Your monthly payment calculation is not even close. Needs to be corrected to really be helpful. Good to demonstrate how reactive formulas work. In your final example the loan amount of $200,000 results in a payment of $7,955 which would be $1,050,060.00 over 132 months which is nowhere near a 5.25% interest rate.
Thank you for sharing!
You’re welcome!
Your monthly payment calculation is not even close. Needs to be corrected to really be helpful. Good to demonstrate how reactive formulas work. In your final example the loan amount of $200,000 results in a payment of $7,955 which would be $1,050,060.00 over 132 months which is nowhere near a 5.25% interest rate.
Thanks for pointing that out! Maybe I messed up with the formula. But I hope you got the idea of how this reactive screen works.