This Is The Fourth Aired Episode Of Super Sloppy Double Dare At Universal Studios In Orlando Florida Originally Aired On Thursday May 25 1989 And It's Marks The Second Appearance Of Al Silvers
Is this or the Curse episode the last episode of this variation? Oh, you forgot to mention, this is one of 2 Universal Studios FL episodes where Alan Silberberg(aka Al Silvers) appeared in.
The production order of episodes needs to straighten out. The group of episodes that include the Backwards themed episode (which would be Episodes 26-28/29) comes ahead of the group of episodes that included the Breakfast themed episode which would be Episodes 29-32 or Episodes 30-33. The group of episodes which included Toxic Avengers vs. Wave Dancers which was originally grouped with Demolition Duo vs. Bionic Blonds, have ran out of tape and by a magical edit, was then had the rest of that episode grouped with a group of episodes that included International Day.
Hey Ivory. Phanpy, Nickel, and I need help from you. You have alot of great info for alot of things for us. We like to invite you on our Discord? Are you interested?
Final episode with no challenges in R2. Also a perfect show
Hersheypark must have been expensive.
This Is The Fourth Aired Episode Of Super Sloppy Double Dare At Universal Studios In Orlando Florida Originally Aired On Thursday May 25 1989 And It's Marks The Second Appearance Of Al Silvers
Is this or the Curse episode the last episode of this variation? Oh, you forgot to mention, this is one of 2 Universal Studios FL episodes where Alan Silberberg(aka Al Silvers) appeared in.
The production order of episodes needs to straighten out. The group of episodes that include the Backwards themed episode (which would be Episodes 26-28/29) comes ahead of the group of episodes that included the Breakfast themed episode which would be Episodes 29-32 or Episodes 30-33. The group of episodes which included Toxic Avengers vs. Wave Dancers which was originally grouped with Demolition Duo vs. Bionic Blonds, have ran out of tape and by a magical edit, was then had the rest of that episode grouped with a group of episodes that included International Day.
Hey Ivory. Phanpy, Nickel, and I need help from you. You have alot of great info for alot of things for us. We like to invite you on our Discord? Are you interested?
Great Ivory. Please email us your Discord name. So we can find you. Our email is in our About Your Channel page at the top.