zexal as of yesterday, i personally think 5D's is the best series so far. In terms of story, characters & their development, atmosphere, movie connections, and the vast number of relatively cracked synchros that not only were in the show but were also created to support those cards, pretty solid series right there
Zexal is so under appreciated by the Yugioh community. Like, the Zexal anime is so fricking good plus it literally has its own type of Super Saiyan. That and XYZ summoning just makes sense.
Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! series is gotta be 5ds with Yusei. Love the introduction to Synchros which are some of my favorite cards, storylines were super cool especially with the Dark Signers VS Signer plot. Also you got to duel… ON MOTORCYCLES 🏍!
I'm digging all these crossover duels between the different creators. It's cool seeing how playstyles and personalities interact. Keep it up my dude! So when are we getting more Dokkan Battle?
I personally really liked the story of Arc-V but I really got into Yugi-oh with 5D's. 5D's was awesome. Card games on motorcycles, need I say more? "All cards have value"- Yuusei Fudo. Also Carly and Jack, period.
5D's was the best for me. it was always on growing up and whenever I heard that banger theme I'd always be glued to the screen. I really like the characters, themes, and of course CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!!!!!! Jack Atlas also the goat.
I love 5ds because I grew on the synchro era and my favorite archetypes were black rose dragon archetype and the stardust/synchron archetype along with earthbounds also I love how dark it gets overtime just to get lighter in the end aside from GX and Arc V.
Now, I haven't watched past 5Ds, so I will say that I have no opinion on the shows past that, but 5Ds IS my favorite of the original 3. I love Synchro monsters, the way the strategic decisions in duels are portrayed is cool, the turbo duels/riding duels add an extra level of excitement, and it had some really dark and mature themes as well because it was written with a more mature audience in mind. GX did have some darker themes in the later seasons, but 5Ds comes out swinging with both serious social commentary and epic duels. It also has some really iconic summon chants/catchphrases.
The best for me is between the original YuGiOh! series and Zexal. I loved Yuma's energy and the connection between him and Astral along with how cool all of the XYZ monsters looked. In the OG, I just really enjoyed Kaiba and Yugi's dynamic whether it be against each other or teaming up...would explain why I loved DSOD so much
Never watched past 5Ds Best Series Battle City that being said my favorite series to rewatch is 5Ds the plot the cards the crazy way they toy with everyone its just alot of fun to watch
Yugioh Zexal is just my goat, its super anime and I love the Xyz system a lot. Also all the dragon ball references with Yuma and Astrals fusions are cool af. It helps that Utopia is one of my favorite archetype. Evolving one monster into constant new forms each either growing stronger or having unique abilities is really fun! also mechs man they’re cool
The best series in my opinion is split between 5D's and Arc 5. They take an advertisement for a card game and explains the rules for their respective special summoning methods while telling a good story. In terms of best series due to Nostalgia only, it would have to be GX as that's the series that really got me into anime with the Japanese only final season.
5ds. First one I sat down and watched all the way thru. Not saying it's better than original, GX, Zexal, etc but it's something I loved to watch. Loved the archetypes and in fact, Blackwings and Red Dragon Archfiend, Time lords are the main decks I use in Master Duel
@Rhymestyle 5Ds even tho it's criticism is basically "Children Card Games on Motorcycles" it's story and they way they emphasize on the situations with each arc is astounding like I'll be honest I missed out on watching 5Ds as a whole but after looking up a Review on it as a Retrospective it really was the Climax of the Top 3 Yu Gi Oh Series of our time 1 was OG 2nd was Fusions and Partially OG then 3rd was basically the Future and Synchros it was basically a Love letter ending everything that has been infact a Yu Gi Oh Series "only until Zexal comes through with one of the Best Summoning mechanic known to mankind"
You GX will always be the best for me because when I was a kid and I found out the protagonists name was Jaden like me, It made me love yugioh even more. I even made an Elemental Hero deck to be like him 😂
For me 5D hold dear for me, i found my favorite card in Yugioh, Stardust Dragon and the last battle scene with Z-one made me cry everytime i watched it
5Ds is the best for it's more grounded season 1 and Vrain is the best for it being the "current" anime that is the closes to we can get to actual Yu-Gi-Oh along a ton of other Meta relevant archetypes and cards. I hope Konami's anime department makes the Yu-Gi-Oh OCG Structures Manga into an actual anime cause the it's the actual closes thing we could get to a reflection of Modern Yu-Gi-Oh, complete with archetypes like World Chalice to Sky Striker and more. I think the manga is still on going or the Unofficial translators are just making slow releases so I'm just late but it would be cool for them to make it into an anime.
Season 1 and 4 of GX is my favorite of all time because I love the slice of life anime and I loved series Judai. My favorite archetype ironically comes from Vrains which I have never watched but I do love Rokkets and Borrel archetypes
Yugioh 5ds is the best in the series, it was the realist Yugioh with some scenes and situations that I can relate to, and yusei was the best protagonist in the series with some of the best rivals that went through some tough development, honestly if anyone stopped watching Yugioh at gx, not saying anything wrong with that, but you're really missing out on 5Ds, may not be for everyone but definitely worth a watch.
The OG Yugioh easily the best. I mean it had to basically invent the wheel so that the future shows could drive. Story is legendary,charecters iconic,music is still listened to because it gets you in your core. The style of animation and the world was very deceivingly simplistic but had a mysterious vibe. Future series at a quick glance I just feel like they are basic in terms of art style. Like they just don't appeal to my needs. And the whole concept of the millennium items was just awesome to speculate who has which item and what are they capable of. The God cards are just epic in every way. Villains were sick af and they even try to make them understandable like how Marik was treated like a slave underground serving the unknown Pharaoh while all he wanted was freedom. Naturally he would build up resentment because of that injustice. Bakura had his entire village destroyed and his family and friends burned alive all because of a war that he had no participation in. Pegasus was motivated by love and he searched through the world to find a way to bring his wife back to life. Kaiba needs no introduction he was a badass and a duchbag but he was hilarious. I have rambled long enough and you get my point no other yugioh series can be considered good because they are all too different. Best one is the one that started it all.
@Maday Aquino I just tried to watch Zexel and the main charecter has one of the most annoying voices ever in the Dub. Plus as far as his drip well he looks lame. But that's just my opinion if you like it that's fine.
As much as I love GX and Vrains, for me, it's gotta be 5Ds. Yusei just as a character and his interactions with everyone else is just really good. And the backstory of his dad is also really good.
It's funny that I can't stand using synchro monsters personally, but I really enjoyed 5Ds. I dig the cyberpunk aesthetic, and the speed duels were sweet.
I’m a GX watcher and you can really tell because I felt so confused watching his plays 😂😂😂 also Rhyme, you should try to use his deck and see what you can do lol.
I heard Salamangreat and just thought of how long a turn is gonna take XD. But VRAINS does make some rather meta jokes. Least from the clips I saw. Also Shadow the Hedgehog is a duelist.
I’ve only seen OG and GX, but GX will probably always be my favorite of the two. The rules were more fleshed for the whole series and some of my favorite duels are in that show.
Am going to say it’s Zexal, people hate on it cause it was one of the way format and new mechanic but to me this had the best pacing, animations, duels and characters with story. It’s an anime I love rewatching and has been what mainly grew up with even though I have watch Dm, Gx, and 5ds when they aired. Lastly has my favorite summon mechanic and arctypes and favorite deck of all time Utopia.
Don't specifically have a favorite but honestly not a single one of the series can be considered bad. Vrains itself does take a bit to get going (especially with the recap episodes early on which thankfully can just be skipped) but every single scene with Revolver, especially from season 2 onwards till the end, is nothing short of a straight 10/10, easily steals the show anytime he's around. Arc-V had a real solid start and despite it not ending the best, the impact it left can't be underestimated when looking at how passionate the fans of that series are. Zexal is worth a watch all the way just from it's animation alone, not including DSoD, it's the most consistent and high quality it has ever been for YuGiOh, complimented well with how energetic Yuma himself is. Can go on for DM/GX/5DS as well but there's isn't much which hasn't already been said. All of them have something great going on.
Duelist Monsters will always be my favorite. THE AMOUNT OF BS that happens in Duelist Kingdom is crazy. Then Battle City Rules and the mystery and hype of the GOD cards. We don't talk about the random filler that happen before the grand finals but Noah was ok. Then waking the dragon with Atem actually losing and learning from that. Then the greatness that is the last season in Egypt where it felt like the GOD cards and exodia actually fighting was so cool. The ending was perfect with Yugi defeating Atem and showing that he can move on.
5Ds i loved that they stressed teamwork and unity which made a lot of characters important to the plot. the duels were captivating every match. and synchro didn't seem like a broken form of summoning it felt like the most fair form of summoning. i still to this day think synchros are the best form of extra deck summon because you need to do math and have the right cards most of the time. fusions and DM are a very close second so close its 1 and 1.1
Zexal era was PEAK yugioh experience for me with the era of dueling network coinciding it. It was the time I actually learned how to play yugioh proper and the 1st week to week experience I had
Favorite yugioh series I'd say uts a tue with GX(subbed) and 5ds(subbed) I learned quickly that dubs rarely does yugioh right because its aired on a kids channel so all the nuances are taken out. GX subbed is pretty much a coming up age story telling and judai/Jaden goes from a carefree teen to and damaged young adult. 5ds is a story of society affecting the individual and going above labels.
Og yugioh literally imagine minding your business trying to have a duel nd now your soul is on the line 😭😭😭the movies and the plot everything was great about it. Can’t cap you got hella hype in the first episode of gx when you seen the pharaoh you thought he was coming back
Duel monsters >> GX >> 5ds and so on. The games in the shows get better as each series goes on. BUT, the original is just metal as fuck, and I watched GX when I was similar age as the characters whilst at school. It's basically Hogwarts for yu-gi-oh. The premise of DM just makes it the best. Ancient Egyptian spirits, ancient reincarnations, and modern people use ancient evil artifacts to do battle using mythical monsters that can be summoned to this world through a card game so popular that the world basically runs on it. All whilst being a show that is also about technology, corporate overtakes, virtual reality, and the possibility of a techno dystopia. I remember watching it in sub after a lifetime of dub... so metal... We will likely never see its like again. Edit: Also, the final Arc of DM is peak content. A table top RPG played between darkness itself and the hero, that allows us to explore the origin of the story through an Isekai-like premise, where the entire world hangs in the balance. Just... Yes.
Best to me is GX specifically the supreme king arc seeing dark Jaden and everything he did the introduction of one of the most op cards super poly and afterwards Jaden even changed his personality and deck because of it
While 5d's is probably objectively the best, because of how good the story and characters are, I'd say Arc V is my favourite. The characters are very interesting with diverse personalities, the duels are very entertaining (if you know you know) despite the reliance on action cards. Even though it fumbled the bag in the end with the dimensional yu- boys I like it very much. It also introduced me to my favourite decks in master duel.
GX then DM are my favourites. Sure Vrains has better cards and duels, but the simplicity of the old yugioh is what got me into it in the first place. Both for the story and duels.
@@rhymestyle I've encountered a few which has really messed me up. Literally using everything I have to get rid of the first only to get another out. I'd say sword soul would be the main deck to possibly run multiple baron
Vrains, GX, 5Ds, Arc-V, Duel Monsters, Zexal probably in that order. Vrains is top tier amazing, and made me re-fall in love with YGO after dropping from 5Ds, then falling in love with Arc-V
The greatest Yugioh series of all time is 5D's for me. I grew a little bit up with DM, but mainly with GX and I watched 5D's a few years after it, but 5D's just felt so 'real' imo. Also, card games on motorcycles is the best thing in yugioh imo x'D It just adds this extra element that makes duels more enjoyable, just like speed duels in vrains.
@@ninjasonpanapa102 spitting straight fax
Absolutely 5Ds. I just rewatched it and I was so sad when it ended because I just wanted MORE!
@@FeralHidaru thats the same feeling I have everytime I watch it xD i am currently watching through DM and I am planning on watching everything again(i never finished Zexal tho nor did I ever start sevens), but I already know that 5D's is gonna break my heart again when i finish it 😭😆
The original is the best for me. The nostalgia, the music, the villains, and the luck Joey gets is all top tier lol.
The luck he gets sporadically.
@Maday Aquino without it there would be no other parts lol
@Maday Aquino
To be honest even after watching almost every yugioh anime the best Yugioh show is between Duel Monsters and 5ds
But I choose Duel Monsters for the manga
well ill be honest i choose duel monsters too because of Joey luck shenanigans lmao (also my first YGO game was Joey the Passion but imma hid that)
@Maday Aquino battle city was good
FINALLY we see Salamangreat! I've run that deck pretty much exclusively for all of Master Duel and I'm still having a blast with it. For the Yugioh shows GX is still my favorite because Jaden's character development in that show is incredible. He goes from carefree kid just looking to have fun to seeing the dark realities of the world, and it breaks him. He comes back to his senses but is still scarred by his past. His journey is such a treat to watch. Don't get me wrong all of the yugioh shows are pretty dope (except half of Arc V). I'd probably rank them something like GX -> 5Ds -> Vrains -> Duel Monsters -> Sevens -> Zexal ---> Arc V. Zexal part 2 alone I'd probably put above Vrains.
How is it, I've been running code talkers
For me it's GX, specifically the japanese dub. Judai's evolution from a carefree kid to a serious adult that can still love dueling despite everything that has happened to him is just so masterfully done, and I love how every side character (Except maybe Asuka, i feel like they could have done more with her) gets their own little goodbye in the final season all leading up to Judai's goodbye.
Also, Watch Vrains! Dub and Sub are both so freaking amazing, it's 100000000% worth
Agreed, GX, especially the japanese sub/dub, is the best series for me for exactly the same reasons as you. It's why Judai is my favorite yugioh protag.
agreed 100%
Two of my favorite content creators in a single YGO video was the absolute dream. Thanks for doing this Rhyme!
Rhyme getting absolutely bodied by Salamangoated is the best thing I’ve seen all year
Gx. I love that the setting is in one place just being Dual Academy though I do also love that they have done events outside of it
man as soon as i saw it was with distantcoder i though you were getting destroyed but it is super fun watching you play with other yugioh players
Coder is right, Vrains is the greatest Yugioh series. Not only are the duels amazing with far better combo's the previous series could dream of, they tackle big topics like childhood trauma, humanity and A.I. and how to deal with the lost of loved ones.
A little too deep for a childrens card game...
@@allarian8726 and a spirit sealed for 5k years sharing a body with a kid to safe the world from basically a giant demon is not?
So they made modern yugioh into anime sound boring af rather not watch solitaire the anime
@@wolfbrother9025 quite the opposite really. Its very back and forth in the anime.
Hold my Performapals.
I felt so lost watching him play lol. That’s how you know I’m a duel monsters watcher
I always love Zexal cause it gave us one of my favorite summoning methods. Also it had one of my favorite cards Gogogo Golem and Utopia lol. favorite archetype is Numbers, however utopia is my least favorite of them all.
I thought no one‘s favorite other than me was Zexal but yeah
I agree
I binged vrains in four days and it was really good. Best duels in any Yugioh series for sure. Super meta decks and strategies. The characters actually know how to duel. 5D’s is also up there for sure.
Vrains. Love the code talkers. Love the story. I just wish it could of been longer
My all time favorite series is GX solely due to its intro theme song, it’s such a bop and I get hyped up hearing the song every time, also I love the HERO archetype, it’s one of my favorite decks to run
man, the background theme looks so amazing with both of their themes complementing each other!
I’m a big fan of 5Ds, as I really enjoyed Yusei’s strategies made up of weaker cards working together to make synchro monsters. I think an underrated series is Arc-V, specifically it’s first season, as it was interesting to see how they used pendulum summoning to facilitate all others summons with Yuya, but in addition seeing other strategies composed of primarily fusion, synchro and XYZ decks. I just wish that they kept S2 a little shorter and spent more time on the buildup of the main plot going into S3.
I completely agree because I did legitimately enjoy arc v but I feel like they did yuto a little dirty and I know there is a Easter egg but I feel like they could have brought in Zane as well but overall I enjoyed the series and think yuya is at least more tolerable than yuma
Literally Arc-V FREE! That series, in my opinion, is the best series ever. Not only does it bring back characters from past yugioh series, it also introduces a new method, new lovable characters, and insane duels that are absolutely HYPE to watch. What really got me to love it so much was Pendulums. Pendulums was THE BEST summoning method they added to Yugioh. Too bad it got butchered when links became a thing. When links came, Pendulums sorta died off. But other then that, great characters, great decks, amazing duels, and an AWESOME story. (Sadly the ending of the series fell flat but still enjoyed it.) So yeah, Arc-V, best series imo hands down.
@Merry Melffys yeah. Most pendulum decks can't survive today's meta sadly. But that doesn't mean that they're bad. They're just less viable now.
bro read the arc v manga it's the most mind boggling bs i've ever read
It did provide some good archetypes predaplant with venom dragon, PK rebellion xyz, speedroid clear wing and crystal wing
most bs opinion ive come across in a while. arc-v is farrrr from the best
Although the plot is the equivalent of rotten eggs it just keep stinking up the place
If u can look past the goofy dueling on bikes (which I personally found cool when I was a kid but alas) then 5ds is uncontested for me don't get me wrong gx and dm had some heat but 5ds just felt so grounded not in the physics but the emotions, u saw racism, discrimination, street life, death, and betrayal the show felt genuinely dark but captivating while also maintaining the known and loved charm of the og, and the big bonus is for someone who watched the previous series 5ds is the last show to be made in the dm universe and have callbacks to both dm and gx which made me incredibly nostalgic.
Also, stardust and archfiend are the coolest monster archetypes for me personally.
Doubly so with the Japanese uncensored version. Children being tortured, dueling zombies with a grudge, revolver duel disks, one set of villains literally just trying to stop the apocalypse, etc, etc.
it’s definitely the best but I like zexal more
They’ve all got their strong points. I got back into Yugioh around the time Arc-V came to Duel Links so I was intrigued by that show. I ended up watching the whole thing and…boy it’s a shame the writing drops off a cliff in season 2 because the characters and concepts are really cool and it’s got some of the best duels in the series. The back to back two-parters of Yuya vs Sylvio and especially Shay vs Sora are hype, and season 2 ends with an awesome duel with Jack Atlas!
It's gotta be GX for me, more specifically Judai. I just loved his character development throughout the entire series. From starting as a carefree kid who played games just cause they were fun, to becoming more serious as time went on/he grew up, became a literal war criminal then a depressed adult before finally becoming an adult that is slowly but surely healing from trauma and learning to have fun in life again. I really dumbed it down like an idiot and could probably explain it better but I'm not going to because that requires more effort than I've already put into this comment. Plus HEROES are the best archetype.
While I haven't played Salamangreats (yet), I'm a BIG fan of the cyberse archetypes. Glad to see a duel against them!
Between 5D’s, and Vrains. They both did great on selling the extra deck gimmick, and they had great mature protagonist with heavier character origins.
For me it’s gotta be Duel Monsters. I remember watching it with my dad and renting the final duel between Atem and Yugi with him. It’s mostly nostalgia that makes it so great to me, but it also introduced me to a series that I still love today.
Watched Coder's view of this in his livestream on Twitch. This is hella funny
Coder is too strong
@@rhymestyle but can he beat Goku tho?
@@rhymestyle hey rhyme have u noticed the bots on ur channel recently they 've been trying to scam people and it has even happened to me several times
@@rhymestyle Don't worry. It will motivate you to be able to win next time.
@@rhymestyle i didnt even played once but im stronger because i figjt for my friends ehgsjsgd in vdjdbdusvcsjdvdk
DUDE, THE BEST COLLAB OF ALL TIME. Coder literally drew everything in these matches, now that is some anime protagonist bs lol. Really awesome to see you play Coder since I watch both of you guys all the time and I really enjoyed this video. Hopefully you guys can do more duels in the future.
Coder is the main character
@@rhymestyle This is facts
@@rhymestyle see, this is what happens when you don’t threaten to “fall” off of a building to win!
He runs a consistent deck that has versatility.
Always been a big fan of GX I watched it with my family but part of the reason I love GX is because of Jaden I love his mentality of dueling and I think most casual duelist can relate to him especially in Season one where he's mostly until the shadow riders just dueling to have fun but then learning that duels can be dangerous to relearning to love dueling again IMAO the only MC's who I've related to and are close to that in terms of really deep narratively satisfying story arcs are Yuma and Yugi/Yami
it’s crazy how everyone has a different series to call their favorites, just goes to show how diverse the Yugioh series really is and how easily it can touch everyone’s hearts :)
okay, seeing as how i have only watched up to half of zexal as of yesterday, i personally think 5D's is the best series so far. In terms of story, characters & their development, atmosphere, movie connections, and the vast number of relatively cracked synchros that not only were in the show but were also created to support those cards, pretty solid series right there
i dont usually tune into Yu-Gi-Oh content but I'ma give it a try here
Same I never heard of Yu-Gi-Oh so I might give this video a chance
@@pokemonwilliams2176 Welcome hope you enjoy
@@pokemonwilliams2176 I was just never into Yu-Gi-Oh I did watch it from time to time
The greatest yugioh series is Vrains, the most breathtaking duels i've ever seen with a good duel direction also
Good vid, great duel, but that Rushing Heart in the 3rd duel was gas
Something great about Coder is that the guy is a Judge and I feel everytime I watch one of his videos I learn something new
My favorite yugioh series for me is both the 5D's and Arc V because both have good characters and a good plot and fun to watch.
R.i.p. Rhyme, I'm a huge Coder Fan. This was an Awesome Collab
The crossover with coder and the undernight music in the background, so good
Zexal is so under appreciated by the Yugioh community. Like, the Zexal anime is so fricking good plus it literally has its own type of Super Saiyan. That and XYZ summoning just makes sense.
5ds better
What do you mean its own type of Super Saiyan?
I say this season 2 zexal is elite S1 not so much
@@DeadlyMasthar ZEXAL for Astral and Yuma is basically just Super Saiyan
@@DeadlyMasthar Watch the final duel in Zexal. You'll see what I mean.
Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! series is gotta be 5ds with Yusei. Love the introduction to Synchros which are some of my favorite cards, storylines were super cool especially with the Dark Signers VS Signer plot. Also you got to duel… ON MOTORCYCLES 🏍!
I grew up watching the original. I even ended up learning how to play the card game because it was such a big part of my childhood.
I'm digging all these crossover duels between the different creators. It's cool seeing how playstyles and personalities interact. Keep it up my dude!
So when are we getting more Dokkan Battle?
Thank god you're not getting banned by saying that...
I personally really liked the story of Arc-V but I really got into Yugi-oh with 5D's. 5D's was awesome. Card games on motorcycles, need I say more? "All cards have value"- Yuusei Fudo. Also Carly and Jack, period.
I love the og with the Pharoah. There is a reason why every movie the Pharoah it's always in
5D's was the best for me. it was always on growing up and whenever I heard that banger theme I'd always be glued to the screen. I really like the characters, themes, and of course CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!!!!!! Jack Atlas also the goat.
GX. Look GX used actual themed decks and taught me the value of combos. I got introduced to cards that made me interested in more than just 1 card.
HELL YEAH!!! I've been waiting for this, you should do a duel against keirabug.
I love 5ds because I grew on the synchro era and my favorite archetypes were black rose dragon archetype and the stardust/synchron archetype along with earthbounds also I love how dark it gets overtime just to get lighter in the end aside from GX and Arc V.
Now, I haven't watched past 5Ds, so I will say that I have no opinion on the shows past that, but 5Ds IS my favorite of the original 3. I love Synchro monsters, the way the strategic decisions in duels are portrayed is cool, the turbo duels/riding duels add an extra level of excitement, and it had some really dark and mature themes as well because it was written with a more mature audience in mind. GX did have some darker themes in the later seasons, but 5Ds comes out swinging with both serious social commentary and epic duels. It also has some really iconic summon chants/catchphrases.
I didnt expect to ever see Coder and Rhyme together this is amazing
Coder accepted once he realised Rhyme wasn’t playing Chaos Max.
@@aHumanBeing97 "Why are you saying Chaos Maxx? He's not playing it"
The best for me is between the original YuGiOh! series and Zexal. I loved Yuma's energy and the connection between him and Astral along with how cool all of the XYZ monsters looked. In the OG, I just really enjoyed Kaiba and Yugi's dynamic whether it be against each other or teaming up...would explain why I loved DSOD so much
Never watched past 5Ds
Best Series Battle City that being said my favorite series to rewatch is 5Ds the plot the cards the crazy way they toy with everyone its just alot of fun to watch
My boy rhyme got cooked like, when Gordon Ramsay sees someone who can’t cook damn. But love it keep going my boy.
Yugioh Zexal is just my goat, its super anime and I love the Xyz system a lot. Also all the dragon ball references with Yuma and Astrals fusions are cool af. It helps that Utopia is one of my favorite archetype. Evolving one monster into constant new forms each either growing stronger or having unique abilities is really fun! also mechs man they’re cool
The best series in my opinion is split between 5D's and Arc 5. They take an advertisement for a card game and explains the rules for their respective special summoning methods while telling a good story.
In terms of best series due to Nostalgia only, it would have to be GX as that's the series that really got me into anime with the Japanese only final season.
5Ds for one reason and one reason only. That reason is card games on motorcycles
5ds. First one I sat down and watched all the way thru. Not saying it's better than original, GX, Zexal, etc but it's something I loved to watch. Loved the archetypes and in fact, Blackwings and Red Dragon Archfiend, Time lords are the main decks I use in Master Duel
@Rhymestyle 5Ds even tho it's criticism is basically "Children Card Games on Motorcycles" it's story and they way they emphasize on the situations with each arc is astounding like I'll be honest I missed out on watching 5Ds as a whole but after looking up a Review on it as a Retrospective it really was the Climax of the Top 3 Yu Gi Oh Series of our time 1 was OG 2nd was Fusions and Partially OG then 3rd was basically the Future and Synchros it was basically a Love letter ending everything that has been infact a Yu Gi Oh Series "only until Zexal comes through with one of the Best Summoning mechanic known to mankind"
Man I hate Bots
You GX will always be the best for me because when I was a kid and I found out the protagonists name was Jaden like me, It made me love yugioh even more. I even made an Elemental Hero deck to be like him 😂
For me 5D hold dear for me, i found my favorite card in Yugioh, Stardust Dragon and the last battle scene with Z-one made me cry everytime i watched it
I love that Coder talks through the plays he was making, because I have no clue what Salads do. Lol
Felt a need to rewatch this now that a Salamangreat structure deck got added to the shop
5Ds is the best for it's more grounded season 1 and Vrain is the best for it being the "current" anime that is the closes to we can get to actual Yu-Gi-Oh along a ton of other Meta relevant archetypes and cards. I hope Konami's anime department makes the Yu-Gi-Oh OCG Structures Manga into an actual anime cause the it's the actual closes thing we could get to a reflection of Modern Yu-Gi-Oh, complete with archetypes like World Chalice to Sky Striker and more. I think the manga is still on going or the Unofficial translators are just making slow releases so I'm just late but it would be cool for them to make it into an anime.
Duel monsters is my favorite I love the characters, and also the abridged series does admittedly give it points.
Duel monsters had the best sound track by far. And honestly love the sharp animation
Season 1 and 4 of GX is my favorite of all time because I love the slice of life anime and I loved series Judai. My favorite archetype ironically comes from Vrains which I have never watched but I do love Rokkets and Borrel archetypes
Yugioh 5ds is the best in the series, it was the realist Yugioh with some scenes and situations that I can relate to, and yusei was the best protagonist in the series with some of the best rivals that went through some tough development, honestly if anyone stopped watching Yugioh at gx, not saying anything wrong with that, but you're really missing out on 5Ds, may not be for everyone but definitely worth a watch.
The OG Yugioh easily the best.
I mean it had to basically invent the wheel so that the future shows could drive. Story is legendary,charecters iconic,music is still listened to because it gets you in your core.
The style of animation and the world was very deceivingly simplistic but had a mysterious vibe. Future series at a quick glance I just feel like they are basic in terms of art style. Like they just don't appeal to my needs.
And the whole concept of the millennium items was just awesome to speculate who has which item and what are they capable of.
The God cards are just epic in every way.
Villains were sick af and they even try to make them understandable like how Marik was treated like a slave underground serving the unknown Pharaoh while all he wanted was freedom. Naturally he would build up resentment because of that injustice.
Bakura had his entire village destroyed and his family and friends burned alive all because of a war that he had no participation in.
Pegasus was motivated by love and he searched through the world to find a way to bring his wife back to life.
Kaiba needs no introduction he was a badass and a duchbag but he was hilarious.
I have rambled long enough and you get my point no other yugioh series can be considered good because they are all too different.
Best one is the one that started it all.
@Maday Aquino Bro you are not cool or different if you hate or disrespect the legends. This game wouldn't exist without the OG. Which one is your N1.
@Maday Aquino I just tried to watch Zexel and the main charecter has one of the most annoying voices ever in the Dub. Plus as far as his drip well he looks lame. But that's just my opinion if you like it that's fine.
As much as I love GX and Vrains, for me, it's gotta be 5Ds. Yusei just as a character and his interactions with everyone else is just really good. And the backstory of his dad is also really good.
It's funny that I can't stand using synchro monsters personally, but I really enjoyed 5Ds. I dig the cyberpunk aesthetic, and the speed duels were sweet.
I’m a GX watcher and you can really tell because I felt so confused watching his plays 😂😂😂 also Rhyme, you should try to use his deck and see what you can do lol.
Bruh you and me both 😂
OG for the card designs. Rustic and simple but could be the nostalgia talking 😅
Motorcycles plus yugioh was a simple combo for greatness
I never wanted to use Link monsters, but I ever did it would be Salamengreat. But watching this duel made me want to try and build a Deck with them.
I heard Salamangreat and just thought of how long a turn is gonna take XD.
But VRAINS does make some rather meta jokes. Least from the clips I saw. Also Shadow the Hedgehog is a duelist.
I'm waiting for rhyme doto and/or deion to go on dzeeff's master challenge series that would be so entertaining 💯
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds is my all time favorite the characters and the theme alongside the cards were the best ever at least for me
I’ve only seen OG and GX, but GX will probably always be my favorite of the two.
The rules were more fleshed for the whole series and some of my favorite duels are in that show.
Am going to say it’s Zexal, people hate on it cause it was one of the way format and new mechanic but to me this had the best pacing, animations, duels and characters with story. It’s an anime I love rewatching and has been what mainly grew up with even though I have watch Dm, Gx, and 5ds when they aired. Lastly has my favorite summon mechanic and arctypes and favorite deck of all time Utopia.
Don't specifically have a favorite but honestly not a single one of the series can be considered bad. Vrains itself does take a bit to get going (especially with the recap episodes early on which thankfully can just be skipped) but every single scene with Revolver, especially from season 2 onwards till the end, is nothing short of a straight 10/10, easily steals the show anytime he's around. Arc-V had a real solid start and despite it not ending the best, the impact it left can't be underestimated when looking at how passionate the fans of that series are. Zexal is worth a watch all the way just from it's animation alone, not including DSoD, it's the most consistent and high quality it has ever been for YuGiOh, complimented well with how energetic Yuma himself is. Can go on for DM/GX/5DS as well but there's isn't much which hasn't already been said. All of them have something great going on.
Duelist Monsters will always be my favorite. THE AMOUNT OF BS that happens in Duelist Kingdom is crazy. Then Battle City Rules and the mystery and hype of the GOD cards. We don't talk about the random filler that happen before the grand finals but Noah was ok. Then waking the dragon with Atem actually losing and learning from that. Then the greatness that is the last season in Egypt where it felt like the GOD cards and exodia actually fighting was so cool. The ending was perfect with Yugi defeating Atem and showing that he can move on.
5Ds i loved that they stressed teamwork and unity which made a lot of characters important to the plot. the duels were captivating every match. and synchro didn't seem like a broken form of summoning it felt like the most fair form of summoning. i still to this day think synchros are the best form of extra deck summon because you need to do math and have the right cards most of the time. fusions and DM are a very close second so close its 1 and 1.1
i like the og season 0 and season 1 yugioh because season 0 shows how yugi became friends with joey and tristin and how he solved that puzzle of his
Everyone who plays against or watches Rhyme: poor predictable Rhyme, always plays Brick Eyes
Rhyme: good ol Brick Eyes, nothing beats that
Definitely want to see the run back 💯🔥
Zexal era was PEAK yugioh experience for me with the era of dueling network coinciding it. It was the time I actually learned how to play yugioh proper and the 1st week to week experience I had
Favorite yugioh series I'd say uts a tue with GX(subbed) and 5ds(subbed)
I learned quickly that dubs rarely does yugioh right because its aired on a kids channel so all the nuances are taken out.
GX subbed is pretty much a coming up age story telling and judai/Jaden goes from a carefree teen to and damaged young adult.
5ds is a story of society affecting the individual and going above labels.
Og yugioh literally imagine minding your business trying to have a duel nd now your soul is on the line 😭😭😭the movies and the plot everything was great about it. Can’t cap you got hella hype in the first episode of gx when you seen the pharaoh you thought he was coming back
Coder literally built different. A different deck that is. Good fun duels nonetheless, ya love to see the Anime v Anime
I loved watching this on coders stream, you've gotta up your game rhyme
Duel monsters >> GX >> 5ds and so on.
The games in the shows get better as each series goes on. BUT, the original is just metal as fuck, and I watched GX when I was similar age as the characters whilst at school. It's basically Hogwarts for yu-gi-oh.
The premise of DM just makes it the best. Ancient Egyptian spirits, ancient reincarnations, and modern people use ancient evil artifacts to do battle using mythical monsters that can be summoned to this world through a card game so popular that the world basically runs on it. All whilst being a show that is also about technology, corporate overtakes, virtual reality, and the possibility of a techno dystopia.
I remember watching it in sub after a lifetime of dub... so metal...
We will likely never see its like again.
Edit: Also, the final Arc of DM is peak content. A table top RPG played between darkness itself and the hero, that allows us to explore the origin of the story through an Isekai-like premise, where the entire world hangs in the balance. Just... Yes.
Best to me is GX specifically the supreme king arc seeing dark Jaden and everything he did the introduction of one of the most op cards super poly and afterwards Jaden even changed his personality and deck because of it
While 5d's is probably objectively the best, because of how good the story and characters are, I'd say Arc V is my favourite. The characters are very interesting with diverse personalities, the duels are very entertaining (if you know you know) despite the reliance on action cards. Even though it fumbled the bag in the end with the dimensional yu- boys I like it very much. It also introduced me to my favourite decks in master duel.
My favourite Yu-Gi-Oh series is arc v because I'm a pendulum player and the season had so much action I love it
I’m a 5Ds fan all the way, high speed duels on futuristic motorcycles will always be the best way to duel imo
GX then DM are my favourites. Sure Vrains has better cards and duels, but the simplicity of the old yugioh is what got me into it in the first place. Both for the story and duels.
yoooo collab with coder is insane
I started watching 5Ds when I was a wee boy, and then I got a ds for it, and it was super fun, so 5Ds is my favorite
I definitely think baron de fluer should be at 1 as well as dpe as I was able to fuse it through super poly, poly and flash fusion. Dope vid
Do ppl run more than 1 baron?
@@rhymestyle I've encountered a few which has really messed me up. Literally using everything I have to get rid of the first only to get another out. I'd say sword soul would be the main deck to possibly run multiple baron
@@rhymestyle also limiting dpe to 1 would work so much better than the ban and limitation of FD and celestial
Vrains, GX, 5Ds, Arc-V, Duel Monsters, Zexal probably in that order.
Vrains is top tier amazing, and made me re-fall in love with YGO after dropping from 5Ds, then falling in love with Arc-V