I've been paying attention to silver on youtube for about 3 years now and this is likely the best video I've seen explaining Silver to date. You have earned another subscriber my friend. I want to see what else you have to say.
I'm a young person, not much skin in the game, but you taught me to look at this historically and measure the value based on value cycles as well as policy. Definitely something to think about. Thanks.
@@cromwell1232 I have a small holding of gold and silver but a metal backed dollar has come and gone. IMO we will not see a metal backed dollar again, just a pipe dream. At least not in my lifetime. But I do believe there will be a transfer out of the dollar into cryptocurrency, we will see.
Mark I think you covered this well. One thing I would add is that silver, by being used as an industrial metal and because of its current low price it is not being recycled in appreciable numbers. Most of the silver also is in such small quantity it gets lost forever. This will also play big in the above-ground supply in the future.
Gold is for Kings silver is for gentlemen bartering is for common men debt is for the slave and lead is for those who steal.... be safe everyone and keep the faith.
The truth is silver has been money through more of history than gold has. The word for silver in many countries literally means money. Above ground silver is far more rare than gold, while below ground silver to gold is only being recovered at a ratio of 8 to 1. Silver is crucial to modern life and gold is not. In the 70s golds reaction to inflation was gold went up 24x, while silver went up 45x. Bottom line, SILVER IS MONEY.
Kevin R. And minted silver is better than rounds or ingots / bars as it has numismatic value. Some silver eagles that were minted not that long ago are worth considerably more due to minting fewer certain years. Over $50 each.
@@bradleyweiss1089 Collectibles. There's a difference, if we're in a global economic crash, or sustained depression, it becomes difficult to find people to pay a premium for your any collectible. Collectibles become ridiculous over bid high priced during the best times, in fact, they tend to reach their peak of absurdity just before an economic crash.
jmitterii2 The point is it’s money. As some one pointed out it coin of the realm. No matter the country. Plus it can gain value where other ways do not.
Why doesn't anyone talk about the fact that the United States Constitution says that there will be no other standard of trade(money) other than gold or silver!
Because ... Since 1964 our government realized not every U.S. citizen could have that wealth! Realize! Half our U.S. population today was reached in 1967! So wealth to not stagnate ... Our government made the "clad coinage" to separate from wealthy interests in accumulating and sitting on gold and silver standards. Worldwide, the populations of people in different nation's would not be able to acquire 1 Troy Oz and hardly acquire many Ozs of silver! A destroyed economics model when you can say everyone world-wide had a chance for acquiring some wealth!
@@d.pridge2461, that section is about the limits of the individual state powers. It says states cannot issue coins or any thing backed by gold. www.usconstitution.net/xconst_A1Sec10.html There's nothing in the constitution that says the Federal government has to issue money backed by gold. Early in the country's history, many banks issued money and that was perfectly legal. People wouldn't have used it as money if they didn't consider it valuable and most likely it was all backed by gold or silver.
Kentucky Fried Idiot you dont know what you are talking about. JPMorgan obviously smarter and richer than you my friend. Thats what they want you to believe. Its “Sheeple” mentality!
Giles Leggett Remember the opium war when The British brought in the drugs and took all of their Silver? Now they are buying everything with printed Yuan and Dollar bills. Silver and Gold cannot be printed period.
I have a large position in a junior miner named “Silver Bull Resources”. Ticker symbol: SVBL. They have a ton of silver in the ground and a ton of zinc as well. I think when the price of physical silver goes up above $18, this stock will explode due to leverage. They have teamed up with South 32 to drill for more resources. Thank you for your channel and the information you are sharing. I truly appreciate hearing your input on this sector. Best wishes! Don
Silver is already speculative, Minor is even more speculative, definitely have a much higher risk to reward ratio so make sure you have your position size is set to manage that risk
Mark Moss thanks Mark, appreciate where you are coming from. Position size is a double edge sword. But you gotta have some decent skin in the game to be able to reap some of the reward for the risk. I am in with 500k shares. I feel strongly that this will be a proverbial 10-bagger, when it is all said and done. This is a long term - 3 year holding period, not a swing trade.
I stack the metals mostly as a hedge against inflation, and a store of value. I do not stack expecting to make a bunch of money in the future, I stack to preserve the value of the Fiat paper currency I have already earned. The value of the Fiat will eventually go to zero, as it has every single time in the history of mankind. Precious metals, will never go to zero and never have.
3ternal Vigilance exactly why i stack. But every 100oz i trade it in for the equivalent for an oz of gold. Keeps the weight down and it kinda makes you feel good looking at your gold pile up
I stacked about a year ago because I'm a trader. I see something that's undervalued, I buy it and hold it. When it's overvalued, I'll sell it and buy what's undervalued. With that mindset, I can't buy stocks, bonds, or real estate. So my choices are fiat, silver, or artwork. The secret is that my metals position(30%) is essentially insignificant barring a heart attack or serious medical condition. I could lose my job tomorrow, have enough cash to live for a year, and still have a pile of silver. When the silver:gold ratio dips below 50, I'll look at gold. When the gold:DOW ratio gets below 10, I'll have another look at equities.
“Silver...not so much.” To me this is highly misleading. Silver goes up and down, yes. But (physical) precious metals - any of them - are all that retains value (besides perhaps guns, ammo, food and farmland) in the face of hyperinflation. So if you want to “retain value” in the worst possible scenario then PMs, including silver, are what you want. Actually, if you aren’t a prepper, you want small denomination silver so you can spend it without breaking out the crucible or hack saw...
@@1MarkMoss agreed. You can store a lot of value in a small place with gold. The problem with gold for me, is the cost. The premiums are too high. Granted, with any precious metal, once you make the purchase and add premium and tax, you're under water in the investment until it makes a substantial move higher (especially with fractionals). But, for me, silver is just more affordable to stack on a schedule and a budget. I do own both. But the majority of my metal stack is in highly liquid generic silver bullion.
Again another great video. What I love most is he did not hold up a 10 oz bar of gold and a 10oz bar of silver to show us how cool he is. His history is relevant and accurate (yes.....history matters). Found this guy by accident on YT
so true. have a passive income. that's not precious metals. sure, it's a good hedge however a rental brings in money, just use a portion to buy precious metals, but don't bank on it.
Which us why gold and silver are bad investments. They have no yield and simply keep up with inflation. Shares with dividends have yield and the share price appreciates with inflation.
I really enjoyed the history lesson about the gold/silver ratio... Everyone always talks about the gold standard and about the printing of money not backed, but i rarely get good info on the gold/silver ratio. Interesting and informative. Thanks. To your success, as well!
@Johnny SilverFoot Johnny the value of dollars has dropped to less than a third of what it could buy in '80. So you've broken even in purchasing power, a very good thing.
Hey Mark I'm probably one of those investors you were talking about in the video of investing in silver years ago and not so much in the last few years. I grew up a coin collector and started investing in precious metals long before I started investing in stocks. I bought a lot of silver during the last recession mostly eagles and coins. I bought most of my coins for 9 to 1 (9 times the face value) and sold at 30 to 1 right before it crashed. Then when it bottomed out a few years ago I bought a lot more around $13/ounce and have been sitting on it for a few years now. Hopefully with this 2020 recession my latest investment will pay off. I also bought gold around $1,000 an ounce and have been sitting on that. It's like Ray Dalio says "If you don't own gold you don't know history nor economics."
Jack, of course I am well aware of what JPM is doing in the silver markets, but thats not my point. The point is the reason you buy either Gold or Silver is different, when you buy silver you are speculating that one of the many factors could cause Silvers price to rise, but that's not why you buy gold...
@@1MarkMoss Silver is under valued +/- while gold is in a MASSIVE bubble at the moment. Gold purchases are 100% speculation at this point. Silver = savings/insurance/slow and steady wins the race.
Yes you are right, but that just proves the point of the video, that gold moves because it's the global store of value and silver moves because gold does, which makes it more of a speculative bet
@@1MarkMoss Yep that's true. Just saying that owning silver is also not a bad idea. There is not that much risk owning silver compared to gold even if the ratio would stay the same and you have the added possibility of it going much higher. Was what I was trying to say.
@@1MarkMoss I would like to add a point that I think everyone is missing. China is taking over a very large market share of this new global economy, and for thousands of years before western economies became dominate, eastern economies traded in silver. China is experiencing a wave of traditionalism and a return to the idea of the civilization state.
@TRUTH _ What happened? Fake paper silver diluting the value of physical silver as an investment. That's what happened. When SHTF, true price discovery will eventually return. The question is - how long will you have to wait... It could happen soon, or might be years.
My strategy is simple.. buy silver when the gold/silver ration is high..80-90 to one. When the ratio goes down , like to 40-50 to one, sell silver and buy gold with the proceeds
@stephen sluznis investments always have risks, that's why it's called an investment. Plus, making profit and missing out on bigger profit is still better than a loss.
@Mike S Money can be an investment. Silver is $14 an oz right now. It has been upwards of over $50+ in the past. So buying it now, then waiting for the price to increase, then selling to make money. It's used the same way stocks are used. That's an investment.
A few days ago I looked at the historic 100 year gold and silver charts side by side. I noticed that all the major peaks you can see on one graph, you can see on the other. Often they peak in the very same month. Then I noticed that silver's moves are harder and sharper. When the assets hit their all time highs in 2011, they both peaked in the same month, but gold started its bull market 2-3 years sooner. Silver also tanked harder after the peak was passed. To me this indicates a very strong buy signal for silver now, since gold has started another bull market, but silver hasn't moved yet. I did not see one instance on the historic chart of one asset having making a large peak or dip while the other did not, only that silver started later and moved faster to compensate. I also saw that gold retains its value better during the bear market. If you had bought silver in 2001 and sold at its all time high in 2011, you multiplied your money by 11 (that's 26% annual returns). Doing the same with gold would have only multiplied your money by 7. However, if you had just held rather than selling during the peak, your silver would only have retained a gain of 3.5, and gold would have retained a gain of 4.55 (this is even ignoring the most recent bull market in gold in order to make a fair comparison, since silver's bull market hasn't started yet). So yes, it seems recent history shows that silver is a better speculative asset, and gold is a better store of value. I have just calculated that even if you ignore the recent bull market in gold (using a price of gold of about $1200), buying gold in 2000 and holding would have netted yearly average gains of 7%. That's quite good considering that I chose on purpose the time in the 21st century that would give gold the worst results. Another thing to consider is that a quick google search says that the total value of all silver in the world is $59 billion. The total value of all gold in the world is $7.5 trillion. That means there is more than 100 times as much money in gold as there is in silver. Bill Gates can individually buy all the silver in the world. It is true that most people don't think of silver as a store of value like gold, but the history of the last couple decades has shown that they remember it when there is a crisis. We are in unprecedented times, so I wouldn't discount silver. I read an article not long ago which said that if all the hedge funds and mutual funds in the world decided to diversify into gold and silver, and they put even 2% of their assets in silver, they could buy 40 times the world's total supply of silver. If investor interest in silver goes up even a little, it will break the market.
I think silver is undervalued and can shift into being more of a store of value like gold, especially with the high probability of a recession in the coming years. The market cap for silver is also so incredibly low, so I see a higher potential percent increase than gold. I've also been buying a shitload of silver this year, so I might be a little bit biased.
@@vebjorngrytten7629 He's correct in the fact that gold has dominated the metals market and is a world wide store of value and while silver can't really compete with it in that regard, I still believe it has the potential to increase massively in market cap. It would take far less to increase the price of silver 3x than gold.
@@vebjorngrytten7629 Honestly, I would like more gold but have been focusing on silver more because the ratio is so high and if you look at the technicals it appears to be primed for a reversal in the near future. That may not happen of course, but either way I feel satisfied not storing all my wealth in debt notes.
Great video as usual Mark. Could possibly look at investigate how paper contracts effects the price of silver . It’s silver pricing being suppressed. Many thanks all the best stefan
@@cryptoonestop6877 The FED can keep this game going for a long time! Chase Bank has been fined for manipulating the metals market and I believe other mega banks do it also. I stay liquid and don't mess with the metals or stocks unless there's blood in the streets. Funny, but I have made over $3000.00 shifting $5,000 to $15,000 between banks and earning their bonuses. 90 day terms and bang! Bonus! ROI is great!
@@Drumbeat52 That's pretty good. I like to shift allocations in my 401k. Went 80/20 equities during the last big pull back from a heavy cash position. So far its worked out pretty well.
@@cryptoonestop6877 It's odd that the banks won't pay you squat on your savings or checking, but will pay you to become a new customer. My main checking is with a credit union that pays 4% on the first $15,000 and .25% on everything above that. I figured out mathematically that what I earned on bank churning would have taken me over 5 years to accomplish letting my money earn 4%. HSBC is paying $750.00 for depositing $5,000 every month for 3 consecutive months and once the deposit is posted you can withdraw the funds!! You can use the same $5000 to accomplish the bonus. I cannot bare to pay someone to handle my money or invest it. The entire system is manipulated.
Ty and i go 5oz rounds or bars and only ASE and maple and britan. 10oz too. The faster the better. I have 388oz half as all ready gone up to plus. So no you are right. Key is to buy low and wait. Silver by 1oz is boring 5oz or to go bar by more as fast as fuck. Silver is as fucking mass any way you can as fast you can. And make your base. Mass is key i would say 3000oz is the way to go and a car..
@@mikerodriguez6003 platinum is mostly an industrial metal not an investors metal. Thats why its been dropping off so quickly the last couple of months. The reason is car producers are using less platinum in favor for more palladium and thats why palladium has been rising.
Just an add on..... in the last 10 years the production of silver coins etc have sold less but I think the creation of silver etfs etc have given a lot of investors a false sense of security of having protection from metals in their portfolios. At some point when the next crisis comes there is a huge potencial for those silver and gold etfs to go belly up as from last I checked they are leveraged around 300 to 1 so people think they have silver or gold in those funds but they will never get it if requested. The next few years will be interesting!
James, Good point, in the gold ETF's there is high S 500 to 1 so yes a lot of people could be left holding worthless paper. But I think most people buy an ETF's are only buying it as an investment and an easy way to get access to the price, but if you really wanted as end of the world insurance you should take physical delivery of it
In Venzuela these days, a silver dollar will be enough to buy food for a family for a week. A prepper friend of mine is sending his aunt and her family in Venezuela 4 silver dollars a month to keep them alive and well. They spend it on open, rural markets, not in stores. Silver is a life insurance for bad times, when fiat money collapses. If this don't happen in my liftime, I'll just pass it on to my kids, and no harm is done to the family economy. If the price of silver goes way up, the last thing I would do is to sell it. Silver is to be used, not invested in for profit.
Considering the near certainty of a major economic crisis in the near future, Silver is the best store of wealth on earth right now. Though unlikely and because of its diverse and ever increasing industrial demand, the lowest I see it going is $15, which would be a 12% loss. Dollars will hyperinflate and become worthless, equities could lose 90% in months, grain demand and thus farmland prices fall in crises. Silver is and has been money for 6,000 years. When steak reaches a certain price, all of a sudden the price of hamburger jumps because people who were priced out of steak settle for hamburger. Same thing with Gold and Silver. Gold will moonshot but not without silver coming along for the ride.
@ Arman you got a valid point fractional gold bit wouldn’t buy it as I would buy jewelry being you can travel unlimited amounts. As for bit coin good luck with it. If you don’t hold it you don’t own it.
Arman Your forgetting one important factor the government or reserve “HAS” to control it. They have to be able to tax it somehow. If not all they have to do is flip the switch and it’s all gone in the blink of an eye. IMO if the government were to make a bitcoin backed by gold I’d be interested. You can either have 1 and zeros or G&S. I’ll be taking my chances with G&S. Did you know China is making there own BTC backed by gold?
So, the case for silver... Let's start with the fundamentals: We can see the Commodities to Equities Ratio over the last 50 years or so - this looks at the ratio of the S&P GSCI Total Return CME, which just represents a commodities index to the S&P 500, which obviously represents an equities index. A higher ratio represents times when commodities are doing well and vice versa. For example, we see a low ratio during the early 70s, the tech bubble and.....now. In fact, we are currently sitting at the lowest ratio for over 50 years. Looking at this, does the risk/reward look better for commodities or equities? As well as this, since 2009, we have seen the longest economic expansion in US history. The only other time we've had a return as high was the roaring 20s. So, there is really no historical precedent for higher levels. Central banks have started to interfere with sound money and sound economics, that's why wealth inequality is so high (like the 1920s) So as an investor in equities, would you feel comfortable buying at these ranges given this historical outlook? Now, there is a game theory element that many people bring up - if the Fed continues the printing, just ride the wave. Well, that is fair enough at earlier times in this cycle, but personally the risk/reward is now not favourable this late in the cycle - particular given the historical context. Remember the Warren Buffett quote about not losing money! Over 30-40 years, parking capital in the S&P 500 will (barring some apocalyptic event) work out well. But, although long term investment is the aim, it would be great if we could be more productive in the short to medium term and try to mitigate against those sharp corrections or crashes that wiped out so many in 08 and the roaring 20s obviously... In this spirit, let's take a look at Silver: We can see the price chart - from around $4 an ounce in 1997 to around $17 an ounce today. How can we analyse this from a macro point of view? Well, on a fundamental level, due to central banking policy, the purchasing power of the dollar has gone down. The dollar has actually been a relatively strong currency, which shows how global this problem is. We see an explosion of assets held by the MAJOR CENTRAL BANKS - from around $5 TRILLION in 2007 to nearly $20 TRILLION today - they've been sweeping up treasuries, government bonds, mortgage backed securities, etc. So we know there are some fundamental issues. Thus, hedging commodities like silver are likely to go up in the coming years - one would assume. But we still need to have some analytic flavour to the analysis in order to provide more support to this macro thesis on the fundamentals. So from 2001 to 2011, that was around an 11x return - which is great! On the way, in 2006 and 2007, we hit the main resistance levels of $14 an ounce and $20 an ounce. And then, we broke out from that $20 an ounce resistance in late 2010 and we can see that this move was pretty quick and we hit $50 an ounce in 2011. There is a human psychology element to this, as we tend to chase even levels - we can see this in the S&P 500 over the last two decades (with the major even levels being 1500 and 3000). Therefore, it is important to consider this when thinking about how to exit and take profits. But then of course, as we can see, there was a 70% correction from 2011 to 2016. From there, we have been building support again at the resistance level (around $14 an ounce). And significantly, we popped above that $14 level so this previous resistance is now acting as a support. We would want to see continued movement in this range with the next target being the $20 level, and it is worth considering the fact that once we break this level the movement is usually pretty quick. Extrapolating the data from the earlier cycle onto this cycle, this gives a target (an even target) of $100 an ounce in the next decade or so. Some people believe this price action will occur more quickly, but I think it's important to not get overly bullish. Therefore, given this price action over previous cycles and the current price action looking promising in terms of the long term levels of support and resistance, and the fact that the fundamentals for commodities like silver are looking good at the moment, it is pretty reasonable to expect a price of $100 an ounce in the next 5-10 years. That would actually be a lower return than what we had between 2001 and 2011, and given central bank policy and inflation I think this is a reasonable target for that time period. From current levels, that would be around a 6x.
Your theories are great, assuming a stable financial and geopolitical environment, but what happens to these values when we experience another 1920's style crash. Or a complete implosion of the world banking system, ie; the German bank, that I can't spell, which has a 40 trillion, derivatives book, goes bust.
@@christinaestabrooks4493 you see that? well idiom's aside, when? I'm not talking over the next 1000 years. gold maybe, but I'm looking for his opinion of more like most investors, what will it go to in the next 5 years.
I'm referring to the next 1-2 years for silver. According to debt calculator silver would be just over $3700/ ounce now if the price was not being surpressed. Solver will surprise many people re the price it will rise to.
You're wasting your time with this drawn out piece! The reason to hold silver and gold is because the fiat monetary system is on a path to total collapse! You can't print more and more money, create more and more massive debts, and get away with it forever! Eventually, physical assets, tangible assets, gold, silver, other metals, food, and the basics of sustaining life, will either be worth far more than anything else, or will hold their relative value while everything else collapses and becomes worthless!
Everything has a price. The cost of debt our govts take on is selling the future of our children and the unborn and staking their freedoms for senseless power-grabs of the few elites. On a more individual level, it's always interesting to me how normal high levels of senseless debt has become. Sure, use debt to grow your business and investment portfolio...but fund a holiday/new car/toy? I don't think that should be the norm. Imagine leaving your kids a lead weight(liabilities) instead of a legacy(assets)? Bet the govt won't take away have your debt on death...they sure as heck will take half of what you have left!
@@arman2339 - when they create bitcoin derivatives, and branch currency......it just jumped on the fiat rail system. bitcoin is the invisible currency in the book "the emperor isn't wearing any clothes."
@@arman2339 they just need to shut down the huge farms and the companies producing the mining equipment. Bitcoin is non - transactionable without the computing network (as you will not have the chain validation). Something only phisical metal has no problem with.
Gold is mostly a monetary metal. Silver is both a monetary metal and industrial meta (with many vital applications). Central banks don't buy silver because the silver market is not big enough for the amount of currency they are looking to convert. Historically the price of silver follows gold. The last time the silver to gold ratio was this high it dropped back down to almost 30:1 making silver a good investment today.
Joe, I agree that the gold/silver ratio could drop back to more historical averages, but that's exactly the point, you buy silver because it has a good chance of the ratio snapping back (speculating) whereas you buy gold because of it's real value... thanks for the comment
@@1MarkMoss Value is subjective.Tulips were valueable,salt,crops.Value is seen by the people making the transactions.I am a believer in Jesus and God's money was gold and silver.If God made gold and silver as money,not Gold For insurance and silver for speculation.Study Rober Kiyasoki,Mike Maloney,David Morgan,Bill Murphy, Bo Polny,and Bix Weir.Then will be able to talk.You don't even talk about hyperinflation that is coming soon.We won't be worried if we have gold or silver or food and water.They are all tools including copper and ghunz.
Silver is golds ugly sister...she's used because she's cheap...dosen't get the respect she deserves though popular. She is in the precious metal family,so when they get an invite to the "Bull Market Party" silver gets a personal invitation too. Don't forget silver also more appreciative to her suitors, she puts out.
Back in the 1920's, a gallon of gas costed .25 cents. According to coinflation.com., a silver quarter is worth $3.07 as of today, which will still buy a gallon of gas (except for maybe in California). So it appears that the actual value of silver is holding strong and keeping up with inflation, but its the 'demand' that is being manipulated. And I think that's the rise and push down we saw in 2011, the demand.
Silver hit almost $50 an OZ in 1980 when the Hunt brothers tried to corner the Silver market . Which it back fired on them but i am sure you already know this by your comments .
Another understandable and informative video, thank you Mr. Moss. If the dollar and the market both collapse, could a tighter gold market push investors into silver, causing it to climb?
It does have its moments to the alert and educated. It does fluctuate but never becomes worthless. I gave my son an allowance when we home schooled him and had him invest in some and had him watch it fluctuate. It was a good life lesson. It never went to zero. And he still stacks.
The US strategic silver reserve was eliminated. Johnson coined a lot in 1964. Huge quantities to get rid of the silver. 40% Kennedy halves got the rest of the stockpile. Later Nixon took us off the silver and huge auctions using Silver Certificates were used to buy 1000 Troy ounce bricks. It was a wild melee with traders buying Silver Certificates from smaller holders to stay in the Auctions. We saved almost 1000 silver certificates but could not get into the auction circles. We kept the best and banked the rest.
I think you're missing a big point, inequality is widening in the masses: - This means that as inflation grows, most people cannot afford gold, so as fear of dropping market, deglobalization, and fiat trust dropping will push people towards precious metals. Once the masses starts heading towards gold and silver, Silver will run out before gold does due to relatively static supply and sudden growth of demand.
We must also add into our risk calculus these factors: Silver is largely non-recoverable. We destroy silver every day while most of the gold ever mined is still in circulation. Silver scrap inventories continue to fall year over year, in addition silver is not normally mined as a primary resource. While it may pull back during economic slow downs due to soft demand this weakness is quickly absorbed by the market especially when it is near the price of production as it is now. Gold is and likely always will be a proxy to silver. Silver has been Golds little brother since biblical times and before. Lastly, anything priced in US dollars will rise in value as the currency weakens. This dynamic will also continue to be exploited by those in the know that have access to all that cheap freshly printed money. When interest rates rise, watch out below in capital markets? Cheers.
Just stumbled across your video's. Great production, great presentation style. Not only that, but as at todays date (07/28/20) silver has has gone ballistic. Well done.
When gold gets high priced, some people turn to silver because its still very cheap. I believe silver is a great investment because its uses in this modern age are becoming more and more. I bought a bunch when silver bottomed at $14 around a year of so ago.
The globalists do not want you buying silver because its more precious than gold, hence the 20% tax.Its their achilles heel. Its the second most versatile commodity after oil for its uses. Most reflective, conductor of heat and electricity in one element, WOW.
why have J.P Morgan collected between 150 and 850 million ounce of silver (depending upon whom you believe) if it is no longer considered a store of value? Why would various states in the U.S. start accepting silver as payment again if were no longer considered money. (I am in the U.K., I just watch :-) )
If what you are saying is correct why then are regulators starting to charge the likes of JPM and others for massive price suppression. No body in the middle of the night dumps future contracts to lower prices. There is clearly more going on than what you have presented. Correct Many mines have been high graded leaving deposits behind. You never talked about the destruction of silver. It’s the second most used commodity next to oil. As far as falling, risk it’s pretty low. Almost every other market in the world is in bubble territory Anyways preaching to the choir lol
I’ve held positions in both metals. Yes, the upside potential is greater for silver. BUT, you have to be very disciplined to speculate in silver. When silver jumped from high $14’s to $19.50, it was there for 1 DAY. The following day it lost a $1/oz. The buyers also know this, and will pay you 5-10% under spot at that time. The problem is when silver does take off, greed takes over and you end up selling too late. And you can plan on only getting paid 90% of spot. GOLD is what I own now, less premium up front and always spot or more at time of sale.
I loaded up on silver when I was getting Canadian Maples for $19 cdn. I'm using it as a store of value, not an investment. I do have Gold as well. I'm not selling anytime soon.
I never said NOT to buy silver, and I actually recommend silver, the point of the video was to say the reasons why we buy / hold Gold and Silver are different.
Now your catching on! Why do you think man has so many gods? They all sound real and must be worshipped but only in the mind. silver taking off threat scares you into buying it too so you not miss out. Greed. Keep to history and numbers. silver is still sitting at $20 and still not going up. I wonder why? Look back at 2006-to now and you can what it does up and down , then you can work out what to do now.
Bro where did you get that tan ? Iam freezing my ass of here in the north east 😂btw I bought some silver the other day,trying to diversify ,hopefully I did the right thing,great explanation
haha, i live on the beach in So Cal and surf everyday, sorry your freezing! And I am not saying silver won't go up, just saying its not for the same reason as Gold
Silver is all about supply and demand. Silver is an essential in high technology and is being used more and more and when the demand exceeds its supply then silver will go up in value. Silver will reach parrity with gold in the next 20 years.
Theoretically. But it won't in the current environment. When interest rates fall to near zero or even below, wise investors switch from bonds to gold. When there's a significant danger of stocks falling in value, wise investors start moving money out of their riskier stocks and into gold. When central banks deliver fresh currency by the helicopter load, investors get desperate to own better stores of value, like gold. That's why the price of gold is over $1700 these days and is expected to go even higher.
@@dlwatib Dang made this comment ages ago. Different world. Now we've progressed to the cyber-punk dystopia featuring us as the currency of power for the elites using covid as the strings, things are a little different. Bring on the nano bots to completely disrupt our model of economics and destroy life as we know it.
Liked the video thank you Mark. However, your microphone position is a bit hard for ppl with hearing loss. Everytime you leaned forward your sound volume also went up. But I like the video. I liked you and it provided added value
Let's see what I can name of uses for silver. 1. A powerful antibiotic 2. Used in photovoltaics. 3. Used in Jewelery. 4. Used in electronics. 5. Can be used to induce brain damage in your enemies. 6. Silver bullets for werewolfes If you believe they exist. So yeah silver should be expensive as fuck.
i agree 100%, but also, it's not following gold. people are not buying in droves. the rich people that control things and are "in the know" are buying gold.
"Paper Silver" is what has destroyed the gold to silver ratio (this has been done intentionally) .. "Paper Silver" (their fake tool of manipulation) has been shorted so severely there's no way to indefinitely hold off a rebound of the gold to silver ratio back more historical levels .. it's just my opinion but the upside of silver is to huge to be ignored.
The Gold to Silver ratio is one way to look at it. I had this conversation with a friend. I asked him who would go to the store and drop ten thousand dollars to buy food. That's under the assumption gold increases the value 2 $10,000. If silver goes up to $100 as an example that would be a perfect amount to spend to buy groceries. So people should think silver to Rice ratio. I currently think in the near future rice will have more value in terms of silver. Today not sure but $10-$15 for 20 lbs. Of rice That's about 0.75- 1 oz of silver. The question is what can you barter 1 oz. Of silver for. Totally eliminated in the US dollar from the trade. 1 ounce of gold my not trade. Today it's 1,400ish. Not divisible by food. In most situations.
Heith, yes, to make it simple, we always need to look at assets vs other assets, for example, instead of looking at homes priced in USD, how much in Gold, Oil, Wheat, etc...
@@1MarkMoss Hi Mark I am just starting to learn about precious metals. Peter Schiff always talks about comparing the price of goods in relation to the price of gold/silver. Would you do a video about that gold/ silver price comparison so that it is understandable to a newbie please. 😊
@@sheesheefinancialiqinfinit1549 I don't know if it's an idea for a full video, and I have mentioned it in many videos and will always continue to do so. The basic idea is instead of looking at everything priced in US dollars, start to price them and other assets. What is a house worth priced in dollars, priced in gold, priced in oil, priced in wheat, etc..
@@1MarkMoss When I was in high school, a silver quarter would buy a gallon of gas. Traded at the price today, you could buy a gallon of gas and get change back.
Don X Not gems . Diamonds are the most common and gemstone took a nose dive when Walmart sank the ship . And gave you a ruby for 10$ before would be 100$ I have lots of gemstones no one values .
@@silverrose7554 Heather you are smarter than most here. Gems have a very small following relative to gold and silver. When you want to trade that gem, you cannot trade it to people like me who know it is going to be hard to trade to the next greater fool. It takes an expert to value a gem and then you still have to find the right buyer. Same is true for "rare" coins, stamps, baseball cards, etc. Also, gems are not divisible.
I guess you didn’t watch the whole video. I thought this was a refreshing take on silver, especially when compared to people like Mike Maloney. He specifically says silver is undervalued compared to the historical G/S ratio, and now is a great time to get into silver, just realize it could take a long time for the ratio to get back to historical levels, but when it does, people holding silver will be glad they had patience.
"Silver can't be worth more than it's primary use case" WRONG! There is no demand or scarcity premium on silver, cost of production + small refining premium. When the PANIC comes and it's coming, this will change dramatically. Gold will sky rocket but silver will moonshot because there is LESS silver than gold and it's much more useful.
@@1MarkMoss No that is a twisting of Jo Zon's thread.Just wait and see .Then will come back on you videos .You are a bit arrogant.You may want to tone it down.
@@1MarkMoss Do you own BTC.If you don't you have no credibility with me.We will be seeing the biggest wealth transfer in the history of modern finance.Paper,derivatives,debt have to be accounted for.Day of reckoning,if you will.
I am amazed silver is still so cheap? I mean around $17 an ounce is crazy considering ever increasing demand and falling production, surely it's only a matter of time before the silver price goes into lunar orbit??
@big daddy 21 thanks man i try . seriously tho people should sale that bitcoin and get metals that have there back . pun intended. big daddy be safe and have a blessed christmas and a good 2020.
Jason Walker, Maan... every year the same BS, bitcoin has higher lows every year for 10 years, its hear to stay and its going to sky rocket in value, the charts never lie!
We'll at least by the machine that backs puppets like jp Morgan. Jp Morgan and others are 80%+ owned by Rothschild. Jp Morgan does have the biggest hoard of silver collected though and that should tell everyone something
I don't despise it, I own it and i recommend it, i just think you have to understand it so you know how it fits into your portfolio. Watch the video before making assumptions.
Silver has more uses like for building solar panels so prices need to stay low like palladium which used to be alot cheaper than platinum, just wait silver prices will rocket in the future.
I like how you think. Especially now that it appears JPMorgan is being called out on about 10 years of silver futures spoofing/manipulation. Could blow this thing wide open.
“Silver has wayyyyy more uses than gold, especially in industrial uses: but the silver demand is gonna fall in an economic crisis” that doesn’t make any sense . If silver is used more often than gold, and if silver is more rare above ground than gold, why are you saying that
Appreciate your informative videos Mark Moss. I learn a lot. One very important facet of silver I will add to the conversation --- we are headed in the direction of a digital currency and silver (as well as gold) are portable, and the government is oblivious to the private transaction. Plus, after the great deflation and then hyper-inflation, the precious metals will give you somewhat of a fighting chance at preserving assets and surviving.
Silver above $20 takes out the paper market. JP Morgan facing RICO charges, JP Morgan starts bank collapse domino effect. Silver is the only option for small transactions when no one trusts paper. What say you?
exactly, those of us who are aware must try to get this mssg out so so many americann r going be hurt when the $ crashes....its gonna be APOCOLYPTIC!!!! can u imagine a broke UNITED STATES...
so if the dollar tanks, what do you value cryptos at??? sorry bub, i don't want your green or digital dollars......you got real money??? gold or silver???
Never such a thing as a risk free investment, as Warren Buffett says cama the markets can stay irrational much longer than you can stay insolvent, Always use good risk management
All day. But one day we might find a way to create Gold and then it’ll be in abundance. But by that time our standard of living will be way higher. Only if we remove these criminals from power
I tip my rideshare drivers with constitutional silver, they Appreciate it very much. 😅 Saw one of my 1964 "junk silver" quarters on craigslist on sale for $120.00 in "mint" condition... hahaahaha Just wow!
I bought my 1st 10ozsilver bar yesterday, I know I’m late to the party but I’m just learning about all of this , I’m hoping to get more this coming week
Apollo Mayaimi yea you’re right o agree but for me it’s like insurance because I know it holds value but yes I’m releasing a book this year and I intend to gain a great amount of passive income with that while I invest in other things, and I have a whole library so trust me I love investing in my mind as well, thx for ya comment
Apollo Mayaimi several times lol i focused on a number once recently and it came out but I didn’t have it in for midday but I feel as if I was go manifest any winnings from the lottery now it would benefit me more because I’ve been self educating myself a lot more on money and I would definitely utilize my winnings wisely this time around
"Gold and Silver are money,
all else credit"
- JP Morgan
The federal reserve is not federal nor does it have any reserves
true true...
@@Habeev07 no way to end it but we are building an alternative system around it now
Lol, I like this quote.
@@Habeev07 get your' End the Fed' mug from Maneco64 T-spring store and build momentum
@@Habeev07 .... Ending the Fed will bring war to America, just like Germany.
When you can’t afford gold, no matter what, silver is worth something. Especially when a dollar is worth nothing.
I have heard silver will surpass gold in a few years.
Thanks. I am not an investor and am new in this, so your reply was the most useful I could ask for.
That's me
But if the dollar hits zero, how many dollars is an ounce of silver worth? Nothing?
@@birdsaloud7590 a commodity will always be worth something, the dollar will be called something else.
I think this is one of the first videos I've listened to where someone hasn't tried to sell me their book or reports. Thank you!
?That's a good point Susan!
Well if they haven't sold you anything yet, I will. You should buy my book "how to make millions online".
Mark is the man!
I've been paying attention to silver on youtube for about 3 years now and this is likely the best video I've seen explaining Silver to date. You have earned another subscriber my friend. I want to see what else you have to say.
I'm a young person, not much skin in the game, but you taught me to look at this historically and measure the value based on value cycles as well as policy. Definitely something to think about. Thanks.
Silver and gold are manipulated to stay low so people don't panic out of the dollar. They have been rigging precious metals for 80 + years
Yes, I agree, which is why they are such good insurance against a failing currency
@@cromwell1232 That's quite the prediction list! Time will tell
Cromwell 1 You give Trump waayyy to much credit. He is a bumbling moron who can’t get out of his own way.
@@cromwell1232 I have a small holding of gold and silver but a metal backed dollar has come and gone. IMO we will not see a metal backed dollar again, just a pipe dream. At least not in my lifetime. But I do believe there will be a transfer out of the dollar into cryptocurrency, we will see.
Mark I think you covered this well. One thing I would add is that silver, by being used as an industrial metal and because of its current low price it is not being recycled in appreciable numbers. Most of the silver also is in such small quantity it gets lost forever. This will also play big in the above-ground supply in the future.
good point, thanks for sharing
@@1MarkMoss The Grand Canyon is full of gold. We may see Silver actually surpass gold..
I'm not an investor but this was a great history of the gold and silver relationship and beginnings. Thank you.
Gold is for Kings
silver is for gentlemen
bartering is for common men
debt is for the slave and
lead is for those who steal.... be safe everyone and keep the faith.
Call me a gentleman thief, then!
Im a common gentlemen king
@Tube Tube "It's the current year!"
No back up plan? Weird flex, bro.
What about platinum?..
what is crypto??
The truth is silver has been money through more of history than gold has. The word for silver in many countries literally means money. Above ground silver is far more rare than gold, while below ground silver to gold is only being recovered at a ratio of 8 to 1. Silver is crucial to modern life and gold is not. In the 70s golds reaction to inflation was gold went up 24x, while silver went up 45x. Bottom line, SILVER IS MONEY.
Silver has been used through out all history as money more than gold actually. Silver is a monetary metal.
Kevin R. And minted silver is better than rounds or ingots / bars as it has numismatic value. Some silver eagles that were minted not that long ago are worth considerably more due to minting fewer certain years. Over $50 each.
Coins are also more recognized as real money to the uninitiated should you need to transact or barter.
@@bradleyweiss1089 minted silver Coin of the Realm (monetary $ )
@@bradleyweiss1089 Collectibles.
There's a difference, if we're in a global economic crash, or sustained depression, it becomes difficult to find people to pay a premium for your any collectible.
Collectibles become ridiculous over bid high priced during the best times, in fact, they tend to reach their peak of absurdity just before an economic crash.
jmitterii2 The point is it’s money. As some one pointed out it coin of the realm. No matter the country. Plus it can gain value where other ways do not.
Why doesn't anyone talk about the fact that the United States Constitution says that there will be no other standard of trade(money) other than gold or silver!
Because ... Since 1964 our government realized not every U.S. citizen could have that wealth! Realize! Half our U.S. population today was reached in 1967! So wealth to not stagnate ... Our government made the "clad coinage" to separate from wealthy interests in accumulating and sitting on gold and silver standards. Worldwide, the populations of people in different nation's would not be able to acquire 1 Troy Oz and hardly acquire many Ozs of silver! A destroyed economics model when you can say everyone world-wide had a chance for acquiring some wealth!
The US Constitution doesn't say that.
Lisa LPH, US constitution article 1 section 10
@@d.pridge2461, that section is about the limits of the individual state powers. It says states cannot issue coins or any thing backed by gold. www.usconstitution.net/xconst_A1Sec10.html
There's nothing in the constitution that says the Federal government has to issue money backed by gold. Early in the country's history, many banks issued money and that was perfectly legal. People wouldn't have used it as money if they didn't consider it valuable and most likely it was all backed by gold or silver.
@@lisalph8922 You haven't read the US Constitution. I have. It certainly does say that.
JP Morgan has “TONS”of silver sitting in a vault , do what they do not what they say. Silver to the moon!
Silver is as common has copper. Silver is not an investment.
gold standard by 2020.
Kentucky Fried Idiot you dont know what you are talking about. JPMorgan obviously smarter and richer than you my friend. Thats what they want you to believe. Its “Sheeple” mentality!
The Chinese own it all. Including the building it's in.
Giles Leggett Remember the opium war when The British brought in the drugs and took all of their Silver? Now they are buying everything with printed Yuan and Dollar bills. Silver and Gold cannot be printed period.
Mark you come across as a really exceptional individual ! You project a realishness that is pretty clear to a very intuitive person! Good on ya mate!
I have a large position in a junior miner named “Silver Bull Resources”. Ticker symbol: SVBL. They have a ton of silver in the ground and a ton of zinc as well. I think when the price of physical silver goes up above $18, this stock will explode due to leverage. They have teamed up with South 32 to drill for more resources. Thank you for your channel and the information you are sharing. I truly appreciate hearing your input on this sector. Best wishes! Don
Silver is already speculative, Minor is even more speculative, definitely have a much higher risk to reward ratio so make sure you have your position size is set to manage that risk
Mark Moss thanks Mark, appreciate where you are coming from. Position size is a double edge sword. But you gotta have some decent skin in the game to be able to reap some of the reward for the risk. I am in with 500k shares. I feel strongly that this will be a proverbial 10-bagger, when it is all said and done. This is a long term - 3 year holding period, not a swing trade.
@@donho4109 That stock has crashed in the past twelve years. Do you really think it is coming back?
@don ho thanks for the comment
I stack the metals mostly as a hedge against inflation, and a store of value. I do not stack expecting to make a bunch of money in the future, I stack to preserve the value of the Fiat paper currency I have already earned. The value of the Fiat will eventually go to zero, as it has every single time in the history of mankind. Precious metals, will never go to zero and never have.
Gold is perfect for that, silver not so much...
3ternal Vigilance exactly why i stack. But every 100oz i trade it in for the equivalent for an oz of gold. Keeps the weight down and it kinda makes you feel good looking at your gold pile up
I stacked about a year ago because I'm a trader. I see something that's undervalued, I buy it and hold it. When it's overvalued, I'll sell it and buy what's undervalued.
With that mindset, I can't buy stocks, bonds, or real estate. So my choices are fiat, silver, or artwork.
The secret is that my metals position(30%) is essentially insignificant barring a heart attack or serious medical condition. I could lose my job tomorrow, have enough cash to live for a year, and still have a pile of silver. When the silver:gold ratio dips below 50, I'll look at gold. When the gold:DOW ratio gets below 10, I'll have another look at equities.
“Silver...not so much.” To me this is highly misleading. Silver goes up and down, yes. But (physical) precious metals - any of them - are all that retains value (besides perhaps guns, ammo, food and farmland) in the face of hyperinflation. So if you want to “retain value” in the worst possible scenario then PMs, including silver, are what you want. Actually, if you aren’t a prepper, you want small denomination silver so you can spend it without breaking out the crucible or hack saw...
@@1MarkMoss agreed. You can store a lot of value in a small place with gold. The problem with gold for me, is the cost. The premiums are too high. Granted, with any precious metal, once you make the purchase and add premium and tax, you're under water in the investment until it makes a substantial move higher (especially with fractionals). But, for me, silver is just more affordable to stack on a schedule and a budget. I do own both. But the majority of my metal stack is in highly liquid generic silver bullion.
Again another great video. What I love most is he did not hold up a 10 oz bar of gold and a 10oz bar of silver to show us how cool he is. His history is relevant and accurate (yes.....history matters). Found this guy by accident on YT
Let's be honest we just want to feel like pirates.
That's right I keep mine in my treasure chest buried some where lol.
That's right combine your silver with your pirate muzzle loader and you have a fighting chance against werewolves.
Crazy Canadian
Roger Salyer honestly
"If you don't make money while you sleep, you'll work till the day you die" 💯
Thanks, A'Rod De Cali, glad you liked the video and I appreciate the comment
Exactly, that's why I'm here
so true. have a passive income. that's not precious metals. sure, it's a good hedge however a rental brings in money, just use a portion to buy precious metals, but don't bank on it.
Which us why gold and silver are bad investments. They have no yield and simply keep up with inflation. Shares with dividends have yield and the share price appreciates with inflation.
A'Rod De Cali that is exactly why I get out of bed everyday.
I really enjoyed the history lesson about the gold/silver ratio... Everyone always talks about the gold standard and about the printing of money not backed, but i rarely get good info on the gold/silver ratio. Interesting and informative. Thanks. To your success, as well!
Silver is more undervalued than gold actually so imo more potential for upside
I’m your average broke American. I own some PMs. For people like me, silver is the better option. It’s affordable.
Exactly right. Anyone can invest in silver , affordable.
@@billydow1971 silver shouldn't be considered an investment...maybe insurance...unless you're hawking it.
@Johnny SilverFoot How did you trade the ratios?
@Johnny SilverFoot Johnny the value of dollars has dropped to less than a third of what it could buy in '80. So you've broken even in purchasing power, a very good thing.
@@iloveamerica1966 I admit I sold once in the early 80's and have regretted ever since. Silver is an investment , if it wasn't it would be free.
Hey Mark I'm probably one of those investors you were talking about in the video of investing in silver years ago and not so much in the last few years. I grew up a coin collector and started investing in precious metals long before I started investing in stocks. I bought a lot of silver during the last recession mostly eagles and coins. I bought most of my coins for 9 to 1 (9 times the face value) and sold at 30 to 1 right before it crashed. Then when it bottomed out a few years ago I bought a lot more around $13/ounce and have been sitting on it for a few years now. Hopefully with this 2020 recession my latest investment will pay off. I also bought gold around $1,000 an ounce and have been sitting on that. It's like Ray Dalio says "If you don't own gold you don't know history nor economics."
Smart move looking at it now
Ray dalio is an idiot.
If you don't own gold, it's because you are too poor to.
Mark missed the entire reason why silver is cheap! Massive naked short contracts. Also, have you ever heard of J.P. Morgan? Just saying.
Jack, of course I am well aware of what JPM is doing in the silver markets, but thats not my point. The point is the reason you buy either Gold or Silver is different, when you buy silver you are speculating that one of the many factors could cause Silvers price to rise, but that's not why you buy gold...
He also missed the first major attack on silver, The Crime of 1873, where GB bribed our congress into the demonetization of silver.
@@1MarkMoss Silver is under valued +/- while gold is in a MASSIVE bubble at the moment. Gold purchases are 100% speculation at this point. Silver = savings/insurance/slow and steady wins the race.
@@1MarkMoss that's not necessarily why you buy silver either.
the Bix theory applies here, and why I'm loading up on silver, not gold.
Dude even if the ratio stays the same and gold goes up, silver will be wroth a lot more than now. Silver always goes up a lot after gold does.
Yes you are right, but that just proves the point of the video, that gold moves because it's the global store of value and silver moves because gold does, which makes it more of a speculative bet
@@1MarkMoss Yep that's true. Just saying that owning silver is also not a bad idea. There is not that much risk owning silver compared to gold even if the ratio would stay the same and you have the added possibility of it going much higher. Was what I was trying to say.
@@1MarkMoss I would like to add a point that I think everyone is missing. China is taking over a very large market share of this new global economy, and for thousands of years before western economies became dominate, eastern economies traded in silver. China is experiencing a wave of traditionalism and a return to the idea of the civilization state.
@TRUTH _ What happened? Fake paper silver diluting the value of physical silver as an investment. That's what happened. When SHTF, true price discovery will eventually return. The question is - how long will you have to wait... It could happen soon, or might be years.
the little history lesson WAS AWESOME and helped me to understand the silver and gold relationship better thank you from CANADA !
My strategy is simple.. buy silver when the gold/silver ration is high..80-90 to one. When the ratio goes down , like to 40-50 to one, sell silver and buy gold with the proceeds
sounds pretty solid
@stephen sluznis investments always have risks, that's why it's called an investment.
Plus, making profit and missing out on bigger profit is still better than a loss.
I think you forgot about the IMMEDIATE hike in premium price that is a serious downer, all of a sudden nobody is selling stupidly.
@Mike S Money can be an investment.
Silver is $14 an oz right now. It has been upwards of over $50+ in the past. So buying it now, then waiting for the price to increase, then selling to make money. It's used the same way stocks are used. That's an investment.
@Mike S it's not the same thing... Yes it is... You put money into silver and over time get more back. That's literally what investment is buddy.
A few days ago I looked at the historic 100 year gold and silver charts side by side. I noticed that all the major peaks you can see on one graph, you can see on the other. Often they peak in the very same month. Then I noticed that silver's moves are harder and sharper. When the assets hit their all time highs in 2011, they both peaked in the same month, but gold started its bull market 2-3 years sooner. Silver also tanked harder after the peak was passed. To me this indicates a very strong buy signal for silver now, since gold has started another bull market, but silver hasn't moved yet. I did not see one instance on the historic chart of one asset having making a large peak or dip while the other did not, only that silver started later and moved faster to compensate. I also saw that gold retains its value better during the bear market. If you had bought silver in 2001 and sold at its all time high in 2011, you multiplied your money by 11 (that's 26% annual returns). Doing the same with gold would have only multiplied your money by 7. However, if you had just held rather than selling during the peak, your silver would only have retained a gain of 3.5, and gold would have retained a gain of 4.55 (this is even ignoring the most recent bull market in gold in order to make a fair comparison, since silver's bull market hasn't started yet). So yes, it seems recent history shows that silver is a better speculative asset, and gold is a better store of value. I have just calculated that even if you ignore the recent bull market in gold (using a price of gold of about $1200), buying gold in 2000 and holding would have netted yearly average gains of 7%. That's quite good considering that I chose on purpose the time in the 21st century that would give gold the worst results.
Another thing to consider is that a quick google search says that the total value of all silver in the world is $59 billion. The total value of all gold in the world is $7.5 trillion. That means there is more than 100 times as much money in gold as there is in silver. Bill Gates can individually buy all the silver in the world. It is true that most people don't think of silver as a store of value like gold, but the history of the last couple decades has shown that they remember it when there is a crisis. We are in unprecedented times, so I wouldn't discount silver. I read an article not long ago which said that if all the hedge funds and mutual funds in the world decided to diversify into gold and silver, and they put even 2% of their assets in silver, they could buy 40 times the world's total supply of silver. If investor interest in silver goes up even a little, it will break the market.
Loved the history of gold/silver! Most informative video I’ve ever seen on the subject!
Thank you Robert Plank for the comment, please make sure you're subscribed and help spread the word by sharing the videos
JP Morgan is manipulating silver price while simultaneously stockpiling physical in warehouses
Matty G dirty rats. Holding 200 billion in silver
I have read that JP Morgan is known to be holding 500 million oz of silver, about 8.5 billion currently.
And NOT putting it on their balance sheets.
@@1redrubberball I’ve heard a lot of estimates but yours a 500 million is tops
I've read it on Silver Doctors, King World News, etc.
I think silver is undervalued and can shift into being more of a store of value like gold, especially with the high probability of a recession in the coming years. The market cap for silver is also so incredibly low, so I see a higher potential percent increase than gold. I've also been buying a shitload of silver this year, so I might be a little bit biased.
the thing is, with money, there is only 1, and gold has that spot, silver used to compliment gold, but that changed,
@@1MarkMoss I understand, but by that same logic of money being only one, how can you then make the case for Bitcoin?
@@ed00001 you have a good point.. And how can he say thats changed when we dont know how the next crise will unfold.
@@vebjorngrytten7629 He's correct in the fact that gold has dominated the metals market and is a world wide store of value and while silver can't really compete with it in that regard, I still believe it has the potential to increase massively in market cap. It would take far less to increase the price of silver 3x than gold.
@@vebjorngrytten7629 Honestly, I would like more gold but have been focusing on silver more because the ratio is so high and if you look at the technicals it appears to be primed for a reversal in the near future. That may not happen of course, but either way I feel satisfied not storing all my wealth in debt notes.
Great video as usual Mark. Could possibly look at investigate how paper contracts effects the price of silver . It’s silver pricing being suppressed. Many thanks all the best stefan
Peace, this a great video and lesson on gold and silver
Thank you glad you liked it and thanks for the comment
Thanks a ton Mark. I always wanted to know the relationship between gold and silver. And keep the history lessons coming!
No hype, no marketing. I like that kind of information. Thanks!
Thanks, jppagetoo, glad you liked the video and I appreciate the comment
Metals have been heavily manipulated. It’s going to be interest to see what happens when the lid finally comes off.
yes they have, but who's to say the lid ever comes off?
Mark Moss I’ll concede that it’s a possible outcome. I just find it hard to believe they would be able to do it indefinitely.
@@cryptoonestop6877 The FED can keep this game going for a long time! Chase Bank has been fined for manipulating the metals market and I believe other mega banks do it also. I stay liquid and don't mess with the metals or stocks unless there's blood in the streets. Funny, but I have made over $3000.00 shifting $5,000 to $15,000 between banks and earning their bonuses. 90 day terms and bang! Bonus! ROI is great!
@@Drumbeat52 That's pretty good. I like to shift allocations in my 401k. Went 80/20 equities during the last big pull back from a heavy cash position. So far its worked out pretty well.
@@cryptoonestop6877 It's odd that the banks won't pay you squat on your savings or checking, but will pay you to become a new customer. My main checking is with a credit union that pays 4% on the first $15,000 and .25% on everything above that. I figured out mathematically that what I earned on bank churning would have taken me over 5 years to accomplish letting my money earn 4%. HSBC is paying $750.00 for depositing $5,000 every month for 3 consecutive months and once the deposit is posted you can withdraw the funds!! You can use the same $5000 to accomplish the bonus. I cannot bare to pay someone to handle my money or invest it. The entire system is manipulated.
Hold at least a 1,000 ounces of physical Silver. You'll thank me later
Most people don't have over 18,000 pocket change. Thanks for little.
@@tonydio666 little by little you can get there
@@TornadoOfSouls777 You're right.
Ty and i go 5oz rounds or bars and only ASE and maple and britan. 10oz too. The faster the better. I have 388oz half as all ready gone up to plus. So no you are right. Key is to buy low and wait. Silver by 1oz is boring 5oz or to go bar by more as fast as fuck. Silver is as fucking mass any way you can as fast you can. And make your base. Mass is key i would say 3000oz is the way to go and a car..
Too Little. At least have 20,000 ounces of silver for a rainy day.
I love investing ! I am a big investor.....💕🙋🏻♀️
Silver is a gift. To be cherished and honored not exploited!
Mia Z just like platinum !
Expound please.
@@mikerodriguez6003 platinum is mostly an industrial metal not an investors metal. Thats why its been dropping off so quickly the last couple of months. The reason is car producers are using less platinum in favor for more palladium and thats why palladium has been rising.
Tyler Hyatt thats why I have been buying it . sooner or later. there will be a resurgence
Leave it to a woman to romanticize a rock.
Just an add on..... in the last 10 years the production of silver coins etc have sold less but I think the creation of silver etfs etc have given a lot of investors a false sense of security of having protection from metals in their portfolios. At some point when the next crisis comes there is a huge potencial for those silver and gold etfs to go belly up as from last I checked they are leveraged around 300 to 1 so people think they have silver or gold in those funds but they will never get it if requested. The next few years will be interesting!
James, Good point, in the gold ETF's there is high S 500 to 1 so yes a lot of people could be left holding worthless paper. But I think most people buy an ETF's are only buying it as an investment and an easy way to get access to the price, but if you really wanted as end of the world insurance you should take physical delivery of it
n e asset in dollar will explode buy gold n silver in other currencies
You got a subscriber here sir! Well spoken very informative!
In Venzuela these days, a silver dollar will be enough to buy food for a family for a week. A prepper friend of mine is sending his aunt and her family in Venezuela 4 silver dollars a month to keep them alive and well. They spend it on open, rural markets, not in stores. Silver is a life insurance for bad times, when fiat money collapses. If this don't happen in my liftime, I'll just pass it on to my kids, and no harm is done to the family economy. If the price of silver goes way up, the last thing I would do is to sell it. Silver is to be used, not invested in for profit.
Fake news
@@user-il6ex8pl1y Fake reply
@@mortenoen434 nobody with a brain stacks silver, only the uneducated.
@@user-il6ex8pl1y Agree. I don't stack it, I just have $3-4000 in silver coins in my gun safe for bad times.
@@user-il6ex8pl1y are you saying that Jamie Dimon is uneducated?
Considering the near certainty of a major economic crisis in the near future, Silver is the best store of wealth on earth right now. Though unlikely and because of its diverse and ever increasing industrial demand, the lowest I see it going is $15, which would be a 12% loss. Dollars will hyperinflate and become worthless, equities could lose 90% in months, grain demand and thus farmland prices fall in crises. Silver is and has been money for 6,000 years. When steak reaches a certain price, all of a sudden the price of hamburger jumps because people who were priced out of steak settle for hamburger. Same thing with Gold and Silver. Gold will moonshot but not without silver coming along for the ride.
V for Veracity looks like you were spot on!
It won’t stay down.
Saw you on economic ninja I am now a fan.nice to meet you
Once nobody can afford to buy gold people will rush to silver.
Michael Brawner silver will be people’s new paychecks
A rush to the exits 👉🥇🥈🥉
Arman gold is 1525 an oz. find the avg American and have then fork up 1525. Not gonna happen at 30,000 a year
@ Arman you got a valid point fractional gold bit wouldn’t buy it as I would buy jewelry being you can travel unlimited amounts. As for bit coin good luck with it. If you don’t hold it you don’t own it.
Arman Your forgetting one important factor the government or reserve “HAS” to control it. They have to be able to tax it somehow. If not all they have to do is flip the switch and it’s all gone in the blink of an eye. IMO if the government were to make a bitcoin backed by gold I’d be interested. You can either have 1 and zeros or G&S. I’ll be taking my chances with G&S. Did you know China is making there own BTC backed by gold?
So, the case for silver...
Let's start with the fundamentals:
We can see the Commodities to Equities Ratio over the last 50 years or so - this looks at the ratio of the S&P GSCI Total Return CME, which just represents a commodities index to the S&P 500, which obviously represents an equities index.
A higher ratio represents times when commodities are doing well and vice versa.
For example, we see a low ratio during the early 70s, the tech bubble and.....now.
In fact, we are currently sitting at the lowest ratio for over 50 years.
Looking at this, does the risk/reward look better for commodities or equities?
As well as this, since 2009, we have seen the longest economic expansion in US history.
The only other time we've had a return as high was the roaring 20s.
So, there is really no historical precedent for higher levels.
Central banks have started to interfere with sound money and sound economics, that's why wealth inequality is so high (like the 1920s)
So as an investor in equities, would you feel comfortable buying at these ranges given this historical outlook?
Now, there is a game theory element that many people bring up - if the Fed continues the printing, just ride the wave.
Well, that is fair enough at earlier times in this cycle, but personally the risk/reward is now not favourable this late in the cycle - particular given the historical context.
Remember the Warren Buffett quote about not losing money!
Over 30-40 years, parking capital in the S&P 500 will (barring some apocalyptic event) work out well.
But, although long term investment is the aim, it would be great if we could be more productive in the short to medium term and try to mitigate against those sharp corrections or crashes that wiped out so many in 08 and the roaring 20s obviously...
In this spirit, let's take a look at Silver:
We can see the price chart - from around $4 an ounce in 1997 to around $17 an ounce today.
How can we analyse this from a macro point of view?
Well, on a fundamental level, due to central banking policy, the purchasing power of the dollar has gone down.
The dollar has actually been a relatively strong currency, which shows how global this problem is.
We see an explosion of assets held by the MAJOR CENTRAL BANKS - from around $5 TRILLION in 2007 to nearly $20 TRILLION today - they've been sweeping up treasuries, government bonds, mortgage backed securities, etc.
So we know there are some fundamental issues.
Thus, hedging commodities like silver are likely to go up in the coming years - one would assume.
But we still need to have some analytic flavour to the analysis in order to provide more support to this macro thesis on the fundamentals.
So from 2001 to 2011, that was around an 11x return - which is great!
On the way, in 2006 and 2007, we hit the main resistance levels of $14 an ounce and $20 an ounce.
And then, we broke out from that $20 an ounce resistance in late 2010 and we can see that this move was pretty quick and we hit $50 an ounce in 2011.
There is a human psychology element to this, as we tend to chase even levels - we can see this in the S&P 500 over the last two decades (with the major even levels being 1500 and 3000).
Therefore, it is important to consider this when thinking about how to exit and take profits.
But then of course, as we can see, there was a 70% correction from 2011 to 2016.
From there, we have been building support again at the resistance level (around $14 an ounce).
And significantly, we popped above that $14 level so this previous resistance is now acting as a support.
We would want to see continued movement in this range with the next target being the $20 level, and it is worth considering the fact that once we break this level the movement is usually pretty quick.
Extrapolating the data from the earlier cycle onto this cycle, this gives a target (an even target) of $100 an ounce in the next decade or so.
Some people believe this price action will occur more quickly, but I think it's important to not get overly bullish.
Therefore, given this price action over previous cycles and the current price action looking promising in terms of the long term levels of support and resistance, and the fact that the fundamentals for commodities like silver are looking good at the moment, it is pretty reasonable to expect a price of $100 an ounce in the next 5-10 years.
That would actually be a lower return than what we had between 2001 and 2011, and given central bank policy and inflation I think this is a reasonable target for that time period.
From current levels, that would be around a 6x.
😂😂😂 u talk to much. This is a comment section not a novel section.
@@mrexclusive5406 😂
@@FinanceOptimum merry Christmas lol
Your theories are great, assuming a stable financial and geopolitical environment, but what happens to these values when we experience another 1920's style crash. Or a complete implosion of the world banking system, ie; the German bank, that I can't spell, which has a 40 trillion, derivatives book, goes bust.
Oh boy I don't remember watching this pod cast and yet I gave it a thumbs up?
Not sure if that's good or bad? Good a thumbs up, bad it wasnt memorable enough?
Loved this video. Wonderfully explained. Thank you.
Thanks Ben! Glad you liked it!
It's late May 2020 - I'd be curious to hear an updated outlook on silver.
me too. i mean 3 months ago everyone said silver will climb to $20 in a couple years. what? it's ther now (19) so what's the future now?
An update would be awesome
@@surveyguyor8958 I see silver going between $4000 -$10,000
@@christinaestabrooks4493 you see that? well idiom's aside, when? I'm not talking over the next 1000 years. gold maybe, but I'm looking for his opinion of more like most investors, what will it go to in the next 5 years.
I'm referring to the next 1-2 years for silver. According to debt calculator silver would be just over $3700/ ounce now if the price was not being surpressed. Solver will surprise many people re the price it will rise to.
mark, do a topic on the difference between the spot-market end the physical market ....and the premiums on coins
You're wasting your time with this drawn out piece! The reason to hold silver and gold is because the fiat monetary system is on a path to total collapse! You can't print more and more money, create more and more massive debts, and get away with it forever! Eventually, physical assets, tangible assets, gold, silver, other metals, food, and the basics of sustaining life, will either be worth far more than anything else, or will hold their relative value while everything else collapses and becomes worthless!
Everything has a price. The cost of debt our govts take on is selling the future of our children and the unborn and staking their freedoms for senseless power-grabs of the few elites.
On a more individual level, it's always interesting to me how normal high levels of senseless debt has become. Sure, use debt to grow your business and investment portfolio...but fund a holiday/new car/toy? I don't think that should be the norm. Imagine leaving your kids a lead weight(liabilities) instead of a legacy(assets)? Bet the govt won't take away have your debt on death...they sure as heck will take half of what you have left!
@@arman2339 - when they create bitcoin derivatives, and branch currency......it just jumped on the fiat rail system.
bitcoin is the invisible currency in the book "the emperor isn't wearing any clothes."
He thinks he's Saint Einstein
@@arman2339 they just need to shut down the huge farms and the companies producing the mining equipment. Bitcoin is non - transactionable without the computing network (as you will not have the chain validation). Something only phisical metal has no problem with.
Gold is mostly a monetary metal. Silver is both a monetary metal and industrial meta (with many vital applications). Central banks don't buy silver because the silver market is not big enough for the amount of currency they are looking to convert. Historically the price of silver follows gold. The last time the silver to gold ratio was this high it dropped back down to almost 30:1 making silver a good investment today.
Joe, I agree that the gold/silver ratio could drop back to more historical averages, but that's exactly the point, you buy silver because it has a good chance of the ratio snapping back (speculating) whereas you buy gold because of it's real value... thanks for the comment
@@1MarkMoss Value is subjective.Tulips were valueable,salt,crops.Value is seen by the people making the transactions.I am a believer in Jesus and God's money was gold and silver.If God made gold and silver as money,not Gold For insurance and silver for speculation.Study Rober Kiyasoki,Mike Maloney,David Morgan,Bill Murphy, Bo Polny,and Bix Weir.Then will be able to talk.You don't even talk about hyperinflation that is coming soon.We won't be worried if we have gold or silver or food and water.They are all tools including copper and ghunz.
@@davec7354 yes Value is subjective, as in " Something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it"
@@1MarkMoss Gee thanks.I needed your approval.
thumbs up
Bravo! You nailed it Mark! Know your History, know your Enamy.
Silver is golds ugly sister...she's used because she's cheap...dosen't get the respect she deserves though popular.
She is in the precious metal family,so when they get an invite to the "Bull Market Party" silver gets a personal invitation too.
Don't forget silver also more appreciative to her suitors, she puts out.
Funny 😜
Guess ill take her for a spin then
Good one broski!
Nerd f*ck over here... trying to be funny ?
Back in the 1920's, a gallon of gas costed .25 cents. According to coinflation.com., a silver quarter is worth $3.07 as of today, which will still buy a gallon of gas (except for maybe in California). So it appears that the actual value of silver is holding strong and keeping up with inflation, but its the 'demand' that is being manipulated. And I think that's the rise and push down we saw in 2011, the demand.
2011 was the Hunt brothers cornering the market.
@@human1513 no, Hunt brothers was 1980
@@InfamousStacker Right, I recalled incorrectly. Thanx.
Silver hit almost $50 an OZ in 1980 when the Hunt brothers tried to corner the Silver market . Which it back fired on them but i am sure you already know this by your comments .
I think gas was more like 10¢/gal. in the '20's. It was 35¢ in the early 1970's... before Carter and the Oil Cartels inflated prices.
Great vid, Thanks Mark been stacking both for years now.
Another understandable and informative video, thank you Mr. Moss.
If the dollar and the market both collapse, could a tighter gold market push investors into silver, causing it to climb?
The U.S. government called silver a stategic national resourse In the 60's -thats why they want to keep the price low & unattractive as an asset.
doug godfrey I heard lots of silver was used for the Manhattan project and was never returned. I heard that on a chemistry video..
It does have its moments to the alert and educated. It does fluctuate but never becomes worthless. I gave my son an allowance when we home schooled him and had him invest in some and had him watch it fluctuate. It was a good life lesson. It never went to zero. And he still stacks.
The US strategic silver reserve was eliminated. Johnson coined a lot in 1964. Huge quantities to get rid of the silver. 40% Kennedy halves got the rest of the stockpile. Later Nixon took us off the silver and huge auctions using Silver Certificates were used to buy 1000 Troy ounce bricks. It was a wild melee with traders buying Silver Certificates from smaller holders to stay in the Auctions. We saved almost 1000 silver certificates but could not get into the auction circles. We kept the best and banked the rest.
I think you're missing a big point, inequality is widening in the masses:
- This means that as inflation grows, most people cannot afford gold, so as fear of dropping market, deglobalization, and fiat trust dropping will push people towards precious metals. Once the masses starts heading towards gold and silver, Silver will run out before gold does due to relatively static supply and sudden growth of demand.
We must also add into our risk calculus these factors: Silver is largely non-recoverable. We destroy silver every day while most of the gold ever mined is still in circulation. Silver scrap inventories continue to fall year over year, in addition silver is not normally mined as a primary resource. While it may pull back during economic slow downs due to soft demand this weakness is quickly absorbed by the market especially when it is near the price of production as it is now. Gold is and likely always will be a proxy to silver. Silver has been Golds little brother since biblical times and before. Lastly, anything priced in US dollars will rise in value as the currency weakens. This dynamic will also continue to be exploited by those in the know that have access to all that cheap freshly printed money. When interest rates rise, watch out below in capital markets? Cheers.
❤️❤️Thank you for informative information❤️❤️
thanks JL, glad you liked it and thanks for the comment
Just stumbled across your video's. Great production, great presentation style. Not only that, but as at todays date (07/28/20) silver has has gone ballistic. Well done.
When gold gets high priced, some people turn to silver because its still very cheap. I believe silver is a great investment because its uses in this modern age are becoming more and more. I bought a bunch when silver bottomed at $14 around a year of so ago.
And ?
The normies will still keep stocks and fiat. Remember that people do not manage their investments, investors will go gold or crypto for high returns
I like silver but it's classed a industrial metal in the UK and subject to 20% VAT which kills physical bullion here.
Adam, yea, it's an industrial metal, just buy gold instead
Check with Backyard Bullion channel - Estonia is where he gets his
buy vat free from all over Europe like I do. Save for bigger purchases to even out the delivery charge
celticgold.eu is where i get mine vat free. they ship through various countries avoiding vat
The globalists do not want you buying silver because its more precious than gold, hence the 20% tax.Its their achilles heel. Its the second most versatile commodity after oil for its uses. Most reflective, conductor of heat and electricity in one element, WOW.
Having been investing in silver over the last 10 years I totally agree with your approach and understanding of this asset..
why have J.P Morgan collected between 150 and 850 million ounce of silver (depending upon whom you believe) if it is no longer considered a store of value? Why would various states in the U.S. start accepting silver as payment again if were no longer considered money. (I am in the U.K., I just watch :-) )
JPM holds the silver for the SLV ETF
There is zero evidence Jp Morgan holds any physical silver. Jason Burack has covered that extensively.
@Johnny SilverFoot yeah that's not what we're talking about. There are a large number of people who believe jp Morgan has a large physical position.
@Johnny SilverFoot um no. I know what you're talking about. But the op wasn't talking about manipulation silly.
If what you are saying is correct why then are regulators starting to charge the likes of JPM and others for massive price suppression. No body in the middle of the night dumps future contracts to lower prices.
There is clearly more going on than what you have presented. Correct Many mines have been high graded leaving deposits behind. You never talked about the destruction of silver.
It’s the second most used commodity next to oil.
As far as falling, risk it’s pretty low. Almost every other market in the world is in bubble territory
Anyways preaching to the choir lol
I’ve held positions in both metals. Yes, the upside potential is greater for silver. BUT, you have to be very disciplined to speculate in silver. When silver jumped from high $14’s to $19.50, it was there for 1 DAY. The following day it lost a $1/oz. The buyers also know this, and will pay you 5-10% under spot at that time.
The problem is when silver does take off, greed takes over and you end up selling too late. And you can plan on only getting paid 90% of spot.
GOLD is what I own now, less premium up front and always spot or more at time of sale.
I loaded up on silver when I was getting Canadian Maples for $19 cdn. I'm using it as a store of value, not an investment. I do have Gold as well. I'm not selling anytime soon.
Must be reverse psychology cause he just talked me into buying more silver
I never said NOT to buy silver, and I actually recommend silver, the point of the video was to say the reasons why we buy / hold Gold and Silver are different.
Now your catching on! Why do you think man has so many gods? They all sound real and must be worshipped but only in the mind. silver taking off threat scares you into buying it too so you not miss out. Greed. Keep to history and numbers. silver is still sitting at $20 and still not going up. I wonder why? Look back at 2006-to now and you can what it does up and down , then you can work out what to do now.
Bro where did you get that tan ? Iam freezing my ass of here in the north east 😂btw I bought some silver the other day,trying to diversify ,hopefully I did the right thing,great explanation
haha, i live on the beach in So Cal and surf everyday, sorry your freezing! And I am not saying silver won't go up, just saying its not for the same reason as Gold
Hi mark God bless you immensely, thanks for your work.
@@buentaste Thank you
I like the way you presented this Mark, thanks for the video
Thanks Troy!
Silver is all about supply and demand. Silver is an essential in high technology and is being used more and more and when the demand exceeds its supply then silver will go up in value.
Silver will reach parrity with gold in the next 20 years.
There isn’t 20yrs left folks seriously if there’s even 10 left
Just food for thought: The ratio can come in on the other side too. In other words, gold can come down to help bring the ratio back in line.
Theoretically. But it won't in the current environment. When interest rates fall to near zero or even below, wise investors switch from bonds to gold. When there's a significant danger of stocks falling in value, wise investors start moving money out of their riskier stocks and into gold. When central banks deliver fresh currency by the helicopter load, investors get desperate to own better stores of value, like gold. That's why the price of gold is over $1700 these days and is expected to go even higher.
@@dlwatib Dang made this comment ages ago. Different world. Now we've progressed to the cyber-punk dystopia featuring us as the currency of power for the elites using covid as the strings, things are a little different.
Bring on the nano bots to completely disrupt our model of economics and destroy life as we know it.
Liked the video thank you Mark. However, your microphone position is a bit hard for ppl with hearing loss. Everytime you leaned forward your sound volume also went up. But I like the video. I liked you and it provided added value
Let's see what I can name of uses for silver.
1. A powerful antibiotic
2. Used in photovoltaics.
3. Used in Jewelery.
4. Used in electronics.
5. Can be used to induce brain damage in your enemies.
6. Silver bullets for werewolfes If you believe they exist. So yeah silver should be expensive as fuck.
i agree 100%, but also, it's not following gold. people are not buying in droves. the rich people that control things and are "in the know" are buying gold.
Colloidal silver is fantastic antimicrobial
Yes werewolfs are not real! However last night I debated this theory with a Leprechaun while having a beer with my friend Batman.
Solar Panels , Water Filters , Missiles , Satellites , other Military Applications.
"Paper Silver" is what has destroyed the gold to silver ratio (this has been done intentionally) .. "Paper Silver" (their fake tool of manipulation) has been shorted so severely there's no way to indefinitely hold off a rebound of the gold to silver ratio back more historical levels .. it's just my opinion but the upside of silver is to huge to be ignored.
people holding silver on paper are stupid! they over sold it..need to physically have it
yes, until your stupid kid steals it and trades it for some beer.
You make some great points based on facts, a nice change from the silver videos based on hype and speculation.
Thanks Carlos, I always try to lay out facts, and not opinions.. appreciate the comment, hope you subscribed
The Gold to Silver ratio is one way to look at it. I had this conversation with a friend. I asked him who would go to the store and drop ten thousand dollars to buy food. That's under the assumption gold increases the value 2 $10,000. If silver goes up to $100 as an example that would be a perfect amount to spend to buy groceries. So people should think silver to Rice ratio. I currently think in the near future rice will have more value in terms of silver. Today not sure but $10-$15 for 20 lbs. Of rice That's about 0.75- 1 oz of silver. The question is what can you barter 1 oz. Of silver for. Totally eliminated in the US dollar from the trade. 1 ounce of gold my not trade. Today it's 1,400ish. Not divisible by food. In most situations.
Heith, yes, to make it simple, we always need to look at assets vs other assets, for example, instead of looking at homes priced in USD, how much in Gold, Oil, Wheat, etc...
@@1MarkMoss Hi Mark
I am just starting to learn about precious metals. Peter Schiff always talks about comparing the price of goods in relation to the price of gold/silver. Would you do a video about that gold/ silver price comparison so that it is understandable to a newbie please. 😊
@@sheesheefinancialiqinfinit1549 I don't know if it's an idea for a full video, and I have mentioned it in many videos and will always continue to do so. The basic idea is instead of looking at everything priced in US dollars, start to price them and other assets. What is a house worth priced in dollars, priced in gold, priced in oil, priced in wheat, etc..
@@1MarkMoss When I was in high school, a silver quarter would buy a gallon of gas. Traded at the price today, you could buy a gallon of gas and get change back.
@@paulmoore7064 Yes, because its the dollar that's lost value and when you only price things in dollars you lose sight of that
. If you can afford silver then get it . Supply and demand ! Just watch the Demand will be viscous!
Don X
Not gems . Diamonds are the most common and gemstone took a nose dive when Walmart sank the ship . And gave you a ruby for 10$ before would be 100$ I have lots of gemstones no one values .
I will continue adding to my silver.
@@silverrose7554 Heather you are smarter than most here. Gems have a very small following relative to gold and silver. When you want to trade that gem, you cannot trade it to people like me who know it is going to be hard to trade to the next greater fool. It takes an expert to value a gem and then you still have to find the right buyer. Same is true for "rare" coins, stamps, baseball cards, etc. Also, gems are not divisible.
I guess you didn’t watch the whole video. I thought this was a refreshing take on silver, especially when compared to people like Mike Maloney.
He specifically says silver is undervalued compared to the historical G/S ratio, and now is a great time to get into silver, just realize it could take a long time for the ratio to get back to historical levels, but when it does, people holding silver will be glad they had patience.
@@uspockdad6429 Not sure who you are replying to but I was talking about gems not being money.
Thanks for the tour. I kind of want to see England but I know how expensive it is. Someday...
"Silver can't be worth more than it's primary use case" WRONG! There is no demand or scarcity premium on silver, cost of production + small refining premium. When the PANIC comes and it's coming, this will change dramatically. Gold will sky rocket but silver will moonshot because there is LESS silver than gold and it's much more useful.
Not sure about your statement? You say wrong but then echo back exactly what I said?
@@1MarkMoss No that is a twisting of Jo Zon's thread.Just wait and see .Then will come back on you videos .You are a bit arrogant.You may want to tone it down.
@@1MarkMoss Do you own BTC.If you don't you have no credibility with me.We will be seeing the biggest wealth transfer in the history of modern finance.Paper,derivatives,debt have to be accounted for.Day of reckoning,if you will.
@@RowdyEnt. I dated Canadian woman,no joke...they thought Canadian men were puessyz,and not well informed.It appears your proving them right!
wow what have you been smoking !!!
I am amazed silver is still so cheap? I mean around $17 an ounce is crazy considering ever increasing demand and falling production, surely it's only a matter of time before the silver price goes into lunar orbit??
I'm from one year in the future, I'm here to tell you that silver is at $25.50 oz
@@Michael-Philip That was a very accurate prediction, spot on! :)
@@websurfer1585 keep stackin
@@Michael-Philip Yeah definitely, it's crazy cheap now, good investment!
Great video. Just bought silver and was a little worried for awhile watching this lol. Gotta love that ratio right now over 100!
90% btc 5%silver 5%gold 😎
non tangible , tangible and tangible . better flip that shit . good luck
@big daddy 21 thanks man i try . seriously tho people should sale that bitcoin and get metals that have there back . pun intended.
big daddy be safe and have a blessed christmas and a good 2020.
Jason Walker, Maan... every year the same BS, bitcoin has higher lows every year for 10 years, its hear to stay and its going to sky rocket in value, the charts never lie!
@HRH President of Tattooine I do!! 👋 it's been Bitcoin!!
@@bboyandyjack yep, best asset for 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 year...
The silver market is rigged big time by JP Morgan
gljay You should plug into you tube something like “How much silver does JP Morgan hold”. Banks ARE buying silver. In all countries this is the case
People like Mark Moss come out despising a stock, commodity or a precious metal before they take off big time.
We'll at least by the machine that backs puppets like jp Morgan. Jp Morgan and others are 80%+ owned by Rothschild. Jp Morgan does have the biggest hoard of silver collected though and that should tell everyone something
I don't despise it, I own it and i recommend it, i just think you have to understand it so you know how it fits into your portfolio. Watch the video before making assumptions.
Mark Moss, silver fits into every portfolio. The more of it you can buy, the better. It will explode within Trump’s presidency when the reset occurs.
Thank you. Never watched your show before but this one persuaded me to subscribe.
Silver has more uses like for building solar panels so prices need to stay low like palladium which used to be alot cheaper than platinum, just wait silver prices will rocket in the future.
I like how you think. Especially now that it appears JPMorgan is being called out on about 10 years of silver futures spoofing/manipulation. Could blow this thing wide open.
I hope your right. I think industry would find an alternative to silver first. Supply being the reason.
“Silver has wayyyyy more uses than gold, especially in industrial uses: but the silver demand is gonna fall in an economic crisis” that doesn’t make any sense . If silver is used more often than gold, and if silver is more rare above ground than gold, why are you saying that
So much value from your videos, thank you for your content!
Silver $17 an Oz That's a no brainer!.
It fell to $10 and some change a couple of weeks ago!
Sarah Haugh not physical silver but the paper silver did. No one is selling an ounce of silver for $10
What about the heavy manipulation of derivatives for Metals. Silver will be king again
Appreciate your informative videos Mark Moss. I learn a lot. One very important facet of silver I will add to the conversation --- we are headed in the direction of a digital currency and silver (as well as gold) are portable, and the government is oblivious to the private transaction. Plus, after the great deflation and then hyper-inflation, the precious metals will give you somewhat of a fighting chance at preserving assets and surviving.
Silver above $20 takes out the paper market. JP Morgan facing RICO charges, JP Morgan starts bank collapse domino effect. Silver is the only option for small transactions when no one trusts paper. What say you?
agree .silver minus cryptos will have more utility then gold
@@mrcr45 thanks man, really hoped someone had a good rebuttal. Not wanting an argument but hoped to get an informative debate going.
exactly, those of us who are aware must try to get this mssg out so so many americann r going be hurt when the $ crashes....its gonna be APOCOLYPTIC!!!! can u imagine a broke UNITED STATES...
so if the dollar tanks, what do you value cryptos at??? sorry bub, i don't want your green or digital dollars......you got real money??? gold or silver???
Silver’s price action looking good last week
gold and silver are money the rest is currency
I tell u one thing no one knows exactly where we going. Thank you for your knowledge
Silver seems like an almost risk-free investment now. Buy a small position, then sell it & buy gold when the ratio returns to normal levels.
Never such a thing as a risk free investment, as Warren Buffett says cama the markets can stay irrational much longer than you can stay insolvent, Always use good risk management
All day. But one day we might find a way to create Gold and then it’ll be in abundance. But by that time our standard of living will be way higher. Only if we remove these criminals from power
I tip my rideshare drivers with constitutional silver, they Appreciate it very much. 😅
Saw one of my 1964 "junk silver" quarters on craigslist on sale for $120.00 in "mint" condition... hahaahaha
Just wow!
I bought my 1st 10ozsilver bar yesterday, I know I’m late to the party but I’m just learning about all of this , I’m hoping to get more this coming week
Apollo Mayaimi yea you’re right o agree but for me it’s like insurance because I know it holds value but yes I’m releasing a book this year and I intend to gain a great amount of passive income with that while I invest in other things, and I have a whole library so trust me I love investing in my mind as well, thx for ya comment
Apollo Mayaimi several times lol i focused on a number once recently and it came out but I didn’t have it in for midday but I feel as if I was go manifest any winnings from the lottery now it would benefit me more because I’ve been self educating myself a lot more on money and I would definitely utilize my winnings wisely this time around