There Are A Bunch Of Old School Vans There Always, Didn't See Them In Your Video, You Should Give Them Some Video Time Like That Red Van That's Fully Airbrushed
They are in many of my videos at other locations/shows. I believe they showed up after I had left on this specific night. They were in a recent video from this location. Everyone gets video time. I can't get everyone every time at every event. I try my best.
That 510 drag car... wow!
There Are A Bunch Of Old School Vans There Always, Didn't See Them In Your Video, You Should Give Them Some Video Time Like That Red Van That's Fully Airbrushed
They are in many of my videos at other locations/shows. I believe they showed up after I had left on this specific night. They were in a recent video from this location. Everyone gets video time. I can't get everyone every time at every event. I try my best.
i miss it already... godam offseason..😢
Only about 6 months to wait
@@kwgvids 🫣