Oh Gawd, please someone send this to the writers at Days. We need our John and Marlena back! I need J/M back!!!!! I can't handle watching days with so little Drake and Deidre airtime. :( amazing job on the montage! Straight to Fav :)
It is s very beautiful & touching song indeed! I love Hansard! Sigh... wish the strory line had gone that way... Watching it live now is totally unnerving :( Awesome job as usual!
Peter Reckell lähti pois sarjasta ja mikäli oon oikein ymmärtäny niin lähinnä Bo on koko ajan "toisessa huoneessa" tai haahuilemas jossaa ruudun ulkopuolel :// ite seuraan enää lähinnä spoilereitten kautta kun ei oikein nykyiset parit jaksa kiinnostaa
Yes the writers need to see this for sure... I dont even want to watch anymore without them together... and I have watchedl Days for over 30 years!
Oh Gawd, please someone send this to the writers at Days. We need our John and Marlena back! I need J/M back!!!!! I can't handle watching days with so little Drake and Deidre airtime. :( amazing job on the montage! Straight to Fav :)
I just love the way you think. This is beautiful!
It is s very beautiful & touching song indeed! I love Hansard! Sigh... wish the strory line had gone that way... Watching it live now is totally unnerving :( Awesome job as usual!
intense and beautiful...i love it
Brillant..as always!
Ihana video! Hienosti editoitu ja väritetty :).
They need to reunite already!! love this
Put this on the timeine of the days page!
Eii vitsi miten hieno video!!!
sorry, it's not up to me. when the song is audio copyright marked, YT decides that
can you make this available on mobile
Peter Reckell lähti pois sarjasta ja mikäli oon oikein ymmärtäny niin lähinnä Bo on koko ajan "toisessa huoneessa" tai haahuilemas jossaa ruudun ulkopuolel :// ite seuraan enää lähinnä spoilereitten kautta kun ei oikein nykyiset parit jaksa kiinnostaa
One more AMAZING video!Great job...maybe when the storyline go on you can use Kelly Clarkson's song "Cry" watch?v=GWkiRyjxfRg
Täh, onks Bopekin eronnu?? eli loppujen lopuks sinne ei jää pareja ollenkaan. Mahtaa olla hirmu suosittu sarja nytten. :/
Great clips, horrid song, sorry very boring