WATCH | Trial continues in excessive force case of Euclid Police Officer Michael Amiott

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • Trial continues for Euclid Police Officer Michael Amiott.
    Michael Amiott is charged with two counts of assault and one count of interfering with civil rights in connection with a violent traffic stop in August of 2017. Cell phone video showed the officer repeatedly punching Richard Hubbard after the latter was pulled over for an unspecified moving violation.
    “I’m on the ground, he hops right up and starts slamming my head on the ground, which I don’t even know why he did that," when asked to explain what was happening at specific moments from the incident. "But then my girlfriend gets out of the car and starts screaming.”
    Hubbard said he wasn't fighting back.
    “I never touched the officer," he said. "I never even brought up my fists at the officer. I protected my face from the punches, but you can’t see it from this video.”
    When it was over, Hubbard said he sat in the squad car disappointed at what happened.
    “A traffic stop just turned into me just getting beat up for no reason.”


  • @johnlabry325
    @johnlabry325 2 роки тому +26

    Ok men walking up to the car with guns will make anyone nervous. Being nervous is not a crime

  • @dorianone8408
    @dorianone8408 2 роки тому +23

    That officer clearly based on dash cam beat the man unprovoked. Driving on a suspended license isn't cause for none of which transpired after he got out the car. This line of questioning isn't necessary. The reason for the stop isn't the problem. It's what happened after he got out of the car and how the officer handled the driver. Weed? So what. It was a roach. Smoke and mirrors.

    • @derekvancampenhout5530
      @derekvancampenhout5530 2 роки тому +3

      Patience I suspect he's going to slowly lead this cop down the rabbit hole.

    • @blabl590
      @blabl590 2 роки тому +1

      They really take driving while suspended very seriously in Ohio

    • @Name-oz4lq
      @Name-oz4lq 2 роки тому +3

      @@blabl590 It doesn’t matter how seriously they take the offense, they can’t just beat people unprovoked.

    • @blabl590
      @blabl590 2 роки тому +2

      @@Name-oz4lq sarcasm

    • @turtletruth
      @turtletruth Рік тому +1

      Police and MADD understand that VICTIMLESS felony convictions that permanently abolish gun rights are key to trickery in abolishing all guns and ammunition!
      Eternally removing 2nd Amendment rights for victimless non-violent crimes (Without vehicle accidents, victims, or even incidents) while conveniently allowing these same newly created felons to keep their "voting rights" (based on victimless crimes) for anti-gun & bullet reasons!
      Government wisdom: Allowing new (Non-violent) "felons" with eternally removed gun rights to keep their voting rights, would persuade a vote to abolish all guns & bullets!
      If Non-violent felons can't legally possess a single bullet then nobody should possess bullets! PERIOD.
      Make no mistake these newly created (Non-violent) felons (Moms and Dads) are coming after your guns next, with vengeance, for equality!

  • @edwardjcoleman4832
    @edwardjcoleman4832 2 роки тому +22

    If this jury’s verdict is not guilty then they didn’t believe their own eyes and were dishonest from the start.

  • @ttpryce672
    @ttpryce672 2 роки тому +13

    Fire all of these officers.... vile and evil and he know he partner was doing wrong because he tap his back and told him enough

  • @michaelmorris1381
    @michaelmorris1381 2 роки тому +14


  • @eyeswideopen2530
    @eyeswideopen2530 2 роки тому +12

    When does the cop instructor teach the one two punch in the face and head repeatedly.
    Come on defense attorney….REALLY🤜🏼

  • @toddstanley3619
    @toddstanley3619 2 роки тому +17

    An officer pulling an individual a soon as a command is given to exit the vehicle does not allow the time for a person to comply. This is shown the dash cam footage which cannot be denied that the officer never gave the driver a chance to comply. I am questioning why the prosecutor isn't playing that footage and questioning why the officer did not give the individual a chance to comply.

    • @jeffmccool5690
      @jeffmccool5690 Рік тому +1

      Hostile witnesses aren't going to give you the answers you want. I wouldn't give him the chance to color the facts

  • @A2Z1Two3
    @A2Z1Two3 2 роки тому +18

    That much larger officer clearly had NO need to take the much smaller, compliant victim to the ground . ( and then pound him around the head with his fists )
    The victim had handed over the keys , he had NOT had to be pulled from the car and additionaly his partner was there in the car.
    Given all that it was a minor traffic issue, what had happened was criminal behaviour by the officer.
    The jury will see that too, its plain to see despite Copsplaining by lawyers .

    • @cheyennetapiasmith9056
      @cheyennetapiasmith9056 2 роки тому

      He's addicted to causing pain to individuals. This time he's going away for a very long time. "Bubba and the boys" will be happy to see him.

  • @johnlabry325
    @johnlabry325 2 роки тому +13

    Both of these cops should be fired

    • @watermonsterable
      @watermonsterable 2 роки тому +1

      Why both? The officer testifying didn't do anything wrong and isn't on trial.

    • @johnlabry325
      @johnlabry325 2 роки тому +2

      @@watermonsterable bro he tried making up all these bs excuses . That guy should have never had to get out the car period. So both cops d bags

    • @watermonsterable
      @watermonsterable 2 роки тому +1

      BS excuses? He literally went over how police officers are trained to do their job and what they look out for. He mistakenly tased his partner and himself during the struggle but that shouldn't mean he should be fired. Idk if you're aware but there's a shortage of police officers around the country and if we fired every cop who's partner flew off the handle that would most definitely exacerbate the problem. I think the officer on trial is guilty based on what I've seen but God damn. Let the good cops do their job and serve the public.

    • @heyhoneyy
      @heyhoneyy 2 роки тому

      @@watermonsterable but they don't serve the public though. & maybe not the one explaining things but the other one who had his knee on Hubbard's head and arrested Carla should be looked into for sure.

    • @georgejackson7798
      @georgejackson7798 2 роки тому +1

      @Water, failure to intervene , remember the officer that held back the crowd from Chauvin...????🤔

  • @marmite.
    @marmite. 2 роки тому +5

    How can he resist arrest when he wasn't arrested in the first place..
    🐂💩 About the smell of marijuana,that's a cops go too...
    Mr Hubbard arm went loose and was stretched out,at no point did one of those cop take and cuff his hand,they just kept on punching him ..

  • @florabynum9090
    @florabynum9090 Рік тому +4

    This is sad that our children have to be treated like a punching bag over a traffic stop by someone that suppose to protect you. All of these officers need to be held accountable. This is surely not their first time having fun beating on black men. Actions speak louder than words .

  • @A2Z1Two3
    @A2Z1Two3 2 роки тому +6

    They think need THREE officers trained in wrestling , and also armed with guns an tazers to subdue ONE slim member of the public ?
    Total incompetence or what !

  • @marylouculkar4391
    @marylouculkar4391 2 роки тому +1

    I hope the partner is charged with civil rights violations.

  • @blabl590
    @blabl590 2 роки тому +3

    Every officer who testifies should have their file read too if they are reading the innocent until proven guilty citizen.

    • @Name-oz4lq
      @Name-oz4lq 2 роки тому

      Most cops have dozens of complaints, so that wouldn’t be good lol

  • @JD-vh1qd
    @JD-vh1qd 2 роки тому +3

    They profiled that car from what I am getting from this. One cop calls on a cell phone to say “That car looks fun”, to indicate follow them and wait for the driver to do something wrong so you can then pull them over and escalate from there. Why did they focus on that car? Was it the fact they were black? This is why black people are so reactive when pulled over by the cops. I don’t think police should be trusted to pull people out of their cars unless they are drunk and driving in a dangerous manner. Other than that, they can give out tickets in some electronic manner. The less contact with the bad cops the better.

    • @blabl590
      @blabl590 2 роки тому

      If I was black I would get out of the car and lay down on my stomach every time 🤣 before they tell me too.

    • @1Yogaboy
      @1Yogaboy 2 роки тому

      @@blabl590 soon as you get out they will shoot you and say they were scared you were going to kill them so they were in fear of their lives. Black people can't win if they stay in or get out it's going to end badly. As seen in this video.

  • @bokvarv1926
    @bokvarv1926 2 роки тому +2

    This whole incident comes down to ONE little situation. The Driver complied fully with the police and did exit the car, however by exiting the car he was facing the officer.
    he was then told to turn around, which he DID and TRIED to do, however in order to actually do that he had to take a step, when he took this step the officer using his 18-22 weeks of "education" used his general lack of how a human body works, the general laws of physics and total lack of common sense since to the cop this step was non compliance, was an attempt to escape, to fight or to resist so the officer decided to use force.
    what they should do and what is fair, have the officer stand face the prosecutor, then turn around without moving his feet, something that is in fact impossible.
    If then the cop can in fact break the laws of physics and do things no other human can do then he walks, as he would be justified and reasonable.
    however if he can not break the laws of physics, aka if he can not turn 180 degrees, without moving his feet.
    if however for whatever reason he was to move his feet he is guilty.

  • @surpriseimblack
    @surpriseimblack Рік тому +1

    You can tell the judge is crazy as hell. He needs to retire..
    He's embarrassing his race and his profession and his alma mater..

  • @davetherave132
    @davetherave132 Рік тому +1

    That defence would be lost without her pockets

  • @toddstanley3619
    @toddstanley3619 2 роки тому +11

    It's amazing the victims dash cam clearly shows excessive force was used. Why would a lawyer try to make it as what you see isn't what happened? Because the court room isn't about seeking truth. It's about what the defense ans prosecutor decide they want the outcome to be. The judicial system is corrupt beyond what most can imagine. I've had the experience 1st had of the judicial process.

    • @mindbender3327
      @mindbender3327 2 роки тому +1

      So, you did not beat the rap, so your mad. Got it.

    • @nkolika271
      @nkolika271 2 роки тому

      It is so so sad

  • @blacksuburban2410
    @blacksuburban2410 2 роки тому +2

    This is what pisses me off. First and foremost, this officer safety garbage is cowardice in its most potent form. When cops actually WERE “heroes,” they prioritized public safety. Now, they use the officer safety banner to violate every single right of the citizens and to justify doing so. Then secondly, it pisses me off to hear this goofy ass officer talk about how law enforcement officials can’t take time explaining to a detained citizen the reason for the detention.

  • @linkjones4535
    @linkjones4535 Рік тому +1

    Officer Gilmore should have been disciplined for using his taser on a citizen rather than stopping Officer Amiott from beating a man who was clearly complying. The Blue Line Gang is a real gang accept they have badges, guns and power provided by the tax paying citizens they victimize.

  • @1Yogaboy
    @1Yogaboy 2 роки тому +1

    How in the hell can the charges be misterminers?

  • @acclaimedhousecleaning7555
    @acclaimedhousecleaning7555 2 роки тому +6

    An Hour and Ten minutes into this Video, my conclusion, ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING IS WRONG! Each and every time this Officer referred to his training, resulted in a horrid outcome, what was not spoken was the unreasonable searches and seizures, PLURAL- we ALL take car keys, albeit UNCONSTITUTIONAL. I had a tad bit of respect for his testimony in the beginning, but it appeared, almost like a light switch, that he had to return to work with this man and the other officers in the courtroom.

    • @bokvarv1926
      @bokvarv1926 2 роки тому

      law enforcement in USA is 18-22 weeks academy time, then "retraning" after a lawsuit following some common sense mistake made by a cop.
      In Europe and the rest of the world, inclusing ALL development countries they tranin their police for 2-4 years with most places giving these police officera a bacherol degree as part of the traning, they somethime get in far less lawsuits and need to be retranied in common sense issues after the fact.
      tranin cops 2-4 year or hold all cops personally responsible for ALL ther actions, regardless of orders , threat felt or other excuses

    • @Name-oz4lq
      @Name-oz4lq 2 роки тому

      @@bokvarv1926 You don’t have to regurgitate a comment we’ve all seen a thousand times 🥴

    • @surpriseimblack
      @surpriseimblack Рік тому

      You can't convict bcuz you don't like the law..

    • @acclaimedhousecleaning7555
      @acclaimedhousecleaning7555 Рік тому

      @@surpriseimblack Amiott was convicted of his crime. Within the past month or so he was sentenced.

  • @blabl590
    @blabl590 2 роки тому +1

    So, cops do have the capacity to understand supreme court decisions!!!

  • @simpinainteasyRHEC
    @simpinainteasyRHEC 2 роки тому +7

    "Back the Blue, till it happens to you "

  • @100Serenity
    @100Serenity 2 роки тому +1

    Humanize, tough word!

  • @toasted_.coconut
    @toasted_.coconut 2 роки тому +3

    Watching the Officer get pissy everytime the Prosecutor tells him to speak up and slowly is poetic.

  • @marilynotte7059
    @marilynotte7059 Рік тому +1

    Definitely a biased judge who has animosity toward the defense and has a habit of not speaking up to be heard.

    • @surpriseimblack
      @surpriseimblack Рік тому


  • @glory7275
    @glory7275 2 роки тому +2

    The lady looks so disgusting/disrespectful how she presents heself walking up and down hands in her pockets it just annoying. If it was judge Judy would have told her long time to take off hands in her pockets. I just hate to watch her I'm less interested to listen to her. They need to call her out she's too much.

  • @zebra3962
    @zebra3962 2 роки тому +1

    What's up with that sound? Horrible and no transcript?

  • @germainjodoin415
    @germainjodoin415 Рік тому +1

    Charge this so called supercop with assult to intend bodily harm and throw him in jail....😂😂😂😂😂..he is not above the law...he is supposed to protect and serve the public....what a jerk...charge is ass....I knew bullies like him...they never go far...

  • @acclaimedhousecleaning7555
    @acclaimedhousecleaning7555 2 роки тому +1

    Wait! Wait! Wait! Patrolman Ferritto collected and submitted the miniscule amount of Marijuana! This action, from the same Officer Ferritto who thought this car appeared to 'LOOK FUN'! OH, PRAYERS FOR EUCLID!

  • @nkolika271
    @nkolika271 2 роки тому +1

    This female is coaching this officer what to say, sad sad sad

  • @joylee7989
    @joylee7989 Рік тому +2

    Nothing was polite about this interaction it was a violation of many civial rights no questions need to be asked and all comments are bull raciest cops point blank. Video don't lie but cops do.

  • @A2Z1Two3
    @A2Z1Two3 2 роки тому +5

    That judge at times reminds me visually of a older Sidney Poitier

    • @makeit-takeit6707
      @makeit-takeit6707 2 роки тому

      The human gene pool is not as diverse as some people seem to assume. Everybody has a double somewhere on this planet. We all have a look alike, out there. There's money in it too, if you resemble someone famous. But your take on the judge, is highly subjective. So, I'll be subjective too, and say I see no resemblance AT ALL, to monsieur Poitier. Not one bit.

    • @cajunrandy2146
      @cajunrandy2146 2 роки тому

      @@makeit-takeit6707 who the hell made you a genetics expert?

    • @makeit-takeit6707
      @makeit-takeit6707 2 роки тому

      @@cajunrandy2146 Layman. Not expert.

    • @cajunrandy2146
      @cajunrandy2146 2 роки тому

      @@makeit-takeit6707 that;s obvious- i was being sarcastic because you dont know anything about genetics

    • @makeit-takeit6707
      @makeit-takeit6707 2 роки тому

      @@cajunrandy2146 I got your drift, before you even put your fingers on the keyboard. But if THAT was your attempt at sarcasm, I must say you whiffed😀

  • @lizajane6181
    @lizajane6181 2 роки тому +5

    The judge seems biased against the defense attorney. The judge makes objections and Strikes testimony in favor of the state prosecutor without the state prosecutor even making a peep.

    • @toasted_.coconut
      @toasted_.coconut 2 роки тому +3

      Is this your first trial? The state doesn't need to verbalize the reason for an objection everytime AND most of these issues were worked out before trial but that the Defense is making an official record of the objections for appeals.

    • @My2CentsYall
      @My2CentsYall 2 роки тому

      a handful of Euclid police depart are responsible for 80% of the use of force complaints Pay attention to this trial and you will see one of the officers on the stand testifying Daniel Farito testifies at this hearing. Officer Farito that has several use of force reports against him as well as a pending civil case and he is testifying at another officers hearing AND is not questioned by the state prosecutor.

    • @marmite.
      @marmite. 2 роки тому +2

      She's trying things she shouldn't,she's pushing her luck to see if he will pass it..
      She should conduct herself better than she is then she wouldn't get objections and be warned that the judge will charge her with contempt of court..

    • @blabl590
      @blabl590 2 роки тому +1

      @@toasted_.coconut was that what was going on when she tried saying she didn't have to show burden of proof???

    • @joycegriffin3652
      @joycegriffin3652 Рік тому

      It's about time there's a judge that cuts through the bs

  • @Celest0344
    @Celest0344 Рік тому

    All this training should be irrelevant to the case since the victim did nothing to invoke the behavior from the officer. This is not a war but a community of people.

  • @GrandmaCece
    @GrandmaCece 2 роки тому +8

    Amiott shows his face as being someone that wants to be in control even telling the lawyer what to do and I am curious also what's up with his defense lawyer with her hands in her pockets all the time

    • @JeepPatriot2010
      @JeepPatriot2010 2 роки тому

      Sooooooo if he has resting b**** face that’s a sign he is guilty in your mind? Can a defendant not speak to his own counsel once trial has begun without being demonized for doing so?

    • @derekvancampenhout5530
      @derekvancampenhout5530 2 роки тому +7

      It's a form of self comforting due to the fact that's she's stuck defending a cop who starts each day with the hopes that he gets a opportunity to buff out his chest and rough somebody up under the color of law.

    • @derekvancampenhout5530
      @derekvancampenhout5530 2 роки тому +2

      @@JeepPatriot2010 looking at his over all performance starting with his first employer this isn't a guy I'd want to drink beer and go fishing with and I certainly wouldn't believe anything that comes outta his mouth.

    • @lynnetmb4706
      @lynnetmb4706 2 роки тому

      Immaturity, that’s her problem.

  • @carolbamforth7475
    @carolbamforth7475 2 роки тому +1

    Let jail house justice be met out

  • @toddstanley3619
    @toddstanley3619 2 роки тому +6

    Majority of law enforcement officers are trained on what to say and how to say it when in court. In this case what the officer says doesn't match what the dash cam video shows. To prove how the defense and prosecutor work to decide outcome shows in the questions the prosecution attorney is asking the the officer without showing the dash cam footage and then questioning the movement of that officer after the officer made a statement. It might just show the officer purgered himself.

    • @mindbender3327
      @mindbender3327 2 роки тому +1

      Todd, your wrong. Just be quiet.

    • @marmite.
      @marmite. 2 роки тому +1

      @@mindbender3327 actually Todd is right.

    • @cajunrandy2146
      @cajunrandy2146 2 роки тому +2

      perjured- and english is my SECOND language

    • @marmite.
      @marmite. 2 роки тому

      @@cajunrandy2146 is that you my friend from Justine's channel

    • @cajunrandy2146
      @cajunrandy2146 2 роки тому +1

      @@marmite. sure thing

  • @joylee7989
    @joylee7989 Рік тому +2

    Apparently we looking at 2 different videos bull ____.

  • @audreyevans7422
    @audreyevans7422 2 роки тому +1

    Is there any way for policemen to go back to simply asking an individual to put their hands behind his/her back? Throwing people on the ground, injuring them, putting several men's weight on top of the person so he can't follow orders is what policing has been reduced to. It makes them all look bad.

  • @GGsDLo
    @GGsDLo Рік тому

    It's a real shame this UA-cam channel/News station didn't archive and document and name/title this specific case's footage and trial as it goes in order. It's kind of just randomly named and just all uploaded at once.. This is a very interesting case, but it's very hard to follow from court recess and cut to cut when these videos stop and resume..

  • @edwardjcoleman4832
    @edwardjcoleman4832 2 роки тому

    When the cop over the radio said this stop will be fun, means at least a beating if not worse.

  • @deesayers743
    @deesayers743 2 роки тому +2

    What I'm hearing on the officer's testimonies are alot of assumptions. This can be dangerous and life altering for anyone who is encountered by such a person be it legal personnel or otherwise. Assumptions can make a fool out of anyone. Nice stories officer's but, not buying it!🤔

  • @ReptilesGeniales
    @ReptilesGeniales 2 роки тому +1

    1:03:19 he is wrong in a few of his statements, the car keys are NOT needed to start all cars, a person might have both sets with them, or the car is a newer model that doesn’t need a key to start. Also , why are the attorney and the witnesses all pronouncing the last name of the victim wrong, continually?! Caballo, is pronounced [Cabajo] are they really this ignorant??
    If they really are this poorly up to date on things, or is it a single area that has ignorant public employees?

  • @surpriseimblack
    @surpriseimblack Рік тому +1

    This stupid judge doesn't even realize that leading is allowed on Cross..

  • @joylee7989
    @joylee7989 Рік тому +1

    When a cop lights me up as a law abiding citizen maybe not of your choice yes I'm going to be nervous because of the situation along with the fact that officer's of the law fell like they can approach you in a disrespectful manner shouting using foul language regardless of the stop the constitution does not allow this behavior's and nothing out rules the constitution so why is this civil right issue not be addressed how can you take a oath to honor and uphold the and protect all citizens constitional rights my only concern why the attitude off gate and the lies thank God for bodycam and cellphone other than that they would be getting away with alot more shit.

  • @heyhoneyy
    @heyhoneyy 2 роки тому +1

    Ha tasered himself and his buddy in the process 🤡 wow using tools he has no idea abt in the moment.
    Crazy it took 5 years for this. & Why is dude still an officer he's 🔫 whipped someone, mased people for no reason, and has been caught lying in reports. Get him outta there already.

    • @cajunrandy2146
      @cajunrandy2146 2 роки тому +1

      he WAS fired- then some paid lackey for the cop union called an "arbitrator" gave him his job back- this is one of the results of corrupt city councils abrogating the power of the people to a corrupt criminal cop organization by signing filthy contracts

  • @perryjohnson8213
    @perryjohnson8213 2 роки тому +2

    Clearly we are seeing the same group of people resisting arrest these days. Regardless of why one is being pulled over, simply follow the commands from the officer or things will get ugly real fast and rightly so, PERIOD!!

  • @paulkopp3634
    @paulkopp3634 2 роки тому

    Hey we’ll just throw in the “ weed “

  • @danadams8857
    @danadams8857 2 роки тому

    Guilty. Justice served.

  • @blabl590
    @blabl590 2 роки тому

    And the blue line training.

  • @surpriseimblack
    @surpriseimblack Рік тому

    I mean it has to be the most crooked racist judge ever...

  • @deesayers743
    @deesayers743 2 роки тому

    Machines are fallible as a human being,"OH WAIT, a human being created the machine." Maintenance is crucial to the human operating that machine. Try not to get arrested wearing dreadlocks or a weave and driving while different in the eyes of Law Enforcement, "Oh yeah, and negative history with Law enforcement, it's bad on your geographic location...just saying! 🙄

  • @jungleebushcraft
    @jungleebushcraft 2 роки тому

    3 hours and 37 minutes... hahahaha hahaha.....

  • @stevenbrown8837
    @stevenbrown8837 Рік тому +1

    The dream team over there with the blue slacks and a goofy mine in the middle

  • @stevenbrown8837
    @stevenbrown8837 Рік тому +1

    She looks like she’s playing donkey Kong on her phone

    @TALKONTHANET Рік тому +2

    These cowards are paid liars.