I love how when he says "I'm going to rage if anyone tells me how to play" everyone immediately starts telling him how to play. Then with the "poke the bear thing" dude no one is intimidated or cares about how angry a keyboard warrior gets
See. But that was the WZ 111 that said that. T57 didn’t say anything at all. In fact WZ 111 got his head straight at the end once he realized that if he continued to be toxic, he was going to lose-
@@Ingaming_Coma246 no fair enough and he deserves credit for that. But I don't feel like threatening your team with a rage is going to get on anyones good side right off the bat, maybe he shouldn't open with that next time?
@@Ingaming_Coma246 Look up the T-57's account on NA server. That is a bought account if I have ever seen one. The account went from playing at a 55% WR to 45% WR in the last couple thousand games. He is still at 53% WR so it probably had 15,000 games on it when he bought it.
A prime example are both of the people above me in this reply section. By be way I’m guilty of this myself. I say WAY more stuff than I should (and would) say in real life because 1. I have a stutter, so I wanna be able to at least type as much words and info that I want to be able to say in a reasonable amount of time in real life, (see this whole comment for an example) and 2. I’m weak asf so if I try to pull that shit in real life I’m dead
My automatic response when someone is already that mad and hasn't figured out they should just take a break is to immediately provoke them. Is it asshole-ish? Sure. Do they deserve it? Yes.
you would like to think so but i personaly know a 50 year old man that is like a mirror image of this type 57 player when playing games * i refuse to play games with him*
By eight, you mean ten; right? I mean Years, tier...eight, ten. They all rhyme (in an intoxic-cated state of mind). Also, when did Fortnite get so boring that their prepubescent consumers switched to WOT?
@@ZZMonkeysUncleZZ I let them know to do it on the training paper and to wipe up after themselves otherwise I'm going to shove their nose into it. They seem to really sh*t themselves on that one.
It just so happens I was in this battle (I was in the BC 25t) and seeing this result is absolutely stunning. This has been the SECOND time someone on my team has thrown a game on this map. I was lucky enough to see the first guy in a frontline match and I managed to kill him too, I’m looking forward to finding this guy on the battlefield in any upcoming frontline matches. Thanks for the vid and showing me what happens after I went back to the garage, my jaw was on the floor for much longer than was probably healthy.
@@primaltempest9218 The clear names should be visible in the post battle screen. Probably even in wotreplays.eu/site/5216599#teams: We could just find the replay. ;)
Ok, this might be a stupid question: Does anyone know if players that were reported actually got any kind of punishment? I never hear from anything in that respect.
@Chris_Wooden_Eye That tells us your that player on the team who got banned every few weeks for them killing the guy who sat in the bush, and didn't spot for you...
Well, count your blessings everyone. The T57's teammates were confronted with this particular mindset for 15 minutes, the T57 player himself has to cope with it 24/7.
Not entirely true, his teammates didn't have to be confronted by this behavior for 15 mins, they could have left the game any time they wanted after dying. Still, that guy should have his account banned permanently.
@@Salty_Ritz The Dunning-Kruger-effect doesn't relate to my statement. The T57-player may or may not consciously suffer from his deficiencies, the fact remains that people may well avoid him 24/7 for reasons unclear to himself; he may find his own mind clouded 24/7, clouds even clouding the fact that his mind is clouded; the people who are not him will still not be in the exact same clouds 24/7 and that was the point I was making.
Man, I'm going to start using the line "I'm a tier 8 you bitch" whenever someone rages in chat, Wonderfully irrelevant and hilarious at the same time, especially when done in a lower tier tank
@@zsvazsonyi saddly WT got more and more grumpy players as well ( seems ppl are attacking Gaijing itself more than each-other ) so still better but soon to degrade
If this was every other game - I'd totally agree. But in my experience I've only experienced this depth of toxic play a few times in the past year. They make me laugh more often than vent. My last absurd harassment was in a tier 4 Valentine with a platooned pair of T14 heavies saying I was not scouting properly and failing to get ahead of them to the spotting bush half way over the map!! I had to remind them that their tanks go a lot faster than my Valentine's 24kph - but at least my hull armour was better than theirs :) !
""I'm going to rage if anyone tells me how to play." Maybe if you get told how to play your tank so often that you feel the need to start each game with that, you should listen to the advice.
The thing I don't get ... is that an _enjoyable_ way to play _World of Tanks_ - was that _fun_ for the T57? I'm serious ... why were they playing at all? Their proposed plan was sit as far away as possible from hostile tanks. The easiest way of all to accomplish this is to never load the game up in the first place...
@@AdamSmith-kq6ys I think the strategy is let both sides kill each other, then stroll out and waste the low health remnants and artillery. Think of it like a planned kill steal strat. The T57 here was technically tied for second highest kill count and would have tied for top had they finished, despite being useless the rest of the match.
Ahh I remember once I'd killed an enemy E100 and my 704 was drowned by teammate Type 5 because he believed he was entitled to killing him. Classic WoT. You think you met an arsehole and then you find someone worse.
@@denovemportem dont forget the carrier's. I had a very angry team carrier that decided that in the middle of the game, that because the team was jerks, he was going to throw the game and teamkilled the ally destroyer that was going to win us the game.
He was busting balls. "accuser" is from those videos of that crazy chick running around screaming at people and calling them accuser and mother fuckers.
I was considering blowing off the dust from my WoT account. After watching this video, and remembering the frustration (to a point of unhealthy rage) I felt after nearly every battle I went in to, my foggy mind was cleared and I decided it is best to let the dead (account) rest.
That is the sad part because of those kind of people.. Nice fella stays home or stays quite, toxic fcker ? keeps on playing and raging and being toxic.. Same problem in real life.. only the assholes have no morals and yell and cry and blame..
@@DonSpiry333 I didn't play WoT long but it was long enough see too many players like this jerk and decide I didn't want to be any part of the game. I still like to watch Jingles though.
T57's stats seem to suggest that he has bough his account (that had unicum stats at the time) and has managed to lower its WN8 and Win rate by about 600 / 5%. That takes a "special" kind of player...
@@0starkiller0 There's almost no realistic way for a player to prove a WG account changed hands. The only reason the EULA has that stipulation is because WG wants people to pay them for premium content instead of paying someone else for an account that already has that content unlocked.
If you're just going by statistics vanished, he probably just set his account private. Even if WG were to take action they can't confirm anything related to a player account thanks to idiotically written data protection laws.
Multiplayer online games are like that tho. League of Legends comes to mind. Me I just want a simple single player game where I can relax. If I want to put in a lot of work into hard challenges, with that effort, I have a regular job for that, thank you.
You are so right.For this reason i try to play in platoon with my friends, compete the missions and don t give a sh... on those idiots.I now is hard to ignore them, but i play WOT from almost 9 years and i saw a lot of morons.
There is a lot of that. I think some people buy old accounts and tank them. Fucks everyones stats. AFK at work players. Alt Tab. I get 3-4 matches a day out of 10-20 where someone is not responding to map or moving. Barrel droop. Some overtly troll like him. Light tanks that can thread map to red spawn light them up all day for me on Arty. Sitting still. Play a ton of arty. (M44 Best Cancer in Game) I watch the whole map from 300m up. (Aslains.) ~Braes, Commander Artillery and Chill [TERRR]
Back in 2012 we also had bad players. But back then as a bad player you were encouraged to learn and play good. Nowadays bad players allowed to stay bad and only do some helpful shit if they are in some permium ufo tank or if they press the 2-key. 70% the devs ar eto blame... other 30% are retarded goldspamer.
Doesn't play enough to think team damage is still a thing.. but I bet he enjoys the channel revenue he gets from sharing this game he doesn't even play.
"I'm gonna rage!" sounds stupidly close to "I am/will get offended!". Both phrases equally absurd, and deserving no respect whatsoever. Such things are generally said, when you cannot control your emotions, so you make it a responsibility of other people. As for the spite shown at the end... it is honestly amazing.. childish, yes, but amazing
I uninstalled a couple of years ago too. Got sick of a tactic Jingles mentioned where a higher tier heavy would shove me out of cover because I was in their snail tank hiding spot. Nothing ever seemed to happen to the toxic bastards by WoT so I gave up...
I still like wot’s. Lots of fun sometimes. The people that take it too serious are the problem. People playing lower tier are working harder to grind and get somewhere. They don’t have a ton of time or credits to waste following someone around to teach them a lesson. Best players have a goal, not just to play to screw with someone. Nice vid again. Thanks
@@reptilespantoso This. I can live with the guy in a tier 8 premium with no idea what he's doing. That could be a noob who just bought the thing. But when some guy is strictly concerned with padding his stats and not winning I want tk back.
@@cliffordsquire9379 nah I doubt it was, or he wouldn't have been driving a t57 heavy, it would be very hard to go into a match with the intention to force a draw, I will say he had no intention of really playing from the very beginning however and just wanted to make his team do all the work
One of the finest cases of what I call, "Turd In The Punchbowl Effect." Only takes a small one to make the whole thing undrinkable. That people do this willingly is one of those things I cannot fathom after decades of cogitation on the matter.
@@markweller6785 Wouldn't know. Can't play it as I have a Mac. I'd like to try but after the miserable experience I has with the WoWs Mac version I'm not going to risk it.
I really like this game, the concept, the tanks, the gameplay etc. Yet I've never even installed it or played it, and I never will. One reason is the free to play, pay to win thing that the devs are hardcore cranking. The other reason is the playerbase. And whenever I see a vid like this, I congratulate myself for my smart decision in not having wasted any time in this game to try to get up to higher tiers just to have to face this kind of shitty behaviour.
@@nehcrum For someone who has never played the game how would you know it's pay to win? When those of us who've played it the longest can tell you that the vast majority who play the game pay to lose.
@@WarAuthority Whenever you are paying, you are losing something. The question is if you think the loss of money is worth what you are getting in trade. Add in the issue of post-purchase rationalization, and you got WoT-players...
I like to park my arty right beside/behind campers like this and fire as usual, back up a bit, and let them catch the counter battery fire. That gets them moving.
Once upon a time you could park behind them and delete them yourself. Lol. I had some tard in the old tier 10 waffle auto loader park in front of me on the hill on mountain pass (and I didn't even notice since I was in top-down view across the map) and started raging when I put my next HE shell clean into his paper turret
The T57 driver is exactly what I've been wanting to do for years. Only been able to do this handful of times. But man does it feel good to force a draw to a bunch of shit heads that still play this game seriously.
After watching this vid, I'd love to watch one where the T57's attempt to troll went horribly wrong because the team didn't need him. This kind of calculated, spiteful stunt can't work all the time.
It's players like this that makes me wish warships and tanks were one game, just so I could bombard him with a 460mm broadside salvo from the Yamato. I have no words, this is just sinking really low...
Oh shit no, we don't WOT players in WOWS, mostly WOWS is civil and devoid of arse holes, yes there are 1 or 2, but generally it is OK (there are bad players, but I excuse that , it is the arse-holes that are crap)
@@benjamindover2601 I have 86 draws in over 7000 battles on my reroll NA account. I'm not sure how many I have on my main EU account as I can't be bothered logging into EU, but I can guarantee it isn't as high as 26 per 1000 battles.
That is at least double the amount of draws compared to what is normal (around 1%), unless he's playing a lot with light tanks and doing very well. But I highly doubt that.
Not sure about the other servers , but the SA server is filled with bots , created by wargaming to fill the matchmaker . These are not the normal bots that are marked like in the Australia server . These are named like human accounts but have a single premium tier 8 tank , around 10 low tier tank and are found in tier 8 matches .
Just saw that Yes its a bought account. And no not an alt account a bought one. Too bad WG dont care enough to ban the account even if you do send a ticket in. Claus Kellerman just but up a vid of anther player raging in battle that was a bought account as well.
this seems like the kind of person who has such a level of retribution built directly into his body that he finds it way more natural to use the middle finger on his left mouse button
Thanks, Jingles, for showing the world how awesome some WoT players can be! :) Not gonna lie, it was incredibly frustrating to be in a match where its fate fell in the hands of such person. I usually don't stick around after dying, but I'm glad (or not?) that I did for that one... though, my brain still hurts from it lol.
Sociopath definition : "a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour."Nothing else needs to be said...
Claus Kellerman could put this into his “Greatest Arsehole” compilation and it would be a winner. Poor buggers on both teams having to put up with that
Wargaming removed that feature because people would reveal teammates' positions to the enemy. Problem is, as this video shows sometimes that was a good thing to be able to do.
It's less relevant in World of Warships than it used to be in World of Tanks. But using all-chat to tell the enemy where a douchebag is hiding still has a place.
Well if everyone on t57s team reported him maybe there would be a chance for at least a temporary ban. Some people do such things just for spite, to provoke other people, to make them rage, they enjoy such situations coz they are dickheads. There are people who do such things in real life also.
I think what's he's doing is about power and control. I guess this is pretty much the only thing he has control over in his life or there is at least one aspect of his life he has absolutely no control/power over whatsoever. And the only thing he knows about power is that if you have it, you use it to your full advantage. This is revenge.
@@zava5025 Actually if the EULA of the game says that there will be no refunds if your account has been banned for some notorious reason, he can't do any legal action against them and acutally win in court. You'd think people would do this every day in games like CS:GO or other online games with premium content.
@@zava5025 it actually is, because before you can even play the game you have to hit the "agree" button, which means you accept the terms of service and EULA and thus are bound by it. If you hit the dont agree button you can't play at all....
@@zava5025 the moment they update them on a patch and you have to agree or disagree again to play the game... That EULA and TOS is valid. Your boxed copy only applies to that version of the game which you can no longer play because you have to update it. I had this argument with a lawyer and i lost it, i thought the same as you.... She proved me wrong. Just saying, you believe what you want, but im sorry to say, you're sadly wrong
@@madogthefirst Yup, couple that with normal WGNA incompetence and you have a shit show. I watched the 'REEEE' unfold live yesterday at 11 when the black market failed to launch.
"now you have seen this too" oh jingles, this is basically 20% of the games in mid tiers on NA server. thats why there have been mods extended blacklists
i'm begining to feel the days where WOWS will be like this ... a shame ( at least it's not every battle yet ) ... i feel like the gaming comunity has cranked in toxicity in the past 5 years
i remember back when i was an arty main id say stuff like arty needs a buff and all sorts of triggering shit then when someone gets mad id shoot them from across the map once when they started brawling or fighting or were in the open and id track them i triggered a lot of people and got tked a couple of times and almost always succeeded in getting them banned for team killing me
Yeah... I've had at least a couple of cocksuckers dm me an angry message, calling me all sorts of names. I simply block, but the sad part is that you can find toxic players in pretty much every game. I honestly hope in real life they suffer a huge personal loss. Don't care, they deserve it for treating people online like shit.
@@MuhammadKharismawan we have arcade too, I played wot and left it in 2017, trust me after you die a few times in war thunder, you'll be smelling blood everytime you spawn in. Because if something can one hit kill you, you not only do the same but do it 10 times over.
@@asiftalpur3758 that seems unreasonable. Well its fine, im gonna wait whats gonna coke out of the new balancing update for rounds thats coming to WOT before doing anything
@@MuhammadKharismawan when I first got my first teir 8 heavy, IS3, I thought the devs would fix the game a little. Do you know what WG did? They released the Chrysler K. A tank I couldn't pen with my stock gun even with premium rounds and because I sold all tanks to buy IS3, I didn't have anything left. But still I hoped but I quit wot. If you think there will come a day they'll fix the game to your desires, keep waiting. That day won't come.
I have noticed that sometimes the reason for this is they wait until most of the team is dead and then try to mop up the enemy (who are all damaged) to look good in the end results. "Not my fault I did 4 kills and 3K damage pity the rest of my team where noobs" comments are then made.
For auto loaders that is a common, and necessary, tactic given they basically have no armor. Of course the difference between a good auto loader player, and a bad one, is the good one tries to "mop up" if/when the winner is still in doubt. Not sitting around to collect late game stats.
@@montarakid1943 Auto loaders save their hp for the end game yes but they are still involved in the game not sat at the back :) As you say nothing is as satisfying as sailing around the map end game seeing how many kills you can get in one clip!
Really, really, really thank you for showing me this, it was the most painful thing I have seen in my life. It was killing me and my faith in humanity all the game and now I think I’m a different person. It blew my brain off..I think this T57 is a legend.
Ah Jingles, that is the WZ ‘BB’ tank that everyone was given as part of the latest event. The WZ player has likely not passed tier 5 yet, so his expert tactics are not too unsurprising
It would also explain how he could think that the thing is tier 8, he most likely thought it was the premium WZ-111 and was mad at the matchmaker for constantly dumping him against tier 10 XD
And this is a great example of why I uninstalled the WoT game entirely. Having a much happier gaming life in World of Warships. Even with opponent chat enabled, there is 99% less toxicity in that game for some reason.
Gawd, i love reading these... Jingles (expecting scathing commentary about the T57): leave a comment Everyone else: Teamkills aren't a thing anymore *grabs the big bag of popcorn and reads the rest*
Pretty much any online game that has multiplayer have a toxic community , look at LoL , Overwatch , Wow , and so on and so on , all at the bottom of the pile . The only game i had a good time with a community recently was Warframe , but hey guess what ? No PvP there almost , so people have less tendencies to be asses :) Simple as that , as soon as you put a reward and involve any kind of skill in the matter , small minded people and sore loosers will rage sooner or later, you can call that a dogma man , it s a 100 % success rate :)
i mean, he wasnt using that kind of tank. he's clearly just an asshol.e i dont think any problem presented itself in this battle that was caused by that.
@@Remmeeee I wasn't expecting it either but these tanks can be used in randoms Look closely, the "I am gonna rage" idiot is driving the WZ 111 1-5 A BB
@@Remmeeee It gives you the tank to use in any game mode. It does not matter what tanks you have played in the past or present. They gave people tier 10s, some of which should not have them because they don't know how to play them.
That's not true. If there are repercussions, WG isn't allowed to tell us because of privacy laws... In the end, we will never find out if he gets banned...
Or ya know they could do something like csgo does and get peer reviewed and giving a cooldown. Thought you were better than the ban wagon disappointed Koala.
@@shannonnezul4903 Shut up. That last little bit trying to shame Koala is just stupid. He's stating an opinion. Agree or disagree, I don't care, but don't try and shame him for it.
Like many previous players of WOT , I'm not surprised with the game play at all. This is just one of many reasons scores of players have just uninstalled the game . I will continue to watch and enjoy your input on many other topics you post. There is no tears for WOT. That ship has already sailed .
I've just looked at his stats and looks like this player is doing this for a long time. It looks like this account was sold or given, or the guy just loosing his time and loosing as many of the games as possible. His stats simply going doooooooown for at least 3k battles.
@@jarretticeearthguard8614 yeah thats the typical reply when you see that kind of comment at the start of a match. usually followed by same asshole saying its rigged. the 279(e) just stole it from him
I played during the closed beta, and for a long, long time after. It was this kind if mindset and behavior that drove me away from this game. Kind of heart breaking.
I logged in and played Tanks for the first time in about three weeks, today. The first kill I got was another light tank trying to rush my arty platoon mate. Instant hate mail.
Jingles videos literately tell the rise and fall of World of Tanks. Feel like it went from being a game among gentlemen to a bunch of spoiled kids that are already at tier X after 1000 games.
I love how when he says "I'm going to rage if anyone tells me how to play" everyone immediately starts telling him how to play.
Then with the "poke the bear thing" dude no one is intimidated or cares about how angry a keyboard warrior gets
See. But that was the WZ 111 that said that. T57 didn’t say anything at all. In fact WZ 111 got his head straight at the end once he realized that if he continued to be toxic, he was going to lose-
@@Ingaming_Coma246 no fair enough and he deserves credit for that. But I don't feel like threatening your team with a rage is going to get on anyones good side right off the bat, maybe he shouldn't open with that next time?
I need to remember to reply, "Dude, if you're _that_ worked up from playing the game, maybe it's time to uninstall?"
@@Ingaming_Coma246 wasn't that a different wz?
@@Ingaming_Coma246 Look up the T-57's account on NA server. That is a bought account if I have ever seen one. The account went from playing at a 55% WR to 45% WR in the last couple thousand games. He is still at 53% WR so it probably had 15,000 games on it when he bought it.
It never ceases to amaze me how brave people get when they can hide behind a keyboard.
@@cultofpersonality2002 buddy say that to me in person why dont you, wanna get knocked out bud
@@bryangao2275 shut up you wont do anything
@@cultofpersonality2002 bet where u at
A prime example are both of the people above me in this reply section.
By be way I’m guilty of this myself. I say WAY more stuff than I should (and would) say in real life because 1. I have a stutter, so I wanna be able to at least type as much words and info that I want to be able to say in a reasonable amount of time in real life, (see this whole comment for an example) and 2. I’m weak asf so if I try to pull that shit in real life I’m dead
“I’m gonna rage!” - whenever I hear someone who talks like that, they are always between six and eight years old.
My automatic response when someone is already that mad and hasn't figured out they should just take a break is to immediately provoke them. Is it asshole-ish? Sure. Do they deserve it? Yes.
@@ZZMonkeysUncleZZ Its like paining a tgarget on his arse with the added text "punish me for my wickednmess, ps ima retawd lol"
you would like to think so but i personaly know a 50 year old man that is like a mirror image of this type 57 player when playing games * i refuse to play games with him*
By eight, you mean ten; right? I mean Years, tier...eight, ten. They all rhyme (in an intoxic-cated state of mind). Also, when did Fortnite get so boring that their prepubescent consumers switched to WOT?
@@ZZMonkeysUncleZZ I let them know to do it on the training paper and to wipe up after themselves otherwise I'm going to shove their nose into it. They seem to really sh*t themselves on that one.
"If I have to choose between the lesser of two evils, I'd rather not choose at all."
-Geralt of Rivia, after quitting World of Tanks
Steel is for humans, silver for monsters and gold for op tanks 🤣
It just so happens I was in this battle (I was in the BC 25t) and seeing this result is absolutely stunning. This has been the SECOND time someone on my team has thrown a game on this map. I was lucky enough to see the first guy in a frontline match and I managed to kill him too, I’m looking forward to finding this guy on the battlefield in any upcoming frontline matches. Thanks for the vid and showing me what happens after I went back to the garage, my jaw was on the floor for much longer than was probably healthy.
We share our condoleances for you that you had to team up with the moron
Well you got to kill him once at least
Dude I was the gwe100 who tried encouraging him
Aww c'mon guys. His mom told him if he brought that big expensive tier X heavy scratched he would have to eat all of his broccoli at dinner. ;)
I was the WZ
He really needs to be reported. His fee-fee and boo-boo feeling need a paddling!!!
now that we know his name report the twat every time he does anything. he deserves a permaban
The guy could have the anonymizer on, sadly.
@@primaltempest9218 I am sure that thing has more than 1 account on WOT
@@primaltempest9218 The clear names should be visible in the post battle screen. Probably even in wotreplays.eu/site/5216599#teams: We could just find the replay. ;)
Ok, this might be a stupid question: Does anyone know if players that were reported actually got any kind of punishment?
I never hear from anything in that respect.
It's obvious that Jingles hasn't played WoT in a while. Team damage hasn't been a thing for over half a year.
I haven't played tanks for like 1.5-2 years and I knew that lol
Being hit up the backside is really distracting when you are concentrating.
@Chris_Wooden_Eye That tells us your that player on the team who got banned every few weeks for them killing the guy who sat in the bush, and didn't spot for you...
@@GrasshopperKelly I stopped playing when they got rid of all chat because it was too "toxic"
@@thatwolffe3802 well, it wasn't to stop any toxic verbal behavior. But it stopped spiteful infants giving away your team mates
Well, count your blessings everyone. The T57's teammates were confronted with this particular mindset for 15 minutes, the T57 player himself has to cope with it 24/7.
Depipro Except with these people it isn't coping since they go to bed at night thinking everyone else is the asshole.
Dunning Kruger effect says otherwise
Not entirely true, his teammates didn't have to be confronted by this behavior for 15 mins, they could have left the game any time they wanted after dying.
Still, that guy should have his account banned permanently.
Nice one. I'll be using this insult in the future.
@@Salty_Ritz The Dunning-Kruger-effect doesn't relate to my statement. The T57-player may or may not consciously suffer from his deficiencies, the fact remains that people may well avoid him 24/7 for reasons unclear to himself; he may find his own mind clouded 24/7, clouds even clouding the fact that his mind is clouded; the people who are not him will still not be in the exact same clouds 24/7 and that was the point I was making.
This when I wish WOT would let you kill a teammate again.
Man, I'm going to start using the line "I'm a tier 8 you bitch" whenever someone rages in chat, Wonderfully irrelevant and hilarious at the same time, especially when done in a lower tier tank
I was wondering few days ago with my friend, why I haven't played WoT in last two years, thanks Jingles for reminding me.
Same here... ;)
I’m quitting this game after my premium expires and start playing war thunder again
@@zsvazsonyi saddly WT got more and more grumpy players as well ( seems ppl are attacking Gaijing itself more than each-other ) so still better but soon to degrade
@@lylehenrich5263 and here
If this was every other game - I'd totally agree. But in my experience I've only experienced this depth of toxic play a few times in the past year. They make me laugh more often than vent. My last absurd harassment was in a tier 4 Valentine with a platooned pair of T14 heavies saying I was not scouting properly and failing to get ahead of them to the spotting bush half way over the map!! I had to remind them that their tanks go a lot faster than my Valentine's 24kph - but at least my hull armour was better than theirs :) !
I like how Jingles thinks it's still possible to team kill. Back to the mines, then.
I thought the same thing. I'm more likely to shoot friendlies now because it doesn't do damage but gets my point across.
He was talking past tense
@@keithrose6931 It's rude to talk while passing tents.
@@misterfister8641 lmao
Well you can push people off cliffs/into water, right, if you have the correct tanks ofc not every tank can push every other.
""I'm going to rage if anyone tells me how to play." Maybe if you get told how to play your tank so often that you feel the need to start each game with that, you should listen to the advice.
Or if someone can't control behaviour, look for a professional help at local hospital. Rage in game is physical problem.
The thing I don't get ... is that an _enjoyable_ way to play _World of Tanks_ - was that _fun_ for the T57? I'm serious ... why were they playing at all? Their proposed plan was sit as far away as possible from hostile tanks. The easiest way of all to accomplish this is to never load the game up in the first place...
@@LaLLi80 Boo Boo Fee Fee's is a thing now. So maybe im gunna rage at the next logical & sensible comment I see.😤🤣
The T-57 is probably some spoiled teenager or manchild
@@AdamSmith-kq6ys I think the strategy is let both sides kill each other, then stroll out and waste the low health remnants and artillery. Think of it like a planned kill steal strat. The T57 here was technically tied for second highest kill count and would have tied for top had they finished, despite being useless the rest of the match.
This has inspired me to not even bother with WOT. If I want toxic people, I'll go drive in traffic.
Dude, perfect saying. Mind if I use it on occasion? Only in real life mind you. This part mainly. If I want toxic people, I'll go drive in traffic.
@@No_Fuse8771 have at it lol. I don't own the English language 😂
If I want toxic people I'd play League of Legends xD
"come on poke the bear" who does he think he is? the Soviet Union??
And we all know how that turned out in the end ....
Nah more like Nirth Korea, bein that he's runnin an asian tank.
WE are the soviet union.
Hes the Soviet Onion, cause the minute someone poked him the tears were endless
Hes Trump,an asshole😂😂😂
Ahh I remember once I'd killed an enemy E100 and my 704 was drowned by teammate Type 5 because he believed he was entitled to killing him. Classic WoT. You think you met an arsehole and then you find someone worse.
@@thesiegehowitzer4623 That would mean they ARE an asshole. They're just too afraid to show it in real life.
"Listen you accuser, I'm Tier 8 you xxx"
Edit: Oh cool, Jingles already pointed it out 30 seconds later.
When even Jingles notices a mistake you know it's a big one
@@davidmoore1253 Well Actually... yeah, Jingles is right! I'm kinda confused too.... (I suspect Akazuki the Gamer Cat pointed it out to Jungles)
@Adam Marcinkowski Not really that different there unfourtunately.
Larger things, more guns and turrets, lots of water... same levels of stupidity....
@@denovemportem dont forget the carrier's. I had a very angry team carrier that decided that in the middle of the game, that because the team was jerks, he was going to throw the game and teamkilled the ally destroyer that was going to win us the game.
He was busting balls. "accuser" is from those videos of that crazy chick running around screaming at people and calling them accuser and mother fuckers.
whenever I'll feel like going back to this game, I'll watch this and I'll know that uninstalling this game was the best decision I've ever made. lol
I was considering blowing off the dust from my WoT account. After watching this video, and remembering the frustration (to a point of unhealthy rage) I felt after nearly every battle I went in to, my foggy mind was cleared and I decided it is best to let the dead (account) rest.
That is the sad part because of those kind of people.. Nice fella stays home or stays quite, toxic fcker ? keeps on playing and raging and being toxic.. Same problem in real life.. only the assholes have no morals and yell and cry and blame..
@@DonSpiry333 I didn't play WoT long but it was long enough see too many players like this jerk and decide I didn't want to be any part of the game. I still like to watch Jingles though.
@@edmartin875 i haven't played in 8 years because of this shit. Hell my account has most likely been removed from unuse at this point. Fuck this shit.
T57's stats seem to suggest that he has bough his account (that had unicum stats at the time) and has managed to lower its WN8 and Win rate by about 600 / 5%. That takes a "special" kind of player...
Isn't selling or transferring your account also a reason to have it deleted? Can this be brought to attention by any chance?
@@0starkiller0 If it wasn't reported no one would know...
I've sold my EU account before no problem...shhh
@@0starkiller0 There's almost no realistic way for a player to prove a WG account changed hands. The only reason the EULA has that stipulation is because WG wants people to pay them for premium content instead of paying someone else for an account that already has that content unlocked.
@@empress_alex and that comment gets YOU a report.
Maybe he had a stroke /s
WG works fast, T57 Player was banned a few minutes ago. I suspect this Video is partly why
how do u know if some1 is banned? im playing since 2015. and still didnt heard of that, would really love to know so i could check it myself
I really hope youre right. he should play solitaire only he clearly cant handle it
If you're just going by statistics vanished, he probably just set his account private. Even if WG were to take action they can't confirm anything related to a player account thanks to idiotically written data protection laws.
He's not in a clan anymore, but his account is still around when you search on the NA server.
Everytime I get the urge to try WoT again I just remember how bad it was for my mental health and I drop the idea.
WoWS is getting to be like that for me now...... sad
Multiplayer online games are like that tho. League of Legends comes to mind. Me I just want a simple single player game where I can relax. If I want to put in a lot of work into hard challenges, with that effort, I have a regular job for that, thank you.
@@andraslibal Exactly
You are so right.For this reason i try to play in platoon with my friends, compete the missions and don t give a sh... on those idiots.I now is hard to ignore them, but i play WOT from almost 9 years and i saw a lot of morons.
10:53 The reason is that he's 10 and his mom made him go unload the dishwasher.
Anyone’s brain cells died after seeing what that poor excuse of a “tier 8” heavy tank player said during the match along with their actions?
that t57 heavy player really just needs his account terminated.
and there a lot of players like him.... :( ruining the game. for 14 others.
@@RobbieT015 He ruin the game for 29 others...
There is a lot of that. I think some people buy old accounts and tank them. Fucks everyones stats. AFK at work players. Alt Tab.
I get 3-4 matches a day out of 10-20 where someone is not responding to map or moving. Barrel droop. Some overtly troll like him.
Light tanks that can thread map to red spawn light them up all day for me on Arty. Sitting still.
Play a ton of arty. (M44 Best Cancer in Game)
I watch the whole map from 300m up. (Aslains.)
~Braes, Commander Artillery and Chill [TERRR]
I think his account got removed. At least you cant find his name anymore and he is also nowhere to be found in the [D--T] clan.
My account has been sitting collecting dust for about 6 years now. And when I see stuff like this...well it's probably gonna keep collecting dust
agreed-this game is officialy fucked,due to retarded players
Back in 2012 we also had bad players. But back then as a bad player you were encouraged to learn and play good. Nowadays bad players allowed to stay bad and only do some helpful shit if they are in some permium ufo tank or if they press the 2-key. 70% the devs ar eto blame... other 30% are retarded goldspamer.
Or you are simply busy on E621
similar situation here, havent touched the game in almost 4 years now due to this shit.
@@Randleray "Nowadays bad players allowed to stay bad "
In part because the game allows bad behavior, and good play/ers aren't recognized for such.
"...I don't play much anymore." -Jingles There you have it. The only way to win is NOT to play.
Especially when you can watch it on Jingles' channel and win through sheer laughter instead of losing through sheer rage.
"Such a weird game. The only way to win, is to not play."
-That one computer from Wargames.
@@justinflowers9380 *Wargaming FTFY
Doesn't play enough to think team damage is still a thing.. but I bet he enjoys the channel revenue he gets from sharing this game he doesn't even play.
Even better, play WT, that's where real tankers are born ;)
"Listen, you fucking accuser!!" - What a great line. It says so little, but implies so much.
"I'm gonna rage!" sounds stupidly close to "I am/will get offended!". Both phrases equally absurd, and deserving no respect whatsoever. Such things are generally said, when you cannot control your emotions, so you make it a responsibility of other people.
As for the spite shown at the end... it is honestly amazing.. childish, yes, but amazing
Perhaps it's just me...But I would have promoted, nay, demanded the "rage". Just to laugh at it...
I love how I stopped playing WoT two years ago so those kind of games don't even affect me mentally.The higher the tier the lower the IQ, only in WoT.
I uninstalled a couple of years ago too. Got sick of a tactic Jingles mentioned where a higher tier heavy would shove me out of cover because I was in their snail tank hiding spot. Nothing ever seemed to happen to the toxic bastards by WoT so I gave up...
Dw, its a thing with all Wargaming titles. WoWs is just as bad
Only WoT? Is that why there are big dumb slow Tier 10 BB's in WoW sailing in straight lines.
I still like wot’s. Lots of fun sometimes. The people that take it too serious are the problem. People playing lower tier are working harder to grind and get somewhere. They don’t have a ton of time or credits to waste following someone around to teach them a lesson. Best players have a goal, not just to play to screw with someone. Nice vid again. Thanks
@@reptilespantoso This. I can live with the guy in a tier 8 premium with no idea what he's doing. That could be a noob who just bought the thing. But when some guy is strictly concerned with padding his stats and not winning I want tk back.
Griefer. Causing a draw was his plan from the very beginning.
I agree .
@@cliffordsquire9379 nah I doubt it was, or he wouldn't have been driving a t57 heavy, it would be very hard to go into a match with the intention to force a draw, I will say he had no intention of really playing from the very beginning however and just wanted to make his team do all the work
One of the finest cases of what I call, "Turd In The Punchbowl Effect." Only takes a small one to make the whole thing undrinkable.
That people do this willingly is one of those things I cannot fathom after decades of cogitation on the matter.
Love the analogy but the game is so broken its no longer funny
It's easy to fathom, these are the people who are a few standard deviations away from average human behavior
@@markweller6785 Wouldn't know. Can't play it as I have a Mac. I'd like to try but after the miserable experience I has with the WoWs Mac version I'm not going to risk it.
@@robgraham5697 bootcamp bud.
@@redfro4992 How do we term average human behavior ( A H V)
When I saw the T57 moving and spotted the arty I was like “there we go that’s an ez when” but when he didn’t fire I was like “ O H N O”
Every time I read something about "toxic" I panic an first look at the player names if i am in that clip.
The one time the comment telling people to "uninstall the game" is definitely called for
Why? Like anyone in history has ever actually did it just because some rando told them too.
I'v team killed this guy once or twice with the 183 I miss those days.
I really like this game, the concept, the tanks, the gameplay etc.
Yet I've never even installed it or played it, and I never will.
One reason is the free to play, pay to win thing that the devs are hardcore cranking. The other reason is the playerbase.
And whenever I see a vid like this, I congratulate myself for my smart decision in not having wasted any time in this game to try to get up to higher tiers just to have to face this kind of shitty behaviour.
@@nehcrum For someone who has never played the game how would you know it's pay to win? When those of us who've played it the longest can tell you that the vast majority who play the game pay to lose.
@@WarAuthority Whenever you are paying, you are losing something. The question is if you think the loss of money is worth what you are getting in trade.
Add in the issue of post-purchase rationalization, and you got WoT-players...
I like to park my arty right beside/behind campers like this and fire as usual, back up a bit, and let them catch the counter battery fire. That gets them moving.
thats acually 200 iq
Done that. Counter arty is not that usual at tiers 6-8
@@carlitosskater89 It doesn't always work but better than nothing.
Well arty has more use of that position on the map than a T57.
Once upon a time you could park behind them and delete them yourself. Lol.
I had some tard in the old tier 10 waffle auto loader park in front of me on the hill on mountain pass (and I didn't even notice since I was in top-down view across the map) and started raging when I put my next HE shell clean into his paper turret
I was in a battle with the T57 player, 4_on_the_floor, recently. He tried to do the same thing and force a draw.
On which server does he play? EU?
@@cardiohirvi3838 He's on the NA server and has recently changed his name to Whiskey___Hangover if you're looking for him.
Asa Stallard What an absolute piece of garbage, hope he’s banned by now
@@eric97909 X
We need more people doing this. It's glorious.
The T57 driver is exactly what I've been wanting to do for years. Only been able to do this handful of times. But man does it feel good to force a draw to a bunch of shit heads that still play this game seriously.
Agreed,so much power in your hands , kind of a reality check
After watching this vid, I'd love to watch one where the T57's attempt to troll went horribly wrong because the team didn't need him. This kind of calculated, spiteful stunt can't work all the time.
It's players like this that makes me wish warships and tanks were one game, just so I could bombard him with a 460mm broadside salvo from the Yamato.
I have no words, this is just sinking really low...
Oh my god that would be amazing. OR, a full broadside from a Thunderer or what the hell a Montana.
Oh shit no, we don't WOT players in WOWS, mostly WOWS is civil and devoid of arse holes, yes there are 1 or 2, but generally it is OK (there are bad players, but I excuse that , it is the arse-holes that are crap)
Dude please no, not players like this in WoWs, I see toxic people in WoWs every 20-30 games but in WOT it is every game :)
@@tyson4373 Well, I was joking for the most part, but it would be fun because Yamato :)
No in Wows it's the ships themselves (looking at you Smolensk) that are extremely toxic
Checked this dude's stats: surprisingly he has a quite unusual amount of draws to his record...(2.6%)
@@benjamindover2601 I've got 59 draws in over 7k games...
@@benjamindover2601 I have 86 draws in over 7000 battles on my reroll NA account. I'm not sure how many I have on my main EU account as I can't be bothered logging into EU, but I can guarantee it isn't as high as 26 per 1000 battles.
His overal win rate is 53%, but his recent win rate (last 1000 battles) is only 46%. WAT?
That is at least double the amount of draws compared to what is normal (around 1%), unless he's playing a lot with light tanks and doing very well. But I highly doubt that.
@@mrxcman9272 bought the acc maybe
7:06 It's because he literally can't Jingles. Team damage doesn't exist anymore
Kind of a shame but I see why they did remove it. Guess we gotta find bridge now boys
I thought it doesn't exist for ARTILLERY team damage?
Did they finally remove ALL team damage?
Yea. All the team damage. Funny part is tho is that if you push em of cliffs/bridges then it will count for team killing
@@cheapstonegd6296 Well that sounds... rather okay actually.
Yea it is pretty good. The bridge on mountain pass is a good one to try on pc
Not sure about the other servers , but the SA server is filled with bots , created by wargaming to fill the matchmaker . These are not the normal bots that are marked like in the Australia server . These are named like human accounts but have a single premium tier 8 tank , around 10 low tier tank and are found in tier 8 matches .
I can only guess as to the T-57 that glue does not sniff itself.
Look at his stats on wotlabs, it is clearly a bought account.
His overall stats are good, his recent are absolute garbage.
Maybe he is off his medicine?
D-T is a clan well known for having lots of alts
Just saw that Yes its a bought account. And no not an alt account a bought one. Too bad WG dont care enough to ban the account even if you do send a ticket in. Claus Kellerman just but up a vid of anther player raging in battle that was a bought account as well.
i cant find him now
@@72karamba Try to search him on american server.
I sure do miss random acts of violence. :-)
we all do :)
this seems like the kind of person who has such a level of retribution built directly into his body that he finds it way more natural to use the middle finger on his left mouse button
Thanks, Jingles, for showing the world how awesome some WoT players can be! :)
Not gonna lie, it was incredibly frustrating to be in a match where its fate fell in the hands of such person.
I usually don't stick around after dying, but I'm glad (or not?) that I did for that one... though, my brain still hurts from it lol.
Sociopath definition : "a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour."Nothing else needs to be said...
Claus Kellerman could put this into his “Greatest Arsehole” compilation and it would be a winner. Poor buggers on both teams having to put up with that
EXACTLY what l was going to say. This guy is the biggest asshole. Lol
There are no winners on Kellerman....just bitching and yelling
@@flemmingploug2670 True he is just a blow hard mouth!!!
and have Dennis Leary ~ "I'm An Asshole - and Damn Proud of it" playing
Kellerman is just a shouter who doesnt watch the vids he shows very closely and constantly makes inaccurate calls
Well WG, do your job for a change and give the T57 Heavy a perma ban!
Remember the days in WoT before universal battle chat was removed when that kind of behavior would have been punished by death?
Wargaming removed that feature because people would reveal teammates' positions to the enemy. Problem is, as this video shows sometimes that was a good thing to be able to do.
@@RedXlV I understand why it was removed, but situations like what that asshole in the T-57 did were punished.
It's less relevant in World of Warships than it used to be in World of Tanks. But using all-chat to tell the enemy where a douchebag is hiding still has a place.
Well if everyone on t57s team reported him maybe there would be a chance for at least a temporary ban. Some people do such things just for spite, to provoke other people, to make them rage, they enjoy such situations coz they are dickheads. There are people who do such things in real life also.
@@reptilespantoso I too fondly remember.
I think what's he's doing is about power and control. I guess this is pretty much the only thing he has control over in his life or there is at least one aspect of his life he has absolutely no control/power over whatsoever. And the only thing he knows about power is that if you have it, you use it to your full advantage. This is revenge.
This is a new one on me - massive hissy fit... but funny with it. Thanks for the laugh Jingles
I feel dirty after watching this. I'm going to go for a swim in a septic tank to wash off.
Ha, Im watching in a bath tube. And Im glad I did.
This makes things easier to report him. Thanks!
Deliberately throwing a match...delete his account WoT. make him start all over again...if he can be bothered.
@zava, not really. Check latest terms, you'll be surprised
@@zava5025 Actually if the EULA of the game says that there will be no refunds if your account has been banned for some notorious reason, he can't do any legal action against them and acutally win in court. You'd think people would do this every day in games like CS:GO or other online games with premium content.
@@zava5025 it actually is, because before you can even play the game you have to hit the "agree" button, which means you accept the terms of service and EULA and thus are bound by it. If you hit the dont agree button you can't play at all....
@@naggarond EULA have no legal standing in the EU. Companies can write what ever they want and the EU legal system doesn't care.
@@zava5025 the moment they update them on a patch and you have to agree or disagree again to play the game... That EULA and TOS is valid. Your boxed copy only applies to that version of the game which you can no longer play because you have to update it. I had this argument with a lawyer and i lost it, i thought the same as you.... She proved me wrong. Just saying, you believe what you want, but im sorry to say, you're sadly wrong
that's why teamkill sometimes is needed
This replay just reminded me our favorite WoT player, Shrader
And his lowe
alternative title : "an average game of tier 10"
Especially with all these rentals for the events on whichever server you play
Asshole is definitely cranked up to eleven right now because of such events like Dynasty Wars.
@@madogthefirst Yup, couple that with normal WGNA incompetence and you have a shit show. I watched the 'REEEE' unfold live yesterday at 11 when the black market failed to launch.
"now you have seen this too"
oh jingles, this is basically 20% of the games in mid tiers on NA server. thats why there have been mods extended blacklists
An excellent reminder of why I quit all WG games... forever.
i'm begining to feel the days where WOWS will be like this ... a shame ( at least it's not every battle yet ) ... i feel like the gaming comunity has cranked in toxicity in the past 5 years
At least it's nearly impossible to force a draw in WoWs.
Tier 9 and 10 games its 100% of the games
7:00 Jingles they removed team damage in WoT like 2 patches ago.... Jingles?
he doesnt play wot anymore, so its not suprising
I think he was talking about the team damage before it was removed and how he saw people abuse it
*sounds of shotgun racking*
i remember back when i was an arty main id say stuff like arty needs a buff and all sorts of triggering shit then when someone gets mad id shoot them from across the map once when they started brawling or fighting or were in the open and id track them
i triggered a lot of people and got tked a couple of times and almost always succeeded in getting them banned for team killing me
@@heroninja1125 so tl;dr you were a total dick?
Griefing is fucking awesome! Well not just griefing. But griefing out of spite is.
The only controversy is why you haven’t called my Mom in 31 years, Daddy Jingles....
The problem with MMOs is that other people are playing it.
I've noticed the same thing with politics and society and my job...
Yeah... I've had at least a couple of cocksuckers dm me an angry message, calling me all sorts of names. I simply block, but the sad part is that you can find toxic players in pretty much every game. I honestly hope in real life they suffer a huge personal loss. Don't care, they deserve it for treating people online like shit.
@@gameexpert2011 but if you wish that to them you are one of them instead of being better than them ;-;
@@gameexpert2011 oh the irony..
Just wanna let yall know, this toxic pleb started in 2011, and still isnt banned
I bet it's a purchased account.
Welcome back to Wanker of the Week with The Mighty Jingles!
Hilariously and sadly enough that could be a very easy series to make.
@@romulanphantom3376 It was a series (or segment) in Mingles with Jingles a long time ago. long time subs know.
I would've died laughing if the entire team went over and camped in that corner once they saw what those two idiots were doing.
7:00 oh no. Jingle has been out of the game so long that he doesnt know Team Kill isnt in the game anymore did he?
Join us in war thunder mate :)
@@asiftalpur3758 nah, i prefer arcade plays than random one hit killed.
@@MuhammadKharismawan we have arcade too, I played wot and left it in 2017, trust me after you die a few times in war thunder, you'll be smelling blood everytime you spawn in. Because if something can one hit kill you, you not only do the same but do it 10 times over.
@@asiftalpur3758 that seems unreasonable.
Well its fine, im gonna wait whats gonna coke out of the new balancing update for rounds thats coming to WOT before doing anything
@@MuhammadKharismawan when I first got my first teir 8 heavy, IS3, I thought the devs would fix the game a little. Do you know what WG did? They released the Chrysler K. A tank I couldn't pen with my stock gun even with premium rounds and because I sold all tanks to buy IS3, I didn't have anything left. But still I hoped but I quit wot. If you think there will come a day they'll fix the game to your desires, keep waiting. That day won't come.
Taking everyone down because their precious feelings were hurt.
A very 2020 replay.
Hmmm yes, this comment reeks of Boomer
Didn't think any "safe space" sjw would play that incredibly offensive tank game.
And yet here we are...
WG is missing an opportunity to create World Of Snowflakes lol. Sounds fun and engaging I cant wait for open beta :)
@@cinjonsmythe6318 open beta for beta's
@@jyuppiter4540 and this one reeks of a perpetually triggered millennial
Stuff like this make me glad that I stopped playing WoT, even though I only ever reached Tier 7. To all players still going at it, stay strong o7.
Solo histoh same
That's kind of ironic coming from a guy who freely admits he quit.
I have noticed that sometimes the reason for this is they wait until most of the team is dead and then try to mop up the enemy (who are all damaged) to look good in the end results. "Not my fault I did 4 kills and 3K damage pity the rest of my team where noobs" comments are then made.
For auto loaders that is a common, and necessary, tactic given they basically have no armor. Of course the difference between a good auto loader player, and a bad one, is the good one tries to "mop up" if/when the winner is still in doubt. Not sitting around to collect late game stats.
@@montarakid1943 Auto loaders save their hp for the end game yes but they are still involved in the game not sat at the back :) As you say nothing is as satisfying as sailing around the map end game seeing how many kills you can get in one clip!
This is why I watch Jingles WOT replays, it stops the urge to install this game again.
Really, really, really thank you for showing me this, it was the most painful thing I have seen in my life. It was killing me and my faith in humanity all the game and now I think I’m a different person. It blew my brain off..I think this T57 is a legend.
that t57 would most likely have team killed that arty if team damage was still in the game.
Removing team damage is ine of the slow dumbing downs that Made me lose interest.
Ah Jingles, that is the WZ ‘BB’ tank that everyone was given as part of the latest event. The WZ player has likely not passed tier 5 yet, so his expert tactics are not too unsurprising
Wasn't the BB tanks imposible to use on random battles?
It would also explain how he could think that the thing is tier 8, he most likely thought it was the premium WZ-111 and was mad at the matchmaker for constantly dumping him against tier 10 XD
He cant play that tank in random battles.
@@zograf4572 So the whole game doesnt exist? What were we watching than?
@@zograf4572 So the whole match was never playerd? What were we watching than?
actually i think we found one of these ppl that buy wot acc with nice wn8 on ebay check his player profile it is very obvious
the clan hes in is short for deepthroat, knowing that, I should have known this would happen.
Amazing, i thought i saw everything after 5 years playing this game, but now i am in shock.
And this is a great example of why I uninstalled the WoT game entirely. Having a much happier gaming life in World of Warships. Even with opponent chat enabled, there is 99% less toxicity in that game for some reason.
The reason is simple: player's age.
@Republic Of Texas It's world of HE spam now which is worse imo
@@MoonnyMoo Don't think it has much to do with age. The amount of adult man babies and sissies out there are unbelievable
I hear ya, I've been playing online since the 1999 and WoT is by far the most toxic in game community. By far.
@Republic Of Texas Very rarely get sunk with torps and mostly when I don't think about what I am doing.
Gawd, i love reading these...
Jingles (expecting scathing commentary about the T57): leave a comment
Everyone else: Teamkills aren't a thing anymore
*grabs the big bag of popcorn and reads the rest*
Thanks for reminding me why I quit WOT years ago. This game is just so TOXIC.
Pretty much any online game that has multiplayer have a toxic community , look at LoL , Overwatch , Wow , and so on and so on , all at the bottom of the pile . The only game i had a good time with a community recently was Warframe , but hey guess what ? No PvP there almost , so people have less tendencies to be asses :) Simple as that , as soon as you put a reward and involve any kind of skill in the matter , small minded people and sore loosers will rage sooner or later, you can call that a dogma man , it s a 100 % success rate :)
"questioning his intelligence"
😂😂😂😂😂Omg Jingles....you are the man
I usually hate artillery but I will give mad props to the Obj. 261. Way to go!!!! Great video!!
There is an argument to be made here for calling his mommy and having him spanked.
Then spank his ma and pa for raising such a puss.
@@andrewinbody4301 lmao. Agreed
Problem is, his mommy gives him money to play it, so that he won't be in her way but will stay down in the basement where he belongs.
No. Spank his mommy and make him watch.
@@daszieher yeeeeaah, maybe no.
He'd probably get off on that.
Thx wargaming for giving everyone free tier 10s
i mean, he wasnt using that kind of tank. he's clearly just an asshol.e i dont think any problem presented itself in this battle that was caused by that.
@@blackwhale410 WZ 111 blah blah blah is the tier x rental tank
@@psychozulu which is only available in the team clash gamemode. The WZ-111-5A BB. But these people played the tech tree variant.
@@Remmeeee I wasn't expecting it either but these tanks can be used in randoms
Look closely, the "I am gonna rage" idiot is driving the WZ 111 1-5 A BB
@@Remmeeee It gives you the tank to use in any game mode. It does not matter what tanks you have played in the past or present. They gave people tier 10s, some of which should not have them because they don't know how to play them.
The sad part is that no matter how many people report him, there will be no repercussions for this type of behaviour.
That's not true. If there are repercussions, WG isn't allowed to tell us because of privacy laws...
In the end, we will never find out if he gets banned...
Believe you me, there is such a thing as hardware banning.
Welcome to the rage simulator
This single game is probably responsible for $1,000 worth of monitor carnage.
miners, fall in
edit: actually jingles, team damage was removed (yes i know, back to digging)
Well, at least everyone knows the T-57's username.
exactly. I assume you have a block list in WOT, I have used it in WOWS
reptilespantoso There are mods to extend the list
This is where Wargaming just needs to go full Stalin and perma-ban the bastard immediately, because they can
Gotta go full purge on this one. Dunno what kind of cockgoblin this fool is, but wow does he need to go to Gulag.
Oh hey koala
Or ya know they could do something like csgo does and get peer reviewed and giving a cooldown. Thought you were better than the ban wagon disappointed Koala.
@@shannonnezul4903 Shut up. That last little bit trying to shame Koala is just stupid. He's stating an opinion. Agree or disagree, I don't care, but don't try and shame him for it.
@@derkaiser9881 lol criticism doesn't sit well with you. An opinion I stated disappointment included.
Like many previous players of WOT , I'm not surprised with the game play at all. This is just one of many reasons scores of players have just uninstalled the game . I will continue to watch and enjoy your input on many other topics you post. There is no tears for WOT. That ship has already sailed .
Forget about the game. The Mighty Jingles is back on tanks. Lets Go!!!!
I've just looked at his stats and looks like this player is doing this for a long time. It looks like this account was sold or given, or the guy just loosing his time and loosing as many of the games as possible. His stats simply going doooooooown for at least 3k battles.
that alone merits a f-k off and ban.
right back to the mines for failing to spell such a simple word.
This isn't even losing, this is hard throwing
How did you find his stats? I can't find him on EU or NA
@@jared8515 maybe he got banned or sth? I've read some other comments here about his stats, so I was not the only one to found him. He was on NA.
HOLD UP!!!! DID THE 279(e) SAY "rigged game" at 1:25?
a 279(e)...
Well he wasn't wrong with that match hahah.
@@jarretticeearthguard8614 yeah thats the typical reply when you see that kind of comment at the start of a match. usually followed by same asshole saying its rigged. the 279(e) just stole it from him
@@dontrotter1099 Yeah I hate it when people states that at the start.
Im just saying its kind of rediculous for someone driving a blatantly overpowered tank to complain about a rigged game
I played during the closed beta, and for a long, long time after. It was this kind if mindset and behavior that drove me away from this game. Kind of heart breaking.
same. I preferred the original version much more.
I logged in and played Tanks for the first time in about three weeks, today. The first kill I got was another light tank trying to rush my arty platoon mate. Instant hate mail.
Jingles videos literately tell the rise and fall of World of Tanks. Feel like it went from being a game among gentlemen to a bunch of spoiled kids that are already at tier X after 1000 games.