Spencer Brown Live in Miami 2017

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @harshaldongre849
    @harshaldongre849 5 років тому +52

    Rules of listening to Spencer Brown
    (1) Don't ask the song name, they all are ID
    (2) Enjoy the feelings

  • @ClearBlueM00n2013
    @ClearBlueM00n2013 7 років тому +24

    I usually listen to high quality mixes two or three times...I've listened to this set like 10 times already.

  • @aperturewells
    @aperturewells Рік тому

    I didnt really get into Spencer's music until this year (2023)... wow, I've been missing a lot. Discovered him through his remixes for deadmau5 and Kx5.

  • @Snapsong26
    @Snapsong26 5 років тому +13

    Spencer, thank you so much for this set. I've listened to this easily over 50 times since it's release. Been to all of your shows in Calgary. I saw you in Seattle before ABGT250 and again at the campsite. I love the way your music makes me feel! Thanks again brother and wish you continued success and happiness!

  • @Juzzy007
    @Juzzy007 6 років тому +5

    Don’t expect SB to be spilling his guts on ID’s anytime soon. Tracks like those take YEARS to perfect and it’s his amazing style and ability to carve new sounds that makes him both unique @ sort after, worldwide. Congrats on your success, mate. You really are a breath of fresh air.

    • @bozzistef
      @bozzistef 10 місяців тому

      You were right, a lot of tracks has been release the past year 🙂. You don't know how much time I have waited for that moment!

  • @djdmart5414
    @djdmart5414 3 роки тому

    Im back once Again just pure perfect mix

  • @BasicWavez
    @BasicWavez 7 років тому +24

    Obsessed with Spencer Brown right now!

  • @djdmart5414
    @djdmart5414 7 років тому +5

    A set i will not forget in my whole life.

  • @tsaro2492
    @tsaro2492 7 років тому +1

    Around the 13 minute mark is some of the most blissful stuff I have ever heard. Your music just flows so amazing man.

  • @balearic.blazer
    @balearic.blazer 7 років тому +2

    Spencer, this is wonderful buddy! I love your music and to find this mix with all those IDs I am a very happy man! The music you are producing on Anjuna is terrific, we are loving every single one of your tracks! Thanks so much for a superb mix and brilliant array of tracks. Keep up the magnificent work!

  • @iggyblitz8739
    @iggyblitz8739 6 років тому +1

    Sublime mix !

  • @BeyondSkys09
    @BeyondSkys09 6 років тому +5

    This mix is pure gold.
    I've only just discovered Spencer Brown as he was announced to be touring with A&B to Australia and I've been hooked ever since to all his music. Subscribed & Shared!

  • @ImpermanentWanderer
    @ImpermanentWanderer 5 років тому

    Best running tunes on the planet!!

  • @Yaila6
    @Yaila6 7 років тому

    One of my fav sets!!!!

  • @vakhoshanshahsvili1941
    @vakhoshanshahsvili1941 7 років тому +4

    Spencer Brown is taking it to the next level !!! :O

  • @annamusic1516
    @annamusic1516 7 років тому +1

    This is sooooo good. I love it!!! RELEASE THESE SONGS PLZ! :)

  • @djdmart5414
    @djdmart5414 7 років тому +3

    Every tune this man makes is incredible 😜

  • @AlejandroHernandez-ks1qe
    @AlejandroHernandez-ks1qe 7 років тому +1

    Amazing set !!!!!

  • @chz.genccp1085
    @chz.genccp1085 4 роки тому +4

    whats the song mixes in fully at 15:49? SUCH VIBES

  • @hughparry4700
    @hughparry4700 6 років тому

    Next level mix of 'on the moon' - one of my faves..

  • @liamturner-beauchamp1570
    @liamturner-beauchamp1570 7 років тому +3

    AmaZing work, been a major fan ever since ABGT 181 and seeing you with Arty here in Toronto was definitely one of the highlights of my year so far !

  • @sashabelostokov8210
    @sashabelostokov8210 2 роки тому

    The best set Spencer

  • @bryanholmes9161
    @bryanholmes9161 5 років тому

    One of the best mixed progressive sets to date... bravo Spencer

  • @akuma2892
    @akuma2892 7 років тому +3

    Really feelin' this mix. Well crafted.

  • @anthonygonzalez9422
    @anthonygonzalez9422 7 років тому +4

    1:16:45 Always Do You. #1 track of the summer

  • @ahmed_og1
    @ahmed_og1 7 років тому +2

    1:02:06 My favorite part

  • @susanneschafflik871
    @susanneschafflik871 6 років тому

  • @leebryant9923
    @leebryant9923 7 років тому +1

    That first track... then like the rest of them too

  • @PEACHES429
    @PEACHES429 4 роки тому

    First song was just released on his new album - Lose You. Congrats again Spencer!

  • @SuperGroy317
    @SuperGroy317 7 років тому

    This really has become my new work mix; simply cannot wait for your new Embarcadero EP on the 16th! 'Always Do You' is incredible.

  • @dfuse197777
    @dfuse197777 7 років тому +1

    Track 19 is track of the year!!!!!
    Track 14 is a close 2nd!!!!!
    Incredible! Please release!!!!!

    • @DJjussi1
      @DJjussi1 7 років тому

      any ideas about 19?

    • @dfuse197777
      @dfuse197777 7 років тому +1

      Joel N When I asked him about he said: "surprised people are liking that one as I made it in an hour or two. It's actually untitled..will consider touching it up."

    • @DJjussi1
      @DJjussi1 7 років тому

      CityofLove haha nice!

  • @MikeJackson690
    @MikeJackson690 4 роки тому

    Always Do You still thumps. Funky and summery 👌

  • @JAStone287
    @JAStone287 6 років тому +2

    Anyone know the track that starts around 1:22:00? The jams in that track are wonderful! I can picture Spencer's fingers running along the keys at 1:23:00.

  • @petermichael8921
    @petermichael8921 6 років тому

    Just saw SB open for Above and Beyond last night at Echostage. Brilliant!

    • @petermichael8921
      @petermichael8921 6 років тому

      At some point I will have to tell myself no!
      No more of this damn mix!!
      But not today. Thanks again, sir. :)

  • @Timsargeantnz
    @Timsargeantnz Рік тому

    @spencerbrown - please please please release Track ID @12.:35 being waiting 5 years! :) :): )

  • @Charlotte_Photographer
    @Charlotte_Photographer 7 років тому

    Looking forward to seeing and hearing you at A&B's Charlotte show!!

  • @iamOdayga
    @iamOdayga 7 років тому +1

    Phenomenal....Absolutely brilliant! Well done Bro!

  • @gilles_marcos
    @gilles_marcos 5 років тому +1

    Great progressive house remix. Spencer represents new EDM vibes...

  • @jaxondejager3372
    @jaxondejager3372 7 років тому +3

    37:08 whats that song?

  • @waynegibbons2887
    @waynegibbons2887 4 роки тому


  • @Alaania
    @Alaania 5 років тому +6

    Spencer it's been 2 years since I last commented. I know your new albums on the way, I'm still really holding on for the first one to be on there somewhere :')

    • @Snapsong26
      @Snapsong26 5 років тому

      He's been playing it in a lot of his live sets this past summer. I seriously hope we get the release, sooooo good!

    • @tsaro2492
      @tsaro2492 5 років тому

      And low and behold, it is!

    • @Alaania
      @Alaania 5 років тому

      @@tsaro2492 yup! It's been on repeat ever since, some dreams do come true

  • @Alaania
    @Alaania 7 років тому +1

    first song pleaaaseee

  • @dylizchill
    @dylizchill 6 років тому

    Amazing beats bro!

  • @priska27
    @priska27 7 років тому +1

    Waiting waiting waiting for the rest of the track list to be released.....

    • @danisantos3255
      @danisantos3255 6 років тому

      Priska Wachtelborn He’s kinda following the footsteps of Eric Prydz so many of his tracks played at sets won’t be released, sadly...

  • @leeshope
    @leeshope 6 років тому +1

    Anyone know what the track around 37:40 mark?

  • @menschmeyermusic7958
    @menschmeyermusic7958 7 років тому

    Great! Nice Mix! Keep on Rockin`!!! :-)

  • @Juzzy007
    @Juzzy007 6 років тому

    I swear I’ve got a huge Man Crush on this dude at the moment! Best sounds to come out of Anjuna for a while, if not ever! SBrown is smashing it. What a set too.

    • @jarednealeigh1553
      @jarednealeigh1553 2 роки тому

      Same here man - besides Tinlicker no one else music speaks to me quite the same way

  • @louismartin1331
    @louismartin1331 7 років тому

    This guy killed it at global dance fest Denver

  • @mixeduh
    @mixeduh 7 років тому +14

    That first ID at 2:00

    • @ashwinsasidharan9817
      @ashwinsasidharan9817 4 роки тому

      Don't wanna lose you from the album "streams of consciousness"

  • @bobjordan1167
    @bobjordan1167 6 років тому

    Hey man, I saw you in Philly. Good shit. I got a video of one of your IDs and the melody is totally insane, can’t wait for the release. You’ve got quite the future. Best.

  • @dren168
    @dren168 3 роки тому


  • @bobjordan1167
    @bobjordan1167 3 роки тому +1

    15:31 note to self

  • @hughparry4700
    @hughparry4700 6 років тому


  • @SiaSilo
    @SiaSilo 6 років тому

    A good start❤️

  • @chromeheart8705
    @chromeheart8705 6 років тому +1

    Can someone identify the song in the first track? "Spencer Brown ID (white)" comes up with zilch in a google search.

  • @markusmuhlleitner2665
    @markusmuhlleitner2665 7 років тому +2

    Great work Mr. Brown!!!! NAME OF TRACK 17. Please!!!!!

  • @shnemr84
    @shnemr84 5 років тому +1

    Looking forward to seeing him in the Gorge! Great remix!!!

  • @bobjordan1167
    @bobjordan1167 4 роки тому +3

    30:44 is beautiful

  • @rcs8373
    @rcs8373 7 років тому

    mmmmmmm Fuking Love it

  • @MikeGrahamDSM
    @MikeGrahamDSM 5 років тому

    I have checked yet, but is Spencer coming to NYC soon?

  • @chickells3192
    @chickells3192 7 років тому

    Ahhhhh when Twilight kicks in.... this whole set is gold! Hope to catch you for this first time in Minneapolis 11/4!

  • @_ukraine2189
    @_ukraine2189 4 роки тому


  • @agetori7743
    @agetori7743 7 років тому

    Heavy rotation at work in the early morning hours... 3am... 4am... 5am...

  • @omarbg9443
    @omarbg9443 5 років тому +2

    Min 37:00

    • @onlyowca9401
      @onlyowca9401 4 роки тому +1

      Can somebody tell us what is name of this song ?

  • @BeRise24
    @BeRise24 7 років тому

    Spencer buddy, I met you at the Gorge a few weekends back and saw you spin a little private tent in Premier. You mentioned to just comment on here if I liked a track or two so the first two tracks on this mix, you have ID's for them yet? Are they going to be released? Looking forward to seeing you with Bluestone in Minneapolis next month, I'll be at the table right next to the booth. Thanks man!

  • @TheDewwe123
    @TheDewwe123 7 років тому

    What the song at 2:35 ?

  • @rashadjohn5006
    @rashadjohn5006 6 років тому

    lol could hear the higher love remix getting cut out

  • @annamusic1516
    @annamusic1516 7 років тому


  • @zone1266
    @zone1266 7 років тому +11

    First track, please?

    • @entranced98
      @entranced98 6 років тому +1

      that one is sweet. damn his every track is

    • @bobjordan1167
      @bobjordan1167 5 років тому

      Acid it’s actually just been released :) Spencer Brown - Lose You

    • @ashwinsasidharan9817
      @ashwinsasidharan9817 4 роки тому

      From the album streams of consciousness

  • @LeadGuitar2997
    @LeadGuitar2997 6 років тому +1

    Spencer, has that first track been released?

  • @aaronhilliker7566
    @aaronhilliker7566 7 років тому +1

    Track 13 is Spencer Brown - Downpour and Track 14 is Spencer Brown - Tassajara. Somebody messed up on the 1001 Tracklists entry for this one because it says like half the songs are 5th & Concord...I don't know a lot of his tracks, so maybe someone else can help fix the page? :) 1001.tl/1939sfz1

  • @brenp403
    @brenp403 7 років тому

    #19 ID? Btw Spencer was at your Anjuna Kitchen show Sunday night of ABGT 250 and it was insane. Best way I could possibly think of to cap off an amazing weekend.

    • @chickells3192
      @chickells3192 7 років тому

      I didn't get why everyone was so obsessed with Spencer Brown until I just read his Reddit AMA, listened to his two EP's, and landed here. I get it now, everything is so smooth and delicious...wish I didn't leave early Sunday night at 250 :'(

  • @EVHfacemelt
    @EVHfacemelt 6 років тому +4

    58:02 ID?!?!?! So good!!

  • @chrisupra
    @chrisupra 7 років тому +1


  • @2nec
    @2nec 3 роки тому

    Intro song name?

  • @brandoazan1483
    @brandoazan1483 Рік тому +1


  • @magicisland11
    @magicisland11 5 років тому

    58:02 ID? ?????? plzz

  • @amam231
    @amam231 7 років тому

    What is the name of the 7th track please?!

  • @drraghunath83
    @drraghunath83 6 років тому

    where's this skyline from?

  • @jmillzczu
    @jmillzczu 6 років тому

    Weird flashes, hallucinations, strange smells and sounds. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

  • @djdmart5414
    @djdmart5414 7 років тому

    22.50 OMG

  • @ChrisCDXX
    @ChrisCDXX 7 років тому

    aside from the annoying woman whispering its great.

  • @liamturner-beauchamp1570
    @liamturner-beauchamp1570 7 років тому +3

    AmaZing work, been a major fan ever since ABGT 181 and seeing you with Arty here in Toronto was definitely one of the highlights of my year so far !