openSUSE is worth saving. And I think it's possible.

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @starlightatdusk4896
    @starlightatdusk4896 10 місяців тому +47

    Distros, kernels, OS, shouldn't take political stances either way. What is the point in alienating half the base?

    • @boredstudent9468
      @boredstudent9468 8 місяців тому +2

      But often politics just wriggles itself into projects, due to certain conduct that may arise in the community and contributors.
      To circumvent actual politics here, I give the "Actually GNU/Linux" guy as example who will sooner or later come and leave their issue or pr, or block other prs and then you have to deal with them. And regardless of the general decision it can be handled poorly.
      Just generally I'm not up to date with SUSE

  • @act.13.41
    @act.13.41 10 місяців тому +14

    I started my Linux journey with SuSE 9.0 and later I moved to Arch for the rolling release. When they came out with Tumbleweed, I came back and I do love me some Tumbleweed. I have tried to use the forum, but I just can't put up with some of the forum moderation team.

    • @act.13.41
      @act.13.41 2 місяці тому +1

      I know the whole openSUSE team hate me, but I will continue to use it to spite them. It works for me.

    • @freedomgoddess
      @freedomgoddess 2 місяці тому +1

      do not waste your time like that.

    • @act.13.41
      @act.13.41 2 місяці тому

      @@freedomgoddess What do you choose to replace Tumbleweed?

  • @KeithDavey2014
    @KeithDavey2014 10 місяців тому +35

    There was a time when SuSE was THE platform to run for KDE

    • @mytech6779
      @mytech6779 10 місяців тому +7

      It still is from what I can see. I recently tested a bunch of big name distros because I've been on Debian-xfce for half of a decade and curious about the competition, Suse leap-KDE 15.4 is a very good experience out of the box. (Using a desktop with two screens, one landscape and turned portrait)

    • @LovePixels
      @LovePixels 9 місяців тому +2

      Yeah, it’s definitely still the best KDE distro! ❤

    • @johanb.7869
      @johanb.7869 8 місяців тому +2

      Been using Tumbleweed KDE for little more than a week and it has been running smooth so far.

  • @StrangeThoughtsOfLiv
    @StrangeThoughtsOfLiv 10 місяців тому +35

    I've been using open suse for a long time... But hearing this is making think to switch distros. Sad. Sad that the group who wants to be "Inclusive" is very "exclusive "

    • @e8root
      @e8root 6 місяців тому +2

      This is unfortunately typical stance of these... people.

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому

      Wait? So the political community at large doesn't support segregation and such these days? That's CERTAINLY news.

  • @MarkParkTech
    @MarkParkTech 10 місяців тому +14

    OpenSuSE, not even talking about politics of it's members, has been really bad at communication as to what OpenSuSE really is. They lack focus, to the point that I've not even thought about them as a distro for years. Unless they fix that, the political issues, that are at this point entrenched, of the distro maintainers are moot. They've been slowly killing themselves for years now.

  • @fernabianer1898
    @fernabianer1898 10 місяців тому +16

    Let it die.
    The second you make your software about anything else but your software you easily exclude half of potential users.
    Tbh, I think it's sorta beautiful everyone can use the things I wrote, even if I'd strongly disagree with their views. That's part of putting sth. out there that's really free.

  • @ReLoneR
    @ReLoneR 2 місяці тому +1

    Any updates on did he managed to safe opensuse?

  • @kpcraftster6580
    @kpcraftster6580 10 місяців тому +23

    Which uniquely valuable features? Calling its users and contributors "rotten flesh that needs to be cut out"? Now there's a feature Linux can do without.

  • @lamename2010
    @lamename2010 10 місяців тому +11

    Didn't know about the political angle, thank you for making the choice to stay on Fedora so easy for me.

    • @carnivorebear6582
      @carnivorebear6582 9 місяців тому +6

      So uhhh... how do you feel about it ties to Red Hat? 😅

  • @CausticAscarite
    @CausticAscarite 10 місяців тому +8

    so fucking triggered over this
    if opensuse dies, Im off work for a week at least, will be pouring strong alco in me like its the end of the world fr

  • @grahamritchie672
    @grahamritchie672 10 місяців тому +17

    Make SUSE great again

  • @Qyngali
    @Qyngali 10 місяців тому +18

    You're a journalist, why no sources?

    • @WildVoltorb
      @WildVoltorb 10 місяців тому +1

      He IS the source

    • @Qyngali
      @Qyngali 10 місяців тому +5

      @@WildVoltorb no, the whole rotten flesh story isn't something he's the source of is he?

    • @kpcraftster6580
      @kpcraftster6580 10 місяців тому +2

      @@Qyngali Nope, that thread is still archived for your perusing pleasure

    • @Qyngali
      @Qyngali 10 місяців тому +1

      @@kpcraftster6580 it was sarcasm.

  • @heldercosta6556
    @heldercosta6556 9 місяців тому +4

    Just fork it, and start a new community take the best of what you can en build on that.

  • @thathappyrat
    @thathappyrat 10 місяців тому +12

    Guess they figured they have too many users.

    • @mytech6779
      @mytech6779 10 місяців тому +1

      The repo servers are overloaded and no money to expand?

  • @WildVoltorb
    @WildVoltorb 10 місяців тому +6

    C'mon Bryan, let it go. Come to a real community distro like Arch or Debian if that's what you're looking for. Forget about these corporate distros

  • @cantdance3077
    @cantdance3077 Місяць тому

    That's really a shame that opensuse's issues are self inflicted and seemingly deep rooted. The people have to refrain from letting media and politicical entities divide us. That's how they maintain their power. I'm rooting for rebirth and future success for OpenSUSE.

  • @profetik777
    @profetik777 10 місяців тому +4

    Interesting - my comment got deleted....for disagreeing with you. Hmmm.

  • @nilesoien4439
    @nilesoien4439 10 місяців тому

    Idly wondering if Yast will survive if Lunduke does get a SuSE voice...

  • @Eldarlll
    @Eldarlll 6 місяців тому +7

    Based opensuse.

  • @Banilla468
    @Banilla468 5 місяців тому +8

    “Wanna be a bigot, a homophobe, then this community is not for you. If that means loss of users, so be it. Cutting out the rotten flesh is healthy.”
    I don’t see any mention of conservatives, conservatism, or political ideologies here whatsoever.
    Certainly nothing that alienates “half the population.”
    I don’t understand why so many people are eager to think that “bigots and homophobes” refers to them.

    • @lonelyshpee7873
      @lonelyshpee7873 3 місяці тому +2

      Lmao. Self-reporting at its finest.

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому +1

      Yeah but it makes sense when you realize that some people base their ENTIRE personality and religion and life and policy and moral compass directly on not liking black, brown, asian, jew, whatever people and not liking gays. I could see how that would alienate a lot of people these days, a lot of people these days fit DIRECTLY into the demographic that IS mentioned.

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому

      Nobody wants to hire Kanye West because he decided that selling Pepsi wasn't making him as much friends and money as hanging out with Nick Fuentes. People don't want to hire Conservatives because Conservatives don't work. They blame everyone else in the world for their nonexistent middle class issues. If anyone would like supporting evidence that Conservatism doesn't work, literally every single country that American Conservatives have labelled as being 'third world dumps' are actually all Conservative Constitutional Republics who are demonstrably failing from the direct symptoms of their own Conservative policy. This includes Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela, Liberia, etcetera. People don't want to hire people who can't manage basic infrastructure and only a moron with narcissistic personality disorders could blame them.

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому

      People don't want Conservatives around because they do not understand basic economical concepts such as brand safety. People don't want to hire Conservatives because while they are busy whining about being "othered", they base their entire lives around "othering" everyone around them. They're whiners who can't stomach their own medicine and can't cope when they lose elections. Plus, no one on the planet ever accused Jerry Falwell or Jim Bakker of having great business acumen as it's not exactly difficult to separate complete morons from their money, which is exactly what they did.

    • @Banilla468
      @Banilla468 3 місяці тому +3

      You’re right, its just important to call it like it is.
      Nobody said “conservatives aren’t welcome with openSUSE” and *absolutely* nobody said anything to dismiss “half the population”.
      If people want to base their personalities around hate, they should at least have the dignity to admit to it instead of smoke-screening outrage about other things that weren’t even brought up.

  • @SevereMkII
    @SevereMkII 7 місяців тому +1

    This conservative linux user just installed Arch after seeing what the board thinks of conservatives

    • @Banilla468
      @Banilla468 5 місяців тому +1

      The statement in question here never actually mentions conservatives! Just homophobes! Hope that helps clear things up 😊

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому +1

      wait until you meet all the weebs and furries and theydies/gentlethems that use Arch. You'll love it there

  • @c3cxla
    @c3cxla 10 місяців тому +3

    Put the energy into suppprting other distros instead, like Solus

    • @Assenayo
      @Assenayo 8 місяців тому

      Solus/Arch/Debian, I think the actions of the openSUSE project (and no pushback from SUSE at all) plus Red Hat's actions makes me think its time to abandon RPM distros once and for all

  • @rkadowns
    @rkadowns 6 місяців тому +1

    People other than center to right is so hatefu today. This saddens me. What the heck happened to the sane center to left?

    • @lordkekz4
      @lordkekz4 3 місяці тому +2

      There's plenty of sane center-left and just plain left people. There's also a lot of right-leaning people who act in a hateful way. It's just that the sane, cooperative people aren't as loud as the controversial & hypocritical ones. Everyone thinks "the others" have radical views and questionable methods, but really most people can agree on many things on a per-issue basis.
      Conflict usually arises over aesthetics (e.g. someone tries to be inclusive and comes off as pushing an agenda) and directly personal disagreements (e.g. someone says something which offends someone else, then it gets heated and one of them invokes some moral or political principle to justify their feelings).
      I think these arguments are a natural result of working with people from different backgrounds. Communities should strive to agree on some basic values (e.g. transparency, non-hyperbolic inclusivity, community-centric decision making) and try to de-escalate conflicts which will inevitably arise.
      As a leftist, I actually think Bryan's ideas about more community controlled governance are a step in the right direction.

  • @elderberry-hamster
    @elderberry-hamster 6 місяців тому +1

    When I use any Linux distribution the last thing I think about is my political stance. However, as an independent with conservative values, learning this about the leaders who call the shots, I say screw them! There's plenty of fish in the pond. We need Lunduke Linux! 😄

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому

      You can't actually BE politically "indepedent" with "Conservative values". That just means you're too broke to afford golf trips. You're one of those tryhards Trump was talking about at the Libertarian rally.

  • @ΓιώργοςΚωστόπουλος-β4ε
    @ΓιώργοςΚωστόπουλος-β4ε 10 місяців тому +13

    Today's Open SUSE, is just a ghost of its former glory.
    It took the way, away from it's user base, straight forward to the MS-IBM "business" road.
    Once a palace, now just a ruin.
    Personally I moved away, but that's just my personal opinion.
    Anyway, I doubt if it's worth saving.

    •  10 місяців тому +6

      great distro, been using it on so many machines. I like the monitoring tools especially.
      SLES/openSUSE could see an upsurge, due to IBM/RHEL shooting themselves in the foot.
      Fact is... Nobody trusts Oracle, and even they seem like the good guys now.
      And SLES has quite a large install base.
      It'll chug right along, and as Bryan pointed out, they have a brilliant ecosystem full of great stuff.

  • @YellowCable
    @YellowCable 10 місяців тому +11

    8:51 yep it is fragmenting itself to death. And each of those variants competes for attention.

  • @jameslewis2635
    @jameslewis2635 9 місяців тому +7

    OpenSUSE has its problems but to me it has tools in it that make it easier for someone like me to use. The YAST suite along with the flexibility it enables without needing to go through command lines makes it far easier for me to configure my system (as someone who recently switched from Windows) than you will find in many other distributions (ones I tried didn't let me use multiple hard drives which made them unusable for me).
    On the negative side the YAST interface has simply not aged well. Fortunately this seems to have been noted and there is supposedly a replacement system in the making. The biggest issue for me (as a user) is that the system is disjointed with regards to the likes of the KDE control panel and the ones in the YAST suite with it not being obvious to a new user which one is taking primacy and one giving totally different (and wrong) information in spite of how things have been set on the other.

  • @_programming_
    @_programming_ 10 місяців тому +6

    well, I never used OpenSuse, I guess I will never do then. Happy on KDE Neon.

  • @nikolaus2688
    @nikolaus2688 10 місяців тому +8

    Any link to that official statement by any chance? Even in the wayback machine?

    • @Qyngali
      @Qyngali 10 місяців тому +7

      From what I've been able to gather it was said on the factory mailing list in a long thread about a request to remove the rainbow logo on reddit. Nothing specific about conservatives from what I could see, just about a couple specific users in the thread. The comment made was totally out of line of course, but the whole thing's been blown out of proportion IMO. The original comment has been edited but it's quoted further down in the thread. I am guessing the person that posted it has been reprimanded behind the scenes... he clearly was in breach of the CoC as well lol. I hope they issue an official statement about it. While I am on the left I don't think board members or moderators should be exempt from the CoC! Rules are rules.

  • @mytech6779
    @mytech6779 10 місяців тому +4

    Ah fork it! (jk ...sort of)
    I will still install Leap where I want a good out of the box KDE setup and zypper/DNF[rpm] package management. I just won't be contributing any time or money to such an ignorant intolerant group.

  • @chidaruma_
    @chidaruma_ 4 місяці тому +2

    I'm glad I started moving a couple of years ago to a BSD desktop.

  • @e8root
    @e8root 6 місяців тому +2

    I was gonna recommend OpenSUSE to my brother but after hearing what their upper echelon declared at 2:10 I am going to NOT recommend it and put it below even Ubuntu. Good I clicked on this video. Thank you for spreading the news. I am not gonna support fascists.

    • @Banilla468
      @Banilla468 5 місяців тому

      They never said anything about conservatives. Just homophobes.

  • @johnwestervelt1525
    @johnwestervelt1525 9 місяців тому +2

    My right to speak freely ends where yours begins. That's all the policy needs to say. The golden rule is the guide.

  • @emperorarasaka
    @emperorarasaka 2 місяці тому +1

    I think it's better to just fork the project and call it openPusse

    • @Prizm44
      @Prizm44 4 дні тому

      Best linux distro name yet 😂

  • @johnstath9666
    @johnstath9666 9 місяців тому +2

    There’s enough politics in the world. This should be apolitical should No one should be bringing their politics into any project.

  • @Snapper-gaming
    @Snapper-gaming 8 місяців тому +2

    Ey man, I just want a working Distro, and I feel like so far it does that.
    You seem like a passionate and good guy. I hope u get in the board. :)

  • @codecircle423
    @codecircle423 9 місяців тому +2

    This should be the OS people are switching to for the first time when they move over from windows. Then they should proceed to Ubuntu/ Debian.

    • @mytech6779
      @mytech6779 8 місяців тому +1

      Debian. Strike Ubuntu.

  • @erics7004
    @erics7004 7 місяців тому +1

    It's time to fork it. I love tumbleweed, it's package manager works better than Arch pacman. Even though it's harf to install nvidia drivers on the kernel, that really sucks.

  • @morpheus9589
    @morpheus9589 2 місяці тому

    I disagree almost everything is political - unfortunately. And burying your head in the sand won't make it go away or Make it seam like everything it's just so wonderful with the world. The fact that opensuse is a part of open source is a political statement period. Open source is the DNA of opensuse. Right leaning and thinking people are really not about working and sharing together. That mindset is against everything that opensuse and open source is about.

  • @marcpariat5350
    @marcpariat5350 Місяць тому

    I'm rotten flesh and proud of it

  • @jaredgain-z6j
    @jaredgain-z6j 10 днів тому

    White Jose Thomas Ruth Moore Kevin

  • @Aoitori365
    @Aoitori365 9 місяців тому +1

    lol why would they ever be separate it is like the relationship between redhat and fedora

  • @pmcomputing2459
    @pmcomputing2459 9 місяців тому +5

    I am willing to bet the problem with OpenSuse politics is ESG. Suse is locked into ESG, they have a page describing their ESG mission. Since OpenSuse is tied to Suse as you pointed out, it becomes clear why the OpenSuse board would make such crazy political statement. The ESG is a framework that places social justice issues at a higher priority than customer relationships and profitability. ESG values are very left wing, so it makes perfect sense that they would actively discourage right wing contributors from participating. Many companies have fallen under the curse of ESG since its inception a few years ago.

  • @djvar94
    @djvar94 2 місяці тому

    I fully agree with what you're saying and to be absolutely honest it is really sad to see an amazing project such as openSUSE to be saying these horrible things and be so discriminating, but I think the best and easiest way is not to fight the current and try to go up the river against the flow, but just to simply fork the whole project under a slightly different name but with community policies that are truly inclusive, welcoming and encompassing and with common sense without bulls...t. Forming a new (forked) project that is independent from SUSE corporation and the openSUSE community that is truly 100% community driven and not corporate driven!

  • @slaapliedje
    @slaapliedje 3 місяці тому

    There apparently was some political nonsense of why Debian's KDE packager ended up stop being a maintainer, I am curious if Lunduke has done a story on it, as it sounds like another 'you're a nazi' issue. I only found this out today as I have been wondering where the KDE 6.x packages were for Debian Sid... I may have to look for a new main distro, though I already triple boot Garuda, Debian and that W OS...

  • @profetik777
    @profetik777 10 місяців тому

    Agreed - messaging / comms are muddled and better clarification is needed on website/wikis. Wrong about the landing page offering.

  • @TheSwissGabber
    @TheSwissGabber 10 місяців тому +13

    somebody ate my comment..
    what I was saying: get woke, go broke.

    • @happygofishing
      @happygofishing 8 місяців тому

      go woke go broke is a fallacy.

    • @Assenayo
      @Assenayo 8 місяців тому +2

      @@happygofishing it was only a fallacy when there was venture capital to prop woke up. Since SVB fell, looks like that free money has dried up.

  • @JoshuaT902
    @JoshuaT902 9 місяців тому

    Suse needs to invest more. Making more server related packages in leap since most people decussing Opensuse leap over rhel alternatives or ubuntu lts. With less packages and requiring installing from binary and tutorials/documentation are just not really there. I have not seen anything new that seperates opensuse from fedora or debian testing in the last year or two.

  • @TradieTrev
    @TradieTrev 10 місяців тому +3

    @17:28 is old mate getting to the point

  • @Aoitori365
    @Aoitori365 9 місяців тому

    I agree i myself an a liberal person but i do not think politics should have a place in the foss space

  • @rarrie9123
    @rarrie9123 7 місяців тому

    Thanks man I try to avoid compain8es like that. Keeping Manjaro for now. Subbed!

  • @htx80nerd
    @htx80nerd 4 місяці тому +3

    I voted for Obama both times and Hillary in 2016. But now people think I am far right.

    • @proletar-ian
      @proletar-ian 3 місяці тому

      "I voted for war criminals whose party is the antithesis of democracy and everyone is calling me far-right."
      A mystery.

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому

      Well, to be fair, the Obama / Hillary voters do seem to have an inclination for supporting countries like Palestine, and regimes like Hamas, who actually are INCREDIBLY far Right and Conservative. Infact, the average Palestinian female make Rush Limbaugh sound like a frilly ass California Lefty.

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому

      Plus a lot of Democrats actually support Dixiecrat political ideology, particularly segregation.

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому

      And nothing screams "Give us segregation" like "Let's propose a two-State form of government"

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому +1

      But SUSE isn't based in the USA, and in the USA, "Left" political ideology and "Right" political ideology are MASSIVELY different than they are in the rest of the planet. USA always has to be "different" in this way. So, when SUSE is talking about far Right, they mean people who will cut a woman's breasts off their body for being lesbian, for example. USA Right wingers couldn't even handle people wearing face masks so I doubt they were talking about them specifically, because no one on Earth could even remotely take those types seriously as a threat to anything other than their own household

  • @ColbyWanShinobi
    @ColbyWanShinobi 10 місяців тому


  • @0xDUDE
    @0xDUDE 10 місяців тому +3

    Fork Tumbleweed into FreeBreeze? :-)

  • @Aoitori365
    @Aoitori365 9 місяців тому +1

    dude do some research opensuse micro os is an immutable distro based on opensuse tumblweed not a minimal distro

  • @profetik777
    @profetik777 10 місяців тому +4

    I cringe just trying to get through the hyperbolic rhetoric (thats being gracious) to try to find any point worth considering....::sigh:: here we go.

    • @karlio3368
      @karlio3368 10 місяців тому +4

      LOL. His whole schtick is hyperbole!

  • @raleighcunningham2538
    @raleighcunningham2538 10 місяців тому +2

    Bryan Lunduke

  • @Dorlo91-mg2hw
    @Dorlo91-mg2hw 10 місяців тому +2

    This is why you don’t do drugs kids.

  • @ordici_
    @ordici_ 10 місяців тому +5


  • @yldrmcs
    @yldrmcs 10 місяців тому +5

    dude, I understand your disappointment and frustration because you are too racist 🤷🤷🤷

    • @J0derVIVIVI
      @J0derVIVIVI 10 місяців тому +1

      And being raycis is good

    • @survivor303
      @survivor303 10 місяців тому +1

      Of what?

    • @Sasha-rp5yx
      @Sasha-rp5yx 8 місяців тому

      Why is he racist

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому

      ​@@J0derVIVIVI Ohhhh so the whole idea behind this video is let's return SUSE to it's former National Socialist glory? Why not start Proud Linux or VARGBSD or openWAGNER instead?

    • @neilpatrickhairless
      @neilpatrickhairless 3 місяці тому

      @@J0derVIVIVI Oh, I forgot, White Conservatives want everything done FOR them, for free. Welp. We'll message you on Don Black's messageboard when Fat Seth from American History X finally gets his Computer and Religious Science degrees