The earlier one can bring one's children or grandchildren into the faith, the better. We know that a spiritual life can be difficult, arduous, fraught with setbacks and doubts. Yet many of us carry on not only because it is the true path, but because we know Scripture, we know passages we may read or reread for comfort. Not only this we have songs, practical knowledge, references we could all impart to our children. Wouldn't you want your child to have these for his or her journey? Couldn't we help raise them to new heights as we have done, having learnt from the mistakes and wisdom of our elders?
Sibketochihin degagme new yemsemachew. B/c I like the messages very much. GBU. But why don't you post more preachings. I would like to hear more and more
1 Peter 2:15 For it is God's will and intention that by doing right [your good and honest lives] should silence (muzzle, gag) the ignorant charges and ill-informed criticisms of foolish persons. Faith is sure of what we don't see, Faith requires us to function by believing first, Faith requires first put your body under your spirit, Faith begin where the Will of God is known! Amen Amen!!!
ጌታችን የተመሰገነ ይሁን ው/ዊ ደሉን ስጦታ አድርጎ ስለሰጠን ስለዚህ በጌታ በርታ በርታ በርታ ማለት እፈልጋለሁ ጌታ ከእርሶ ጋር ይሁን !!
በጣም የምወድህ ወንጌላዊ ደሉ ፀጋዬ ተባረክልን
Yemlresaw betam eunatagna enna kat yale sibkat deluya bless you
ተባረኩ፣ እነዚህ ኦሪጂናል ቪሲዲዎችስ? እነሱም በጣም ናፈቁኝ
1. መዝሙር ኮሌክሽን ቪሲዲ - ቀላል ነው 1998 ዓ.ም / 2006 (ያሉበት ዮሴፍ በቀለ፣ አስፋው መለሰ ፣ ቃለአብ ፀጋዬ ፣ መስፍን ጉቱ ፣ ደሳለኝ ወልዴና ተከስተ ጌትነት)
2. መዝሙር ኮሌክሽን ቪሲዲ - ይብራ ብለሃል 1999 ዓ.ም / 2007 (ያሉበት ዮሴፍ በቀለ፣ ዮናስ ፍቃዱ / ዋይ ኤም ኤም (YMM) ዲጂታል ፒክቸርና ፊልም ስቱዲዮ፣ ያሬድ ማሩ፣ ፀሎት ስዩም፣ ታጋይ ወ/ማሪያም፣ ኤፍሬም አለሙና ተመስገን ማርቆስ)
3. ፓስተር ዳዊት ሞላልኝ ቁጥር 2 ቪሲዲ - እግዚአብሔር ብሎኛል አትሸበር 2000 ዓ.ም / 2008
The earlier one can bring one's children or grandchildren into the faith, the better. We know that a spiritual life can be difficult, arduous, fraught with setbacks and doubts. Yet many of us carry on not only because it is the true path, but because we know Scripture, we know passages we may read or reread for comfort. Not only this we have songs, practical knowledge, references we could all impart to our children. Wouldn't you want your child to have these for his or her journey? Couldn't we help raise them to new heights as we have done, having learnt from the mistakes and wisdom of our elders?
የምወድክ ፓስተርዬ ዘመንክ ይባረክ።
አሜን ሁሌም አዲስ ትምህርት ነው የጌታ መንፈስ ያለበት ተባረከልን
የተወደደው ደሉ
እንዴት እደምወድህ❤
ተባረክልን ፀጋ ይብዛልህ
ተባረክ ጌታ ዘመንህን ይባርክ
amen Halluya amen Geta yibarkachu
ተባረክ የምወድክ
YAte nawe selkun efalgchlu tebaerku
Brother bless you!!!
Geta abzto yberkh.
Amen aman Egzabher bante tatekemu tebraku taberk
እንዳተያለ አገልጋይ ያብዛልን ለምድራችን ተባርክ በብዙ በጥፍ
እንዳንተ አይነቱን እግዚአብሔር ያብዛልን
ነጭን ነጭ
ጥቁርን ጥቁር የሚል እውነት ተናጋሪ
Sibketochihin degagme new yemsemachew.
B/c I like the messages very much. GBU. But why don't you post more preachings. I would like to hear more and more
God bless you
wengelawi delu
እልልልልልል ተባርክ ጸጋ ይጨምርብክ
wooooooooooow God bless u man of God
God bless you!!!
1 Peter 2:15
For it is God's will and intention that by doing right [your good and honest lives] should silence (muzzle, gag) the ignorant charges and ill-informed criticisms of foolish persons.
Faith is sure of what we don't see,
Faith requires us to function by believing first,
Faith requires first put your body under your spirit,
Faith begin where the Will of God is known!
Amen Amen!!!
real gospel
blesssssssssssssss u delu
Menfes negn kale endiet ytegnal alik israeln mitebik aytegnam ayamkelafam teblo tetsfwal ewnet new
God bless You✋🏾
Bebezu tebark!
Gat zamnkene abzto ynbrekwe tsagwenm ybzalke
God bless u.
emwdik tilq send zmnek yibark
geta yebrke
YAte nawe selkun efalgchlu tebaerku