Oberrt anogona Ndanyanya kufadziwa ne Voice ya Star FM female Dj Y. Tivatye. Voice yake paange achidaira ma songs evaimbi vaange achiridza sepa song ya Mathias Mhere. I discovered kuti she has the potential to be a Gospel Artist also. If time permits her, She must give it a trial. One day she might remember me. I am an upcoming Artist but l heard voice yake kuti uyu Dj muimbi zvake
Zim Gospel mukoma Chari vanogona zvavo
Hakireni ahooyi❤
Oberrt anogona
Ndanyanya kufadziwa ne Voice ya Star FM female Dj Y. Tivatye. Voice yake paange achidaira ma songs evaimbi vaange achiridza sepa song ya Mathias Mhere. I discovered kuti she has the potential to be a Gospel Artist also. If time permits her, She must give it a trial. One day she might remember me.
I am an upcoming Artist but l heard voice yake kuti uyu Dj muimbi zvake