@@janettedavis6627 God is not limited by Man. He can perform any and all miracles. The Lord has risen. We cannot see him in the physical but we are blessed because we believe in faith he is alive. Lord stiil gives us signs and wonder today. Lord said that phrase to Thomas because he doubted. Lord wants us now to believe in him, the risen Lord.. We are blessed because we believe in him who we can't see. Seeing physical signs is Lord's way to let us that he is present with us till end of time. So I have no idea why you need to say "Sorry" to Catholics. You sound like a fundamentalist and fundamentalist put God in a box, by basically saying if its not in the bible it isn't from God. Don't be "sorry" for us Catholics.
Matthew 24:23-28 King James Version (KJV) 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
@@maranatha8768 I have no idea what the point you are trying to make in the context of original text. What are you saying that God cannot perform signs and wonders. Fundamentalists seem to put even God in a box. That God HAS to adhere to the Bible. If its not in the bible, its not of God. No Miracle of the Sun (Fatima) No Eucharistic miracles. Sad how Christian brethren of other denominations limit God the Almighty.
Fr. Span is talking in one of the videos and he said that aswell there was lady that converted that day and she received Jesus on the tongue and the Holy Eucharist started palpitations inside her mouth . Fr. Span is a Holy Man of God. He is excellent Priest and a renowned exorcist.
@@butterification we recommend praying 3 devout rosaries and chaplets everyday, & sharing it because Jesus wants to work miracles for you! read the promises of the rosary and chaplet read the bible everyday , it is our guide ‘all things are possible with God!!!!
May our hearts beat for love of Christ in the same way His beats for love of us! Praise God for the signs He continues to give us along this treacherous journey!💗🙏🏼💗
Another passionate priest who is inspiring to watch is Fr Jim Blount. SOLT. I personally had to get ‘past’ his engagement with the parishioners in ‘Amen’ and ‘hallelujah’. There is no denying his love for Our Lord and Mother Mary. Especially the true presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist 🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️
Another miracle showing us that the Holy Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is truly present at Holy Communion. Amazing!! ♥️ Thank you Father Mark. God bless you always!! Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us! 🙏🏼 ♥️ Viva Cristo Rey! ♥️
Amen dear sister in Christ Terri! Let us all thank God for giving us the Holy Eucharist! I prayed for you during Holy Mass yesterday and dedicated it to you, and the day before, I prayed an extra Divine Mercy Chaplet for you, for extra penance, and did 30 extra jump ropes and jumping jacks, for you, Kim, and Abby...🌹🌹🌹
@@terriomalley181 Your very welcome dear Terri! I'm just glad I'm not talking to many of you, or I would only have time for praying and jumping rope and jumping jacks, he he he...I watched the video clip pinned about the Eucharist, and it's very neat. I'm pretty puzzled by the people's lack of reverence, who are witnessing this miracle...🤭
We Catholics who speak Spanish know Fr. Span very well. He is a real worrier for Christ and His Church, an amazing teacher, but above all, absolutely humble. Doesn’t surprise me this miracle happened in his presence.
If only this would happen across the world in every tabernacle it truly truly is His heart that is there in what looks like bread. " I am the bread which came down from heaven"
You are so right in what you said. Jesus wants more people to pray 🙏 and trust in him 🙏. The world right now definitely needs help. So believe pray 🙏 and trust in Jesus.
Our Lord's Heart is reaching out to so many right now. He moved the US justice system to overturn Roe V. Wade on the feast day of his Sacred Heart and the Feast of John the Baptist (the one who recognized him in the womb). And now he is showing us his heart in the Eucharist. Im planning on making time to visit him after mass and I think he would appreciate it if we encourage others to do so as well.
Stop grabbing at straws, you see what you want to see, you desire signs interpreted to be what you want it to be. Christians are not realists, they need a crutch to lean on. It could be devout or it could be fear.
Just read this myself. This to me looks very authentic. It is not sensationalistic and it is quiet peaceful and loving and that reminds me of Jesus. So I believe this one for sure! Thank you father God bless you!
I saw that video yesterday of the Eucharist beating. It was so beautiful! Glory To God and what A Blessing for the Father to have that miracle happening in his parish. Viva Cristo Rey! 💖💖💖
Father Goring!!! I forgot to say what. Fr. Spahn said in a recording right away, that during mass there was a great conversion of a person that received the Eucharist doubting, and the host starting beating inside her mouth!! Then she had a great conversion, and Father Spahn said his personal opinion is that the Eucharist beat again in front of everyone to confirm the MIRACLE!! PLEASE READ THIS PART.!!!!!
I believe! I believe! I believe! My Lord and my God! I did see the video the day after it was posted and was hoping you would talk about it. Thank you so much Father 🙏🏼✝️🙏🏼 viva Christo Rey!
Whenever I look at the Eucharist in person or on TV, I see the face of Jesus moving around and looking back at me. This all began after I decided one Sunday to not eat anything all day except the communion I received at mass.
Has the Catholic Church in Mexico officially pronounced that this "beating Eucarist (beating Host)" was truly a Miracle? I believe we should listen to what the Magisterio has to say regarding this phenomenon. Personally, I hope it truly Was a Miracle from our Blesséd Lord, from the Holy Trinity. Love from a friend in Mexico.
Thank you for sharing this miracle and the video link. "Oh, Jesus, I surrender myself to you take care of everything" prayer taught to me by Fr. James Blount on UA-cam from Padre Pios prayers.
The Surrender Prayer was given to Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo by Jesus. I was led to it in a catalogue, Leaflet Missal Co., Last year...so grateful to the Holy Spirit for this gift. Amen. 💖🙏✝️
I'm so glad you spoke about this video today as I saw it on FB and didn't know what to think since so many things are doctored up. I will be following news on this and I am so excited to have seen a possible eucharistic miracle. As always, bless you Father and thank you for being up on current events and discussing them with us.
Fr Spahn is a true holy priest!! And praise be Our Lord for such a beautiful gift. May we truly believe with all our heart that Jesus is present in the Holy Eucharist.
we recommend praying 3 devout rosaries and chaplets everyday, & sharing it because Jesus wants to work miracles for you! read the promises of the rosary and chaplet read the bible everyday , it is our guide ‘all things are possible with God’ 🤍🤍🤍🤍
we recommend praying 3 devout rosaries and chaplets everyday, & sharing it because Jesus wants to work miracles for you! read the promises of the rosary and chaplet read the bible everyday , it is our guide ‘all things are possible with God’ 🤍🤍🤍
we recommend praying 3 devout rosaries and chaplets everyday, & sharing it because Jesus wants to work miracles for you! read the promises of the rosary and chaplet read the bible everyday , it is our guide ‘all things are possible with God’ 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Praise the Lord....❤🌹🙏🏽! May you eternal love,care and guidance be towards the whole Universe and make us all in happy, unity ,peace and harmony... We pray for you Blessed Sarcacrement....!
Thank you so much for sharing this, Fr. Mark, this is truly amazing!! The living, beating heart of Jesus, the author of love and love itself thirsts for our love! I’m going to Mass this evening and the thought of receiving the living, beating heart of Christ is always a great joy and privilege and is now made more so! How can we not unite our hearts in surrender to his infinite heart of love?! If every Catholic did this, the Church would be on fire with the love of Christ!! Blessed Carlo Acutis pray for us!
What an awesome message Father Mark !! More people do need to realize Catholics are the only true Christian people !!! I love spreading the gospel to people...I love your tee shirt you had on and the stairway to heaven plus the beautiful lake !!! May God Bless you !!!
Hello father! yes, I have listened to him as I listen to your teachings and this priest is a gifted priest who was trained as an exorcist by Fr. Amoure in Rome (might have spelling wrong). a very honest, spiritual, and knowledgeable priest. Thank God for you and him and many hijos predilectos of our Blessed Mother. Viva Jesus Sacramentado!... Viva y por siempre sea alabado! Reason why I cannot stop going to be with Him at daily Mass and adoration while we still can. I do this daily not because I feel good (though it is consequence of my visit) but because I want to console HIM where He is abandoned frequently and give him due respect in this Sacrament of LOVE for us. Our Lord is with us as He said and thank you father for your willingness to cooperate with His Work of Love by doing what He asked of you when you do the consecration. May God continue to give you His H Spirit to continue to fall in love with your first LOVE.
I hear all of you words Father Goring!✝️ And yes it would be so cool if we could see a video of the eucharist beating like a heart💖. I do believe this happened. God is speaking to us all, letting us all know He is very real and one day some of us will see that sky open up w/Heavens army coming down and we all need to be ready by then. Pls don't wait til that very moment to turn to God, do it now! There's not a second to lose. Pls let's all pray pray pray for Salvation for us all✝️💞💞💞🕊🍃
we recommend praying 3 devout rosaries and chaplets everyday, & sharing it because Jesus wants to work miracles for you! read the promises of the rosary and chaplet read the bible everyday , it is our guide ‘all things are possible with God’ 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Fr Mark Goring good evening to you fr I really believe it is a wonderful God's love wow great God merciful may people come to know more about Lord Jesus christ deeper and deeper. From Bombay iam so proud of my God. He will save his children merciful God.
Thank you Jesus - for the conversion of all cold and lukewarm Catholics.
I need to get to confession ASAP, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!🙏
Me too
Our Lord gives us signs before the world needs purifying 🙏💕
I agree, this is what I think too. He is telling us that He is with us. "Be not afraid for I am with you" JESUS' words to us in the Gospels. ❤❤❤
Sorry Catholics He Jesus said Blessed are you who believe and do not see.
@@janettedavis6627 God is not limited by Man. He can perform any and all miracles. The Lord has risen. We cannot see him in the physical but we are blessed because we believe in faith he is alive. Lord stiil gives us signs and wonder today. Lord said that phrase to Thomas because he doubted. Lord wants us now to believe in him, the risen Lord.. We are blessed because we believe in him who we can't see. Seeing physical signs is Lord's way to let us that he is present with us till end of time. So I have no idea why you need to say "Sorry" to Catholics. You sound like a fundamentalist and fundamentalist put God in a box, by basically saying if its not in the bible it isn't from God. Don't be "sorry" for us Catholics.
Matthew 24:23-28 King James Version (KJV) 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
@@maranatha8768 I have no idea what the point you are trying to make in the context of original text. What are you saying that God cannot perform signs and wonders. Fundamentalists seem to put even God in a box. That God HAS to adhere to the Bible. If its not in the bible, its not of God. No Miracle of the Sun (Fatima) No Eucharistic miracles. Sad how Christian brethren of other denominations limit God the Almighty.
Fr. Span is talking in one of the videos and he said that aswell there was lady that converted that day and she received Jesus on the tongue and the Holy Eucharist started palpitations inside her mouth . Fr. Span is a Holy Man of God. He is excellent Priest and a renowned exorcist.
Wow! Thank you Cavelas for added details.
@YAJUN YUAN can you please post the link to that video here? It would be good to see Fr Spahn taking about this! Thank you.
Yes. Fr. Span is indeed a very holy man of God!. May God Bless you Fr Goring.
And an EXORCIST ❤️🙏🥰🙏🤗🙏❤️🙌
@@butterification we recommend praying 3 devout rosaries and chaplets everyday, & sharing it because Jesus wants to work miracles for you!
read the promises of the rosary and chaplet
read the bible everyday , it is our guide
‘all things are possible with God!!!!
May our hearts beat for love of Christ in the same way His beats for love of us! Praise God for the signs He continues to give us along this treacherous journey!💗🙏🏼💗
Another passionate priest who is inspiring to watch is Fr Jim Blount. SOLT.
I personally had to get ‘past’ his engagement with the parishioners in ‘Amen’ and ‘hallelujah’.
There is no denying his love for Our Lord and Mother Mary. Especially the true presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist
AMEM Thank you Jesus
AMEN 🙏✝️🕊❤️🔥🌹🙏
@@rosilindnaidoo3879 ĺĺ
Jesus doesn't have a heart, he's pure spirit.
I saw this. Praise God. I’m glad you commented on this. Blessed Carlo Acutis pray for unbelievers. ❤️
God bless you dear sister in Christ June!🦋🧡💘🙏💘🧡🦋
Sorry I missed you during live Mass at Saint Mary's, I didn't see your post at first.😊
God is allowing this to happen to prove the truth of transformation to the whole world ❤ Ave Father Thy will be done.
Another miracle showing us that the Holy Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is truly present at Holy Communion.
Amazing!! ♥️ Thank you Father Mark. God bless you always!!
Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us! 🙏🏼
♥️ Viva Cristo Rey! ♥️
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏
Amen dear sister in Christ Terri!
Let us all thank God for giving us the Holy Eucharist!
I prayed for you during Holy Mass yesterday and dedicated it to you, and the day before, I prayed an extra Divine Mercy Chaplet for you, for extra penance, and did 30 extra jump ropes and jumping jacks, for you, Kim, and Abby...🌹🌹🌹
@@zionlion4445 - Thank you so much for the prayers (and extra jump ropes and jumping jacks) Lara. God bless you always!! 💕🙏🏼
Your very welcome dear Terri!
I'm just glad I'm not talking to many of you, or I would only have time for praying and jumping rope and jumping jacks, he he he...I watched the video clip pinned about the Eucharist, and it's very neat. I'm pretty puzzled by the people's lack of reverence, who are witnessing this miracle...🤭
@@zionlion4445 Thank you Lara! ❤️🙏😇
I wish more people realise that Catholicism is the true religion
Let's all make the five first Saturdays 🙏
It’s hard to convince people
Me too! Lol
@@jackieo8693 first Saturdays!
Jesus is King
We Catholics who speak Spanish know Fr. Span very well. He is a real worrier for Christ and His Church, an amazing teacher, but above all, absolutely humble. Doesn’t surprise me this miracle happened in his presence.
If only this would happen across the world in every tabernacle it truly truly is His heart that is there in what looks like bread. " I am the bread which came down from heaven"
You are so right in what you said. Jesus wants more people to pray 🙏 and trust in him 🙏. The world right now definitely needs help. So believe pray 🙏 and trust in Jesus.
It's no good if you are sitting at the back of the tabernacle, you can't see anything.
Thank you God for hearing our many PRAYERS 🙏🏽✝️📿😇
I'm confused. What did people see. ???
@@freedom4063 Either nothing or the rcc's foolery. Trust me, they are good, oh they ARE good!
O LORD my God I Adore thee .I prostate before thee my JESUS.
But I'm still waiting for an answer.
I love you Jesus. I just wish more people would realize this IS God giving us a message! ❤️✝️
...and it also confirms that HE dearly love we the simple people faith to adore and pray to HIM are the vehicule HE choose to proclaim HIS LOVE
@@richardlbertrand7980 amen i agree. What did they see???
If that's the case, it's not exactly earth-shattering is it? I expected trumpets, choirs, a street parade of saints, I'm overwhelmed by the silence.
We should have Eucharistic Adoration every day.
Viva Christo Rey 👑♥️🙏♥️
Praise be God
Our Lord's Heart is reaching out to so many right now. He moved the US justice system to overturn Roe V. Wade on the feast day of his Sacred Heart and the Feast of John the Baptist (the one who recognized him in the womb).
And now he is showing us his heart in the Eucharist. Im planning on making time to visit him after mass and I think he would appreciate it if we encourage others to do so as well.
A few months ago I dedicated myself to the Sacred Heart. I am so happy I saw this today..He loves each of us so very much!
Thank you God! Bless my husband and we go forth to you!
Thank you Jesus for showing us always that you are truly present in the holy eucharist 🙏
Stop grabbing at straws, you see what you want to see, you desire signs interpreted to be what you want it to be. Christians are not realists, they need a crutch to lean on. It could be devout or it could be fear.
Just read this myself. This to me looks very authentic. It is not sensationalistic and it is quiet peaceful and loving and that reminds me of Jesus. So I believe this one for sure! Thank you father God bless you!
I saw that video yesterday of the Eucharist beating. It was so beautiful! Glory To God and what A Blessing for the Father to have that miracle happening in his parish. Viva Cristo Rey! 💖💖💖
Father Goring!!! I forgot to say what. Fr. Spahn said in a recording right away, that during mass there was a great conversion of a person that received the Eucharist doubting, and the host starting beating inside her mouth!! Then she had a great conversion, and Father Spahn said his personal opinion is that the Eucharist beat again in front of everyone to confirm the MIRACLE!! PLEASE READ THIS PART.!!!!!
Not everyone saw it. Giving it more Divine providence
I believe! I believe! I believe! My Lord and my God! I did see the video the day after it was posted and was hoping you would talk about it. Thank you so much Father 🙏🏼✝️🙏🏼 viva Christo Rey!
Amazing! Praised be God!
Whenever I look at the Eucharist in person or on TV, I see the face of Jesus moving around and looking back at me. This all began after I decided one Sunday to not eat anything all day except the communion I received at mass.
Praise be to God in the most holy Eucharist 🙏
Father Goring,
Please don’t stop with your daily videos!
We need ur message now !
More than ever!
Has the Catholic Church in Mexico officially pronounced that this "beating Eucarist (beating Host)" was truly a Miracle? I believe we should listen to what the Magisterio has to say regarding this phenomenon. Personally, I hope it truly Was a Miracle from our Blesséd Lord, from the Holy Trinity. Love from a friend in Mexico.
Thank you for sharing this miracle and the video link. "Oh, Jesus, I surrender myself to you take care of everything" prayer taught to me by Fr. James Blount on UA-cam from Padre Pios prayers.
I love the surrender prayer 🙏🏼
The Surrender Prayer was given to Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo by Jesus. I was led to it in a catalogue, Leaflet Missal Co., Last year...so grateful to the Holy Spirit for this gift. Amen. 💖🙏✝️
Jesus must be trying to help us repair for all the sacrileges
I love you Lord Jesus Christ! Help us to persevere in You until our last breath.
Hasten, O Lady, the hour of Thy Triumph!
I saw that on Catholic News Agency this morning there is a video there. It gave me chills. 🙏 God is speaking to us. Repent I posted a link here
Don't see your link dear...please resend?
Thank you Fr. Mark, you are a faithful and holy priest. I love all your teachings. Viva Cristo Rey! Hallelujah!
Father Spahn has beautiful teachings online, God is good.
Wow what a blessing to have been witness to this 🙏
How wonderful it must have been to have witnessed this... 🙏🙏🙏
Totally amazing. Thank you Father for sharing this.
Praise You Jesus, Thankyou Jesus, for showing us your love.🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Praise to our Lord Jesus ♥️♥️♥️
I'm so glad you spoke about this video today as I saw it on FB and didn't know what to think since so many things are doctored up. I will be following news on this and I am so excited to have seen a possible eucharistic miracle. As always, bless you Father and thank you for being up on current events and discussing them with us.
Thank You Lord 🙏and Thank you Fr Mark Goring
Blessings Ammal❤️🙏🏻🌹
@@catherineholmes2254 Thank you Catherine Holmes 🙏
Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle. Your recommended book was so life changing for me. He is TRULY there. Waiting for us. Can you not see Him ?
Love this book! It's amazing 💘🙏💘
I can’t wait to read it. I have it.
I just ordered this book. Thanks for the recommendation ❤️🙏❤️
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus ❤️
❤️❤️❤️ May the Whole World burn with Love for You ❤️❤️❤️
🕊 Pieta Prayer Book 🕊
Fr Spahn is a true holy priest!! And praise be Our Lord for such a beautiful gift. May we truly believe with all our heart that Jesus is present in the Holy Eucharist.
Your insights are so deeply helpful Father, thank you.
This is our Lord telling us how much he loves us and is ALIVE and waiting for us to respond to His love and mercy!❤️🙏❤️
I'm without words😢thank YOU JESUS!
Praise and thanks be to God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Hi Fr Mark…thank you so much for this video…I sent it to my grandchildren…❤️
Thank you God for everything
we recommend praying 3 devout rosaries and chaplets everyday, & sharing it because Jesus wants to work miracles for you!
read the promises of the rosary and chaplet
read the bible everyday , it is our guide
‘all things are possible with God’
Muy hermoso! Jun 24 in the church of saint Pio x that same miracle happened in Leon Guanajuato Mex.
My Jesus I truely believe that you are in the blessed sacrament. Have mercy on me my Jesus.
Thank you Asynjur Midgard for sharing the video on the Eucharistic miracle which is so evident.
All praise and honor do we bring to Jesus Christ, our Sovereign King!!
Now and Forever 🔥❤️🔥 🕊️
we recommend praying 3 devout rosaries and chaplets everyday, & sharing it because Jesus wants to work miracles for you!
read the promises of the rosary and chaplet
read the bible everyday , it is our guide
‘all things are possible with God’
Amen amen and Amen alleluia alleluia praise and glory to God Almighty in Jesus Christ name Amen alleluia Amen.
Praise be to God.
How good and humble Yuo Are my Jesus,Lord of Life,Yuo want our company.
Thank you Father.
we recommend praying 3 devout rosaries and chaplets everyday, & sharing it because Jesus wants to work miracles for you!
read the promises of the rosary and chaplet
read the bible everyday , it is our guide
‘all things are possible with God’
I believe signs as this occur regularly and are not told. Thank you Jesus ✝️
Thanks so much for this info! I’m passing it along immediately. Peace be with you.
I thank, love and praise our Father God for this through Jesus Christ our Lord 🙏.
I am proud to be a Roman Catholic.
Praise the Lord....❤🌹🙏🏽!
May you eternal love,care and guidance be towards the whole Universe and make us all in happy, unity ,peace and harmony...
We pray for you Blessed Sarcacrement....!
"Behold, this Heart that Loves So Much Yet Is So Little Loved"
Thank you so much for sharing this, Fr. Mark, this is truly amazing!! The living, beating heart of Jesus, the author of love and love itself thirsts for our love! I’m going to Mass this evening and the thought of receiving the living, beating heart of Christ is always a great joy and privilege and is now made more so! How can we not unite our hearts in surrender to his infinite heart of love?! If every Catholic did this, the Church would be on fire with the love of Christ!! Blessed Carlo Acutis pray for us!
God Bless you Father🙏
Thank you for sharing ☺️
we love you lord jesus christ
, have mercy on us
Let us give Him our 💕💞♥️💜💙🧡💕💞♥️💜💙🧡💕💞♥️💜💙🧡💕💞♥️💜💙🧡💕💞♥️💜💙🧡💕💞♥️💜💙🧡💕💞♥️
Watching the video and it was amazing! Praise Jesus!!!!!!
Deo Gloria! Deo gratias! 🙏🏻😍
Thank you Father!!
Amen! ❤️🔥🙏🌼🕊️
My Lord and my God. 💙
Amen! 🦋🧡💘🙏💘🧡🦋
My Lord and my GOD
"O Most Holy Trinity
I adore Thee,
My God,My God
I Love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament."
God bless 🙏🌹
Awesome Fr. Mark! 😊❤️
Praise the Lord! 👏
Jesus is Real and Alive!
Thank You Jesus! ❤️✝️
Praise God ❤️ Hallelujah ❤️🙏 AMEN
Praise Be To Jesus!!!
Thank you Father Mark for sending video of Father Span!! He is doing a great job !!!!!
I love my Jesus thank you thank you ♥️♥️♥️
Please pray for me. I have debilitating anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Thank you!
Terry... Praying ...God Bless you !!!😊🙏🙏🙏
As I have the exact symptoms, thank you for your prayers!
Will pray for you.
Blessed be God forever
Jesus is with us.
What an awesome message Father Mark !! More people do need to realize Catholics are the only true Christian people !!! I love spreading the gospel to people...I love your tee shirt you had on and the stairway to heaven plus the beautiful lake !!! May God Bless you !!!
Hello father! yes, I have listened to him as I listen to your teachings and this priest is a gifted priest who was trained as an exorcist by Fr. Amoure in Rome (might have spelling wrong). a very honest, spiritual, and knowledgeable priest. Thank God for you and him and many hijos predilectos of our Blessed Mother. Viva Jesus Sacramentado!... Viva y por siempre sea alabado! Reason why I cannot stop going to be with Him at daily Mass and adoration while we still can. I do this daily not because I feel good (though it is consequence of my visit) but because I want to console HIM where He is abandoned frequently and give him due respect in this Sacrament of LOVE for us. Our Lord is with us as He said and thank you
father for your willingness to cooperate with His Work of Love by doing what He asked of you when you do the consecration. May God continue to give you His H Spirit to continue to fall in love with your first LOVE.
I hear all of you words Father Goring!✝️ And yes it would be so cool if we could see a video of the eucharist beating like a heart💖.
I do believe this happened.
God is speaking to us all, letting us all know He is very real and one day some of us will see that sky open up w/Heavens army coming down and we all need to be ready by then. Pls don't wait til that very moment to turn to God, do it now! There's not a second to lose.
Pls let's all pray pray pray for Salvation for us all✝️💞💞💞🕊🍃
Really amazing. The video is incredible.
we recommend praying 3 devout rosaries and chaplets everyday, & sharing it because Jesus wants to work miracles for you!
read the promises of the rosary and chaplet
read the bible everyday , it is our guide
‘all things are possible with God’
Thank you Father Mark!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
Amazing Our Lord is doing everything to get our attention
Only He can think to do this ❤️
This website is the best. Tku Fr
Praise be Jesus Christ!
God bless !
Fr Mark Goring good evening to you fr I really believe it is a wonderful God's love wow great God merciful may people come to know more about Lord Jesus christ deeper and deeper. From Bombay iam so proud of my God. He will save his children merciful God.